Books and rights catalogue
Table of contents
Children and Young Adults
14 - Aletria
16 - Bamboozinho
18 - Callis Editora
20 - Companhia Editora Nacional
22 - Cortez Editora
24 - Cosac Naify
26 - Cubzac Editora
28 - DA Produções Artísticas
30 - Edições SM
32 - Editora Ática
34 - Editora Baobá
36 - Editora Claridade
38 - Editora Cobogó
40 - Editora Dedo de Prosa
42 - Editora do Brasil
44 - Editora DSOP
46 - Editora Dubolsinho
48 - Editora Fama
Fiction and non Fiction
124 - Bamboo Editoral
126 - Boitempo Editorial
128 - Casa dos Espíritos
130 - Casarão do Verbo
132 - Companhia Editoria Nacional
134 - Cosac Naify
136 - Cubzac Editora
138 - Disal Editora
140 - Edições Loyola
142 - Edições SESC SP
144 - Editora Apicuri
146 - Editora Carpe Diem
148 - Editora Claridade
150 - Editora Cobogó
152 - Editora Europa
154 - Editora Évora
222 - Edições Loyola
224 - Editora Canção Nova
50 - Editora Galpão
52 - Editora Hagnos
54 - Editora Manole
56 - Editora Moderna
58 - Editora Positivo
60 - Editora Rideel
62 - Editora RJH
64 - Editora Salamandra
66 - Editora Saraiva
68 - Editora Scipione
70 - Editora Viajante do Tempo
72 - Editora Volta e Meia
74 - Elementar Publicações
76 - Escala Educacional/ Lafonte
78 - Fino Traço Editora
80 - FTD
82 - Giostri Editora
84 - Girassol Brasil
156 - Editora Master Books
158 - Editora Nova Alexandria
160 - Editora Peirópolis
162 - Editora Saraiva
164 - Editora Senac RJ
166 - Editora Viajante do Tempo
168 - Escrituras Editora
170 - Fino Traço
172 - Giostri Editora
174 - Giz Editorial
176 - Globo Livros
178 - Grupo Editorial Summus
180 - HUB Editorial
182 - Ideia Editora
184 - Imprensa Oficial
186 - Livros de Safra
188 - Luste Editora
190 - Mar de Ideias
192 - Melhoramentos
194 - nVersos Editora
196 - Outras Letras
198 - Pallas Editora
200- Panda Books
202 - Papirus Editora
204 - Prazerdeler Editora
206 - Sá Editora
208 - Selo Off FLI P
210 - Solisluna Editora
212 - Terceiro Nome
214- Terra Virgem
216 - Terracota Editora
218 - V&R Editoras
226 - Editora Hagnos
228 - Globo Livros
230 - Ideia Editora
232 - Mar de Idéia
Scientific, Technical and Medical
236 - Alameda Casa Editorial
238 - Aleph
240 - Associação Internacional Editares
242 - Atheneu
244 - Autores Associados
246 - Blucher
248 - Cortez Editora
250 - Disal Editora
252 - Editora DSOP
86 - Global Editora
88 - Globo Livros
90 - Just Editora
92 - Komedi Editora
94 - Mar de Ideias
96 - Mauricio de Sousa Produções
98 - Mazza Edições
100 - Melhoramentos
102 - Mercuryo Jovem
104 - Papirus Editora
106 - Prazerdeler Editora
108 - Projeto Ema
110 - R&F Editora
112 - Selo Off FLI P
114 - Solisluna
116 - Uni duni Editora
118 - V&R Editoras
120 - White Balloon
254 - Editora Évora
256 - Editora Galpão
258 - Editora Manole
260 - Editora Saraiva
262 - Editora Sarandi
264 - Editora Senac SP
266 - Editora Unesp
268 - Edusp
270 - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
272 - Grupo GEN
274 - HUB Editorial
276 - MJV Press
278 - Napoleão
280 - Oficina de Textos
282 - Papirus Editora
284 - Parábola Editora
286 - Uni Duni Editorial
288 - Yendis Editora
Books and rights catalogue
Brazilian Publishers Project
Created in 2008, Brazilian Publishers is a sector project that
encourages the export of content produced by Brazil’s publishing
houses. It is a result of a partnership between the Brazilian Book
Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro – CBL) and the Brazilian
Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Agência Brasileira de
Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos – Apex-Brasil),
The proposal of this initiative is to promote Brazil’s publishing
industry in the global market in an articulate and well-directed
process and contribute to the professionalization of the nation’s
publishing houses. In order to achieve this goal, Brazilian Publishers
encourages exportation via actions directed toward the sale of
publishing rights, participation in international fairs and events and
the professional practice of businesspeople, as well as collaborators
and consultants specialized in business intelligence and prospecting
foreign markets. In addition to promoting exportation, the project’s
work also contributes to the country’s vision and positioning,
showing the world Brazil’s capacity for creating technical, literary
and technical content of considerable importance and value for
the international market.
Brazilian Publishers is currently comprised around to 70 publishing
houses which operate in the areas of Children’s Books, General
Works, Religious and Technical-Scientific Expertise.
