Programme -‐ II International Health Congress Gaia-‐Porto (II CISGP) -‐ November 2015 Posters Session -‐ From November 19th (14h/ 2pm) to November 20th (13h/ 1pm) Poster Number Abstract Number Title and Authors P1 13 Effects of One Session of Physical Exercise Associated to Abdominal Microcurrent in the Global Lipolytic Rate. Rui Vilarinho, Andreia Noites , Miriam Couto, Pedro Monteiro, Cristina Melo, Manuela Amorim e Anabela Moreira P2 17 Influence of an education session about respiratory infections in children’s Health and Quality of life. Carolina Fiúza, Ana Silva Alexandrino, Rita Santos P3 19 Assessment of radiation protection practices among Bachelor’s Radiology Students of ESTSP-‐IPP. Mariana Sousa, Sandra Rua Ventura P4 24 Sleep quality in nursing students. Maria Ribeiro, Ana Certo, Ana Louçano, Sara Alves P5 36 Microbiological quality control of minced beef and pork. Sílvia Alves, Anabela Moreira, Stéphanie Ferreira, Teresa Moreira, Sandra Mota, António Araújo, Manuela Amorim P6 40 Microbiological Characterization on the Smoked Meat Products. Rita Relvas, Stéphanie Ferreira, Anabela Moreira, Teresa Moreira, Sandra Mota, António Araújo, Manuela Amorim P7 69 Noise exposure in cycling activity: a preliminary study. Sérgio Ferreira, Aida Sousa, Matilde Rodrigues P8 73 Occupational exposure to nanoparticles: a case study in a ceramic industry. Ana Fernandes, Joana Santos, Carlos Carvalhais P9 74 Relation between occupational exposure to noise and work stress: an exploratory study in industrial environment. Beatriz Barros, Joana Santos , Carlos Carvalhais P10 87 Protective effect of fruits and vegetables on gastric cancer: systematic review. Joana Zenha, Ana Isabel Oliveira , Cláudia Pinho P11 91 How does sleep deprivation, due to night work, affects health care professionals’ quality of life . André Jesus, Monica Freitas, Francisca Gonçalves P12 93 Toxicity of pentachlorophenol on the reproductive cycle of Eisenia fetida. Ana Oliveira, Piedade Barros, Mafalda Nunes P13 140 Determination of Azadirachtin in Neem oil from different origins by HPLC-‐DAD. Sara Fernandes, Luísa Barreiros, Rita Ferraz Oliveira, Cristina Prudêncio Mónica Vieira, Nuno Santos, Joaquim Morgado, Agostinho Cruz P14 144 Ecotoxicological evaluation of Pentachlorophenol in Avena sativa L. e Glycine max L. Ana Pina, Mafalda Nunes, Piedade Barros P15 150 Biological activity of ionic liquids based on bis-‐pyridinium in Gram-‐positive and Gram-‐negative bacteria. Joana Ferreira, Ricardo Ferraz , Mónica Vieira, Rúben Fernandes, Luís C. Branco, João Paulo Noronha, Željko Petrovski, Cristina Prudêncio P16 151 Bioactivity of Ionic Liquids based on Valproate in the human osteoclastogenesis. Joana Correia, Ricardo Ferraz, João Costa-‐Rodrigues, Maria Helena Fernandes, Luís C. Branco, João Paulo Noronha, Željko Petrovski, Cristina Prudêncio P17 158 Study the activity of Cetylpyriridinium Ampicilin on resistant and sensitive Escherichia coli. Sofia Oliveira, Ricardo Ferraz , Mónica Vieira, Rúben Fernandes, Luís C. Branco, João Paulo Noronha, Željko Petrovski, Cristina Prudêncio P18 162 Benzodiazepines Use and Factors Affecting in Patients from Farmácia da Ponte, Portugal. Ana Rita Cunha, Marlene Santos P19 171 Is antidepressant use associated with breast cancer development? A meta-‐analysis. Rosa Oliveira, Andressa Pereira, António Fernandes, Rúben Fernandes P20 185 Analysis of the impact of work shift on Burnout Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression and Stress. Andrea Seixas, Matilde Rodrigues P21 188 Risk of infection in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF-‐α antagonists: a systematic review. Ana Barbosa, Marlene Santos P22 192 Ecotoxicity of Congo red, hematoxylin, safranine and neutral red dyes in green algae and cyanobacteria. Piedade Barros, Jéssica Costa P23 195 Drinking water quality and potential risks related to the presence of biofilms in water taps of Portuguese Schools. Sara Quintela, Marisa Freitas , Manuela Vieira da Silva P24 196 Isolation of Actinomycetes from Marine Sediments with Potential to Produce Bioactive Compounds. Inês Ribeiro, Diogo A. M. Alexandrino, Rui S. Oliveira, Chiara Santos, Filipe