Company Registry (NIRE): 33.3.0027843-5
Corporate Taxpayers’ ID (CNPJ/MF): 07.859.971/0001-30
HELD ON MAY 28, 2010
DATE, TIME AND VENUE: Held on May 28, 2010, at 2:30 p.m., at the Company‟s
headquarters at Praça Quinze de Novembro, 20, 10º andar, sala 1003 (parte), Centro, in the city
and state of Rio de Janeiro.
CALL NOTICE AND ATTENDANCE: The formalities of the call notice having been
complied with, the Board of Directors‟ Meeting, on this date, was attended by the
following sitting members: Messrs. Djalma Bastos de Morais, Cristiano Correa de Barros,
Isacson Casiuch, Carlos Roberto Cafareli, Ernesto Paulo da Silva Nunes, Elemar José Heck,
Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho, Jarbas Antônio de Biagi, Luiz Carlos da Silva Cantídio
Júnior, Pedro Grossi, and Maurício Luís Luchetti; and, alternate members, Carlos Massaru
Takahashi, Eliana Soares da Cunha Castello Branco, Marcelo Hudik Furtado de Albuquerque
and Gustavo Pinheiro Guimarães Padilha.
PRESIDING: Mr. Djalma Bastos de Morais chaired the meeting, in accordance with the
Bylaws, inviting Mr. Ari Cesar Paiva de Almeida to act as secretary.
AGENDA: To Resolve on: (i) the opening of the Company‟s branch offices and; (ii) the
issue of Debentures by the Company for up to R$ 600,000,000.00.
RESOLUTIONS TAKEN: After discussing the matters on the agenda, the Board members
decided, unanimously and without any restriction, to:
(i) authorize the opening of the Company‟s branch offices at the following addresses:
Federal District
QI nº 616, Conj. 2, lotes 23 e 24 (parte) - Centro - Brasília - DF - CEP 72322-800
Brasília - DF - Edifício Casablanca
Q SHC S EQ 114/115, Conj. A, Bloco 1 Nº 41 - Salas 1,2,3,4,19,20,21 e 22 (parte)
Asa Sul - Brasília - DF - CEP 70377-400
SE Samambaia
Rod BR 280 S/N km 10 (parte) - Recanto das Emas - Cidade Satélite Samambaia Brasília - DF - CEP 72600-970
State of Goiás
Escritório Minaçu
Avenida Goiás s/n, lotes 07 e 09, qd 141 (parte), Centro - Minaçu – GO - CEP 76450000
SE Serra da Mesa
RDV Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/As Rod. GO 241, km 37 S/N (parte a) - Usina de
Serra da Mesa
Estrada de Minaçu de Serra da Mesa - Minaçu - GO -CEP 76450-000
SE Serra da Mesa
Rodovia GO 241, km 37 S/Nº (parte b), Estrada Minaçu / Serra da Mesa - Zona Rural Minaçu - GO - CEP 76450-000
SE Serra da Mesa II
AC Rodovia GO 132, km 36 S/N (parte) - Zona Rural - Colinas do Sul - GO - CEP
State of Tocantins
Rua Ademar Vicente Ferreira, 2570 (parte) - Setor Senador - Araguaina - TO- CEP
Paraiso do Tocantins - Depósito
Avenida Leste Oeste s/nº Galpão (parte) - Setor Agroindustrial - Paraiso do Tocantins
- CEP 77600-000
SE Gurupi
Rodovia TO 280, km 3,5 (parte) - Zona Rural - Gurupi - TO - CEP 77410-380
SE Miracema
Rodovia TO 342, km 6 (parte) - Zona Rural - Miracema do Tocantins - TO - CEP
SE Colinas
Rodovia BR 153, km 220 (parte) - Zona Rural - Colinas do Tocantins - TO – CEP
State of Maranhão - Billing
Rua Bahia, 1315 (parte) - Jardim Três Poderes - Imperatriz - MA - CEP 65901-330
SE Imperatriz
Rod BR 010 s/nº - km 1.360 (parte) - Lagoa Verde - Imperatriz - MA - CEP 65903-140
State of Bahia
Escritório Bom Jesus da Lapa - Escritório
Rua Anísio Teixeira, 37, Lotes 171,172 e 173 Quadra 18 (parte) - Amaralina - Bom
Jesus da Lapa - BA - CEP 47600-000
SE Bom Jesus da Lapa I
Rodovia BR 430 - s/nº - km 5 (parte) - Zona Rural - Bom Jesus da Lapa - BA - CEP
SE Bom Jesus da Lapa II - Depósito
Rodovia BR 430 s/nº - km 10,1 (parte) - Zona Rural - Bom Jesus da Lapa - BA - CEP
SE Rio das Éguas
Rodovia BR 020 s/nº - km 11 (parte) - Zona Rural - Correntina - BA - CEP 47650-000
SE Ibiocara
Rodovia BA 900 s/nº - km 3 (parte) - Rodovia de Acesso a Ibicoara - Ibiocara - BA CEP 46760-000
SE Sapeaçu - Depósito
Fazenda Touro S/N (parte) - Mandassaia - Sapeaçu - BA - CEP 44530-000
SE Sapeaçu II
Fazenda Touro S/N - Parte B (parte) - Mandassaia - Sapeaçu - BA - CEP 44530-000
SE Camaçari
Rodovia BA 93, km 26 s/nº (parte) - Subestação de Camaçari II - Zona Rural - Dias
D'Avila - BA - CEP 42850-000
State of Pernambuco
SE Gtesa
Rod. PE 62 - km 10 s/nº (parte) - Fazenda Patrimônio - Condado - PE - CEP 55940000
State of Rio Grande do Norte
SE Patesa
Rod. BR 226 - km 110 s/nº - Zona Rural - Santa Cruz - RN - CEP 59200-000
Patesa - Escritório
Av. Trairi, 19 (parte)- Centro - Santa Cruz - RN - CEP 59200-000
State of São Paulo
SE Assis
Rua Benjamin Constant nº 33 - Conjunto 51,52 e 53 (parte) - Centro - Assis - SP - CEP
The Board of Executive Officers is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute the
necessary agreements to carry out the above-mentioned resolution.
