QUÍMICA MEDICINAL DESAFIOS E PERSPECTIVAS Thomas, L., The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine Watcher, New York: Bantam Books, 1983. For most of the infectious diseases on the wards of the Boston City Hospital in 1937 there was nothing to be done beyond bed rest and good nursing care.... Then came the explosive new of sulfanilamide and the start of the revolution in medicine... I remember the astonishment when the first cases of pneumococcal and streptococcal septicemia were treated in Boston in 1937. The phenomenon was almost beyond belief.... QUÍMICA MEDICINAL DESAFIOS E PERSPECTIVAS ESTATÍSTICA MEDICINA FARMACOLOGIA QUÍMICA TOXICOLOGIA FARMÁCIA BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR CRISTALOGRAFIA BIOINFORMÁTICA QUÍMICA MEDICINAL MULTIDISCIPLINAR PROTEÇÃO INTELECTUAL INDÚSTRIA Profa Silvia Regina Rogatto Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu UNESP Prof. Luiz Carlos Dias Instituto de Química UNICAMP Prof. Eliezer Barreiro Faculdade de Farmácia UFRJ LassBio UFRJ Profa. Heloisa Beraldo Departamento de Química UFMG