Pereira, Ana P. Mucha, Maria F. Carvalho P25 212 Carbon Footprint of the School of Allied Health Technologies of Polytechnic Institute of Porto . Liliana Frutuoso, Clara Ribeiro, Mafalda Nunes P26 218 Practices of receiving fish products and the sensory perception of its quality by food operators: the importance of training programs. Rita Morais, Sara Gomes, Marisa Freitas P27 221 Application of Microbial Inoculants as a Sustainable Practice for the Production of Grain Legumes under Water Stress. Patrícia Carvalho, Sonya Marques, Mafalda Nunes, Guilhermina Marques , Rui S. Oliveira P28 22 Impact of different storage conditions of formamide in the quality of sequences. Daniela Moura, Maria João Pina, Cátia Pereira, Márcia Baixia, Rafaela Leal, Sónia Sousa, Filipa Quintela Vieira, Regina A. Silva, Luis Cirnes P29 23 Effects of different storage conditions of sequencing products with formamide in the quality of sequences. Daniela Moura, Maria João Pina, Cátia Pereira, Márcia Baixia, Rafaela Leal, Sónia Sousa, Filipa Quintela Vieira, Regina A. Silva, Luis Cirnes P30 29 Incidence of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: predictive factors. Soraia Moreira, Cristina Baeta P31 38 Nucleic acids extraction equipment comparison. Ana Marques, Fátima Monteiro, Anabela Moreira, Stéphanie Ferreira, Teresa Moreira, Sandra Mota, Manuela Amorim P32 41 Radiographer’s best practices for image quality assurance in diagnostic pediatric pelvic radiopraphs. Joana Miranda, Paula Cardoso , Sandra Rua Ventura P33 44 Physical Exercise and its Influence in Salivary Cortisol Levels. Ana Trancoso, Stéphanie Ferreira, Anabela Moreira, Teresa Moreira, Sandra Mota, Manuela Amorim P34 45 Yeast colonization of the oral cavity in a young population. Ana Bessa, Stéphanie Ferreira, Anabela Moreira, Teresa Moreira, Manuela Amorim, Sandra Mota P35 49 Evaluation of disturbances in metabolism related to lipid profile in patients with schizophrenia. Lara Moura, Anabela Moreira, Stéphanie Ferreira, Teresa Moreira, Sandra Mota, António Marques, Manuela Amorim P36 52 Adherence to seasonal vaccination against influenza virus: Motivation of Pharmacy Professionals in Iberian hospitals. Marta Ferreira, Ângelo Jesus P37 117 Coincidence Detection in PET. Filomena Clemêncio, Jorge Landeck P38 121 Tear microRNA concentration in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Campos-‐Borges C , Zanón-‐Moreno V , Galbis-‐Estrada C, Marco-‐Ramírez C, García-‐Medina JJ, Prudêncio C, Pinazo-‐Durán MD P39 135 Cyberbullying, anxiety, depression and stress among adolescents. Cecília Fernandes dos Santos, Cristina Queirós, António Marques P40 159 Post-‐traumatic stress among adolescents: an exploratory study with LASC (Los Angeles Symptom Checklist). Pedro Mujo Silva, Cristina Queirós, Miguel Cameira, António Marques P41 166 Development of a new method for the detection and quantification of 3-‐nitrotyrosine. Dulce Teixeira, Cristina Prudêncio, Rúben Fernandes, Mónica Vieira P42 194 Socio-‐economic status and nutritional intake in adolescents. Ana Alexandra, Marisa Sousa, Patrícia Dinis, António Fernandes, José Carlos Ribeiro, Vera Ferro-‐Lebres P43 198 Congenital heart defects in isolated and syndromic context. Cátia Silva, Catarina Varela, Cláudia Almeida, Marcos Gomes, Paulo Brochado, Rosete Nogueira P44 225 Computed Tomography Enterography: Contrast Agent Use in Small-‐bowel imaging and distensibility assessment. Lurdes Baptista, Sandra Rua Ventura P45 57 Therapeutic profile of diabetic patients of Coimbra. Daniela Bessa, Rui Cruz P46 129 Health Care Professionals Hapiness and Patient Satisfaction. The case of Physiotherapists. Lia Jacobsohn, Jorge Caiado Gomes, Jaime Combadão, Carlos Guillén P47 154 Maintaining the Cold Chain in the distribution of vaccines in Matosinhos’ Local Health Unit. Rita Pilar Silva, Dália Folha , Ana Maria Santos, Sofia Silva P48 172 Diabetes mellitus in Polytechnic Institute of Bragança community: characterization and knowledge. Rafael Patrício, Samuel Cabral, Isabel C. Pinto, Olívia R. Pereira P49 173 Characterization, Therapeutics and Control of Arterial Hypertension in patients of Pharmacies from Vila Nova de