Nature´s gourmet water Light and refreshing, Pedras is a 100% natural carbonated water that stimulates the palate, enhancing all the original flavours of the food. Due to its unique characteristics, Pedras is the choice of prestigious Chefs to go with or between any course or simply to delight in a moment of pleasure. Enjoy it! Leicht und erfrischend, mit 100% natürlicher Kohlensäure. Pedras erfreut den Gaumen, betont den natürlichen Geschmack der Speisen und verschafft ein außergewöhnliches Gefühl des Wohlbefindens. Das Ergebnis seiner einzigartigen Eigenschaften. Pedras ist die Wahl vieler Küchenchefs, um ein Gericht zu begleiten oder es einfach nur in einem entspannten Moment zu genießen. Probieren Sie es! Leve, refrescante e com gás 100% natural, a Água das Pedras estimula o paladar entre cada sabor e realça o sabor natural dos alimentos, proporcionando uma surpreendente sensação de bem-estar. Fruto das suas características únicas, Pedras é a escolha de muitos chefes de cozinha para acompanhar a refeição ou para desfrutar em simples momentos de prazer. Experimenta! a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 INDEX ALPHABETIC ORDER a world of difference INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER 1912WINEMAKERS 86 170 2.5 VINHOS DE BELMONTE 29 83 A&D WINES 98 184 ADEGA COOP DA LABRUGEIRA 15 54 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DA VERMELHA 17 56 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE ALMEIRIM 105 192 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE FAVAIOS 49 110 ADEGA DE BORBA 47 107 ADEGA DE MONÇÃO 53 114 ADEGA DE PEGÕES 72 146 ADEGA DE REDONDO 111 199 ADEGA MÃE - SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA 29 84 ADEGA MAYOR 36 95 ALIANÇA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL 19 59 ALMEIDA GARRETT WINES 87 171 ALTAPONTUAÇÃO 57 123 AMOREIRA DA TORRE – ORGANIC WINES 107 195 ANSELMO MENDES VINHOS 29 80 APVV - APOIO PROD. DE VINHO VERDE 63 135 ASSIS LOBO WINES 24 70 AVELEDA 84 167 BACALHÔA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL 19 60 BARÃO DE VILAR . VINIHOLD 26 73 CALHEIROS CRUZ 70 144 CAMINHOS CRUZADOS 5 40 CAMPOLARGO 44 104 CARTUXA - FUNDAÇÃO EUGÉNIO DE ALMEIDA 91 175 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER CASA AGRÍCOLA ALEXANDRE RELVAS 117 209 CASA ANADIA 40 99 CASA DA CALDEIRA 92 176 CASA DA PASSARELLA 41 100 CASA DE DAREI 79 158 CASA DE MOURAZ 9 44 CASA DE VILA BOA 103 190 CASA DO VALLE 70 143 CASA ERMELINDA FREITAS - VINHOS 66 139 CASA SANTOS LIMA 23 67 CASA SENHORIAL DO REGUENGO 82 162 CASAL DO CASTELÃO 104 191 CASAL STA. MARIA 89 173 CAVES ARCOS DO REI 52 113 CAVES DA MONTANHA 95 181 CAVES DO CASALINHO 96 182 CAVES SÃO JOÃO 71 145 CAVES TRANSMONTANAS 42 101 1 36 COMENDA GRANDE 83 165 COMPANHIA AGRICOLA DO SANGUINHAL 12 51 COMPANHIA DAS QUINTAS VINHOS 28 78 CONCEITO VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 130 CORTES DE CIMA 90 174 COUTEIRO-MOR 29 81 DÃO SUL / GLOBAL WINES 67 140 DURHAM-AGRELLOS (VINHOS) 115 205 COMPANY NAME CM WINES INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER ENCOSTAS DE ESTREMOZ 109 197 ENOFORUM - CARMIM GROUP 60 131 ENOPARTNER 65 138 ERVIDEIRA 113 201 ESPORÃO 22 65 EXQUISITE WINE - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 127 FERREIRA MALAQUIAS 56 120 H.M.BORGES 78 155 H.O. - HORTA OSÓRIO WINES 21 64 HENRIQUES & HENRIQUES - VINHOS 77 154 HERDADE DA AJUDA 108 196 HERDADE DA COMPORTA 83 166 HERDADE DA MALHADINHA NOVA 48 109 HERDADE DE VALE BARQUEIROS 82 163 HERDADE DO PERDIGÃO 33 91 HERDADE DOS MACHADOS 80 159 HERDADE FONTE PAREDES 32 90 HERDADE GRANDE WINES 43 103 HERDADE PENEDO GORDO 25 71 J. PORTUGAL RAMOS VINHOS 81 160 JOÃO ALMEIDA D’EÇA 57 121 JOÃO CABRAL ALMEIDA VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 128 JOÃO M BARBOSA VINHOS 112 200 JOSÉ MARIA DA FONSECA VINHOS 10 46 JULIA KEMPER WINES 4 39 JUSTINO’S, MADEIRA WINES 73 150 LIMA & SMITH, LDA. - QUINTA DE COVELA 30 85 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER LUÍS PATO 34 92 LUSOVINI 58 126 MADEIRA WINE COMPANY 76 153 MADEIRA WINE INSTITUTE - IVBAM 75 152 MAGNUM - CARLOS LUCAS VINHOS 30 86 MARTHA’S WINES 85 169 MONTE DA PENHA 37 96 MONTE DA RAVASQUEIRA 101 188 MOUCHÃO 64 137 MULTIWINES - QUINTA DE SÃO SEBASTIÃO 55 118 NIEPOORT VINHOS 61 132 ODISSEIA WINES 116 208 PAÇO DAS CÔRTES 13 52 PARRAS VINHOS 114 202 PROVAM 35 93 QUANTA TERRA - SOCIEDADE DE VINHOS 42 102 QUINTA DA BARREIRA 88 172 QUINTA DA CASABOA 14 53 QUINTA DA FOZ 93 178 QUINTA DA PACHECA 50 111 QUINTA DA PELLADA 51 112 QUINTA DA PONTE PEDRINHA 8 43 QUINTA DA REDE 24 69 QUINTA DAS APEGADAS 45 105 QUINTA DAS ARCAS 25 72 QUINTA DAS MARIAS 6 41 QUINTA DE CHOCAPALHA - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 77 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER QUINTA DE COTTAS 115 204 QUINTA DE MARROCOS 39 98 QUINTA DE SANT’ANA - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 76 QUINTA DE VALE DE PIOS 83 164 QUINTA DO ARROBE 57 122 QUINTA DO ESCUDIAL VINHOS 7 42 QUINTA DO FILOCO 116 207 QUINTA DO MONDEGO 55 117 QUINTA DO MONTALTO 16 55 QUINTA DO MONTE D’OIRO - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 75 QUINTA DO PILOTO VINHOS 99 186 QUINTA DO PINTO 38 97 QUINTA DO ROMEU 79 157 QUINTA DOS FRADES 29 82 QUINTA DOS MONTEIRINHOS 3 38 QUINTA DOS TERMOS 35 94 QUINTAS DE MELGAÇO 55 116 RIBAFREIXO 31 89 ROQUEVALE 110 198 RUI REGUINGA VINHOS 106 194 RUI ROBOREDO MADEIRA VINHOS 54 115 SANTA VITÓRIA 55 119 SCD SENHORA DO CONVENTO 116 206 SECRET SPOT WINES 30 88 SIVIPA 99 185 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA CUNHA FOLQUE 18 57 SOCIEDADE AGRICOLA DE PIAS 102 189 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA FÉLIX ROCHA 46 106 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO CONDE 11 50 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO COVÃO 93 177 SOGEVINUS FINE WINES 20 61 SOLWINE 97 183 SONHO LUSITANO VINHOS 106 193 SUSANA ESTEBAN 62 133 TERRAS DE ALTER 100 187 THYRO WINES 94 179 TIAGO TELES 94 180 2 37 VADIO - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 129 VAL-BÔA 62 134 VALLE PRADINHOS 30 87 VASQUES DE CARVALHO 68 141 VENÂNCIO DA COSTA LIMA 64 136 VINHOS BARBEITO (MADEIRA) 74 151 WINE VENTURES 69 142 COMPANY NAME UCB-QUINTA DO CERRADO a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 INDEX STAND ORDER a world of difference INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER CM WINES 1 36 UCB-QUINTA DO CERRADO 2 37 QUINTA DOS MONTEIRINHOS 3 38 JULIA KEMPER WINES 4 39 CAMINHOS CRUZADOS 5 40 QUINTA DAS MARIAS 6 41 QUINTA DO ESCUDIAL VINHOS 7 42 QUINTA DA PONTE PEDRINHA 8 43 CASA DE MOURAZ 9 44 JOSÉ MARIA DA FONSECA VINHOS 10 46 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO CONDE 11 50 COMPANHIA AGRICOLA DO SANGUINHAL 12 51 PAÇO DAS CÔRTES 13 52 QUINTA DA CASABOA 14 53 ADEGA COOP DA LABRUGEIRA 15 54 QUINTA DO MONTALTO 16 55 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DA VERMELHA 17 56 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA CUNHA FOLQUE 18 57 ALIANÇA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL 19 59 BACALHÔA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL 19 60 SOGEVINUS FINE WINES 20 61 H.O. - HORTA OSÓRIO WINES 21 64 ESPORÃO 22 65 CASA SANTOS LIMA 23 67 QUINTA DA REDE 24 69 ASSIS LOBO WINES 24 70 HERDADE PENEDO GORDO 25 71 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER QUINTA DAS ARCAS 25 72 BARÃO DE VILAR . VINIHOLD 26 73 QUINTA DO MONTE D’OIRO - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 75 QUINTA DE SANT’ANA - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 76 QUINTA DE CHOCAPALHA - Lisbon Family Vineyards 27 77 COMPANHIA DAS QUINTAS VINHOS 28 78 ANSELMO MENDES VINHOS 29 80 COUTEIRO-MOR 29 81 QUINTA DOS FRADES 29 82 2.5 VINHOS DE BELMONTE 29 83 ADEGA MÃE - SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA 29 84 LIMA & SMITH, LDA. - QUINTA DE COVELA 30 85 MAGNUM - CARLOS LUCAS VINHOS 30 86 VALLE PRADINHOS 30 87 SECRET SPOT WINES 30 88 RIBAFREIXO 31 89 HERDADE FONTE PAREDES 32 90 HERDADE DO PERDIGÃO 33 91 LUÍS PATO 34 92 PROVAM 35 93 QUINTA DOS TERMOS 35 94 ADEGA MAYOR 36 95 MONTE DA PENHA 37 96 QUINTA DO PINTO 38 97 QUINTA DE MARROCOS 39 98 CASA ANADIA 40 99 CASA DA PASSARELLA 41 100 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER CAVES TRANSMONTANAS 42 101 QUANTA TERRA - SOCIEDADE DE VINHOS 42 102 HERDADE GRANDE WINES 43 103 CAMPOLARGO 44 104 QUINTA DAS APEGADAS 45 105 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA FÉLIX ROCHA 46 106 ADEGA DE BORBA 47 107 HERDADE DA MALHADINHA NOVA 48 109 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE FAVAIOS 49 110 QUINTA DA PACHECA 50 111 QUINTA DA PELLADA 51 112 CAVES ARCOS DO REI 52 113 ADEGA DE MONÇÃO 53 114 RUI ROBOREDO MADEIRA VINHOS 54 115 QUINTAS DE MELGAÇO 55 116 QUINTA DO MONDEGO 55 117 MULTIWINES - QUINTA DE SÃO SEBASTIÃO 55 118 SANTA VITÓRIA 55 119 FERREIRA MALAQUIAS 56 120 JOÃO ALMEIDA D’EÇA 57 121 QUINTA DO ARROBE 57 122 ALTAPONTUAÇÃO 57 123 LUSOVINI 58 126 EXQUISITE WINE - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 127 JOÃO CABRAL ALMEIDA VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 128 VADIO - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 129 CONCEITO VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal 59 130 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER ENOFORUM - CARMIM GROUP 60 131 NIEPOORT VINHOS 61 132 SUSANA ESTEBAN 62 133 VAL-BÔA 62 134 APVV - APOIO PROD. DE VINHO VERDE 63 135 VENÂNCIO DA COSTA LIMA 64 136 MOUCHÃO 64 137 ENOPARTNER 65 138 CASA ERMELINDA FREITAS - VINHOS 66 139 DÃO SUL / GLOBAL WINES 67 140 VASQUES DE CARVALHO 68 141 WINE VENTURES 69 142 CASA DO VALLE 70 143 CALHEIROS CRUZ 70 144 CAVES SÃO JOÃO 71 145 ADEGA DE PEGÕES 72 146 JUSTINO’S, MADEIRA WINES 73 150 VINHOS BARBEITO (MADEIRA) 74 151 MADEIRA WINE INSTITUTE - IVBAM 75 152 MADEIRA WINE COMPANY 76 153 HENRIQUES & HENRIQUES - VINHOS 77 154 H.M.BORGES 78 155 QUINTA DO ROMEU 79 157 CASA DE DAREI 79 158 HERDADE DOS MACHADOS 80 159 J. PORTUGAL RAMOS VINHOS 81 160 CASA SENHORIAL DO REGUENGO 82 162 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER HERDADE DE VALE BARQUEIROS 82 163 QUINTA DE VALE DE PIOS 83 164 COMENDA GRANDE 83 165 HERDADE DA COMPORTA 83 166 AVELEDA 84 167 MARTHA’S WINES 85 169 1912WINEMAKERS 86 170 ALMEIDA GARRETT WINES 87 171 QUINTA DA BARREIRA 88 172 CASAL STA. MARIA 89 173 CORTES DE CIMA 90 174 CARTUXA - FUNDAÇÃO EUGÉNIO DE ALMEIDA 91 175 CASA DA CALDEIRA 92 176 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO COVÃO 93 177 QUINTA DA FOZ 93 178 THYRO WINES 94 179 TIAGO TELES 94 180 CAVES DA MONTANHA 95 181 CAVES DO CASALINHO 96 182 SOLWINE 97 183 A&D WINES 98 184 SIVIPA 99 185 QUINTA DO PILOTO VINHOS 99 186 TERRAS DE ALTER 100 187 MONTE DA RAVASQUEIRA 101 188 SOCIEDADE AGRICOLA DE PIAS 102 189 CASA DE VILA BOA 103 190 COMPANY NAME INDEX STAND NUMBER PAGE NUMBER CASAL DO CASTELÃO 104 191 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE ALMEIRIM 105 192 SONHO LUSITANO VINHOS 106 193 RUI REGUINGA VINHOS 106 194 AMOREIRA DA TORRE – ORGANIC WINES 107 195 HERDADE DA AJUDA 108 196 ENCOSTAS DE ESTREMOZ 109 197 ROQUEVALE 110 198 ADEGA DE REDONDO 111 199 JOÃO M BARBOSA VINHOS 112 200 ERVIDEIRA 113 201 PARRAS VINHOS 114 202 QUINTA DE COTTAS 115 204 DURHAM-AGRELLOS (VINHOS) 115 205 SCD SENHORA DO CONVENTO 116 206 QUINTA DO FILOCO 116 207 ODISSEIA WINES 116 208 CASA AGRÍCOLA ALEXANDRE RELVAS 117 209 COMPANY NAME a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 LIST OF EXHIBITORS a world of difference a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 CM WINES STAND Nº1 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The new generation of Dao Valley José Costa Marques R. Nossa Senhora de Fatima 76 3500-543 Silgueiros Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0049 177 2620202 WINES ALLGO Branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Uva Cão ALLGO Tinto 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Tinta Roriz ALLGO Rosé 2013 Rose wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Alfrocheiro FLOR D ALLGO Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, IGP Jaen, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Merlot 36 UCB-QUINTA DO CERRADO STAND Nº2 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The history behind a great wine can become mingled with that of a great family who carefully perfected their wines over the years while upholding tradition, developing their technique and passing their passion for work on to the 3rd generation. UCB company, was founded in 1942, is one of the oldest companies in the Dão region. In the 1980’s, the company acquired Quinta do Cerrado, where it planted 25 hectares of vineyard and installed a winery to process its own grapes and those acquired from other winegrowers in the Region. Cristina Cunha Martins Avenida da Estação, 82 - Oliveirinha 3430-399 Carregal do Sal Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 961 444 741 WINES Cunha Martins - Branco 2014 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia and Rabo de Ovelha Prova dos 9 - Branco 2014 White wine Dão, IGP Encruzado, Malvasia and Síria Cunha Martins - Reserva 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Prova dos 9 - Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Rufete Cunha Martins - Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Rufete Quinta do Cerrado - Encruzado 2014 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Princípe do Dão - Branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia and Cercial Quinta do Cerrado - Reserva 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Jaen Princípe do Dão - Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Jaen and Alfrocheiro Quinta do Cerrado - Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 37 QUINTA DOS MONTEIRINHOS STAND Nº3 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Quinta dos Monteirinhos Red DOC 2011 and Monterinhos White D.O.C. Encruzado 2012 are two types of truly exquisite wines. These wines, produced from grapes originating from vineyards on the high granite plateaus of the Beira region - at Água Levada and Moimenta de Maceira Dão - share the distinct character and quality of the great wines of the Dão region. Wines produced by Hugo Chaves de Sousa. One of the new generation of winemakers, with a solid reputation in the world of wine-making. Miguel Bernardo Ginestal Machado Monteiro Albuquerque Rua da Barroca, S/N 3530-310 Moimenta de Maceira Dão Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 924 018 454 WINES Monteirinhos Branco D.O.C. 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Quinta dos Monteirinhos Tinto D.O.C. 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Quinta Dos Monteirinhos Tinto D.O.C. 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Quinta dos Monteirinhos Tinto D.O.C. 2012 Red wine Dão, IGP Jaen, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz 38 JULIA KEMPER WINES STAND Nº4 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Julia Kemper Wines continues the wine making tradition that has been in the Melo family for over 400 years. Its organic red, rose and white wines, produced with modern technology and in its old granite lagares - where the grapes are still treaded by foot -, are amongst the Dão Region’s finest. Carla Telo Quinta do Cruzeiro - Oliveira 3530-239 Mangualde Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 133 592 IMPORTER looking for importer WINES Elpenor Rosé 2012 Rose wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Julia Kemper Reserva Branco 2011 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Elpenor Tinto 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Julia Kemper Reserva Tinto 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Julia Kemper Branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Julia Kemper Tinto 2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Julia Kemper Curiosity Branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Malvasia Fina and Encruzado Julia Kemper Touriga Nacional 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Julia Kemper Curiosity Tinto 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Alfrocheiro Julia Kemper Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 39 CAMINHOS CRUZADOS STAND Nº5 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The company’s philosophy is based on the production of quality wines, with a strand of modernism and tradition, combined with the differentiation the market demands. The company wines are made from grapes of its own production and selected producers, known for their quality and excellent casts, mostly from the Dão region. Caminhos Cruzados results from the union of ideas and projects, and it promises to put Nelas back on the map as a land of elected wines. Lígia Maria Ramos Coelho dos Santos Largo Vasco da Gama, 23 3520-079 Nelas Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 984 996 WINES Terras de Nelas Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, IGP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Jaen Titular Branco Colheita 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Bical, Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Terras de Santar Tinto 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Jaen Titular Encruzado & Malvasia Fina 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Tinto Colheita 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Titular Reserva 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Titular 100% Encruzado 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Titular Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 40 QUINTA DAS MARIAS STAND Nº6 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Quinta das Marias is a family owned and managed producer of quality wines in the Dão DOC region. From our grapes grown on 12 Hectares of land we carefully craft 40’000 bottles of premium wine. Peter Viktor Eckeert Quinta das Marias, Oliveira do Conde 3430-364 Carregal do Sal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 935 807 031 IMPORTER Linke Weinhandelsges. mbH Dorfstraße 19 - 85662 Hohenbrunn Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 08102/895868 Fax: 08102/895897 WINES Quinta das Marias Encruzado 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Quinta das Marias Lote 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Jaen Quinta das Marias Encruzado “Barricas” 2011 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Quinta das Marias Reserva Cuvée TT 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Quinta das Marias Garrafeira 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Quinta das Marias Reserva Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 41 QUINTA DO ESCUDIAL VINHOS STAND Nº7 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Exclusive producer of “NO OAK” wine. The QUINTA DO ESCUDIAL is located in Dão region, close to the highest mountain in Portugal, and comprises just 6,5 hectares. Almost all the vines have more than 65 years. Miguel Marques da Silva Vodra 6270-554 Seia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 916 996 120 WINES Quinta do Escudial Harvest 2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz and Jaen Quinta do Escudial Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional QuintadoEscudialReserveOldVines2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Tinta Roriz Quinta do Escudial White 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia Fina, Rabo de Ovelha and Barcelo 42 QUINTA DA PONTE PEDRINHA STAND Nº8 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Owned by Maria de Lourdes Osório, belongs to the family since 18th Century and is located near the highest mountains of Portugal. The 50 hectares of vineyards, planted on granitic soils for over 35 years, are deeply rooted and attached to the land and lives of the people who lived here. They illustrate the longstanding TRADITION of Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha. The vineyard area that give life to these wines offer details of rare beauty to the surrounding landscape. We are totally dedicated to blend tradition with innovation to produce wines that best represent the full expression of the Dão region. Patrícia Carvalho Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha Lagarinhos 6290-094 Lagarinhos, Gouveia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 939 896 000 +351 238 485 000 WINES Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, old vines, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha 2005 Long Ageing White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Cerceal and Arinto Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Quinta da Ponte Pedrinha Vinhas Velhas 2007 Red wine Dão, DOP Old vines 43 CASA DE MOURAZ STAND Nº9 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS CASA de MOURAZ, located in Mouraz, council of Tondela, was the first to practice organic farming in the region of Dão, one of the most important and prestigious wine areas in Portugal. The year 2000 marked the birth of CASA de MOURAZ project, created by António Lopes Ribeiro and Sara Dionísio. Mouraz, a little village in the heart of Dão region, is António’s birth place, where his family had farmed vineyards in a holistic and ecological way for many generations. Our purpose is to create authentic and customized wines that express all the richness of our terroir with respect for the nature. Sara Dionísio R. do Outeiro, 111, Mouraz 3460-330 Tondela Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 961 627 707 WINES Casa de Mouraz 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia Fina, Cercial and Bical Casa de Mouraz Encruzado 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Casa de Mouraz 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Água-Santa, Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Jaen and Alfrocheiro Preto Casa de Mouraz Private Selection 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Jaen Casa de Mouraz Elfa 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Old vines 44 a world of difference JOSÉ MARIA DA FONSECA VINHOS STAND Nº10 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Innovation and tradition are the keywords defining the work of José Maria da Fonseca. Owned and managed by the same family for close to 200 years, the focus has always been on updating and looking ahead, never on standing still to reflect back on former glories. José Maria da Fonseca initiated the business in 1834, and his passion for winegrowing has been shared by the family ever since, all of whom strive to maintain the high standards set by the founder. Miguel Azevedo Remédio Rua José Augusto Coelho, 11/13 Vila Nogueira de Azeitão 2925-542 Azeitão Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 212 197 500 IMPORTER Weinkontor Freund GmbH - Dirk Rohrig Nienkamp 17, D-33829 Borgholzhausen Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 5425 954642 Fax: 5425 954624 WINES Alambre 20 Anos White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel JMF Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão and Aragonez Alambre Moscatel de Setúbal 2008 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel JMF White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires and Moscatel Domini 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca José de Sousa 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Grand Noir, Trincadeira and Aragonez Domini Plus 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional José de Sousa Mayor 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Grand Noir, Trincadeira and Aragonez Hexagon 2008 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Syrah, Trincadeira, Tinto Cão and Tannat Lancers Rose wine Península de Setúbal Aragonez, Syrah, Touriga Nacional, Castelão and Trincadeira 46 JOSÉ MARIA DA FONSECA VINHOS Lancers White wine Península de Setúbal Arinto and Fernão Pires Periquita 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Verdelho, Viosinho and Viognier Lancers Free Rose wine Península de Setúbal Aragonez, Shiraz, Touriga Nacional, Castelão and Trincadeira Periquita 2013 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Aragonez and Trincadeira Lancers Spritzer White wine Península de Setúbal Arinto and Moscatel Periquita Original 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Trincadeira and Aragonez Montado 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Periquita Reserva 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca 47 a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO CONDE STAND Nº11 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Sociedade Agrícola Quinta do Conde, “Quinta do Conde”, is a family owned business located in Alenquer, in Lisbon region. The Santos Lima family has been devoted, since the turn of the 19th century, to the wine production and export business. The company´s fast growth resulted from the great success of its sales in international markets. More recently, also with excellent results, the company has started selling in the Portuguese market. José Luís Oliveira da Silva Quinta da Boavista 2580-081 Aldeia Galega da Merceana Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 263 769 093 WINES 2Uvas 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Quinta Vista 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Shiraz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz GALODORO, Tinto 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Quinta Vista Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon 50 COMPANHIA AGRICOLA DO SANGUINHAL STAND Nº12 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Companhia Agrícola do Sanguinhal owns 3 estates located in the Demarcated Region of Óbidos (A.O.C.) with 98 hectares of vineyards that have been in full production since the end of the 19th century, namely, Quinta do Sanguinhal, Quinta das Cerejeiras and Quinta de S. Francisco. The names of these estates (“Quintas”) stand for the most prestigious AOC wines produced by the company, in the hands of the same family for 3 generations. The company’s goal is to modernize, innovate and to meet the standards of the most demanding consumer. Carlos Pereira da Fonseca Quinta das Cerejeiras - Apartado 5 2544-909 Bombarral Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 358 432 IMPORTER Heinz Hein Weinhandel E.K. Hofäckerstr, 7 - 65207 Wiesbaden Germany WINES Casabel 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Vital and Fernão Pires Quinta de S.Francisco 2010 Red wine Lisboa, DOP Aragonez, Castelão and Touriga Nacional Casabel 2014 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Aragonez and Syrah Quinta de S.Francisco 2014 White wine Lisboa, DOP Arinto, Fernão Pires and Vital Casabel 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Miúda and Aragonez Quinta do Sanguinhal 2009 Red wine Lisboa, DOP Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Aragonez Peninsula 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão and Aragonez Sanguinhal - Aragonez 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez Quinta das Cerejeiras Reserva 2008 Red wine Lisboa, DOP Aragonez, Castelão and Touriga Nacional Sanguinhal - Cabernet Sauvignon & Aragonez 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Cabernet Sauvignon 51 PAÇO DAS CÔRTES STAND Nº13 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS PAÇO DAS CORTES “ is a very professional company, dedicated to the production and commercialization of WINES, totally faced to the export markets. In cooperation with one of the most prestigious Portuguese Winemakers, António Ventura (Enologist of the year 2006 and Enologist of the year 2013), we are managed to create fine wines, with a modern style and an excellent quality-price relationship. The key, we believe that is a whole rigorous process that begins in the grapes selection, the vinification, the preparation of the blends and a strict quality control of the final product. Luís Rosado Estrada Principal Nº355 - A R/Ch Esq. Apartado 501 Leiria 2416-904 Leiria Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 963 612 522 WINES Reserva do Passo 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Castelão, Alicante Bouschet and Syrah Critterium Reserva 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz and Alicante Bouschet Reserva da Família 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz and Alicante Bouschet Reserva D’Amizade 