COMPLEX WOUNDS DESERVE INTELLIGENT PROTECTION A SILVESTRE ONCE AGAIN, LABS SILVESTRE MAIS UMA LABS,VEZ WITH SURPREENDE ITS PIONEERING O MERCADO SPIRIT,COM SURPRISES THE MARKET WITH AN UM PRODUTO INOVADOR. EMENT of t AC he PL ing ess dr RE INNOVATIVE PRODUCT. Download the QRcode in your mobile phone. *Box with 5 or 10 units of 10 x 10 cm. A REVOLUCIONARY PRODUCT THAT HELPS IN THE WOUND HEALING PROCESS. BENEFÍCIOS COLZEN ® BENEFITS OFDO COLZEN : : ® TREATMENT THE OS FOLLOWING WOUND TRATAMENTOTO PARA SEGUINTES TIPOSTYPES: DE FERIDAS: BURNS PRESSURE ULCERS CONFORMS TO THE CONTOURS OF THE WOUND; REDUCES THE BACTERIAL COLONIZATION; ALLOWS PROPER HUMIDITY EXCHANGE; LEG ULCERS DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS TRAUMATIC AND SURGICAL WOUNDS GRAFTING AREAS 3 IN 1 DRESSING TO COMPLEX WOUNDS Unique composition that offers 3 benefits in only one product OPTIMIZES THE HEALING PROCESS; (2,2%) DECREASES PAIN; EASY APPLICATION. Promotes granulation and epithelialization of the tissue. Controls the exudate, forming a gel that maintains the optimum humidity in the wound. Promotes immunomodulation and also has an antimicrobial effect. CDM no. 002/15 - 06/2015 COMPLEX WOUNDS DESERVE INTELLIGENT PROTECTION Collagen Type I, besides inducing the raise of wound resistance1, provides structural support for the formation of a new tissue and has an effect over the matrix, acting as a chemotactic1,2. Additionally, collagen may bind to and inactivate matrix metalloproteinases, excessively present in chronic ulcers and deleterious to tissue repair process. It provides granulation and epithelialization of the wound. The metal cerium has potent antimicrobial activity and low toxicity to mammalian cells2. Burkes & McCleskey3 demonstrated that cerium salts are toxic in vitro to bacteria and fungi. The mechanism of action by which cerium acts seems to be related to a change in the negatively charged bacterial cell wall, leading to migration and agglutination of microorganisms, with nucleic acids and formation of insoluble complex, as describes Monafo et al4. In addition to the aforementioned shares, cerium nitrate reduces alpha tumoral necrosis factor levels(TNF a), which is usually present in the fluids of chronic ulcers inhibiting cell proliferation, mainly of fibroblasts. Thus, cerium nitrate acts as an immunomodulator, promoting chronic ulcers repair. The addition of cerium nitrate in ColZen® formulation has a considerable local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect that can help reduce the length of stay and number of visits to hospital to perform dressings in leg ulcers 5. 2,2% Unlike what was believed in the past, today there is clear evidence that a dried wound will not heal as well as it will in a wet environment6,7,8. The benefits of a humid environment include the promotion of re-epithelialization, dermal repair and angiogenesis. However, excessive humidity can lead to maceration and hinder the wound healing process. The addition of humidity control agents with debriding action, as in the case of calcium alginate, adds the described properties to ColZen®. REFERENCES: 1- Hart J, Silcock D, Gunnigle S, Cullen B, Light ND, Watt PW: The role of oxidised regenerated cellulose/collagen in wound repair: effects in vitro on fibroblast biology and in vivo in a model of compromised healing. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2002 (34): 1557-1570. 2- Monafo L. The use of topical cerium nitrate-silver sulfadiazine in major burn Injuries. 1983; Panminerva Medica - v. 25: 151-154. 3- Burkes S & McCleskey CS. The bacteriostatic activity of cerium, lanthanum, and thalium. J Bacteriology 1947. 54: 417-425. 4- Monafo WW, Tandon SN, Ayvazian VH, Tuchshmidt J, Skinner AM, Deitz F. Cerium nitrate: A new topical antiseptic for extensive burns. Surgery 1976; 80, p. 465-473. 5- Herberger K, Rustembach SJ, Grams L, Munter KC, Schafer E, Augustin M. Quality-of-care for leg ulcers in the metropolitan area of Hamburg – a communitybased study. J European Acad Dermatol 2012; 26: 495-502. 6- Frade MAC, Assis RVC, Coutinho-Netto J, Andrade TAM, Foss NT. Biomembrana vegetal na cicatrização de úlceras venosas crônicas. An Bras Dermatol 2012; 87 (1): 45-51. 7- Mendez MV, Raffeto JD, Phillips TJ, Menzonian JO, Park HY. The proliferative capacity of neonatal skin fibroblasts is reduced after exposure to venous ulcer wound fluid: A potential mechanism for senescence in venous ulcers. J Vasc Surg 1999; 30: 734-43. 8- Deveci et al: Effects of cerium nitrate bathing and prompt burn wound excision on Il-6 and TNFa Levels in Burned Rats. Burns 2000, 26:41-5. Silvestre Labs Química e Farmacêutica Ltda. Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 791, Bio-Rio, Cidade Universitária – Ilha do Fundão CEP: 21.941-904 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ – Brazil – Phone: +55 21 2142-7777 – Fax: +55 21 2142-7734 – CNPJ 33.019.548/0001-32 | | Contact us: [email protected]