Famalicão. Joana Botas, Daniela Carvalhal, Maria Ferreira, Olívia R. Pereira, Isabel C. Pinto P50 191 Communication impact in health outcomes in the intensive care unit: A systematic review. Joana Mendes, Ana Peixoto Posters Session -‐ From November 20th (14h/ 2pm) to November 21st (13h/ 1pm) Poster Number Abstract Number Title and Authors P51 2 Salivary alpha-‐amylase activity variation along the menstrual cycle. Ana Rita Pereira, Amaro Frutuoso P52 7 Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program: The influence on cognitive and executive function, kyphotic index, joint range of tibiotarsal and balance. Miguel Carneiro, Ágata Vieira , Andreia Noites , Jorge Machado, Cristina Melo, Joaquim Gabriel, Sofia Viamonte P53 51 The influence of upper limb lever in muscle activity of scapular stabilizers in push-‐up position on the wall. Paulo de Carvalho, António Mesquita Montes, Carlos Crasto, Pedro Barbosa, Patrícia Peres P54 115 Supporting the personal autonomy of children with autism spectrum disorder: a software system design and development. Betania Groba, Laura Nieto, Thais Pousada, Cristian Robert Munteanu, Javier Pereira, Alejandro Pazos, Cristina Queirós, António Marques P55 131 Hand hygiene efficiency: comparison between paper towels and hot air dryers. Céu Leitão, Fábia Moizão, João Fernandes, Inês Santos, Mara Borralho, Fernando Bellém P56 189 SureThin as a fixative for impression cytology of ocular specimens. Paula Mendonça, Kátia Freitas, Leonor Almeida, Maria Silva P57 197 Environmental epigenetics and Daphnia as a model organism. Ana Rita Pereira, Regina A. Silva, Piedade Barros P58 200 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate modifications associated with time and utilized anticoagulants. Joana C. Franco, Patrícia R. Anunciação, Sílvia P. Branco, Joana C. Lopes, Ana Almeida1, Renato Abreu P59 227 Physical activity and low back pain in former athletes. Miguel Fleming, Leonor G. Miranda, Rosa Oliveira, Isabel Machado, Sabrina Cunha, Daniela Silva P60 26 Utility of a smartphone application in the execution of Basic Life Support algorithm -‐ exploratory study. Ana Cardoso, Vânia Ribeiro P61 55 Frailty: Prediction of quality of life in a two year follow-‐up. Joana Pinho, Bruno Domingues,Tiago Coelho P62 62 Frailty: prediction of disability in activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living in a two year follow-‐up. Bruno Domingues, Joana Pinho,Tiago Coelho P63 86 The influence of aging on muscle activation timing during backward stepping. Vítor Ribeiro, Cristina Melo, António Montes, Carlos Crasto, Rita Santos P64 108 Frailty: Prediction of institutionalization and health care utilization in a two years follow-‐up. Isabel Azevedo, Tiago Coelho P65 141 Nurses and Speech Therapist in Continuing Care Units: the relevance of working together with patients who have communication deficits. Diana Duarte, Ana Maria Peixoto P66 160 Comparing the effects of two different intervention programs on the level of anxiety and depression in elderly individuals. Ana Sofia Silva, Bibiana Oliveira, Paula Matos, Daniela Lopes, Paula Portugal, Tiago Coelho, Ângela Fernandes and Rubim Santos. P67 168 Age related hearing loss in Portugal: methods and mutations. Marisa Pereira, Aparicio, M., Tiago Matos, Antunes, M, Graça Fialho, Helena Caria P68 174 Polypharmacy and Adherence to Therapy in Elderly. Inês Geraldo, Olívia R. Pereira, Isabel C. Pinto P69 177 Comparing the effects of two balance intervention programs on the center of pressure oscillation of elderly individuals. Bibiana Oliveira, Ana Sofia Silva, Ricardo Azevedo, Paula Matos, Tiago Coelho, Ângela Fernandes, Daniela Lopes, Paula Portugal, Rubim Santos P70 180 Comparing the effects of two different intervention programs on mobility, balance and risk of falls in elderly individuals. Ricardo Azevedo, Bibiana Oliveira, Ana Sofia Silva, Paula Matos, Tiago Coelho, Ângela Fernandes, Daniela Lopes, Paula Portugal, Rubim Santos P71 27 Diabetes Mellitus type II risk assessment in Northern Portugal. Maria Ribeiro, Ângela Silva, Armandina Penarroias P72 43 Physical Exercise and Quality of Life in Ankylosing Spondylitis. Sofia Lopes, Cristina