Curriculum vitae – Cristina Nunes May 2014 1. Dados pessoais / Personal data Nome completo / Full name Maria Cristina de Oliveira Salgado Nunes Nome de Citação Bibliográfica / Name Bibliographic Citation Nunes, C. Pais de nacionalidade / Nationality Portugal Morada institucional / Institutional address Department of psychology and Education Sciences. Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. University of Algarve. Campus de Gambelas. 8005-139 Faro. Portugal Contactos / Contact data Telefone: 00-351-289800908 (ext. 2770), Fax: 351289818420, Email: [email protected] 2. Formação académica / Academic degrees Ano Year 2004 2003 Grau académico Academic degree PhD in Psychology “Suficiencia Investigadora” Master in Educational 1990 Psychology 1987 Degree in Psychology Instituição Institution University of Seville University of Seville ISPA – University Institute (Lisbon) & University of Bristol ISPA – University Institute Classificação Classification Excellent cum laude Excellent Approved by unanimity Good (15/20) 3. Actividades anteriores e situação actual profissional / Previous and current professional activities Período/ Period Cargo / Position Since 2011 Associated Professor 2004 - 2011 Assistant Professor 1999-2004 Invited Assistant 1993 - 1999 1987 - 1991 Health Education and Community Participation Coordinator Invited Assistant and Assistant Instituição / Institution Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. University of Algarve Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. University of Algarve. Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. University of Algarve. Health District of Sierra Norte. Seville. Andalusia Health Service ISPA – University Institute 1 4. Área de actividade científica / Area of scientific activity Development and Educational Psychology. Health Education. Health Psychology. 5. Domínio de especialização / Domain of specialization Domínio de especialização / Domain of specializations Development and Educational Psychology. Health Education. Health Psychology. Actuais interesses de investigação / Present research interests Development, health and well-being in child and adolescent. Well-being in immigrant families. Parenting and child and adolescent’ adjustment in at-risk families. Outras competências e actividades / Other skills and activities Member of the Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics of University of Algarve. Research unit with external evaluation from FTC, since 2011. Member of the Instituto de Psicologia Cognitiva, Desenvolvimento Vocacional e Social da Univ. Coimbra, 2007-2011. Vice-president of the Scientific Committee of Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of Univ. of Algarve, 2011-2013. Vice-Director of the Health Psychology Master of Science of Univ. of Algarve, 2009-2011. Director of the Educational Psychology Master of Science of Univ. of Algarve, 2007-2009. Director of the Department of Psychology of Univ. of Algarve, 2006-2009. Member of the Coordination Committee of the Health Psychology Master of Science of Univ. of Algarve, 2004-2009. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Psicologia (Pt) ISSN: 0874-2049, since 2011. Peer Review of the following journals: Interação em Psicologia (ISSN: 1981-8076), Saúde e Sociedade (ISSN 0104-1290), and Psicologia (ISSN: 0874-2049). Member of the Scientific Committee of II Luso-Brazilian Congress of Health Psychology, São Paulo (Brazil), 2011. Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st Portuguese-Brazilian Congress of Health Psychology. Univ. of Algarve, 2009. 2 6. Experiência na orientação / Supervising experience PhD Thesis Alexandra Gomes. (2011). Representações sociais e a sua influência nos comportamentos sexuais de risco dos jovens adultos. [Social representations and their influence on sexual risk behaviors of young adults]. PhD thesis in Health Psychology, University of Algarve. FCT Grant (SFRH/BD/36259/2007). Ana Susana Almeida. O Processo de Adopção: A intervenção dos profissionais, as características e a perspectiva das famílias adoptivas e a resiliência nas crianças adoptadas. [The adoption process: the intervention of professionals, profile and families’ perspective and adopted children resilience] PhD thesis in Development Psychology, University of Algarve. FCT Grant (SFRH/BD/64040/2009) [in preparation] Maria de Fátima Ferraz Lapa. Análise das relações interpessoais e da comunicação enfermeirodiabético em cuidados de saúde primários. [Analysis of interpersonal relationships and communication in nurse-diabetic primary health care]. PhD thesis in Educational Psychology, University of Algarve. PROTEC FCT Grant (SFRH/PROTEC/67443/2010) [in preparation] António José Arsénio Duarte. Unidade de cuidados continuados: perspectivas familiares, sociais e do profissional de saúde. [Continuing care unit: Family, social and health professional perspectives]. PhD thesis in Health Psychology, University of Algarve. [in preparation] Master Dissertation Eugenia Godoroja. (2014). Parental practices and quality of life of immigrant adolescents from Eastern Europe: A comparative study. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Élia Ramos. (2014). Influência das competências parentais percebidas e aliança parental no bemestar infantil. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Ana Catarina Estevão Alexandre. (2014). Estratégias de coping nas famílias com menores em risco psicossocial. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Melody Mendes. (2013). Competências parentais percebidas e satisfação marital em famílias com menores em risco. [Perceived parenting competences and marital satisfaction in families with children at risk.]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Telma Ribeiro. (2013). Competências sociais em adolescentes imigrantes e nativos. [Social skills in immigrants and native adolescents.]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Sónia Pires. (2013). Apoio social, fatores de risco e competências parentais percebidas em famílias multiproblemáticas no concelho de Silves. [Social support, risk and perceived parenting competences in multiproblem families in the county of Silves]. Master Dissertation in Social Psychology. University of Algarve. Isabel Lopes. (2013). A influência das práticas parentais no sucesso escolar de adolescentes imigrantes e portugueses. [Parenting practices and academic achiievement in Portuguese and immigrant adolescents]. Master dissertation in Education Sciences. University of Algarve. Mariline Rosa Martins (2013). Competências parentais em pais com filhos portadores de deficiência. Um estudo descritivo. [Parenting competences in parents with disabled children. A descriptive study]. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Diana Matos Costa. (2013). A competência parental percebida e a adaptação psicossocial de adolescentes em abandono escolar. [Perceived parental competence and psychosocial adaptation of adolescents in school dropout]. