New Generation Access Networks and the Universal
Service: The case of PORTUGAL
Raquel Castro Madureira
Start: October 2008| Work defense: July 2010
Professor Doutor A. Manuel Oliveira Duarte
Departamento de Electrónica, de Telecomunicações e de Informática
Prof.ª Doutora Raquel Matias da Fonseca
Departamento de Economia, Gestão e Engenharia Industrial
SFRH / BD / 62087 / 2009
Future Work
As an answer to growing public demand, the telecommunications market is providing newly
developed broadband infrastructures. These new generation networks have become part of new
economic plans for many Telco operators and governments. Around the world there is a massive
deployment of New Generation telecommunications Networks (NGN) but there are no absolute
guarantees that 100% of citizens will have access to broadband.
In most European countries there is a legal instrument named the telecommunications
Universal Service act to promote social inclusiveness, that guarantees the access of all citizens
anywhere in the country and at affordable prices (upon reasonable request) due to a certain
minimum set of telecommunications services such as: copper twisted pair line to provide voice
and low data rate telecommunications, access to public telephones and printed
telephone lists.
With the advent of the NGN´s and with the changes of the individuals and organizations
behavior´s relative to the consumption and incorporation of communications, the Universal Service
concept once again became an issue. The story of Universal Service is entering a new chapter.
Work Done in the Last Period
Broadband as Universal Service in the world
Conclusions and writing
The next six months are reserved for final data analysis and thesis writing.
A techno-economic analysis comparison will be done for the chosen candidates technologies for
different types of settlements as dense urban, urban, suburban and rural; considering all the issues
Deployments difficulties; funding and Regulation limitations; cost and revenue business models
and chain value models for each one.
The conclusions will demonstrate which
solution for each environment, taking into
account the reality of our country: Portugal
with all the inherent details:
• The technologies already implemented; the
telecommunication players today, the
geography, the social-economics aspects,
the role of the country as a European Union
(EU) member and as a member of the
Countries (CPLP).
UAS Concept
Policy and
Fig.4– Thesis short mind map. Source: Author
Conference/ Journal papers
Fig.1 – Broadband as Universal Service in the world. Source: ITU, 2012
New Generation Networks Candidates for Universal
Broadband Access
In the previous years, several technologies were target to a technoeconomic analysis with focus in the following items:
• Architecture;
• Deployment and roll out;
• Potential services and limitations;
• Business Model;
• Chain value model.
Fig.2 – New Generation Networks Candidates, already studied. Source: Author
The Challenge of the Digital Television Transition
Before the end of 2012, 22 countries of the European Union (EU) plus 4 outside EU officially ended
the switch over of analog television broadcasting to the new standards of the digital television.
Analog Switch
Broadcast TV is an Universalized service
(99% of the households have at least 1 TV)
Mobile wireless (GSM or UMTS) are almost
universalized services.
Can TDT be
a broadband
+ Return Chanel
Broadcast satellite has almost 100%
Journal Articles
• Fev 2013 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte, Raquel MatiasFonseca, “Techno-Economic Prospective for Rural Broadcast Digital
Television Distribution”, submited IEEE Transactions on Broadcast.
• Fev13 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte, Raquel MatiasFonseca, “Value Chain for Equitable Free to Air Broadcast Digital Television:
The case of Portugal”, submited IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
• Aug 2012 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte, Raquel MatiasFonseca, “Digital terrestrial television: a golden or a missing opportunity? A reflection on the introduction of DTT in Portugal”, Journal of
telecommunications, vol.15, issue 2, Aug12.
• Dec 2011 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel Oliveira Duarte, Raquel Fonseca ,
“The Challenge of Universal Service in 21st Century Portugal”, IEEE
Technology and Society Magazine.
• Jun2011 , Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel Oliveira Duarte, Raquel Fonseca,
“133 anos de História das Comunicações em Portugal”, Revista do
Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, vol 5, nº3, pg. 317.
Conference Presentation and Proceedings
• Nov2012 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel de Oliveira Duarte, Raquel MatiasFonseca, Carina Pais, Jorge Carvalho, “The impact of geography and
demography on the economics of fiber optic access networks”, ICSNC 2012,
The Seventh International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications.
• Oct 2010 - Raquel Castro Madureira, A. Manuel Oliveira Duarte, Raquel MatiasFonseca ,” 133 years of Telecommunications Universal Service in Portugal”,
IEEE HISTELCON’10, “100 -Years of Broadcasting”, Madrid, Spain.
Public Consultations
• Jan2013 – Raquel Castro Madureira, answer to ANCOM´s public consultation on
scenarios for the evolution of the DTT network.
Invited speaker
• Apr2013 – “Serviço Universal no séc. XXI”, ARCTEL - CPLP, Fórum Lusófono das
Comunicações, Fundação do Oriente, Lisboa
• Jan2011 – "Serviço Universal de Telecomunicações e as redes de Nova
Geração", Ordem dos Engenheiros, Aveiro.
Fig.3 – Digital television architecture for DVB-T and DVB-S. Source: Author based on ITU standards.
Curricular Component
Book Chapter
• J. Carvalho, R. Madureira et all, book chapter, “Custo da Infra-estruturas das Redes
de Telecomunicações”, book “Custos e Benefícios, à escala local, de uma Ocupação
Dispersa”, to be edited.
Thesis proposal defense
Technical Economical Tool
Business Models
Conclusion and writing
Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012/13

Professor Doutor A. Manuel Oliveira Duarte Prof.ª