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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Atmospheric Research 116 (2012) 130–133 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Atmospheric Research journal homepage: Time-intervals between negative lightning strokes and the creation of new ground terminations Marco Antonio da Silva Ferro a,⁎, Marcelo Magalhães Fares Saba b, 1, Osmar Pinto Jr. b, 1 a b IAE, Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Atmospheric Science Division, Praça Marechal Eduardo Gomes, 50, Vila das Acácias, ZIP: 12228–904, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil INPE, National Institute for Space Research, Atmospheric Electricity Group; Av. dos Astronautas, 1758, Caixa Postal 515, 12201-970, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19 September 2011 Received in revised form 15 March 2012 Accepted 21 March 2012 Keywords: Lightning New channels Channel conditioning Interstroke time interval a b s t r a c t On average, negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes produce 3 to 5 return strokes, and a new ground termination is produced when any stroke after the first strikes the ground in a different place. In order to understand better the physical factors that affect the formation of new ground terminations, high-speed digital video cameras with time-resolutions and exposure times ranging from 125 μs (8000 frames per second) to 2 ms (500 frames per second) were used to record images of cloud-to-ground lightning in southern and southeastern Brazil and southern Arizona (USA), between February 2003 and September 2007. Some relevant information regarding the formation of new channels was obtained from the analysis of the previous interstroke time intervals and the number of previous strokes following the same path to ground. Although most of the subsequent strokes tend to follow the previously formed channel, this tendency is not observed in the second stroke (that is, the first subsequent stroke). 52% of the new channels occur in the second stroke. Contrary to what it was generally assumed in some past studies (Kitagawa et al., 1962; Malan, 1956; Rakov and Uman, 1990; Rakov et al., 1994; Winn et al., 1973), the formation of a new channel stroke is not clearly dependent on the interstroke interval that precedes it. In general, most of the new channels occur after a single usage of the channel and in these cases the previous interstroke time interval is not an important parameter. However, when the channel is used more than once, a new channel occurs mostly after a long interstroke interval. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Most negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes produce multiple strokes, and typically about half of these flashes strike the ground in more than one place. The average number of strike points per CG flash is in the range of 1.45 to 1.70, and the observed maximum number of strike points in one flash is 6 (Rakov et al., 1994; Saba et al., 2006; Valine and Krider, 2002). In recent decades several hypotheses have been proposed for reasons that define the leader's choice ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 12–3947 4553; fax: +55 12 3947 4551. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.A.S. Ferro), [email protected] (M.M.F. Saba), [email protected] (O. Pinto). 1 Tel.: + 55 12 3945 6768; fax: + 55 12 3945 6810. 0169-8095/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.03.010 between following the previously-formed channel or creating a new termination on the ground. Brook et al. (1962) suggested that a small, steady current flowing in the lightning channel during the interstroke period might be necessary to maintain a level of ionization sufficient to allow a dart leader to traverse the previous stroke's path. Later, Uman and Voshall (1968) suggested that the temperature decay in the lightning channel is sufficiently slow so that appreciable temperature and electrical conductivity exist in the lightning channel tens of milliseconds after the effective current cessation. Kitagawa et al. (1962) found that when the preceding interstroke time interval was shorter than 100 ms, a subsequent stroke could follow the same channel. If the interstroke interval was longer than 100 ms, a subsequent stroke, if any, would always be initiated by a stepped-leader, thus establishing a different path to ground. Author's personal copy M.A.S. Ferro et al. / Atmospheric Research 116 (2012) 130–133 131 Winn et al. (1973) reported new channel occurrence with a preceding time interval shorter than 100 ms and suggested that the redistribution of charge by a return stroke might increase the local electric field inside the cloud and cause a completely new leader to form. Rakov and Uman (1990) and Rakov et al. (1994) reported no changes in channel geometry after strokes of order 4 in their data set, so an unalterable path to ground is apparently established after at least four consecutive strokes down the same channel. They also reported that although 22 subsequent strokes (out of 115) had a preceding time interval longer than 100 ms (without evidence of a long continuing current) no new terminations on the ground were observed in these cases, contrary to what was