& Bruxelas, 30 de Julho de 2002 11405/02 (Presse 224) 2 &RQVHOKR GD 8QLmR (XURSHLD IRL LQIRUPDGR GH TXH R *RYHUQR ,UODQGrV QRPHRX 3HWHU *811,1* SDUD R FDUJR GH 5HSUHVHQWDQWH 3HUPDQHQWH $GMXQWR GD ,UODQGD MXQWR GD 8QLmR (XURSHLD HP VXEVWLWXLomR GH -DPHV %5(11$1 TXH IRL FKDPDGR D H[HUFHU RXWUDV IXQo}HV Peter GUNNING entrou em funções em 8 de Julho de 2002. (Junta-se o respectivo FXUULFXOXPYLWDH). ,QWHUQHWKWWSXHHXLQW1HZVURRP (PDLOSUHVVRIILFH#FRQVLOLXPHXLQW $1(;2 Peter GUNNING born 21 March 1951 in Dublin %XVLQHVVDGGUHVV Permanent Representation of Ireland to the European Union Rue Froissart 89-93 1040 Brussels Tel: 02/2823 222 Fax: 02/230 3188 e-mail: [email protected] (GXFDWLRQ B. Sc., University College Dublin (1972) M. Sc. (Chemistry) 1974 &DUHHU -XO\ Deputy Permanent Representative of Ireland to the European Union Irish Ambassador to Egypt, also accredited to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Sudan Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU (Antici Group) Counsellor, Economic Division, Dept of Foreign Affairs (EU external relations) Consul General of Ireland, Chicago First Secretary, Dept of Foreign Affairs (Political Division, Middle East) First Secretary and Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of Ireland, Tehran Third Secretary, Embassy of Ireland, Moscow Third Secretary, Dept of Foreign Affairs