EISSN 1676-5133
Height and corporal mass measured and
predicted through the Chumlea equations
in elderly
Original Article
Corpore Academia de João Pessoa/PB
Mestrado em Ciência da Motricidade Humana PROCIMH
Departamento de Jogos – EEFD/UFRJ
Luciano de Oliveira1,2
[email protected]
José Fernandes Filho3,4
[email protected]
Oliveira L, Fernandes Filho J. Height and corporal mass measured and predicted through the Chumlea equations in elderly. Fit Perf
J. 2007;6(3):152-5.
ABSTRACT: The present work had as objective to verify if it exist significant difference between the measured and verified corporal
mass and height through equations found in literature. A transversal, descriptive and comparative character methodology was used,
with a composed sample of 30 aged women (66.6±6.68 years), where the variable corporal mass and stature had been measured,
through digital scale and stadiometer, and estimates through the Chumlea equations, and this was carried through at the moment
where they registered at the Corpore Academy. The statistical treatment was given through test t Student (p<0.05) and r of Pearson.
In the joined results it did not have significant difference for corporal mass and got a high correlation (t=0.10; r=0.93), the same
happened with the stature (t=0.16; r=0.97). The conclusion is that the prediction equations can be used for this sample.
Keywords: elderly, anthropometry, prediction equation.
Correspondence to:
Rua Excombatente Assis Luiz, 143, João Paulo II, CEP 58076-100, João Pessoa,PB.
Submitted: Octuber / 2006
Accepted: January / 2007
Copyright© 2008 Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte.
Fit Perf J
Rio de Janeiro
May/Jun 2007
Estatura e massa corporal mensurados e preditos através das equações
de Chumlea em idosas
Estatura y masa corporal mensuradas y predichas a través de las
ecuaciones de Chumlea en mayores
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar se existe diferença significativa
entre a massa corporal e estatura mensuradas e verificadas através de equações
encontradas na literatura. Foi utilizada uma metodologia de caráter transversal,
descritiva e comparativa, com uma amostra composta de 30 idosas do sexo
feminino (66,6±6,68 anos), em que as variáveis massa corporal e estatura foram
mensuradas, através de balança digital e estadiômetro, e estimadas através das
equações de Chumlea, e isso foi realizado no momento em que elas se matriculavam na Corpore Academia. O tratamento estatístico foi dado através do teste t
Student (p<0,05) e r de Pearson. Nos resultados encontrados não houve diferença
significativa para massa corporal e se obteve uma correlação (t=0,10;r=0,93), o
mesmo acontecendo com a estatura (t=0,16;r=0,97). Com isso conclui-se que
as equações de predição podem ser utilizadas para essa amostra.
Lo presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo verificar se existe diferencia significativa
entre la masa corporal y estatura mensuradas y verificadas a través de ecuaciones
encontradas en la literatura. Fue utilizada una metodología de carácter transversal,
descriptiva y comparativa, con una muestra compuesta de 30 mayores del sexo
femenino (66,6±6,68 años), en que las variables de masa corporal y estatura
habían sido mensuradas, a través de balanza digital y estadiómetro, y estimadas
a través de las ecuaciones de Chumlea, y eso fue realizado de momento en que
ellas se matriculaban en la Corpore Academia. El tratamiento estadístico fue dado
a través del test t Student (p<0,05) y r de Pearson. Los resultados encontrados
no hubo diferencia significativa para masa corporal y se obtuvo una correlación
(t=0,10; r=0,93), lo mismo aconteciendo con la estatura (t=0,16; r=0,97).
Con eso se concluye que las ecuaciones de predicción pueden ser utilizadas
para esa muestra.
Palavras-chave: idoso, antropometria, equação de predição.
Palabras clave: mayor, antropometría, ecuación de predicción.
Research conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE) shows that the state of Paraiba is the fourth placed in figures, the resident population aged 60 and over1. In the
same study, it is also reported that in 2020 the Brazilian will be the
sixth country with respect to the elderly population of the planet1,
making it clear the concern of the society with the wellness and
health of the elderly2.
From all this problematization, the objective of this study was to
verify whether there are significant differences between the values
of stature and corporal mass measured and found from the equations of prediction proposed by Chumlea et al. 10,11.
The sedentary lifestyle, excessive time in bed and other factors,
such as falls, can drop significantly the autonomy of elderly, leading him to a low quality of life, away from the coexistence in
society, characterizing a social death before death biological3.
The sample of this study was composed of 30 (thirty) with older age
of 66.6 ± 6.68 years, which they have enrolled in the Academy
Corpore, in the city of Joao Pessoa-PB, in the months of March,
April and May of 2007. All signed a term of free and informed
consent on procedures involving the present study, following
resolution of the National Health Council in the law 196/96
with the protocol approving the ethics committee of the UCB-RJ
under nº 126/06.
What can soften the low quality of life, including helping to boost
it, in addition to improved self-esteem, resulting in greater autonomy for the elderly, are practiced physical exercises regularly,
particularly those with features aerobic and recreational4,5,6,7.
For a program of physical activity may be prescribed in an appropriate manner and are tracked its results, it is necessary to
conduct a general assessment and among the items evaluated,
are the stature and corporal mass, as are two basic components
of a anthropometric assessment and serve as allowance for various
equations for predicting corporal composition.