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz and Alicante Bouschet Reserva das Côrtes 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz and Alicante Bouschet 52 QUINTA DA CASABOA STAND Nº14 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Quinta da Casaboa, located in Runa, 40 Km to the west of Lisbon, has been owned by three generations of the Ferreira dos Santos family, and dedicated to the production and bottling of wine. Originally from the 18th century, the Quinta da Casaboa has a total area of 256 acres. In 2004, the company was restructured and its rationale changed with the objective to become a producer of quality wines.Quinta da Casaboa produces wines from Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet, Tinta Roriz, Merlot, Alvarinho and Arinto varieties. Joana Paes Quinta da Granja 2565-712 Runa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 916 462 660 WINES Casaboa Homenagem Reserva 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional Quinta da Casaboa Alvarinho 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Alvarinho Quinta da Casaboa 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alicante Bouschet and Merlot Quinta da Casaboa Merlot & Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot and Touriga Nacional Quinta da Casaboa Alvarinho 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Alvarinho TintaBoa 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz 53 ADEGA COOP DA LABRUGEIRA STAND Nº15 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS The roots of Alenquer’s winemaking tradition go back to the distant times of the Roman ages. Winemaking in the region has been significant for more than 700 years; it has regulated by a “Carta Foral” in 1240.The ancient Knowledge of our farmers (in Adega are more than 400), their devotion to the earth and the use of modern winemaking techniques finish and enhance of the virtues of Alenquer’s fabulous nectars.Alenquer are situated in the Lisboa Wines Region. José Afonso das Neves Carneiro Santos Labrugeira Ventosa 2580-405 Ventosa - Alenquer Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 897 175 WINES Fructus-Cabernet Sauvignon/Syrah/Aragonez 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Tinta Roriz Fructus White wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah - logotipo 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Syrah & Tinta Roriz 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Barão de Alenquer 2013 White wine Lisboa, DOP Velharia Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Barão de Alenquer 2012 Red wine Lisboa, DOP 54 QUINTA DO MONTALTO STAND Nº16 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS For more than 125 years, there is a tradition of organic winegrowing in Quinta do Montalto. Five generations brought forth delicate wines produced with the noblest Portuguese grape varieties. The use of traditional oenological practices makes possible to obtain wines with strong character, in line with the quiet patchy landscape of vegetable gardens, olive yards and forests. Situated near Fátima, in the Lisbon region, the 15,5 hectares of Quinta do Montalto benefit of an excellent solar exposure, which enable the grew of grapes with wellbalanced maturation, in perfect syntony with nature. Andre Valério Gomes Pereira Quinta do Montalto, Montalto Olival 2435-439 Olival -Ourem Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 932 705 052 WINES Cepa Pura - Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional GP - Medieval de Ourem 2013 Lisboa, DOP Trincadeira and Fernão Pires Cepa Pura Aragonez 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez Vinha da Malhada 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cepa Pura Fernão Pires 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires Vinha da Malhada 2014 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Cepa Pura Reserva Aragonez 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez Vinha da Malhada 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cepa Pura Syrah 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Vinha da Malhada 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP 55 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DA VERMELHA STAND Nº17 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Situated in the Western Region of Portugal, 70 km north of Lisbon and close the Atlantic, With a total area of approximately 1,400 hectares, of various “terroirs”. Currently inserted in the Lisbon region, we are able to produce Vinho Regional Lisboa and Wine DOC Obidos. Adega da Vermelha has capacity of 6000 bot. per hour which allows the fill various types of bottles in different capacities, we have with a capacity of 3000 lt /hour to fill bad in box, so to do the whole market in Portugal and for export, already has a weight of 40%. Nuno Rodrigues Rua do Bairro das Amoreiras 2550-545 Vermelha Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 916 135 912 WINES Mundus Aragonêz 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez Mundus Escolha Tinto 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Syrah Mundus Branco Leve 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires and Malvasia Mundus Reserva Tinto 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Castelão Mundus Branco Leve Selecionado 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Malvasia Fina, Moscatel and Fernão Pires Mundus Syrah 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Mundus Escolha Branco 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto, Malvasia Fina and Fernão Pires Mundus Tinto 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Castelão 56 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA CUNHA FOLQUE STAND Nº18 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS José Folque Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 56 - 1 1050-058 Lisboa Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 910 934 250 The production of wine in the Sociedade Agrícula Cunha Folque, is part of the wine region of Lisbon with a greater potential for growth than the national average, due to a recognition that they have been acquiring in markets. For marketing the wine was created in 2007 marks “Bartolo” and “Fifth of St. Bartholomew” (Trademarks), thus creating an identity for your product, combining a range of high quality wines already widely recognized nationally with a broad recognition that is expected to reach the international level. WINES Bartolo Branco 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Sauvignon Blanc, Arinto and Chardonnay Bartolo Tinto 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional Bartolo Rose 2013 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Merlot Quinta de São Bartolomeu 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Touriga Nacional 57 a world of difference ALIANÇA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL STAND Nº19 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Aliança was founded in 1927, over 80 years ago, by 11 associates led by Domingos Silva and Ângelo Neves, in Sangalhos (Anadia’s county), Bairrada region. The company started its activity by exporting to Brasil, África and Europe, representing, nowadays more than 50% of Aliança’s clientele. Aliança is proud of their quality wine, sparkling wine and brandy not only available in Portugal but in the 60 countries they export to. Represented in the main wine regions of the country, Aliança’s main goal is to achieve the highest quality possible. Bruno Rebelo de Sousa Estrada Nacional 10 - Vila Nogueira de Azeitão 2925-901 Azeitão Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 916 486 109 WINES Casal Mendes Rosé 2014 Rose wine (Table Wine) Baga Aliança Dão 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Jaen Casal Mendes Verde 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Azal, Pedernã, Trajadura and Loureiro Quinta da Garrida 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Jaen Casal Mendes Red 2014 Red wine Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Aliança Dão Reserva 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Foral 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Aliança Bairrada Reserva Tinto 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Touriga Nacional, Baga and Tinta Roriz Quinta dos Quatro Ventos 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Quinta da Terrugem 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Syrah 59 BACALHÔA VINHOS DE PORTUGAL STAND Nº19 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Bacalhôa Vinhos Portugal was founded in 1922 and is one of the leading wine producers in Portugal. In 1998, Comendador Berardo became a major shareholder and continued to uphold the company’s mission of excellence. In 2007, Bacalhôa became the major shareholder at Aliança, one of the most prestigious producers of high quality Sparkling Wines, Wines & Spirits. In 2008 acquired Quinta do Carmo. Bruno Rebelo de Sousa Estrada Nacional 10 - Vila Nogueira de Azeitão 2925-901 Azeitão Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 916 486 109 IMPORTER Luso Weinimport - Omar Matias Hafenweg 4 D-76287 Rheinstetten-Silberstreifen Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 07219613860 Web: WINES JP Azeitão White 2014 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Moscatel and Fernão Pires Quinta do Carmo 2012 Red wine Alentejo, VR Aragonez, Alic. Bouschet, Trincadeira and Cabernet Sauvignon JP Azeitão Rosé 2014 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Moscatel, Trincadeira and Touriga Franca Má Partilha 2011 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Merlot JP Azeitão Red 2014 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Aragonez and Syrah Quinta da Bacalhôa 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, VR Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot Catarina 2014 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires, Chardonnay and Arinto Palácio da Bacalhôa 2009 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Petit Verdot Monte das Ânforas 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Trincadeira Bacalhôa Moscatel de Setúbal 2012 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel 60 SOGEVINUS FINE WINES STAND Nº20 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Sogevinus gathers an exclusive and distinguished family of centenary Port Houses that produce some of the finest ports – Kopke, Burmester, Cálem and Barros. Number one in Portuguese market (in Port Wine sales), Sogevinus is also the world leading company of the noblest and most desired Port Wine categories – Colheita - considered to be the jewel in the crown of the tawny style. Tânia Oliveira Avenida Diogo Leite, 344 4400-111 Vila Nova de Gaia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 223 746 660 WINES Kopke Colheita 1941 Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Burmester 30 years old white Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Kopke Colheita 1957 Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Barros Colheita 1974 Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Kopke 40 years old white Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Barros 10 years old Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Kopke 20 years old white Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Cálem Colheita 1961 Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Burmester Colheita 1952 Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro Cálem 20 years old Porto, DOP Traditional grapes varieties of the Douro 61 SOGEVINUS FINE WINES Kopke reserva 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Arinto and Folgazão Burmester 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina, Gouveio and Rabigato Kopke reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Barros reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Kopke 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Arinto, Gouveio and Rabigato Barros 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Kopke 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinto Cão Curva reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Burmester 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Curva 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina and Gouveio 62 H.O. - HORTA OSÓRIO WINES STAND Nº21 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS H. O. - Horta Osório Wines represents a family project that produces high quality wines and shows great ambition in the Douro Region (Baixo Corgo). First launched on the market in 2012, H. O. - Horta Osório Wines combines tradition and the latest winemaking techniques with the wisdom, determination and vision of its founder and owner. João Azevedo Mendes Quinta do Pontão – Cumieira Santa 5030-046 Santa Marta de Penaguião Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 323 984 WINES H.O.-Achado 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Rabigato and Viosinho H.O.-Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines H.O.-Achado 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Sousão H.O.-Moscatel Galego Branco 2013 White Wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego White H.O.-Colheita 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca,Touriga Nacional, Sousão and old vines H.O.-Rosé 2013 Rosé Wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional H.O.-Colheita 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho and Rabigato 64 ESPORÃO STAND Nº22 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Esporão was born in Alentejo from an unconditional will to craft the best wines. That motivation is at the core of everything we do now broadened to more products and regions. In each territory, nature inspires us and helps us to do the best. For this reason, we respect and protect it. We believe that Esporão must serve society and not the other way around. We thus seek a responsible way to develop our activity. Nuno Cabral Avenida do Restelo, 44 1400-315 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 213 031 540 IMPORTER Luso-Weinimport - Omar Matias Häfenweg 4 -76287 Rheinstetten Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0721-9613860/61 Fax: 0721-9613862 WINES 2 Castas 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Gouveio and Antão Vaz Assobio 2014 Rose wine Douro, DOP Tinta Francisca, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz 4 Castas 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Tinta Miúda, Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Assobio 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Alandra Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo Antão Vaz, Arinto and Perrum Esporão Reserva Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Antão Vaz, Roupeiro Branco and Semillon Alandra Tinto 2014 Red wine Alentejo Castelão, Trincadeira and Moreto Esporão Reserva Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Trincadeira and Cabernet Sauvignon Assobio 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Rabigato and Gouveio Monte Velho Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Perrum and Roupeiro 65 ESPORÃO Monte Velho Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional and Syrah Qta dos Murças Porto Tawny 10 anos Porto, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão Private Selection Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Semillon Quinta dos Murças Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Private Selection Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Shiraz 66 CASA SANTOS LIMA STAND Nº23 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Casa Santos Lima is a family owned company located in Lisbon region, exporting 95% of its total production to more than 40 countries. With a total area of 280 ha, mainly vineyards, our wines are known for excellent value and in the last years we have been one of the most awarded Portuguese wineries in the major international wine competitions. José Luís Oliveira da Silva Quinta da Boavista 2580-081 Aldeia Galega da Merceana Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 263 760 621 WINES Al-Ria 2013 Red wine Algarve, IGP Shiraz and Touriga Nacional Bons Ventos 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Miúda and Touriga Nacional Amoras Reserva 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Shiraz Cigarra Shiraz - Tinta Barroca 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Shiraz and Tinta Barroca Azulejo Leve 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires, Arinto, Moscatel and Vital Confidencial Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Barricas Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon CSL Late Harvest 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Moscatel, Semillon and Gewürztraminer Bonavita 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz, Syrah and Touriga Franca Gran Passo Reserva Clássico 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon 67 CASA SANTOS LIMA Lab Reserva 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah Quinta da Espiga 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Shiraz Opaco 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Sousão Quinta das Setencostas 2010 Red wine Lisboa, DOP Castelão and Tinta Miúda Palha-Canas Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Castelão Quinta do Espírito Santo Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Castelão, Shiraz and Touriga Nacional Portas de Lisboa Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Shiraz, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Reserva do Monte 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Trincadeira Portuga Leve 2013 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão Touriz 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca 68 QUINTA DA REDE STAND Nº24 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS The oldest historical records of the Quinta da Rede Estate are from 1484. It has been part of the Douro Wine Region even before the demarcation of 1756. The Quinta is overlooking the Douro river, on the right bank, between Mesão Frio and Régua, at an altitude between 90 to 140 meters. It is renowned for being the place where in the past fishing nets (meaning of Rede) stretched from one side to the other across the Douro. The Quinta da Rede Estate belongs to the area of the magnificent Douro’s vineyard landscape that has been recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage. Jean-Claude Cretu Rua Conselheiro José Maria Alpoim, nº 166 5040-324 Mesão Frio Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 502 049 WINES Casa de Cambres Reserva red 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Quinta da Rede Grande Reserva red 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, T. Nacional and T. Franca Quinta da Rede Grande Reserva white 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Arinto and Rabigato Rede Colheita Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Gouveio and Arinto Quinta da Rede Reserva white 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Arinto, Viosinho and Gouveio Rede Colheita Tinto 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Quinta da Rede Reserva red 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz 69 ASSIS LOBO WINES STAND Nº24 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS The Casa Agrícola Assis Lobo, Lda, was recently established. However, viticulture is deeply rooted in our family from bygone days. From generation to generation, this noble art has been perfected and adapted to the demands of those who appreciate and judge it. Having as of the utmost priority the high quality of our wines, only grapes from our vineyards, situated in the most privileged and noblest areas of the region of Palmela, as are Lau, Fonte da Barreira, Poceirão and Fernando Pó, are used. Headquarters and sales office at our old wine cellar in the historic centre of Palmela, where we store our wines in stone recipients, during at least 5 months. Also here in this place we present and promote our wines. Our new vinification centre, created in 2004 is located at Fernando Pó (one of the noblest vineyard areas of Palmela). Rui Lobo Rua Dr. Bernardo Teixeira Botelho, 41 2950-298 Palmela Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 962 515 647 WINES Lobo 2012 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão and Moscatel-Galego-Branco Lobo 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires, Moscatel-Galego-Blanc, Arinto and Verdelho Quintal dos Lobos 2013 Red wine Castelão, Aragonês and Trincadeira Lobo Mau Reserva 2010 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DO Castelão and Touriga Nacional Quintal dos Lobos 2013 White wine Fernão Pires, Arinto and Moscatel de Setúbal Lobo 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Lobo Selecção 2010 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional LOBOROXO 2009 DO Setúbal Moscatel Roxo Lobo Selecção 2010 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Syrah and Touriga Nacional Tribox - 3 Lobos Península de Setúbal Castelão, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah 70 HERDADE PENEDO GORDO STAND Nº25 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS The Herdade Penedo Gordo has 80 hectares of vineyards with the main grape varietals of the region and also 30 hectares with olive trees. All the wines produced in the Herdade Penedo Gordo comes from grapes grown integrated production system. António Monteiro Herdade Penedo Gordo 7150-308 Orada - Borba Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 570 631 WINES Herdade Penedo Gordo Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Roupeiro and Antão Vaz Penedo Gordo Alentejano Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Roupeiro and Antão Vaz Herdade Penedo Gordo Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Trincadeira and Touriga Nacional Penedo Gordo Alentejano Tinto 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Monte Penedo Gordo Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Syrah 71 QUINTA DAS ARCAS STAND Nº25 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Antonio Monteiro 4440-392 Sobrado VLG Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 570 631 Quinta das Arcas is a family company with several years of winemaking tradition. Nowadays the production area reaches a total of 200 ha of vineyards divided in 4 estates between the Vinho Verde region and the Alentejo region, mostly growing the most noble Portuguese grape varieties. WINES Arca Nova Alvarinho 2014 White wine Regional Minho, IGP Alvarinho Arca Nova Vinho Verde Loureiro 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Arca Nova Alvarinho/Trajadura 2014 White wine Regional Minho, IGP Alvarinho and Trajadura Arca Nova Vinho Verde Rosé 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Espadeiro Arca Nova Vinho Verde Branco 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Arinto and Trajadura Arca Nova Vinho Verde Vinhão 2014 Red wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão 72 BARÃO DE VILAR . VINIHOLD STAND Nº26 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Barão de Vilar, Vinhos SA, established in 1996 and managed by van Zeller’s family, was built upon the experience and knowledge acquired over 14 generations of wine producers, especially dedicated to Port and Douro wines. Later, was founded the company VINIHOLD, a pioneer project where the family invested in other wine regions, which represents an access to a unique portfolio of wines from the main Portuguese wine regions, as well as most of the partnerships with wine companies in different regions. Paula Azevedo Rua Candido dos Reis, 575 4400-075 Vila Nova de Gaia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 223 773 330 WINES Barão de Vilar DOC Douro Grande Reserva Red 2008 Red wine Douro, DOP T. Nacional, Touriga Franca and old vines Zom Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and old vines (old heritage vines) Barão de Vilar DOC Douro Red 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Zom Colecção 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and old heritage vines Barão de Vilar DOC Douro Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP T. Nacional, Touriga Franca and old vines Vinha das Mouras de Arraiolos Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Syrah Barão de Vilar DOC Douro Touriga Nacional 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Maynard’s 20 years old Porto, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Amarela and Tinta Roriz Feuerheerd’s Douro Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Barão de Vilar Vintage 2011 Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca 73 BARÃO DE VILAR . VINIHOLD Feuerheerd’s Colheita 1974 Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão Alto Pina Red 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Statement LBV 2010 Porto, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Proeza Reg. Pen. Setúbal white 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Arinto and Chardonnay Proeza DOC Dão Red 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Proeza Reg. Pen. Setúbal Red Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon and Castelão Solar das Bouças Vinho Verde 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Quinta da Lixa, Vinho Verde White wine Vinho Verde, DOP 74 QUINTA DO MONTE D’OIRO - Lisbon Family Vineyards STAND Nº27 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Quinta do Monte d’Oiro (literally ‘Hill of Gold Estate’) is located 50 km up north of Lisbon. Passionate about food and the Rhône, José Bento dos Santos (the estate’s owner and former President of the International Academy of Gastronomy) had no choice but to make wines with a unique robust character, perfect to match either classical, haute or modern cuisine (the wines can be found @ e.g. Alain Ducasse’s restaurants). From 2006 on, José’s close friend Michel Chapoutier helped him enabling marked improvement in the production process (namely by implementing organic winegrowing procedures), which is nowadays monitored by Grégory Viennois (former Chapoutier’s chief winemaker, presently at Laroche Wines). Sophie Mrejen Quinta do Monte D’Oiro, Freixial de Cima Ventosa - Alenquer 2580-404 Ventosa - ALQ Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 212 973 WINES AURIUS by José Bento dos Santos 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Quinta do Monte d’Oiro MADRIGAL 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Viognier EX AEQUO by José Bento dos Santos 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah QUINTA DO MONTE D’OIRO Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah and Viognier Quinta do Monte d’Oiro LYBRA 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Syrah 24, Single Vineyard 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Quinta do Monte d’Oiro LYBRA 2014 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah TEMPERA by José Bento dos Santos 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz Quinta do Monte d’Oiro LYBRA 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Viognier, Marsanne and Arinto 75 QUINTA DE SANT’ANA - Lisbon Family Vineyards STAND Nº27 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Quinta de Sant’Ana is a stunningly beautiful, family-run property, situated in the hills north of Lisbon, 12km from the Atlantic coast. This location creates a unique micro climate of cool nights, misty mornings and hot afternoons, conditions that translate into fresh mineral white wines and elegant complex reds. Winemaker António Maçanita is a perfectionist; his talent and care in the winery produce stunning wines with character, gaining recognition the world over. Owners James and Ann Frost live on the estate with their seven boys and welcome visitors who wish to taste their wines. James Frost Quinta de Sant’Ana 2665-113 Gradil Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 604 496 WINES Alvarinho 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Alvarinho Pinot Noir 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Pinot Noir Riesling 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Riesling Tinto 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Merlot Verdelho 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Verdelho Reserva 