52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
Identificação dos protozoários ruminais de bovinos abatidos no matadouro municipal de Parintins1
Edson Ferreira de Figueiredo Neto2, Jone Rodrigues da Silva2, Elton Augusto Lehmkuhl3, Angela Maria da SilvaLehmkuhl3
Parte do trabalho de iniciação científica do primeiro autor, financiada pela FAPEAM
Estudantes de Zootecnia, ICSEZ/ UFAM, Parintins AM. e-mail: [email protected]
Departamento de Zootecnia / ICSEZ/ UFAM, Parintins AM
Resumo:Os ruminantes possuem uma complexa população microbiana responsávelpela digestão dos alimentos e
por disponibilizar os compostos essenciais ao metabolismo do animal. O estudo sobre a dinâmica da comunidade
ruminal de ambientes tropicais precisa ser melhor entendida para que avanços nas pesquisas sobre digestibilidade
de alimentos sejam avançados. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a população de protozoários
presentes no rúmen de bovinos criados a pasto no município de Parintins, AM e região. Para tanto, foram coletados
50 mL de líquido ruminal de 50 bovinos recém abatidos no abatedouro municipal. As amostras foram fixadas e
coradas para posterior visualização e registro fotográfico dos protozoários. A identificação se deu consultando obras
clássicas e recentes. Foram identificadas 74 espécies de protozoários distribuídas em 14 gêneros, sendo estes:
Ostracodinium, Diplodinium, Epidinium, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Entodinium, Polyplastron,
Enoploplastron, Diploplastron, Elytroplastron, Isotricha, Dasytrichae e Charonina. As espécies mais ocorrentes
foram Entodinium loboso-espinosum, Diplodinium tetracanthum, Entodinium bursa e Entodinium furca f. dilobum.
As Espécies exclusivas foramElytroplastron bubali, Polyplastron multivesiculatum e Charonina ventriculi. A
diversidade de protozoários dos animais analisados é alta, no entanto há poucos trabalhos no país que identificam os
protozoários em nível de espécie, limitando o conhecimento sobre a distribuição dessas espécies e sobre os avanços
na área da fisiologia ruminal.
Palavras–chave: Entodonium, líquido ruminal, microbiota, rúmen
Identification of the protozoa ruminal of bovine slaughtered in the slaughterhouse municipal of Parintins
Abstract:Ruminant animals have a complex microbial population responsible for the digestion of the food and
provide the essential compounds to the animal’s metabolism. The study about the dynamics of ruminal community
tropical environments need to be better understood so that advances in research on food digestibility are advanced.
In this context, the study aimed to know the population of protozoa in the rumen of cattle raised on pasture in the
city of Parintins, AM and region. Therefore, were collected 50 mL of ruminalfluid of 50 bovines newly slaughtered
in the municipal slaughterhouse. Samples were fixed and stained for viewing and photographic records of protozoa.
The identification occurred Consulting classic and recent works. Were identified 74 species of protozoa distributed
in 14 genera, these being: Ostracodinium, Diplodinium, Epidinium, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium,
Entodinium, Polyplastron, Enoploplastron, Diploplastron, Elytroplastron, Isotricha, Dasytrichae andCharonina.
The species most occurring were Entodinium loboso-espinosum, Diplodinium tetracanthum, Entodinium bursa and
Entodinium furca f. dilobum. The exclusive species were Elytroplastron bubali, Polyplastron multivesiculatum and
Charonina ventriculi. The diversity of protozoa of the animals analyzed is high, however there are few studies in
the country that identify protozoa at the species level, limiting knowledge about the distribution on these speciesand
on the progress in the area of rumen physiology.
Keywords:Entodinium, rumen, ruminal fluid,ruminal microbiota
Ruminants are able to uselow biological value materials such as cellulose and non-protean nitrogen sources
and transforms them into high biological value protein. Such adaptations are less efficient in animals
nonruminants(Swenson & Reece, 2006).
The synthesisof material with high biological value occurs in the rumen, which is a fermentation chamber
with temperature ranging from 38 to 42 ° C, pH between 5.5 to 7 and anaerobic environment. Are present in rumen
bacteria, protozoa and fungi, which are microorganisms responsible for the process of digestion of foods offered to
the animals(Hoover & Miller, 1991).
Each species that make up the microbial population in the rumen, possesses specificities to efficiently carry
out the digestion of the offered diet. Thus, when only forage is offered to the animal, it possessed a specific
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
microbial flora, whereas when there is a change in diet in the rumen population will change to keep the
fermentation efficiency. However, unplanned changes in food can cause periods of low productivity, until the
microbiota adapts to new substrates offered.
The anatomical and physiological characteristic of the digestive system of ruminants shows that it is
important to keep the balance of the rumen, able of maximize the efficiency of the microbiota linked to rate of
growth of the bovine , reaching the efficiency nutritional with the supplements offered.
Among the rumen microorganisms, the protozoa has the function of controlling the population of bacteria,
store starch and sugar. The population of protozoa can be modified qualitatively and quantitatively according to
changes in diet. Work aimed to know the species of rumen protozoa are still scarce. What is found are works that
perform counting and identification at the genus level.
