e-Quilt Prototype - Experiment research
A Data management plan created using the DMPTool
Creator(s): Adriana Oliveira
Affiliation: Non Partner Institution
Last modified: February 13, 2015
Copyright information: The above plan creator(s) have agreed that others may use
as much of the text of this plan as they would like in their own plans, and customize
it as necessary. You do not need to credit the creators as the source of the
language used, but using any of their plan's text does not imply that the creator(s)
endorse, or have any relationship to, your project or proposal.
e-Quilt Prototype - Experiment research
Project and Contact Information
• The USGS DMP template generally follows the USGS Science Data Lifecycle Model, a high level view of
how data relates to project workflows from data planning to preservation and publishing. This template is
not prescriptive but meant as guidance for individuals and Centers/Programs who want to create their
own Data Management Plans. O modelo USGS DMP geralmente segue o modelo de ciclo de vida do USGS (Data Lifecycle), uma visão
de alto nível de como os dados se referem aos fluxos de trabalho de planejamento para preservação de
dados e publicação de projetos. Este modelo não é prescritivo (obrigatório), mas entende-se como
orientação para os indivíduos e centros/ programas que querem criar seus próprios planos de
gerenciamento de dados.
Consider these topics and questions describing very basic information about the project and the appropriate
contacts: Considere estes temas e questões que descrevem informações muito básicas sobre o projeto e
os contatos adequados:
What is the name of the project? Include any identifiers related to the project (e.g. Project ID, Funding ID
etc).Qual é o nome do projeto? Inclua todos os identificadores relacionados com o projeto (por
exemplo, ID do projeto, Financiamento ID etc).
e-Quilt Protoype is a research experimental.This prototype is named e-Quilt prototype. E-Quilt is an electronic journal
for publication of scientific articles with increase.The prototype will be used as an electronic management platform to
create scientific papers with enhanced characteristics.
What is the name of the Center/Program and Branch that oversees the project?• Qual é o nome do Centro /
Program and Branch que supervisiona o projeto ?. e-Quilt Prototype will be developed as research experiment in a doctorate thesis that being conducted in the
Graduate Program of Information Science, in Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil. O development of
prototype is responsability Student PhD Adriana Carla Silva de Oliveira and your academic advisor
Professor Guilherme Ataíde Dias.
Summary description of the project and reason why the data is being collected..Descrição sumária do
projeto, razão pela qual os dados estão sendo coletados.
The experiment is being developed with Health field in the Department of Clinical and Social Dentistry, Federal
University of Paraíba, Campus I, João Pessoa, Paraíba. This department have a partnering with Caaporã City,
Brazil. The development of research in the Health Department with the Prefeitura de Caaporã, Paraíba, Brazil is:
Research project - The epidemiological survey in School of Oral Health of the City of Caaporã - PB, Brazil, with
students between 5, 12 , 15 and 19 years, is registered at the Research Group on Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated
Clinic, in the CNPq (Financial Agency) in Brazil. \nAs a research experiment the data is will begin collect for analize
some aspects that envolvment this context:
• To understand which ambience will serve as an experimental platform of inputs for the survey and definition
interoperability, digital technologies and intellectual property issues adopted in the ambience of an Data
management process and elaboration in the an Enhanced Publication;
• To data collect in differents stages research;
• To Observe If all data are collected, saved and processed during the research;
• To Understand as the datas are collect in research observacional;
Finally, the prototype objective is the development of a scientific paper with enhanced characteristics, with the based in
The Data Lifecycle and focus in the collect, patterns, aggregation, curation, management, interoperability and
intellectual property of research data generated.
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
What is the project start and expected end dates for the project?. O que é o início do projeto e as datas finais
esperados para o projeto ?.
In year 2014 the research did intended to create a preliminary stage, the phase one as a pre-test. • Identify a research ongoing with data research;
• First phase of Research had as focus the adoption roles necessary for architecture, aggregation and linked
relationships to the objects (data) research;
• Meeting before start the experiment with the research group (UFPB) and Health Department (Prefeitura de
Caaporã, Paraíba, Brazil);
• Identify in international scenario the cases of scientific journals that could have perspective of sharing data and
Enhanced Publication;
Now in 2015 is necessary to have an technological environment and patterns that can provide the aggregation,
management and dissemination (use and reuse) of these research open data with the application Data Lifecycle.
