Christiano Fragoso
Professor of Criminal Law at the Law School of Rio de Janeireo State University (Universidade
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).
Doctor of Law in Criminal Law at the Rio de Janeiro State University (obtained in 2011).
Master of Law in Criminal Sciences at Candido Mendes University, in Rio de Janeiro (obtained
in 2007). Post-graduate in Economic and European Criminal Law at Coimbra University
(obtained in 2005).
Post-graduate in Criminal Advocacy at
Candido Mendes University, in Rio de Janeiro (obtained in 2000).
Has undertaken post-graduate
courses in Business Law (at the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets) and in Economic Criminal
Law (at the Pontifical Catholic University).
Former professor
of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at Candido Mendes University, between 1999 and
2007. In 2008, Professor
of Criminal Law at Helio Alonso Faculty, and in 2012, professor at the Law School of Rio de
Janeiro Federal University (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). Coordinator
of Young Penalists (2007-2011) and Secretary Deputy (2013-) of the Brazilian Group of the International Association of Penal Law.
member of the Rio de Janeiro Bar Association admission exam and current member of the
Comission of Defense,
Assistence and Prerrogatives of the Rio de Janeiro Bar Association. 1/2
Christiano Fragoso
Member of IBCCrim (Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences) and of the AIDA (International
Association of Insurance Law).
Graduated in Law at th Rio de Janeiro State University, in 1998.
of "Repressão Penal da greve: uma experiência antidemocrática" ("Penal
repression of strike: an anti-democratic experience"), published in 2009 as a monography
number 50, by IBCCrim (Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences), and of several articles on
criminal law theory.

Christiano Fragoso