Teorias Contemporâneas da Democracia (3 créditos)
Profs. João Feres Júnior e San Romanelli Assumpção
Horário: Quinta-feira, das 16 às 19 horas
A teoria política contemporânea é uma área em constante evolução e mutação, o que redunda
também em expansão do rol de autores relevantes, tópicos e problemas tratados. Na grade
canônica dos cursos de teoria, inclusive no IESP, é tradição dedicar a disciplina de Teoria Política
Contemporânea (TPIII, no nosso caso) à teoria da justiça e aos debates que dela brotaram, como o
reconhecimento, multiculturalismo, direitos de minorias etc. Contudo, o desenvolvimento em
décadas recentes de um robusto cabedal de reflexões sobre a democracia torna essa abordagem no
mínimo incompleta, no que toca a formação de nossos estudantes.
Mas a teoria democrática não é somente relevante para a subárea de teoria política. A ciência
política moderna é uma ciência da democracia, como vários autores já notaram. É exatamente por
isso que a teoria democrática é, dentre as variedades de teoria política, a que mais contatos e
intercâmbios tem com a ciência política de base empírica. Executivo, legislativo, políticas públicas,
eleições, comportamento político, praticamente todos os tópicos da ciência política são também
objeto de reflexão da teoria democrática. Isto é, nenhum dos lados, teoria ou ciência empírica,
pode deixar de levar o outro a sério. Nenhum dos dois lados, teoria ou ciência empírica, pode
faltar na formação profissional de um bom cientista político.
O presente curso tem por finalidade oferecer um panorama das teorias da democracia
contemporâneas. Partindo da discussão sobre o escopo conceitual das teorias da democracia e de
panoramas do estado atual dos debates de teoria democrática, esta disciplina debaterá os valores
instrumental, intrínseco e epistêmico das apropriações e reconstruções contemporâneas (1) das
noções de vontade geral, razão pública e vontade da maioria, (2) das potencialidades e limites
postos pelos direitos das maiorias e minorias, (3) das tensões entre democracia, igualdade política
e liberdade política, (4) das potencialidades e limites do autogoverno, e das diversas formas de
poder, coerção e dominação política, econômica e social.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Tópicos e Leituras
O “papel constitutivo” da teoria e as teorias políticas da democracia: normatividade e
Warren, Mark. 1989. “What is political theory/philosophy?” Political Science and Politics,
vol. 22, no 3, pp. 606-612.
Sartori, Giovanni. 1974. “Philosophy, theory and science of politics”. Political Theory,
vol. 2, pp. 133-162.
Cohen, G. A. 2003. “Facts and principles”. Philosophy & Public Affairs, vol. 31, no 3, pp.
Freeman, Samuel. 2009. “Constructivism, facts, and moral justification”. In T. Christiano
e J. Christman (orgs.), Contemporary debates in political philosophy. Oxford:
Blackwell, pp. 41-60.
Panoramas da teoria democrática
Dahl, Robert. 1956. A preface to democratic theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago
MacPherson, C. B. 1977. Life and times of liberal democracy. Oxford: Oxford University
Held, David. 1987. Models of democracy. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Santos, Boaventura de Souza e Leonardo Avritzer. 2009. “Para ampliar o cânone
democrático”. In B. de S. Santos e L. Avritzer. Democratizar a democracia. Rio de
Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, pp. 39-82.
Argumentações sobre o valor instrumental da democracia
Dworkin, Ronald. 1987. “What is equality? Part 4: Political equality”. University of San
Francisco Law Review, vol. 22, no 1, pp. 1-30.
Elster, Jon. 1986. “The Market and the forum: three varieties of political theory”. In J.
Elster e A. Hylland (orgs.), Foundations of social choice theory. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 103-132.
Arneson, Richard. 2003. “Democratic rights at the national level”. In T. Christiano (org.),
Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 95115.
Sen, Amartya. 1999. Development as freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Argumentações sobre o valor intrínseco da democracia
Cohen, Joshua. 2003. “Procedure and substance in deliberative democracy”. In T.
Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 17-38.
Cohen, Joshua. 1988. “Democracy and liberty”. In J. Elster (org.), Deliberative
democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-231.
