Comparison of three physiotherapy methods for treatment of stress urinary incontinence: Impact in quality of life and muscle function Prudencio 1 C, 1 A, 1 L, 1 A, 1 G, 1 P, Barbosa Deróbio A Anézio Vesentini Almeida A Piculo 1. Universidade Estadual Julio de Mesquita Filho UNESP- SP- BRASIL 1 F, Marini 1 G Keywords: Physiotherapy; Urinary Incontinence; treatment HYPOTHESIS/AIMS OF STUDY Compare the impact of three different physiotherapy protocols on quality of life and function of the pelvic floor muscle STUDY DESIGN, MATERIALS AND METHODS Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial approved by the Ethics Committee (n. 266/2009). 422 participants were selected and applied the criterion of non-inclusion and exclusion, inclusion amounted to 156. Simple randomization of 156 participants Evaluation 1. Term of free and informed consent; 2. Structured interview (Personal, clinical, obstetrics information and UI characteristics) 3. Kings Health Questionnarie (KHQ); 4. Evaliuation of pelvic floor by Perineometry 51 = Exclusive Kinesiotherapy (GKines) 55 = Kinesiotherapy + Vaginal Cones (GKCone) 50 = Kinesiotherapy + Perineometer (GKPer) Standart Protocol - 3 months, 20 individual session, 2 times per week for 45 minutes 1. Stretching 2. Isolated rapid and sustained contractions of the pelvic floor muscles and 3. Functional exercises with contraction Revaluation The same assessment performed at beginning of treatment STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Kolmogorov-Smirnov (normality), Wilcoxon (inittial x final), Kruskal-Wallis (Gkines, GKCone, GKPer), Chi-square Pearson RESULTS • Homogeneity between the study groups (active sexual activity was higher in group GKCone); • KHQ: significant intragroup improvement both in the initial and final time, as among groups at the final moment. Table 1 - Occurrence of SUI before and after physiotherapeutic intervention on kinesiotherapy group (GKinesio) (n = 51), kinesiotherapy with vaginal cone (GKCone) (n = 55) and kinesiotherapy with perineometer (GKPer) (n = 50). • Perineometer: there was a significant intra-group difference in the initial and final time of treatment, but it was not noticed in the comparison among groups 1Chi-square • test: p <0.05: significant result CONCLUDING MESSAGE • 3 protocols were effective (quality of life and muscle function) The choice should be made by careful evaluation of the patient and their clinic history. Knorst MR, Resende TL, Goldim JR. Perfil clínico, qualidade de vida e sintomas depressivos de mulheres com incontinência urinária atendidas em hospital-escola. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2011;15(2): 109-16.; Figueiredo EM, Lara JO, Cruz MC, Quintão DMG, Monteiro MVC. Perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de usuárias de serviço de fisioterapia uroginecológica da rede pública. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2008;12(2):136-42; Rett MT, Simões JA, Herrmann V, Gurgel MSC, Morais SS. Qualidade de vida em mulheres após tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço com fisioterapia. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2007;29(3):134-40.; Oliveira JR, Garcia RR. Cinesioterapia no tratamento da Incontinência urinária em mulheres idosas. Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol. 2011; 14(2): 343-52.; Costa AP, Santos FDRP. Abordagem da fisioterapia no tratamento da incontinência urinaria de esforço: revisão da literatura. Revista Femina. 2012; 40(2):105-8.; Feldner Jr PC, Bezerra LRPS, Girão MJBC, Castro RA, Sartori MGF, Baracat EC, et al. Valor da queixa clínica e exame físico no diagnóstico da incontinência urinária. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet. 2002;2492):87-91.