• Semester 2015.1 (Spring/Summer)
• February - To realize to collect in place data of the practice research. Collect of primary data, such
as: dental calibration process, data sheets (planilhas), data meeting research, data generation in
software, sounds (audio), pictures and video. After, the data will be analyzed following the process
Data Lifecycle.
• To identify in international scenario the cases of sharing data, software and that could have
perspective of Enhanced Publication;
• To defined a framework for structuring of the article and the installation e-Quilt platform;
• To use a traditional research article with your research data of the Research Group of UFPB and
• Adopted HTML language for article interface;
• The data different digital (media formats and extension multiple) were aggregate in prototype content
through many hyperlinks. • Semester 2015.2 (Fall)
• November - Intended to ending experiment e-Quilt prototype for follow with analisys and results the
thesis.I intend to improve the prototype with a ambiance technology able to provide aggregation,
sharing, dissemination (use and reuse), as well as, study the metadata patterns, interoperability
protocols, aggregation models for data, data lifecycle and management systems for this scenario.
Include any web links with more information related to the project, if applicable. Inclua todos os links da
web com mais informações relacionadas com o projeto, se for o caso. e-Quilt:
• http://wrco.ccsa.ufpb.br/wrco/
PLATAFORM OJS (link criado para colocar no domínio da UFPB):
• http://wrco.ccsa.ufpb.br/escience/
OJS (Link Atual do OJS com HTML): • http://designlivre.net/artigo_ampliado/equilt/index.php/index/index
HTML e-Quilt:
• http://designlivre.net/artigo_ampliado/equilt/index.php/revista-equilt/article/view/6
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
Sharing Data and Tools:
• https://dmptool.org/
Data ONE Project:
• https://www.dataone.org/
DataOne (tools):
• https://www.dataone.org/software-tools/dmp-tool
DataOne (best practices):
• https://www.dataone.org/best-practices
DataOne (Education modules):
• https://www.dataone.org/education-modules
DataOne (catalog):
• https://www.dataone.org/software_tools_catalog
DataOne (softwares and tools):
• https://www.dataone.org/all-software-tools Examples of Tools:
• Mermaid (NOAA) http://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/mermaid/
• Metavist (Forest Service) http://ncrs.fs.fed.us/pubs/viewpub.asp?key=2737
• TKME (USGS) http://geology.usgs.gov/tools/metadata/tools/doc/tkme.html
• EML:
• Morpho (http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/morphoportal.jsp)
• ISO:
• http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/iso-metadata-editor-review)
• XML Spy or Oxegyn
• CatMD
Enhanced Publications:
• https://www.consultas.governoeletronico.gov.br/ConsultasPublicas/consultas.do?acao=exibir&id=144
• http://documentoampliado.blogspot.com/
• https://www.blogger.com/home
• http://www.enhancedpublications.com/
• http://www.dans.knaw.nl/en/content/categorieen/nieuws/enhanced-publications-accessible-narcis
• http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v44/n2/fig_tab/ng.1054_F2.html
• Openaire: https://www.openaire.eu/en/component/content/article/76-highlights/344ashortintroduction-to-enhanced-publications
• ISA COMMONS. Isa-Tab: http://isacommons.org/
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
SCIENTIFIC DATA: http://www.nature.com/sdata/archive>. • OPEN ARCHIVES INITIATIVE (OAI):http://www.openarchives.org/ore/
• PKP: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ • Z39.50 metadata clearinghouse
• Dublin Core Element Set - Emphasis on web resources, publications
• FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) - Emphasis on geospatial data
• Biological Data Profile (BDP) of the CSDGM
• Profile to the CSDGM emphasis on biological data (and geospatial)
• http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/geospatial-metadata-standards
• ISO 19115/19139 Geographic information: Metadata - emphasis on geospatial data and services
• http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/geospatial-metadata-standards#fgdcendorsedisostandards
• Ecological Metadata Language (EML) - Focus on ecological data
• http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/eml_metadata_guide.html
• Darwin Core - Emphasis on museum specimens
• http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/index.htm
• Geography Markup Language (GML) - Emphasis on geographic features (roads, highways, bridges)
• http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/gml
Examples of metadata search portals:
• Data.gov - Federal e-gov geospatial data portal: http://www.geo.data.gov
• Metacat - for data and metadata: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/index.jsp
• US Geological Survey - USGS Core Science Metadata Clearinghouse: http://mercury.ornl.gov/clearinghouse
• ArcGIS Online - ESRI sponsored national geospatial data Portal: http://www.geographynetwork.com
Who is the main point of contact for the project and its data? List an alternate point of contact, if any. (Include
name, title, e-mail address, agency/organization, phone, and mailing address, as appropriate.).Quem é o
principal ponto de contato para o projeto e seus dados? Liste um ponto alternativo de contato, se
houver. (Incluir o nome, cargo, endereço de e-mail, agência / organização, telefone e endereço para
correspondência, conforme o caso.).
