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Indigenous Tupinikins and Guaranis demand the demarcation and
recognition of their invaded land, Aracruz, Espírito Santo
The indigenous Tupinikins and Guaranis in the state of Espírito Santo demand the official
demarcation and recognition of their land, which they demarcated themselves between the 17th
and the 20th of May 2005. The land had been occupied by the company Aracruz Celulose for
eucalyptus plantations decades back. Since 1979, the indigenous Tupinikins and Guaranis have
been trying to recover it. In 1998, the indigenous communities were forced to accept an
agreement with the company, after the federal government had arbitrarily demarcated only
7,061 hectares of the whole land. The technical team of the National Indigenous Foundation
(FUNAI), as well as the Federal Public Ministry proved, however, that an additional 11,008
hectares have to be officially given back to these indigenous peoples. Since May the indigenous
peoples have been waiting for the official demarcation and recognition of 18,070 hectares.
This demarcation and recognition is essential for the fulfillment of the right to food of the
indigenous communities of this region. Please, send a formal letter to the Justice Minister,
Márcio Thomaz Bastos, and to the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,
demanding the subscription of the demarcation and the recognition of the land of the
Tupinikins and Guaranis. Please, send a copy to the support organization FASE-ES.
The state of Espírito Santo has continuously violated the human rights of descendants from
African slaves (Quilombolas) as well as small peasants and indigenous communities like the
Tupinikins and the Guaranis: The company Aracruz Celulose S.A., established in the state
since the 60s, has been taking away the lands of the indigenous peoples, the Quilombolas and
small peasants for the exploitation of eucalyptus monoculture. This arbitrary expansion of
eucalyptus in the state is based on the take-over by Aracruz of the best soils in the state, thus
causing both the impoverishment of the neighboring communities and the rural exodus.
Aracruz Celulose is nowadays the world leader in the production of bleached eucalyptus pulp.
Within Brazil, it occupies more than 375,000 hectares, most of them used for the eucalyptus
culture at high scale. For this purpose, the company even has a private harbour to transport its
production. The main shareholders in the company are Lorentzen (Norway), Safra,
Votorantim and the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) of Brazil.
The intensive culture of eucalyptus carried out by Aracruz, both in the state of Espírito Santo
and in other Brazilian states, has led to the drying up of the rivers adjacent to peasant
properties in this region, which has hindered the access to water resources of these
communities. Moreover, in order to make sure that Aracruz’s factories are provided with
abundant water, the company diverts different rivers, which leads to accelerated erosion. The
dams erected on the rivers Comboios and Córrego have had a severe impact. As a result, the
indigenous lands are constantly flooded, water quality and fish quantity have decreased,
which used to be the basis for the indigenous peoples’ livelihoods.
In 1998, an unconstitutional decision was taken by the Minister of Justice, Íris Resende, who
only gave to the indigenous peoples 7,061 hectares out of the 18,070 hectares they are entitled
to. On May 20, 2005, the indigenous communities Tupinikins and Guaranis succeeded in
finishing the self-demarcation of the land that, according to the anthropological reports carried
out by the FUNAI in 1994 and 1998, belongs to them.
Such self-demarcation is a very important achievement, but, nevertheless, only a first step.
The legal possession of the land by the Tupinikins and Guaranis should be guaranteed and
their legitimate use of their territories should be recognised, so that the right to food of these
communities is fulfilled.
