Artigos Publicados pelos Docentes Permanentes do PPGNanofarma em 2013
1. Alice, L. ; Barcelos, B. O. ; Ruppenthal, J. E. ; Beck, R. C. R. . Inovação em Nanotecnologia Farmacêutica no Brasil:
Uma análise dos depósitos de patentes e da produção acadêmica. Espacios (Caracas), v. 34, p. 2, 2013.
2. Amorim, T. ; Taveira, S. F. ; Diniz, Danielle G. A. ; Serpa, R. ; Nasser, L. ; Silva, L. A. D. ; Lima, Eliana M. ; Marreto,
R.N. . Effect of Stearic Acid on Enalapril Stability and Dissolution from Multiparticulate Solid Dosage Forms. AAPS
PharmSciTech, v. 7, p. 1530-9932, 2013.
3. Ascenso, Andreia ; Pinho, Sónia ; Eleutério, Carla ; Praça, Fabíola Garcia ; Bentley, Maria Vitória Lopes Badra ;
Oliveira, Helena ; Santos, Conceição ; Silva, Olga ; Simões, Sandra . Lycopene from Tomatoes: Vesicular
Nanocarrier Formulations for Dermal Delivery. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, v. 61, p. 7284-7293,
4. Assumpção, Juliana Uruguay Correa Vidigal ; Campos, Michel Leandro ; Ferraz Nogueira Filho, Marco Antonio ;
Pestana, Kelly Chrystina ; Baldan, Helen Mariana ; Formariz Pilon, Thalita Pedroni ; De Oliveira, Anselmoc Gomes
; Peccinini, Rosângela Gonçalves . Biocompatible microemulsion modifies the pharmacokinetic profile and
cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, v. 102, p. 289-296, 2013.
5. Bernardi, Andressa ; Frozza, R. L. ; Hoppe, J. B. ; Salbego C ; Pohlmann, A. R. ; Battastini Am ; Guterres, Silvia S. .
The antiproliferative effect of indomethacin-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules in glioma cells is mediated by cell
cycle regulation, differentiation, and the inhibition of survival pathways. International Journal of Nanomedicine
(Online), v. 8, p. 711-729, 2013.
6. Bottos, Katia M. ; Oliveira, Anselmo G. ; Bersanetti, Patrícia A. ; Nogueira, Regina F. ; Lima-Filho, Acácio A. S. ;
Cardillo, José A. ; Schor, Paulo ; Chamon, Wallace . Corneal Absorption of a New Riboflavin-Nanostructured
System for Transepithelial Collagen Cross-Linking. Plos One, v. 8, p. e66408, 2013.
7. Braga, M. P. ; Dalcin, T. C. S. ; Rosa, P. ; Codevilla, C. F. ; Silva, C.B. ; Rolim, C. B. ; Adams, A. I. H. . Assay And
Photodegradation Kinetics Of Desonide Lotion By An Lc-Uv Stability-Indicating Method. Journal of Liquid
Chromatography and Related Technologies, v. 37, p. 1968-1984, 2013.
8. Branquinho, R. T. ; Mosqueira, V. C. F. ; Kano, E. K. ; De Souza, J. ; Dorim, D. D. R. ; Saude-Guimaraes, D. A. ; De
Lana, M. . HPLC-DAD and UV-Spectrophotometry for the Determination of Lychnopholide in Nanocapsule
Dosage Form: Validation and Application to Release Kinetic Study. Journal of Chromatographic Science, v. 52, p.
19-26, 2013.
9. Bruxel, Fernanda ; Vilela, José Mario Carneiro ; Andrade, Margareth Spangler ; Malachias, Ângelo ; Perez, Carlos
A. ; Magalhães-Paniago, Rogério ; Oliveira, Mônica Cristina ; Teixeira, Helder F. . Investigation of the structural
organization of cationic nanoemulsion/antisense oligonucleotide complexes. Colloids and Surfaces. B,
Biointerfaces (Print), v. 112, p. 530-536, 2013.
10. Bueno, Kelly ; Adorne, Marcia ; Jornada, Denise ; Da Fonseca, Francisco ; Guterres, Sílvia ; Pohlmann, Adriana . In
Vivo Gastroprotective Effect of Nanoparticles: Influence of Chemical Composition and Volume Fraction. Current
Pharmaceutical Design (Print), v. 19, p. 7294-7300, 2013.