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Merlot Sauvignon Blanc 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Sauvignon Blanc Homenagem Baron von Fürstenberg 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot, Touriga Nacional, Aragonez Quinta de Sant’Ana Branco 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional 76 QUINTA DE CHOCAPALHA - Lisbon Family Vineyards STAND Nº27 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS QUINTA DE CHOCAPALHA is a family owned wine estate. In the surroundings of Aldeia Galega, Chocapalha spreads its 45 ha of vineyards over the sunny hills’ of Alenquer, northeast of Lisboa. Sandra Tavares, one of the three daughters of the owners, is in charge of the winemaking in a modern style, with traditional influences. The grapes are de-stemmed and undergo a pre fermentation maceration followed by fermentation in stone lagares, with temperature control. Quinta de Chocapalha wines are elegant with a strong character, fresh, and mineral, reflecting the cool climate of the Atlantic Ocean. Alice Tavares and Andrea Tavares Quinta de Chocapalha Aldeia Galega da Merceana 2580-081 Alenquer Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 263 769 317 WINES Chocapalha Reserva White 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Chardonnay and Arinto CH by Chocapalha 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional Quinta de Chocapalha White 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Viosinho, Arinto and Verdelho Chocapalha Vinha Mãe 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Shiraz and Tinta Roriz Quinta de Chocapalha Arinto 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto Quinta de Chocapalha Red 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Castelão and Syrah Mar de Lisboa White 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto and Verdelho Mar de Lisboa Red 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Shiraz Mar da Palha White 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Sauvignon Blanc Mar da Palha Red 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Shiraz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca 77 COMPANHIA DAS QUINTAS VINHOS STAND Nº28 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Companhia das Quintas (translated “The Estates’ Company”) was founded in 1999, resulting in one of the biggest Portuguese wine companies with four estates and more than 300 ha of vineyards in 4 of the most relevant wine regions – Douro, Beira Interior, Alentejo and Lisboa. All properties have an ancient tradition in vine growing, thus creating distinctive estate wines, from entry to super premium level, that have been highly recognized by the major critics and international wine competitions. Rodrigo Leitão Av. Engº Arantes de Oliveira nº 5 R/C – D/E 1900-221 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 219 687 380 WINES Forgotten Field 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Cabernet Sauvignon, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Portas da Herdade 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Syrah and Alicante Bouschet Fronteira 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Portas da Herdade 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Fronteira 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho Quinta da Fronteira Grande Escolha 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Herdade da Farizoa Grande Escolha 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Syrah and Touriga Nacional Quinta da Fronteira Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Herdade da Farizoa Reserva 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Syrah, Alfrocheiro and Trincadeira Quinta da Fronteira Selecção do Enólogo 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz 78 COMPANHIA DAS QUINTAS VINHOS Quinta de Pancas 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Quinta do Cardo 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Quinta de Pancas 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto, Chardonnay and Vital Quinta do Cardo 2014 Rose wine Beira Interior, DOP Touriga Nacional and Caladoc Quinta de Pancas Grande Escolha 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon Quinta do Cardo 2013 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Síria Quinta de Pancas Reserva 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Petit Verdot, Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon, Alicante Bouschet and Merlot Quinta do Cardo Grande Escolha 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Quinta de Pancas Touriga Nacional Reserva 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional 79 ANSELMO MENDES VINHOS STAND Nº29 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS Anselmo Mendes began producing wine with Alvarinho grapes in 1998, in Monção and Melgaço. Currently, he produces wine from 3 grapes varieties and in 3 regions of the Vinho Verde Demarcated Region: Alvarinho in the Minho Valley, Loureiro in the Lima Valley and Avesso in the Douro Valley, but his variety of choice is Alvarinho, in which ha has invested more time and devotion, seeking to take full advantage of its natural characteristics and potencial. Currently produces 400.000 bottles and over 60% for the international market. Vasco Magalhães Zona Industrial de Penso,Lote 2 4960-310 Melgaço Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 023 742 WINES Muros Antigos Escolha 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho, Avesso and Loureiro Contacto 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Muros Antigos Loureiro 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Curtimenta 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Muros Antigos Alvarinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Parcela Única 2012 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Muros de Melgaço 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Pardusco 2013 Red wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarelhão, Pedral, Caínho and Vinhão 80 COUTEIRO-MOR STAND Nº29 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS A handfull of Alentejo´s History over 40 years of dedication to vineyards. The winery was built in 1990 and has since been subject to successive changes towards its expansion and modernization in order to meet the increasing production and demand of house wines as well as the company’s ambition to improve the quality of its wines.Total fermentation capacity: 490.000L Total storage capacity: 1.290.000 Embrace the best Alentejo’s has to offer. Sérgio Pereira Herdade de Menir 7050-675 Montemor-o-Novo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 910 615 858 WINES BR - Barão Rodrigues Reserva Branco 2012 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz and Viognier Couteiro Mor Escolha Branco 2012 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz and Arinto BR - Barão Rodrigues Tinto 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah Couteiro Mor Escolha Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Couteiro Mor Colheita Branco 2012 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Roupeiro Ouzado Espumante 2008 White wine Alentejo Arinto and Antão Vaz Couteiro Mor Colheita Sel. 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional Ouzado Tinto 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Couteiro Mor Colheita Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Trincadeira Vale de Ancho 2006 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet and Aragonez 81 QUINTA DOS FRADES STAND Nº29 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Quinta dos Frades is one of the most beautiful and iconic properties Douro vineyards. Their records date back to 1256, when it was donated to the Monastery of Santa Maria Salzedas, becoming one of the most important agricultural units that the order of Cistercians owned this region. The property has 100 hectares of vineyards, which nearly half of it are over 90 years. The Quinta dos Frades started to produce its own wine in 2008. Vasco Magalhães Quinta dos Frades - Folgosa do Douro 5110-214 Armamar Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 966 048 270 WINES Vinha dos Santos 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vineyards Quinta dos Frades 2011 Red wine Douro DOP Old vineyards Vinha dos Santos 2014 White wine Douro DOP Old vineyards Lua Nova 2013 Red wine Douro DOP Old vineyards Vinha dos Deuses 2011 Red wine Douro DOP Old vineyards Lua Nova Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro DOP Old vineyards 82 2.5 VINHOS DE BELMONTE STAND Nº29 REGION BEIRA INTERIOR CONTACTS 2.5 Vinhos de Belmonte is a recent wine producing partnership based in the Portuguese municipality of Belmonte, located in the southern foothills of the Serra da Estrela. This partnership was born from the combined will of five experienced wine producers in the region who wanted to share a single project. This joint venture brings together a total area of 50 hectares with sandy soil of granite origin, distributed across two of Belmonte’s parishes. It has the potential to produce up to 1.000.000 bottles and develops its wines under the supervision of the oenologist Anselmo Mendes. Vasco Magalhães Bairro Santo António 6250-112 Caria Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 935 539 239 WINES 2.5 Síria 2012 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Síria 2.5 Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Touriga Nacional 2.5 Tinto 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Aragonez, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Touriga Nacional 2.5 Alfrocheiro Syrah 2011 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Alfrocheiro Syrah 2.5 Rufete 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Rufete 83 ADEGA MÃE - SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA STAND Nº29 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS AdegaMãe is located in Torres Vedras, 30 minutes from Lisbon, in a region with unique conditions for wine production. The natural characteristics – Atlantic influence, land orography and calcareous clay soils – and the use of selected grape varieties enhance modern and original quality wines, based on which AdegaMãe aims to distinguish itself in the national and international market. The ocean’s proximity – just 7 kms – offers a natural freshness and acidity that are quite characteristic and notable in the whole range of red and white wines. Helder Assunção Estrada Nacional 8, Carvalhal 2565-781 Turcifal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 939 775 912 WINES Dory Reserva Branco 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Viosinho, Chardonnay and Viognier Adega Mãe Merlot Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot Dory Reserva Tinto 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah Viosinho 2013 AdegaMãe White wine Lisboa, IGP Viosinho Dory br 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto, Viognier and Fernão Pires Alvarinho 2013 AdegaMãe White wine Lisboa, IGP Alvarinho Dory Tnt 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah and Aragonez Pinta Negra Branco 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto and Fernão Pires Adega Mãe Petit Verdot 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Petit Verdot Pinta Negra Tinto 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Castelão 84 LIMA & SMITH, LDA. - QUINTA DE COVELA STAND Nº30 REGION V. VERDE AND DOURO CONTACTS Lima Smith Lda., A partnership between brazilian entrepreneur Marcelo Lima and former foreign correspondent and editor Tony Smith, acquired Quinta de Covela in July, 2011. Following the success of their first wines, the partners expanded upriver in the D.O.C. Douro region, acquiring Quinta da Boavista and Quinta das Tecedeiras. Covela produces high-end, organic vinhos verdes (using Avesso and Arinto grapes) and red and white wines admired for their elegance, longevity and food-pairing qualities. Tecedeiras, on the douro’s left bank, is known for its beautifullystructured, somewhat austere reds and fresh, vigorous ports. At the first Lima Smith wines from Boavista, a most emblematic douro quinta forever associated with Baron Forrester, will only be released in 2015. Expect top-notch D.O.C. Wines and ports. Tony Smith São Tomé de Covelas 4640-211 Baião Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 961 493 011 WINES Quinta de Covela Edição Nacional Arinto 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto Covela Escolha Tinto 2012 Red wine Vinho Verde, IGP Quinta de Covela Edição Nacional Avesso 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Avesso Covela Reserva Tinto 2012 Red wine Vinho Verde, IGP Quinta de Covela Escolha Branco 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Avesso and Chardonnay Flor das Tecedeiras 2013 Red wine Douro, DOC Quinta de Covela Rose 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, IGP Touriga Nacional 85 MAGNUM - CARLOS LUCAS VINHOS STAND Nº30 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS In this project we combine our experience, knowledge and irreverence to produce wines of excellence in the regions of Dão, Douro and Alentejo. Our intention is to show the best of each one of these regions trough wines that respect the terroir, tradition and Portuguese varieties. Each bottle that we produce tells a story. Each wine itself reflects our passion, emotions and dedication that we put in its labour, so our signature is “Wine & People”. The Winemakers: Carlos Lucas, Carlos and Lucia Rodrigues Freitas. Lúcia Freitas Quinta do Ribeiro Santo, Oliveira do Conde 3430-038 Carregal do Sal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 963 177 621 WINES Ribeiro Santo branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Malvasia Fina Ribeiro Santo Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro Preto and Tinta Roriz 86 Ribeiro Santo tinto 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro Preto and Tinta Roriz VALLE PRADINHOS STAND Nº30 REGION TRÁS-OS MONTES CONTACTS Valle Pradinhos is an historic, family-owned 350 hectare estate established in 1913.The wines are a blend of native grape varieties such as Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Amarela and Malvasia Fina, and renowned international grapes Cabernet Sauvignon, Gewürztraminer and Riesling. The estate’s “old world” terroir and passionate wine making team combine perfectly to deliver premium world-class Portuguese wine... Óscar Manuel Vilela Garcia Casal de Valle Pradinhos 5340-422 Sesulfe Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 750 247 IMPORTER Weingalerie - Weine aus PORTugal Ruth & Karsten Pestalozzistrasse 55 -10627 Berlin Email: [email protected] Phone: +49.30.3237448 Fax: +49.30.32703568 WINES Valle Pradinhos 2013 White wine Trás-os-Montes, IGP Gewürztraminer, Malvasia Fina and Rizeling Valle Pradinhos Grande Reserva 2011 Red wine Trás-os-Montes, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional Valle Pradinhos 2013 Rose wine Trás-os-Montes, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Valle Pradinhos Porta Velha 2012 Red wine Trás-os-Montes, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Amarela and Tinta Roriz Valle Pradinhos Colheita Sel. 2009 Red wine Trás-os-Montes, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Amarela Valle Pradinhos The Lost Corner 2010 Red wine Trás-os-Montes, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional 87 SECRET SPOT WINES STAND Nº30 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Secret spot Wines... Born of a dream pursued as a two-man project... A single goal: to produce the best wine, true to its roots. The adventure began in 2004, when Gonçalo Sousa Lopes and Rui Walter Cunha embarked on the production of auteur wines. By this time they already boasted a wealth of experience in the fields of winegrowing and oenology, having worked as consultants for a number of Portuguese wine producers. Their chosen starting point was the emblematic Douro demarcated region. Hugo Linton Quinta da Faísca - Lugar da Faísca 5070-270 Favaios Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 933 617 343 WINES Crooked Vines 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Secret Spot 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Crooked Vines 2012 White wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vale da Poupa 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Rabigato, Malvasia Fina, Viosinho and Moscatel Galego Branco Lacrau 2012 White wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vale da Poupa 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Lacrau 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vale da Poupa 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Secret Spot over 40 Years White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Vale da Poupa Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Barroca 88 RIBAFREIXO STAND Nº31 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS We are an innovative, forward thinking and growing commercial vineyard, 114ha, in the heart of the Alentejo region, Portugal, that produces high quality wines only using Portuguese grape varietals, some of them indigenous to the Vidigueira region – the exception being our Connections - Chenin Blanc. Ana Montenegro Adega Moinho Branco Apartado 6 7961-909 Vidigueira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 964 964 133 WINES Barrancôa 2012 Red wine Alentejo, VR Aragonez, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Gáudio Verdelho 2013 White wine Alentejo, VR Verdelho Connections Chenin Blanc 2013 White wine Alentejo Chenin Blanc Pato Frio Antão Vaz 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOC Antão Vaz Gáudio Alvarinho 2013 White wine Alentejo, VR Alvarinho Pato Frio Grande Escolha 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOC Antão Vaz Gaudio Clássico 2012 Red wine Alentejo, VR Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Tinta Miúda Pato Frio Red Edition 2012 Red wine Alentejo, VR Aragonez, Alfrocheiro and Alicante Bouschet Gáudio Clássico Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, VR Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Pato Frio Selecção 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOC Antão Vaz, Arinto and Síria 89 HERDADE FONTE PAREDES STAND Nº32 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Herdade Fonte Paredes was born from the love of a family for the Alentejo region.Their commitment,perseverance,dedication and faith on their land brought to life a long forgotten property in Avis, Alto Alentejo. Mónica Bértolo Quinta de Santa Ana 7480-999 Avis Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 925 973 804 WINES Herdade Fonte Paredes 2009 Grande Reserva Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet Monte Fuscaz 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Syrah Herdade Fonte Paredes 2012 Grande Escolha White wine Alentejo, IGP Chardonnay Monte Fuscaz 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Chardonnay and Verdelho Herdade Santa Ana Reserva 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon Pêro D’Alter 2013 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Joaquim Cerejo 2011 Grande Escolha Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon Pêro D’Alter 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Syrah Monte Fuscaz 2013 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Castelão Pêro D’Alter 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz and Verdelho 90 HERDADE DO PERDIGÃO STAND Nº33 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Herdade do Perdigão is located in the heart of Alto Alentejo, in the small Roman village of Monforte. The winery sits on the S. Mamede mountain with it’s own unique “Terroir” and micro climate. This, combined with indiginous varietals , allow us to produce wines of distinction and quality. Property of Carlos Gonçalves since 2003 has been built in order to produce distinct and bold wines, whence arise flavors that give life to the purest of nectars. Sandra Chaves Correia Apartado 29 7450-999 Monforte Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 932 573 553 IMPORTER Casa Napoleão Karl-Liebknecht-str 69; 04275 Leipzig O Vinho Portugal Import Frankfurter Strasse, 31; 35037 Hamburg Soares GmbH Ditmar-Koel Strasse, 15; 20459 Hamburg WINES Herdade Perdigão 2012 White wine Alentejo Arinto and Antão Vaz Villa Romanu 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Verdelho Herdade Perdigão Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Cabernet Sauvignon and Trincadeira Vinha do Almo 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Herdade Perdigão Reserva 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz Vinha do Almo Escolha 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira and Aragonez Villa Romanu 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Cabernet Sauvignon 91 LUÍS PATO STAND Nº34 REGION BAIRRADA CONTACTS The Pato family has been producing wine on Quinta do Ribeirinho since, at least, the eighteen century. João Pato started to bottle the wine from his vineyards in 1970, becoming the first winegrower in Bairrada region after its demarcation. His son Luis Pato inherited this nonconformist and pioneer spirit and from the 1980 harvest on took over control of the Quinta. Today, the area of vineyards is 60ha. The exclusive use of Portuguese grape varieties includes Baga, Tinto Cão and Touriga Nacional (red grapes), and Maria Gomes, Bical, Cerceal, Sercialinho and Arinto (white grapes). Luís Pato Rua de Santo André, 39 3780-502 Óis do Bairro Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 231 596 432 WINES Espumante Maria Gomes Método Antigo 2013 White wine Bairrada Maria Gomes Baga + Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga and Touriga Nacional Espumante DUET Baga + Bical 2010 White wine Bairrada Baga and Bical Vinhas Velhas Tinto 2010 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga Espumante Informal 2013 Rosé wine Bairrada Baga Vinha Pan 2010 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga Maria Gomes 2014 White wine Bairrada, IGP Maria Gomes Vinha Barrosa 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Vinhas Velhas Branco 2014 White wine Bairrada, IGP Bical and Cercial Abafado Molecular Rosado 2013 Rose wine Bairrada Baga 92 PROVAM STAND Nº35 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS PROVAM is a private limited company that consists in 10 winegrowers of the Monção and Melgaço sub-region. With an installed capacity of 510.000 litres, 25% of the grapes come from the vineyards of the partners and the remaining grapes are bought from other growers of this sub-region. The technology of the cellar allows to rise the oenological value of the casts by determination of the vintage in each vintage. Nothing is made at random, but, in a rational way with the alliance of the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Amélia Braga Cabo-Barbeita Monção 4950-045 Monção Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 910 541 506 WINES Castas de Monção 2011 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Provam Vinho Verde 2013 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Coto de Mamoelas 2011 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Varanda do Conde 2013 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Portal do Fidalgo 2013 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Vinha Antiga 2012 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho 93 QUINTA DOS TERMOS STAND Nº35 REGION BEIRA INTERIOR CONTACTS Quinta dos Termos is a family owned wine producer. It is located in the centre of Portugal, next to Serra da Estrela, the highest Portuguese mainland mountain that sheltered the property from the cold winds that come from north. The vineyards are planted at 400 m altitude with south exposure in poor granitic soils which allows premium grape ripeness. The winery is resourced with sophisticated technology and is certified in Integrated Crop Management – ecological wines – which follows the traditional techniques and is oriented by respected oenologists in the wine’s world. João Carvalho Carvalhal Formoso 6250-161 Belmonte Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 968 084 840 WINES Forja do Ferreiro 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Alfrocheiro Preto, Touriga Nacional, Aragonez and Rufete Quinta dos Termos Reserva do Patrão 2009 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Syrah Quinta dos Termos DOC Escolha o Pecado de Virgílio Loureiro 2007 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Tinto Cão Quinta dos Termos Reserva Vinhas Velhas 2007 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Rufete, Trincadeira, Jaen, Marufo and Syrah Quinta dos Termos DOC Tinto 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Jaen Termos DOC Branco 2013 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Fonte Cal, Arinto and Síria Quinta dos Termos Reserva 2013 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Fonte Cal, Síria, Arinto and Verdelho 94 ADEGA MAYOR STAND Nº36 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Rui Nabeiro’s old dream has come to life through a work by Siza Vieira, one of Portugal’s most prestigious architects. Adega Mayor surprises the plains of Alentejo with its imposing minimalist white building, the first winery designed by a renowned architect in Portugal. The entire production processes happen here: grape processing, wine making and storage. This is an asset for the region, a work that reflects the unmistakable style of its creator. Mónica Oliveira Av. Calouste Gulbenkian 7370-025 Campo Maior Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 961 783 242 WINES Caiado 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Pai Chão 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Caiado 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Verdelho, Arinto and Antão Vaz Reserva do Comendador 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Monte Mayor 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Verdelho, Antão Vaz and Arinto Reserva do Comendador 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Viognier and Verdelho Monte Mayor Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Arinto 95 MONTE DA PENHA STAND Nº37 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Monte da Penha is a family company, located in the north of the Alentejo, in the mountainous and excellent wine region of Portalegre. With a long history in the wine business, formally this family produced one of the most renowned wines in the Alentejo region. This winery concentrates on producing quality wines, made from only national grape varieties. The altitude of Monte da Penha’s vineyards, its distinct terroir and Portalegre’s microclimate, contribute to the wine’s unique characteristics. The portfolio ranges from great value entry-level red wines to elegant Reservas. Francisco Fino and Rita Fino Monte da Penha 7300-498 Portalegre, Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 245 208 342 +351 919 511 986 Fax: +351 245 202 820 WINES Montefino Reserva White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto, Fernão Pires, Roupeiro and Trincadeira-das-Pratas Monte da Penha Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Montefino Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Aragonez Monte da Penha Reserva Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Moreto Montefino Reserva Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Aragonez Monte da Penha Grande Reserva Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Trincadeira and Aragonez Monte da Penha Reserva White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto, Fernão Pires, Roupeiro and Trincadeira-das-Pratas Monte da Penha Reserva Gerações Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Moreto 96 QUINTA DO PINTO STAND Nº38 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Quinta do Pinto is a family owned and run estate committed to produce boutique premium wines in Alenquer, Lisbon. We have a collection of 19 grapes, planted on gentle slopes of clay limestone soils, with southern exposure, that benefit from the Atlantic influence. In the winery they are fermented using only indigenous yeast, thus producing wines that are a true portrait of terroir wines form the Lisbon region. We blend autochthonous Portuguese grapes with French Rhone varietals producing unique wines that are full bodied but have a beautiful natural acidity and minerality. Ana Cardoso Pinto Quinta do Anjo, Aldeia Galega da Merceana, 2580-081 Alenquer Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 100 800 WINES Vinhas do LASSO Arinto & Fernão Pires 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto and Fernão Pires Quinta do Pinto Estate Collection 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Alfrocheiro, Castelão, Tinta Miúda and Syrah Vinhas do LASSO Colheita Sel. 