T4F Entretenimento S.A.
Publicly Held Company with Authorized Capital
Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.860.694/0001-62
Rua Fidêncio Ramos, n.° 213, conjuntos 42, 52, 61 e 62, Vila Olímpia
04551-010, São Paulo - SP
São Paulo, June 22, 2011 - T4F Entretenimento S.A. (“T4F”, BM&FBovespa: SHOW3)
– the largest live entertainment company in South America and the third largest in the
world - announces the success of the brand new category of motor racing in Brazil, COPA
a competition brought
DESPORTIVAS, controlled by T4F, that also promotes Copa Caixa Stock Car (the most
important touring category of motorsport in Brazil), Copa Chevrolet Montana (access
division for Stock Car) and the Mini Challenge (support category of Stock Car which uses
BMW's Mini Cooper cars). Together, they are the most important national racing event of
the country.
COPA PETROBRAS DE MARCAS, also known as Brasileiro de Marcas is the Brazilian
equivalent of the WTCC-World Touring Car Championship, the world’s most important
competition in the touring car category.
The new competition, which initially brings together Honda Civic, Chevrolet Astra and Ford
Focus cars, has become the second event in the national ranking of the most important
professional motorsport events in Brazil. The competition had its premiere on June 19th
with great effect on the media, stimulating competition among global automakers with
manufacturing in Brazil. In total, sixteen races in the most important cities of the country
will be broadcasted on open national television.
COPA PETROBRAS DE MARCAS is supervised by CBA-Confederação Brasileira de
Automobilismo (the Brazilian motor racing confederation). Petrobras has the naming rights
of the competition tour, which is also sponsored by Pirelli and supported by Fremax,
Ecopads, Pioneer and Motec.
São Paulo, June 22, 2011
Orlando Viscardi Neto
Investor Relations Officer

Copa Petrobras de Marcas