11. Bulcao, R. R. ; Freitas, F. A. ; Venturini, Cristina De Garcia ; Dallegrave, E. ; Durgante, J. ; Goethel, G. ; Cerski, C. T.
S. ; Zielinsky, P. ; Pohlmann, A. R. ; Guterres, S. S. ; Garcia, S. C. . Acute and subchronic toxicity evaluation of
poly(epsilon-caprolactone) lipid-core nanocapsules in rats. Toxicological Sciences (Print), v. 132, p. 162-176,
12. Cadena, P.G. ; Pereira, M.A. ; Cordeiro, R.B.S. ; Cavalcanti, I.M.F. ; Barros Neto, B. ; Pimentel, M. C. B. ; Lima
Filho, J. L. ; Silva, V.L. ; Santos-Magalhães, NS . Nanoencapsulation of quercetin and resveratrol into elastic
liposomes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes, v. 1828, p. 309-316, 2013.
13. Campos, Flávio Dos Santos ; Cassimiro, Douglas Lopes ; Crespi, Marisa Spirandeli ; Almeida, Adélia Emília ;
Gremião, Maria Palmira Daflon . Preparation and characterisation of Dextran-70 hydrogel for controlled release
of praziquantel. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Impresso), v. 49, p. 75-83, 2013.
14. Carvalho, Flavia ; Campos, Michel ; Peccinini, Rosangela ; Gremiao, Maria Palmira . An HPLC-UV Method for the
Quantification of Zidovudine in Rat Plasma. Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, v. 9, p. 340-346, 2013.
Gremião, Maria Palmira Daflon ; CHORILLI, MARLUS . Rheological, mechanical, and bioadhesive behavior of
hydrogels to optimize skin delivery systems. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, v. 39, p. 1750-1757,
16. Carvalho, Flávia Chiva ; Campos, Michel Leandro ; Peccinini, Rosângela Gonçalves ; Gremião, Maria Palmira
Daflon . Nasal administration of liquid crystal precursor mucoadhesive vehicle as an alternative antiretroviral
therapy. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, v. 84, p. 219-227, 2013.
17. Chaud, M. V. ; Gremião, M. P. D. ; Lima, Andréa Cristina De ; Vila, M. M. D. C. ; Paganelli, M. O. ; Chaud De Paula,
F ; Pedreira, N. . Development and Evaluation of Praziquantel Solid Dispersions in Sodium Starch Glycolate.
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Online), v. 12, p. 163-168, 2013.
18. Da Silva, Ana Luiza M. ; Contri, Renata V. ; Jornada, Denise S. ; Pohlmann, Adriana R. ; Guterres, Silvia S. .
Vitamin K1-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules: physicochemical characterization and in vitro skin permeation. Skin
Research and Technology, v. 19, p. e223-e230, 2013.
19. Da Silva, Carolina L. ; Del Ciampo, José O. ; Rossetti, Fábia C. ; Bentley, Maria V. L. B. ; Pierre, Maria B. R. .
Improved In vitro and In vivo Cutaneous Delivery of Protoporphyrin IX from PLGA-based Nanoparticles.
Photochemistry and Photobiology, v. 89, p. 1176-1184, 2013.
20. Dalagnol, M. ; Bernardi, L. ; Lemos-Senna, E. ; Cardoso, S. G. . Development and Validation of a RP-HPLC Method
to Quantify Naringenin in Lecithin/Chitosan Nano- and Microparticles Suspensions. Acta Farmacéutica
Bonaerense, v. 32, p. 214-219, 2013.
21. Dantas, Narayanna M. ; Nascimento, João E. ; Santos-Magalhães, Nereide S. ; Oliveira, Mércia L. . Radiolysis of 2[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose ([18F]FDG) and the role of ethanol, radioactive concentration and temperature of
storage. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 72, p. 158-162, 2013.
22. De Zampieri, Ana Lúcia Teixeira Carvalho ; Ferreira, Fabrícia Saba ; Resende, Érica Crispim ; Gaeti, M. P. N. ;
Gaeti, Marilisa Pedroso Nogueira ; Diniz, Danielle Guimarães Almeida ; Taveira, Stephânia Fleury ; Lima, E. M. .