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Miúda and Alfrocheiro Quinta do Pinto Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Quinta do Pinto Estate Collection 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires, Arinto, Antão Vaz, Roussanne, Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc Quinta do Pinto Petit Verdot & Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP 97 QUINTA DE MARROCOS STAND Nº39 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS The Quinta de Marrocos estate is located on the left bank of the Douro river, with traditional vines, where the region’s principal noble grape varieties predominate. Rita Sequeira Quinta de Marrocos, E.N. 222 Valdigem 5100-840 Valdigem Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 962 782 497 WINES Qta de Marrocos Porto Tawny 20 Anos Porto, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca, and Tinta Amarela Quinta de Marrocos Porto White Lágrima Porto, DOP Fernão Pires, Gouveio and Malvasia Fina Quinta de Marrocos Porto LBV 2007 Porto, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca, Trincadeira and Touriga Nacional Qta de Vale de Sapos Aged Tawny Port Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca and Touriga Franca Quinta de Marrocos Porto Ruby Porto, DOP Tinta Barroca, Touriga Franca, Sousão and Tinta Amarela Sequeirinha Douro Red 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Fanca and Touriga Nacional Quinta de Marrocos Porto Tawny Porto, DOP Tinta Barroca, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Sequeirinha Reserva Douro 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Qta de Marrocos Porto Tawny 10 Anos Porto, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Amarela Sequeirinha white wine 2015 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina and Fernão Pires 98 CASA ANADIA STAND Nº40 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Produced at the Palace of Anadia in Mangualde, following a tradition that dates back to the 18th century, Casa Anadia nowadays produces red wines of excellence, brimming with history and personality. In Dão, one of the oldest demarcated regions of Portugal and the cradle of the Touriga Nacional variety, the most elegant wines are born. On granite soils and in a temperate climate, the Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro and Jaen wine varieties, planted on the gentle slopes near the Palace, give origin to fresh and elegant wines, of very high quality, marked by their personality and difference. Casa Anadia Herdade do Polvorão 6040-999 Gavião Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 211 142 431 WINES Casa Anadia Dão 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Jaen and Alfrocheiro Palácio Anadia Reserva 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 99 CASA DA PASSARELLA STAND Nº41 REGION DÃO CONTACTS In the same way that Dão is legendary, both for its memories as its apparent naturalness to produce wines that men cannot forget, Casa da Passarella is back to put is name in everyone’s lips - wich, in our humble opinion, is precisely where great wines should be. Eng. Paulo Nunes Rua de Santo Amaro, nº 3 6290-093 Lagarinhos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 925 419 319 IMPORTER Weinimport Handels-Gmbh Phone: +49 711 855220 Vinus Phone: +49-(0)89-9734378 Weinhandlung Kreis Kg Phone: 0711-2484330 WINES Casa da Passarella A Descoberta 2014 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia Fina and Verdelho Casa da Passarella Vinhas Velhas “O Oenólogo” 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Old Vines Casa da Passarella A Descoberta 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Somontes Colheita Tinto 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Casa da Passarella Encruzado 2013 “O Oenólogo” 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Somontes Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Touriga Nacional Casa da Passarella O Brazileiro 2014 Rose wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Villa Oliveira Encruzado 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Casa da Passarella Reserva “O Abanico” 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Jaen, Alfrocheiro and Touriga Nacional Villa Oliveira TN 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 100 CAVES TRANSMONTANAS STAND Nº42 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Caves Transmontanas, Lda. makers of Vértice, was created in 1988 by Jack Davies of Schramsberg, Napa Valley. Jack returns to Portugal with his staff to do micro-winemaking, in order to identify which of three distinctive wine producing regions (Minho, Bairrada and Douro) and which varieties of twenty-five originally chosen, offered the best conditions for the production of basic wine for sparkling wine to be produced according to the methode classique. They choose the Douro, in particular areas in the Cimo Corgo, with an average altitude above 550 meters and granite based soils. Pedro Guedes Rua de São Domingos n.º22 5070-092 Alijó Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 932 675 164 WINES Gouveio 2007 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio and Rabigato Vertice Cuvée 2010 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Malvasia Fina, Côdega, Viosinho, Rabigato, Arinto and Touriga Franca Millésime 2009 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Touriga Franca, Malvasia Fina, Viosinho, Rabigato and Côdega Vértice Rosé 2012 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Gouveio and Malvasia Fina Pinot Noir 2006 White wine Douro, DOP Pinot Noir Vertice Tinto 2010 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional 101 QUANTA TERRA - SOCIEDADE DE VINHOS STAND Nº42 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS In 1998 the future partners / winemakers of Quanta Terra, Society of Wine Ltd., Jorge Alves and Celso Pereira, resident in the Douro Region (RDD) and aware that the “character” of wine is determined by Terroir and Quality is determined by man have initiated a program for the selection of soil, location of vines, grafts, exposure, altitude, slope, grapes, vineyard age, income, etc.., once selected the vineyard began in 1999 to carrying Wines QUANTA TERRA Pedro Guedes Rua da Lama Boa lote n.º 3 5070-062- Alijó Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 934 609 671 WINES Quanta Terra 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Sousão Terra a Terra Branco Reserva 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Viosinho and Chardonnay Quanta Terra Grande Reserva 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Viosinho, Rabigato and Donzelinho Terra a Terra Tinto Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional 102 HERDADE GRANDE WINES STAND Nº43 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Herdade Grande is an agricultural property located about 5 Km from Vidigueira/Alentejo, comprising 350 hectares: 60 hectares of vineyard, 40 of olive grove, and the remainder serves as pasture land for sheep. This property has been in the same family for almost a hundred years, having been purchased in 1920, with its vineyards and olive groves. The current owner, who is the company manager and head of wine production, was born here and has a degree in Agronomic Engineering from the Higher Institute of Agronomy. The viticultural project began with the installation of vineyards in 1980 and the vinification in 1997. Paulo Marques Herdade Grande Apartado 64 7960-909 Vidigueira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 911 851 777 WINES Herdade Grande 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Touriga Nacional Herdade Grande Col. Sel. Gerações 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon Herdade Grande Colheita Selecionada 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Viosinho and Arinto Herdade Grande Reserva 2012 White wine Alentejo, IGP Chardonnay, Antão Vaz, Semillon and Viosinho 103 CAMPOLARGO STAND Nº44 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Joana Campolargo Malaposta, 3780-294 Anadia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 968 902 502 Our family has been working in viniculture and wine growing for several generations. We currently explore over 170 hectares divided in two properties in central Portugal: Quinta de S. Mateus and Quinta de Vale d’ Azar. Situated on Quinta de S. Mateus, our new wine cellar (September 2004) produces 300.000 bottles a year. The wine is produced without any pumps at all (there’s a 18m height difference between the entrance of the grapes and the presses), it’s only used the robot pigeuer, without remontage, without using any yeasts, enzymes or bacteria. IMPORTER Interpatner, Hwg Weinimport Gmbh & Co Mr Lars Seyfrid Hans-Bockler-Ring 21 D-22851 Norderstedt, Germany Email: [email protected] WINES Campolargo Arinto 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Arinto Entre II Santos Branco 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Sauvignon Blanc and Bical Campolargo Baga 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Entre II Santos Tinto 2010 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga, Alfrocheiro, Castelão and Merlot Campolargo Bical 2012 White wine Bairrada, DOP Bical Espumante Bruto Rosé 2013 Rose wine Bairrada, DOP Pinot Noir Campolargo Tinto 2010 Red wine Bairrada Pinot Noir Rol Coisas Antigas 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Old vines Campolargo verdelho 2014 White wine Bairrada, DOP Verdelho Vinha do Putto Tinto 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Touriga Nacional, Merlot and Tinta Roriz 104 QUINTA DAS APEGADAS STAND Nº45 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Family enterprise fouded in 2003 dedicate to the production of Premium and Super Premium Douro DOC wines. 2004 was the year of the first vintage. In 2006 start working a new winery, built in Quinta Velha our main estate, located at yhe heart of Douro World Patrimony Heritage. An importante part of the production goes to export markets. All the wines had received good tasting notes from major opinion makers and journalists as well as important medals in most important world contests. António Amorim Rua do Bairro Novo, 260 - Cidadelhe 5040-151 Mesão Frio Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 966 000 468 WINES Apegadas Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Malvasia Fina, Rabigato and Viosinho Apegadas Qta. Velha Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and old vines Apegadas Branco Premium 2011 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Malvasia Fina, Rabigato and Viosinho Apegadas Rosé 2014 Rose wine Douro, DOP Apegadas Qta Velha 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Douro Banks 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca and Touriga Nacional Apegadas Qta Velha Tinto Grande Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca 105 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA FÉLIX ROCHA STAND Nº46 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Quinta da Ribeira is located in Meca, in the medieval council of Alenquer,and is nowadays headquarters of Sociedade Agrícola Félix Rocha. This society began producing wine in the mid XIX century, by the strength of enthusiasm of Mr. Félix Rocha, grandfather of the present managers. The third generations of the family recognized, since 1991, the need for continuous investment in the production. There has been a complete restoration of the vineyards and the cellar. we have, therefore, the best conditions for making high quality wines. Paulo Rocha Quinta da Ribeira - Meca 2580-608 Alenquer Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 726 127 WINES Félix Rocha 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Fernão Pires and Arinto Félix Rocha Grande Escolha 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Alicante Bouschet Félix Rocha 2013 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional Félix Rocha Kosher 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Castelão, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Félix Rocha Arinto 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto Félix Rocha Moscatel 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Moscatel Félix Rocha Colheita 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Merlot Félix Rocha Reserva 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Shiraz, Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Félix Rocha Colheita Sel. 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Félix Rocha Sauvignon Blanc / Arinto 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Sauvignon Blanc and Arinto 106 ADEGA DE BORBA STAND Nº47 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Founded in 1955 Adega de Borba is a cooperative of 300 wine growers who cultivate around 2000 hectares of vine, an annual volume of one million cases of 9 litres. Adega de Borba is one of the 10 biggest wine producers in the country. Within its portfolio some of the more distinctive wines are Adega de Borba DOC, one of the top selling wines in Portugal within its segment, the iconic Adega de Borba Reserva “Rótulo de Cortiça”, a brand that is over 45 years old and one of the most important hallmarks from the Alentejo region. Manuel Rocha Largo Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral, 25 7151-913 Borba Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 268 891 660 IMPORTER Spanische Quelle GmbH Phone: + 49 30 25 21 475 Sul Portugal Imp.& Exp. GmbH Phone: + 49 30 25 21 475 Moreno GMBH&Co Phone: + 49 22 27 99 01 36 WINES Adega de Borba 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Adega de Borba Premium 2013 Rose Wine, Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Adega de Borba 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Roupeiro Branco, Arinto and Antão Vaz Adega de Borba Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Castelão and Alicante Bouschet Adega de Borba 2013 Rose wine Alentejo, DOP Syrah and Aragonez Adega de Borba Reserva 2013 White Wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Alvarinho and Verdelho Adega de Borba Premium 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Adega de Borba Grande Reserva 2011 Red Wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet Adega de Borba Premium 2013 White Wine, Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz, Arinto, Verdelho, Alvarinho Senses Alvarinho 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Alvarinho 107 ADEGA DE BORBA Senses Syrah 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah Galitos 2013 Red Wine, Alentejo, IGP Castelão, Trincadeira and Aragonez Senses Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Galitos 2013 White Wine, Alentejo, IGP Roupeiro, Rabo de Ovelha and Tamarez Convento da Vila Branco/White 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Roupeiro, Rabo de Ovelha and Fernão Pires Galitos 2013 Rose Wine, Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Castelão e Trincadeira Convento da Vila Tinto/Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Castelão, Aragonez and Touriga Franca 108 HERDADE DA MALHADINHA NOVA STAND Nº48 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Paulo Soares Albernoa 7800-601 Beja Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 289 510 460 Malhadinha Nova is a traditional family estate located in Albernoa in the heart of baixo Alentejo. Since 1998 the family’s passion and commitment have transformed long-abandoned fields taht can give life to genuine, high -quality Alentejo products. Herdade da Malhadinha Nova was born from a dream...the dream of producing a great wine, the best wine in the world. IMPORTER inDRINK Gastro-& Festservice GmbH & Co KG Schwaigerner Str. 18 - 74906 Bad Rappenau Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 07264-91730 Fax: 07264-91739 WINES Aragonês da Peceguina 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Monte da Peceguina 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Malhadinha 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Monte da Peceguina 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Malhadinha 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Monte da Peceguina 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Malhadinha Late Harvest 2010 White wine Alentejo, IGP Pequeno João 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Menino António 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Viognier da Peceguina 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP 109 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE FAVAIOS STAND Nº49 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS The village of Favaios is located in the center of Douro region between Pinhão and Alijó. The history of Favaios is lost in time. Its name comes from “Flavius” an ancient Roman settlement that was part of Panoías, and developed alongside our dynasties. In this village, the Favaios winery has been in operation since 1952, and has become one of the largest and most recognized in the country. Maria Manuela Monteiro Lugar de Pousados 5070-265 Favaios Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 968 992 109 WINES Adega de Favaios Branco 2012 White wine Douro, IGP Arinto, Gouveio and Viosinho Moscatel 1980 Edição Especial White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Adega de Favaios Tinto 2011 Red wine Douro, IGP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Moscatel do Douro White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Casa Velha Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Arinto, Gouveio and Viosinho Moscatel Reserva White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Casa Velha Tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Porto Monge 10 Anos Red wine Porto, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Moscatel 10 Anos White wine Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Sparkling Bruto 2013 Sparkling white wine Douro Moscatel Galego Branco 110 QUINTA DA PACHECA STAND Nº50 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS José Serpa Pimentel Quinta da Pacheca, Cambres 5100-424 Lamego Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 915 840 146 WINES Pacheca Colheita Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Moscatel Galego Branco and Viosinho Pacheca Porto 10 Anos Porto, DOP Old vines Pacheca Colheita Rosé 2013 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Pacheca Porto 20 Anos Porto, DOP Old vines Pacheca Colheita tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Pacheca Porto 30 Anos Porto, DOP Old vines Pacheca Grande Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Pacheca Porto Reserva Porto, DOP Old vines Pacheca LBV Port 2009 Porto, DOP Old vines Pacheca Porto Tawny Porto, DOP Old vines 111 QUINTA DA PELLADA STAND Nº51 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The first historic references of Quinta da Pellada go back to the year of 1527. Alvaro de Castro is a civil engineer who inherited this property in 1980; at the time he decided that to make something out of the estate, he had to give it full time attention. Rapidly the enthusiasm for the wine and viticulture made him decide to reestablish an old family tradition of winemaking, which had been broken for one generation. The first wine label as Quinta de Saes came with 1989 vintage. Maria Castro Quinta da Pellada - Adega pinhanços 6270-141 Pinhanços Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 937 306 116 WINES Alvaro Castro 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Quinta da Pellada 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Old vines Alvaro Castro Reserva 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Quinta da Pellada Primus 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Old vines Alvaro Castro Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Quinta de Saes 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Pape 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Quinta de Saes Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Qta. da Pellada Carrocel 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Quinta de Saes Reserva 2013 White wine Dão, DOP 112 CAVES ARCOS DO REI STAND Nº52 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Caves Arcos do Rei is a family-owned wine company, involved in the wine trade for three generations. Although it is located in the Bairrada region, aiming at serving all types of public the company has a wide variety of products from different wine-producing regions in Portugal, in particular Dão, Bairrada, Douro, Regional Terras do Dão, Regional Beira Atlântico, Vinho Verde, Alentejo, and table wines white, red, and rose. We also produce “Vasco da Gama” white and red Sparkling wines using the “Classical Method”, and old wine Spirits. Rui Ribeiro Rua da Igreja, nº20, Apartado 147 3780-907 Anadia - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 231 511 267 WINES Aguardente Vínica Arcos do Rei Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Terras de Murça 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Arcos da Vinha 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Jaen and Alfrocheiro Valmonte 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Íssimo Blanc de Noir 2012 White wine Bairrada, IGP Baga Vasco da Gama White wine Cercial, Bical and Maria Gomes Porta dos Templários 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro and Trajadura Vasco da Gama 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Bical, Cercial and Maria Gomes Reserva dos Poetas 2011 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga and Touriga Nacional Vasco da Gama 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Malvasia Fina, Encruzado and Cercial 113 ADEGA DE MONÇÃO STAND Nº53 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS The Adega Cooperativa Regional de Monção was founded in 1958 and is currently the largest winery in the delimited “Vinhos Verdes” Region, in the sub-region of “Monção e Melgaço”. The term “Vinho Verde Alvarinho” has been recognized and exclusively given to this region. The Adega de Monção received the “Winery of the Year” award in 1997 and 2007. Our brand “Muralhas de Monção” is the 3rd largest seller in the “Vinhos Verdes” region it is the on-trade channel leader in Portugal. Manuel Santejo Cruzes 4950-279 Mazedo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 251 656 120 WINES Adega de Monção 2014 Red wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarelhão, Pedral and Vinhão Alvarinho Deu-la-Deu Grande Escolha White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Adega de Monção Escolha 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Alvarinho Deu-la-Deu Estagiado White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Alvarinho Deu-la-Deu 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Omisso White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Muralhas de Monção 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Espumante Alvarinho Muralhas de Monção White Sparkling Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Muralhas de Monção Rosé 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarelhão, Vinhão and Pedral Espumante Vinhas de Monção Rosé Sparkling Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarelhão, Vinhão and Pedral 114 RUI ROBOREDO MADEIRA VINHOS STAND Nº54 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Wine production in the regions: DOC Douro DOC Beira Interior DOC Alvarinho. I want to share my passion for the Douro and Beira Interior through wines that smell and taste of my land,of schist, rock rose,wild flowres and fruit, of berries…. This is my passion- WINES FROM DOURO VALLEY Carla Machado Parque Industrial do Lameirão nº12 5130-310 São João da Pesqueira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 220 160 541 WINES Castello D’Alba 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Códega de Larinho, Rabigato and Viosinho By Rui Roboredo Madeira Beira Interior 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Rufete, Jaen, Alfrocheiro and old vines Beyra Branco Colheita White wine Beira Interior, DOP Tinta Roriz By Rui Roboredo Madeira DouroSuperior 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Francisca, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and old vines Beyra Colheita 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Castello D’Alba Reserva 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Códega de Larinho, Rabigato and Viosinho Beyra Reserva 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Castello D’Alba Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Beyra Superior 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Jaen, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Rufete Castello D’Alba Vinhas Velhas Grande Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP T. Nacional, Tinta Roriz, T. Franca and Sousão 115 QUINTAS DE MELGAÇO STAND Nº55 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS Searching for Eldorado, the minhoto Amadeu Abilio Lopes set his course to Brazil, in the mid-twentieth century. As a strong character and entrepreneurial man, he grew up as an entrepreneur and has become an industrial reference, but he never forgot Melgaço. Wealthy but always keeping in mind the ground where he was born, few years later he returned to his homeland to continue his activity. However, in this new phase, his aim was also to contribute to the improvement of his own people. João Cardoso Ferreiros de Cima - Alvaredo 4960-010 Melgaço Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 913 003 995 IMPORTER Luso Weinimport - Omar Matias Hafenweg 4- 76287 Rheinstetten Germany Email: [email protected] Phone: 0049 721 9613 860 WINES Espumante QM Alvarinho Reserva 2012 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho QM Vinhas Velhas 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Espumante QM Alvarinho Super Reserva 2011 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Terra Antiga 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho, Arinto and Loureiro QM Alvarinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Torre de Menagem 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura 116 QUINTA DO MONDEGO STAND Nº55 REGION DÃO CONTACTS Quinta do Mondego is a Family Owned Estate in the Dão Demarcated Region.. The family Fontes da Cunha bought the Quinta in 1994, since that time has rearranged the old vineyards and planted almost every year. In 2003 was produced the first wine – MUNDA Touriga Nacional. The 24 hectares of vineyards are spread on the banks of the river from which the Quinta is named, the River Mondego. Now we produce 4 different brands: MUNDA , QUINTA DO MONDEGO, MONDECO and ROSADOS, all white and red wines – in total 8 different wines. Joana Cunha Quinta do Mondego. Estrada do Mondego. Nelas 3520-063 Caldas da Felgueira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 936 101 836 WINES Mondeco 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Baga Quinta do Mondego 2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Aragonez and Jaen Mondeco 2013 White Wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Gouveio Rosados 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Baga Munda 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Rosados 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado and Gouveio Munda 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional 117 MULTIWINES - QUINTA DE SÃO SEBASTIÃO STAND Nº55 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS To place “Arruda dos Vinhos” region on the wine map. “Quinta de São Sebastião” reflects Mr. António Parente (the owner), desire to put “Arruda dos Vinhos” region on the map, bringing its producers together in a unique project, under the umbrella brand of “Quinta de