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UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2014_3 – Inglês
As questões de 01 a 05, cujas respostas deverão ser redigidas EM PORTUGUÊS, referem -se
ao texto abaixo.
Ceramic or metallic? - material aspects of compact heat regenerator energy effici ency
M. Wnek
The high energy efficiency of thermal devices is required while increasing environmental
restrictions in the era of high competition, rising energy prices and diminishing fossil fuel
resources which are required to conduct of meta llurgical technology. Therefore the world metallurgical industry keeps looking for some new and effective solutions in thermal metallurgical
processes which will be able to improve the heat transfer intensification and the furnaces
efficiency. To achieve this, the most popular method is the raising of combustion air temperature.
The air temperature increase causes the reduction of fuel consumption and decrease the fumes
production and consequently the environment is better protected. However, the effectiven ess of
used method strongly depends also on the effective solutions as well. Thus, if very high
combustion air temperature is needed, the regenerator system should be used. Generally, the
high air preheating by means of a special kind of exchangers using i s a new type of combustion
and it is called the High Temperature Air Combustion (HTAC) or High Preheated Air Combustion
(HPAC). A temperature of more than 1000 °C is obtainable in this system as indicated by some
literature materials which in turn signific antly reduces the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
The individual regenerators for burners are the newest solutions where the very high combustion
air temperature is reachable. However the specific design and appropriate materials are needed
for using this technology and first of all, the system long life working should be ensured in the
high temperature conditions. The HPAC technology is already applied in different kinds of
furnaces by means of different fuel type such as gas, oil and even coal and bi omass. This new
technology provides the most effective heat recovery, reduction of energy consumption, cleaner
and cheaper production.
The ceramic materials are the most commonly used as a filling for the modern heat regenerators.
The innovative heat exchanger type which has become popular is the “honeycomb”. This kind of
regenerator is monolithic regular solid with ducts going along inside. A square shape of these
ducts (in cross-section) is the most often used. The new regenerative burner system with the
“honeycomb” heat exchanger is called the High -cycle Regenerative Combustion System (HRS).
The regenerator filling type, as a honeycomb, is considered in this article. It is because of the
growing popularity of that filling and documented, in the literature , significant effects of its use.
However, due to the drastic structural parameters of filling, in some cases the wall thickness of
around 0.4 mm is presented, it makes production of such filling costs very high. These costs
primarily are a result of the use of high-quality manufacturing process and in that case the
assistance in the form of funding is essential. Thus, it seems expedient to consider a different
material - easier to process and cheaper, which could be a substitute for the ceramic material.
Thereby, in the case of heat technologies in which the exhaust gas temperature reaches a value
up to 1150°C, a metal material can be considered as a regenerative filling. Due to the
temperature level it is advisable to look into the application of heat -resistant steel such as nickelchrominium steel.
The comparison of four ceramic materials and heat -resistant steel (as a substitute) for the
construction of regenerator filling has been presented in this article. The selected ceramic type
materials as Al2O3 and SiC have been considered. For comparison of the regenerator materials,
the average heated air temperature, for the pseudo -steady state of regenerator, has been
assumed. To demonstrate the quality of considered materials, the so -called quality indicator has
also been introduced and then the possibilities and some benefits of interchangeable using of
metal filling have been discussed as well.
Disponível em: < http://iopscience.iop.org/1757 -899X/35/1/012022>. Acesso em: 9 out 2014.
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2014_3 – Inglês – Engenharias
Questão 1
Por que a indústria metalúrgica tem buscado novas e efetivas soluções para melhorar a
eficiência energética dos dispositivos térmicos?
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 2
Discorra sobre o método mais popular, segundo o autor, para melhorar a transferência de
aquecimento e a eficiência dos fornos e seus efeitos.
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2014_3 – Inglês – Engenharias
Questão 3
Em que consiste o sistema chamado “honeycomb”?
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 4
Explique o porquê da necessidade de se usar outro material que substitua a cerâmica nos
dispositivos térmicos.
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2014_3 – Inglês – Engenharias
Questão 5
 Traduza o fragmento textual abaixo no espaço reservado para isso.
 Seu texto deverá apresentar clareza e estar bem articulado ta nto em termos estruturais
quanto de sentido.
The comparison of four ceramic materials and heat -resistant steel (as a substitute) for the
construction of regenerator filling has been presented in this article. The selected ceramic
type materials as Al2O3 and SiC have been considered. For comparison of the regenerator
materials, the average heated air temperature, for the pseudo -steady state of regenerator,
has been assumed. To demonstrate the quality of considered materials, the so -called
quality indicator has also been introduced and then the possibilities and some benefits of
interchangeable using of metal filling have been discussed as well.
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2014_3 – Inglês – Engenharias

Engenharias (Divulgação em 03/11/2014) - Comperve