El Cuervo Y Otros Poemas By Edgar Allan Poe — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
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Obras más detacadas del autor.
A Edgar Allan Poe sólo le pagaron 9 dólares por publicar su poema en el Evening Mirror, pero de pronto se dio
cuenta que había tocado el cielo con la manos. Lo invitaban a distintas reuniones de la alta sociedad a recitar de un
tirón su famoso, lúgubre, melancólico y fatalista poema. Una obra de arte en la que la aliteración nos lleva, nos
mece y nos hechiza. Esta edición es interesante en dos aspectos: es bilingüe y El Cuervo está ilustrado por el más
grande ilustrador del siglo XIX, que fue Gu
A Edgar Allan Poe sólo le pagaron 9 dólares por publicar su poema en el Evening Mirror, pero de pronto se dio
cuenta que había tocado el cielo con la manos. Lo invitaban a distintas reuniones de la alta sociedad a recitar de un
tirón su famoso, lúgubre, melancólico y fatalista poema. Una obra de arte en la que la aliteración nos lleva, nos
mece y nos hechiza. Esta edición es interesante en dos aspectos: es bilingüe y El Cuervo está ilustrado por el más
grande ilustrador del siglo XIX, que fue Gustave Doré, quien también hizo maravillosas ilustraciones de La Biblia,
La Divina Comedia, El Paraíso Perdido, La Balada del Viejo Marinero y muchas obras más. Otros poemas
incluidos en este libro son en también dignos de disfrutar, como Annabel Lee, Ulalume, Eldorado, Las Campanas,
A mi Madre y Solo. En tan solo 160 páginas, lo mejor del poemario de Poe, quien nos muestra unos de sus
costados menos conocidos: el sensible.
Anything Edgar Allan Poe will always get 5 stars from me. Every since I first read his work I loved it. In his poems
I especially like the fact that you can trace his life through them. He also is a magnificent story teller through
poems. P.S. this particular book has really cool illustrations/paintings.
As I read The Raven and Other Poems I failed to understand what Poe was thinking about when he wrote these
poems. Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most famous poets, though I do not know why. If you enjoy a good
mystery or poem this book is for you. While reading I could seem to find only one poem that I enjoyed. The poem
Annabel Lee was my favorite. The other poems were a little bit overrated for me and creeped me out. The book
was a collection of about nine of Edgar Allen Poe's famous poems. Th
El Cuervo Y Otros Poemas By Edgar Allan Poe — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
As I read The Raven and Other Poems I failed to understand what Poe was thinking about when he wrote these
poems. Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most famous poets, though I do not know why. If you enjoy a good
mystery or poem this book is for you. While reading I could seem to find only one poem that I enjoyed. The poem
Annabel Lee was my favorite. The other poems were a little bit overrated for me and creeped me out. The book
was a collection of about nine of Edgar Allen Poe's famous poems. The Raven, Annabel Lee and Eldorado poems
were all good, but just very hard for me to understand. I would recommend this book to more higher level readers
to have a better understanding of the poems.
Este pequeño libro contiene varios buenos poemas de Poe y trae un ensayo explicativo de cómo el autor escribió y
compuso el poema EL Cuervo. Este ensayo es un excelente trabajo de cómo hacer poesía. El cuervo es de los
mejores poemas que he leído. y todos los poemas de Poe siempre me llegan. Son oscuros, tristes, malévolos.
Pequeño libro totalmente recomendado.
Though I love the Raven, the other poems and the play piece felt very experimental/convoluted. While evocative, I
thought they did not live up to his other works.
O Corvo e Outros Poemas pela edição Calçada das Letras de Edgar Allan Poe, apresenta-nos os poemas 'O Corvo',
'Annabel Lee' e 'Ulalume'. Após a leitura destes magníficos poemas, somos ainda presenteados com o texto 'A
Filosofia da Composição' por parte Poe em que este explica a construção do poema 'O Corvo'.
