Sworn Translators in Brazil
To be valid in Brazil a document issued in a foreign country has to be legalized by a
Brazilian consular office. Besides, the legalized document must then be translated into
Portuguese by a sworn translator in Brazil. The websites listed below provide contact
information of sworn translators active in Brazil according to language and town.
National translators union: www.sintra.org.br (in Portuguese only)
São Paulo state translators union: www.atpiesp.org.br/ (in Portuguese only)
Rio de Janeiro state translators union: www.atprio.com.br/ (in Portuguese only)
List of sworn translators by the Dutch Embassy in Brazil:
Yedda de Andrade Figueira (Dutch)
entrar em contato com Consulado Honorário da Holanda em Belém, no seguinte endereço:
Avenida Cláudio Saunders, 1694
CEP 67030-160
Tel: +55-91-32553194
Fax: +55-91-32554966
E-mail: [email protected]
Lila de Araujo Rayol (Dutch)
Almirante Barroso Ave. 71 - A - 905
Sao Bras
Belém - PA
CEP 66093-020
Tel.: +55-91-2268930
Email : [email protected]
Prof. Jan Ooteman (Dutch)
Rua Vitório Magnavacca, 15 / 402 - Buritis
30455-730 Belo Horizonte - MG
Tel.: +55-31-33770946
Cel.: +55-31-88312005
Cel. Secr.: +55-31-91556467 (Fernanda)
E-mail: [email protected]
Bunny Persijn (Dutch)
SCS Qd. 01, Bl. M, sala 413
Brasília - DF
Tel: +55-61-32253133
Fidelity (Dutch)
SCN Qd. 01 Bl. E Ed. Central Park 7º andar sala 705
Brasília - DF
Tel: +55-61-33278001
Orminda Ignez Sant'Anna (Dutch)
Cuiaba - MT
Tel.: +55-65-6423595
Sra. Marianne C. Scheffer (Dutch)
Caixa Postal 5336
80040-980 Curitiba - PR
Tel/Fax.: +55-41-36636255
Cel.: +55-41-99028144
E-mail: [email protected]
Sr. Fred J. Mica (Dutch)
Rua Margarida Dallarmi, 204
Cond. Forte Vianello - casa 5 - Santa Felicidade
82015-690 Curitiba - PR
Tel.: +55-41-2727192
E-mail:[email protected]
Raimundo F. Viana (English)
Rua Prof. Nogueira 314
60450-520 Fortaleza - CE
Tel.: +55-85-2233541
Hulda Chaves Lenz Cesar (English)
Rua Teatrologo Silvano Serra 351 casa 17
Papicu Dunas
60181-530 Fortaleza - CE
Tel.: +55-85-2623081
Gilberto Favio Egypto da Silva (English)
Av. Beira Mar 1000, Apt. 1800 - Praia de Iracema
60165-120 Fortaleza - CE
Tel.: +55-85-2192323
Email : [email protected]
Ignacio Ribeiro Pessoa Montenegro (English)
Rua Dr. Jose Lourenco 2910
60115-282 Fortaleza - CE
Tel.: +55-85-272.2819
Email : [email protected]
Maria Auxiliadora Pereira Marcondes Silva (English)
Tel.: +55-62-2154151
Sra. Therezinha T. M. Hulshof van der Geest (Dutch)
Rod. SP 107 - Km 35.5
Caixa Postal 60
13825-000 - Holambra - SP
Tel.: +55-19-3802.1551
Fax.: +55-19-3802.1892
Cel: +55-19-9743.3507
E-mail: [email protected]
Sr. Paulus Maria Crevels (Dutch)
Rua Antônio de Matos, 97 / 101
35680-030 Itaúna - MG
Tel.: +55-37-3242.8585
Fax.: +55-37-3242.1283
Cel.: +55-37-9982.6130
E-mail: [email protected]
Jose Alfredo Americo Leite (English)
Rua Dr. Juan 112
Joao Pessoa - PB
Tel.: +55-83-224.4245
Email : [email protected]
Porfirio de Andrade Gueiros, BA., ThM, LitD (English)
Rua Nossa Senhora da Saude 411
50731-020 Recife - PE
Tel.: +55-81-3227.1322
Email : [email protected]
Osmar Feitoza do Nascimento (German)
Rua Rubem Berta, 135 Ap. 302 - Pituba
41820-040 - Salvador - Bahia
Tel.: +55-71-3248.8636 ; 345.4661
E-mail: [email protected]
Herbert Viana e Magalhães (English)
Pça. Dois de Julho, 17 - Ap. 902 - Ed. Principe de Gales
Campo Grande
40080-121 Salvador - Bahia
Tel.: +55-71-336.1999 ; 336.3120
Email : [email protected]
Roberto Joaquim de Oliveira (French/English)
Rua Augusto Frederico Schmidt
Ed. Gov. Luiz V. Filho, 159 - Ap. 1002 - Chame-Chame
40140-530 Salvador - Bahia
Tel.: +55-71-245.5428
Email : [email protected]
Adriano J. M. de Jonge (Dutch)
Al. Lorena, 559 - Ap. 2101
01424-000 - São Paulo - SP
Tel.: +55-11-3052.1783
E-mail: [email protected]
Further questions?
Write an email to [email protected]

Sworn Translators in Brazil