Programme: Environmental Engineering
Title of course unit: Design of the Drainage System (Sewerage and rainwater systems)
ECTS credits:6
CNAEF area:582
Student workload in hours
Field Work
Acquisition of knowledge and skills related to planning the sanitation systems taking into
account the technological aspects and its technical description.
Planning and designing a drainage system, including sewerage system and storm water system,
taking into account the operational requirements, constructive aspects and public health.
Enforcement of legislation in force
Course Contents
Introduction of storm water and sewerage drainage, types of drain pipes systems. Symbology.
Design of the rain water drainage systems:
Elements for design: IDF curves, period of return, runoff coefficient, estimating flow.
Hydraulic design - Rational Method; rules for selection of the drain pipe slop; travel and
upstream time, rainfall intensity, specific outlet, velocity verification, power transmission, quota
threshold upstream and downstream.
Design of sewerage systems:
Basic elements of design: registration system; evolution of the population, estimating flow:
domestic, infiltration, industrial.
Design criteria: flow; criteria for self-cleaning, height and flow speed and minimal. Hydraulic
design of sewers, diameter, inclination of the drain pipe; calculating the value of Qf and Vf;
calculations relations Qin/Qf and Qfi/Qf) and verification of the technical conditions (high flow,
speed, drain pipe slop, etc.).
Hydraulic design of pipe collectors.
Quota threshold (upstream, downstream).
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Tracings of networks in plant and sewer main in profile
Recommended or required reading
Moodle support will be provided as an additional resource.
Manual de Saneamento Básico (MSB I) (1991). Tomo I - Abastecimento de Água e Esgotos,
Direcção Geral dos Recursos Naturais, Lisboa.
Manual de Saneamento Básico (MSB II) (1991). Tomo II – Elementos Gerais, Direcção Geral
dos Recursos Naturais, Lisboa.
DECRETO REGULAMETAR 25/95 de 23 de Agosto – Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos
e Prediais de Distribuição de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Residuais. Diário da República
194/95 – I série-B. Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações.
Carvalho, Djalma Francisco (1979) Instalações elevatórias. Bombas, 2ª Ed. Furmac, Belo
Dacach, Nelson, Gandur (1975). Sistemas Urbanos de Água, Ed. Livros técnicos e científicos
S.A, Rio de Janeiro.
Garcez, Lucas Nogueira (1977). Elementos de Engenharia Hidráulica e Sanitária, Ed. Edgard
Bulcher Lda.
Paixão, Mário de Assis (1999). Águas e Esgotos em Urbanizações e Instalações Prediais, 2ª
edição, Ed. Orion, Amadora.
Sauders, Robert J. e Warford, Jeremy J. (1983). Abastecimento de Água em Pequenas
Comunidades, Ed. ABES, CODEVASF, BNH, Brasil.
Telles, Pedro C. Silva (1987), Tubulações Industriais. Cálculo, 9ª edição, Ed. Afiliada, Rio de
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Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course unit, the student should be able to:
Planning and designing a sewage system drainage and storm water system, taking into account the
constructive and functional aspects of flow.
Professional capacity to carry out actions that will result in planning, implementing projects and
operations of the of sewage and storm water systems.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The methodology of teaching is expositive, demonstrative (with exercises), participative, work
group and case study.
The evaluation includes oral presentation and discussion about the case study (group work),
submitted in the form of project (description, justification and drawings) and final examination.
Contribution to the acquisition and development of specific skills
Professional capacity to carry out actions that will result in planning and implementing projects
in the area of water drainage systems (sewerage and storm water).
Professional capacity to carry out actions that will result in the planning and execution of works in the area
of water drainage systems for sewage and rainwater.
Professional capacity to carry out actions that will result in the planning and execution of works in the area
of pollution control, integrating teams to promote sound management of natural resources; Manage your
time effectively, including prioritization of tasks and actions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral presentation and discussion about the case study (group work), submitted in the form of
project (description, justification and drawings) and final examination.
The final grade is forty percent (40%) for workgroup and sixty percent (60%) for final
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