predicted by Kitagawa et al. (1962). Krehbiel (1981) showed evidences that abrupt changes in the cloud's electric field could cause a “cut off” of the channel current, leaving a residual negative charge at about 1 km above the ground. This residual charge would then be responsible for the deviation of the next leader to a completely new path to ground. Shao et al. (1995) described one flash that produced “negative partial channels,” or attempted leaders propagating downward in the original channel, and being deviated near the region where the current was cut off. Mazur et al. (1995) also suggested that the negative charge associated with the current cut off and the development of attempted leaders may play a significant role in altering the geometry of the negative leaders that initiate new paths to ground. Although Mazur et al. (1995), Valine and Krider (2002) and Saba et al. (2006) confirmed the observation made by Rakov et al. (1994) that the probability of creation of a new channel decreases drastically when the order of the stroke increases, some of them reported the occurrence of new channels in strokes of an order greater than five (Ferro et al., 2009). They also observed a high percentage of new channels created after there had been just one stroke in the previous channel. This study analyzes when the interstroke time interval is an important factor in the formation of a new channel in multiple-stroke flashes. study. Flashes with channels that were obscured by precipitation, the terrain, or that were too diffuse were discarded. Only flashes with different grounding contacts for different strokes were analyzed. Branching that occurs during the leader propagation and which may create “forked strokes” when simultaneously touching the ground (Ballarotti et al., 2005; Kong et al., 2009) or “root branching”, i.e. branches that occur only at distance of from 20 to 50 meters from the ground, (Schonland et al., 1935) is not a part of this study. In order to determine the stroke polarity, we used data from two Vaisala lightning location systems, BrasilDAT, in Brazil, and the NLDN, in the United States. More information on the characteristics of these networks are provided by Pinto et al. (2006) and Orville (2008), Cummins and Murphy (2009) and Stall et al. (2009), respectively. GPS time-synchronization was used to match strokes between cameras and networks (to an accuracy better than 1 ms). A flash was considered to have negative polarity if all the detected strokes had negative polarity. 2. Instrumentation and data collection techniques Table 1 shows geometric mean (GM) values for interstroke time intervals preceding subsequent strokes that remained in a PEC and for intervals preceding subsequent strokes that produced an NGC. Results from two past studies are also shown for comparison. It is important to observe in Table 1 that the interval sample size for strokes producing an NGC has increased significantly in this study on previous ones. Saba et al. (2006) used a sample of NGC strokes that was nearly 2.5 times larger than the sample used by Rakov et al. (1994), whereas in the A RedLake MotionScope 8000S high-speed digital video camera (at 1000 frames per second) was used to record images of CG flashes in southern Brazil between December 2006 and March 2007. In August 2007 this camera, along with a Photron PCI-512 high-speed digital camera (at 4000 to 8000 frames per second), was used to record several flashes in Tucson, Arizona. The high-speed video images were GPS time-stamped and stored in the cameras until a signal was received from an external source and the trigger point could be set to determine how many video frames were read out before the event of interest. Each trigger pulse was initiated manually by an operator when a flash was observed within the camera's field-of-view. The spatial separation that was resolved by the cameras was 2 to 60 m for flashes occurring at distances of 1 to 30 km from the cameras. For more details on the operation and accuracy of high-speed cameras for lightning observations, see Saba et al. (2006). A sub-set of 186 negative CG flashes containing at least one stroke following a new channel to ground was used for this 3. Results and discussion Out of 736 subsequent strokes contained in 186 selected flashes, 291 (40%) produced a new ground contact (NGC), and 445 remained in a pre-existing channel (PEC). Subsequent strokes occurring after a new channel that returned to a previously used channel (21 out of 736) were considered PEC. In the group of 291 strokes that produced an NGC, 83% (242) occurred immediately after an initial stroke – that is, the first stroke down a given channel, as defined by Krehbiel et al. (1979) and Mazur et al. (1995) – and 17% (49) occurred after two or more had traversed the previous channel. The following sections analyze the influence of the preceding interval, the stroke order, and the number of strokes in the previous channel, in order to investigate the role of the time interval in the new channel formation process. 