Cohen, Joshua. 2010. Rousseau. A free community of equals. Oxford: Oxford University
Christiano, Thomas. 2003. “An argument for democratic equality”. In T. Christiano
(org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.
Christiano, Thomas. 1996. The rule of the many: fundamental issues in democratic
theory. Boulder: Westview Press.
Christiano, Thomas. 2010. The constitution of equality: democratic authority and its
limits. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Estlund, David. 2003. “Beyond fairness and deliberation: the epistemic dimension of
democratic authority.” In T. Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An
Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 69-91.
Argumentações sobre o valor epistêmico da democracia
Estlund, David. 2008. Democratic Authority. A philosophical framework. Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Cohen, Joshua. 2003. “Procedure and substance in deliberative democracy”. In T.
Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 17-38.
Cohen, Joshua. 1986. “An epistemic conception of democracy”. Ethics, vol. 97, no 1, pp.
Habermas, Jürgen. 1996. Between facts and norms. Cambridge-Mass.: The MIT Press.
Direitos democráticos e o conteúdo substantivo do autogoverno
Dahl, Robert. 1989. Democracy and its critics. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Brettschneider, Corey. 2007. Democratic rights: the substance of self-government.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Przeworski, Adam. 2010. Democracy and the limits of self-government. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Teorias elitistas, competitivas e minimalistas da democracia
Weber, Max. 1980. “Parlamentarismo e governo numa Alemanha reconstruída: uma
contribuição à crítica política do funcionalismo e da política partidária”. In M. Weber,
Os Pensadores. São Paulo: Abril, pp. 01-85.
Schumpeter, Joseph. 1961. Capitalismo, socialismo e democracia. Rio de Janeiro: Fundo
de Cultura, pp. 288-366.
Dahl, Robert. 1973. Poliarchy. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Przeworski, Adam. 2010. Democracy and the limits of self-government. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Przeworski, Adam. 2003. “Minimalist conception of democracy: a defense”. In R. Dahl, I.
Shapiro e J. A. Cheibub (orgs.), The democracy Sourcebook. Cambridge, Mass.: The
MIT Press.
Przeworski, Adam. 1993. “Democracy as a contingent outcome of conflicts”. In J. Elster e
R. Slagstad (orgs.), Constitutionalism and democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 59-80.
Teorias econômicas e minimalistas da democracia
Downs, Anthony. 1957. An economic theory of democracy. New York: Harper & Row.
Buchanan, James e Gordon Tullock. 1962. The calculus of consent. Ann Arbor: The
University of Michigan Press.
Riker, William. 2003. “Social choice theory and constitutional democracy”. In T.
Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 161-194.
Coleman, Jules. 1989. “Rationality and the justification of democracy”. In H. G. Brennan
e L. Lomasky (orgs.), Politics and process: new essays in democratic thought.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 194-220.
Teorias da democracia participativa
Pateman, Carole. 1970. Participation and democratic theory. Cambridge, Cambrige
University Press.
MacPherson, C. B. 1977. Life and times of liberal democracy. Oxford: Oxford University
Mansbridge, Jane. 1983. Beyond adversary democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago
Barber, Benjamin. 2004. Strong democracy. Participatory politics for a new age. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Teorias da democracia deliberativa
Habermas, Jürgen. 1996. Between facts and norms. Contributions to a discourse theory of
law and democracy. Cambridge-Mass.: The MIT Press.
Cohen, Joshua. 2003. “Procedure and substance in deliberative democracy”. In T.
Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 17-38.
Cohen, Joshua. 1997. “Deliberation and democratic legitimacy”. In J. Bohman e W. Rehg
(orgs.), Deliberative democracy: essays on reason and politics. Cambridge-Mass.: The
MIT Press, pp. 67-92.
Fishkin, James. 2011. When the people speak: deliberative democracy and public
consultation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gutmann, Amy. 2004. Why deliberative democracy? Princeton: Princeton University
Gutmann, Amy e Dennis Thompson. 1996. Democracy and disagreement. CambridgeMass.: Harvard University Press.
Bohman, James. 1997. “Deliberative democracy and effective social freedom: capabilities,
resources, opportunities”. In J. Bohman e W. Rehg (orgs.), Deliberative democracy:
essays on reason and politics. Cambridge-Mass.: The MIT Press, pp. 321-348.