In some cases, the level of autonomy of the elderly is so low that
it is impractical to estimative the measures of corporal mass and
height. Due to the frequency of this situation, were created equations to predict both the stature as the body weight of the elderly,
for the solution of this problem8,9.
In Brazil still no reference values for elderly with regard to data that
can provide anthropometry, forcing the studies that are conducted
with elderly, which make use of anthropometry to use international
benchmarks as a basis for classification9.
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 153, May/Jun 2007
In act of enrolment in college the person was informed that the
search was being conducted, then was made the invitation to
participate in the study as voluntary. With the accepted elderly
marked up the assessment, as is done with all individuals falling
in gym where the study was conducted. However, this assessment
specifically, the necessary measures were added to the calculation
of prediction equations of corporal mass and height, which are:
Corporal mass11 = [1.27 x CP] + [0.87 x length of the leg] +
[0.98 x CB] + [0.4 x PCSE] – 62.35
where CP is the circumference of the calf, CB is the circle of arms
and PCSE is the sub scapular skin fold; and
Height10= [1.83 x length of the leg] – [0.24 x age] + 84.88.
Evaluations were performed in dependencies of the Corpore
Academy, in the morning or afternoon and was always asked the
participants to maintain their dietary habits.
Table 1. average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum for the variables measured corporal mass (MCM) and estimated corporal
mass (ECM)
standard deviation
Table 2. average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum for the variables measured height (MH) and estimated height (EH)
standard deviation
Table 3. results of the tests t of Student and r of Pearson between the variables measured corporal mass (MCM) and estimated corporal
mass (ECM), and measured height (MH) and estimated height (EH).
MH and EH
t of Student
The material used was a stadiometer Brand Sanny with accuracy
of 1cm, non-elastic tape measure with accuracy of 1mm of the
same brand, a adipometer scientific, also of the mark Sanny,
with accuracy of 1 mm and a digital scale of the mark accurately
Tanita , 100g.
The statistical used was, first of character description, through the
calculation of mean and standard deviation, and then was given
the normality of the sample using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Then,
we used the test t Student to investigate whether the differences
were significant and the r the Pearson to determine the correlation
between variables.
In table 1 are shown the average, standard deviation, the minimum and maximum of variable corporal mass, both measured
as predicted.
In table 2 are shown the average, standard deviation, the minimum
and maximum of variable corporal mass, both measured as
Table 3 show the results the t of Student and r of Pearson in the
variables corporal mass and height.
The results of this study indicate that both the height as the corporal
mass can be verified through the equations of Chumlea10,11 for
the sample, because no significant difference was found and was
shown a correlation between variables.
However, the work of Rabito et al.12 were found, both in height
and in corporal mass, significant differences. What can explain
this contradiction between the results is the difference in the
composition of the sample, because if differ both in gender and
in quantity. The research presented here was composed only of
elderly females (n = 30), different from the work of Rabito, made
with elderly of both genders (n = 368).
r of Pearson
However, the study of Sampaio et al. 13 also found statistically
significant differences, and the reasons for divergence of these
results with those presented in this study are also related to the
sample, as well as the research cited above.
Likewise, Leary et al.14 in their study also found significant differences between corporal mass and height, measured and predicted.
In this case, the sample was composed of 30 elderly of both
genders, which might explain the opposition in the findings.
In the study, Mendonça-Núnes et al.15, in which the sample was
composed of 736 individuals (550 women), there were statistically
significant differences in the two variables. In theirs discussion,
they argue that the result is due to the fact of the equations of
Chumlea10,11 have been developed for a population of different
used in its study. However, this study also has individuals with
quite different characteristics of the study which were developed
in the equation, and even then, no significant differences were
Still, studies de Menezes & Marucci9 and Acuña & Cruz16 recommend the use of this equation when it is not possible to assess
the variables height and corporal mass so direct, because of the
elderly is without condition to lift the bed, and this situation the
only in which they can use the prediction.
Although studies can be found, such as Peixoto et al.17, Fonseca et
al. 18 and Silveira et al.19, which validated the use of corporal mass
and height informed by assessed and can therefore be made with
many epidemiological studies of individuals with only application
of a questionnaire, and it is this kind of work that, according
Peixoto et al.17, is the most found in the literature17. Meanwhile,
none of these studies had a sample of just elderly.
It follows then that in the equations of Chumlea10,11, compared
with the measurements obtained so direct, there were no statistically significant differences, and can thus be used for that sample,
even with other studies12,13,14,15 showing conflicting results with this
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 154, May/Jun 2007
work, as discussed above, there are differences regarding the
constitution of the samples.
7. Pieron M. Estilo de vida, prática de atividades físicas e esportivas, qualidade de vida.
Fit Perf J. 2004;3(1):10-18.
8. Sampaio LR. Nutritional evaluation and ageing. Rev nutr. 2004;17(4):507-514.
The limitations of this study were: the sample size; sample of just
one genre, and the equations in question has been validated for
a population of a country different from what was investigated.
On completion of that presented here, has been by suggestions:
propose studies with a larger sample and with both sexes, and
the data obtained develop equations for predicting the height and
corporal mass, to be a more accurate tool for this population.
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Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 155, May/Jun 2007

Height and corporal mass measured and predicted through the