ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação Degree: Music Education Course: Musical Sciences V Academic Year: 2012/2013 Academic year: 3 Semester: Winter Semester Attendance regime: Mandatory Number of Credits (ECTS): 5.0 Theoretical Contact Hours: 45.0 h Course Responsible Teacher: Doutor Jorge Costa Skills: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC I 1. Identifies the major theoretical perspectives in the history of contemporary sociology; 2. Identifies the main methods and research techniques used in sociological approaches; 3. Contextualizes conceptually the different disciplines within the musicology; 4. Understands the origin and the development of the sociology of music as an autonomous academic discipline in the musicology field; 5. Knows the principal agenda and the main authors in the domain of the sociology of music. MUSICAL AESTHETIC 1. Understands the importance of the conceptualization and analysis of the aesthetic production; 2. Develops a reflective capacity that integrates subjects from the art history and the cultural anthropology; 3. Reflects about the main lines of the aesthetic subjects in a historical perspective. Contents: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC I 1. Emergence of sociology as a scientific discipline 2. Action areas and interests of the sociology 3. Sociological paradigms - society versus science 4. Musicology - definitions, identities and proposals of knowledge 5. Ethnomusicology - definitions, identities and proposals of knowledge 6. Foundations of sociology of music 7. Theory and methods used in the sociology of music MUSICAL AESTHETIC 1. Aesthetics, Philosophy and Theories of Art - definition of the concepts 2. Epistemological foundations of Aesthetics 3. Chronological synthesis of aesthetic 3.1 Ideas about Art and Aesthetics in Antiquity 3.2 Medieval Aesthetics 3.3 Aesthetics: the Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque 3.4 Classical Aesthetics - XVII century 3.5 Aesthetics as a autonomous philosophical discipline 3.6 Eighteenth century: the British empiricism and the german idealism 3.7 Aesthetics and Romanticism 3.8 The sociological doctrines of Art 3.9 The artistic avant-garde of the early XX century 3.10 The Aesthetic Anthropology in the XXI century Skills: 1. Expository teaching; 2. Practical critical reflection with the constant intervention of the students; 2. Interpretation and analysis of texts/Images; 3. Listen and analysis of different musical examples; 4. Discussion about the main topics of the syllabus; 5. Attend to live performances. Assessment: 1. Monitoring the student's progress through autonomous work; 2. Monitoring the student's progress in the classroom; 3. Implementation of theoretical and practical/debates works; 4. Test frequency or short written essay ; 5. Final exam. SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC I (50%) 1. Continuous assessment (40%) 2. Test Frequency / individual work (60%) MUSICAL AESTHETIC (50%) 1. Reviews (20%) 2. Test Frequency / individual work (80%) References: SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC Adorno, Theodor W. (1994). Philosophy of Modern Music. New York: Continuum. Bourdieu, Pierre (1996). Lição sobre a Lição. Vila Nova de Gaia: Estratégias Criativa. Burrell, Gibson e Morgan, Gareth (1979). Sociological Paradigms and Organizacional Analysis. London: Gower Publishing Company Limited. Costa, António Firmino (2001). Sociologia. Lisboa: Quimera. Duckles, Vincent et al (s/d). "Musicology." In Grove Music Online. DeNora, Tia (2000). Music in everyday life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Elias, Norbert (1990/91). O processo civilizacional. Lisboa: Dom Quixote. Ellis, Katharine (2009). "The Sociology of Music". In J.P.Harper and Jim Samson (Ed.), An Introduction to Music Studies, pp: 97-118. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Giddens, Anthony (2000). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Harper-Scott, Samson, Jim (2009). An Introduction to Music Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Leppert, Richard (ed.) (2002). Essays on music of Theodor W. Adorno. Berkeley: University of California Press. Martin, Peter J. (2007) Music and the Sociological Gaze: Art Worlds and Cultural Production. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Morrow, Raymond Allen e Torres, Carlos Alberto (1997).Teoria Social e Educação. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. Nettl, Bruno (1985). "Ethnomusicology: Definitions, Directions and Problems". In Elizabeth May (Ed.), Musics of Many Cultures, An Introduction, pp.1-9. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Nettl, Bruno (2005). The Study of Ethnomusicology. Illinois: University of Illinois Press. Paddison, Max (2002). "Sociology of Music". In The Oxford Companion to Music, Alison Latham (ed.) On line. Pegg, Carole et al. "Ethnomusicology" In Grove Music Online. Ritzer, George (1993). Teoria Sociológica Contemporanea. México: McGraw-Hill Shepherd, John (2001). "Sociology of Music". In Grove Music Online. Silbermann, Alfons (1962). Estrutura Social de la Música. Madrid: Taurus. Supicic. Ivo (1987). Music in Society: a guide to the sociology of music. New York: Pendragon Press. Vieira de Carvalho, Mário (1991). "Sociologia da Música. Elementos para uma retrospectiva e para uma definição das suas tarefas actuais". In Penélope Fazer e Desfazer a História (nº6, 11-19). Lisboa: Edição Cosmos. Vieira de Carvalho, Mário (2001). "As Ciências Musicais na Transição de Paradigma". In Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (nº14, 211-233). Vieira de Carvalho, Mário (2009). "A Construção do Objecto da Sociologia da Música". Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. Classe de Letras. MUSICAL AESTHETIC JIMENEZ, Marc - O que é Estética, São Leopoldo, Editora Unisinos, 1999 TATARKIEWICZ, Wladislaw - Historia de la Estética, vols. I e II Madrid, Akal, 1990 V. Bozal (ed.) (1996): Historia de las ideas estéticas y de las teorías artísticas contemporánea (2 vols.) "La Balsa de la Medusa", Visor, Madrid. J. Jiménez: Imágenes del hombre. Fundamentos de Estética; Tecnos (Col. "Metrópolis"), Madrid, 1986. W. Tatarkiewicz (1975): Historia de seis ideas. Arte, belleza, forma, creatividad, mímesis, experiencia estética. Tr. cast. de F. Rodríguez; Tecnos, Madrid, 1988. VV. (2006) O estado do Mundo, Lisboa, FCG Notices: Doutor Jorge Costa Porto, 1 de Outubro de 2012