Isovalent Doping of Structure Type Inverse Spinel: an Analysis of the Structural Effect of Cr(III) Insertion at High Levels Via Rietveld Method J. A. Sobrinho1, A. C. S. Silva2, C. Polini1, S. Lanfredi1, M. A. L. Nobre1, A. M. Pires1 1 FCT, Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil 2 IQAr, Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil Zn7Sb2O12 crystallizes in the cubic structure of type inverse spinel. This host structure can compose solid solutions with a large quantities and broad variety of cations. As an example, cations chromium are one of the most influential cations on the microstructural evolution of ZnO varistors [1]. In specific, the insertion of Cr(III) at Zn7Sb2O12 is of great interest, since Cr(III) exhibits 3d electrons providing strong interaction with crystalline lattice via crystalline field. The aim of this work is to apply the Rietveld method refinement using the program FullProf as a further analysis tool of the influence of the doping with Cr(III). The crystalline stability of the spinel under doping with 2 to 10% of Cr(III) was evaluated. Solid solutions were prepared from Pechini modified method [2]. Experimental XDR patterns for the samples with different doping levels were analyzed taking into account original parameters listed in JCPDS card 74-1858. The refinement procedure was carried out for the unit cell parameters and FWHM (full-width-at-half-maximum). Both RWP and REXP parameters indicate a good agreement between observed and calculated profiles. There is a decreasing of cell parameters and by consequence the volume cell, as a function of increase of doping fraction suggesting a retraction of the unit cell, which may be related to the effect size of cation and/or stabilizing champ. Furthermore, from the curves of FWHM versus POSN (position of 2 for each diffraction line) graphics, shows in Fig. 1, the 2% doped sample, with no minor phase, seems has the smallest crystallite size. At both doping levels with 8 and 10%, the ZnSb2O6 phase was also observed, have similar profiles, 0,20 Cr(III) 2 at. % Cr(III) 4 at. % being that one doped with 10% have smaller 0,18 Cr(III) 8 at. % Cr(III) 10 at. % crystallite size. The undoped sample and 0,16 Zn Sb O sample doped with 2% show similar curve 0,14 shape, but the doped one having the smallest 0,12 crystallite size and the undoped one presenting 0,10 secondary phase formation. Summarizing, 0,08 XRD confirmed that powders exhibit two 0,06 types of symmetry. Zn7Sb2O12 phase with 0 20 40 60 80 100 POSN (2 - degree) cubic symmetry occurs for all samples, Fig.1: Graphs of HW(full-width-at-half-maximum) (half-width) versus POSNversus (hkl positions) Fig.1: Graphs of FWHM POSN (hkl positions) however the undoped one shows the formation of β-Zn7Sb2O12 orthorhombic phase as well and the solid solutions doped with 8 and 10% also have the ZnSb2O6 one, both as minor phases. The last phase, ZnSb2O6, seems an effect of the occupation of octahedral Zn(II) sites. On the other hand, the ones doped with 2 at% and 4 at% show exclusively Zn7Sb2O12 phase. The addition of Cr(III) actuates on the non-isotropic contraction of the unit cell that trigger change of symmetry. 2 12 FWHM 7 Keywords: Chromium(III) , Inverse Spinel, Rietveld Refinement. Work supported by FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq. [1] Inada, M. Japonese Journal of Applied Physics, 1978, 17, 1. [2] Silva, A. C. S. Souza, G. G. Nobre, M. A. L. Pires, A. M. Journal of Material Science. 45, 4216, (2010). E-mail: [email protected]. Address: P. O. Box 467, 19060-900, Presidente Prudente, SP.