( x ) I Unidade
( ) II Unidade
) III Unidade
Ensino Médio
Curso: ___________________________
Ano Letivo: ______
Turma: __________________________
04 2010
Data: ____/____/_______
Língua Inglesa
Prof. ª Eliane Serra
Vocabulary (referente às questões 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29)
King of Pop: Rei do pop;
of all time: de todos os tempos;
unique: única, ímpar, rara;
highly: altamente;
to publicize: dar publicidade a;
a prominent figure: uma figura proeminente;
career: carreira;
to remain: permanecer, persistir;
widely: amplamente;
to credit: crer, acreditar, confiar;
tool: ferramenta;
songs: canções;
strong: forte;
to induct: introduzir, iniciar;
sales: vendas;
also: também;
to donate: doar, dar;
to raise: levantar, promover;
through: através de;
to support: sustentar, apoiar, ajudar;
charities: caridades;
to generate: gerar, produzir;
appearance: aparência;
the shape of his nose: a forma de seu nariz;
although: apesar de, embora;
to try: tentar;
to acquit: absolver, inocentar;
surrogate mother: barriga, mãe de aluguel.
30) Comentário
For, present perfect continuous, expressa uma ação que começou no passado e continua no presente. É usado no
lugar do present perfect para enfatizar a ideia de continuidade.
Formation: have / has been + verbo principal no gerúndio (ing).
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Attention: woman (mulher) — women (mulheres).
31) Comentário
I slept for two hours after I had finished my work.
simple past
past perfect
(Eu dormi por duas horas depois de eu ter terminado meu trabalho.)
Uso do past perfect tense, que expressa uma ação que ocorreu antes de uma outra, no passado.
Ação que aconteceu 1.º — past perfect tense.
Ação que aconteceu depois — simple past.
Formation: had + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Simple Past
Past Participle
to sleep (dormir)
to finish (terminar)
32) Comentário
1. I’ve been working on this report since yesterday — uso do present perfect continuous enfatizando a
continuidade de uma ação iniciada no passado e que se prolonga até o presente momento.
Formation: have / has been + verbo principal no gerúndio (ing)
• And I haven’t finished it yet — uso do presente perfect tense (negative form).
Yet = ainda. Uso em frases negativas e interrogativas (fim de frase).
Formation: have / has + verbo principal no particípio passado.
2. Susie arrived after her mother had shut the door.
simple past
past perfect
Uso do past perfect tense:
Ação que acontece 1.º: past perfect.
Ação que acontece depois: simple past.
Formation: had + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Simple Past
Past Participle
To shut (fechar)
3. Did the radio transmit the ceremony yesterday? Yes, it transmitted it – simple past
Interrogative Form — Did + sujeito + verbo principal
— forma base
Attention: Se o verbo tiver uma só sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por consoante — vogal —
consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se “ed” .
To transmit — transmitted
4. Before she became a film star, she had been a dancer.
simples past
past perfect
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Uso do past perfect — uma ação acontece antes da outra.
Before simple past / past perfect
Ação que acontece depois ação que acontece 1.º.
5. Has Richard not made that same mistake several times? — Present perfect tense.
Have / Has + sujeito + not + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Haven’t / Hasn’t + sujeito + verbo principal no particípio passado.
33) Comentário
1. The doctor examined me and said that I’d broken one of my toes.
simple plast
simple past
Simple past regular — d / ed / ied — irregular — o verbo muda to say (dizer) — said
Past perfect — had + verbo principal no particípio passado.
To break (quebrar) — broke — broken.
Attention: — had broken = ‘d broken.
2. The postmen have delivered many letters lately — uso do present perfect tense.
Formation: have / has + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Attention: postman (carteiro) — postmen (carteiros).
Have — I, you, we, you, they.
Has — he, she, it.
3. For = há — present perfect tense.
Present perfect since simple past
desde que
Present Perfect Tense — have / has + verbo principal n particípio passado.
Simple past — regular – d, ed, ied;
irregular – o verbo muda.
To go (ir) — went.
4. She had been with us for a week when she fell ill
past perfect
simple past
Uso do past perfect tense — expressa ações ou situações anteriores a outras no passado.
Past perfect when simple past.
Past perfect — had + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Simple Past
Past participle
To fall
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5. It is Julie’s first day at work. She has been chatting on the phone for 30 minutes and hasn’t finished typing the
reports yet.
For — present perfect continuous — é usado no lugar do present perfect para enfatizar a ideia de
Formation: have / has been + verbo principal com “ing”.
Attention: to chat (consoante — vogal — consoante: chatting.
Yet = ainda — present perfect tense (negative form).
34) Comentário
1. He’s been living in England since 1999.
since = desde. Uso do present perfect continuous — ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.
Formation: — have / has been + verbo principal com ing.
Attention: have = ‘ve — has = ‘s
2. What have you done lately? Nothing special. I had a difficult last week so I studied a lot for it.
Lately – ultimamente — present perfect tense.
Interrogative Form: have + sujeito + verbo principal no particípio passado.
Last week = semana passada — simple past
to do (fazer)
to have (ter)
to study (estudar)
Simple past
Past participle
3. The secretary admitted that she had stolen the money.
simple past
past perfect
— Uso do past perfect tense — expressa uma ação que ocorreu antes de uma outra no passado.
Simple past
Past participle
to admit
to steal (roubar)
Attention: Se o verbo tiver uma só sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por consoante — vogal —
consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se “ed”.
to admit — admitted
4. Martha is on a diet. She has been eating only fruit and salad for two weeks.
For — uso do present perfect continuous.
Attention: to eat (vogal — vogal — consoante) não dobra a consoante final.
5. After my cousin had given all his things to a poor family, he disappeared.
past perfect
simple past
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Simple past
Past participle
to give (dar)
to disappear
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Comentario Ling Inglesa 2.º EM _BDEF_ 08.04.10