Pedro Guerreiro
Professor at Universidade do Algarve
Short Curriculum Vitae
March 2013
Biographical data
Full Name: Pedro João Valente Dias Guerreiro.
Born 2 February 1953, Lisbon, Portugal.
Portuguese citizen.
Married, two daughters, one grandson.
Present affiliation
Universidade do Algarve,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics.
Former affiliation (1977-2007)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Department of Informatics.
Academic details
Licenciatura, Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Docteur de Troisème Cycle, Informatique, University of Grenoble, France.
PhD, Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Agregação, Computer Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Relevant publications
A Framework for Adopting LMS to Introduce e-Learning in a Traditional
Course (with K. Georgouli and I. Skalkidis). Journal of Educational
Technology & Society, 11 (2), 227-240, 2008.
Combating anonymousness in populous CS1 and CS2 courses, (with K.
Georgouli) ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, 3 (September 2006), pp 8-12.
Simple Support for Design by Contract in C++, TOOLS USA 2001.
Implementations of Nondeterministic Programs, Sixth International
Symposium on Programming, Toulouse 1984.
Author of three textbooks on programming, in Portuguese, for university
students: Programação com Classes em C++ (2000, 2003); Elementos de
Programação com C (1992, 2002, 2005); Pascal – Técnicas de
Programação (1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 2002).
Professional details
Professor Catedrático (Full Professor), Universidade do Algarve.
Formerly: assistant (1977-1983), assistant professor (1983-1988), associate
professor (1988-2007), Faculty of Science and Technology Universidade
Nova de Lisboa.
President of the Scientific Council, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universidade do Algarve (current, elected).
Head of department, Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics
Faculty of Science and Technology Universidade do Algarve.
Member of the General Council of Universidade do Algarve (2009-2013,
Interim president of the General Council of Universidade do Algarve (2009,
Member of the Council for Admission and Qualification of the Portuguese
Engineering Society (2007-2010, elected).
Regional coordinator for the college of informatics engineering, Portuguese
Engineering Society (2001-2007, elected).
Deputy Director, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa (1989-1992).
President of the Jury, European Union Contest for Young Scientists (1998,
Member of the Center of Informatics and Information Technology, hosted at
the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Teaching interests
Programming languages,
Software engineering,
Algorithms and data structures.
Research interests
Programming Methodology,
Design by Contract,
Functional Programming,
Blended Learning,
Competitive Programming.