Christiano, Thomas. 2012. “Rational deliberation among experts and citizens”. In J.
Parkinson e J. Mansbridge (orgs.), Deliberative systems. Deliberative democracy at the
large scale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 27-51.
Parkinson, John. 2012. “Democratizing deliberative systems”. In J. Parkinson e J.
Mansbridge (orgs.), Deliberative systems. Deliberative democracy at the large scale.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 151-172.
Bohman, James. 2012. “Representation and deliberative system”. In J. Parkinson e J.
Mansbridge (orgs.), Deliberative systems. Deliberative democracy at the large scale.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 72-94.
Chambers, Simone. 2012. “Deliberation and mass democracy”. In J. Parkinson e J.
Mansbridge (orgs.), Deliberative systems. Deliberative democracy at the large scale.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 52-71.
Democracia e liberdade de expressão
Meiklejohn, Alexander. 1948. Free speech and its relation to self-government. Disponível
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Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Sunstein, Cass. 1995. Democracy and the problem of free speech. New York: The Free
Post, Robert. 1995. Constitutional domains: democracy, community, management.
Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Democracia, liberdade de expressão e a “dificuldade da tolerância”
Scanlon, Thomas. 2003. “A theory of freedom of expression”. In T. Scanlon, The difficult
of tolerance. Essays in political philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
pp. 6-25.
Scanlon, Thomas. 2003. “Freedom of expression and categories of expression”. In T.
Scanlon, The difficult of tolerance. Essays in political philosophy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 85-112.
Cohen, Joshua. 1993. “Freedom of expression”. Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 22, no
3, pp. 207-263.
Dworkin, Ronald. 1996. Freedom's Law: the moral reading of the American Constitution.
Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Michelman, Frank. 1989. “Conceptions of democracy in American Constitutional
Argument: the case of pornography regulation”. Tennessee Law Review, vol. 56, no
291, pp. 291-320.
Post, Robert. 1995. Constitutional domains: democracy, community, management.
Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Waldron, Jeremy. 2012. The harm in hate speech. Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University
Sunstein, Cass. 2003. Why societies need to dissent? Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University
Democracia, justiça distributiva e poder econômico
Dahl, Robert. 1956. A preface to economic democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago
Post, Robert. 2014. Citizens divided: campaign finance reform and the Constitution.
Cambridge-Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Ackerman, Bruce e Ian Ayres. 2002. Voting with dollars: a new paradigma for campaign
finance. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Democracia e liberdade de associação
Gutmann, Amy. 1998. Freedom of association. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Cohen, Jean e Andrew Arato. 1992. Civil society and political theory. Cambridge-Mass.:
The MIT Press.
Warren, Mark. 2001. Democracy and associations. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rosenblum, Nancy. 1998. Membership and morals. The personal uses of pluralism and
democracy in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Kymlicka, Will. 2000. Multicultural citizenship: a liberal theory of minority rights.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Walzer, Michael. 2004. Politics and passion. Toward a more egalitarian liberalism. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
Chapman, John. 1969. “Voluntary association and the political theory of pluralism”. In J.
R. Pennock e J. Chapman (orgs.), Voluntary associations, vol. XI of Nomos. New York:
Atherton Press.
Goldschmidt, Maure. 1969. “Rousseau on intermediate association.” In J. R. Pennock e J.
Chapman (orgs.), Voluntary associations, vol. XI of Nomos. New York: Atherton Press.
Kateb, George. 1969. “Some remarks on Tocqueville’s view of voluntary associations.” In
J. R. Pennock e J. Chapman (orgs.), Voluntary associations, vol. XI of Nomos. New
York: Atherton Press.
McConnell, Robert G. 1969. “The public values of the private association”. In J. R.
Pennock e J. Chapman (orgs.), Voluntary associations, vol. XI of Nomos. New York:
Atherton Press.
McBride, William. 1969. “Voluntary association: the basis of an ideal model, and the
‘democratic’ failure”. In J. R. Pennock e J. Chapman (orgs.), Voluntary associations,
vol. XI of Nomos. New York: Atherton Press.
Democracia, direitos de justiça e constitucionalismo
Dworkin, Ronald. 2003. “The majoritarian premise of constitutionalism”. In T.
Christiano (org.), Philosophy and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 241-257.