Biodegradable Polymeric Nanocapsules Based on Poly(DL-lactide) for Genistein Topical Delivery: Obtention,
Characterization and Skin Permeation Studies. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, v. 9, p. 527-534, 2013.
23. Dimer, F. ; Friedrich Rb ; Beck, R. C. R. ; Guterres, S. S. ; Pohlmann, A. R. . Impactos da nanotecnologia na saúde:
produção de medicamentos. Química Nova (Impresso), v. 36, p. 1520-1526, 2013.
24. Dimer, F. ; Pohlmann, A. R. ; Guterres, S. S. . Characterization of Rheology and Release Profiles of OlanzapineLoaded Lipid-Core Nanocapsules in Thermosensitive Hydrogel. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
(Print), v. 13, p. 8144-8153, 2013.
25. Fiel, Luana A. ; Adorne, Márcia D. ; Guterres, Sílvia S. ; Netz, Paulo A. ; Pohlmann, Adriana R. . Variable
temperature multiple light scattering analysis to determine the enthalpic term of a reversible agglomeration in
submicrometric colloidal formulations: A quick quantitative comparison of the relative physical stability. Colloids
and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Print), v. 431, p. 93-104, 2013.
26. Figueiredo, J. S. ; Dantas, P. M. S. ; Knackfuss, M. I. ; Egito, E. S.T. . How can somatotype become a tool to predict
an anthropometric profile for high performance 100- and 400-meter runners?. Gazzetta Medica Italiana.
Archivio per le Scienze Mediche (Testo stampato), v. 172, p. 941-951, 2013.
27. Figueiro, F. ; Bernardi A ; Frozza, R. L. ; Jandrey, E. ; Terroso, T. F. ; Salbego, C. ; Edelweiss, Mi ; Pohlmann,
Adriana R. ; Guterres, S. S. ; Battastini, A. M. . Resveratrol-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules treatment reduces in
vitro and in vivo glioma growth. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, v. 9, p. 516-526, 2013.
28. Finkler, C. L. ; Santana, Maria Helena A. ; Bentley, M.V.L.B. . Physicochemical characterization of surfactant
incorporating vesicles that incorporate colloidal magnetite. Journal of Liposome Research, v. 23, p. 47-53, 2013.
29. Flores, F. C. ; Lima, J. A. ; Ribeiro, Roseane Fagundes ; Alves, S. H. ; Rolim, C. M. B. ; Beck, Ruy Carlos R. ; Silva,
C.B. . Antifungal Activity of Nanocapsule Suspensions Containing Tea Tree Oil on the Growth of Trichophyton
rubrum. Mycopathologia (1975. Print), p. 281-286, 2013.
30. Frezza, T. F ; Gremião, Maria Palmira Daflon ; Zanotti-Magalhaes, E. M. ; Magalhães, L. A. ; Souza, Ana Luiza
Ribeiro ; Allegretti, Silmara Marques . Liposomal-praziquantel: Efficacy against Schistosoma mansoni in a
preclinical assay. Acta Tropica, v. 128, p. 70-75, 2013.
31. Frozza, R. L. ; Bernardi, Andressa ; Hoppe, J.B. ; Menegheti, A. ; Battastini Am ; Pohlmann, A. R. ; Guterres, S. S. ;
Salbego, C. . Lipid-Core Nanocapsules Improve the Effects of Resveratrol Against Aβ-Induced
Neuroinflammation. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, v. 9, p. 2086-2104, 2013.
32. Frozza, Rudimar L. ; Bernardi, Andressa ; Hoppe, Juliana B. ; Meneghetti, André B. ; Matté, Aline ; Battastini, Ana
M. O. ; Pohlmann, Adriana R. ; Guterres, Sílvia S. ; SALBEGO, CHRISTIANNE . Neuroprotective Effects of
Resveratrol Against Aβ Administration in Rats are Improved by Lipid-Core Nanocapsules. Molecular
Neurobiology, v. 47, p. 1066-1080, 2013.