(ii) approve: 1) the issue by the Company of non-convertible, unsecured debentures in up to 2
series, for public distribution, with the following characteristics: a) maximum amount of
R$600,000,000.00; b) the proceeds from the debenture issue will be used to pay in full the 550
promissory notes of the Company‟s 3rd issue which were publicly distributed at the unit face
value of R$1,000,000.00, issued on October 27, 2009, in the total amount of R$550,000,000.00
and maturing on October 22, 2010, as well as Issue-related costs. The balance, if any, will be
used as working capital; c) the remuneration will be interest on the unit face value of the
Debentures of the First Series, corresponding to the accumulated percentage variation in the
average daily rate of the Interbank Deposit (DI) rate, „extra group‟, calculated and published
daily by CETIP (the OTC clearing house) in its website (, capitalized
by a spread or surcharge, to be defined in accordance with the Book Building Procedure, limited
to 1.40% per year of 252 business days, starting from the date of issue or of the payment of the
interest immediately before the effective payment of the First Series Debentures (“Interest of
First Series”); d) the unit face value of the Second Series Debentures will be restated, as of the
issue date, by the variation of the Extended Consumer Price Index (IPCA), calculated and
published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE (“Restatement of
Second Series”), with the result of the restatement of the Second Series automatically added to
the unit face value; e) the Second Series Debentures will be entitled to interest to be defined in
accordance with the Book Building Procedure, subject to a maximum of 1.40% p.a. plus the
average of the annual rates published by the Brazilian Capital Markets Association (ANBIMA)
for National Treasury Notes, B series (NTN-B), maturing on May 15, 2015. The average will be
calculated in the 5 days prior to the Book Building date. The final interest rate to be used to
calculate the Interest Rate of the Second Series will be on the unit face value of the Second
Series Debentures, calculated on a pro rata temporis basis for a year of 252 business days
starting from the issue date ("Interest of Second Series"); f) the unit face value of the
Debentures will be amortized in 3 annual installments, starting from the third year after the
issue date; g) the Interest on First and Second Series will be paid annually, starting from the
issue date; h) the Debentures will be registered for trading on the secondary market through (i)
SND – National Debenture Module, administrated and operated by CETIP, with all trades
settled and the Debentures held in custody by CETIP, and (ii) the BOVESPAFIX system,
administrated and operated by BM&FBOVESPA S.A.– Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e
Futuros, with all trades settled and the Debentures held in custody by BM&FBOVESPA; and,
2) the Board of Executive Officers to negotiate and execute the necessary agreements to
carry out the above-mentioned resolution. Immediately thereafter, the Board of Directors
approved the submission of the debenture issue proposal for approval by the Company‟s Annual
and Extraordinary Shareholders‟ Meeting.
PRESENTATIONS: After deliberating on the agenda, the Board members watched the
presentations by the Board of Executive Officers on the following subjects: (i) main aspects of
the new transmission auction to be held by ANEEL (Auction 001/2010 – ANEEL); and (ii) new
business opportunities (First Project).
CLOSURE: There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting was
adjourned and these minutes were drawn up, read, approved and signed by all present.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Djalma Bastos de Morais
Ari Cesar Paiva de Almeida
Sitting Members:
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Djalma Bastos de Morais
Pedro Grossi Júnior
This page is part of the minute s of the Meeting of the Board of Directors ofTransmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A.
held on May 28, 2010
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Cristiano Correa de Barros
Isacson Casiuch
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Carlos Roberto Cafareli
Ernesto Paulo da Silva Nunes
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Elemar José Heck
Jarbas Antônio de Biagi
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Luiz Carlos da Silva Cantídio Júnior
Maurício Luís Luchetti
Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho
Alternate Members:
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Eliana Soares da Cunha Castello Branco
Carlos Massaru Takahashi
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Marcelo Hudik Furtado de Albuquerque
Gustavo Pinheiro Guimarães Padilha.