4º - P.F.
I23 – Val.
Esta prova contém
Verifique se sua prova está completa.
Preencha corretamente todos os dados solicitados no cartão de respostas.
Cartões com rasura ou incompletos serão invalidados.
Em caso de dúvida, chame o responsável pela sala.
Utilize os espaços em branco para rascunho. Duração da prova: 50 minutos.
Guarde esta prova. Ela poderá ser utilizada como material de aula.
Questões com crédito de vestibular podem ter sido alteradas em sua redação ou dados.
Boa prova!
1) If this country had more technological productivity, it _____ more powerful.
a) would become
b) can become
c) would have become
d) became
e) will become
2) Peter will go to the beach as soon as the weather _____ warmer.
a) got
b) gets
c) will get
d) get
e) has got
3) If I ______ you, I ______ smoking.
a) was – stop
b) am – will give in
c) were – would stop in
d) had been –give up
e) were – would give up
4) If I _________ about this, I ________ all day long.
a) had known – will worry
b) knew - worry
c) had known – would have worried
d) know - worried
e) would have known – had worried
5) __________ you wouldn’t have let me disturb you.
a) If you studied when I rang you up
b) If you have been studying when I rang you up
c) If you had been studying when I rang you up
d) If you were studying when I rang you up
e) If you have studied when I rang you up
6) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência de "question-tags" adequados
para completar as frases a seguir:
1. He isn't at home,___________?
2. That will happen,___________?
3. She hasn't a cue,___________?
4. It rains a lot,_______________?
a) isn't; won't; has he; doesn't it
b) is it; will it; does she; has it
c) isn't he; will it; has she; hasn't it
d) is he; won't it; has she; doesn't it
e) isn't he; won't he; has she; does it
7) Assinale a alternativa que melhor traduz a frase abaixo:
The hostage has been freed.
a) O anfitrião foi liberado.
b) O refém foi solto.
c) O anfitrião será liberado.
d) O homenageado saiu.
e) O homenageado foi liberado.
8) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à seqüência que completa as lacunas a seguir:
__________indian the ecologist saw, started__________ horrible fire because of___________
ordinary yellow bird ___________flew over his head.
a) a; the; a; who
b) an; the; a; whose
c) the; a; an; which
d) the; an; a; whom
e) a; an; a; which
9) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:
It was......honor for us to see......Queen of......England.
a) a - the - the
b) ........- a -........
c) an - a - the
d) the -........- an
e) an - the -........
10) Assinale a alternativa que traduz de maneira correta a frase abaixo:
Kidnap suspects in court.
a. Kidnap suspeita na corte.
b. Garoto tira soneca suspeita na corte.
c. Suspeitos de liquidar crianças no tribunal.
d. Suspeitos de soneca no tribunal.
e. Suspeitos de rapto sendo julgados.

1) If this country had more technological productivity, it _____ more