Bibliography | University of Glasgow
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This bibliography is organized in two main sections: 1st
Semester: History and Culture, and 2nd Semester:
Literature. It is intended to be a study aid to write your
essays and to prepare for the final exam.
[1]Alonso, Clâaudia Pazos and Williams, Claire 2002. Closer to the wild heart: essays on
Clarice Lispector. Legenda.
[2]Amaral, Suzana and Lispector, Clarice 2005. Hour of the star. Kino on Video.
[3]Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner 2004. Contos exemplares. Figueirinhas.
[4]Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner et al. 1997. Log book: selected poems. Carcanet,
in association with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do
Livro [and] Instituto Camäoes.
[5]António, Lauro and Ferreira, Vergílio 1980. Manhã submersa. Video Plus.
[6]Barros, Leitao de 2003. Ala-Arriba. Madragoa Films.
[7]Besse, Maria Graciete 1990. Sophia de Mello Breyner, Contos exemplares.
Publicaðcäoes Europa-Amâerica.
[8]Bethencourt, Francisco and Curto, Diogo Ramada 2007. Portuguese oceanic
expansion, 1400-1800. Cambridge University Press.
[9]Birmingham, David 2003. A concise history of Portugal. Cambridge University Press.
[10]Birmingham, David 2000. Trade and Empire in the Atlantic, 1400-1600. Routledge.
[11]Bleiberg, Germâan et al. 1993. Dictionary of the literature of the Iberian peninsula.
Greenwood Press.
[12]Bleiberg, Germâan et al. 1993. Dictionary of the literature of the Iberian peninsula.
Greenwood Press.
[13]Burns, E. Bradford 1993. A history of Brazil. Columbia University Press.
[14]Campos, Henrique et al. 2005. Ribatejo. Madragoa Filmes.
[15]Camäoes, Luâis de and Baer, William 2005. Selected sonnets. University of Chicago
[16]Camäoes, Luâis de and White, Landeg 2008. The collected lyric poems of Luâis de
Camäoes. Princeton University Press.
[17]Camäoes, Luâis de and White, Landeg 2008. The collected lyric poems of Luâis de
Camões. Princeton University Press.
[18]Camões, Luís de and White, Landeg 1997. The Lusíads. Oxford University Press.
[19]Cardoso, Margarida and Jorge, Lídia 2007. Le rivage des murmures. Insomnia.
[20]Ceia, Carlos 2002. Comparative readings of poems portraying symbolic images of
creative genius: Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Teixeira de Pascoaes, Rainer Maria
Rilke, John Donne, John of the Cross, Edward Young, Lao Tzu, William Wordsworth, Walt
Whitman. Edwin Mellen Press.
[21]Cohen, Rip 1987. Thirty-two cantigas d’amigo of Dom Dinis: typology of a
Portuguese renunciation. Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.
[22]Disney, A. R. 2009. A history of Portugal and the Portuguese empire. Cambridge
Bibliography | University of Glasgow
University Press.
[23]Earle, T. F. et al. 2009. Companion to Portuguese literature. Tamesis.
[24]Forster, Leonard Wilson 1969. The icy fire: five studies in European Petrarchism.
Cambridge U.P.
[25]Gledson, John and University of Liverpool 1994. Brazil: culture and identity. Institute
of Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool.
[26]Gonzâalez Echevarrâ¸a, Roberto and Pupo-Walker, Enrique 1996. The Cambridge
history of Latin American literature. Cambridge University Press.
[27]Hespanha, António Manuel et al. História de Portugal Moderno: Político e
Institucional. Universidade Aberta.
[28]Hower, Alfred and Preto-Rodas, Richard A. 1985. Empire in transition: the
Portuguese world in the time of Camões. University Presses of Florida.
[29]Jensen, Frede 1992. Medieval Galician-Portuguese poetry: an anthology. Garland.
[30]Kristal, Efraâin 2005. The Cambridge companion to the Latin American novel.
Cambridge University Press.
[31]Levine, Robert M. and Crocitti, John J. 1999. The Brazil reader: history, culture,
politics. Latin America Bureau.
[32]Lispector, Clarice 1992. A Legiäao Estrangeira. Siciliano.
[33]Lispector, Clarice 1992. The Foreign Legion: stories and chronicles. New Directions
Pub. Corp.
[34]Livermore, H. V. 1976. A new history of Portugal. Cambridge University Press.
