Software Process Improvement in Brazil:
Evolving the MPS Model and Consolidating
the MPS.BR Program
Gleison Santos – COPPE/UFRJ, Kival Weber – SOFTEX/MPS.BR, Ana Regina Rocha – COPPE/UFRJ
1. Introduction
2. Evolving the MPS Model
3. Consolidating the MPS.BR Program
4. Conclusion
In: CLEI 2009 (XXXV Latin American Informatics Conference)
September, 22-25, 2009. Pelotas, RS - Brazil
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
In December 2003
The Association for Promoting the Brazilian Software Excellence
(SOFTEX) began a nationwide program (MPS.BR program)
... MPS.BR is the acronym of the Portuguese expression “Melhoria
de Processo do Software Brasileiro” and stands for Brazilian
Software Process Improvement ...
aiming at evolving and disseminating a software process and
assessment model better suited to the Brazilian industry/community
(MPS model)
This presentation
i. focuses on the MPS model evolving and on the actions to consolidate
the MPS.BR program achievements
ii. shows the most relevant results of this period along with the assets
produced and data about performance results
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
SOFTEX - Association for Promoting the Brazilian
Software Excellence (Associação para Promoção da
Excelência do Software Brasileiro) <>
SOFTEX is a private not-for-profit organization which fosters
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial development initiatives,
financing and funding activities, and business development in Brazil
and abroad, aiming at promoting competitiveness of the Brazilian
Software Industry
SOFTEX (headquartered in Campinas-SP, Brazil) acts through its 22
SOFTEX Agents, distributed among 13 Brazilian states. There are
more than 1,300 associated software companies (over 70% are
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
MPS.BR objective aims to improve the software
processes of the Brazilian companies
MPS.BR technical goals aim to create and
improve the MPS model by providing:
MPS guides
MPS courses, exams and workshops
MPS Implementation Institutions (II –
Instituições Implementadoras)
accredited to support the
implementation of the MR-MPS
MPS Assessment Institutions (IA –
Instituições Avaliadoras) accredited to
assess organizations using the MAMPS
MPS Acquisition Consultants (CA Consultores de Aquisição) certified to
support the acquisition of software and
related services
MPS.BR market goals aim to disseminate
and promote the adoption of MPS model
in a fair period within reasonable costs
all over the country by:
creating and improving the MN-MPS
Business Model
supporting the use of the MR-MPS
Reference Model by a large number of
Brazilian practicioners and organizations
promoting assessments of a large
number of Brazilian organizations based
on the MA-MPS Assessment Model
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
MPS.BR Program: Phases and Challenges
Until now, there were two phases:
MPS.BR Implantation Phase (2004-2007)
MPS.BR Consolidation Phase (2008-2011)
Both comprise three challenges:
Technical-scientific challenge: evolving the MPS Model
Market challenge: disseminating the MPS Model in Brazil
iii. Managerial challenge: managing the MPS.BR Program
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Software Process Improvement in Brazil:
Evolving the MPS Model and Consolidating
the MPS.BR Program
Gleison Santos – COPPE/UFRJ, Kival Weber – SOFTEX/MPS.BR, Ana Regina Rocha – COPPE/UFRJ
1. Introduction
2. Evolving the MPS Model
3. Consolidating the MPS.BR Program
4. Conclusion
In: CLEI 2009 (XXXV Latin American Informatics Conference)
September, 22-25, 2009. Pelotas, RS - Brazil
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Reference Model
General Guide
Assessment Method
Acquisition Guide
Assessment Guide
Business Model
MPS.BR Document
Implementation Guide
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Evolving the MR-MPS Reference Model:
General Guide:2009 - maturity levels (ML),
processes and process attributes (PA)
Processes (process outcomes)
PA (process capability)
(no new processes are added)
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1*, 4.2*, 5.1*, 5.2*
Project Management (new outcomes)
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1*, 4.2*
Decision Management, Risk Management, and Development for
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
Requirement Development, Product Design and Construction, Product
Integration, Verification, and Validation
Human Resource Management, Process Establishment, Process
Assessment and Improvement, Project Management (new
outcomes), and Reuse Management
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2
Measurement, Configuration Management, Acquisition, Quality
Assurance, and Project Portfolio Management
1.1, 2.1, 2.2
Requirement Management and Project Management
1.1, 2.1
