Financing Agency:
limits and perspectives of Education towards Human Rights in Brazil.
Luiz Roberto Gomes* (Centro Universitário do Triângulo - Brasil) e-mail: [email protected]
Renato de Oliveira Brito** (Centro Universitário do Triângulo - Brasil) e-mail: [email protected]
To improve Brazilian comprehension on the ways of social
organization, as well as the compromise of Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) with training, citizenship, and
more specifically, the role played by HEIs in training towards
Human Rights and Citizenship .
e research
esea c was
as co
ducted from
o ttwo
o d
st ct objects
objects: a)
bibliographical and documental production about the
social compromise of the universities and training towards
Human Rights; b) perception of 252 students of three
Brazilian HEIs in the state of Minas Gerais, and project of
28 HEIs accredited by The National Education Forum on
Human Rights .
• The issue on Human Rights in Brazil requires that HEIs
should have a clearer comprehension of the Human Rights
concept and its respective dimensions, besides the
explanation of an entailment between Higher Education and
Human Rights .
• Beyond the juridical statute that guarantees Human Rights,
there is a necessity of an entailment of these Rights with
social integration which is seen as a necessary issue for
evolution and consolidation of the Human Rights .
• The importance of a social insertion of the HEIs was
verified by the context analysis, mainly through university
extension projects that are already part of the initiatives that
have been taken by civil society and by the government.
The work accomplished by 28 Brazilian HEIs accredited by
The National Education Forum on Human Rights is an
example .
• The results point to the importance of working Human
Rights in a specific way in the university context showing
how possible it is to make projects that favor not only the
academic community but also its compromise with activities
that favor all society in a university extension level .
• University extension can be considered one of the strong
steps of communication between university and society once
social projects can be done embodying different areas that
compose the basic necessities of human beings .
• The same dynamic process that humanity can experience
during its evolution occurs with the Human Rights concept as
problems change as well as their solutions. In this sense, we
understand that human beings are always changing as they
have their values, customs, traditions and views associated
to the evolutionary process of the contemporary society .
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GOERGEN, Pedro. Universidade e Responsabilidade Social. In:
LOMBARDI, J. C. Temas de Pesquisa em Educação. Campinas:
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GUNI. Educación Superior en el Mundo 2007: La acreditación
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garantía de calidad. Barcelona: Mundi Prensa Libros,,
HABERMAS, J. Faktizität und Geltung. Frankfurt am Main.:
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MORHY, Lauro. A Universidade no mundo: a universidade em
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*Philosophy Doctor in Education in UNICAMP, professor of the Master’s Course Program on Higher Education and Law course of UNITRI, leader of the research group ‘Critical
Theory and Higher Education – CNPQ’.
**Visiting researcher on Human Rights, ‘Centre for Social Science Research’, University of Cape Town – South Africa (2005). Majored in Law in UNITRI, Scholarship researcher of
FAPEMIG, research project ‘Human Rights and Higher Education’, member of the research group ‘Critical Theory and Higher Education – CNPQ’.