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Ana Dutra. (2013). “Influência das competências sociais e dos acontecimentos de vida negativos no 3 sucesso e adaptação escolar de adolescentes integrados no programa PIEF” [Influence of social skills and negative life events on school adjustment of adolescents]. Master dissertation in Education Sciences. University of Algarve. Sandra Mendonça (2013). Representações de segurança no sistema familiar adoptivo em crianças adoptadas. [Security representations in adoptive family system]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Carmen Macedo (2013). Apoio social, acontecimentos de vida negativos e adaptação em famílias com menores em risco psicossocial. [Social support, negative life events and adaptation in families with children at psychosocial risk]. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Glaucied Pereira Campos Carrilho (2013). A interação familiar, autoconceito, competências sociais e sua relação com o desempenho académico em adolescentes. [Family interaction, self-concept, social skills and their relationship to academic performance in adolescents]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Inês Mendes (2012) Percepções e sentimentos de um grupo de crianças em relação à aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. [Children self-perceptions and feelings about reading and writing]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Sandra Bernardo (2012). O impacto no desenvolvimento de crianças com mães adolescentes. [The impact on development of children of adolescent mothers]. Master Dissertation in Educational Psychology. University of Algarve. Cátia Sousa (2012). Coesão familiar, competências parentais e factores de risco em mães imigrantes e portuguesas. [Family cohesion, parental competences and risk factors in native and immigrants mothers]. Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Sílvia Revés (2012). Saúde e Bem-Estar em Crianças e Adolescentes Imigrantes. [Health and wellbeing in immigrant children and adolescents] Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology. University of Algarve. Karina Formiga Luis. (2011). Estilos parentais percebidos pelos adolescentes. [Parenting styles perceived by adolescents]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Maria João Mateus Monteiro. (2011). Competências para a vida em adolescentes: avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde e da competência social. [Life skills in adolescents: Assessment of quality of life related to health and social skills]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Educational Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Júlia Barradas. (2011). Atitudes dos enfermeiros perante a morte cerebral e transplantação de órgãos. [Attitudes of nurses towards brain death and organ transplantation]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Andreia Correia Santos. (2011). Estilos parentais e adaptação psicológica de jovens integrados no programa integrado de educação e formação. [Parenting styles and psychological adjustment of young people from the integrated program of education and training]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Educational Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Antonita Carmelita de Miranda Santos. (2011). Estilos parentais, saúde e bem-estar dos adolescentes cabo-verdianos. [Parenting styles, health and well-being of adolescents from Cabo Verde]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Margarida Marques Guerreiro. (2011). Satisfação conjugal e satisfação com a vida em mulheres casadas e re-casadas. [Marital satisfaction and life satisfaction in married and re-married women]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Vera Mónica Pinguinha Marreiros. (2010). A gestão cooperada do curriculum como mecanismo de desenvolvimento da autonomia. [The curriculum' cooperative management and the autonomy development]. Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Carla Correia. (2010). Rede social de apoio e qualidade de vida do idoso. [Social support and quality of life of elderly]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Esmeralda Gonçalves. (2010). Satisfação profissional dos professores do 3º ciclo em relação às 4 práticas educativas na área curricular não disciplinar de área de projecto. [Teacher’s professional satisfaction and educational practices in the curricular project area]. Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Olga Inácio. (2009). As vivências psico-emocionais do homem na transição para a paternidade. [The psycho-emotional experiences of men in the transition to parenthood]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Susana Vicente. (2009). Expectativas e satisfação com o parto em primíparas com e sem preparação para o parto. [Childbirth’ expectations and satisfaction in first-time mother with and without birth preparation.] Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Raquel Medeiros. (2009). Ideias e práticas educativas dos pais de crianças diagnosticadas com perturbação de hiperactividade com défice de Atenção. [Parental ideas and practices of parents of children with the disorder attention deficitand hyperactivity] Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Alexandra Gomes. (2008). Comportamentos sexuais de risco: um estudo com estudantes universitários. [Sexual risk behavior: a study of college students]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Carla Cunha. (2008). Consumo de álcool nos adolescentes do concelho de Olhão. [Adolescents’ alcohol use in the county of Olhão]. Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Mariana Ponte. (2007). A educação para a saúde durante a gravidez: ideias, conhecimentos e práticas das enfermeiras. [Health education during pregnancy. Nurses ideas, knowledge’s and practices] Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Susana Alho. (2007). Contributos do director de turma para a relação escola-família. [Class tutor’s Contributes for school-family relationship.] Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Patrícia Silva. (2007). Qualidade nas creches em Albufeira. [The Quality in nursery school in Albufeira.] European Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Paula Santana. (2007). Metodologia de trabalho de projecto e práticas lúdicas: Que contributo na continuidade educativa pré-escolar / 1º ciclo? [Working with projects and play: Contributes to education transition] European Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. Sónia Camilo. (2007). Necessidades dos pais de recém-nascidos prematuros. [Parental needs of premature new-born] Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. Maria João Catarino. (2007). Ideias e práticas das mães acerca da amamentação. [Mothers' ideas and practices about breastfeeding] Master Dissertation in Psychology (Health Psychology). Univ. of Algarve. António Duarte. (2007). Percepções dos profissionais hospitalares em relação ao processo RVCC. [The perceptions of a group of hospitalar professionals concerning the process of recognition, validation and certification of competences] Master Dissertation in Education Sciences. Univ. of Algarve. 7. Participação em projectos / Participation in research projects “SANCO/2013/C1/004. Pilot project for developing and implementing successful prevention strategies for type 2 diabetes.” Team member. Financed by European Commission (EC), Unit C.1 Programme Management and Diseases, contract eu:52663-2014. Coordinate by Prof. Melanie Davies, University of Leicester (UK). 