FIAN Mandate
Brazil is a State Party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(ICESCR) to the American Convention on Human Rights, the Protocol of San Salvador and
the ILO 169 Convention, and undertook, therefore, the obligation to respect, protect and fulfil
the human right to food of the indigenous peoples. Postponing the demarcation and
recognition of the land of the Tupinikins and the Guaranis prevents their access to their land
and to natural resources essential for their survival, thus violating the human right to feed
End of action: September 30, 2005
Ministro de la Justicia
Sr.Márcio Thomaz Bastos
Esplanada dos Ministérios,
Bloco T , 40. Andar
Ministério da Justiça,
70064.900- Brasilia- DF
Fax: 00-55- 61- 32244784
Presidente del Brasil
Sr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Palácio do Planalto
Praça dos 3 Poderes
70.150-900 – Brasília/DF
Fax: 00 55-61-34112222
Rua Graciano Neves, 377
2o. Pavimento - Centro
29015.330 - Vitória - ES
Fax: 00-55-27-3223-7436
E-mail: [email protected]
Translation of the proposed letter:
Honorable Mr. Márcio Thomaz Bastos,
I am very concerned about the situation suffered by the indigenous Tupinikim and Guarani communities in the municipality
of Aracruz (ES), whose land was occupied for the plantation of eucalyptus by the company Aracruz Celulose. So far, the
Brazilian Government has only demarcated 7,061 hectares, which excludes the areas occupied by the company. According to
anthropological reports from the FUNAI, these indigenous communities are entitled to 18,070 hectares. The struggle of the
Tupinikins and Guaranis for a new land demarcation is being accompanied and supported nationally and internationally,
since the land rights of the indigenous are guaranteed in the Brazilian Constitution and also in various agreements and
conventions, such as the ILO 169 Convention.
Brazil is State Party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and is, therefore, duty-bound
under international law to protect and fulfil the right to adequate food of these indigenous communities. Access to land and to
territory is a prime condition for the indigenous communities to realize, in a sustainable way and in dignity, their right to
I would kindly like to ask you, Honorable Minister, to urgently adopt the recommendations of the Federal Public Ministry,
regarding the new recognition and demarcation of the indigenous land of the Tupinikim and Guarani in Espírito Santo, which
amounts to 18,070 hectares, according to the conclusions of the Working Groups 0783/94 and 087/98 of the FUNAI.
Please, keep me informed of any measure you may take in this regard.
Ministro da Justiça
Sr. Márcio Thomaz Bastos
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T , 40. Andar
Ministério da Justiça,
CEP 70064.900- Brasilia- DF
Fax: 00-55- 61- 224.4784
Excelentíssimo Ministro Márcio Thomaz Bastos
Estou muito preocupado com a situação das comunidades indígenas Tupinikim e Guarani, no
município de Aracruz (ES), que tiveram uma parte de suas terras invadidas pela empresa Aracruz
Celulose para o plantio do eucalipto. Até hoje, o governo brasileiro demarcou como terra indígena
apenas 7.061 hectares, excluindo do território indígena as áreas invadidas pela empresa. Segundo
laudos antropológicos da FUNAI, porém, as comunidades indígenas têm direito a 18.070 hectares de
terra. A luta dos Tupinikins e Guaranis por uma nova demarcação de suas terras está sendo
acompanhada e apoiada nacional e internacionalmente, pois os direitos dos povos indígenas sobre suas
terras são garantidos na Constituição Brasileira e também por diversos tratados e convenções, como a
Convenção 169 da OIT.
Tomo a liberdade de escrever a Vossa Excelência, pois o Brasil é Estado Parte do Pacto Internacional
de Direitos Humanos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e,
desta forma, assumiu compromissos no âmbito do direito internacional de proteger e garantir o direito
à alimentação adequada dos povos indígenas. O acesso à terra e ao território é condição primordial
para que as comunidades indígenas possam realizar, de forma sustentável e digna, seu direito à
Solicito respeitosamente que vossa Excelência atenda urgentemente às recomendações feitas pelo
Ministério Público Federal no sentido de editar novos atos de reconhecimento, demarcação e posterior
urgente homologação das terras indígenas Tupinikim e Guarani no Espírito Santo, que totalizam
18.070 hectares, conforme as conclusões dos Grupos de Trabalho 0783/94 e 087/98 da FUNAI.
Por favor, mantenha-me informado das medidas que forem tomadas.
C.c: Presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva

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