33. Hoppe, J. B. ; Coradini, K. ; Frozza, R. L. ; Oliveira, C. M. ; Meneghetti, A. B. ; Bernardii, A. ; Pires, E. S. ; Beck, Ruy
Carlos Ruver ; Salbego, C. G. . Free and nanoencapsulated curcumin suppress β-amyloid-induced cognitive
impairments in rats: Involvement of BDNF and Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathway. Neurobiology of Learning and
Memory (Print), v. 106, p. 134-144, 2013.
34. Jaques, J. A. S. ; Doleski, P. ; Castilhos, L. ; Rosa, M. ; Souza, V. ; Carvalho, F. ; Marisco, P. ; Thorstenberg, M. ;
Rezer, J. F. P. ; Ruchel, J. ; Coradini, K. ; Beck, Ruy Carlos R. ; Rubin, M. ; Schetinger, M. R. ; Leal, Daniela
Bitencourt Rosa . Free and nanoencapsulated curcumin prevents cigarette smoke-induced cognitive impairment
and redox imbalance. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Print), v. 100, p. 98-107, 2013.
35. Junior, C. A. A.; Costa, F. S. O. ; Taveira, S. F. ; Marreto, R.N. ; Valadares, Marize Campos ; Lima, Eliana Martins .
Preparation of pellets containing Pothomorphe umbellata extracts by extrusion-spheronization: improvement
of 4-nerolidylcatechol photostability. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso), v. 23, p. 169-174, 2013.
36. Külkamp-Guerreiro, I. C. ; Berlitz, S. J. ; Contri, R. V. ; Alves, L. R. ; Henrique, E. G. ; Barreiros, V. R. M. ; Guterres,
S. S. . Influence of nanoencapsulation on the sensory properties of cosmetic formulations containing lipoic acid.
International Journal of Cosmetic Science (Print), v. 35, p. 105-111, 2013.
37. Külkamp-Guerreiro, Irene Clemes ; Souza, Marielly Nunes ; Bianchin, Mariana Domingues ; Isoppo, Mateus ;
Freitas, Joana Sachetti ; Alves, João Alex ; Piovezan, Anna Paula ; Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin ; Guterres, Sílvia
Stanisçuaski . Evaluation of lipoic acid topical application on rats skin wound healing. Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira
(Online), v. 28, p. 708-715, 2013.
38. Lapenda, T. L. S. ; Morais, W. A. ; Almeida, F. J. F. ; Ferraz, M. S. ; Maciel, M. A. M. ; Lira, M. C. De B. ; SantosMagalhães, N.S. . Encapsulation of Trans-Dehydrocrotonin in Liposomes: An Enhancement of the Antitumor
Activity. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, v. 9, p. 499-510, 2013.
39. Longaray-Garcia, M. ; Flores, J. A. ; Guerreiro, I. C. K. ; Guterres, Sílvia S. ; Pereira, T. C. B. ; Bogo, M. R. ;
Monserrat, J. M. . Modulation of antioxidant and detoxifying capacity in fish Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae) after
treatment with nanocapsules containing lipoic acid. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A,
Molecular & Integrative Physiology, v. 165, p. 468-475, 2013.
40. Marchiori, M. C. L. ; Rascovetzki, R. H. ; Ourique, A. F. ; Rigo, L. A. ; Silva, C.B. ; Beck, R.C.R. . Improved tretinoin
photostability in a topical nanomedicine replacing original liquid suspension with spray-dried powder with no
loss of effectiveness. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy (Print), v. 39, p. 579-586, 2013.
41. Marques, A. V. ; Trindade Junior, P. M. ; Marques, S. ; Brum, T. ; Harte, E. ; Rodrigues, M. O. ; Doca, M. G. M. ;
Silva, P. A. ; Pohlmann, Adriana R. ; Alves, I. D. ; Lima, V. R. . Isoniazid Interaction with PhosphatidylcholineBased Membranes. Journal of Molecular Structure (Print), v. 1051, p. 237-243, 2013.
42. Oliveira, A.R. ; Molina, E.F. ; Mesquita, F.C. ; Foseca, J.L.C. ; Rossanezi, Gustavo ; Fernades-Pedrosa, M.F. ;
Oliveira, A.G. ; Silva-Jr, A.A. . Structural and thermal properties of spray-dried methotrexate-loaded
biodegradable microparticles. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v. 112, n.2, p. 555-565, 2013.
