PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
A study about the limits and possibilities of a trade
union solidarity project between Finland and Brazil in
the paper production sector
M.A Dissertation
Dissertation presented to the Post-graduate Program in
Social Work of Department of Social Work, PUC-Rio, as
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master degree
in Social Work.
Supervisor: Denise Pini Rosalem da Fonseca
Rio de Janeiro
December, 2008
A study about the limits and possibilities of a trade
union solidarity project between Finland and Brazil in
the paper production sector
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
Dissertation presented to the Post-graduate Program in
Social Work of Department of Social Work, PUC-Rio, as
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master
degree in Social Work.
Dr. Denise Pini Rosalem da Fonseca
Departamento de Serviço Social – PUC-Rio
Dr. Sueli Bulhões da Silva
Departamento de Serviço Social – PUC-Rio
Dr. Inez Terezinha Stampa
Departamento de Serviço Social – PUC-Rio
Dr. Nizar Messari
Vice-Dean of Post-Graduation of the
Centro de Ciências Sociais
Rio de Janeiro, 22/12 /2008
All rights reserved. The reproduction of the thesis is prohibited
without the authorization of the university, author or supervisor.
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
Maija Annukka Yli-Koivisto Goyena
Graduated in Cultural History from the University of
Turku (Finland) in 2002. Completed Master’s degree in
Cultural History in 2004. Worked in different projects
of international development cooperation in South
America and currently working with international trade
union solidarity with Finnish trade unions.
Ficha Catalográfica
Goyena, Maija Annukka Yli-Koivisto
International trade union solidarity: a study about
the limits and possibilities of a trade union solidarity
Project between Finland and Brazil in the paper
production sector / Maija Annukka Yli-Koivisto
Goyena; orientadora: Denise Pini Rosalem da
Fonseca. – 2008.
132 f. ; 30 cm
Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social)–
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
Inclui bibliografia
1. Serviço social – Teses. 2. Sindicalismo. 3.
Solidariedade. 4. Globalização. 5. Território. 6.
Empresa multinacional. I. Fonseca, Denise Pini
Rosalem da. II. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro. Departamento de Serviço Social. III.
CDD 361
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
This work is dedicated to my best friend, companion
and everyday source of inspiration, love and
courage, to Alberto.
I thank my supervisor Denise Pini Rosalem da Fonseca for her comprehension,
support and ideas during the writing of this thesis.
To the Programa de Pós-graduação do Departamento de Serviço Social in PUCRio for the courageous consideration of my study proposal. And also I am very
grateful for the scholarship from the Vice-Reitoria of PUC-Rio which offered me
the opportunity to accomplish this stage of my life.
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
To the professors that generously accepted to participate in the defence of this
thesis: Sueli Bulhões da Silva (Serviço Social, PUC-Rio), Inez Terezinha Stampa
(Serviço Social, PUC-Rio) I thank for the availability of time, diligence with the
reading and for the collaboration.
To the secretary of Departamento de Serviço Social in PUC-Rio, Joana Maria
Felix da Silva, whose help and endless patience has been invaluable especially in
my case as a foreign student.
To the trade unions Paperiliitto and Sinap for receiving my study proposal with
enthusiasm and openness, and for the patient collaboration.
I would also like to express my deep gratitude, in a very particular way, to SASK
for offering me a professional opportunity in the trade union movement and in
development cooperation. Without their initiative I wouldn’t have ever get to
know so deeply the interesting world of international trade union solidarity.
And finally my deepest gratitude goes to my parents for their endless support,
love and encouragement and for bearing the sometimes-unbearable distance
between Rio and Valkeakoski.
Yli-Koivisto Goyena, Maija Annukka; Fonseca, Denise Pini Rosalem da
(supervisor). International trade union solidarity. A study about the
limits and possibilities of a trade union solidarity project between Finland
and Brazil in the paper production sector. Rio de Janeiro, 2008. 132p.
M.A. Dissertation – Departamento de Serviço Social da Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
This study analyzes a phenomenon denominated as international trade
union solidarity. I have taken as a study case a paper sector trade union
cooperation project between Finnish and Brazilian federations. The particularity
of this cooperation project derives from a combination of different social agents
involved in the project. Two main interlocutors are Finnish Paperiliitto and
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
Brazilian Sinap. This encounter is provided by the delocalization of a
multinational paper company Stora Enso. This Finnish-Swedish capital arrives in
the municipality of Eunápolis with a joint venture with Aracruz, named as Veracel
Cellulose. Furthermore there is also SASK, an autonomous solidarity institute
supported by the Finnish Foreign Ministry, financing trade union solidarity
projects: the one at stake aims to establish and develop the representation of
Brazilian paper workers at Veracel. I intend to analyze the discourses of the
project’s social agents and to discuss and reflect the bases on witch the project is
settled; its limits and possibilities, obstacles and contingencies. Methodologically
focused on a comparative study, I intend to present aspects of the international
trade union cooperation. The thesis dialogues with three theoretical categories,
‘globalization’, ‘solidarity’ and ‘territory’ and with a vast literature concerning the
internationalization of trade union movement. These notions, as my study has
tried to reveal, are ambiguous, disputed and non-agreed. I explicit the conflicts,
problems and contradictions present in the discourses of the social agents. This
thesis has the objective to present analytical tools to study international trade
unionism and present original information about the subject matter.