999.075€. 2010/2011 - Famílias em situação de risco psicossocial na Andaluzia ocidental e no Algarve. [families at psychosocial risk in Western Andalusia and in the Algarve] Coordinator of the Portuguese team. In collaboration with Susana Menendez (Project coordinator) from Univ. of 5 Huelva and Victoria Hidalgo from Univ. of Seville (Spain). Financed by the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de la Presidencia (22.536€). 2008/2009. - Immigrants’ adolescents contexts of development and education. Not financed. Coordinator. “HIV/AIDS Knowledge and risk behavior among adolescents”. Not financed. 2005/2006. Coordinator. 2004/2005 - AIDS prevention in late adolescent college students from Spain and Portugal. Not financed. Coordinator. 2003/2006; 2000/2003 - Scientific literacy and citizenship for all students. (FCG/46955). Coordinated by Jesuína Fonseca (FCHS, UALG) and Fátima Chorão (FCL, U. Lisboa). Financed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Team member. 1989/91. - Learning Assessment. Coordinated by Margarida Alves Martins, ISPA. Financed by Institute for Educational Innovation, Team member 1987/89 - Intervention and Research in Alfama. Coordinated by Margarida Alves Martins, ISPA. Financed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Team member. 8. Prémios, Bolsas e Distinções / Prizes, Grants and awards Ano Nome do Prémio ou Distinção Year Name of the prize or award Nome da entidade promotora Name of the granting entity 2011 Sabbatical Leave Grant (SFRH/BSAB/1188/2011) Fundação para a Ciência e tecnologia 2010 Sabbatical Leave Grant (SFRH/BSAB/1102/2010) Fundação para a Ciência e tecnologia 2010 Grant LLP Erasmus – Staff Mobility University of Algarve 2006 Research Prize “Teresa Júdice Gamito” Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. University of Algarve. 9. Publicações / Publications Teses / Thesis Nunes, C. (2004). Pediatras, Madres y Políticas de Salud Infantil en el Programa del Niño Sano. [Pediatricians, mothers and children health policies in the well-child program] Seville: University of Seville. Nunes, C. (2001). Ideas y prácticas de los pediatras en el programa del niño sano. [Ideas and practices of the pediatricians in the program of the child Sano.] Seville: University of Seville. Nunes, C. (1990). Avaliação de textos escritos: critérios referidos e utilizados pelos professores e sua percepção por alunos com diferente estatuto escolar. [Assessment of written texts: Teachers’ referred and used criteria and students’ perception] Lisbon: ISPA – University Institute. Livros (editor) / Books (editor) Nunes, C., & Jesus, S.N. (Coord.) (2009) Temas actuais em Psicologia. [Current topics in Psychology] Faro: Universidade do Algarve. ISBN: 978-972-9341-88-5 Cruz, J.P., Jesus, S.N., & Nunes, C. (Coord.) (2009) Bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Contributos da Psicologia da Saúde. [Well-being and quality of life: Health psychology contributions.] Alcochete: Textiverso. ISBN: 978-989-8044-14-3. 6 Capítulos de livros / Chapters in books Menendez, S., Nunes, C., Hidalgo, V., Perez, J., Nunes, L., & Jimenéz, L. (2012). Situaciones vitales estresantes y de riesgo en la trayectoria vital de madres andaluzas y portuguesas que reciben intervenciones de preservación familiar. [Stressful life events and risk in the trajectory of Andalusian and Portuguese mothers receiving family preservation interventions.]. In: R. QuevedoBlasco & V. Quevedo-Blasco (Comp.). Avances en psicología clínica. [Advances in clinical psychology]. (pp. 390-394). Granada: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual. ISBN: 978-84695-3599-8. Perez, J. Nunes, L., Nunes, C., & Hidalgo, M.V. (2012). Estrés y competencia parental percibida en familias con menores en riesgo del Algarve y Andalucía ocidental. [Stress and perceived parental competence in families with children at risk of Algarve and Andalucia ocidental]. In: R. QuevedoBlasco & V. Quevedo-Blasco (Comp.). Avances en psicología clínica. [Advances in clinical psychology] (pp. 495-499). Granada: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual. ISBN: 978-84695-3599-8. Nunes, C., Martins, A.T., Almeida, A.S., & Martins, C. (2009) Os contextos de socialização dos adolescentes. [Adolescents’ contexts of socialization. ] in: C. Nunes, S.N. Jesus (Coord.) (in press) Temas actuais em Psicologia. [Current topics in Psychology] Cap. 3. pp. 61-88. Faro: Universidade do Algarve. ISBN: 978-972-9341-88-5 Nunes, C. (2009) A evolução da mortalidade infantil em Espanha e sua influência na construção social da infância. [The evolution of infant mortality in Spain and its influence on the social construction of childhood] in: J. Cruz, S. Jesus, & C. Nunes. (Coords) Bem-estar e qualidade de vida: Contributos da Psicologia da Saúde. [Well-being and quality of life: Contributions of Health Psychology] Cap. 10. pp. 229-246. Alcochete: Texiverso. IBSN:978-989-8044-14-3 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2009) Comportamentos sexuais de risco: um estudo com estudantes universitários. [Sexual risk behavior: a study with college students] In: J.P. Cruz, S.N. Jesus, & C. Nunes (Coord.) (2009) Bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Contributos da Psicologia da Saúde. [Wellbeing and quality of life: Contributions of Health Psychology] Cap. 15. pp. 303-309. Alcochete: Textiverso. ISBN: 978-989-8044-14-3. Nunes, C. (2007) Os Programas de Seguimento da Saúde Infantil: antecedentes históricos e bases conceptuais. [The well-child programs: concepts and historical antecedents] in: M.M. Matias, S.N. Jesus, & V.B. Oliveira (Orgs.) Psicologia da Saúde: Teoria e Pesquisa. [Health psychology: Theorie and research] Cap. 12. pp. 219- 230. São Paulo: Editorial Metodista. IBSN: 978-85-87589-98-9. Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica / Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees Nunes, C., Jiménez, L., Ménendez, S., Ayala-Nunes, l., & Hidalgo, V. (accepted, 2014). Psychometric properties of an adapted version of the parental sense of competence (PSOC) scale for Portuguese at-risk parents. Journal Child & Family Social Work. doi:10.1111/cfs.12159. ISSN: 1365-2206. (IF: 0.831). Nunes, C., Bodden, D.H.M., Lemos, I., Lorence, B., & Jiménez, L. (accepted, 2014). Parenting practices and quality of life in Dutch and Portuguese adolescents: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Psychodidactics. ISSN: 2254-4372. (IF: 1.514). Nunes, C., Luis, K., Lemos, I., & Musitu, G. (in press). Caraterísticas psicométricas da versão portuguesa da escala de socialização parental na adolescência ESPA-29 [Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the parental socialization scale in adolescence ESPA-29]. Revista 7 Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28 (2). ISSN: 1678-7153, (FI: 0.168). Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (in press) Representação social do sexo nos jovens adultos portugueses. [Social representation of sex in Portuguese young adults]. Revista Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28 (1). ISSN: 1678-7153, (FI: 0.168). Pechorro, P. S., Vieira, R., Poiares, C., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. N. (2014). Psychopathic traits and ethnicity in female youths. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. First published on March 17, 2014 as doi:10.1177/0004865813503840. eISSN: 1837-9273. (F.I.: 0.796) Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (accepted, 2013). The effect of sexual experience on the social representation of sex in Portuguese young adults. Health Psychology Research. eISSN 2281-2075. Pechorro, P. S., Poiares, C., Vieira, R., Marôco, J., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. N. (2014). Psychological and behavioral adjustment in female youths with high or low psychopathic traits. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. First published on 24 March, 2014 as doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2014.02.036. ISSN: 0160-2527. (F.I.: 0.704) Ayala Nunes, L., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (in press, 2014) Predictores del estrés parental en madres de familias en riesgo psicosocial. [Parenting Stress predictors in mothers of families at psychosocial risk]. Universitas Psychologica, 13(2). ISSN: 1657-9267. (FI: 0.544). Pechorro, P., Abrunhosa Gonçalves, R., Maroco, J., Gama, A. P., Neves, S., & Nunes, C. (2014). Juvenile delinquency and psychopathic traits: An empirical study with Portuguese adolescents. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58, 174-189. doi:10.1177/0306624X12465584. eISSN: 1552-6933. (F.I.: 1.056). Pechorro, P. S., Marôco, J., Gonçalves, R. A., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. N. (2014). Psychopathic traits and age of crime onset in male juvenile delinquents. European Journal of criminology (Sheffield), 11(3) 288–302. doi:10.1177/1477370813495759. ISSN: 1477-3708, (F.I.: 1.017). Nunes, C., & Ayala, A. (2013) ¿Consejo o prescripción? Análisis de las recomendaciones pediátricas en las consultas del programa del niño sano. Revista de Pediatría de Atención Primaria, 15, 305. e135-e143. ISSN: 1139-7632. (SJR: 0.15, Q3.) Lima-Serrano, M., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2013). Adolescent quality of life and health behaviors: A comparative study between adolescents from the south of Portugal and Spain, Revista Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 22(4), 893-900. ISSN: 0104-0707. (FI: 0.134). Ayala Nunes, L., Nunes, C. & Lemos, I. (2013). Parenting alliance among mothers of psychosocially at-risk families. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics Discussion Papers, 13, 18-30. ISSN: 1647-3183 Pechorro, P. S., Poiares, C., Barroso, R.G., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. N. (2013). Examining ethnic differences in self-reported psychopathic traits among Portuguese male juvenile offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. First published on September 18, as doi: 10.1177/0306624X13502942 (F.I.: 1.056) eISSN: 1552-6933. Hernando, A., Nunes, C., Cruz, M.C., Lemos, I., Valadas, S. (2013). A comparative study on the health and wellbeing of adolescent immigrants in Spain and Portugal. Saúde e Sociedade, 22(2), 342-350. ISSN: 0104-1290. (F.I.: 0,231). Pechorro, P.S., Gonçalves, R. A., Marôco, J., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. N. (2013). Age of crime onset and psychopathic traits in female juvenile delinquents. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. First published on May 29, as doi:10.1177/0306624X13489864. (F.I.: 1.056) eISSN: 1552-6933. Lemos, I., Nunes, C., & Nunes, L. (2013). Quality of life and stressful life events in first and second generation immigrant adolescents. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics - Discussion Papers, 14, 67-80. 8 Pechorro, P.S., Vieira, D.N., Poiares, C.A., Vieira, R.X., Maroco, J., Jesus, S., & Nunes, C. (2013). Psychopathy and behavior problems: A comparison of incarcerated male and female juvenile delinquents. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 36(1), 18-22. (F.I.: 0.74) ISSN: 0160-2527 Guimarães, S., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2012). Social competence and academic achievement in immigrant adolescents in Portugal. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 38 (157-158), 65-76. ISSN: 0211-7339. Pechorro, P., Abrunhosa Gonçalves, R., Maroco, J., Gama, A. P., Neves, S., & Nunes, C. (2012). Juvenile delinquency and psychopathic traits: An empirical study with Portuguese adolescents. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol. doi:10.1177/0306624X12465584 (F.I.: 0.840) ISSN: 1552-6933 Nunes, C. (2011) Concepções dos pediatras acerca da educação e do desenvolvimento infantil. [Pediatricians’ ideas about child development and education.] Revista Psicologia: Reflexão e crítica, 24(2), 765-772. (IF:1.124). ISSN: 1678-7153 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2011) Representação social do sexo nas revistas e jornais portugueses. [Social Representation of Sex on Portuguese Publications] Revista Interamericana de Psicologia, 45(1), 11-19. ISSN: 00349690. Nunes, C., Lemos, I., Costa, D., Nunes L., & Almeida A.S. (2011). Social support and stressful life events in portuguese multi-problem families. International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, 1(5), 497-505. ISSN: 0214-9877 Nunes, C., & Ayala, M. (2011) ¿De qué hablan los pediatras y las madres en la consulta de seguimiento de la salud infantil? [What do pediatricians and mothers talk about in the well-child program visits?] Anales de Pediatría, 75(4), 239-246. doi:10.1016/j.anpedi.2011.03.020 (IF: 0,570) ISSN: 1695-4033 Medeiros, R., & Nunes, C. (2011) Avaliação materna dos problemas cognitivos da desatenção, da actividade motora e da PHDA. [Parental evaluation of cognitive problems, inattention, motor activity and ADHD]. Psico (BR), 42(2), 269-275. ISSN: 1980-8623 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2011). O perfil dos estudantes universitários na decisão de terem relações sexuais. International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, 1(3), 467-477. ISSN: 0214-9877 Lemos, I., Nunes, C., & Guimarães, S. (2011). Stressfull life events and perceived well-being in immigrant adolescents from Portugal. International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, 1(2), 371-379. ISSN: 0214-9877 Nunes C., & Ayala M. (2010). Communication techniques used by pediatricians during well-child program visits. A pilot study. Patient education and counselling, 78, 79–84. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2009.06.015 (IF: 2.237) ISSN: 0738-3991 Muñoz-Silva A., Sánchez-García M., Martins A., & Nunes C., (2009). Gender differences in HIVrelated sexual behaviour among college students from Spain and Portugal. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 12(2), 485-495 (IF: 0.704) ISSN: 1138-7416 Alho, S., & Nunes, C. (2009). Contributos do director de turma para a relação escola-família. [Class tutor’s Contributes for school-family relationship.] Revista Educação (BR), 32(2):150-158. ISSN: 0101-465X Nunes, C. (2008). Ideas de las madres sobre el desarrollo y educación de los niños. [Mothers’ ideas about children’ development and education] International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, 1(4), 43-58. ISSN: 0214-9877 Campelo, L.F., & Nunes, C. (2008). A avaliação das práticas centradas na família através dos planos 9 individualizados de apoio à família. [The assessment of Family-Centeredness practice through the individual plans to support the family] International Journal of Development and Educational Psychology, 1(3), 55-62. ISSN: 0214-9877 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2008). Sexualidade e metodologia: Uma análise retrospectiva para uma recolha de dados eficiente. [Sexuality and methodology: a retrospective analysis for an efficient data collection] Psico (br), 39(2), 246-254. ISSN: 1980-8623 Martins, A.T., Nunes, C., Muñoz-Silva, A., & Sánchez-García M. (2008). Fontes de Informação, conhecimentos e uso do preservativo em estudantes universitários do Algarve e de Huelva. [Information sources, knowledge and condom use among college students of the Algarve and Huelva] Psico (br), 39(1), 7-13. ISSN: 1980-8623 Duarte, A., & Nunes, C. (2008). Reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências. As percepções de um grupo de profissionais hospitalares [Recognition, validation and certification of competences. The perceptions of a group of hospitalar professionals]. Revista E-Curriculum, 4(1). ISSN: 1809-3876 Nunes, C., & Ayala, A. (2007). ¿Qué piensan las madres sobre el programa de seguimiento de la salud infantil? [What do mothers think about the well-child program?] Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria, 9, 411-25. ISSN: 1139-7632 Muñoz-Silva, A., Sánchez-García, M., Nunes, C., & Martins, A. (2007). Gender differences in condom use prediction with Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behaviour: The role of self-efficacy and control. AIDS Care, 19(9), 1177 – 81. doi:10.1080/09540120701402772 (IF: 1.593) ISSN: 0954-0121 Muñoz-Silva, A., Sánchez-García, M., Nunes, C., & Martins, A. (2007). AIDS prevention in late adolescent college students from Spain and Portugal. Public Health, 121(9), 673-681. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2007.01.010 (IF: 1.267) ISSN: 0033-3506 Alho, S., & Nunes, C. (2007). O papel do director de turma na relação entre a escola e a família: construção e validação de um instrumento. [The role of the class tutor in the school-family relationship] Revista E-Curriculum, 2 (2) ecurriculum. ISSN: 1809-3876 Artigos em revistas nacionais com arbitragem científica / Papers in national periodicals with referees Pereira, A., Nunes, C., Lemos, I., & Ayala Nunes, L. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida negativos e qualidade de vida percebida pelos adolescentes [Negative life events and its influence in perceived quality of life in adolescents]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 14(2), 321-328. ISSN: 2182-8407. Nunes, C., Lemos, I., Ayala Nunes, L., & Costa, D. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida stressantes e apoio social em famílias em risco psicossocial. [Stressful life events and social support in mothers with psychosocial at-risk child]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 14(2), 313-320. ISSN: 2182-8407. Macedo, C., Nunes, C., Costa, D., Ayala Nunes, L., & Lemos, I. (2013). Apoio social, acontecimentos stressantes, adaptabilidade e coesão em famílias em risco psicossocial [Social support, stressful life events, adaptability and cohesion in families at psychosocial risk]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 14(2), 304-312. ISSN: 2182-8407. Duarte, A., Lapa, F., & Nunes, C. (2013). Unidades cuidados continuados longa duração e manutenção do Algarve: perspetivas dos profissionais. [Algarve maintenance and long-term care units: professionals’ perspectives]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 14(2), 266-271. ISSN: 2182-8407 Silva, C., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida stressantes, psicopatologia e resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizados e não-institucionalizados. [Stressful life events, psychopathology and resilience in institutionalized and non-institutionalized adolescents]. 10 Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 14(2), 348-355. ISSN: 2182-8407. Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2011). Caracterização do uso do preservativo nos jovens adultos portugueses. [Condom use among portuguese young adults]. Análise Psicológica, 24(4), 489-503. ISSN: 0870-8231 Alves-Martins, M., Mata, L., Matta, I., & Nunes, C. (1991) "Avaliação na Língua Materna e Matemática do 1º ciclo do ensino básico: critérios referidos e utilizados pelos professores e percepcionados por alunos com sucesso e insucesso escolar" [Assessment in maternal language and mathematic in primary education: Referred and used criteria by teachers and perceveid by students]. Análise Psicológica, 9(3-4), 453-466. ISSN: 0870-8231 Alves-Martins, M.; Matta, L.; Matta, I., & Nunes, C. (1992) "O conceito de avaliação". [The concept of assessment] Noesis, 23, 35-37. ISSN: 0871-6714 Publicações em actas de encontros científicos / Papers in conference proceedings Nunes, C., Grimaldi Puyana, V., Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet, S., Ayala Nunes, L., Matos Costa, D., Hidalgo García, V. (2012). Evaluación del contexto familiar y bienestar infantil. Un estudio comparativo entre familias en riesgo psicosocial de Andalucía y el Algarve. Livro de Atas do XI Congresso internacional de infância maltratada, Oviedo, 17-19 Outubro. Pérez Padilla, J., Ayala Nunes, L., Nunes, C., Hidalgo García. (2012). Estrés parental, cohesión y adaptación en familias con menores en riesgo psicosocial: un estudio comparativo entre Andalucía occidental y el Algarve. Livro de Atas do XI Congresso internacional de infância maltratada, Oviedo, 17-19 Outubro. Mendes I., Guimarães, A.S. & Nunes C. (2012). Relação entre fatores psicolinguísticos e afetivosmotivacionais na aquisição da leitura e escrita. Livro de Atas do II Seminário Internacional “Contributos da Psicologia em Contextos Educativos”. Universidade do Minho, Braga, 12-13 de Julho 2012. Mendes I., Guimarães, A.S. & Nunes C. (2012). Aquisição da leitura e escrita: a inter-relação entre fatores psicolinguísticos e fatores afetivo-motivacionais. Livro de Atas do 12º Colóquio Internacional de Psicologia e Educação, Instituto Universitário-ISPA, Lisboa, 21-23 Junho 2012. Hernando, A., Nunes, C., Cruz, C., lemos, I., & Valadas, S.T. (2012). Adaptação psicossocial e bemestar em adolescentes imigrantes. Um estudo comparativo entre Portugal e Espanha. Livro de Atas do 12º Colóquio Internacional de Psicologia e Educação, Instituto Universitário-ISPA, Lisboa, 21-23 Junho 2012. Nunes, C. (2012). Parentalidad en familias con menores en riesgo psicosocial. [Abstract]. Libro de resúmenes del V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica. Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Santander (España) 26-28 de Abril de 2012. ISBN: 978-84-695-3302-4 Pérez Padilla, J., Nunes, L., Nunes, C., & Hidalgo García, V. (2012). Estrés y competencia parental percibida en familias con menores en riesgo del Algarve y Andalucía occidental. [Abstract]. Libro de 11 resúmenes del V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica. Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Santander (España) 26-28 de Abril de 2012. ISBN: 978-84-695-3302-4 Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet, S., Nunes, C., Hidalgo García, V., Pérez Padilla, J., Nunes, L., & Jiménez García, L. (2012). Situaciones vitales estresantes y de riesgo en la trayectoria vital de madres andaluzas y portuguesas que reciben intervenciones de preservación familiar. [Abstract]. Libro de resúmenes del V Congreso Internacional y X Nacional de Psicología Clínica. Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Santander (España) 26-28 de Abril de 2012. ISBN: 978-84-695-3302-4 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2010). Social representation of sex: a contribution to the explanation of condom use inconsistency [abstract]. Sexologies, 19(1), S138. ISSN: 1158-1360 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2009). Portuguese Social Representations of Sex: a qualitative analysis. [Abstract] Psychology & Health, 24(S1), 189. (IF: 1.591 ) ISSN: 0887-0446 Nunes, C. (2008) What do paediatrician and mothers talk about in the well-child program visits? [Abstract] International Journal of Psychology, 43(3/4), 607. (IF: 1.067) ISSN: 0020-7594 Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2008) Confirmatory analysis of a social-cognitive model of sexual risk behaviour: A contribute to the explanation of condom use. ? [Abstract]. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3), 272. (IF: 1.067 ) ISSN: 0020-7594 Nunes, C., (2008) El programa del niño sano de Andalucía: un análisis crítico. [The well-child program of Andalusia: critical analysis] Proceedings of I International Conference on Child Studies Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga: Univ. Minho. ISBN: 978-972-8952-08-2 Santana, P., & Nunes, C. (2008) Estratégicas promotoras da continuidade e articulação educativa entre o pré-escolar e o 1º ciclo. [Strategies that promotes the continuity and coordination between the preschool and School] Proceedings of I International Conference on Child Studies - Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga: Univ. Minho. ISBN: 978-972-8952-08-2 Silva, P., & Nunes, C. (2008) A Qualidade em Creche no Concelho de Albufeira. [The Quality in nursery school in County of Albufeira.] Proceedings of I International Conference on Child Studies Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga: Univ. Minho. ISBN: 978-972-8952-08-2 Gomes, A., Nunes, C., Martins, A.T., & Santos, J. (2008) Comportamentos sexuais de risco: uma análise comparativa da auto-eficácia e da atitude face ao preservativo, entre sexos. [Sexual risk behavior: a comparative analysis of self-efficacy and attitude to condoms among sex] Proceedings of VII National Congresso Health Psychology. Lisboa: ISPA. ISBN: 978-972-8400-82-8 Outras publicações / Other publications Nunes, C. (2006) Educação para a cidadania: reflexões de uma psicóloga educacional. [Education for citizenship: reflections of an educational psychologist] Escola Moderna, 24, 48-51. Nunes, C. (1990) "A pedagogia Freinet e a educação moral e cívica na cooperação educativa" [The Freinet pedagogy and moral and civic education in cooperative learning]. Escola Moderna, 2(1), 1520. 10. Comunicações / Communications Comunicações orais por convite / Oral communications by invitation Nunes, C., Lemos, I., Ayala-Nunes, L. (2013) Competencias sociales y calidad de vida percibida en adolescentes inmigrantes. [Social skills and perceived quality of life in immigrant adolescents]. I 12 International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, Santander, Spain. Nunes, C., Lemos, I., Ayala Nunes, L., & Costa, D. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida stressantes e apoio social em famílias em risco psicossocial. [Stressful life events and social support in mothers with psychosocial at-risk child]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Nunes, C., Ayala Nunes, L., & Lemos, I. (2013). Parenting stress and perceived social support in Portuguese at-risk families. 34th STAR Conference, Faro, Portugal. Nunes, C. (2011). Crises e formação de psicólogos: como se forma e deforma. [Crisis and training of psychologists]. V European Conference of Ethics and Psychology. ISPA, Lisbon. Nunes, C. (2009). "Intervenção e investigação sobre comportamentos sexuais de risco com adolescentes e jovens" [Intervention and research on sexual risk behaviors among adolescents and young people]. Coordinator of the symposium in the 1st Luso-Brazilian Congress of Health Psychology. UAlg, ABPS e SPPS, Faro. Gomes A., & Nunes C. (2009). “Representações sociais sobre o sexo, sexo de risco e sexo seguro: um estudo exploratório.” [Social representations of sex, risky sex and safe sex: an exploratory study], oral communication on the Symposium “Intervention and research on sexual risk behaviors among adolescents and young people”. 1st Luso-Brazilian Congress of Health Psychology. UAlg, ABPS e SPPS, Faro. Muñoz-Silva A., Sánchez-García M., Nunes C., & Martins, A.T. (2009). “Sexualidad y prevención frente al HIV en jóvenes: un estudio comparativo entre las universidades del Algarve y Huelva.” [Sexuality and prevention against HIV in young people: a comparative study between universities in the Algarve and Huelva], oral communication on the Symposium “Intervention and research on sexual risk behaviors among adolescents and young people”. 1st Luso-Brazilian Congress of Health Psychology. UAlg, ABPS e SPPS, Faro. Martins, A., Nunes, C., Muñoz-Silva, A., & Sánchez García M. (2006). Information sources concerned AIDS and contraception methods used by the Spanish and Portuguese high students. Symposium “Let’s talk about AIDS”, 10th Conference da EARA, Antalya (Turquia). Nunes, C. (2005). “Ideias dos pediatras sobre desenvolvimento e educação infantil”. [Pediatricians’ ideas about child development and education] 4º Encontro de Psicologia no Algarve. Departamento de Psicologia da UALG, Faro. Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2005). “Crianças difíceis: o que podem fazer pais e técnicos”. [Difficult children. What parents and professionals can do?] Congresso de Oeiras “A infância e o Futuro”. Câmara Municipal de Oeiras. Nunes, C. (2002). “As ideias dos pais sobre desenvolvimento e educação infantil”. [Parents’ ideas about child development and education] Encontro “Maternidade e Paternidade Hoje”. Fundação Portuguesa da Juventude, Tavira. Nunes, C. (1994). "A Psicologia Educacional na Educação para a Saúde". [The Educational Psychology in Education for Health ] VIII Colóquio de Psicologia e Educação. Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Lisboa. Outras comunicações orais / Other oral communications Mendonça, S., Almeida, A., Nunes, C., & Giger, J-C. (2013). Attachment representation of adapted children. 4th International Conference on Adoption Research, Bilbao, Spain. Mendonça, S., Almeida, A., Silva, L., Giger, J-C., & Nunes, C. (2013). Relationships between adoptive parents’ characteristics and adopted children’s adjustment to adoption and behavior problems. 4th International Conference on Adoption Research, Bilbao, Spain. 