Tyrants Destroyed, And Other Stories By Vladimir Nabokov — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
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Os contos de "Perfeição" foram escritos nos primeiros anos de exílio de Vladimir Nabokov. Depois da traumática
saída da Rússsia pós-1917, ele morou na França e Alemanha antes de se mudar para os Estados Unidos e tornar-se
um dos maiores artífices-estilistas da língua inglesa.
A maioria foi produzida na década de 20. É provável que Nabokov tenha inspirado de alguma forma gente como
Jean-Paul Sartre e Hermann Hesse. Há contos sobre professores pobres e nerds com medo do mar, garçons
cocainômanos e
Os contos de "Perfeição" foram escritos nos primeiros anos de exílio de Vladimir Nabokov. Depois da traumática
saída da Rússsia pós-1917, ele morou na França e Alemanha antes de se mudar para os Estados Unidos e tornar-se
um dos maiores artífices-estilistas da língua inglesa.
A maioria foi produzida na década de 20. É provável que Nabokov tenha inspirado de alguma forma gente como
Jean-Paul Sartre e Hermann Hesse. Há contos sobre professores pobres e nerds com medo do mar, garçons
cocainômanos e ideólogos vingativos.
Nabokov é prosa de luxo, linguagem clássica que contrasta com a atual intelligentsia literária brasileira,
permanentemente calcada no modernismo de 1922 que ainda impregna boa parte de nossos autores
contemporâneos e aproxima perigosamente a palavra escrita do coloquialismo. Que haja mais Nabokov na cesta
básica dos cursos de Comunicação e Letras.
Some of his stories are stunningly mediocre, which I found oddly comforting.
My favorite was probably the one where a fellow has a deal with the devil and fails - the plot is so pat, but the
execution is lovely. I guess that's the thing with Nabokov. He's strongest in his descriptions and characterizations,
not his plots.
The little forwards to each story make him out as rather a jerk.
It's been a while since I read Nabokov and I'd forgotten how stupendously brilliant he can be. This collection of
short stories ranges from breathtakingly written dissections of humanity to others which are mere trifles. Because
Tyrants Destroyed, And Other Stories By Vladimir Nabokov — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
of the range, I'm giving 4 rather than 5 stars; but I feel a bit mean about it because when Nabokov is on fire the
whole world should be on fire and when it's a trifle it's still a delicious trifle.
My favourites here are "Tyrants Destroyed", a man's diatribe against a co
It's been a while since I read Nabokov and I'd forgotten how stupendously brilliant he can be. This collection of
short stories ranges from breathtakingly written dissections of humanity to others which are mere trifles. Because
of the range, I'm giving 4 rather than 5 stars; but I feel a bit mean about it because when Nabokov is on fire the
whole world should be on fire and when it's a trifle it's still a delicious trifle.
My favourites here are "Tyrants Destroyed", a man's diatribe against a country's tyrannical leader; "Terror", which
perfectly encapsulates the sudden - devastating - feeling of mortality; "A Matter of Chance", where one man's
opportunity of happiness is whisked away by the misalignment of the characters, and "Perfection" where a tutor
accompanying a student to a beach resort falls prey to imagination and speculation which tussles with reality.
I should have made notes to quote from the book, because some of the prose and wordplay is so precise, intelligent,
and inspiring that it's quite - and I use this word sparingly - orgasmic. But I didn't, so you have to read it for
It is redundant to extol the virtues of Nabokov as a storyteller, but perhaps unavoidable. I haven't read any Nabokov
in a while, and while reading the title story a grin broke over my face as I remembered and savored how excellently
and consistently Nabokov creates a unique and believable voice for each of his narrators.
"A Nursery Tale", the second story in the collection, was an amusing configuration of some familiar characters and
certainly deserves repeated close readings.
Not bad for a book of short stories. Loved the devil fairytale but found the famous Vane Sisters a bit dull. I'd give it
an extra .5 for including stuffed skunks.
read to page 99
Russian: ???????? ???????????? ???????
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, also known by the pen name Vladimir Sirin, was a Russian-American novelist.
Nabokov wrote his first nine novels in Russian, then rose to international prominence as a master English prose
stylist. He also made significant contributions to lepidoptery and had an interest in chess problems.
Nabokov's Lolita (1955) is frequently cit
Russian: ???????? ???????????? ???????
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, also known by the pen name Vladimir Sirin, was a Russian-American novelist.
Nabokov wrote his first nine novels in Russian, then rose to international prominence as a master English prose
stylist. He also made significant contributions to lepidoptery and had an interest in chess problems.
Nabokov's Lolita (1955) is frequently cited as his most important novel, and is at any rate his most widely known
one, exhibiting the love of intricate wordplay and descriptive detail that characterized all his works.
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tyrants destroyed, and other stories by vladimir nabokov — reviews