* These PAs are applicable only to selected processes. All the other PAs must be applied to all processes
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Evolving the MR-MPS Reference Model:
General Guide:2009, Acquisition Guide:2009,
and Implementation Guide:2009
Revision of PAs to improve the adherence to ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 - Process assessment. Part 2:
Performing an assessment
Change of the name of the process Decision Analysis and Resolution process to Decision
Management, as defined in ISO/IEC 12207:2008 - Software life cycle processes
Transformation of all Causal Analysis and Resolution process outcomes into a set of Process Attribute
achievement Result (PAR) related to PA 5.1 in order to increase the compatibility to ISO/IEC 155042:2003 because there is no such process in ISO/IEC 12207:2008
Definition of a new Project Portfolio Management process in the MR-MPS Level F to guarantee that
companies analyze their project portfolios to initiate and sustain necessary, sufficient, and suitable
projects in order to meet the strategic objectives of the organization
MPS Implementation Guide review to improve the understanding of the outcomes described in the MPS
General Guide and to clarify what is a suggestion and what is mandatory in MA-MPS assessments
Review of MPS Implementation and Acquisition Guides due to comments and experiences collected
from MPS assessors and MPS model implementation consultants during the last two years in order to
facilitate the MPS model interpretation and, last but not least, to make the model more suitable to the
organization reality
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Evolving the MA-MPS Assessment Model:
Assessment Guide:2009
Review of MPS Assessment Guide due to comments and experiences collected
from MPS assessors and MPS model implementation consultants during the last
two years in order to facilitate the MPS model interpretation and, last but not
least, to make the model more suitable to the organization reality
MA-MPS rules to characterize the MR-MPS Maturity Level G were reviewed to
reflect ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 requirements that says that PA 1.1 must be
considered Totally Implemented
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Evolving the MN-MPS Business Model:
Triangle of Services: backstage, stage, and
MPS.BR Program
ETM, and FCC)
if pertinent
SOFTEX – Association for Promoting the Brazilian Software Excellence (Associação para Promoção da Excelência do Software Brasileiro)
ETM – MPS Model Technical Team (Equipe Técnica do Modelo)
FCC – MPS Accreditation Forum (Fórum de Credenciamento e Controle)
IA – MPS Assessment Institution (Instituição Avaliadora)
II – MPS Implementation Institution (Instituição Implementadora)
IOGE – MPS Organizing Institution of Groups of Enterprises (Instituição Organizadora de Grupo de Empresas)
MNC – MPS Cooperative Business Model (Modelo de Negócio Cooperado entre grupo de empresas)
MNE – MPS Specific Business Model (Modelo de Negócio Específico para uma empresa)
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Software Process Improvement in Brazil:
Evolving the MPS Model and Consolidating
the MPS.BR Program
Gleison Santos – COPPE/UFRJ, Kival Weber – SOFTEX/MPS.BR, Ana Regina Rocha – COPPE/UFRJ
1. Introduction
2. Evolving the MPS Model
3. Consolidating the MPS.BR Program
4. Conclusion
In: CLEI 2009 (XXXV Latin American Informatics Conference)
September, 22-25, 2009. Pelotas, RS - Brazil
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Consolidation Phase of the MPS.BR Program:
Consolidation of the structure of the
MPS.BR program and improvement of
the MPS model, with four goals:
consolidation of the MPS.BR program
MPS model improvement
accreditation of Implementation
Institutions (II) and Assessment
Institutions (IA)
analysis of MPS.BR Lessons Learned
and Performance Results
Dissemination of the MPS model in Brazil,
with four goals:
training people in the MPS model:
courses, exams and workshops
support to groups of enterprises for MPS
based implementation and assessment in
the levels G and F (base of the pyramid),
under agreement with the IOGE
iii. support to groups of enterprises for MPS
based implementation and assessment in
the levels E, D and C (middle of the
pyramid), under agreement with the IOGE
iv. dissemination of the MPS software
acquisition process
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
The MPS.BR Program is managed by:
MPS.BR Program Team (UE – Unidade de Execução): responsible to
manage the program activities, coordinated by SOFTEX
MPS Technical Model Team (ETM – Equipe Técnica do Modelo):
responsible to develop and maintain the MPS model, and to prepare and
execute MPS model trainings, coordinated by COPPE/UFRJ
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