13 Ayala Nunes, L., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2013). Parenting stress and sense of competence in families at psychosocial risk. Comunicação oral, 34th STAR Conference, Faro, Portugal. Duarte, A., Lapa, F., & Nunes, C. (2013). Unidades cuidados continuados longa duração e manutenção do Algarve: perspetivas dos profissionais. [Algarve maintenance and long-term care units: Professionals perspectives ]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2013). Comparação entre a representação social do sexo de indivíduos com e sem experiência sexual. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Pechorro, P., Nunes, C., & Jesus, S. (2013). Perturbação do comportamento e traços psicopáticos em adolescentes institucionalizados. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Guimarães, A.S., Nunes, C., & Lemos, I. (2012). Práticas parentais e qualidade de vida percebida em adolescentes imigrantes. [Parenting practices and perceived quality of life in immigrant adolescents]. 12th International Conference of Psychology and Education, University Institute-ISPA, Lisbon, June 2012. Lemos, I., Guimarães, A.S., &Nunes, C. (2012). Competências sociais e rendimento académico em adolescentes imigrantes de primeira e segunda geração [Social skills and academic performance in adolescents immigrants of first and second generation]. 12th International Conference of Psychology and Education, University Institute-ISPA, Lisbon, June 2012. Hernando, A., Nunes, C., Cruz, C., lemos, I., & Valadas, S.T. (2012). Ajuste psicosocial y bien-estar en adolescentes inmigrantes. Un estudio comparativo entre Portugal e España [Psychosocial adjustment and wellbeing in immigrant adolescents]. 12th International Conference of Psychology and Education, University Institute-ISPA, Lisbon, June 2012. Pérez Padilla, J., Nunes, L., Nunes, C., & Hidalgo García, V. (2012). Estrés y competencia parental percibida en familias con menores en riesgo del Algarve y Andalucía occidental [Stress and perceived parental sense of competence in families at psychosocial risk from Algarve and Andalusia]. V International & X National Congress of Clinic Psychology. Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Santander (Spain), April 2012. Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet, S., Nunes, C., Hidalgo García, V., Pérez Padilla, J., Nunes, L., & Jiménez García, L. (2012). Situaciones vitales estresantes y de riesgo en la trayectoria vital de madres andaluzas y portuguesas que reciben intervenciones de preservación familiar [Stressful life events and risk in the trajectory of Andalusian and Portuguese mothers receiving family preservation interventions]. V International & X National Congress of Clinic Psychology. Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Santander (Spain), April 2012. Nunes, C., Nikitin, N., Lemos, I., Guimaraes, S., Bilous, S. (2011) Quality of life of immigrant and native adolescents: a comparative study. 3rd International Conference of Young Scientists “Humanities & Social Sciences 2011”. 24-26 Nov, Lviv (Ukraine). Nunes, C. (2011). Características das famílias em risco psicossocial e impacto dos programas de formação parental. [Characteristics of families at psychosocial risk and impact of parental education programs.]Coordinator of the Symposium, I International Congress of Development Psychology, ISPA, Lisboa. Almeida, A.S., Giger, J-C, Mendonça, S., Nunes, C., & Fuertes, M. (2011) Crenças sociais acerca da tríade adoptiva. [Social beliefs about the adoptive triad] II International Congress of Adoption, Lisbon. Nunes, C., Lemos, I., Costa, D., Nunes L. & Almeida, A.S. (2011). Social support and stressful life events in portuguese multi-problem families. XVIII International Congress “Challenges and current issues of Psychology”, INFAD, Rome. 14 Lemos, I., Nunes, C., & Guimarães, A.S. (2011). Stressfull life events and perceived well-being in immigrant adolescents from Portugal. XVIII International Congress “Challenges and current issues of Psychology”, INFAD, Rome. Guimarães, A.S., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2011). Social skills and academic achievement of adolescent immigrants in school settings. XVIII International Congress “Challenges and current issues of Psychology”, INFAD, Rome. Nunes C., Lemos I., Costa D., Nunes L., & Almeida A.S. (2011). Perfil psicossocial das famílias em risco no Algarve. [Psychosocial profile of families at risk in the Algarve]. I International Congress of Development Psychology, Lisbon. Nunes, C. (2008). What do pediatricians and mothers talk about in the well-child program visits? XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlim. Campelo, L., & Nunes, C. (2008). “A avaliação das práticas centradas na família através dos Planos Individualizados de Apoio à Família”. XV Congresso Internacional Infância e Adolescência. Évora. Nunes, C. (2008). “Ideas de las madres sobre el desarrollo y educación de los niños”. XV Congresso Internacional Infância e Adolescência. Évora. Nunes, C. (2008) El programa del niño sano de Andalucía: un análisis crítico. [The Well-child program of Andalusia: critical analysis.] I International Conference on Child Studies - Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga. Santana, P., & Nunes, C. (2008). Estratégias promotoras da continuidade e articulação educativa entre o pré-escolar e o 1º ciclo. [Strategies that promotes the continuity and coordination between the preschool and School] I International Conference on Child Studies - Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga. Silva, P., & Nunes, C. (2008). A Qualidade em Creche no Concelho de Albufeira. [The Quality in nursery school in County of Albufeira.] I International Conference on Child Studies - Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds. Braga. Nunes, C., & Azevedo, S. (2006). Vinculação e Auto-conceito numa amostra de raparigas institucionalizadas. [Attachment and self-concept on a sample of institutionalized girls ] VI Symposium on Research in Psychology, Évora. Nunes, C., & Santos, A. (2006). Hábitos e atitudes das crianças face ao tabaco. [Children’ habits and attitudes of children about the tobacco ] VI Symposium on Research in Psychology, Évora. Martins, A., Nunes, C., Muñoz-Silva, A., & Sánchez-García, M. (2006). “Fontes de informação, conhecimentos e uso do preservativo em estudantes universitários do Algarve e de Huelva”. [Sources of information, knowledge and use of condoms by college students of the Algarve and Huelva] VI National Congress of Health psychology, Faro. Muñoz Silva, A., Sánchez García, M., Nunes, C., & Martins, A. (2006). “Factores associados a comportamentos de prevenção do VIH em jovens universitários: um estudo comparativo entre a Andaluzia e o Algarve”. [Factors associated with HIV prevention behavior in young college students: a comparative study between Andalusia and the Algarve] VI National Congress of Health psychology, Faro. Hidalgo, M.V., Nunes, C., Menéndez, S., & López, I. (2005). “Un programa de atención sanitaria durante la primera infancia como fuente de apoyo para las madres”. [The well-child program as a source of support for the mothers.] IV Conference on Human Development and Education. Foundation and Childhood Learning, Alcala de Henares. Nunes, C. (2002). “Ideias e práticas dos pediatras sobre desenvolvimento e educação”. [Pediatricians’ ideas and practices about child development and education] IV National Congress of Health psychology, Lisboa. 