Mesquita, Paula Santos, Lavínia Gomes P73 50 Dietary supplements in postpartum depression. Andreia Ferreira, Agostinho Cruz P74 54 Muscle Energy Technique versus PNF: effectiveness on hamstring muscle stretching. Paula Silva, Rubim Santos, Rui Macedo P75 61 Cost-‐benefit analysis of a job rotation program: Identification and applicability of key indicators. Ana Sá, Bibiana Martins, Matilde A. Rodrigues P76 88 Caring people with cognitive disorders: difficulties of students in clinical practice. Rosa Melo, Nídia Salgueiro, João Araújo P77 89 Body Mass Index and physical activity in diabetic adolescents followed in nutrition consulting at Hospital Barcelos. Maria Neto, Helena Cunha, Mariana Pereira, Susana Pinto, António Fernandes, Ana Pereira P78 100 Burden on informal caregivers of individual with Neuromuscular Disease. Marta Matos, Anabela Alves, Nuno Machado, Ângela Fernandes P79 101 Predictors of Functionality in Individuals with Neuromuscular Disease. Anabela Alves, Marta Matos, Nuno Machado, Ângela Fernandes P80 126 Blockade of Renin-‐Angiotensin System in Diabetic Nephropathy. Sophie Cunha, Rita Ferraz Oliveira P81 137 The sedentary physical activity of pregnant women in the second trimester and the relationship with neonatal outcomes. Vanessa da Silva Santos, Paula Clara Santos, Cristina Mesquita, Sofia Lopes, Miriam Couto, Sandra Abreu, Jorge Mota P82 139 Influence of the “Porta Aberta à Saúde Mental" Program in reducing the self-‐stigma in the three elements of the team with experience of mental illness. Andreia Mendes, Sara Sousa P83 164 Gestational weight gain and relationship with sedentary physical activity in the second trimester of pregnancy. Sofia Moreira, Paula Clara Santos, Cristina Mesquita, Sofia Lopes, Miriam Couto, Sandra Abreu, Jorge Mota P84 193 Adolescents Snacks: Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. Ana Alves, Joana Texeira, Rubina Barbosa, António Fernandes, José Carlos Ribeiro, Vera Ferro-‐Lebres P85 219 Morphofunctional characterization of the ileum in a type 1 diabetes rat model 7. Vanessa Mendes-‐Henriques, Salomé Gonçalves-‐Monteiro, Filipa Quintela Vieira, Paulo Correia-‐de-‐Sá, Margarida Duarte-‐Araújo P86 30 Rehabilitation based on Bobath Concept, of a woman with sequelae of postpartum hemorrhagic stroke – case study. Carolina Fiúza, Tânia Martins, Liliana Ventura, Alexandre Lopes, Inês Mesquita, Diogo Silva P87 63 EEG evidence for mirror neuron system integrity in Down syndrome. Lais Ferreira, Vitor Simões-‐Silva, Diana Tavares, Rubim Santos, Nuno Barbosa Rocha P88 71 Influence of a Specific Exercise Program in Violin Students. Isabel Amaral, Cristina Melo, António Montes P89 90 Evaluation of brain areas activated when listening to a classical music stretch in musicians and non-‐musicians: performing an electroencephalogram (EEG). Francisca Gonçalves, Pedro Monteiro, André Jesus P90 114 Electroencephalographic changes in moral decisions. Catarina Castro, Diana Tavares, António Jácomo P91 146 The effects of anxiety symptoms on postural stability in young adults. Paula Matos, Ana Sofia Silva, Bibiana Oliveira, Ângela Fernandes, Daniela Lopes, Rubim Santos, Tiago Coelho, Ricardo Azevedo P92 147 Preschool language development program -‐ Study protocol. Ana Sucena, Ana Paula Vale, Ana Filipa Silva , Ana Rita Silva, Bruno Dias P93 179 The effects of cognitive intervention in motor performance on individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review. Ana Oliveira, Ângela Fernandes P94 214 Analysis of oscillatory brain activity in gamers and non-‐gamers during different cognitive tasks. Vinicius Duarte, Artemisa Rocha Dores, Diana Tavares P95 222 Neuromarketing: Validation through neurophysiological techniques. Pereira Ana, Tavares Diana, Pimenta Rui P96 223 Effects of Transthyretin stabilization by wine polyphenols in the modulation of Alzheimer’s Disease. Daniela Rodrigues, Luís M. Santos, Mobina Alemi, Carlos Ribeiro, Maria João Saraiva, Nuno Mateus, Isabel Cardoso P97 228 Exergaming training for people with dual diagnosis of substance use disorders and severe mental illness: a pilot study. Mónica Lopes, Bibiana Ribeiro, Sérgio Machado, Nuno Rocha