43. Oliveira, Catiúscia P. ; Venturini, Cristina G. ; Donida, Bruna ; Poletto, Fernanda S. ; Guterres, Sílvia S. ;
Pohlmann, Adriana R. . An algorithm to determine the mechanism of drug distribution in lipid-core nanocapsule
formulations. Soft Matter (Print), v. 9, p. 1141, 2013.
44. Oliveira, Stela R. De ; Taveira, Stephânia F. ; Marreto, Ricardo N. ; Valadares, Marize C. ; Diniz, Danielle G. A. ;
Lima, Eliana M. . Preparation and characterization of solid oral dosage forms containing soy isoflavones. Revista
Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso), v. 23, p. 175-182, 2013.
45. Ourique, Aline Ferreira ; Coradini, Karine ; Chaves, Paula Dos Santos ; Garcia, Solange Cristina ; Pohlmann,
Adriana Raffin ; Guterres, Silvia Stanisçuaski ; Ruver Beck, Ruy Carlos . A LC-UV method to assay N-acetylcysteine
without derivatization: analyses of pharmaceutical products. Analytical Methods (Print), v. 5, p. 3321, 2013.
46. Pastori, T. ; Flores, F. C. ; Boligon, A. A. ; Athayde, M. L. ; Silva, C.B. ; Dorow, T. S. C. ; Tedesco, S. B. . Genotoxic
effects of Campomanesia xanthocarpa extracts on Allium cepa vegetal system. Pharmaceutical Biology, v. 51, p.
1249-1255, 2013.
47. Paula, C. S. De ; Tedesco, Antônio Cláudio ; Primo, F. L. ; Vilela, José Mário Carneiro ; Andrade, Margareth
Spangler ; Mosqueira, Vanessa Carla Furtado . Chloroaluminium Phthalocyanine Polymeric Nanoparticles as
Photosensitisers: Photophysical and Physicochemical Characterisation, Release and Phototoxicity IN VITRO.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, v. 49, p. 371-381, 2013
48. Petrilli, R. ; Carollo, Aline Regina Hellmann ; Oliveira, K. T. ; Fantini, Márcia C ; Neves, M. G. P. M. S. ; Cavaleiro, J.
A. S. ; Serra, O. ; Iamamoto, Y. ; Bentley, Maria Vitória Lopes Badra . Nanoparticles of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: A
Novel Strategy for the Topical Delivery of a Chlorin Derivative for Photodynamic Therapy of Skin Cancer. Current
Nanoscience, v. 9, p. 434-441, 2013.
49. Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin ; Fonseca, Francisco Noe ; Paese, Karina ; Detoni, Cassia Britto ; Coradini, Karine ;
Beck, Ruy Cr ; Guterres, Silvia S . Poly(--caprolactone) microcapsules and nanocapsules in drug delivery. Expert
Opinion on Drug Delivery (Print), v. 10, p. 623-638, 2013.
50. Santos,FK ; Oyafuso, Marcia Helena ; Kiill, CP ; Gremião, Maria Palmira Daflon, Gremiao, M. P. D ; Marlus Chorilli
. Nanotechnolgy-Based Drug Delivery Systems For Treatment of Hyperproliferative Skin Diseases - A Review..
Current Nanoscience, v. 9, p. 159-167, 2013.
51. SILVA, Acarília Eduardo Da ; Barratt, Gillian ; CHERON, M. ; Egito, Eryvaldo Socrates Tabosa do . Development of
oil-in-water microemulsions for the oral delivery of amphotericin B. International Journal of Pharmaceutics
(Print), v. 454, n.2 p. 641-648, 2013.
52. SILVA, Acarília Eduardo Da ; OLIVEIRA, Élquio Eleamen ; GOMES, Monique Christine Salgado ; MARCELINO,
Henrique Rodrigues ; NAGASHIMA JR, Toshiyuki ; SILVA, K. C. H. ; SOUZA, Bartolomeu Santos ; AYALA, Alejandro
Pedro ; OLIVEIRA, Anselmo Gomes De ; Egito, Eryvaldo Socrates Tabosa do . Producing xylan/Eudragit S100based microparticles by chemical and physico-mechanical approaches as carriers for 5-aminosalicylic acid.