Cada poema vem tanto em inglês como em português, sendo esta última versão traduzida por Fernando Pessoa.
Tenho de confessar que prefiro muito mais os poemas em inglês do que em português. Em
O Corvo e Outros Poemas pela edição Calçada das Letras de Edgar Allan Poe, apresenta-nos os poemas 'O Corvo',
'Annabel Lee' e 'Ulalume'. Após a leitura destes magníficos poemas, somos ainda presenteados com o texto 'A
Filosofia da Composição' por parte Poe em que este explica a construção do poema 'O Corvo'.
Cada poema vem tanto em inglês como em português, sendo esta última versão traduzida por Fernando Pessoa.
Tenho de confessar que prefiro muito mais os poemas em inglês do que em português. Em parte, talvez porque
embora tenha completa admiração por Pessoa, enquanto poeta português, não gosto da sua tradução ao poema O
Corvo. Já a versão traduzida por Machado de Assis, que não vem nesta edição, mas que podem encontrar aqui,
parece-me mais adequada.
Quando ao texto 'A Filosofia da Composição', penso que poderia ficar horas a dissertar sobre o mesmo. Assertivo e
pragmático, Poe começa por explicar a intenção por trás da elaboração do poema 'O Corvo'. Saliento aqui algumas
das suas afirmações:
"(...)Tendo, portanto, escolhido um assunto de romance e a seguir um vigoroso efeito para produzir, procuro se será
melhor salientá-lo pelos incidentes se pelo tom, ou por incidentes vulgares e um tom especial, ou por incidentes
singulares e um tom ordinário, ou por uma singularidade igual de tom e de incidentes; e, depois, procuro em meu
redor, ou antes, em mim próprio, as combinações de eventos ou de tons que possam ser os mais adequados para
criar o efeito em questão."
Penso que este texto é fértil em pontos sensíveis quando se decide escrever uma obra. Mais, o autor consegue
transmitir igualmente o efeito que um poema deve ter no leitor, ora vejamos:
"(...)E desde já digo: Não. Aquilo que chamamos um poema comprido não passa, na realidade, duma sucessão de
poemas curtos, isto é, de efeitos poéticos breves. Inútil se torna dizer que um poema só é um poema enquanto eleva
a alma e lhe proporciona uma excitação intensa; e, por uma necessidade psíquica, todas as excitações intensas são
de curta duração."
Ler estes poemas e este artigo de Poe deu-me uma vontade imensa de fazer outras quantas publicações sobre pontos
El Cuervo Y Otros Poemas By Edgar Allan Poe — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
específicos que o autor aponta no seu texto. Talvez o venha a fazer. Leiam, vale a pena.
Post original:
There are many sides of Poe
...and The Raven is probably Poe at his best! I find this poem one of my favorites of all his works, though besides
The Raven, I'm not as fond of his poetry as I am his Science Fiction short stories.
There are many sides of Poe
...and The Raven is probably Poe at his best! I find this poem one of my favorites of all his works, though besides
The Raven, I'm not as fond of his poetry as I am his Science Fiction short stories.
Albeit, I am biased as this book contains the works of Edgar Allen Poe who I adore, but this truly is a beautiful
book in the original sense of the word.
The poems rarely contain small numbered annotations which tell the reader of the translation of certain phrases, or
interesting anecdotes.
They are all also accompanied by a drawing that refers somehow back to the work, provided by the talented
Gustave Doré.
Me parecieron excelentes "La ciudad en el Mar" y "EL cuervo"
Con esto concluyo que no sirvo para leer poemas porque no los entiendo xd aunque hice todo el esfuerzo para que
así fuera. Confieso que lo leí solo porque estaba el Cuervo y ese lo quería leer hace tiempo; me gustó mucho
porque no son solo versos, sino que te narra una historia lo que le da mucho más textura (para mi). Otros poemas
que me gustaron fueron "A mi Madre", "Soneto a la Ciencia", Annabel Lee" y "El Coliseo"
Poe is obviously well known for his prose (like The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale heart, and The Fall of the
House of Usher), but this book is evidence that he was equally, if not more, skilled at poetry.
