Curriculum Vitae Personal information Name Institutional address Telephone E-mail Nationality Date of birth Xavier Lecomte Centro de Estudo Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia Tapada da Ajuda 1349 - 017 Lisboa, Portugal Mobile: +351 966 291 503 [email protected], [email protected] French 26-09-1972 Desired employment / Researcher in Ecology, Ecophysiology and Forestry Occupational field Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates 2011 (current position) Research assistant in the project “CARBWATSHRUB - Shrub encroachment: effects on carbon, nitrogen and water cycling” (PTDC/AGR/AAM/098790/2008) Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal 2009-2011 Research assistant in the project “Climate change and Mediterranean ecosystems – the effect of precipitation variability on the understorey of cork oak” (PTDC/CLI/64480/2006) Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal 2008-2009 Research assistant in the project “Effects of deer on productivity and nutrient cycling of an oak woodland system” (POCI/AGR/63322/2004) Centro de Ecologia Aplicada prof. Baetes Neves, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal 2005-2007 Occupation or position held Research assistant in the project “Effects of pasture on the nutrition of free-ranging Alentejano pigs” (POCTI/CVT/60411/2004) Name and address of employer Centro de Ecologia Aplicada prof. Baetes Neves, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates 2003-2005 Research assistant in the project “Restoration of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodland – effect of herbaceous vegetation on tree establishment” (POCTI/AGG/48704/2002) Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal 2001-2003 Occupation or position held Research assistant in the project “The feeding ecology of deer and its effects on the regeneration of trees” (POCTI/AGR/3399) Name and address of employer Centro de Ecologia Aplicada prof. Baetes Neves, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Participating in project Dates 2008-2009 IMECC, Infraestructure for Measurement of the European Carbon Cycle Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Dates 2004-2005 Leguminous-rich biodiverse pastures: a sustainable alternative for marginal land use (AGRO/Medida8/Acção 8.1) Centro de Ecologia Aplicada prof. Baetes Neves, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Dates 2004-2005 Conservation and Restoration of European cork OAK woodlands: a unique ecosystem in the balance (CREOAK: QLRT-2001-01594) Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Dates 2001 European Biodiversity Assessment Tools : BIOASSESS Centro de Ecologia Aplicada prof. Baetes Neves Instituto Superior de Agronomia Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects Name and type of organisation Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects Name and type of organisation 1998 Master’s degree Population Biology and Ecosystems, option Environment University of the Sciences, Le Havre, France 1997 First degree General Biology and Earth Sciences University of the Sciences, Rouen, France Publications Correia, A. C. Correia, A. C., Minnuno, F., Caldeira, M. C., Banza, J., Mateus, J., Carneiro, M., Wingate, L., Svalleva, A., Ramos, A., Bugalho, N. M., Jongen, M., Nogueira, C., Lecomte, X., Pereira, J. S. (2012) Soil water availability strongly modulates soil CO2 efflux in different Mediterranean ecosystems: models calibration using the Bayesian approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 161: 88100 Bugalho M., Lecomte X., Gonçalves M.,Caldeira M.C.,Branco M. (2011) Establishing grazing and grazing-excluded patches increases plant and invertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean oak woodland Forest Ecology and Management 261: 2133–2139 Bugalho M., Lecomte X., Pile S., Caldeira MC. (2006) Efeitos do pastoreio por cervídeos na regeneração natural e composição florística de uma pastagem. Revista de Ciências Agrárias 29: 145150 Bugalho M.N, Lecomte X., Pile S., Caldeira M. C. (2004). Effects of deer on the natural regeneration of trees and species composition of a Mediterranean grassland Proceedings of the 1st Meeting on Wildlife of Montado Systems. “Terras de Dentro” Association. Grândola. Portugal Lecomte X. (1999): Phytoecological study in Matmata mountains for conservation and valorization of the phytogenetical resources. Report for the Institut des Regions Arides (IRA) – Medenine, Tunisia Lecomte X. (1998): Characterization and setting-up of herbaceous plants in the Senegalese Ferlo. Research training course. Report for the University of the Sciences- Le Havre, France Posters and communications Ribeiro S, Caldeira MC, Lecomte X, Moura C, Martins AF, Costa SR (2012). Nematode communities and dynamics associated with shrub encroachment in Montado ecosystems. Poster British Ecological Society: Aboveground belowground interactions, October 2012, London, UK Unger S, Lecomte X, Pereira JS, Fangueiro D, Jongen M (2012) - The impact of changes in the timing of precipitation on soil respiration and soil-N in Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands – Oral presentation, 97th annual meeting ESA, August 2012, Portland, USA Jongen M, Unger S, Lecomte X, Pereira JS (2012) - The impact of changes in the timing of precipitation on the herbaceous understorey of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands - Oral presentation, 97th annual meeting ESA, August 2012, Portland, USA Jongen M., Lecomte X., Pinto M., Pereira J. S. (2011). The impact of changes in the timing of precipitation on the herbaceous understorey of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands. MEDECOS XII, Linking Science with Resource Management - Los Angeles, USA Caldeira M.C., Fangueiro D., Lecomte X., Bugalho M.N., Coutinho J., Pereira J.S. (2010). Soil Microbial Biomass and Activity In A Cork Oak Savanna. Poster Ecological Society of America (ESA). Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh USA. Bugalho M.N , Lecomte X., Caldeira M.C., Gonçalves M., Branco M. (2010). Coexistence of grazed and grazing excluded patches increases plant and invertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean oak woodland. Poster Ecological Society of America (ESA). Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA Jongen M., Lecomte X., Pereira J.S. (2010). The impact of changes in the amount and timing of precipitation on the herbaceous understorey of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands. Poster European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU). Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. Costa Silva F., Jongen M., Ramos A., Lecomte X., Pereira J.S. (2010). LTER Machoqueira do Grou – A unique cork oak woodland in Portugal. Poster IMMEC Meeting, London, UK. Caldeira M.C., Lecomte X., Nogueira C., Bugalho M., Pereira J.S. (2009) Does tree canopy facilitate oak seedlings in a Mediterranean oak woodland? Poster British Ecological Society Symposium 2009: Facilitation in Plant Communities University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Correia, A. C., Abrantes, M., Banza, J., Bugalho. M., Caldeira, M. C., Carneiro, M.,Jongen, M., Lecomte, X., Lobo-do-Vale, R., Mateus, J., Nogueira, C., Pita, G., Ramos, M. L., Shvaleva, A., Wingate. L., Pereira, J.S. (2009) Respiração do solo em ecossistemas mediterrânicos: importância para o ciclo do carbono. Poster, 6º Congresso Florestal Nacional de 6-9 de Outubro de 2009, Ponta Delgada. Lecomte X.,, Caldeira M.C., Bugalho M.N., Khatum F., Pereira J.S. (2008) Effects of Mammalian Herbivory on the root morphology of Oak seedlings. Poster. International congress COST – European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research - Action E38: Woody root processes, Lisboa, Portugal Caldeira M.C., Nogueira C., Lecomte X., Moreira A., Bugalho M. & J.S. Pereira, (2006). Cork and holm oak seedling responses to canopy and herbaceous cover: δ13C signature. Poster. BASIN/SIBAE stable isotope conference: Isotopes as Tracers of Ecological Change, Tomar, Portugal Caldeira M.C., Nogueira C., Lecomte X., Moreira A., Bugalho M. & J.S. Pereira, (2006). Canopy and herbaceous cover effect on insect defoliation of seedlings of cork and holm oak. Poster. ESA (Ecological Society of America) 91st Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, USA Caldeira M.C., Lecomte X., Nogueira C., Moreira A., Bugalho M. & J.S. Pereira, (2005). Canopy and herbaceous cover effect on survival and growth of cork and holm oak. Poster. ESA (Ecological Society of America) 90th Annual Meeting and INTECOL IX International Congress of Ecology, Montreal, Canada Bugalho MN, Lecomte X., Pile S., Caldeira MC (2004). Effects of deer on the natural regeneration of Oaks and botanical composition of a Mediterranean grassland. British Ecological society Annual Meeting, Lancaster, UK Bugalho M.N, Lecomte X., Pile S., Caldeira M. C. (2002). Herbivores and the ecology of a montado system: red deer (Cervus elaphus) as a study case. 1st Meeting on the Wildlife of Montado Systems. Grândola. Portugal Bugalho M.N., Lecomte X., Caldeira M.C. and Ramos J.A. (2002). Do red deer (Cervus elaphus) select trees for rubbing antlers? 5th International Deer Biology Congress. Quebec. Canada Language Mother tongue French Other Languages Understanding Speaking Writing Spoken interaction Spoken production Listening Reading Portuguese C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user English C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user Spanish A1 Basic user A2 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A0 Basic user European level (*) (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Social skills and competences Award Training course (October 2012) Laboratory and equipment skills 2008 – Amorin award: “Sustainability of the Cork Oak and Associated Biodiversity" SIG- Quantum GIS Soil compounds extraction, Isotopes extraction, Plant tissue extraction (chlorophylle, tannins, etc.), Microhistological analyse, Soil microbial activity.. Licor 6400, Licor 2000, Soil respiration equipment (ADC, PPsystem) Organisational skills and competences Founder member of the cultural association ZAAT ( 2006-2011 Organization of cultural events “Mostra de Artes Visuais e Sonoras” and other activities Computer skills and competences Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage), Statistic programmes (SPSS, SigmaPlot), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Hemiview, WinRhizo, Winscanopy Artistic skills and competences Driving licence Photography, Video B