Journal of Microencapsulation, v. 30, n.8, p. 787-795, 2013.
53. Silva, C. L. ; Del Ciampo, José Orestes ; Rossetti, Fábia C. ; Bentley, Maria Vitória L. B. ; Pierre, M. B. R. . PLGA
Nanoparticles as Delivery Systems for Protoporphyrin IX in Topical PDT: Cutaneous Penetration of
Photosensitizer Observed by Fluorescence Microscopy. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Print), v.
13, p. 6533-6540, 2013.
54. Silva, L. F. C. ; Kasten, G. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Chinelatto, A. L. ; Lemos-Senna, E. . Preparation and
characterization of quercetin-loaded solid lipid microparticles for pulmonary delivery. Powder Technology
(Print), v. 239, p. 183-192, 2013.
55. Silva, M. A. ; Trevisan, G. ; Klafke, J. Z. ; Rossato, M. F. ; Walker, C. I. B. ; Oliveira, S. M. ; Silva, C. R. ; Boligon, A. A.
; Flores, F. C. ; Silva, C.B. ; Athayde, M. L. ; Ferreira, J. . Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Aloe
saponaria Haw on thermal injury in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, v. 146, p. 393-401, 2013.
56. Silveira, W.L.L. ; Damasceno, B. ; Silva, K. G. H. ; Oliveira, A. G. ; Egito, E.S.T. . Aspectos fundamentais no
desenvolvimento de sistemas microemulsionados contendo anfotericina B para uso oftálmico. Revista de
Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada, v. 34, p. 9-15, 2013.
57. Sordi, M. L. T. ; Fiel, Luana Almeida ; Santos, A. M. ; Guterres, S. S. ; Pohlmann, A. R. . New Approach to
Determine the Phase Transition Temperature, Cloud Point, of Thermoresponsive Polymers. Journal of
Macromolecular Science. Pure and Applied Chemistry (Print), v. 50, p. 581-587, 2013.
Marize C. ; Vieira, Marcelo De Sousa ; Kato, Massuo Jorge ; LIMA, E. M. ; Kato, M. J. . Development and
characterization of PLGA nanocapsules of grandisin isolated from Virola surinamensis: in vitro release and
cytotoxicity studies. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso), v. 23, p. 153-159, 2013.
59. Vicentini, Fabiana Testa Moura De Carvalho ; Borgheti-Cardoso, Lívia Neves ; Depieri, Lívia Vieira ; Macedo
Mano, Danielle ; Abelha, Thais Fedatto ; Petrilli, Raquel ; Bentley, Maria Vitória Lopes Badra . Delivery Systems
and Local Administration Routes for Therapeutic siRNA. Pharmaceutical Research, v. 30, p. 915-931, 2013.
60. Vicentini, Fabiana Testa Moura De Carvalho ; Depieri, Lívia Vieira ; Polizello, Ana Cristina Morseli ; Ciampo, José
Orestes Del ; Spadaro, Augusto César Cropanese ; Fantini, Márcia C.A. ; Vitória Lopes Badra Bentley, Maria .
Liquid crystalline phase nanodispersions enable skin delivery of siRNA. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and
Biopharmaceutics, v. 83, p. 16-24, 2013.
61. Yoshida, V. M. H. ; Granato, Elias ; Gremiao, Maria Palmira ; Balcao, V. M. ; Vila, M.M.D.C. ; Oliveira Junior, J. M. ;
Severino, P ; Souto, Eliana B ; Chaus, Marco Vinícius . A novel gastroretentive floating system for zidovudine,
based on calcium-silicate beads. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, v. 7, p. 2946-3946, 2013.
62. Zanotto-Filho, Alfeu ; Coradini, Karine ; Braganhol, Elizandra ; Schröder, Rafael ; De Oliveira, Cláudia Melo ;
Simões-Pires, André ; Battastini, Ana Maria Oliveira ; Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin ; Guterres, Sílvia Stanisçuaski ;
Forcelini, Cassiano Mateus ; Beck, Ruy Carlos Ruver ; Moreira, José Cláudio Fonseca . Curcumin-loaded lipid-core
nanocapsules as a strategy to improve pharmacological efficacy of curcumin in glioma treatment. European
Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, v. 83, p. 156-167, 2013.

2013 - UFRGS