Group of Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Neurocomputing - ICONE
Prof. Dr. Emilio Del Moral Hernandez
Clodis Boscarioli
Eduardo Akira Kinto
Edson Caoru Kitani
Humberto Sandmann
Itamar Magno Barbosa
Leandro Augusto da Silva
Priscila Braga Calíope
Julio Cesar Saldaña Pumarica
Emilio Del Moral Hernandez
Clodis Boscarioli
Eduardo Akira Kinto
Edson Caoru Kitani
Humberto Sandmann
Itamar Magno Barbosa
Leandro Augusto da Silva
Priscila Braga Calíope
Julio Cesar Saldaña Pumarica
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(option members)
Link for the CNPq Directory:
Link for the Academic Department:
About the Group:
General Description
This Research Group, which is listed in the CNPq Research Groups database (CNPq – the Brazilian
National Council for Research and the Technological Development), is part of the Laboratory of
Integrated Systems Laboratory at EPUSP (Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo),
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering. The main areas of teaching and research of the
group include Computational Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, Modeling, Pattern
Recognition, Datamining, Nonlinear Systems and Chaotic Dynamics applied to Artificial Neural
Networks, Digital Signal Processing and Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits.
Current research works include:
Development of novel neural architectures combining different classic neural architectures
Development of neural architectures with nodes that exhibit bifurcation and chaos
Electronic Implementation of model neurons with bifurcation and chaotic dynamics
Nonlinear phenomena modeling
Artificial Neural Networks applied to pattern recognition and automatic classification
Decision support systems
Datafusion in multisensor environmental applications and medical applications
Other areas of interest of the ICONE group are:
Fuzzy Logic
Genetic Algorithms
Statistical Classification
Students, Researchers and Collaborators
Ph.D. Students
Clodis Boscarioli
Eduardo Akira Kinto
Edson Caoru Kitani
Humberto Sandmann
Itamar Magno Barbosa
Leandro Augusto da Silva
Priscila Braga Calíope
M.Sc. Student
Julio César Saldaña Pumarica
Antonio Pedro Timoszczuk
Renan Wesley Farinazzo Vitral
Renato José Sassi
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Chaotic Neural Networks, Pulsed Neural Networks,
Neurocomputing, Pattern Recognition, Datamining.
Mais informações podem
Production Indicators
Book Chapters
1. Research Projects:
1.1. Novel Models in Neurocomputing, with Applications in Pattern Recognition and Datamining –
(CNPq Universal Program). Period: 2007-2010.
Keywords: Pattern Recognition, Datamining, Artificial Neural Networks.
1.2. Project / Network ALFA BioSenIntg (European Union and Latin America), in Advanced
Methods of Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence in Sensors and Biossensors Systems.
Periodo 2005-2008.
Keywords: Intelligent Sensors, Artificial Neural Networks, Biossensors.
1.3. Artificial Neural Networks with Rich and Diverse Dynamics – Grant Productive Researcher of
the CNPq. Period 2007-2010.
Scholarship Awards and Other Awards:
Humberto Sandmann
Leandro Augusto da Silva
Priscila Braga Calíope
Emilio Del Moral Hernandez
CNPq Grant for Ph.D. Studies
CAPES Grant for Ph.D. Studies
CNPq Grant for Ph.D. Studies / National Program for Microelectronics
CNPq Productive Researcher CNPq Award
2. Some Relevant Publications
2.1. Papers (Periodicals)
Barbosa, I. M. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Reis, M. L. C. C. ; Olympio A. F. Mello . Measurement
Uncertainty Contribution to the MLP Neural Network Learning Algorithm Applied to Aerodynamic
External Balance Calibration Curve Fitting. Metrology and Measurement Systems, v. XIII, p. 101112, 2007.
Kinto, E. A. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Marcano, A. ; Ropero P., J. . A Preliminary Neural Model
for Movement Direction Recognition Based on Biologically Plausible Plasticity Rules. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, v. 4527, p. 1-6, 2007.
Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Rangayyan, R. M. . Classification of Breast
Masses Using A Committee Machine of Artificial Neural Networks (in press). Journal of Electronic
Imaging (Springfield), v. 1, p. 1-0, 2007.
Verdonck, P. B. ; Caliope, P. B. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Silva, A. N. R. . Plasma Etching of
Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibres. Thin Solid Films, Elsevier, v. 512, p. 831-834, 2006.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Non-Homogenous Neural Networks with Chaotic Recursive Nodes:
Connectivity and Multi-assemblies Structures in Recursive Processing Elements Architectures.
Neural Networks, Inglaterra, v. 18, n. 5-6, p. 532-540, 2005.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Gee-Hyuk ; Farhat, N. . Analog Realization of Arbitrary OneDimensional Maps. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Fundamental Theory and
Applications, v. 50, p. 1538-1547, 2003.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Neural Networks with Chaotic Recursive Nodes: Techniques for the
Design of Associative Memories, Contrast with Hopfield Architectures, and Extensions for Timedependent Inputs. Neural Networks, v. 16, n. 5/6, p. 675-682, 2003.
2.2. Book Chapters
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Recursive Nodes with Rich Dynamics as Modeling Tools for Cognitive
Functions. In: Robert Kozma; Leonid Perlovsky. (Org.). Neurodynamics of Higher Level Cognition
and Consciousness. New York - Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer, 2007, v. , p. 272-297.
