GEOSCIENCES MEETING B R A Z I L - T E X A S A &M U N I V E R S I T Y SCIENCE AND EDUCATION INTERNATIONALIZATION CAPABILITIES OF THE LABNUT GROUP: NUTRIENTS, MICRONUTRIENTS AND TRACES IN THE OCEAN LABORATORY (LABNUT - IOUSP) Elisabete S. Braga1 1 [email protected] (Universidade de São Paulo) This laboratory is base for different researches in Oceanography including Chemical studies with multidisciplinary subject interfaces demonstrating strong link with physical and biological studies. The main research subjects are: i) biogeochemical cycles of nutrients, micronutrients and traces in the ocean; ii) chemical elements as tracers of water masses; iii) carbon and organic matter in coastal and oceanic processes; iv) marine pollution and environmental water quality; v) natural and non-natural biochemical responses in coastal systems. The studies developed by the research group include dissolved oxygen concentrations and its association with the seawater mass sources and identification of biogeochemical processes. Nitrogen, phosphorus and silica contents associate to the water masses in oceanic cases and with the primary production and pollution responses in coastal systems. Trace metal biogeochemical processes including biota, water and sediment signatures. Rare-earth studies in coastal systems, identifying terrestrial and oceanic inputs. Benthic flux in the interface with seawater using benthic chambers. Photo-pigments and photosynthesis process in organic matter studies. Primary production and nutrient availabilities. Biochemical responses by enzymatic expression and modification in the organic matter pools in the coastal systems. Environmental studies involving polices and monitoring actions. The team is involved in Antarctic Research using tracer to know the oceanic dynamic and the potential for carbon retention at this region. Estuarine studies are constantly realized by the group in mangrove region without and with anthropogenic influence in several parts of the country. Bioaccumulation studies are located in southern Brazilian coastal system. Studies of tracers in water masses were performed as a part of international WOCE Program, associated with French, Spanish and American scientists and Beagle Expedition was realized with JAMSTEC-Japan. The laboratory constantly makes a part of international exercises for nutrients calibration. The equipment park attached to LABNUT-IOUSP is composed by: AutoAnalyzer - Bran-Luebbe®; spectrophotometers (Bausch-Lomb®, Zeiss®, and others); Radiometer® – Trace Lab; Varian® TOC; Photo-oxidation chamber; Metrhom® titration equipments; Potentiometric Instruments; Liophilyzer; Centrifuges; Turbiditymeter; ultrafreezer and freezers; Correntmeter Valleport®; hydrobios® samples; van Dorn samples; luxmeter; GPS portable; benthic chambers. For field research, in addition LABNUT-IOUSP has a container laboratory, equipped with freezer, spectrometer and available for multiply analyses. We have collaborators in IPEN-Brazil, UFPE-Brazil; UFC-Brazil; IUEM-France; NOAA-USA; UNL-Portugal; LU-England and others. Collaborators: Prof. Dr. Sueli Susana de Godói (IOUSP), Prof. Sonia Gianesella Flores (IOUSP), Prof. Dr. Joseph Harari (IOUSP), Prof. Dr. Deborah Inês Favaro (IPEN-SP), Prof. Dr. Manuel Flores Montes (UFPE), Prof. Dr. Luiz Drude de Lacerda (UFC), Prof. Dr. Rozane Valente Marins (UFC), Dr. Juliana de Souza Azevedo (PD), Dr. Glaucia Bueno Bendetti Berbel (PD), Dr. Luciana Farias (PD), and Dr. Juciene Andrade Figueiredo (PD). Students at this moment: Vitor G. Chiozzini (technician and PhD student), João Carlos. C. Maluf (PhD student), Esther Nespoli de Oliveira (PhD student), Chiara Machado Vieira (Master student), Ana Teresa Cordeiro Cid Bastos (Master student), Luana Ambrósio, Kátia Agostinho, and Pâmela Nascimento. March 26-29, 2012 Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil Abstract P-58