In short, these poems are fantastic and, as always, Gustav Dore was a brilliant artist.
Depresivos hasta más no poder,pero, es hermoso todo lo que Poe escribió. Si te dejas llevar por lo que lees por
primera vez puedes pensar que el hombre se cortaba las venas mientras escribía, pero si te vas mas a lo profundo
puedes entenderle y encontrarle todo lo lindo a los poemas y eso.
Creo que esto lo leí dentro del tomote de "Obras completas" que tengo, pero tendría que corroborar bien el
contenido. Y si en algún momento me lo puedo releer, mejor todavía.
Visually appealing, nicely bound, and a good collection of poems. Poe's writing may be in the public domain and
thus available anywhere, but this is a nice edition.
Havran - troufám si ?íct, že tohle je jedna z nejlepší básní, co jsem když ?etla. Ta atmosféra, kterou dokázal Poe
vykreslit je neopakovatelná.
No conocía la faceta poeta de Edgar Allan Poe, y me ha impresionado, aunque exceptuando a El cuervo no han
El Cuervo Y Otros Poemas By Edgar Allan Poe — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
superado para mí a sus relatos
Poe je jednozna?ne jeden z mojich ob?úbených spisovate?ov, na ktorého nedám nikdy dopusti?. Ten ?lovek bol
jednoducho geniálny.
Edgar Allan Poe je moje srdcovka v každé podob?. tyhle básni?ky jsem ?etla asi už po desáté a ješt? m? neomrzely.
Once again Dore's illustrations are fantastic
The name Poe brings to mind images of murderers and madmen, premature burials, and mysterious women who
return from the dead. His works have been in print since 1827 and include such literary classics as “The Tell-Tale
Heart,” “The Raven,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.” This versatile writer’s oeuvre includes short stories,
poetry, a novel, a textbook, a book of scientific theory, and hundr
The name Poe brings to mind images of murderers and madmen, premature burials, and mysterious women who
return from the dead. His works have been in print since 1827 and include such literary classics as “The Tell-Tale
Heart,” “The Raven,” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.” This versatile writer’s oeuvre includes short stories,
poetry, a novel, a textbook, a book of scientific theory, and hundreds of essays and book reviews. He is widely
acknowledged as the inventor of the modern detective story and an innovator in the science fiction genre, but he
made his living as America’s first great literary critic and theoretician. Poe’s reputation today rests primarily on his
tales of terror as well as on his haunting lyric poetry.
Just as the bizarre characters in Poe’s stories have captured the public imagination so too has Poe himself. He is
seen as a morbid, mysterious figure lurking in the shadows of moonlit cemeteries or crumbling castles. This is the
Poe of legend. But much of what we know about Poe is wrong, the product of a biography written by one of his
enemies in an attempt to defame the author’s name.
The real Poe was born to traveling actors in Boston on January 19, 1809. Edgar was the second of three children.
His other brother William Henry Leonard Poe would also become a poet before his early death, and Poe’s sister
Rosalie Poe would grow up to teach penmanship at a Richmond girls’ school. Within three years of Poe’s birth
both of his parents had died, and he was taken in by the wealthy tobacco merchant John Allan and his wife Frances
Valentine Allan in Richmond, Virginia while Poe’s siblings went to live with other families. Mr. Allan would rear
Poe to be a businessman and a Virginia gentleman, but Poe had dreams of being a writer in emulation of his
childhood hero the British poet Lord Byron. Early poetic verses found written in a young Poe’s handwriting on the
backs of Allan’s ledger sheets reveal how little interest Poe had in the tobacco business.
For more information, please see
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el cuervo y otros poemas by edgar allan poe — reviews, discussion