Trade unionism; globalization; solidarity; territory; multinational company
Yli-Koivisto Goyena, Maija Annukka; Fonseca, Denise Pini Rosalem da
(supervisor). Solidariedade sindical internacional. Um estudo sobre os
limites e possibilidades de um projeto de solidariedade sindical entre
Finlândia e Brasil no setor de produção de papel. Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
132p. Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de Serviço Social da
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
Este estudo se propõe analisar aspectos e características de um fenômeno
denominado solidariedade sindical internacional. Para tal, toma-se a título de
caso exemplar um projeto de cooperação sindical do setor de papel entre
federações Brasileiras e Finlandesas. A particularidade desta cooperação deriva da
combinação dos diferentes agentes sociais envolvidos no projeto. Trata-se de dois
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
interlocutores centrais: as federações Paperiliitto e Sinap. O contexto do encontro
é possibilitado pelo deslocamento de uma multinacional, a Stora Enso. Este
capital sueco-finlandês chega ao município de Eunápolis através de um joint
venture estabelecido com a Aracruz, chamada Veracel Celulose. Este projeto de
cooperação envolve também o instituo SASK, financiador de projetos de
solidariedade sindical: o projeto alvo desta dissertação busca estabelecer e
desenvolver a representação de trabalhadores brasileiros da Veracel. Procuro
analisar os discursos dos agentes sociais envolvidos neste projeto, assim como
discutir e refletir sobre as bases sobre as quais o projeto foi estabelecido; suas
limitações e possibilidades, obstáculos e contingências. Esta dissertação pretende
levantar aspectos da cooperação sindical internacional. Dialoga-se com três
categorias teóricas; ‘globalização’, ‘solidariedade’ e ‘território’ assim como com
uma literatura sobre a internacionalização dos movimentos sindicais. Estas três
noções, como o estudo trata de revelar, são tão ambíguas quanto disputadas. Seus
conflitos, problemas e contradições são então explicitados. Este estudo tenta
apresentar algumas ferramentas analíticas para refletir sobre o sindicalismo e
trazer novas informações sobre o tema.
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
1. Introduction
2. Globalization, solidarity and territorialism
2.1 Globalization: Changing the world of trade unionism
2.1.1 Globalization and the trade union movement
2.1.2 Globalization and paper industry
2.2 Solidarity
2.3 Territory: a complex category
2.3.1 Territory: Firms and trade unions
3. Trade Union movement: One firm, two realities
3.1 The development of trade unionism in Finland
3.2 The development of trade unionism in Brazil
3.3 Stora Enso in Finland
3.4 Stora Enso in Brazil
4. Social agents: One Centre, two realities
4.1 Paperiliitto: Finnish paper federation
4.2 Sinap: Brazilian paper federation
4.3 SASK: Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland
5. Analysis of the research material
5.1 Description of the research material and methodology
5.2 Concept globalization
5.2.1 Globalization and Paperiliitto
5.2.2 Globalization and Sinap
5.2.3 Similarities and differences
5.3 Concept solidarity
5.3.1 Solidarity and Paperiliitto
5.3.2 Solidarity and Sinap
5.3.3 Similarities and differences
5.4 Concept territory
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5.4.1 Territory and Paperiliitto
5.4.2 Territory and Sinap
5.4.3 Similarities and differences
6. Final conclusions
7. Bibliography
8. Appendixes
AKAVA - Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial staff
CGT - General confederation of workers, Brazil
CNTI - National confederation of industrial workers, Brazil
CUT - Central Union of Brazil
EMCEF - European Mine Energy and Chemical Workers’ Union
ETUC - European Trade Union Confederation
PUC-Rio - Certificação Digital Nº 0613129/CA
FUP - Frente Unica dos Papeleiros
FFTU - Finnish Federation of Trade Unions
ICEM - International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General
Workers' Unions
ILO - International Labour Organization
IOS - Institute of trade union movement studies
ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation
MNC - Multinational Company
NIB - Nordic Investment Bank
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PT - Workers Party, Brazil
SAK - The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions
SASK - Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland
SDP - Social Democrat Party, Finland
TUCP - Trade Union Cooperation Project

maija annukka yli-koivisto goyena international trade union solidarity