Alexandra Oliveira
University of Porto
Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education
Porto, Portugal
February, 2014.
Professional address: Rua Alfredo Allen
4200-135 Porto
Phone: (+351) 226 061 885
Fax: (+351) 226 079 727
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education
- Ph.D., 2008, “O mundo da prostituição de rua: trajectórias, discursos e práticas. Um estudo
etnográfico.” [The world of street prostitution: trajectories, discourses and
practices. An ethnographic study].
- M.D., 2002,
“Da prostituição ao trabalho sexual: actrizes, práticas e contextos” [From
prostitution to sex work: actors, practices and contexts”].
- B.A., 1994,
specialization in Psychology of Deviant Behaviour.
University of Porto, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education
- Since 2008, Assistant Professor
- 2002-2008, Assistant
- 1997-2002, Assistant-trainee
Investigation (selected)
Member of the Management Committee of the COST action IS1209 –
“Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures
of Governance”.
Main researcher in the action-research project of peer education with sex
workers (Phases I and II) included in the project “PreVIH - HIV/AIDS infection in
men who have sex with men and commercial sex workers: Prevalence,
determinants, prevention and access to health.”
Main researcher in the investigation “Da prostituição de apartamento na cidade
de Lisboa: Um estudo de caracterização” [Study of characterization of indoor
prostitution in Lisbon] in collaboration with the project HOSHO (GAT – Grupo
Português de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA Pedro Santos).
Researcher in the project “Immigrants and the social care sectors: Technologies
of citizenship in Portugal” in the research unit CRIA – Centre for Research in
Anthropology (ISCTE – IUL) funded by FCT [Foundation for Science and
Technology] (PTDC/CS-ANT/101179/2008).
- Oliveira, A. (2011). Andar na vida: prostituição de rua e reacção social. [In the life: street
prostitution and social reaction]. Coimbra: Almedina.
- Oliveira, A. (2004). As vendedoras de ilusões. Estudo sobre prostituição, alterne e strip tease
[As vendedoras de ilusões. Research on prostitution, strip tease and hostess]. Lisboa: Editorial
- Manita, C. & Oliveira, A. (2002). Estudo de caracterização da prostituição de rua no Porto e em
Matosinhos [Characterization of street prostitution in Porto and Matosinhos]. Porto: CIDM. 3
Book chapters (4 selected)
- Oliveira, A. (2013). Prostituição de mulheres migrantes e saúde [Female migrant prostitution
and health]. In C. Nogueira e S. Magalhães (Orgs.) Género e Saúde. Novas (In)Visibilidades.
Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
- Oliveira, A. (2011). Uma pesquisa etnográfica sobre prostituição de rua: do saber ao fazer. [An
ethnographic research on street prostitution: turning knowledge into action] In P. Silva, O.
Sacramento & J. Portela (Orgs.) Etnografia e intervenção social: por uma “praxis” reflexiva.
Porto: Afrontamento.
- Oliveira, A. (2011). Trabalho sexual e vitimação: riscos e danos de um grupo estigmatizado.
[Sex work and victimization: the risks of a stigmatized group] In A. I. Sani (Coord.) Temas de
vitimologia: realidades emergentes na vitimação e respostas sociais. Coimbra: Almedina.
- Oliveira, A. & Coelho, B. (2010). As prostitutas não são coisas que se metam na cama.
Subjectividade e poder em acompanhantes e prostitutas de rua. [Prostitute women are not things
to put in the bed: power and subjectivity in escorts and street prostitutes] In A. Dornelas, L.
Oliveira, L. Veloso & M. D. Guerreiro (Orgs.) Portugal invisível. Lisboa: Editora Mundos Socais.
Articles (4 selected)
- Oliveira, A. (2013). Prostituição feminina, feminismos e diversidade de trajectórias [Female
prostitution, feminisms, and diverse trajectories]. Revista Ex-Aequo, 28, 17-30.
- Oliveira, A. (2012). Social control of immigrant sex workers: transforming a group recognized as
“at risk” into a group viewed as “a risk”. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
8, 1, 32-41.
- Oliveira, A. (2010). AIDS and STD prevention among sex workers: relevance, limitations and
development. Sexologies,19, Supplement nº1, S136.
- Lopes, A. & Oliveira, A. (2006). Sex worker mobilization in Portugal – slow awakenings. In C.
Barker & M. Tyldesley (Eds.) Conference papers of the Eleventh International Conference on
Alternative Futures and Popular Protest - Vol. III. – 19-21 April 2006. Manchester: Faculty of
Humanities and Social Science – Manchester Metropolitan University. 4
Professional experience
Psychological intervention
Gabinete de Estudos e Acompanhamento a Vítimas da FPCEUP [Centre for the
study and intervention with victims].
Health education/harm reduction
Supervisor of an indoor prostitution intervention project – Porto G (APDES)
Social worker at a street prostitution intervention project - Viatura de Apoio
Móvel à Prostituição (LPPS).
Consultant (selected)
Scientific consultant in the research project “Estudo de avaliação da tramitação
criminal do crime de tráfico de pessoas” [Evaluation study of the criminal
proceedings of the crime of trafficking in persons], by the Centro de Investigação
em Psicologia da Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho [University of
Minho], coordenation by professors Ângela Maia e Marlene Matos, within the
framework of the II Plano Nacional contra o Tráfico de Seres Humanos (20112013) [2nd National Plan against the Trafficking in Human Beings]
EAPN Portugal - Rede Europeia Anti-pobreza/A3S – Associação para o
Empreendedorismo e a Sustentabilidade do Terceiro Sector [European AntiPoverty Network –Portugal/A3S - Association for Entrepreneurship and
Sustainability of the Third Sector], scientific consultant, Research Project “Sex
Work and Drug Use: Exploratory Research On The Correlation Between Sex
Work And Drug Use in Portugal” within the framework of the European project
“Dangerous liaisions: the connection between prostitution and drugs”.
National Coordination for HIV/AIDS Infection, High Commission for Health,
expert panel, evaluation of the projects applying for funds.
National Coordination for HIV/AIDS Infection, High Commission for Health,
Advisory Psychology Group of the Programme for the Prevention and control of
the HIV/AIDS infection for 2007-2010.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa/GAT, scientific committee of the research project
“PreVIH - HIV/AIDS infection in men who have sex with men and commercial sex
workers: Prevalence, determinants, prevention and access to health.”