[35]Livermore, H. V. 2000. Essays on Iberian history and literature, from the Roman
Empire to the Renaissance. Ashgate.
[36]Livermore, H. V. 1973. Portugal: a short history. Edinburgh University Press.
[37]Lloyd-Jones, Stewart and Pinto, António Costa 2003. The last empire: thirty years of
Portuguese decolonization. Intellect.
[38]Luiz Fernando Valente 2001. Machado’s Wounded Males. Hispania. 84, 1 (2001),
[39]Machado de Assis et al. Ressurreiøcäao. Prazolivro.
[40]Machado de Assis and Gledson, John 2009. A chapter of hats: selected stories.
[41]Machado, Diamantino P. 1991. The structure of Portuguese society: the failure of
fascism. Praeger.
[42]Martins, Fernando Cabral 2008. Dicionâario de Fernando Pessoa e do modernismo
portuguães. Editorial Caminho.
[43]Martins, Marta 1995. Ler Sophia: os valores, os modelos e as estratâegias
discursivas nos contos de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. Porto Editora.
[44]Medeiros, Maria de et al. 2004. Capitães de abril: april captains. distributed by
Synkronized USA.
[45]Monteiro, George 1996. The presence of Camões: influences on the literature of
England, America, and Southern Africa. University Press of Kentucky.
[46]Monteiro, George 1998. The presence of Pessoa: English, American, and Southern
African literary responses. University Press of Kentucky.
[47]Moser, Benjamin 2009. Why this world: a biography of Clarice Lispector. Oxford
University Press.
[48]Muldoon, Paul 2006. The end of the poem. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
[49]Pereira, Antâonio and Figueiredo, Cecâilia de 2005. Histâorias da Terra e do mar de
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen: anâalise da obra. Texto Editora.
[50]Pessoa, Fernando 1988. Always astonished: selected prose. City Lights Books.
[51]Pessoa, Fernando 1988. Self-analysis and thirty other poems. Calouste Gulbenkian
Bibliography | University of Glasgow
[52]Pessoa, Fernando et al. 1996. The book of disquietude by Bernardo Soares,
assistant bookkeeper in the city of Lisbon. Carcanet in association with the Calouste
Gulbenkian Foundation.
[53]Pessoa, Fernando and Bâelkior, Silva Texto crâitico das odes de Fernando
Pessoa--Ricardo Reis: tradiðcäao impressa revista e inâeditos. Impr. Nacional-Casa da
[54]Pessoa, Fernando and Quadros, Antâonio Obra poâetica de Fernando Pessoa.
[55]Pessoa, Fernando and Zenith, Richard 2006. A little larger than the entire universe:
selected poems. Penguin Books.
[56]Pessoa, Fernando and Zenith, Richard 2008. Obra essencial de Fernando Pessoa:
poesia do eu. Assâirio & Alvim.
[57]Pizarro, Jerâonimo et al. 2010. A biblioteca particular de Fernando Pessoa: acervo
Casa Fernando Pessoa = Fernando Pessoa’s private library : House of Fernando Pessoa's
collection, Vol. 1. Publicaðcäoes Dom Quixote.
[58]Queiroga, Perdigäao 2001. Fado : história d’uma cantadeira. Madragoa Filmes.
[59]Santiago, Silviano and Gazzola, Ana Lâucia 2001. The space in-between: essays on
Latin American culture. Duke University Press.
[60]Santos, Jeana Laura da Cunha 2000. A estâetica da melancolia em Clarice Lispector
. Editora da UFSC.
[61]Schwarz, Roberto 2001. A master on the periphery of capitalism: Machado de Assis.
Duke University Press.
[62]Simões, Rui et al. 2006. Deus, pátria, autoridade: cenas da vida portuguesa,
1910-1974. Costa do Castelo Filmes, SA.
[63]Smith, Joseph and Vinhosa, Francisco Luiz Teixeira 2002. History of Brazil,
1500-2000: politics, economy, society, diplomacy. Longman.
[64]Tamen, Miguel and Buescu, Helena Carvalhão 1999. A revisionary history of
Portuguese literature. Garland Publishing.
[65]Tréfaut, Sérgio 2006. Lisboetas. Colecção Atalanta Filmeses.
[66]Wenders, Wim 2003. Lisbon story: Viagem a Lisboa. Atalanta films.

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