centro tecnológico da cerâmica e do vidro | coimbra | portugal
remade in portugal 2008
centro tecnológico da cerâmica e do vidro | coimbra | portugal
“Remade in Portugal” is a project aiming to encourage the
creation and development of products whose composition
incorporates a content of at least 50% of material from recycling
processes. This project consists on periodic exhibitions that occurs
both within a national and international level aiming of
dissemination of eco-design and sustainable development.
"Remade in Portugal" is the national version of an Italian project
called "Remade in Italy". This project was created in 2004 by
architect Marco Capellini with the collaboration of the Italian
entity "Regione Lombardia" and quickly established itself as a
national reference, with the participation, among others, the
Ministry of Environment and several other institution around
recycling subject.
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centro tecnológico da cerâmica e do vidro | coimbra | portugal
The project in CTCV
The project was motivated by a request of
the company SPAL – Sociedade de Porcelanas
SA and the Designer Alda Tomás. It was
required the re-use rejects and shards of
china porcelain in order to give a "new life"
by adding another different type of material
- polymer resins – resulting a new way of
moulding and aesthetics.
In New Materials and Application Dpt. it was
developed the grinded shard epoxy resin
compound and the moulding process. The
result was aesthetic-promising pieces with
high content recycled materials (from 50% to
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Sample of shard composite
centro tecnológico da cerâmica e do vidro | coimbra | portugal
• Partnership
• Implementation period
• Contact in CTCV
Dr. Hélio Jorge
[email protected]
Decorative Bowl RESTART (courtesy of SPAL)
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centro tecnológico da cerâmica e do vidro | coimbra | portugal

Project START remade in portugal 2008