Notice to the Market Renova Energia S.A. CNPJ nº 08.534.605/0001-74 NIRE 35.300.358.295 São Paulo, January 21st 2011 Renova Energia S.A. (RNEW11), the first company dedicated to renewable energy generation to be listed at Bovespa, informs that it received on January 21st 2011 a letter from its controlling shareholder, RR Participações S.A., referring to the sale of ownership interest in Renova Energia S.A. RR Participações S.A. informs that it sold 1,350,000 units, representing 3.031% of Renova Energia S.A. capital stock to Santa Barbara Fundo de Investimento em Participações (“FIP”) at a price of R$ 23.00 (twenty three reais) per unit, composed by 1 ordinary share and 2 preferred shares. It also informs that these units were acquired at Renova´s Initial Public Offering, which occurred on July 2010, and that the proceeds of the sale are to be used in liquidating the financing deal contracted with Banco Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. Furthermore, in what relates to the deal, a shareholders’ agreement was celebrated in which RR Participações S.A., as Renova´s controlling shareholder, committed to the following: (A) as long as FIP’s participation in Renova´s capital stock is below 5% (five per cent), (i) exercise the right to vote in order to secure Mr. Eduardo Munemori as a member of Renova´s Board of Directors until the end of the regular term, and (ii) vote favorably for the reelection of Mr. Eduardo Munemori in the following Renova´s general shareholders’ meetings, observing the terms of the Shareholders Agreement relating to previous reunions of the Board of Directors; and (B) as long as FIP’s participation is at or above 5% (five per cent) of Renova´s capital stock, vote favorably, in any of Renova´s general shareholders’ meeting, to the election of a board member appointed by FIP. Roberto Honczar CFO & IR Officer Renova Energia S.A. (RNEW11) Holding of a group founded in 2001 and listed on BOVESPA in July 2010, Renova is a Brazilian Electric Power Company, which generates solely through renewal resources such as wind farms and small hydro power plants. The company, sector reference and one of the pioneers in the segment in Brazil, has a commitment to best practices in corporate governance, sustainability and environmental preservation. Considerations referring to business perspectives, operating and financing estimates, and Renova Energia´s growth prospects, eventually expressed in this document, are only estimates and, as such, are based exclusively on company management in relation to the Company´s future business plans. Future estimates are based in current knowledge, the Company assumptions and estimates, which are based on information available to the Company. These Company assumptions and estimates can be altered as a result of a variety of events and possible factors, which are not necessarily known by the Company. Contacts: Investor Relations: Media: Roberto Honczar Diretor Administrativo Financeiro e de RI Daniel Famano Gerente de Planejamento Financeiro [email protected] (11) 3569-6746 Inês Castelo Inê[email protected] Josy Alves [email protected] (11) 3093-3600