• Nome: Adriana Carla Silva de Oliveira. • Cargo: Estudante de Doutorado.
• Contato: [email protected].
• Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) - Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI).
• Fones (Brazil): 55 84 8888-2175 / 55 83 9261-6464
• Fone (USA): 1 865 548 8162
If there are collaborating/funding agencies and organizations, who are they and who are the main points of
contact?.Se não estão colaborando agências e organizações / financiamento, quem são eles e quem são
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
os principais pontos de contato?.
• Academic Advisor:
• Guilherme Ataíde Dias ([email protected]).
• Responsality project health UFPB and Caaporã:
• Professor Wilton Padilha ([email protected]) • Students ungraduate:
• Renata Lemos ([email protected]).
• Moisés Melo ([email protected]).
• Mariana Leonel ([email protected])
• George Cartaxo ([email protected])
Plan and Acquire
Consider these topics and questions: • How will the data be acquired (newly collected or using existing datasets)? Como os dados serão adquiridos
(recém-coletados ou utilizando bancos de dados existentes)?
• If acquiring existing datasets (e.g. NLCD) include the name, format, a persistent identifier, and source citation, if any.
Are there any restrictions or agreements such as Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) for use and storage? • Se
adquirir conjuntos de dados existentes (por exemplo NLCD) incluir o nome, formato, um
identificador persistente, e fonte da citação, se houver. Existem restrições ou acordos como
Memorando de Entendimentos (MOU) para uso e armazenamento?
• If collecting new data, are there special processes or procedures for collecting the data (e.g. licenses,
permissions, equipment, software)? • Se a coleta de novos dados, existem processos especiais ou
procedimentos para a coleta dos dados (por exemplo, licenças, permissões, equipamentos, software)?
• What is the estimated volume of the data collected, transformed, and/or generated? e.g. megabyte (MB), GB,
TB, or PB.• Qual é o volume estimado dos dados recolhidos, transformados e / ou gerado? por exemplo
megabyte (MB), GB, TB, ou PB.
• Will the data be static or is there a possibility that new data will continue to be added?• Será que os dados ser
estático ou se existe uma possibilidade de que novos dados continuarão a ser adicionado?
• Are the appropriate hardware, software, and staff resources part of the budget for data management
activities?• são a parte do orçamento para atividades de gerenciamento de dados de hardware, software e
recursos humanos adequados?
Describe and Manage Quality
Consider these topics and questions: Considere estes temas e questões:
• How many new datasets will be created? List the anticipated title of each dataset. • Quantos conjuntos de dados
novo será criado? Indique o título antecipado de cada conjunto de dados.
• What are the data types and formats, in which the data will be maintained? • Quais são os tipos de dados e
formatos, em que os dados serão mantidos?
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
• Briefly describe the data processing steps or provide the scientific workflow and identify any software or technology
needs where applicable. • descrever brevemente as etapas de processamento de dados ou fornecer o fluxo
de trabalho científico e identificar eventuais necessidades de software ou tecnologia, quando
• How will the metadata for each dataset be created? Who will be responsible for the metadata creation and update? •
Como é que os metadados para cada conjunto de dados ser criado? Quem será responsável pela
criação de metadados e atualização?
• Which metadata standard will be used to describe each dataset (e.g. FGDC-CSDGM, ISO 19115 series, or other as
appropriate)? • Que padrão de metadados serão utilizados para descrever cada conjunto de dados (por
exemplo, FGDC-CSDGM, série 19115 ISO ou outra conforme o caso)?
• What procedures will be used for ensuring data quality (QA/QC)? If using a known standard or protocol, include the
citation source.• Quais os procedimentos serão utilizados para garantir a qualidade dos dados (QA /
QC)? Se estiver usando um padrão ou protocolo conhecido, incluir a fonte da citação.