São Sebastião”. The intention of this challenge is to unite wines and producers in a structuring project for the region by producing wines of exceptional quality, moving towards conquering a highly competitive market in brands and value propositions. António Lopes Vieira Estrada de S. Sebastião nº 9 2630-180 Arruda dos Vinhos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +447785618503 WINES Mina Velha 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, and Castelão Quinta de S. Sebastião Reserva 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot, Touriga Nacional and Syrah Mina Velha 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto and Fernão Pires Quinta de S. Sebastião Branco 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto, Cercial and Sauvignon Blanc Quinta de S. Sebastião Colheita 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional 118 SANTA VITÓRIA STAND Nº55 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Santa Vitória is part of the Vila Galé Hotels Group and it is focused in the production of quality wine and olive oil products from Alentejo. It has 130hectares of vineyard, 150 hectares of olive trees and a “state of the art” cellar with 5.000m2. Casa Santa Vitória favours the most advanced wine technologies in order to produce modern wines, preserving tradition at the same time. In this manner, we get products of the highest sensory and comercial quality that satisfy our clients´biggest requirements. António Nascimento Campo Grande 28 - 11º Andar 1700-093 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 963 559 195 WINES Inevitável 2008 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Versátil Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Viosinho Santa Vitória Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Verdelho Versátil Rosé 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Alfrocheiro, Aragonez and Trincadeira Santa Vitória Grande Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah Versátil Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Tinta Caiada, Alfrocheiro, Touriga Nacional and Aragonez Santa Vitória Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot and Trincadeira Santa Vitória Touriga Nacional 2012 Red Wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional 119 FERREIRA MALAQUIAS STAND Nº56 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Founded in 1986 by José Ferreira Malaquias as a wine and olive oil warehouse, today it also involves bottling and wine marketing, drinks distribution, and all this is still run as a family company. Since 1950, it has been involved in exporting wines, particularly to Africa and Europe. Bottling and marketing of wines has been the central focus of is activity. Picking the best of their tradition, and adding new knowledge and ideas about vines and wine, choosing wine from the best wine-growing regions in Portugal and matching good wine with a good price, it offers customers and wine drinkers brands that stand for their quality. Susana Pais Brandão Rua Padre Ferrer 53 3880-256 Ovar Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 256 572 124 WINES Às de Copo 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Reserva dos Clientes 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Alicante Bouschet Cadouços Natur 2008 Red wine Tejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Merlot Terras do Var 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Jaen and Tinta Roriz Cova do Frade Reserva 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Jaen Vinha Dourada 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Encostas da Ribeira 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Avesso Vinha Longa 2010 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez and Touriga Franca Memorium Natur 2008 Red wine Tejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Yes we Can 2008 Red wine Tejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Merlot 120 JOÃO ALMEIDA D’EÇA STAND Nº57 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS The D’Eça wines born of the passion of its producer João Almeida D’Eça by Douro starting production in 2007. Quinta Nossa Senhora do Lorerto is situated in Vila de Sabrosa in Douro Valley Wine Region. While maintaining tradition, the producer has been uniting the old vines over 25 years old, with selected clones of new plants of indigenous varieties, distinguishing the production as ecofriendly. D’Eça wines are produced according to Sustainable Winegrowing Practices with grapes discernibly selected exclusively from the Quinta Nossa Senhora do Loreto. Maria Carlos Almeida D’Eça Quinta Nossa Senhora do Loreto 5060-328 Sabrosa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 250 980 WINES D’EÇA Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinto Cão and Tinta Roriz D’EÇA 2012 Red wine Douro, IGP Pinot Noir D’EÇA 2010 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Tinto Cão D’EÇA 2013 Rose wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz D’EÇA 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinto Cão and Tinta Roriz 121 QUINTA DO ARROBE STAND Nº57 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Our wine is an achievement fruit of the knowledge and an old dream starting with our great-grandfather who planted the first vines in 1882. In our day this wine achieves glory and success, this is the wine of the century, which makes you travel through the senses, in a magical and sublime experience. Maria Gaspar Quinta das Casas Altas Casével 2000-460 Casével, Santarém Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 765 346 WINES 5 Elemento 2012 Red wine Tejo, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon Sensato 2012 Red wine Tejo, IGP 5 Elemento Arinto 2013 White wine Tejo, IGP Arinto Sensato White sparkling 2014 White wine Tejo, IGP Arinto and FernãoPires 5 Elemento Syrah 2011 Red wine Tejo, IGP Syrah Sensato Rosé sparkling 2014 Rose wine Tejo, IGP Aragonês and Syrah Oculto 2012 Red wine Tejo, IGP 122 ALTAPONTUAÇÃO STAND Nº57 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS AltaPontuação, Vitiviniculture and Wine Trade, is the result of a personal project of Jorge Coutinho, Agronomist, with a postgraduation in Enology, who owns a farm, located on the Place of Celeirós Douro, Sabrosa, Vila Real District in Douro Valley. Situated at an altitude of 375 meters, this holding has red grapes Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca and white grapes Malvasia Fina and Gouveio. As a young entrepreneur vintner, Jorge Coutinho, 36 years old, employed all his energy on the family heritage, embodying the plan AltaPontuação in 2008. Jorge Coutinho Qta da Redonda Lote 4, 8ºdir. 5000-577 Vila Real Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 929 075 446 WINES Altapontuação 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Malvasia Fina and Rabigato Casa dos Socalcos 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Altapontuação 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca 123 LUSOVINI STAND Nº58 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Lusovini is engaged on producing and distributing wines, which currently comprises the main wine regions of Portugal. We have been building our wine portfolio interacting and cooperating with the most conceptualized winemakers and wine growers of each region of Portugal. Beyond this interaction is our strong ambition of achieving the best consistence of quality and offer the market the best good value wines. Lusovini is Managed by a professional team of international level with given evidence, and more than 25 years of experience in the wine industry. José Roseiro Av. da Liberdade, nº 15, 3520-061 Nelas Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 934 200 342 WINES Flor de Nelas Selecção 2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Pedra Cancela Selecção do Enólogo 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP T. Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Flor de Viseu Tradition 2009 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Quinta Pinhanços Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz and Jaen Monte Damião 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Cabernet Sauvignon and Trincadeira Tapadinha Reserva 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinto Cão and Touriga Franca Pedra Cancela Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Terras de Fialho 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Trincadeira Pedra Cancela Reserva 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Torre de Coimbra Reserva 2013 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Touriga Nacional, Baga and Alfrocheiro 126 EXQUISITE WINE - Young winemakers of Portugal STAND Nº59 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Pedro Pinhão Rua Dr. Tanora Gonçalves Lote 176 3ºd 2005-259 Santarém Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 915 190 449 Hobby is a young and dinamic project. We belive in the Portuguese terroir and our objective is to show the best potential of the regions we work with. WINES Hobby 2013 White wine Tejo, IGP Fernão Pires Hobby 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Aragonez 127 JOÃO CABRAL ALMEIDA VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal STAND Nº59 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS João Cabral de Almeida Rua Cândido dos Reis, nº13, 3º 3510-056 Viseu Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 936 766 467 It’s a wine consulting company that, at the same time, produces and bottles wines. At the moment we are bottling white wines, mainly from the Vinhos Verdes region. WINES Camaleão Alvarinho 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho Camaleão Sauvignon Blanc 2013 White wine Vinho Verde Sauvignon Blanc 128 Clip do Monte da Vaia 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro VADIO - Young winemakers of Portugal STAND Nº59 REGION BAIRRADA CONTACTS VADIO is located at the Poutena village in the BAIRRADA region. It is a small family project that has as an essential element the recovery of BAIRRADA’s traditional grape varieties and the production of authentic DOC BAIRRADA wines. We have two very distinct vineyard blocks and an old warehouse that we have adapted in a very simple manner for the production of wine. Our wines present a very classic style that intends to respect the authenticity of the region and the character. Eduarda Dias Rua Saraiva, nº7 3780-594 Vilarinho do Bairro Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 521 392 WINES Grande Vadio Tinto 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Vadio Tinto 2005 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Vadio Branco 2014 White wine Bairrada, DOP Bical and Cercial Vadio Tinto 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Vadio Espumante NV White wine Bairrada, DOP Baga, Bical and Cercial 129 CONCEITO VINHOS - Young winemakers of Portugal STAND Nº59 REGION DOURO CONTACTS Our vision is to combine Douro tradition with a modern winemaking approach to deliver fresh wines true to our terroir and old vineyards (more Freshness versus classic Douro wines and Vintage Port being possible thanks to the higher altitude of our vineyards at 400 m). More information about us at www. Ana Rita Sa Marques Largo da Madalena Nº10, 5155-020 Cedovim Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 939 000 350 WINES Conceito branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Rabo de Ovelha Contraste branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Rabo de Ovelha Conceito Porto Lbv 2009 Red wine Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional Contraste tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Conceito tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz 130 ENOFORUM - CARMIM GROUP STAND Nº60 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS ENOFORUM is a commercial wine company, a part of CARMIM Group. Created in 1971, CARMIM, CRL, is today one of the main Portuguese wineries of bottled wines and the biggest in Alentejo Region. With over 40 years devoted to the production of high quality wines and olive oils, with an average yearly production around 18 million liters and having achieved a leading position in the Portuguese domestic market, CARMIM is now pursuing the goal of becoming an important player in the worldwide wine business. Elsa Lourinho Rua Professor Mota Pinto 7200-412 Reguengos de Monsaraz Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 266 508 200 WINES Alente Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira and Aragonez Pátria Porto Tawny Porto, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão Monsaraz Alicante Bouschet 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet Pátria Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Castelão Monsaraz Premium 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Syrah Real Forte Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Castelão and Trincadeira Monsaraz Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Reguengos Garrafeira dos Sócios 2007 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Reguengos Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Trincadeira and Touriga Nacional Reguengos Red 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Castelão 131 NIEPOORT VINHOS STAND Nº61 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Niepoort is an independent family business since 1842. Through five generations the business passed successfully from one generation to the other and in most cases older and younger generations worked side by side for a long period. The fifth generation, Dirk and Verena Niepoort are now leading the company. The motto of the company has been one of respect for the different terroirs and the curiosity in the search for new wines. Susana Ferraz Rua Cândido dos Reis, 670 4400-071 Vila Nova de Gaia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 934 420 886 WINES Dão Conciso 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Baga, Jaen and old vines Morgadio da Calçada Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Donzelinho, Malvasia Fina and Viosinho Dão Rótulo 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Touriga Nacional Morgadio da Calçada Tinto 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Sousão, Tinta Amarela and Tinta Barroca Dócil Loureiro 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Niepoort VV 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Bical, Maria Gomes and Arinto Lagar de Baixo Tinto 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Poeirinho 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga MC Tinto 2013 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Merlot Syrah 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Syrah 132 SUSANA ESTEBAN STAND Nº62 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS After fifteen years working as a winemaker, Susana Esteban decided to embrace the Adventure (Aventura) of becoming a wine producer, making wines full of character, in a slightly different style of the Alentejo traditional way. For two years she looked (Procura) around all Alentejo region for the perfect vineyards. Only from 2011 on, she was able to discover the plots she was looking for to make her wines: Procura red and white, and Aventura red and white. All these vineyards are unique and exceptional, from coolest areas of Alentejo region, such as Portalegre. Susana Esteban Av. Antonio Augusto Aguiar, 100 4ºEsq 1050-019 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 266 403 081 WINES Aventura Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Old vines and Viosinho Procura Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Old vines Aventura Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and old vines Procura Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and old vines 133 VAL-BÔA STAND Nº62 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS The main object of the company is to explore da Quinta de Val-Bôa and produce their wines with the grapes of the property. Jorge Albuquerque da Quinta Quinta de Val-Bôa - Atei 4880-013 Mondim de Basto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 255 386 264 WINES OLO 2012 cuba 3 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Pedernã, Alvarinho, Avesso, Azal and Trajadura VAL-BÔA 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOC Azal, Arinto and Trajadura OLO 2014 cuba 3 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Azal, Arinto, Avesso and Trajadura VAL-BÔA 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOC Azal, Trajadura and Arinto OLO Alvarinho 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho VAL-BÔA 2014 Rose Blend of 6 varieties 134 APVV - APOIO PROD. DE VINHO VERDE STAND Nº63 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Founded in 2003 with the initial goal of helping small and medium producers of Vinho Verde to produce quality wines for recognition in the domestic market. Currently the initial goal was extended to the Port and Douro wines as well as its expansion to international markets. Antonio Jose da Silva Pinto de Sousa Edificio Golfinho Loja S R/C Avenida Gen. Vitorino Larangeira 4600-018 Amarante Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 571 644 WINES Pecado Capital 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto, Trajadura and Loureiro Quinta de Curvos - Colheita Seleccionada 2014 White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Trajadura e Arinto Prova Cega 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Tinto Cão Quinta D’ Amares 2014 White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Quinta da Levada 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Azal Solar de Serrade 2014 Alvarinho White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Quinta do Montinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Vales de Ambrães 2014 White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Avesso Casa da Senra 2014 White Wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Casa de Vila Nova 2014 White Wine Vinho Minho, IG Sauvignon Blanc 135 VENÂNCIO DA COSTA LIMA STAND Nº64 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS Venâncio da Costa Lima is one of the oldest wineries in the Palmela region, beginning its activity in 1914. Still a family business, this winery is already in its fourth generation. As a producer of Table Wines, Certified Wines (Setúbal Peninsula Regional wines & DO Palmela wines) and Setúbal Moscatel, this company maintains its goal: to produce wines that are current and modern, but always display the profile and characteristics of a wine from this region. We also produce what is considered one of this region’s ex-libris: the Setúbal Moscatel. Always striving to perfect the art of wine. Joana Vida Rua Venâncio da Costa Lima, nº 139 2950-701 Quinta do Anjo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 912 352 596 WINES Casal do Cerrado 2014 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão Vale Pereiro 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Aragonez and Castelão Casal do Cerrado 2014 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires and Moscatel Galego Branco Moscatel de Setúbal 2011 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Casal do Cerrado 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Aragonez and Castelão Venâncio da Costa Lima Moscatel de Setúbal Reserva 2007 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Vale Pereiro 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires and Moscatel Galego Branco Venâncio da Costa Lima Palmela 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão Vale Pereiro 2013 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão Venâncio da Costa Lima Palmela Reserva 2010 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão 136 MOUCHÃO STAND Nº64 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS In a country steeped in winemaking history, the name Mouchão is synonymous with wines of distinction. The family owned estate has been producing wine for over a hundred years and maintains the traditions established in 1901 when the winery was built. The distinctive character of Mouchão wines derives from three principal characteristics: the Alicante Bouschet grape, the specific terroir and adherence to traditional winemaking methods. David Ferreira Herdade do Mouchão 7470-153 Casa Branca Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 966 398 045 WINES Aguardente Bagaceira Alicante Bouschet 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet Mouchão 2009 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Trincadeira Dom Rafael 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Trincadeira Mouchão Vinho Licoroso 2009 Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet Dom Rafael 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz and Arinto Ponte das Canas 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Shiraz 137 ENOPARTNER STAND Nº65 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Enopartner promotes and sells Portuguese wines worldwide. Quality, affordability, drinkability, are some of the attributes that together with our partner companies we look for the wines we sell. Carlos Mendes Moreira Rua Fernão Vaz Dourado 146 4150-322 Porto - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 938 469 625 WINES Abadim branco 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Arinto and Trajadura Cunha Martins branco 2014 White wine Dão, DOP Malvasia Fina, Encruzado and Rabo de Ovelha Abadim tinto 2010 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca, Tinta Amarela and Tinta Barroca Herdade do Arrepiado Velho tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Quinta do Vale do Bragão tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Herdade do Arrepiado Velho branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Viognier and Riesling Quinta do Vale do Bragão branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Rabigato and Códega HEHN Reserva branco Bruto White wine Távora-Varosa, DOP Cerceal and Malvasia Fina Cunha Martins tinto 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Reguengo de Melgaço branco 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho 138 CASA ERMELINDA FREITAS - VINHOS STAND Nº66 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS Casa Ermelinda Freitas is a family business with the wine tradition of four generations. The vineyards are located in Fernando Pó, a privileged area in Palmela, producing some of the best wines of the region. They annually produce twelve million liters of high quality wine, marketed in several countries, under the brands Dom Campos, Terras do Pó, Dona Ermelinda, Casa Ermelinda Freitas, Quinta da Mimosa, Leo d’Honor among others. In the last 12 years they have obtained over 500 international awards. Casa Ermelinda Freitas was considered 26th Top Winery of the World 2014 by the World Association of Wine Writers and Journalists. Jaime Quendera is their head winemaker. Joana Freitas R. Manuel João Freitas, CCI 2501, Fernando Pó Águas de Moura 2965-595 Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 934 518 705 WINES Dom Campos red 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Syrah, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Sauvignon Blanc - Verdelho 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Sauvignon Blanc and Verdelho Terras do Pó red 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon Dona Ermelinda white 2014 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Fernão Pires, Arinto, Antão Vaz and Chardonnay Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Touriga Nacional Dona Ermelinda Reserva 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão, Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira and Cabernet Sauvignon Sparkling Bruto Fernão Pires and Arinto Dona Ermelinda red 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão, Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional Moscatel Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel 139 DÃO SUL / GLOBAL WINES STAND Nº67 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Dão Sul | Global Wines is one of Portugal’s leading producers, recognized for making distinct wines of great value that reflect the terroir where they were grown, the taste and flavour of the indigenous grape varieties. Founded in 1989, in Carregal do Sal, Dão region, the company grew rapidly and moved to Bairrada, Beiras, Douro, Alentejo, Vinho Verde, Lisboa and also Brasil, owning beautiful wineries in those wine areas. Other investment priorities are wine tourism and olive oil production. Exports account for more than 50% of the production, to over 40 countries worldwide. Paulo Amorim Quinta de Cabriz - Apartado 28 3430-909 Carregal do Sal Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 501 310 WINES Cabriz C.S. VT 2012 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Palestra 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Barroca Cabriz Reserva 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro and Tinta Roriz QdoE Espumante Bruto Sparkling white wine Arinto and Bical Casa de Santar 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Bical, Cercial and Encruzado QdoE VT Bairrada 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Merlot and Baga Casa de Santar Reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Quinta de Lourosa 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro and Arinto Monte da Cal 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Alfrocheiro and Alicante Bouschet Xadrez White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto, Azal, Loureiro and Trajadura 140 VASQUES DE CARVALHO STAND Nº68 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS António Vasques de Carvalho Av. Dr. Antão de Carvalho , 43 5050-224 Peso da Régua Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 915 815 830 The Vasques de Carvalho Soc.Agr.Com.Lda, is a family business that has always been dedicated to the Port Wine production over several generations. Starting with Douro DOC wines, 15 years ago, emerging now as a company who wants to be recognized from the premium quality of its products. WINES Oxum-Vasques de Carvalho 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Amarela Vasques de Carvalho 30 Anos Porto, DOP Oxum-Vasques de Carvalho 2013 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Vasques de Carvalho 40 Anos Porto, DOP Oxum-Vasques de Carvalho 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Rabigato, Viosinho and Gouveio Velhos Bardos - Vasques de Carvalho 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vasques de Carvalho 10 Anos Porto, DOP X Bardos - Vasques de Carvalho 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Vasques de Carvalho 20 Anos Porto, DOP 141 WINE VENTURES STAND Nº69 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Wine Ventures is a Company with it’s operational base located in Lisbon - at Quinta da Romeira - which mission is to develop Brands, based on consumer preferences, with a commitment to take wine, as a category, closer to consumers, creating value to shareholders. Catarina Rente Quinta da Romeira de Cima Apartado 752 2670-678 Bucelas Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 968 098 847 WINES Espumante BRUT NATURE Quinta da Romeira 2012 Sparkling white wine Lisboa, DOP Arinto PRINCIPIUM Merlot Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot and Touriga Nacional Espumante BRUTO Quinta da Romeira 2012 Sparkling white wine Lisboa, DOP Arinto Prova Régia 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto Morgado de Santa Catherina 2012 White wine Lisboa, DOP Arinto Prova Régia Reserva 2013 White wine Lisboa, DOP Arinto PRINCIPIUM Cabernet Sauvignon Touriga Nacional 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional VIVERE vinum red 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP PRINCIPIUM Chardonnay Arinto 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto VIVERE vinum white 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP 142 CASA DO VALLE STAND Nº70 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS CASA DO VALLE is a winegrower in Minho Region that estate bottles since 1989 top wines from Vinho Verde Region. The excellent exposure of the vines in this property, located in the Basto sub-region, along with a careful selection