RICARDO SOARES DE OLIVEIRA Ricardo Soares de Oliveira is Associate Professor at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, a fellow of St Peter’s College, and a fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin. He is Senior Associated Researcher at CMI in Bergen from 2013-15. He is the author of Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea (2007) and the co-editor of China Returns to Africa (2008, with Chris Alden and Daniel Large) and The New Protectorates: International Tutelage and the Making of Liberal States (2012, with James Mayall). His forthcoming monograph on post-war Angola will be published later in 2014. Soares de Oliveira has worked in the field of governance and the extractive industries for the World Bank, the European Commission, Catholic Relief Services, NDI and Oxfam. His commentary has been published in the International Herald Tribune, Süddeutsche Zeitung, foreignaffairs.com and the Financial Times. Interviews and references to his work have appeared in, among others, the BBC, New York Times, Economist, Radio France Internationale, Deutsche Welle and Sunday Times. Soares de Oliveira has been the recipient of a Leverhulme Trust fellowship, a Visiting Professor at Sciences Po in Paris, a research fellow at the University of Cambridge, a Public Policy Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, and a visiting fellow at Yale University. *** Ricardo Soares de Oliveira é Professor Associado do Departamento de Política e Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Oxford. Adicionalmente, é fellow do St. Peter’s College e do Global Public Policy Institute de Berlim, Alemanha, bem como Investigador Associado Sénior no CMI de Bergen, entre 2013 e 2015. É autor de Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea (2007), e coeditor de China Returns to Africa (2008, com Chris Alden e Daniel Large) e The New Protectorates: International Tutelage and the Making of Liberal States (2012, com James Mayall). O seu próximo livro, sobre o pós-guerra em Angola, será publicado em 2014. No passado, Soares de Oliveira trabalhou sobre Governance e indústrias extractivas para o Banco Mundial, a Comissão Europeia, Catholic Relief Services, NDI e Oxfam. Paralelamente, publica regularmente no International Herald Tribune, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Foreign Affairs e no Financial Times. Entrevistas e referências ao seu trabalho foram publicados, entre outros, na BBC, New York Times, Economist, Radio France Internationale, Deutsche Welle e Sunday Times. Soares de Oliveira recebeu, ainda, a bolsa Leverhulme Trust, foi Professor Visitante na Sciences Po, em Paris e na Universidade de Yale, nos EUA. Foi, igualmente, investigador no Woodrow Wilson Center, em Washington, DC