V UB/TIB Hannover TZC ATUALIDADES DE FISICO-QUIMICA ORGANICA 1983 FLOEIANOPOLIS - s c - BRASH C O N T E O D O Electrophile-Nucleophile Combination Reactions. Calvin D. Ritchie 1 Photochemical Processes Induced With Enzyme-Generated Triplet Species. G. Cilento 23 Termodynamics of Metastable Intermediates Organic Chemistry. J. Peter Guthrie 35 in cr-Adducts and t h e i r Role in Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions. Michael R. Crampton . . 97 Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Strained . Organic Molecules Effects of Compression ' and Stretching on the Carbon-Carbon Bond . Valentim Emilio Uberti Costa and Peter R. Seidl 135 Collapse with Solvent or Activated Reaction? Peter R. Seidl and Valentim Emilio Uberti Costa 142 Kinetic Parameters and the Mechanism of Chemiluminescence of Lignocellulosic Compounds. Nelson Duran, Hector Mansilla and Edgardo Gomez 152 Kinetics of Epoxidation of Medium Ring Cyclo alkenes. Feeya David 164 Ester Aminolysis in the Presence of Alkylammonium Carboxylate Reversed Micelles. Me chanism of the Catalysis and nature of the Slow Step. Omar A. El Seoud, Rita C. Vieira, Monica I.El Seoud, Joao P.S. Farah, Maria T. Miranda and Paula P. Brotero 173 ix Medidas de Basicidade de Compostos Organicos por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho. Luciano do Amaral e Neusa M. Somera 179 Analise Conformacional de Compostos Heterociclicos. Afonso Celso Guimaraes e Paulo Gontijo Veloso de Almeida 192 Transferencia Sihcronica Intramolecular de Proton. Nito A. Debacher, Eduardo Hume res, Maria Marta de Souza e Rosendo A. Yunes 204 Efeito do Sistema Mesoionico 1,4-Difenil-l,3, 4-Triazolio-2-Tiolato como Substitulnte nas Reacoes de Substituicao Nucleofllica Aromatica. A.E. Aznar e Joseph Miller. . . . 227 Relacao Isocinetica nas Reacoes de Bases de Schiff Substituidas como semicarbazida . Joseph Miller, Maria da Gra9a Nascimento e Paulo Jose Samenho Moran 232