of grape varieties and winemaking processes, originates wines of recognized quality. The superior quality of the CASA DO VALLE wine is the result of, not only the favourable conditions which the noble regional grape varieties encounter on this estate, but also of the passionate commitment of the Sousa Botelho family to winemaking from several generations. Luís Botelho Cameira Moimenta 4860-167 Cabecieras de Basto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 938 802 111 WINES Casa do Valle Branco / White 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto, Azal, Alvarinho and Loureiro Casa do Valle Homenagem Reserva 2011 Red wine Vinho Verde, IGP Old vines Casa do Valle Grande Escolha 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Casa do Valle Rose 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão and Rabo de Anho 143 CALHEIROS CRUZ STAND Nº70 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Founded in 1983, Calheiros Cruz is a family business, located in Canelas, in the heart of the Douro region. With three different vineyards and a modern winemaking center, our gold is the production of high quality wine, preserving the most the region terroir´s. Miguel Calheiros Cruz Quinta de Covelos Canelas 5050-426 Canelas - Peso da Régua Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 941 974 WINES Calheiros Cruz 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Calheiros Cruz Reserve 2008 Red wine Douro, DOP Calheiros Cruz 2013 White wine Douro, DOC Calheiros Cruz Great Reserve 2008 Red wine Douro, DOP 144 CAVES SÃO JOÃO STAND Nº71 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Caves São João is the oldest company in Bairrada that has always been owned and managed by menbers of the same family. The company owns a vineyard where it grows the grapes used in the production of this Quinta do Poço do Lobo wines. We are now launching into the classic wines market, with taste of modernity that will fit the demands of the most exquisit customers. Besides this also produces still wines from Bairrada (Frei João) and Dão (Porta dos Cavaleiros), sparkling wines and spirits. Célia Alves/Fátima Flores Estrada Real, S/N São João de Azenha (Anadia) 3780-140 Sangalhos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 223 387 WINES Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga, Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Frei João 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Bical, Maria Gomes, Cercial and Chardonnay Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Arinto and Chardonnay Frei João 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga and Touriga Nacional Quinta do Poço do Lobo Arinto & Chardonnay 2013 Sparkling Bairrada, DOP Arinto and Chardonnay São João Lote Especial 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga, Touriga-Nacional, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon Quinta do Poço do Lobo Baga 2014 Sparkling white wine Bairrada, DOP Baga Porta dos Cavaleiros Reserva 2012 Touriga Nacional Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Frei João Reserva 2012 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Baga, Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Quinta do Poço do Lobo Arinto 1994 White wine Beira Interior, IGP Arinto 145 ADEGA DE PEGÕES STAND Nº72 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS Establish in 1958 the “Pegões winery “is located in the south of Portugal. It Produce and sell close to 9 000 000 liters/year in more than 35 countries all over the word It has a complete and very competitive product range, going from the entry “table” or “regional “wines, passing from the “DOP” or “Reserve” wines, finishing in “fortified” or “sparkling” wines Its quality wines have won more than 300 international awards on the last 10 years , being number 68 on the TOP 100 wineries of the world elaborated by the “world Association of wine writers and Journalists “ 2012 , the last one that was publicized. Jaime Quendera and Sónia Pinto Rua Pereira Caldas Nº 1 2985-158 Pegões Velhos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 265 898 860 WINES Adega de Pegões Alicante Bouschet 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Alicante Bouschet Adega de Pegões T. Nacional 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Touriga Nacional Stella Blanco, Dry Muscat 2014 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Dry Muscat Adega de Pegões Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon Adega de Pegões rose 2014 Rose wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Castelão, Aragonês and Syrah Santo Isidro Sparkling White Extra Brut, Semi Sweet Fernão Pires and Arinto Adega de Pegões Syrah 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Shiraz Fontanário de Pegões 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão, Touriga Nacional and Shiraz Santo Isidro Sparkling White Extra Brut, Semi Sweet Moscatel Graúdo 146 a world of difference a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 JUSTINO’S, MADEIRA WINES STAND Nº73 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS Justino’s Madeira Wines S.A. was established on Madeira in 1870 and is one of the oldest producers and exporters of Madeira wine. In 1993 they joined forces with one of the largest wine and spirit distribution companies in France, allowing building new, spacious and modern facilities. Justino’s owns a high level of high quality wines and keeps a considerable stock in his winery. From the several Madeira wines produced, we call you attention to the Colheitas, which, without doubt, delight the most skilled connoisseur. Julio Fernandes Parque Industrial da Cancela 9125-042 Caniço Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 969 570 878 WINES Justino’s Madeira Boal 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Boal Justino’s Madeira Malvasia 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Malvasia Justino’s Madeira Colheita Boal 1996 Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Justino’s Madeira Reserve Fine Dry 5 Years Old Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Justino’s Madeira Colheita 1998 Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Justino’s Madeira Sercial 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Sercial Justino’s Madeira Fine Rich Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Justino’s Madeira Verdelho 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Verdelho 150 VINHOS BARBEITO (MADEIRA) STAND Nº74 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS Vinhos Barbeito was founded in 1946 by Mario Barbeito. His daughter Manuela continued his work in the 70s. In the mid-90s, she turned over the reins of the company to her son Ricardo Freitas. He not only brought a deep respect for Madeira’s classical roots, but also new energy and ideas to the company. Ricardo is continuing his family legacy of making wines and preserving them for future generations. He is also creating his own legacy: a series of Madeiras he calls his “Signature” wines. Ricardo Diogo Freitas P. Emp. Câmara de Lobos, Lote 8 9300-324 Câmara de Lobos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 291 761 829 IMPORTER Interpartner Hwg Weinimport Gmbh & Co Phone: +49405241011 Weingalerie - Karsten Kubin & Ruth Lindenblatt Phone: +49.30.3237448 Spanische Quelle Phone: +49 30 2521575 WINES Barbeito Rainwater Reserva Medium Dry 5 Years Old Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra and Verdelho Barbeito Malvasia 2000 Colheita - Single Cask 225 d+e Madeira, DOP Malvasia Barbeito Boal Reserva Medium Sweet 5 Years Old Madeira, DOP Boal Barbeito Verdelho 20 Anos Ribeiro Real - 20 Years Old Madeira, DOP Verdelho and Tinta Negra Barbeito Sercial Reserva Velha 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Sercial Barbeito Boal 20 Anos Ribeiro Real - 20 Years Old Madeira, DOP Boal and Tinta Negra Barbeito Verdelho Reserva Velha 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Verdelho Barbeito Malvasia 20 Anos 20 Years Old Madeira, DOP Malvasia 151 MADEIRA WINE INSTITUTE - IVBAM STAND Nº75 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS The Madeira Wine, Embroidery and Handcraft Institute (IVBAM) main responsibility in what concerns the wine, is to control, organize and legislate the production and marketing of Madeira Wine, as well as developing and strengthening the regional wine sector in general. In order to maintain strict quality control, all Madeira Wine is subject to tests and analysis in the Institute’s Laboratory, including submission to an official Tasting Panel. Only after passing all these stringent tests can the wine be granted its stamp and seal of approval. Madeira Wine is a fortified wine and may be obtained from traditional grape varieties such as Sercial, Verdelho, Boal, Malvasia and Tinta Negra, or a blend of them. This unique wine can be classified, by its sugar degree, as Dry, Medium Dry, Medium Sweet or Sweet. When the grape variety is Sercial, that wine will always be Dry, in the case of Verdelho, a Medium Dry, for the Boal, a Medium Sweet and when the grape variety is Malmsey a Sweet Madeira Wine. With Tinta Negra the wine can be produced in any of the different sugar degrees mentioned above. 152 Paula Cabaço or Bárbara Spínola Rua Visconde Anadia, nº44 9050-020 Funchal - Madeira - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 291 211 600 Fax: +351 291 224 791 MADEIRA WINE COMPANY STAND Nº76 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS Ricardo Tavares Rua dos Ferreiros 191, 9000-082 Funchal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 291 740 100 Blandy’s Madeira Wine Company is a 200 year old family owned business. The family is unique in being the only family of all the original founders of the Madeira wine trade to still own and actively manage their own wine company. Throughout its long history on the island, the family has played a leading role in the development of Madeira Wine and continues today to live on Madeira, maintaining a tradition that goes back to 1811 - 2 centuries of fine wine production. IMPORTER Luso-Weinimport - Omar Matias Phone: 0721-9613860/61 Chefs Culinar Nord Gmbh & Co. Kg Portusa GMBH Reprasentanz Phone: +49(0)2735 1766 Weingalerie - Weine aus Portugal Phone: +45 04034 3385 Duske&Duske Phone: +45 04034 3385 WINES Blandy’s Duke of Clarence Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Cossart Gordon Good Company Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Blandy’s Alvada 5 Years Old Madeira, DOP Boal and Malvasia Cossart Gordon 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Verdelho Blandy’s Harvest 2006 Madeira, DOP Malvasia Cossart Gordon Colheita 2005 Madeira, DOP Boal Blandy’s Bual 10 Years Old Madeira, DOP Boal Cossart Gordon 1975 Madeira, DOP Verdelho Blandy’s 2002 Madeira, DOP Boal Leacock’s Saint John Rich Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra 153 HENRIQUES & HENRIQUES - VINHOS STAND Nº77 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS Established in 1850, Henriques & Henriques produces and ships wines generally recognised as great classical Madeiras. In 1992 the building of new premises provided suitable means for meeting the current demands of the markets. The fact that it also owns the largest single vineyard on the Island, has allowed for a better control of all aspects of production. The company uses the most recent technical innovations but maintains the family tradition of almost 200 years of producing finest Madeira wines. Maria da Luz Aguiar Avenida da Autonomia, 10 9300-138 Câmara de Lobos - Madeira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 291 941 551 IMPORTER Schlumberger Gmbh & Co. Kg Buschstr. 20 - D-53340 Meckenheim Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0) 2225/925-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2225/925-151 WINES H&H Fine Rich Single Harvest 1997 Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Mole H&H Single Harvest Boal 2000 Madeira, DOP Boal H&H Malvasia 15 y.o. Madeira, DOP Malvasia H&H Terrantez 20 y.o. Madeira, DOP Terrantez H&H Monte Seco Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Mole H&H Verdelho 15 y.o. Madeira, DOP Verdelho H&H Sercial 10 y.o. Madeira, DOP Sercial 154 H.M.BORGES STAND Nº78 REGION MADEIRA CONTACTS Founded in 1877 by Henrique Menezes Borges the company H.M.BORGES, SUCRS. LDA. is considered as one of the leading brand names of VINHO DA MADEIRA (Madeira Wine), possessing an excellent and considerable stock of high quality wines from which there is a wide range of wines currently found on the market. The company acquires the grapes based on a rigorous selection of producers. The grapes are picked from different areas of Madeira, especially from Estreito de Câmara de Lobos and from the North of Madeira. Isabel Borges Rua 31 de Janeiro Nº83 9050-401 Funchal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 291 232 247 WINES H.M.Borges - Vinho da Madeira Madeira, DOP Tinta Negra Mole 155 a world of difference QUINTA DO ROMEU STAND Nº79 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS The Menéres family produces at “QUINTA do ROMEU”, since 1874, Port and DOC Douro wines on its 25ha of vineyards planted on schist soils, 320m above the sea level. We produce wines with character as the Douro wines are. They are also polished with a freshness derived from the altitude and cooler nights during the ripening period. The whole Romeu Estate (with around 5.000ha) is organic certified, including the vines. All our varieties are Portuguese and traditional of the Douro region. João Menéres Calç. de Monchique, 5 4050-393 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 289 811 WINES Quinta do Romeu Reserva White 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Viosinho and Arinto Quinta do Romeu Red 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Sousão and Touriga Franca Quinta do Romeu Rose 2014 Rose wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão and Touriga Nacional Quinta do Romeu Reserva Red 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Sousão Moinho do Gato Red 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão 157 CASA DE DAREI STAND Nº79 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The Darei wines are a pure reflection of the Dão´s terroir, They are wines the family want authentic and real - they do not follow trends, they are natural, handmade, pure, real wines, with personality and consistency. Carlos Ruivo Casa de Darei, Darei 3530-107 Mangualde Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 910 326 194 WINES Lagar de Darei 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Lagar de Darei sem abrigo 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Alfrocheiro, Tinta Roriz, Jaen and Touriga Nacional Lagar de Darei branco 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Malvasia Fina, Gouveio and Cercial lagar de Darei Tinto reserva 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro and Jaen Lagar de Darei Private Selection 2012 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado, Cercial, Malvasia Fina and Bical 158 HERDADE DOS MACHADOS STAND Nº80 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Herdade dos Machados was an estate that belonged to the patrimony of José Maria dos Santos one of the biggest landowners of Alentejo in the end of the 19th century. Being one of the oldest wine producers of Alentejo the vineyard is an important issue for the company. It was replanted in the 1980s - 60ha - with the traditional grapes of the region (Trincadeira, Aragonez & Alfrocheiro, red wines, and Antão Vaz, Roupeiro & Arinto, white wines). In 2013 there was a renewal of 14 ha with new grapes (Touriga Nacional & Alicante Bouschet). In 2015/16 we will replant another 14 ha. Carla Tavares da Costa Herdade dos Machados 7860-909 Moura Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: + 351 924 100 687 WINES Cerro das Pedras Moscatel Graúdo 2011 White wine Alentejo, IGP Moscatel Morgado da Canita 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro and Castelão Herdade dos Machados 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Castelão and Alfrocheiro Santos Jorge 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Castelão and Alfrocheiro Herdade dos Machados Antão Vaz 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz Santos Jorge 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz, Roupeiro, Arinto and Perrum Herdade dos Machados - Rosé 2012 Rose wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira and Aragonez Toutalga 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alfrocheiro and Castelão Morgado da Canita 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Roupeiro, Arinto and Perrum 159 J. PORTUGAL RAMOS VINHOS STAND Nº81 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS João Portugal Ramos is linked to Portuguese wines for more than 30 years. The successes achieved and prizes won throughout his career have brought him national and international acclaim as one of the main figures responsible for the development of Portuguese wines during the last decades. Alentejo was the region elected to produce his first wines, afterwards Tejo, Beiras, Douro and more recently Vinho Verde came along with the main objective of enriching the wines from these regions, all of them projects with ambition and dimension to stand out in Portugal and in international markets. Maria Pica Vila Santa 7100-149 Estremoz - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 268 339 910 WINES F’OZ 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Arinto, Trajadura and Alvarinho Tagus Creek Shiraz & Touriga Nacional 2014 Rose wine Tejo, IGP Shiraz and Touriga Nacional João Portugal Ramos Alvarinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Loios 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Trincadeira Loios 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto, Rabo de Ovelha and Roupeiro Ramos Reserva 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Syrah Marquês de Borba 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Antão Vaz and Viognier Marquês de Borba 2014 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Trincadeira and Touriga Nacional Tagus Creek Chardonnay & Fernão Pires 2014 White wine Tejo, IGP Chardonnay and Fernão Pires Vila Santa Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Alic. Bouschet 160 J. PORTUGAL RAMOS VINHOS Marquês de Borba Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alic. Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Tagus Creek Shiraz & Trincadeira 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Shiraz and Trincadeira Tons de Duorum 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Conde de Vimioso 2013 Red wine Tejo, IGP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, T. Nacional, Syrah and Cab. Sauvignon Duorum Colheita 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Conde de Vimioso Reserva 2011 Red wine Tejo, IGP Touriga Nacional , Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Aragonez Duorum Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Sousão Quinta Foz de Arouce 2011 Red wine Beira Atlântico, IGP Baga and Touriga Nacional Duorum Porto Vintage 2011 Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Quinta Foz de Arouce Vinhas Velhas Santa Maria 2011 Red wine Beira Atlântico, IGP Baga 161 CASA SENHORIAL DO REGUENGO STAND Nº82 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS Casa Senhorial do Reguengo is a family estate winery exclusively dedicated to premium sparkling wine based in Vinho Verde. The house is directly related to the Portuguese and Brazilian history since the XVI century and also related to the Napoleonic invasions. This project was born from the will and dream of the family to create a premium sparkling wine elaborated from Vinho Verde grapes, something that until that time had not been done in the region. Our sparklings have unique characteristics, namely freshness and lightness, legacy of the fresh and fragrant wines from Vinho Verde. Rui Pedro Oliveira Rua Soeiro Mendes nº202 4100-469 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 912 489 998 WINES Casa Senhorial do Reguengo Old Reserve 2010 White wine Vinho Verde Trajadura and Loureiro Casa Senhorial do Reguengo White Brut 2012 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho, Trajadura and Loureiro Casa Senhorial do Reguengo Red Brut 2013 Red wine Vinho Verde, IGP Vinhão and Padeiro Marreco Vinho Verde 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho, Loureiro, Arinto and Azal Casa Senhorial do Reguengo Rose Brut 2012 Rose wine Vinho Verde Espadeiro and Padeiro 162 HERDADE DE VALE BARQUEIROS STAND Nº82 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Herdade de Vale Barqueiros it’s a family winery from Portugal that owns several estates and two cellars, one the south, in Alentejo Region and another in the north, in Vinhos Verdes Region. It produces quality wines since three generations that were awarded several times in the best world competitions and reviewed by wine journalists worldwide. Miguel Faria Travessa da Prelada, 613 4250-380 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 937 500 574 WINES Encosta do Xisto Alvarinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Monte de Seda - Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon Encosta do Xisto Branco 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Trajadura and Arinto Vale Barqueiros – Branco 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Antão Vaz Encosta do Xisto Espadeiro 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Espadeiro Vale Barqueiros - Garrafeira 2008 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional Encosta do Xisto Loureiro 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Vale Barqueiros - Reserva 2008 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Trincadeira Encosta do Xisto Vinhão 2014 Red wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão Vale Barqueiros – Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah 163 QUINTA DE VALE DE PIOS STAND Nº83 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Quinta Vale de Pios is located in the Upper Douro, near Barca d’Alva, in the Natural Park of Douro International. The high thermal amplitudes and extreme dryness allow us, more than the practice of a biological or biodynamic farming, a natural farming. We work small plots in which we define the composition of the batches. We care borders, orchards and woods, because we believe in the importance of the presence of these fresh spots. In our cellar we combine the best of ancient traditions with modern winemaking technologies. Joaquim Almeida Rua 1º de Janeiro 169 R/Esq./Tras 4100-366 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 621 964 IMPORTER Rosário & Prange GbR Teresa Colaço do Rosário Hermeskeiler Platz 2 D-50935 Köln Email: [email protected] Phone: +4922196434988 WINES Excomungado 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinto Cão Pios 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Pios 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Rabigato and Códega de Larinho Vale de Pios 2008 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinto Cão 164 COMENDA GRANDE STAND Nº83 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS This 750 ha family business farm, have 35 ha of red grape varietals and 7 ha white. Most popular Alentejo varietals have been planted: Trincadeira and Aragonez (red), and Arinto and Antão Vaz (white). A smaller number of other vines has been planted, regarded as being likely to constitute an added value in terms of differentiation, and these are: Alfrocheiro, Tinta Caiada, Alicante Bouschet, Cabernet Sauvignon, Touriga Nacional and Syrah, in the reds and Verdelho and Sauvignon Blanc in the whites. Nuno Noronha Lopes Monte da Comenda Grande - Cx. 148 7040-201 Arraiolos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 969 660 201 IMPORTER Rosário & Prange GbR Teresa Colaço do Rosário Hermeskeiler Platz 2 D-50935 Köln Email: [email protected] Phone: +4922196434988 WINES Comenda Grande Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Verdelho Comenda Grande Tinto - Unoaked 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira and Aragonez Comenda Grande Rosé 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Alfrocheiro and Touriga Nacional Comenda Grande Tinta Caiada 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Tinta Caiada Comenda Grande Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet 165 HERDADE DA COMPORTA STAND Nº83 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS Herdade da Comporta. a UNIQUE Place. a UNIQUE Wine Rarely do you encounter a place like this: a place of wild beauty and calm spirit, where the sun reveals intense and vibrant colours, and the generous land provides unhurriedly its best. A landscape whose perfect harmony is an inspiration to us. The 35 hectares of vineyard at Herdade da Comporta are planted on a gentle slope slightly above sea level, in a sandy valley running from east to west. The vines are thus exposed to the sun practically all day long. Alice Lima Espaço Comporta EN 253 – Km1 7580 – 610 Comporta Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 961 332 261 IMPORTER Rosário & Prange GbR Teresa Colaço do Rosário Hermeskeiler Platz 2 D-50935 Köln Email: [email protected] Phone: +4922196434988 WINES Chão das Rolas 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Syrah, Trincadeira and Castelão Parus 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Antão Vaz Herdade da Comporta 2011 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Touriga Franca and Trincadeira Vinhas da Comporta 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Aragonez and Trincadeira Parus 2011 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Vinhas da Comporta 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Antão Vaz, Fernão Pires, Moscatel, Verdelho and Viognier 166 AVELEDA STAND Nº84 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Since 1870, Aveleda has been managed and cared for by the same family and has kept the same family surname since that date: Guedes. The history of the Guedes family has always involved the Quinta da Aveleda estate, which has become a part of the family identity. Gustavo Monteiro and Francisco Guerreiro Rua da Aveleda, Nº 2 4560-570 Penafiel Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 719 135 WINES Aveleda Alvarinho 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho Casal Garcia Sparkling Branco 2014 Sparkling white wine Vinho Verde Loureiro and Arinto Aveleda Douro 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Gouveio, Malvasia and Moscatel Casal Garcia Sparkling Rosé 2014 Sparkling rose wine Vinho Verde Vinhão, Borraçal and Azal Aveleda Reserva da Família Bairrada 2013 White wine Bairrada, DOP Maria Gomes and Chardonnay Casal Garcia Tinto 2014 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Casal Garcia White 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro, Arinto, Trajadura and Azal Charamba Douro 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Barroca and Tinta Roriz Casal Garcia Rosé 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão, Borraçal and Azal Follies Touriga Nacional 2010 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Touriga Nacional 167 AVELEDA Follies Touriga Nacional Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Charamba Douro Reserva 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Francesa, Tinta Barroca and Tinta Roriz Grande Follies Tinto 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinto Cão Espumante Quinta da Aguieira Sparkling White wine Bairrada, DOP Chardonnay, Maria Gomes Quinta da Aveleda 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro and Alvarinho Aveleda Reserva da Família Alvarinho 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho 168 MARTHA’S WINES STAND Nº85 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Martha’s Wines is a family-owned winery with tradition in the production of Port Wines and Moscatel do Douro. The wines are bottled in a stunning and unique packaging with a distinctive elegance. The family embraced a new adventure in 2014 with the production of its first still wines made of Portuguese native grape varieties. Rita Marta S. João de Lobrigos Sta Marta de Penaguião Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +8618917677572 