AVALIAÇÃO DA MASTIGAÇÃO: COMPARAÇÃO DE TRÊS MÉTODOS DE ANÁLISES EM ADOLESCENTES E CRIANÇAS RESPIRADORAS ORAIS Mastication diagnosis: comparison of three methods of analyses in oral breathing children and adolescents Silvia Fernandes Hitos, Dirceu Solé,, Maria Cecília Periotto, Lúcia T N Fernandes, Luc L M Weckx, Zelita C F Guedes UNIFESP/EPM São Paulo, SP, Brasil Introdução: comparação de três métodos de análise do lado mastigatório em indivíduos respiradores orais. Método: 34 respiradores orais (7 a 14 anos) com maloclusão foram filmados com etiqueta sobre o queixo e 20 deles sem a mesma. Os 54 vídeos foram randomizados e analisados por duas fonoaudiólogas independentes, em velocidade normal. A pesquisadora analisou os mesmos vídeos em veocidade reduzida. Em outro momento, com o auxílio da computação gráfica, analisou os vídeos quadro-a-quadro, com o registro do movimento mandibular nos ciclos mastigatórios. Os achados dos três tipos de análise foram comparados entre si. Resultado: houve 79,8% de concordância entre os achados quando comparadas as análises das duas fonoaudiólogas em velocidade normal. 70% de concordância quando comparados os achados nas análises feitas em velocidade normal e no quadro-a-quadro. Comparados os achados obtidos na anállise em velocidade normal e quadro-a-quadro aos obtidos com o auxílio da computação gráfica, o nível de concordância foi maior quando a análise foi realizada em velocidade reduzida e com a etiqueta sobre o queixo. A mastigação bilateral alternada foi a mais prevalente (64,7%) nos pacientes observados. Conclusão: a análise dos vídeos em velocidade reduzida com o uso da etiqueta foi tão eficiente quanto a análise em velocidade reduzida com o registro dos ciclos mastigatórios por computação gráfica. Descritores: mastigação; respiração bucal/classificação; gravação/vídeo; computação gráfica MASTICATION DIAGNOSIS: COMPARISON OF THREE METHODS OF ANALYSES IN ORAL BREATHING CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Avaliação da mastigação: comparação de três métodos de análises em adolescentes e crianças respiradoras orais Silvia Fernandes Hitos1, Dirceu Solé2, Maria Cecília Periotto3, Lúcia T N Fernandes4, Luc L M Weckx5, Zelita C F Guedes6 1. Master of Science, Speech Pathologist specialist, Supervisor of Centre of Oral Breather – Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM) 2. Full Professor Division of Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Dept of Pediatrics – UNIFESP-EPM 3. Speech Pathologist, Postgraduate student at the Department of Neurology at University of São Paulo(USP) 4. Speech Pathologist, volunteer worker at the Centre of Oral Breather at UNIFESP-EPM 5. Full Professor, Dept Otorrinolaringology, Head and Neck Surgery, UNIFESP-EPM 6. Associated Professor, Dept of Speech, language and audiology, UNIFESP-EPM São Paulo – São Paulo- Brasil Original Article Introdution: in the speech pathology area, studies have revealed an important technological delay and the lack of patterns at the assessment of mastication.The paucity of studies on the efficiency of the resources to mastication diagnosis has motivated this study in children and adolescents mouth breathers. Objective: to compare three methods applied to analyze the side of mastication in oral breathing subjects. Method: 34 oral breathers (7 to 14 years old) with malocclusion were taped during assessment with a tag on their chin. 20 of them were also taped without it. These 54 videos obtained were analyzed by different speech therapists in a random and independent manner. Firstly, videos were analyzed by one of the researchers and watched in a frame by frame model. Two independent speech therapists also analyzed the videos watching them in normal speed. The videos were then analyzed in slow motion and linked to the registration of the chewing cycles, in front plane, through graphical computing techniques. The three analyses of chewing side were compared to each other. Results: there was a minimal 79.8% agreement rate between the analyses done by the two speech therapists watching the video in regular speed. The minimal agreement rate obtained when the frame to frame analysis was compared to the regular speed analysis was 70.0%. The agreement level was higher when the comparison was made between the data obtained from the three evaluators to that from the analysis in reduced speed linked to graphical computing techniques. Alternated and bilateral mastication was the most prevalent (64.7%) in the observed patients. 64% (22) of the subjects revealed a frequency of 60 to 80% of rotatory mandibular movements for 50 seconds and a mastication cycle while eating a French bread that varied from 0.9 to 1.3 seconds for 75% of the subjects. Conclusion: the analyses of the videos in reduced speed with the tag were as efficient as the analysis with reduced speed linked to the register of the cycles through graphical computing techniques. Keywords: mastication; mouth breathing/classification; video recording; image processing, computer-assisted