15 Comunicações em painel / Posters in conferences Duarte, A., Lapa, F., & Nunes, C. (2013). Unidade cuidados continuados média duração e reabilitação do Algarve: perspetivas dos utentes. [Continuing care unit and average duration of rehabilitation in Algarve: Patients’ perspectives ]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Bonifácio, D., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida stressantes, rede de apoio social e coesão familiar em mães de crianças utentes da consulta de psicologia clínica. [Stressful life events, social support network and family cohesion in mothers users of clinical psychology consultations]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Pereira, A., Nunes, C., Lemos, I., & Ayala Nunes, L. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida negativos e qualidade de vida percebida pelos adolescentes. [Negative life events and its influence in perceived quality of life in adolescents]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Macedo, C., Nunes, C., Costa, D., Ayala Nunes, L., & Lemos, I. (2013). Apoio social, acontecimentos stressantes, adaptabilidade e coesão em famílias em risco psicossocial. [Social support, stressful life events, adaptability and cohesion in families at psychosocial risk ]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Silva, C., Lemos, I., & Nunes, C. (2013). Acontecimentos de vida stressantes, psicopatologia e resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizados e não-institucionalizados. [Stressful life events, psychopathology and resilience in institutionalized and non-institutionalized adolescents]. CII IberoAmerican Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Mendes, M., Ayala Nunes, L., Nunes, C., & Lemos, I. (2013). Satisfação marital e competências parentais percebidas nas famílias com menores em risco psicossocial.[Marital satisfaction and perceived parenting competences in at-risk families]. II Ibero-American Congress of Health Psychology, Faro, Portugal. Bacoco, A.R., Nunes, C., Lorence, B., Ayala Nunes, L., Lemos, I. (2013). Perceived parenting practices and adolescents alcohol use. Ist World Congress of Children and Youth Health Behaviors /4thNational Congress on Health Education. Viseu Portugal. Nunes, C., Grimaldi Puyana, V., Menendez Álvarez-Dardet, S., Ayala Nunes, L., Matos Costa, D., Hidalgo García, V. (2012). Evaluación del contexto familiar y bienestar infantil. Un estudio comparativo entre familias en riesgo psicosocial de Andalucía y el Algarve [Evaluation of family context and child wellbeing. A comparative study of at-psychosocial risk families of Andalusia and Algarve]. XI International Congress on Child Abuse, Oviedo (Spain), 17-19 Oct. Pérez Padilla, J., Ayala Nunes, L., Nunes, C., Hidalgo Garcia. (2012). Estrés parental, cohesión y adaptación en familias con menores en riesgo psicosocial: un estudio comparativo entre Andalucía occidental y el Algarve. [Parental stress, cohesion and adaptation in families with children atpsychosocial risk: a comparative study between western Andalusia and Algarve]. XI International Congress on Child Abuse, Oviedo, Spain. Mendes I., Guimarães, A.S. & Nunes C. (2012). Relação entre fatores psicolinguísticos e afetivos- motivacionais na aquisição da leitura e escrita.[Relationship between psycholinguistic factors and affective-motivational to reading and writing.] II International Seminar on "Contributions of Psychology in Educational Contexts." University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Mendes I., Guimarães, A.S. & Nunes C. (2012). Aquisição da leitura e escrita: a inter-relação entre fatores psicolinguísticos e fatores afetivo-motivacionais [Acquisition of reading and writing: the interrelationship between psycholinguistic factors and affective-motivational factors]. 12º International Conference of Psychology and Education, Instituto Universitário-ISPA, Lisbon, 16 Portugal. Almeida, A.S., Giger, J.C., Mendonça, S., Nunes, C., & Fuertes, M. (2011). Escala de Crenças Sociais acerca da Adopção: resultados preliminares. [Adoption Social Beliefs Scale: preliminary results]. XV International Conference on Assessment: Forms and Contexts. VIII Latin American Congress of Psychological Assessment, Lisbon. Barradas, J., & Nunes, C. (2011). Conhecimentos dos enfermeiros em relação ao processo de doação de órgãos. [Knowledge of nurses regarding the process of organ donation]. 1st Conference of Coordinator's office of Transplant. Sâo José Hospital, CHLC, EPE, Lisbon. Medeiros R., & Nunes, C. (2011). Ideias e práticas parentais de mães de crianças diagnosticadas com PHDA. [Ideas and parenting practices of mothers of children diagnosed with ADHD.] I International Congress of Developmental Psychology, ISPA, Lisbon. Gomes, A. & Nunes, C. (2011.) O perfil dos estudantes universitários na decisão de terem relações sexuais. [The profile of university students in the decision to have sex.] XVIII International Congress of INFAD "Challenges and perspectives of psychology," Rome. Gomes, A. & Nunes, C. (2010). Social representation of sex: a contribution to the explanation of condom use inconsistency, 10th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology, Porto. Gomes, A. & Nunes, C. (2009). Portuguese social representation of sex: a qualitative analysis of media. European Health Psycholoy Society Conference, Pisa. Gomes, A., & Nunes, C. (2008). Confirmatory analysis of a social-cognitive model of sexual risk behaviour: a contribute to the explanation of condom use. XXIX Congress International Congress of Psychology, Berlin. Nunes, C., Muñoz-Silva, A., Sánchez-García, M., & Martins, A. (2007). Main Variables Affecting Aids Prevention Among Spanish And Portuguese Youth. X European Congress of Psychology, Prague. Nunes, C., Muñoz-Silva, A., Martins, A., & Sánchez-García, M. (2007). Gender Differences In Preventive Methods Against Hiv Among Spanish And Portuguese Youth. The Role Of The Steady Partner. X European Congress of Psychology, Prague. Nunes, C. (2007). Communication Techniques Used By Pediatricians In The Well-Child Program Visits. X European Congress of Psychology, Praga. Nunes, C. (2007) ¿Qué piensan las madres sobre el programa de seguimiento de la salud infantil? XI Congresso Internacional de Educação Familiar. Coimbra. Nunes, C., Martins, A., Muñoz-Silva, A., & Sánchez García, M. (2006). Sexual risk behavior in Spanish and Portuguese late adolescence college students. 10Th Conference da EARA, Antalya (Turkey). Muñoz-Silva, A., Sánchez García, M., Martins, A., & Nunes, C. (2006) The Theory of Planned Behaviour as predictor of health behaviour in late adolescence: a gender study. 10Th Conference da EARA, Antalya (Turkey). Muñoz-Silva, A., Sánchez García M., Nunes, C., & Martins, A. (2006). Psychosocial variables related to healthy sexual behaviour in late adolescents college students from Spain and Portugal. 10Th Conference da EARA, Antalya (Turkey). Nunes, C. (2005). What pediatricians think about anticipatory guidance in the well-child program? 9th European Congress of Psychology, European Federation of Psychologists’ Association e o Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos, Granada. 17