WINES Fogo do Chão Branco 2013 White wine Gouveio, Donzelinho Branco and Rabigato Martha’sColheita/SingleHarvestTawny2005 Porto, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão Fogo do Chão Tinto 2013 Red wine T. Nacional, T. Franca, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão and Tinta Amarela Martha’s Moscatel do Douro Douro, DOP Moscatel Galego Branco Martha’s 10 Years Old Tawny Port Porto, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão, T. Franca and T. Nacional Martha’s Extra Dry White Port Porto, DOP Malvasia, Viosinho, Donzelinho, Gouveio, Moscatel and Rabigato Martha’s 20 Years Old Tawny Port Porto, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão, T. Franca and T. Nacional Martha’s Special Reserve Tawny Port Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão, T. Franca, Tinta Barroca and Tinta Amarela Martha’s 40 Years Old Tawny Port Porto, DOP Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão, T. Franca and Touriga Nacional Martha’s White Port Wine Porto, DOP Malvasia, Viosinho, Donzelinho, Gouveio, Moscatel and Rabigato 169 1912WINEMAKERS STAND Nº86 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS 1912 Winemakers is a family-owned and traditional business defined by a genuine devotion in the art of winemaking. The founders, António Monteiro and Edmar Monteiro, are two brothers born in the Douro Region known for its excellence in wine classification. We aim each year to produce wines that express and respect the unique characteristics of the Douro. Alongside with a careful selection of grapes and a cautious production process, we create distinctive high-quality wines, through a relentless devotion to tradition and a commitment to excellence. Luís Ribeiro and Francisco Sendas Av. Dr. Antunes Guimarães 255-277 4100-079 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 226 166 080 WINES Encosta do BOCHO Grande Reserva 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz PIORRO Espumante Branco Bruto 2011 White wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Encosta do BOCHO Grande Reserva 2012 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Gouveio, Rabigato and old vines PIORRO Espumante Rosé Bruto 2011 Rose wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Encosta do BOCHO Reserva 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz PIORRO Grande Reserva 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca PIORRO Colheita 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca PIORRO Reserva 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca PIORRO Colheita 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina, Rabigato, Viosinho and Gouveio PIORRO Vinhas Velhas 2011 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina, Rabigato, Viosinho and Gouveio 170 ALMEIDA GARRETT WINES STAND Nº87 REGION BEIRA INTERIOR CONTACTS Our company is located in Beira Interior, northeast of Portugal, on the southern slope of Serra da Estrela mountain. We produce biodynamic still and sparkling DOC wines, from grapes cultivated in our 44ha of vineyards, for a total of 300.000l/year. We sell mainly in Portugal, but also in Belgium, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Canada. The family Almeida Garrett has been cultivating Chardonnay since 1911, which is our main white grape. On the reds, we work with Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Trincadeira, Tinta Barroca, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Alicante Bouschet. José Almeida Garrett and João Santos Rua Maria Rosália Tavares Proença, 16 6200-758 Tortosendo Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 777 852 WINES Almeida Garrett Chardonnay 2012 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Chardonnay Almeida Garrett TNT 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Almeida Garrett Reserva 2010 White wine Beira Interior, DOP Almeida Garrett Selecta 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Entre Serras 2012 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP Almeida Garrett Reserva 2011 Red wine Beira Interior, DOP 171 QUINTA DA BARREIRA STAND Nº88 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS Founded in the late Nineteenth Century, this family-oriented company was acquired in 1954 and remained thereafter in possession of the current family. We begun renewed production facilities in 1996, and continued to catch up technologically to the present day. The vineyards, recently converted today contribute to the dignity of our main brands, which highlight the “Quinta da Barreira”. Carmen Lázaro and José Félix de Oliveira Qta da Barreira - Carreiras 2565-136 Carvoeira Tvd Web: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Phone: +351 926 789 138 WINES Barreira Vinho Tinto Regional Lisboa 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Quinta da Barreira Lisboa 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Alvarinho, Arinto, Chardonnay and Verdelho Decisão Vinho Reserva Branco Tavora Varosa 2013 White wine Távora-Varosa, DOP Malvasia Fina, Gouveio and Bical Scorpio Espumante Bruto Regional Lisboa 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto Doudão Vinho Tinto Douro Doc 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Serra Vinho Verde Doc Vinho Verde 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Azal, Loureiro, Trajadura and Pedernã Fraga da Pena Reserva 2009 Red wine Távora-Varosa, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Bastardo and Tinta Roriz Tágide Vinho Tinto Regional Lisboa 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Madressilva Vinho Rosé Leve Regional Lisboa 2013 Rose wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez, Castelão and Trincadeira Taurus Vinho Tinto Regional Alentejano 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Trincadeira 172 CASAL STA. MARIA STAND Nº89 REGION DOCCOLARES LISBOA CONTACTS The origin of this Estate goes back as far as the beginning of the 18thcentury. The main house was built in 1720 and remarkably survived the 1755 earthquake because of the Serra de Sintra (hill) underground granite structure. Wine production was interrupted in 1903, but 100 years later Baron von Bruemmer after his 97thanniversary brought “the most Western vineyards in Europe” back to life and modernized “the boutique” winery. Casal St Maria stands between the Atlantic Ocean and Serra de Sintra and is influenced by a maritime climate with cool nights, misty mornings and fresh afternoon breez. Jorge Granate Rosa Santos Casal Sta. Maria Nº18/20 - Casas Novas 2705-177 Colares Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 452 864 WINES Casal Sta. Maria 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional and Merlot Casal Sta. Maria Pinot Noir 2012 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Pinot Noir Casal Sta. Maria 2011 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto and Chardonnay Casal Sta. Maria Chardonnay 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Chardonnay Casal Sta. Maria Arinto 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto Casal Sta. Maria Late Harvest 2012 White wine Lisboa, IGP Casal Sta. Maria Malvasia Fina 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Malvasia Fina Casal Sta. Maria DOC Colares 2012 White wine DOC Colares, Lisboa Malvasia de Colares Casal Sta. Maria Sauvignon Blanc 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Sauvignon Blanc Casal Sta. Maria DOC Colares 2006 Red wine DOC Colares, Lisboa Ramisco de Colares 173 CORTES DE CIMA STAND Nº90 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS In 1988, a Danish-American couple set out in a sailboat to find a place to start a family, plant a vineyard, and make wine... and thus begins our story of Cortes de Cima Family Vineyards, one of Portugal`s leading wineries. Capturing the abundant Alentejan sunshine in the vineyard, our wines are packed full of rich, concentrated fruit, and balanced by soft, ripe, tannins. Carrie Jorgensen Cortes de Cima 7960-189 Vidigueira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 284 460 064 IMPORTER Vif Weinhandel Gmbh Kreppstrasse, 6 - D-66333 Volklingen Web: Phone: 0049 6898 27070 WINES Chaminé Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Verdelho, Sauvignon Blanc, Antão Vaz and Viognier Cortes de Cima Sauvignon Blanc 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Sauvignon Blanc Chaminé Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah, Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Trincadeira Cortes de Cima Syrah 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah Cortes de Cima Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Alvarinho, Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc Cortes de Cima Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah, T. Nacional, Petit Verdot, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Cortes de Cima Homenagem a Hans Christian Andersen 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah Courela 2012 Red wine Alentejo Aragonez, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Cortes de Cima Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Petit Verdot and Touriga Nacional Incógnito 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah 174 CARTUXA - FUNDAÇÃO EUGÉNIO DE ALMEIDA STAND Nº91 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS The Cartuxa Winery is owned and managed by the Eugénio de Almeida Foundation. It is situated in Évora, a world heritage site in the spectacular Alentejo Region of Portugal. In this historic setting the Foundation has invested in quality and technology whilst respecting and preserving the Winery’s heritage. Vinea Cartuxa, EA, Foral de Évora, Cartuxa, Scala Coeli and Pêra-Manca comprise the current portfolio of the winery. Bruno Ramos Páteo de S. Miguel, Apartado 2001 7001-901 Évora Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 722 045 IMPORTER Fonseca Import - Armando Lopes Phone: +4923319812045 Spanishe Quelle - Manuel da Silva Phone: +49302521475 Scheelje-Müffelmann-TeipelGbr-DirkScheelje Phone: +49431803888 WINES Cartuxa 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Alfrocheiro and Trincadeira EA Reserva 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Trincadeira and Syrah Cartuxa 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz and Arinto Pêra-Manca 2012 White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz and Arinto EA 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Roupeiro and Arinto Scala Coeli 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alfrocheiro EA 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Castelão Vinea Cartuxa 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Castelão, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet EA 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Vinea Cartuxa 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Roupeiro and Antão Vaz 175 CASA DA CALDEIRA STAND Nº92 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS We’re a family with estates in the Douro valley for generations. We produce wine, olive oil and almond In order to make our business more profitable, we have decided to create the brand “Casa da Caldeira”. Beatriz Leite Avenida da Boavista 1527 1D 4100-131 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 963 629 228 WINES Casa da Caldeira 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Casa da Caldeira Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Casa da Caldeira Grande Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and T. Nacional Conde de Almendra 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca 176 SOCIEDADE AGRÍCOLA QUINTA DO COVÃO STAND Nº93 REGION DÃO CONTACTS The Quinta do Covão estate located in Sandomil, Seia, near of the Serra da Estrela mountain, is a privileged area for the production of high quality grapes. With a total of 50 ha, respecting the methods of integrated production, taking all care to the environment, following the traditions and culture of the vine and knowledge in Portugal. The vineyards are situated at an altitude between 300 and 500 meters and comprise the best varieties of Dao region, such as Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Jaen and Tinta Roriz produced in terraces and Encruzado, Bical, Cercial, Malvasia Fina and Verdelho produced in flat areas. Filipe Ferreira and Carlos Queirós Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão 236 - 1º salas 1.5/1.6 4000-265 Porto Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 912 978 653 WINES Quinta do Covão Encruzado 2013 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Quinta do Covão Tinto 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional Quinta do Covão Reserva 2013 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Domil Tinto 2012 Red wine Dão, IGP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Jaen and Alfrocheiro Domil Branco 2013 White wine, IGP Encruzado, Malvasia Fina, Bical and Verdelho 177 QUINTA DA FOZ STAND Nº93 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Quinta da Foz, established in 1876, is one of the oldest and most emblematic producers in the Douro and where Port wine was produced for many years. Nowadays, Quinta da Foz is dedicated to the production of quality Douro wines. Our established vines, superb grapes and a hard working team of experts ensure the excellent quality of our wine. Filipe Ferreira and Carlos Queirós Gouvães do Douro 5085-243 Pinhão Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 912 978 653 WINES Quinta da Foz 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vinha da Foz Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Malvasia Fina and Moscatel Galego Branco Quinta da Foz Grande Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines Vinha da Foz Tinto 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Quinta da Foz Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines 178 THYRO WINES STAND Nº94 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS João Cardoso Lopes Rua Nova da Trindade nº1 -5z 1200-301 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 962 855 116 WINES Thyro Branco Doc Douro 2012 White wine Douro, DOP Semillon, Malvasia Fina and Cercial Thyro Colheita Tardia Doc Douro 2011 White wine Douro, DOP Semillon Thyro Branco Doc Região Vinhos Verdes 2012 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto Thyro Rosé Doc Douro 2012 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional 179 TIAGO TELES STAND Nº94 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Tiago Teles co-founded the wine sites ‘Os5às8’ and ‘NovaCríticavinho’ where he practised and consolidated his activity as a wine critic between 2002 and 2009. In the course of that project, he coauthored 6 editions of an annual wine guide. But Tiago’s dream had been always to make wine; get closer to the land, to find his own identity through wine. Taken by the freedom and his belief to create a pristine, highly palatable wine, in partnership with his father, Tiago chose a certain number of respected grape varieties, well adapted to the location and harmoniously matched. Tiago Teles Rua Tenente Ferreira Durão nº38 2ºdto. 1350-316 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 964 157 941 WINES Gilda 2013 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Merlot, Tinta Barroca and Tinto Cão Gilda 2012 Red wine Bairrada Merlot, Castelão and Tinto Cão 180 Maria da Graça 2013 Red wine Bairrada Alfrocheiro and Alicante Bouschet CAVES DA MONTANHA STAND Nº95 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Caves da Montanha is a portuguese beverage company, based in Anadia / Bairrada Founded in 1943 by Adriano Henriques, the company is family owned and is managed by the 4th generation. Caves da Montanha is dedicated to the production, marketing and distribution of sparkling wines, wines and liquers. Luis Melo Rua Adriano Henriques 12 3780-218 Anadia Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 935 122 665 WINES A Henriques 2011 Red wine Bairrada, DOP Touriga Nacional, Baga and Merlot Conde de Serpa 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonês, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Vinha do Poeta 2010 Red wine Dão, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Alfrocheiro Trinca Espinhas 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho and Trajadura Quinta da Gandara Encruzado 2011 White wine Dão, DOP Encruzado Cábula Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Barroca, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Quinta da Gandara Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Dão, DOP Touriga Nacional Montanha Reserva Sparkling white wine Malvasia Fina, Baga, Bical and Fernão Pires Monte do Enforcado 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonês and Cabernet Sauvignon Montanha Real Grande Reserva 2009 Sparkling white wine Bical and Baga 181 CAVES DO CASALINHO STAND Nº96 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Founded in 1944, CAVES DO CASALINHO, S.A is one of the oldest wine production companies in the Vinhos Verdes Region. Way back in the 11th century, doc. recorded this as a “land of vineyards and maize plantations and of luxuriant wooded hills “skirting the fertile valley of the Vizela River.Caves do Casalinho also has in it’s portfolio not only Vinhos Verdes - like Casalinho, Santo Adrião adn Três Marias - but also wines from other DOC Regions Douro Romanisco, Rosé and Beiras Ouro Velho, wines that gained important awards in both National and International contests. Miguel Flores de Almeida Rua de Costa Cabral, 777A Sala 9 4200-224 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 936 376 063 IMPORTER Weingalerie - Mr. Karsten Kubin Email: [email protected] Copito - Mr. Alexander Melms Email: [email protected] Hawesko Gmbh - Andy Schmelzer Email: [email protected] FonsecaImport-ExportGmbh-ArmandoLopes Email: [email protected] WINES Casalinho Arinto 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto Ouro Velho Regional Alentejo 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Alfrocheiro, Alicante Bouschet and Syrah Casalinho Douro DOC 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Romanisco Grande Reserva 2010 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Casalinho Douro Juta 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Romanisco Reserva Tinto 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca Casalinho Grande Escolha 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro and Trajadura Três Marias Verde Branco 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Arinto, Azal, Loureiro and Trajadura Casalinho Loureiro 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Três Marias Verde Rosado 2014 Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão and Touriga Nacional 182 SOLWINE STAND Nº97 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS The Solwine® is a Portuguese joint venture created in order to promote and export Portuguese wine. The company shareholders are already wine producers with their own wineries and vineyards located in several Portuguese wine regions. This strategic alliance is intended to expand its business influence and, especially, to create more powerful international market presence. Eloi Figueiredo Rua Miguel Bombarda 1 4750-320 Barcelos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 772 096 WINES Dom Ponciano White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Alvarinho Quinta do Barco Loureiro White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro Jornas White wine Alentejo, DOP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Verdelho Quinta do Barco Rosé Rose wine Vinho Verde, DOP Vinhão Monte do Desespero Reserva Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Boushet and Moreto Romã Rose wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Moreto and Trincadeira Quinta da Castainça Colheita Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Amarela and Tinta Roriz Suape White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Loureiro and Arinto Quinta da Castainça Touriga Nacional Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional 183 A&D WINES STAND Nº98 REGION VINHO VERDE (MINHO) CONTACTS Our estates are located in a region traditionally called Entre-Douroe-Minho, close to the Douro river. A&D Wines is present in a variety of markets worlwide maintaining a focus on natural winemaking through sustainable farming and minimal intervention. Alexandre Gomes / Miguel Alves Quinta Espinhosos Gôve 4640-263 Gôve, Baião Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 229 419 378 WINES Casa do Arrabalde 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho, Avesso and Arinto Espinhosos 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Avesso and Chardonnay Casa do Arrabalde 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho, Avesso and Arinto LIV 2013 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Avesso and Arinto Espinhosos 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Avesso and Chardonnay LIV 2014 White wine Vinho Verde, DOP Avesso and Arinto 184 SIVIPA STAND Nº99 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS To share the joy of a good wine at an affordable price is SIVIPA’s promise. Founded in 1964 by 30 winemakers from Palmela’s wine region, SIVIPA offers a broad portfolio of wines and muscats that have been recognized worldwide with major awards such as the Best Península de Setúbal Red Wine of 2014, Best Portuguese Red Wine of 2013 at Mundus Vini, or the Moscatel Roxo’s Gold Medal at Muscats du Monde. Filipe Cardoso EN 379, Km 34,7 Sitio da Lage 2950-302 Palmela Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 728 188 WINES Serra Mãe Reserva 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão Terras do Sado 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Fernão Pires and Arinto Personalizado 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão Moscatel Superior Doc 10 Anos Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Veritas 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Roupeiro Sivipa Moscatel Roxo, 2010 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Galego Roxo Ameias Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Touriga Nacional Sivipa Moscatel 96, 1996 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Ameias Syrah 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Syrah Sivipa Licoroso V.L.Q.P.R.D. 2005 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão 185 QUINTA DO PILOTO VINHOS STAND Nº99 REGION P. SETÚBAL CONTACTS Quinta do Piloto is state located in Palmela region from Cardoso family. Cardoso family is one of the ancient Palmela families with great traditions in making the best and traditionalist Palmela wines. Humberto Cardoso was the creator of Quinta do Piloto, now Filipe Cardoso is the 4th generation of the family that keep the company running. Filipe Cardoso Rua Helena Cardoso, Quinta do Piloto 2950-131 Palmela Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 918 728 188 WINES Piloto Collection Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon Quinta do Piloto - Moscatel de Setúbal Coleção da Família White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Piloto Collection Roxo 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Moscatel Galego Roxo Quinta do Piloto Reserva 2013 White wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Arinto and Antão Vaz Piloto Collection Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Península de Setúbal, IGP Touriga Nacional Quinta do Piloto Reserva 2012 Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Castelão Quinta do Piloto - Moscatel de Roxo Coleção da Família Red wine Península de Setúbal, DOP Moscatel Galego Roxo 186 TERRAS DE ALTER STAND Nº100 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Terras de Alter is based in a new concept winery in Fronteira in the Alto Alentejo, with most of their grapes supplied from their own three vineyards. T D’A have wines based on 4 ranges. Firstly a regional red, white and rose from high in the Alto Alentejo. Secondly one of the strongest ranges of Portugues varietial wines in the country. Thirdly a Reserva white and red incorporating grapes from older vineyards with extensive barrel time. Finally our premium range based on vineyard sections where the soil “terroir” has a large influence on the wine. Peter Bright is a partner and in charge of the winemaking. Lurdes Polido Zona Industrial, 22 a 28 7460-263 Fronteira Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 934 011 524 WINES Outeiro 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Petit Verdot and Syrah Terra D’Alter Aragonez 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez Telhas branco 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Viognier Terra D’Alter Aragonez Zero SO2 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez Telhas Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah and Viognier Terra D’Alter Reserva Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Síria, Arinto and Verdelho Terra D’alter Alfrocheiro 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alfrocheiro Terra D’Alter Reserva Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Tinta Caiada Terra D’alter Alicante Bouschet 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet Terra D’Alter Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional 187 MONTE DA RAVASQUEIRA STAND Nº101 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Monte da Ravasqueira has been linked to the José de Mello family for several generations. Located in the municipality of Arraiolos, about an hour’s drive from Lisbon, the estate occupies a vast area of typical Alentejan landscape. It is managed and run by Sociedade Agrícola D. Diniz, SA. The excellent geological conditions and the climate are well suited to the production of some of the best wine that the Alentejo has to offer. A great deal has been invested in planting vines and also in modern winemaking equipment and in meteorological and plant-health facilities. Francisco Silva Monte Ravasqueira 7040-121 Arraiolos Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 926 200 214 IMPORTER Brot & Wein - Marita Geelink Freiheit 5 48691 Vreden Sul Portugal Import – Export GmbH Hamburg WINES Fonte da Serrana 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Antão Vaz Monte da Ravasqueira 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Fonte da Serrana 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Trincadeira Monte da Ravasqueira Reserva 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Viognier and Alvarinho Monte da Ravasqueira 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Syrah, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Monte da Ravasqueira Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Monte da Ravasqueira 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Viognier, Alvarinho and Arinto Vinha das Romãs 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah and Touriga Franca 188 SOCIEDADE AGRICOLA DE PIAS STAND Nº102 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS A company created in 1973 by José Veiga Margaça. Producer of wines of Pias a villa from Alentejo. Family business company with its winery located inside Pias villa. The vineyards are located 4 km from the villa and the wine production is sole only from our vineyards. Some of our brands are: Margaça, AsPias, Pulo do Lobo, Encostas do Enxoé and Igreja Velha. You can find more about us at Gonçalo Valido Rua de Santo António Nº8 7830-232 Pias Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 932 494 728 WINES AsPias 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Pulo do Lobo 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah AsPias 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Antão Vaz Pulo do Lobo 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Encostas do Enxoé Reserva Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet Pulo do Lobo 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz Encostas do Enxoé Reserva Branco 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Antão Vaz Quatro Décadas 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Touriga Nacional Igreja Velha Doc Reserva Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet 189 CASA DE VILA BOA STAND Nº103 REGION VINHO VERDE CONTACTS Located in Vila Boa de Quires, in Marco de