The identification of rumen protozoa, your relationship with food offered to animals, plus the monitoring of
weight gain, can bring us informations on their effectiveness and may lead to improvements in feeding techniques.
Therefore, this study aimed to identify the population of rumen protozoa cattle raised on pasture in the city of
Parintins, AM and surrounding cities.
Material e Methods
Rumen fluid of 50 cattle were collected, newly slaughtered in the slaughterhouse of Parintins, Amazonas
between march and may of 2014. The cattlesraised under pasture conditions, belonging to the cattle properties of
Parintins and Nhamundá in the state of the Amazonas and city of Juruti, PA.
The collection ofrumen fluid was held in the evisceration room of the slaughterhouse of Parintins, AM.
Therefore, there was a cut in the rumen and with the help of falcon tubes, 50 mL aliquots were removed. The
samples were stored in cool box and taken to the Microbiology Laboratory of ICSEZ/UFAM.
For analysis of the population of protozoa, samples were fixed with formaldehyde (40%), stained with lugol
and stored with glycerine (30%) for maintenanceof the forms of protozoa. To identify the species of protozoa, was
used classical and specialized bibliographies(Williams& Coleman, 1992; Latteur, 1966). The speciesof protozoa
were photographed in photomicroscope coupled with Zeiss model AxioCam ICc3 camera.
Data were compiled in tables using Excel software. To evaluate the population of protozoa was used
descriptive statistics and free software PAST to calculate the Jaccard similarity index, in order to verify the
similarity between the protozoa population of animals from different locations.
Results and Discussion
Seventy four species of protozoa were identified, distributed in 14 genera. The genera found were
Ostracodinium, Diplodinium, Epidinium, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Entodinium, Polyplastron,
Enoploplastron, Diploplastron, Elytroplastron, Isotricha, Dasytrichae and Charonina. The most commonly found
are the genera Diplodiniumoccurring in 90% of animals, followed by Entodinium with 80%, Ostracodinium 78%
and Eudiplodinium 62%. And the unique genres with 2% of occurrence were Polyplastron, Elytroplastron and
Salvio and D’Agosto (1999) found 13 genera of protozoa in cattles recently slaughtered in the
slaughterhouse of Além Paraíba-MG.The city has an equatorial climate with defined seasons as rainy and dry
seasons, the animals were fed grass brachiaria (Brachiaria), gordure grass(Melinis) and guinea grass (Panicum).
The genres found were Isotricha, Charonina, Dasytricha, Entodinium, Eudiplodinium, Eremomplastron,
Ostracodinium, Eodinium, Polyplastron, Diplodinium, Diploplastron, Metadinium and Epidinium. Already in
humid subtropical climate there was a decrease in the diversity of genres, as shown the results of Franzolin and
Franzolin (2000). The authors found nine genres in cattlein the city of Pirassununga, SP. The basis of feeding of
animals was sugarcane and fresh minced, and 3 kg concentrate per day. The genera found were Isotricha,
Dasytricha, Entodinium, Epidinium, Ostracodinium, Diplodinium, Eudiplodinium, Metadiniumand Polyplastron.
Among the 74 species, the most occurring above 50%, wereEntodinium loboso-espinosum, Diplodinium
tetracanthum, Entodinium bursaandEntodinium furca f. dilobum. Exclusive species occurred only in an animal,
namelyElytroplastron bubali, Polyplastron multivesiculatum andCharonina ventriculi.
The analysis of similarity between the protozoa population of animals sampled was 32% when measured
with the findings genres. So that animals of the same farm were not grouped. When we evaluated the similarity
between the populations of protozoa, using the data of species, there was the group animals of the same farm,
showing that the species composition can be specific to a site, differentianing between animals from diferente
locations (similarity 0.5%) exposed to diferente environmental conditions.
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
The population of rumen protozoa is different between animals from different farms. This shows that the
population of rumen protozoa may be indicators of nutritional and environmental conditions that the animals are
Franzolin, R.; Franzolin, M.H.T. 2000. População Protozoários Ciliados e Degradabilidade Ruminal em Búfalos e
Bovinos Zebuínos sob Dieta à Base de Cana-de-Açúcar. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. v.29, n.6, p.18531861.
Hoover, W. H.; Miller, T.K. 1991.Rumen digestive physiology and microbialecology.In: SNIFFEN, C.J.; HERDT,
T.H (Eds). The Veterinary Clinics of North America.p.311-325.
Latteur, B. 1966. Contribution a la systematique de la famille des Ophyroscolescidae Stein. Annales de la Societe
Royal Zoologique de Belgique, p.117-144.
Salvio, G.M.M.; D’Agosto, M. 1999. Avaliação do comportamento de escape e migração de ciliados Isotriquidae
no sistema rúmen-retículo de bovinos. Revista Brasileira de Zoociências, Juiz de Fora-MG. v.5, n.2, p.243-252.
Swenson, M.J.; Reece, W.O. 2006. Fisiologia dos Animais Domésticos. 12 edição. Rio de Janeiro: GuanabaraKoogan, p.926.
Williams, A.G.; Coleman, G.S. 1992. The rumen protozoa.New York, Springer-Verlag, 423p.
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