MPS Accreditation Forum (FCC – Fórum de Credenciamento e
Controle) responsible to accredit organizations to provide MPS modelbased implementation and assessments services, to evaluate and
control implementation and assessment results, and to ensure that these
accredited organizations execute their activities within expected ethical
and quality limits
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
The MPS.BR Program financial
sustainability is achieved through the:
i. revenue of MPS related services such as course,
exam, and accreditation fees
ii. financial support in the context of agreements
signed between SOFTEX and partners such as
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Results Accomplished of the MPS.BR Program:
Trained People & Accredited Institutions
In order to train people, a strategy
(constituted of official courses
and exams) was defined and is
being executed to establish and
maintain a community of MPS
model practitioners. Since 2004:
i. 3,718 people attended MPS
model courses in different
Brazilian cities
ii. 1,120 people were
successfully approved in MPS
model exams
An important factor to guarantee the
adoption of the MPS model is to
accredit institutions in different parts
of the country to provide MPS
model-based services. Nowadays:
i. 19 II are accredited to provide
MPS model-based
implementation services (137
MPS model implementation
consultants are associated to
accredited II effectively working
in MPS model-based initiatives)
ii. 10 IA are accredited to provide
MPS model-based assessment
services (51 competent and
provisional assessors are
associated to accredited IA with
conditions to conduct MPS
model-based assessments)
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Results Accomplished of the MPS.BR
Program: 173 Published MPS Assessments
The MPS assessment results are
published on the Web site
2005-2007: 72
Most of these organizations are SMEs
(74%) but there are also big companies
and large government organizations
(26%) such as Brazilian Navy and
Brazilian Air Force units, and Bank of
The MPS and CMMI assessments, in the
correspondent maturity levels, both are
recognized in acquisitions by Brazilian
private and government organizations as
a way of demonstrating organizations’
process quality
2008-2011: 101
until Sep 21,
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Performance Results of Organizations that
Addopted the MPS Model
iMPS 2008 survey, based on 123 valid questionnaires, indicates that organizations
that adopted the MPS model presented higher user satisfaction degree, higher
productivity, and capacity to develop large projects
Moreover …
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Software Process Improvement in Brazil:
Evolving the MPS Model and Consolidating
the MPS.BR Program
Gleison Santos – COPPE/UFRJ, Kival Weber – SOFTEX/MPS.BR, Ana Regina Rocha – COPPE/UFRJ
1. Introduction
2. Evolving the MPS Model
3. Consolidating the MPS.BR Program
4. Conclusion
In: CLEI 2009 (XXXV Latin American Informatics Conference)
September, 22-25, 2009. Pelotas, RS - Brazil
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Concerning the MPS model evolution:
stimulus to the adoption of best software
engineering practices by the enterprises
of the industry are both in the
development and maintenance
processes and in the software acquisition
it is in conformance to international
standards, compatible with the CMMI,
based on the best software engineering
practices, and adequate to the reality of
Brazilian enterprises
iii. three new MPS Implementation guides
will be created still in 2009 to describe
how to implement the MPS model on
organizations that acquire software (part
8), Code Factory organizations (part 9),
and Test Factory organizations (part10)
Concerning the MPS.BR program consolidation:
the MPS.BR is a mobilizer program; it is a
big business in the Brazilian software
industry with a strong interaction UniversityEnterprise-Government
the MPS.BR is a long-term program; until
now, the program sustainability was
guaranteed and the achieved results were
excellent, outperforming the expected
iii. it is a great effort for nationally increasing
the capacities of persons, institutions, and
organizations interested in the MPS model
to continually improve the software
processes in the enterprises and the
capacity of innovation both in local and
global markets (Software Process
Improvement and Innovation)
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
Software Process Improvement in Brazil:
Evolving the MPS Model and Consolidating
the MPS.BR Program
• Thank You
• Questions?
Kival Weber
MPS.BR Executive Coordinator
[email protected]
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro
MPS.BR – Melhoria de Processo do Software Brasileiro

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