3.1. Relation between new channel formation and preceding interstroke interval Table 1 Statistics for interstroke time intervals that precede subsequent PEC and NGC. Subsequent PEC NGC All (PEC and NGC) This work Saba et al. (2006) Rakov et al. (1994) N GM, ms N GM, ms N GM, ms 445 291 736 62 66 64 253 101 354 60 68 61 232 38 270 56 92 60 Author's personal copy 132 M.A.S. Ferro et al. / Atmospheric Research 116 (2012) 130–133 study herein the sample of strokes producing an NGC is nearly 2.5 times larger than that used by Saba et al. (2006). Rakov et al. (1994) found a GM value for interstroke interval preceding strokes producing an NGC 53% greater than the GM value for all the intervals together. This percentage drops to only 12% in the subsequent work by Saba et al. (2006) and to 6% in the work herein. Note that as the sample size increases and becomes more statistically significant, the GM values for time intervals preceding an NGC tend to approach the typical GM values for the general interstroke interval. This fact means that although time interval may play a role in the creation of a new channel, it is probably not the predominant factor. 3.2. Relation between new channel formation and stroke order Since a conductive channel between the charge center in the cloud and the ground is established by a flash's first stroke, all subsequent strokes are expected to use the same path. However, this is true for only 50% of the negative CG flashes (Rakov and Uman, 1990; Saba et al., 2006). According to Rakov and Uman (1990), the reason second strokes have the greatest probability of creating new channels is related to the fact that the first stroke of the flash often does not create the conditions capable of supporting the propagation of the subsequent leader all the way to ground. They suggest that the multiplicity of strokes in one channel affects the chances of forming a new or altered channel. That is, the channel status depends on the number of strokes that conditioned the channel previously. In our study, out of 291 strokes producing an NGC, 140 (48%) were second strokes. Fig. 1 shows the distribution of strokes producing an NGC according to their stroke order. In line with past studies, our study shows that the percentage of subsequent leaders that create an NGC rapidly decreases when stroke order increases. 3.3. Relation between new channel formation and number of strokes in a previous channel Fig. 2. Occurrence of new channel formation in terms of the number of strokes in the previous channel. in the previous channel, 8 (6.8%) after two consecutive strokes have used the same channel, 2 (1.7%) after three, and 1 (0.9%) after four consecutive strokes have used the same channel. Valine and Krider (2002) also reported that 72% of the changes in channel geometry in their study occurred after there had been just one stroke in the previous channel. In our study, a total of 242 out of 291 (83%) changes in channel geometry occurred after there had been just one stroke in the previous channel, thus confirming that an unalterable path to ground does not usually occur after only one stroke (Fig. 2). However, one of the key results of the work herein comes from the analysis of the remaining 49 (17% of 291) cases. These 49 new channel events produced an NGC after 2 to 7 strokes repeatedly traversed the previous channel. Interestingly, the average interstroke time interval preceding these new channel events (119.8 ms) was about 3.5 times greater than the average interval between previous strokes that follow the same channel (34.4 ms) in the same data subset. These results are summarized in Table 2. Note that the interstroke interval GM value for PEC strokes in Table 2 is considerably lower than the general GM value for PEC strokes in Table 1. Therefore, the longer time that is required in these cases is probably due to the intense ionization of the previous channel caused both by the consecutive usage of the channel and the lower interstroke time between them (Table 2). 4. Summary Saba et al. (2006) observed that out of 117 new channels, 106 (90.6%) occurred after the occurrence of only one stroke This study found that when a statistically significant amount of data is analyzed, the time interval preceding the occurrence of a new channel tends to approach the typical interstroke interval mean value. This study observed that 83% of new channels occurred following the first stroke down a given channel. Thus, it corroborates that after only one stroke an unalterable path to ground is not usually established. Only 17% of the new channels occur when more than one return stroke goes down the same channel. For the remaining 17% of new channel events, a longer Table 2 Interstroke time interval between strokes using a PEC and interstroke time interval preceding a NGC after two or more strokes down the same channel for a same subset of flashes. Fig. 1. Distribution of new channel strokes according to their stroke order. The numbers on the bars represent the number of strokes. Interstroke time interval N GM, ms Between strokes remaining in a PEC Preceding a NGC after two or more strokes in the same channel 78 49 34.4 119.8 Author's personal copy M.A.S. Ferro et al. / Atmospheric Research 116 (2012) 130–133 preceding interval (about 3.5 times greater than the average interval between previous strokes that follow the same channel in the same data subset) is an important factor in new channel formation. 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