Como pode cair no enem?
Safety rules for online dating
There are many stories out there about the perils of online dating. Some are urban legends,
and some are alarmist or driven by contempt. Others ring true because we hear them from
friends and or read about them in the newspaper. The truth of the matter is that yes, there are
creeps out there who prey on people who reveal personal information on the internet. It is also
true that there are basic precautions you can take to keep them at bay. Follow these strategies
to date online safely:
I) Stay anonymous
This is basic, but it is easy to let things slip in your initial excitement when someone
contacts you. First, only use dating services that do not disclose personal information. Second,
don’t reveal identifying information about your neighborhood, apartment building, or workplace.
Third, if you have children, do not name them or their school.
II) Meet in a public place
It is not a good idea to go hiking on a secluded trail or rafting down a river on the first date.
Instead, meet at restaurant, coffee shop, or mall some distance away from your home. Carry
your cell phone and keep it on at all times. At your meeting, if you have any reason to feel uncomfortable or unsafe, leave.
III) Go with your instincts
Usually, everything checks out and the person you meet is normal. If your gut tells you otherwise, trust your intuitive judgment.
O texto aconselha, se você se encontrar com alguém que conheceu on-line:
a) avise a a seus melhores amigos e convide-os para ir junto.
b) escolha para ponto de encontro um lugar que seja conhecido dos dois.
c) faça o melhor que puder para causar uma boa impressão.
d) leve seu celular, mantendo-o ligado o tempo todo.
e) procure um lugar que seja distante de sua casa.
It begins even before you say your first word in an interview. By the time the interviewer
walks toward you, an opinion is already being formed. There you sit waiting to give your
answers to questions you’ve prepared for, while you are already being judged by your
appearance, posture, smile or nervous look.
The Handshake: It’s your first encounter with the interviewer. The person holds out his
hand and receives a limp, damp hand in return — not a very good beginning. Your handshake
should be firm, not bone-crushing, and your hand should be dry and warm.
Your Posture: Stand and sit erect. We’re not talking “ramrod” posture, but show some
energy and enthusiasm. A slouching posture looks tired and uncaring. Check yourself out in
a mirror or on videotape.
Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye. You don’t want to stare, as this shows
aggression. Occasionally, glance at the interviewer’s hand as he is speaking. By constantly
looking around the room while you are talking, you convey a lack of confidence or discomfort
with what is being discussed.
Your Hands: Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural. Getting carried away
with hand gestures can be distracting. Also, avoid touching your mouth while talking. Watch
yourself in a mirror while talking on the phone. You are probably using some of the same
gestures in an interview.
Don’t Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops,
tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body.
Preparing what you have to say is important, but practicing how you will say it is imperative.
The nonverbal message can speak louder than the verbal message you’re sending.
1) O texto apresenta alguns conselhos que podem contribuir para o bom desempenho durante
uma entrevista.
a) Retire do texto duas sugestões que estão representadas na imagem.
b) Formule, com uma frase completa, a conclusão a que chegou o autor sobre mensagens não
verbais em entrevistas.
2) Este texto, caracterizado como instrucional, pressupõe o emprego de formas verbais específicas.
Retire duas orações em inglês cujas formas verbais expressam a noção de sugestão e conselho:
a) no segundo parágrafo;
b) no quinto parágrafo.
Let’s face it, sometimes we could all use a good back rub. Massages have been proven to
: reduce stress, improve sleep, relieve certain types of muscle pain, improve posture, and relieve
soreness (especially from sports and other related fitness activities). A massage also improves
circulation and flexibility. Increased circulation of the blood helps you to eliminate toxins, feel great,
and promote healthy bodily functions. Massage therapy has also been known to provide a more
comfortable pregnancy. What a great gift for the mom-to-be.
Here are some massaging tips that hit the spot.
• Start with the shoulders and work your way down. The trick is to knead and roll rather
than pinch or lightly stroke. Be careful not to rub directly on the spine, because the skin is
thinner there.
• Use rhythmic movements and try to keep them consistent. It’s best not to rub longer in
one spot than in another unless asked.
• When massaging the neck, place your thumbs on the sides of the neck, curving your
fingers over the top of the shoulders. This area is more sensitive for some than others. It’s
best to ask the person.
3) Due to its semantic relations and structural organization, the text can be classified as:
a) a personal account;
b) a descriptive report;
c) an instructional text;
d) an advertisement;
e) a comparative analysis.
4) In this type of text we use some specific structure. Mark the sentence with the structure that
justify its type:
a) “Use rhythmic movements and try to keep them consistent.”
b) “This area is more sensitive for some than others.”
c) “What a great gift for the mom-to-be.”
d) “A massage also improves circulation and flexibility.”
e) “Massage therapy has also been known to provide a more comfortable pregnancy.”
Plug the clock’s power cord into any standard household AC outlet. The display flashes.
When, you set the time, the display stops flashing.
Setting the time
1) Press and hold down [TIME]. While you hold down [TIME], press [HOUR] until the desired
hour appears on the display. PM indicator appears on the left display if it is a p.m hour.
2) Continue to hold down [TIME] and press [MINUTE] until the desired minute appears on the
Setting the alarm time
1) Set [ALARM ON/OFF] to OFF.
2) Press and hold down [ALARM SET]. While you hold down [ALARM SET], press [HOUR] until
the desired hour appears on the display.
3) Continue to hold down [ALARM SET] and press [MINUTE] until the desired minute appears
on the display.
• Press [ALARM SET], [HOUR], and [MINUTE] at the same time to set the alarm to AM 12:00
• Press [ALARM SET] to view the alarm time.
Led digital alarm clock
Using the alarm
1) Set [ALARM ON/OFF to ON. The ALARM indicator lights up on the rights of the display.
2) When the alarm sounds, set [ALARM ON/OFF] to OFF to turn off the alarm.
3) Set [ALARM ON/OFF] back to ON to reset the alarm to sound at the same time the next day.
If you fail to turn off the alarm, it sounds for about 2 hours. Then the alarm automatically resets
to sounds at the same time the next day.
Using the snooze feature
If you press [SNOOZE/SENTINEL] while the alarm is sounding, the alarm turns off and stays
off for about 9 minutes before it sounds again.
You can press [SNOOZE/SENTINEL] to repeat the alarm on/ alarm-off cycle as many times
as you desire.
Using the night light
To turn on the night light, slide the dimmer switch at the rear of the clock to eighter HI (high) or
LOW position. To turn off the night light, slide the dimmer switch to OFF.
1) De acordo com as instruções contidas no manual, o procedimento correto para acertar a
hora é:
a) Apertar simultaneamente os botões [TIME] e [HOUR] até que a hora desejada apareça.
b) Escolher a hora desejada apertando primeiro o botão [TIME] e depois o botão [HOUR].
c) Selecionar a hora desejada através do botão [HOUR] e depois pressionar o botão [TIME].
d) Manter o botão [TIME] pressionado na seleção da hora desejada e depois apertar o botão
2) “Usando o alarme” é uma instrução que informa como:
a) ajustar a hora e os minutos;
b) regular a intensidade do som;
c) autorreprogramar o despertador;
d) acender a luz do lado esquerdo do mostrador.
3) Duas das características da luz noturna a que se refere o manual, são:
a) graduável e tênue;
b) tênue e intermitente;
c) opcional e graduável;
d) opcional e intermitente.
4) Taking into consideration that the text is instructional, the verb form that predominates is:
a) infinitive;
b) indicative;
c) subjunctive;
d) imperative.