Na#onal Ins#tute of Photonics Science and Technology for Op#cal Communica#ons Ins#tuto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Fotônica para Comunicações Óp#cas University-Industry Interaction: The Case of Optical Communications in Brazil Prof. Hugo Fragnito INCT–FOTONICOM – Director Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Unicamp, Campinas, SP, Brazil Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [1] Campinas: 1.1 million people US$ 17 Billion GDP (PPP) Tmin/Tmax = 12.3 / 30.0 ºC 80 km from São Paulo City Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [2] 29/05/15, 22 Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [3] 29/05/15, 33 UNICAMP 4 University of Campinas UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS hPp:// Data base 2013 Established 05/Oct/1966 Budget US$ 1.23 Billion Faculty 1,795 (99% PhD) Total employees 10,013 Undergrad students 18,338 Graduate students 16,195 Master deg. awarded 1,310 Doctorate theses 946 Patents requested 75 Ar[cles (ISI WoS) 3,149 Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [5] Pre-‐History 1966 Founda[on of UNICAMP (State University of Campinas) 1972 Three former researchers from Bell Laboratories, Sérgio Porto, José Ripper, and Rogério Cerqueira Leite, arrive at Unicamp with a visionary plan 1973 A Program on Op[cal Communica[ons Development is proposed to Telebras (the holding of the telecommunica[ons monopoly in Brazil). It comprised 3 projects for the development and fabrica[on of: 1. Op[cal Fibers 2. Semiconductor Diode Lasers 3. Integrated Op[cal Devices 1974 The Op[cal Communica[ons Program is signed (started by 1975). This was the first University-‐Industry R&D contract in Brazil Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [6] History 1977 Op[cal fiber at Unicamp 1979 Pilot plant at CPqD 1980 Transfer to ABC-‐Xtal 1983 Op[cal Fiber produc[on (ABC-‐Xtal) Fusion Couplers (Optolink, AGC) Diode Lasers (AsGa) 1992 Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (Optolink, ABC-‐Xtal) Produc[on: 1 million km/yr Submarine fiber system deployment (Sahim Cury) 2002 The “” reaches Brazil 2006 Padtec: DWDM equipment; 100 Gbps (2012); Submarine Link Technology (2014) Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [7] The players ABC-Xtal D q P C UNICAMP Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [8] Op[cal Communica[ons R&D in Campinas Unicamp 1974 CPqD Telebrás Contract Unicamp-Telebrás for Fiber Optic, Laser Diodes & Integrated Optics Development OF (Optical Fiber) 1977 CPqD – Campinas Campus NLO (Nonlinear Optics) OF pilot plant Fiber Couplers 1983 1986 Xtal: OF production Quantum Dots Fiber Couplers EDFA (Erbium Amplifiers) 1990 Polymer MZM NLO Polymer MZM WDM Systems CPqD discontinues basic technology development NExFot Fotonicom Embratel: NLO Privatization of Telecom Optolink: EDFA Contracts with Corning and Ericsson 2005 KyaTera 2014 Embratel: WDM Contract Unicamp-CPqD for WDM system studies 2000 CePOF 2009 Xtal and AGC: EDFA e WDM 1996 1998 AGC: Fiber Couplers EDFA Solitons 1995 1997 Industry Padtec 16 Industrial partners Si Photonics BRLAbs and R4F BRPhotonics: Polymer MZM Economics of Fiber-‐Op[c Communica[ons Vertical Integration Chain for Optical Communications Technology $$$ Steps Examples Services Telecom Services (Telephony, CATV, Internet), Data Centers Systems DWDM, Submarine, PON End user Carriers, Service providers Equipment Rx, Tx, Transponders, Amplifiers, ROADM Service providers, Integrators Sub-assemblies Devices Components Modules, Transceivers Couplers, Lasers Fibers Equipment/ Assembling industries Materials Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [10] $$$ Customers Optical glasses, semiconductors Components manufacturers, Basis industries Op[cal Communica[ons R&D in Campinas Unicamp 1974 1977 CPqD Telebrás Contract Unicamp-Telebrás for Fiber Optic, Laser Diodes & Integrated Optics Development OF (Optical Fiber) NLO (Nonlinear Optics) 1983 Industry Fiber Couplers CPqD – Campinas Campus OF pilot plant Xtal: OF production 1986 Fiber Couplers EDFA (Erbium Amplifiers) 1990 1995 NLO WDM Systems AGC: Fiber Couplers EDFA WDM e Xtal and AGC: EDFA 1996 Embratel: WDM 1997 Embratel: NLO 1998 2000 2005 2009 2014 Privatization of Telecom Padtec Op[cal Communica[ons R&D in Campinas Unicamp CPqD Telebrás Industry 1974 1977 CPqD – Campinas Campus 1983 Quantum Dots 1986 1990 1995 Solitons Polymer MZM 1996 Polymer MZM e Proposed technologies that never reached the productive sector (so far…) 1997 1998 2000 2005 2009 2014 Fotonicom Si Photonics BRPhotonics: Polymer MZM The model University R&D Center Industries Simple and linear, but Key detail: Transfer of brains – technology is transferred together with the researchers (that are hired by the receptor of the knowledge) University provides well trained people and disrup#ve ideas R&D Center provides usable technology, manuals, standards Industry research makes op#miza#on, miniaturiza#on… Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [13] Technology Transfer Photonics & Optical Communications in Campinas 2001: CePOF Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [14] 2009: Fotonicom Wired Magazine (July, 2000) Network switches and cell sites are replacing coffee and sugarcane as this region's cash crops, making Campinas a leader in Brazil's communica[ons revolu[on. With the demand for wireless set to outstrip terrestrial lines, and data networks in need of upgrade, major players can't drop down factories fast enough. Nortel, Motorola, and Lucent are here, as well as R&D labs like CPqD -‐ a spinoff of Telebrás, the now-‐priva[zed na[onal telephone carrier. This city also boasts Unicamp, Brazil's answer to MIT, which houses the na[on's number-‐one computer science program and churns out future digera[ who needn't look far for work. A tech-‐savvy city agency, Ciatec, oversees development and manages an incubator for startups. Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [15] Industrial Partners Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [16] Sao Paulo Campinas UNICAMP HiTech Mapamundi United Nations Org 2001 Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [17] Mogi Mirim Paulínia 10 km radius UNICAMP Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Sumaré CIATEC Small Business Incubator OPTOLINK (EDFA) ECCO (Fibers, Lasers) FIBER WORK (Fiber Bragg Gratings) UNILASER (Lasers) ... Monte Mor São José dos Campos Rio de Janeiro 0 10 km São Paulo 29/05/15 Sorocaba PHOTONICS MAP of CAMPINAS Na#onal Ins#tute of Photonics Science and Technology for Op#cal Communica#ons Ins#tuto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Fotônica para Comunicações Óp#cas THANK YOU Hugo Fragnito hqp:// Prof. Hugo Fragnito; 29/05/15 [19]