2.3. Other Relevant Publications – Conference Papers (list including only 2006 and 2007
conference publications)
Saldaña, J. C. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Silva-Cardenas, C. . Codificador CMOS Orientado al
Reconocimiento de Patrones con Independencia de Escala. In: Proceedings of the IBERCHIP 2007,
Lima, 2007.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Performing Neuro-Like Computation Through Attractor Networks with
Nodes with Rich Dynamics. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks 2007, Orlando, 2007.
Barbosa, I. M. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Reis, M. L. C. C. ; Olympio A. F. Mello . Predições em
Ajuste de Curva de Calibração Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais. In: ENQUALAB 2007 Congresso da Qualidade em Metrologia, São Paulo, 2007.
Kinto, E. A. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Marcano, A. ; Ropero P., J. . A Preliminary Neural Model
for Movement Direction Recognition Based on Biologically Plausible Plasticity Rules. In: IWINAC
2007 - International Work-conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation,
2007, Murcia, 2007.
Renato J. Sassi ; Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . An hybrid architecture for
the knowledge discovery in databases: rough sets theory and artificial neural nets self-organizing
maps. In: 4º CONTECSI Congresso Internacional de Gestão de Tecnologia e Sistemas de
Informação, 2007, São Paulo, 2007.
Saldaña, J. C. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Silva-Cardenas, C. . CMOS Encoder for ScaleIndependent Pattern Recognition. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Concepção de Circuitos Integrados
2007, Rio De Janeiro, 2007.
Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; R. A. Moreno ; Furuie, S. S. . Medical
image categorization based on wavelet transform and self-organizing map. In: Seventh International
Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007), Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
Boscarioli, C. ; Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Análise de Agrupamentos
utilizando Mapas Auto-organizáveis em Agricultura de Precisão. In: Congresso Brasileiro de
Agricultura de Precisão, 2006, São Pedro – SP, 2006.
Barbosa, I. M. ; Reis, M. L. C. C. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Avaliação da interpolação do
modelamento da curva de calibração de uma balança aerodinâmica utilizando redes neurais
artificiais do tipo camadas múltiplas. In: ENQUALAB-2006, São Paulo, 2006.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Fragmented Basins of Attraction of Recursive Processing Elements in
Associative Neural Networks and its Impact on Pattern Recovery Performance. In: International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, 2006.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Chaotic Searches and Stable Spatio-temporal Patterns as a Naturally
Emergent Mixture in Networks of Spiking Neural Oscillators with Rich Dynamics. In: International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, 2006.
Boscarioli, C. ; Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Clustering de dados de
sensores a partir de Mapas Auto-organizáveis. In: 5º Congreso Iberoamericano de Sensores,
IBERSENSOR 2006, Montevideo, 2006.
Renato J. Sassi ; Leandro Augusto da Silva ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. . Neural Networks and
Rough Sets: a Comparative Study on Data Classification. In: The 2006 International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence - ICAI 06, 2006, Las Vegas. Proceedings - The 2006 International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ICAI 06, 2006.
Leandro Augusto da Silva ; R. A. Moreno ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Furuie, S. S. . Mapa de
Características Auto-organizável para Sistemas de Recuperação de Imagens por Conteúdo. In:
CBEB'2006 - XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, São Pedro, 2006.
Barbosa, I. M. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. ; Reis, M. L. C. C. ; Olympio A. F. Mello . Measurement
Uncertainty Contribution To The Calibration Curve Fitting Of An Aerodynamic External Balance
Using Mlp Artificial Neural Network. In: 25 AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and
Ground Testing Conference, 2006, San Francisco, 2006.
3. Intelectual Property
Patent: Farhat, N. ; Yuan, J. ; Del-Moral-Hernandez, E ; Gee-Hyuk . Cortex X - A Dynamic Brain
Model. 2006.
4. Master Theses, Ph.D. Thesis, and Associate Professorship Thesis
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. Concepção de arquiteturas neurais associativas através de recursões
paramétricas acopladas com alta diversidade dinâmica. 2006. 126 p. (Associate Professorship
thesis) – Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006.
SASSI, Renato José. Uma arquitetura híbrida para descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados:
teoria dos rough sets e redes neurais artificiais mapas auto-organizáveis. 2006. 166 p. (Ph.D. thesis)
– Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006.
KINTO, Eduardo Akira. Máquinas de vetores-suporte aplicadas à classificação de textos reduzidos.
2005. 132 p. (Master thesis) – Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.
SANTOS, Carlos da Silva dos. Aplicação da análise de componentes independentes ao estudo de
texturas em imagens digitais. 2005. 85 p. (Master thesis) – Polytechnic School, University of São
Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.
SILVA, Leandro Augusto da. Classificação de nódulos mamográficos utilizando um Comitê de
Redes Neurais Artificiais. 2005. 89 p. (Master thesis) – Polytechnic School, University of São
Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.
BARBOSA, Itamar Magno. Aplicação das redes neurais artificiais na confiabilidade metrológica.
2004. 149 p. (Master thesis) – Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004.
5. Recognition Awards
Finalist competitor for the Candido Pinto de Melo award (5 best papers) in the XX Brazilian
Congress in Biomedical Engineering, with the paper “Mapa de Características Auto-organizável
para Sistemas de Recuperação de Imagens por Conteúdo”.

Group of Computational Intelligence, Modeling and