Canavezes, Casa de Vila Boa is one of the most imponent manor-houses in the region. With an austere front and a beautiful tower which gives an aspect of a fortress, the house of Albuquerque de Vasconcelos Lencastre’s family is from the 14th Century comproved by several documents of that age. Always in the hands of the same family, it has an impressive example of the baroque period: a façade of an unfinished manor-house built in the meddile of the 17th century by António de Vasconcelos Carvalho e Menezes. Afonso Lencastre Casa de Vila Boa Rua de Santo André nº 1520 4635-732 Vila Boa de Quires Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 919 913 110 WINES Casa de Vila Boa Alvarinho White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Alvarinho Escudo da Comenda White wine Vinho Verde Trajadura, Arinto and Alvarinho Casa de Vila Boa Trajadura White wine Vinho Verde, IGP Trajadura Casa de Vila Boa Rose Rose wine Vinho Verde 190 CASAL DO CASTELÃO STAND Nº104 REGION LISBOA CONTACTS We are wine producers from the west coast of the Lisbon Region, in Portugal, since 1907. Our estates are located 40 km north of Lisbon and about 7 km from the Atlantic Ocean and we selected Portuguese and French varieties. José Maria Gomes dos Santos Avenida Rainha D. Amélia, 32, 8º Dto. 1600-679 Lisboa Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 962 003 336 WINES Casal Castelão 5 Castas 2007 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Touriga Nacional, Syrah and Merlot Casal Castelão Merlot 2010 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Merlot Casal Castelão Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon Casal Castelão Syrah 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Syrah Casal Castelão Chardonnay 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Chardonnay Sentido Único 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah 191 ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE ALMEIRIM STAND Nº105 REGION TEJO CONTACTS The Adega Cooperative of Almeirim was established in 1958 in the city of Almeirim, in the region of Ribatejo. Fifty years later the company is one of Portugal’s biggest producers, with an area of over 2000 acres of vineyards the production capacity is about 20 millions liters per year. David Rodrigues Rua do Matadouro Municipal Apartado 83 2081-901 Almeirim Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 935 100 641 WINES AA Regional Branco White wine Tejo, IGP Fernão Pires Vinho Regional Portas do Tejo Branco 2014 White wine Tejo, IGP Fernão Pires and Moscatel Vinho Vila da Corte Tinto Red wine Tejo Vinho DOC Varandas Tinto 2012 Red wine Tejo, DOP Syrah, Castelão and Aragonez Vinho Vila da Corte Branco White wine Tejo Vinho DOC Varandas Branco 2014 White wine Tejo, DOP Fernão Pires Vinho Regional Portas do Tejo Tinto 2013 Red wine Tejo, IGP Castelão and Aragonez Vila da Corte Meio Seco Branco White wine Tejo, IGP Fernão Pires 192 SONHO LUSITANO VINHOS STAND Nº106 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS English wine writer Richard Mayson has been specialising in Portuguese wines for over twenty years and is the author of five books on the subject. As early as 1989, he identified the Portalegre sub-region of the Alentejo as potentially one of the leading wine regions in Portugal due to its altitude, soils and climate.Rui Reguinga, who hails from the Ribatejo, began his wine making career in 1991 working at the local co-operative in Portalegre. Rui Reguinga Quinta do Centro - Reguengo 7300-401 Portalegre Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 599 368 WINES Duas Pedras 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Touriga Nacional and Viognier Pedra e Alma 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez, Trincadeira and Grand Noir Pedra Basta 2010 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Pedra Basta 2013 – Syrah/Viognier Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah and Viognier 193 RUI REGUINGA VINHOS STAND Nºº106 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Rui Reguinga Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 917 599 368 Rui Reguinga is one of the most respected Portuguese winemakers, known for his mastery and dedication to the terroir. He was elected the best winemaker in 2009 by Vinhos magazine, and his wines have won several gold medals and trophies. He has been been one of the judges several times at the prestigious “International Wine Challenge”, “Decanter World Wine Awards”, “Concours Mondial de Bruxelles”. WINES Terrassus Reserva Vinhas Velhas 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Tributo 2013 Red Wine Tejo, IGP Syrah, Grenache, Mouvedre and Viogner Terrenus 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Fernão Pires, Bical and Roupeiro Quinta de Vale Veados Reserva 2013 Red Wine Tejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Trincadeira Terrenus 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira and Alicante Bouschet Quinta de Vale Veados 2013 Red Wine Tejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Terrenus Vinha da Serra 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Fernão Pires, Bical, Malvasia and Roupeiro 194 AMOREIRA DA TORRE – ORGANIC WINES STAND Nº107 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Sociedade Agrícola da Calha do Grou, Lda., is a family company that operates the vineyard of Quinta da Amoreira da Torre in the south of Portugal, in Alentejo, a region with the required conditions for producing high quality traditional wines. This vineyard is in our family for four generations. The Climate is Mediterranean with same continental, specially in summer. The Soil is Mediterranean pardo with same granite. This is a new vineyard, with 20 hectares, planted in 1999 We started producing and bottling wines in 2003. The vineyard is certified as organic since 2007 (Entity: Sativa PTBIO-03). Paulo Sendin Rua Teófilo Braga, 82 7050-273 Montemor-o-Novo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 937 200 305 WINES Amoreira da Torre 2013 Organic Red Wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Cabernet Sauvignon Zebro 2013 Organic Red Wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional QuintadaAmoreiradaTorreReserva2009 Organic Red Wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Zebro 2014 Organic “Blanc de Noir” Wine Aragonez 195 HERDADE DA AJUDA STAND Nºº108 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Herdade Ajuda Nova has a total area of 120ha of vineyard and enjoys a prime location. The size and wide range of grape varieties are developed in a unique terroir in the Alentejo, characterised by a string Atlantic influence and by sandy, limey-clay soils, provide wines with freshness, longevity and vivacity .Herdade da Ajuda Nova is today assumed as a project endowed with high potential in the Alentejo which is gradually wining over national and foreign connaisseurs.Our selling point remains to a wide range positioned in three segments price and the best value for money. Vanda Carvalho Herdade da Ajuda Nova Apart. 087 7080-999 Vendas Novas Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 265 805 667 Fax: +351 265 805 669 WINES Ajuda 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto, Antão Vaz and Verdelho Herdade da Ajuda rosé 2013 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Castelão and Aragonez Ajuda 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon Herdade da Ajuda Syrah Touriga Nacional 2007 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Syrah Herdade da Ajuda Branco Reserva 2012 White wine Alentejo, IGP Arinto and Antão Vaz Vale Chafariz 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Moscatel and Malvasia Herdade da Ajuda PREMIUM 2009 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet Vale Chafariz 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Herdade da Ajuda Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Cabernet Sauvignon Vale Chafariz Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Touriga Nacional, Cabernet Sauvignon and Alicante Bouschet 196 ENCOSTAS DE ESTREMOZ STAND Nº109 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Encostas de Estremoz, are wines produced at the Quinta da Esperança vineyards in Estremoz Portugal where new viticultural techniques are used in conjunction with traditional vineyard practices. Our intention is to combine innovative grape-growing technology on one hand, while retaining a strong sense of our national identity on the other. We are proud of our unique Portuguese grape varieties and the contribution they can make to the international world of wine. Joana Castro Duarte Quinta da Esperança 7100-145 Estremoz Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 968 495 431 WINES Terras de Estremoz 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonês, Trincadeira and Castelão Dona Joana Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Terras de Estremoz 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Roupeiro, Fernão Pires and Rabo de Ovelha DJ Escolha da Enóloga 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Terras de Estremoz 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonês DJ 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonês, Trincadeira and Castelão Quinta da Esperança 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Encostas de Estremoz Grande Escolha 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Cabernet Quinta da Esperança Reserva 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Encostas de Estremoz Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional 197 ROQUEVALE STAND Nºº110 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Roquevale is one of the largest private Alentejo wine producer. Joana Roque do Vale grand-father set up his estate in the South of Portugal in Redondo, a small appellation within Alentejo region, in 1970. All Roquevale wines bear her winemaking signature since 1996. Our vision is to offer a full range of wines, true to Alentejo (therefore giving priority to our local grapes varieties), and deliver them to the consumer at a fair price. Key brands: TERRAS DE XISTO & ROQUEVALE Joana Roque do Vale Herdade do Monte Branco - Apartado 87 7170-999 Redondo - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 966 056 005 WINES Redondo 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Castelão and Moreto Terras de Xisto 2013 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Castelão, Trincadeira and Aragonez Redondo 2013 White wine Alentejo, DOP Roupeiro, Rabo de Ovelha, Fernão Pires and Arinto Terras de Xisto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Castelão and Moreto Roquevale Reserva 2009 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Alfrocheiro and Alicante Bouschet Tinto da Talha 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Trincadeira, Castelão and Aragonez Roquevale Grande Reserva 2009 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Tinta Caiada Tinto da Talha Grande Escolha 2009 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet Roquevale Reserva 2011 White wine Alentejo, DOP Fernão Pires, Roupeiro and Arinto 198 ADEGA DE REDONDO STAND Nº111 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS The Adega de Redondo (AR), located in the fashionable wine region of Alentejo, is one of the largests wine producers in Portugal, with a total area of 2.500 ha of vineyards and annual sales of more than 14 million bottles. AR offers its Clients a complete portfolio, with high quality wines at very competitive prices. Thanks to its aggressive commercial strategy in brand building, it’s the proud owner of the brand PORTA DA RAVESSA, the undisputed market leader wine in Portugal, with annual sales exceeding 9 million bottles. Joaquim Fiel do Carmo Estrada de Évora, Aptº 26 7170-999 Redondo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 964 700 903 WINES Anta da Serra 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Fernão Pires, Arinto and Semillon Maré Viva Premium 2014 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Touriga Nacional Anta da Serra 2014 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez, Trincadeira, Alicante Bouschet and Castelão Porta da Ravessa 2014 White wine Alentejo, DOP Arinto, Fernão Pires and Roupeiro AR Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Touriga Nacional, Syrah and Alicante Bouschet Porta da Ravessa 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, DOP Aragonez and Castelão AR Touriga Nacional 2009 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional Porta da Ravessa 2014 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Trincadeira, Aragonez and Castelão AR Triplo Tinto 2009 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Alicante Bouschet and Syrah Porta da Ravessa Reserva 2013 Red wine Alentejo, DOP Touriga Nacional, Syrah and Alicante Bouschet 199 JOÃO M BARBOSA VINHOS STAND Nºº112 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Joao Barbosa comes from generations of family deeply rooted in the wine industry. Bearing the same name as his grandfather and being the oldest of grandsons, Joao demonstrated from an early age a natural passion for wine and dedication to wine production. In 1997 Joao founded his current initiative, Joao M Barbosa, and extended his dream of creating fine wines. Drawing on many years of personal experience; the aim is to produce wines that respect regionality and achieve quality expected from discerning wine lovers and connoisseurs. João Barbosa Alto da Serra 2040-063 Rio Maior Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 969 841 875 WINES Ninfa 2013 White wine Tejo, IGP Sauvignon Blanc and Fernão Pires Lapa dos Gaivões Colheita 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Aragonez, Tinta Barroca and Syrah Ninfa Colheita 2012 Red wine Tejo, IGP Alfrocheiro, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Sidónio de Sousa Reserva 2009 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga Ninfa Escolha 2011 Red wine Tejo, IGP Alfrocheiro, Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Sidónio de Sousa Garrafeira 2009 Red wine Bairrada, IGP Baga Ninfa Escolha 2013 White wine Tejo, IGP Sauvignon Blanc Sidónio de Sousa Espumante White wine Bical, Maria Gomes and Arinto Lapa dos Gaivões Escolha 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Aragonez and Tinta Barroca Sidónio de Sousa Espumante Rosé Rose wine Baga 200 ERVIDEIRA STAND Nº113 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Duarte Ervideira Herdade da Herdadinha - Vendinha 7200 - 042 Reguengos de Monsaraz Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 266 950 010 The estates of Monte da Ribeira and Herdadinha both belong to the Leal da Costa Family, which can be traced back to the Count of Ervideira, a successful farmer who lived between 19th and 20th centuries.With 160 ha of vineyards, divided between the Vidigueira and Reguengos estates, Ervideira’s administration is held by the family matriarch D. Maria Isabel and her six children, being Duarte Leal da Costa the executive director. The oenological direction is under direction of Nelson Rolo. IMPORTER FSI- Fonseca Süd Import Phone: +49 162 90 78 101 Fernandes Drechsel Phone: +49 22 15 79 6476 El Puente Phone: +49 911 378 63 15 Lusitano Handelsgesellschaft MbH Phone: +49 171 930 11 30 Molina GmbH Phone: +49 615 195 80 61 Porterra Phone: +49 284 18 88 253 WINES Conde D’ervideira Reserva Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP S de Sol Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Invisivel 2013 White wine Alentejo, IGP Terras D’ Ervideira Tinto 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Lusitano Seleção Tinto 2012 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Vinha D’ervideira Tinto 2011 Red wine Alentejo, DOP 201 PARRAS VINHOS STAND Nºº114 REGION SEVERAL CONTACTS Parras – Winemakers’ Selection is a company specialized in the production of quality wines in several Portuguese regions. Our winemakers travel every year to all those regions to select the best grapes in each one of those. In the lab, our winemakers work to achieve high quality wines, adjusted with the modern consumer profiles. The result is distinctive and has been subject of the best reviews. With several brands achieving major international markets, Parras keeps collecting awards in international competitions of renown. David Rego Estrada Nacional 8-5 km 2,3 Maiorga 2560-526 Maiorga-Alcobaça Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 913 777 259 WINES Quinta do Gradil Cabernet Sauvignon & Tinta Roriz 2013 Red wine Cabernet Sauvignon and Tinta Roriz Mula Velha Premium 2013 Red wine Syrah, Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet Quinta do Gradil Viosinho 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Viosinho Casa das Gaeiras Reserva Vinhas Velhas 2013 White wine Vital Quinta do Gradil Reserva 2013 White wine Lisboa, IGP Chardonnay and Arinto Casa das Gaeiras 2013 Red wine Lisboa, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Syrah Castelo do Sulco Reserva 2013 Red wine Touriga Nacional, Syrah and Tinta Roriz Montaria 2014 Red wine Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Mula Velha Reserva 2014 White wine Lisboa, IGP Arinto, Chardonnay and Fernão Pires Montaria Grande Escolha 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet 202 PARRAS VINHOS Pêra Doce Reserva 2013 Red wine Trincadeira, Aragonez and Syrah Evidência 2014 White wine Dão, DOC Encruzado Pêra Doce Premium 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Trincadeira, Aragonez and Alicante Bouschet Evidência 2012 Red wine Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro Filigrana Rosé wine Lisboa, IGP Aragonez and Syrah 370 Léguas 2013 Red wine Tinta Barroca, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Cavalo Bravo 2013 Red wine Castelão, Trincadeira and Aragonez 370 Léguas Reserva 2013 Red wine Douro, DOC Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Cavalo Bravo Reserva 2014 Red wine Tejo, IGP Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Castelão Mau Maria 2013 Red wine Loureiro and Azal 203 QUINTA DE COTTAS STAND Nº115 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Alongside with some of the most important and recognized Douro wine properties, Quinta de Cottas is the story of the conversion of a property, driven by Isabel and Pedro Carmo passion and enthusiasm for wine and for the Douro region. In order to preserve the genetic heritage of the region, the property with an area of 10 ha located in the sub-region of Cima Corgo is only populated with the most traditional grape varieties. There is a plot of Old Vines with 16 diferent grape varieties wich age is about 50 years old and new vineyards divided into homogeneous plots of different grape varieties. Pedro Carmo R.Pinheiro Manso 662, S.216 4100-411 Porto Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 933 768 639 WINES Cottas 10 Years Old Porto 2004 Porto, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão and old vines Cottas Reserva Tinto 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Cottas Branco 2014 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Arinto and Códega de Larinho Cottas Tinto 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinto Cão Cottas Late Bottled Vintage 2010 Porto, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca and old vines Quinta de Cottas Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Cottas Reserva Branco 2012 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Arinto, Códega de Larinho and Rabigato 204 DURHAM-AGRELLOS (VINHOS) STAND Nº115 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Durham-Agrellos is run by the Agrellos family who own two Quintas in the region. They produce the MARKA red and white wines on the north bank of the river Douro at an average altitude of 180 meters. They also operate a Eno-tourism facility at Quinta da Marka. Carlos Agrellos Rua do Molhe, 226 4150-499 Porto - Portugal Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 933 874 264 WINES Marka Douro Branco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Gouveio and Moscatel Galego Branco Marka Touriga Nacional 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Marka Douro Tinto 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinto Cão and Touriga Nacional Vale do Tua 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Marka Reserva Vinhas Velhas 2013 Red wine Douro, DOP Old vines 205 SCD SENHORA DO CONVENTO STAND Nº116 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Senhora do Convento is an historical Portuguese wine brand, produced at The Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias’ winery(QSPA) home to the impressive 12th century São Pedro das Águias monastery. The property is located in Tavora in the breathtaking Douro Valley 100 km east of Oporto. The 27 hectare terraced vineyard on the 150 hectare produces sensuous red table wines as well as a range of Senhora do Convento Port wines including the old Tawnies of 10, 20 and 40 years, the Tawny, Ruby Special Reserve, LBV and Vintage . Donald Ziraldo Quinta do Convento de São Pedro das Águias 5120-445 Távora Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0019054683658 WINES Senhora do Convento Ruby Special Reserve Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Senhora do Convento Tawny 20 Anos Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Senhora do Convento Tawny Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Senhora do Convento Vintage 2011 Porto, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Senhora do Convento Tawny 10 Anos Porto, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca 206 QUINTA DO FILOCO STAND Nº116 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Quinta do Filoco is located in the heart of the Douro Region. 130 hectares of vineyards spread across the several estates of the company where we can find the most noble grape varieties of the region, such as Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca, Tinto Cão, Sousão, Malvasia Fina, Rabigato and Viosinho. The excellent exposure of the property, coupled with different altitudes (between 50 550metros) and schist soils reached a unique terroir that allows us to create top-quality wines. Marta Macedo Rua Aquilino Ribeiro 5120-399 Tabuaço Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 963 682 154 WINES Filoco 2013 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Quinta do Filoco Grande Reserva 2007 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Filoco 2012 Red wine Douro, DOP Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Quinta do Filoco Grande Reserva Touriga Nacional 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional Filoco 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina,Viosinho, Rabigato and old vines Quinta do Filoco Reserva 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Filoco Reserva 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Malvasia Fina, Viosinho and Rabigato 207 ODISSEIA WINES STAND Nº116 REGION PORTO AND DOURO CONTACTS Created in 2004 by the french winemaker Jean-Hugues Gros, the Odisseia Wines are the reflect of the “terroir” allied to the diversity of the grape varieties of the Douro. The adquired experience in France and abroad allowed Jean-Hugues Gros to develop a perfile regularly awarded by the international press. Jean-Hugues Gros Rua de Goa / Lote 3 / 2 Dto 5000-700 Vila Real Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 967 986 981 WINES Little Odisseia Red 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca Odisseia Rosé 2013 Rose wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz Odisseia Grande Reserva 2009 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz Odisseia White 2013 White wine Douro, DOP Viosinho, Rabigato and Códega de Larinho Odisseia Red 2011 Red wine Douro, DOP Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz 208 CASA AGRÍCOLA ALEXANDRE RELVAS STAND Nº117 REGION ALENTEJO CONTACTS Casa Agricola Alexandre Relvas is one of the main wine companies from Alentejo , the Cork Land. Managing 350 hectares of vineyards and producing 3 million bottles per year we export for more than 30 countries worldwide. Our company is committed to fun and healthy life style, delivering high quality wines to our customers with a very competitive prices. Alexandre Relvas Herdade São Miguel 7170-999 Redondo Web: Email: [email protected] Phone: +351 914 288 133 WINES Ciconia Reserva 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Herdade São Miguel Colheita Seleccionada 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez and Touriga Nacional Cicónia Tinto 2014 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah and Touriga Nacional Herdade São Miguel Reserva 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Aragonez and Cabernet Sauvignon Herdade da Pimenta 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Alicante Bouschet, Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca Pimenta Branca 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Arinto and Encruzado Herdade da Pimenta Grande Escolha 2011 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Syrah, Touriga Franca and Touriga Nacional Pimenta Preta 2013 Red wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Syrah and Trincadeira Herdade São Miguel Colheita Seleccionada 2014 White wine Alentejo, IGP Antão Vaz, Verdelho and Viognier Pimenta Rosa 2014 Rose wine Alentejo, IGP Aragonez, Touriga Nacional and Trincadeira 209 a world of difference GERMANY PROWEIN 2015 FREE TASTING AWARDED WINES a world of difference AWARDED WINES TASTING ORDER STAND NUMBER 1 34 QM ALVARINHO 2014 2 55 DOM PONCIANO - ALVARINHO 2013 3 97 PORTAL DO FIDALGO 2013 4 35 ESPINHOSOS 2013 5 98 COVELA ESCOLHA 2013 6 30 QUINTA DA AVELEDA 2013 7 84 PARCELA ÚNICA 2012 8 29 VALE DA POUPA 2013 9 30 CEPA PURA 2013 10 16 CASAL STA. MARIA ARINTO 2013 11 89 MORGADO DE SANTA CATHERINA 2012 12 69 HERDADE DA AJUDA BRANCO RESERVA 2012 13 108 CASA DA PASSARELLA A DESCOBERTA 2013 14 41 QUINTA DA GANDARA 2011 15 95 QUINTA VISTA 2013 16 11 QUINTA DO ESPÍRITO SANTO 2013 17 23 FÉLIX ROCHA COLHEITA SELECIONADA 2011 18 46 VARANDAS 2012 19 105 NINFA COLHEITA 2012 20 112 LOBO 2012 21 24 ADEGA DE PEGÕES TOURIGA NACIONAL 2012 22 72 WINE NAME SPARKLING VINHA FORMAL 2009 WHITE WINES RED WINES AWARDED WINES TASTING ORDER STAND NUMBER MULA VELHA PREMIUM 2013 23 114 PILOTO RESERVA 2012 24 99 DORY RESERVA 2011 25 29 QUINTA DE SANT’ANA RESERVA 2011 26 27 CICONIA TOURIGA NACIONAL 2014 27 117 ZEBRO - VINHO BIOLÓGICO 2013 28 107 HERDADE PENEDO GORDO 2013 29 25 GÁUDIO CLÁSSICO 2012 30 31 REGUENGOS 2012 31 60 MONTE MAYOR RESERVA TINTO 2012 32 36 CONDE D’ ERVIDEIRA RESERVA 2012 33 113 JOSÉ DE SOUSA 2012 34 10 PROCURA 2012 35 62 VINHA DAS ROMÃS 2012 36 101 VINHA DO ALMO ESCOLHA TINTO 2011 37 33 HERDADE DOS MACHADOS RESERVA 2011 38 80 AR RESERVA 2011 39 111 MONTES CLAROS GARRAFEIRA 2011 40 47 CORTES DE CIMA RESERVA 2011 41 90 TERRA D’ALTER TELHAS 2011 42 100 MARIA MORA RESERVA 2010 43 30 MONTE DA PENHA RESERVA 2009 44 37 HERDADE FONTE PAREDES GRANDE RESERVA 2009 45 32 ROQUEVALE GRANDE RESERVA 2009 46 110 TINTO DA ÂNFORA GRANDE ESCOLHA 2008 47 19 VALE BARQUEIROS GARRAFEIRA (Limited Edition) 2007 48 82 BEYRA RESERVA 2012 49 54 WINE NAME AWARDED WINES TASTING ORDER STAND NUMBER QUINTA DOS TERMOS DOC RESERVA VINHAS VELHAS 2007 50 35 DIGA ? 2010 51 44 POEIRINHO 2012 52 61 ALLGO 2012 53 1 PORTA DOS CAVALEIROS RESERVA 2012 54 71 TITULAR TOURIGA NACIONAL 2012 55 5 QUINTA DA GARRIDA RESERVA 2011 56 19 MUNDA TOURIGA NACIONAL 2011 57 55 CABRIZ TOURIGA NACIONAL 2010 58 67 JULIA KEMPER TOURIGA NACIONAL 2010 59 4 VT PEDRA CANCELA – SELECÇÃO DO ENÓLOGO (Winemaker’s Selection) 2010 60 58 QUINTA ESCUDIAL RESERVA VINHAS VELHAS 2009 61 7 QUINTA DA PONTE PEDRINHA VINHAS VELHAS 2007 62 8 QUINTA DO ROMEU 2011 63 79 DUORUM COLHEITA 2013 64 81 QUINTA DA FRONTEIRA GRANDE ESCOLHA 2011 65 28 ZOM 2011 66 26 APEGADAS QTA VELHA GRANDE RESERVA 2011 67 45 ROMANISCO GRANDE RESERVA 2010 68 96 QUINTA DOS MURÇAS RESERVA 2010 69 22 VALLE PRADINHOS GRANDE RESERVA 2011 70 30 MOSCATEL ROXO 2010 71 99 MARTHA’S MOSCATEL DO DOURO 72 85 MOSCATEL FAVAIOS 10 YEARS 73 49 QUINTA DE MARROCOS PORTO LBV 2007 74 39 WINE NAME FORTIFIED WINES AWARDED WINES TASTING ORDER STAND NUMBER KOPKE PORTO 40 YEARS OLD TAWNY 75 20 MADEIRA VERDELHO DE 15 YEARS 76 80 JUSTINO’S MADEIRA COLHEITA 1996 – FINE RICH 77 73 WINE NAME NOTES NOTES