Sunstein, Cass. 1988. “Constitutions and democracies: an epilogue”. In J. Elster e R.
Slagstad (orgs.), Constitutionalism and democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 327-353.
Sejersted, Francis. 1988. “Democracy and rule of law: some historical experiences of
contradictions in the striving for good government”. In J. Elster e R. Slagstad (orgs.),
Constitutionalism and democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 131152.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Holmes, Stephen. 1988. “Precommitment and the paradox of democracy”. In J. Elster e
R. Slagstad (orgs.), Constitutionalism and democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 195-240.
Holmes, Stephen. 1988. “Gag rules or the politics of omission”. In J. Elster e R. Slagstad
(orgs.), Constitutionalism and democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.
Lindblom, Michael. 1982. “The market as prison”. The Journal of Politics, vol. 44, no 2,
pp. 324-336.
Walzer, Michael. 2003. “Philosophy and democracy”. In T. Christiano (org.), Philosophy
and democracy. An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 258-274.
Democracia e representação
Pitkin, Hanna. 1972. The concept of representation. San Francisco: University of
California Press.
Manin, Bernard. 1997. The principles of Representative Government. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Urbinati, Nadia. 2006. Representative democracy: principles and genealogy. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press.
Rosanvallon, Pierre. 1998. La contre-démocratie. La politique à la âge de la défiance.
Paris: Seuil.
Democracia, representação e inclusão de minorias políticas
Phillips, Anne. 1998. The politics of presence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Williams, Melissa. 2000. Voice, trust, and memory. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Young, Iris Marion. 2002. Inclusion and democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Benhabib, Seyla. 1996. Democracy and difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Democracia e republicanismos
Pettit, Philip. 2012. On the people’s terms. A republican theory and model of democracy.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McCormick, John. 2015. “Republicanism and democracy”. In A. Niederberger e P. Schink
(orgs.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edimburgo: Edinburgh
University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Schink, Philipp. 2015. “Freedom, control and the state”. In A. Niederberger e P. Schink
(orgs.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edimburgo: Edinburgh
University Press.
Bellamy, Richard. 2015. “Rights, republicanism and democracy”. In A. Niederberger e P.
Schink (orgs.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edimburgo: Edinburgh
University Press.
Democracia, globalização e organismos internacionais
Bell, Daniel. 2006. Beyond liberal democracy. Political thinking for an East Asian context.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Dworkin, Ronald. 2006. Is democracy possible here? Principles for a new political debate.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Niederberger, Andreas. 2015. “Republicanism and transnational democracy”. In A.
Niederberger e P. Schink (orgs.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics.
Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press.
Held, David. 1995. Democracy and the global order: from the modern state to
cosmopolitan governance. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Archibugi, Daniele. 2008. The global commonwealth of citizens: toward cosmopolitan
democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Democracia e justiça de transição
Elster, Jon. 2004. Closing the books. Transitional justice in historical perspective.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hayner, Priscilla. 2011. Unspeakable truths: transitional justice and the challenge of truth
commissions. New York: Routledge.
Teitel, Ruti. 2002. Transitional justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
De Greiff, Pablo. 2012. “Theorizing transitional justice”. In M. Williams, R. Nagy e J.
Elster (orgs.), Transitional justice: NOMOS LI. New York/London: New York
University Press.
Webber, Jeremy. 2012. “Forms of transitional justice”. In M. Williams, R. Nagy e J. Elster
(orgs.), Transitional justice: NOMOS LI. New York/London: New York University
Satz, Debra. 2012. “Countering the wrongs of the past: the role of compensation”. In M.
Williams, R. Nagy e J. Elster (orgs.), Transitional justice: NOMOS LI. New
York/London: New York University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)
Vermeule, Adrian. 2012. “Reparations as rough justice”. In M. Williams, R. Nagy e J.
Elster (orgs.), Transitional justice: NOMOS LI. New York/London: New York
University Press.
Bass, Gary. 2012. “Reparations as a noble lie”. In M. Williams, R. Nagy e J. Elster (orgs.),
Transitional justice: NOMOS LI. New York/London: New York University Press.
Programa de Pós-Graduação (IESP-UERJ)

Teorias Contemporâneas da Democracia (3 créditos - IESP-UERJ