Backup/Secure and Preserve
Consider these topics and questions: Considere estes temas e questões:
• Where will the data be stored in the short-term? Is it properly secured and environmentally controlled? • Sempre que
os dados serão armazenados no curto prazo? É devidamente seguro e ambientalmente controlado?
• What will be the approach for routine backup of the data (frequency, duration, software, media)? Will the data be
stored in multiple places and on different media types (recommended minimum of 3 copies with 1 stored in an offsite
Qual será a abordagem de rotina de backup dos dados (freqüência, duração, software, meios de
comunicação) Os dados serão armazenados em vários lugares e em diferentes tipos de mídia (mínimo
recomendado de três cópias com um armazenado em um local externo)?
• Where will the data and metadata be preserved in the long-term and by which sponsoring Program (if in
collaboration)? Who will be the point of contact? • Onde os dados e metadados ser preservada a longo prazo e
pela qual o Programa patrocinadora (se em colaboração)? Quem será o ponto de contato?
• Describe any potential access restrictions such as the data contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and any
practices to ensure access will be restricted. • descrever qualquer restrições de acesso potenciais, tais como os
dados contêm informações de identificação pessoal (PII) e quaisquer práticas que assegurem o acesso
será restrito.
• What will be the final format of the data product and will there be any software needs? Will the data format be
appropriate for long-term preservation?• Qual será o formato final do produto de dados e haverá qualquer
necessidade de software? Será que o formato de dados de ser apropriado para preservação a longo
• If costs are associated with long-term storage, how will they be provided for?• Se os custos estão associados com
o armazenamento de longo prazo, como serão prevista?
Publish and Share
Publicar e compartilhar elementos do USGS Dados Científicos do Ciclo de Vida: Publicar e
compartilhar destacar considerações importantes relacionadas com as publicações tradicionais peerreviewed e divulgação dos dados por meio de sites, catálogos de dados, redes sociais e outros
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015
Consider these topics and questions: Considere estes temas e questões:
• How will the data itself be shared and made available to the public (e.g. web page, tool or application, data portal,
repository, USGS Data Series)? Are there data release policies that need to be followed? • Como é que os dados em si
ser compartilhados e disponibilizados ao público (por exemplo, página web, ferramenta ou aplicativo,
portal de dados, repositório, USGS série de dados)? Existem políticas de liberação de dados que
precisam ser seguidas?
• Will there be access or use restrictions on the data (e.g. sensitive data, restricted data, privacy, software with license
restrictions, etc.)? Provide justification for the restriction citing any policies or legal reasons. • Haverá acesso ou uso
restrições sobre os dados (por exemplo, os dados confidenciais, dados restritos, privacidade, software
com restrições de licenças, etc.)? Fornecer justificação para a restrição citando quaisquer políticas ou
razões legais.
• How can someone overcome these restrictions (e.g. fees, non-disclosure statements, special authorization, data embargo
or hold, MOUs/MOAs)? • Como alguém pode superar essas restrições (por exemplo, as taxas, as
declarações de segredo, de uma autorização especial, embargo de dados ou manter, MOUs / MOAs)?
• Identify any anticipated publications or electronic outlets (e.g. peer-reviewed articles, information/fact sheets, web
pages) resulting from the data. If a USGS publication, indicate type (e.g. Open File Report, Provisional Release etc). •
Identificar quaisquer publicações antecipadas ou outlets eletrônicos (artigos por exemplo, com
revisão por pares, folhas de informação / fatos, páginas da web) resultantes dos dados. Se uma
publicação USGS, indicar o tipo (por exemplo, Open File Report, Provisória lançamento etc).
• Where will your metadata be stored to provide an access point for discovery by users and harvest by catalogs such as
the USGS Science Data Catalog? • Onde é que seus metadados ser armazenado para fornecer um ponto de
acesso para a descoberta pelos usuários e colheita por catálogos, como o Catálogo de Dados USGS
• How and where will you obtain a persistent identifier for the data (e.g. digital object identifier)?• Como e onde você
vai obter um identificador persistente para os dados (por exemplo, identificador de objeto digital)?
Created using the DMPTool. Last modified February 13, 2015

e-Quilt Prototype - Experiment research