Learn more about our partner publishing houses and, take a look
at our catalogue.
Dolores (DOSH) Manzano
Executive Manager
brazilian book chamber
The Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do
Livro - CBL) brings together editors, booksellers, distributors
and door-to-door sales companies since 1946. With more
than 650 members, the entity’s main goal is creating a
better country through the promotion of books and reading.
Brazil has for the second time been named (the first time
was in 1994) as the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book
Fair, the largest and most important event of its kind in
the world. Brazilian participation in the event is organized
by the Ministries of Culture and Foreign Relations, the
National Library Foundation (Fundação Biblioteca
Nacional – FBN), the National Arts Foundation (Fundação
Nacional de Artes - Funarte) and the Brazilian Book
Chamber (commonly known as CBL).
Brazil’s participation in Frankfurt will include more than
160 publishers who will present their catalogs. More than
70 Brazilian authors will participate, with a rich program
of lectures and discussions on the themes of their works
in addition to readings. Plus, a vast cultural and gastronomic
schedule will showcase the diversity of our country and
the Brazilian way of life.
Brazil’s recognition in Frankfurt is of immense importance
for the country’s editorial production, which will be the
focus of the worldwide market. There are numerous
opportunities for business growth and wide exposure in
the international media.
The Brazilian Publishers project, a partnership between
the CBL and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion
Agency (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações
e Investimentos – Apex-Brasil), plays an important role
in this effort. It works so that exporting of books and sales
of foreign language rights gradually leads to a strengthening
of the publishing market.
Another important showcase for Brazilian editorial
production is the São Paulo International Book Biennial.
The CBL promotes this event, which was attended by
more than 750,000 people during its last edition, in 2012.
The 23rd São Paulo International Book Biennial will take
place August 21-31, 2014. The CBL also offers the Book
School program (Escola do Livro), which provides
continuing education for publishing professionals seeking
to improve their knowledge.
A partnership project between CBL and the Brazilian
Publisher’s Union (Sindicato Nacional de Editores de
Livros – SNEL) annually provides a complete survey of
the market: the Brazilian Publishing Industry Production
and Sales Study, which is conducted by the Economic
Research Foundation Institute (Fundação Instituto de
Pesquisas Econômicas – FIPE), an institution affiliated
with the University of São Paulo.
As it is concerned with all areas of Brazilian editorial
production, the CBL holds the CBL International Digital
Book Conference. The fourth edition took place in June
2013. The organization also promotes the Jabuti Award,
which has been recognized as the leading and most
respected award in the Brazilian publishing business
for 55 years.
The award is given to publishers, writers, illustrators,
translators, cover artists and designers throughout
Brazil. Acclaimed names such as Ana Maria Machado,
Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Chico Buarque de
Hollanda, Clarice Lispector, Ferreira Gullar, Jorge Amado,
Lygia FagundesTelles, Raquel de Queiroz and Ziraldo
are among those who have been honored.
The CBL and its members demonstrate, through the
various initiatives mentioned here, the interest of the
Brazilian publishing market in internationalizing its literary
production. We are a country that is a purchaser of foreign
editorial rights, and we are ready to promote our editorial
rights throughout the world.
Thank you for visiting us and we
hope you enjoy our books!
Karine Pansa
President of the CBL
national library Foundation
The Support Programme for the Translation and Publication
Brazilian Authors Abroad, launched by the National Library
Foundation of Brazil, a body of the Ministry of Culture, aims
at promoting Brazilian Culture and Literature worldwide.
This funding scheme is available for any foreign publishers
that have acquired publication rights and wish to publish or
reissue works of Brazilian authors.
In order to apply for a grant, the publisher must present a
title for translation or reissue in print, e-book or both. All
applications must include a marketing and distribution plan,
the translator’s résumé and contract with the publisher, and
a signed copyright agreement between the publisher and
author, if the work is not within the public domain. A special
commission will evaluate each project, which may be awarded
with the maximum grant of US$ 8,000.
For further information, please contact:
Fundação Biblioteca Nacional
Centro Internacional do Livro
Rua da Imprensa, 16 / 1110
20030-120 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Telephone: +55 21 2220-2057
E-mail : [email protected]
Visit the blog :
About Apex-Brasil
The mission of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion
Agency (Apex-Brasil) is to foster the competitiveness of
Brazilian companies by promoting their internationalization
and the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Brazil.
Apex-Brasil currently supports about 13,000 companies from
81 sectors of the Brazilian economy, which export to more
than 200 markets. In partnership with sector associations,
the Agency organizes trade promotion initiatives, such as
prospective and trade missions, business rounds, support to
the participation of Brazilian companies in major international
fairs and customized tours to foreign buyers and opinionmakers introducing them to the Brazilian productive structure.
Apex-Brasil also releases business and competitive intelligence
studies which play a critical role in the decision of Brazilian
companies to enter the international market.
Besides its headquarters in Brasilia, Apex-Brasil has Desks in
Brazilian states and Business Support Centers (BSCs) around
the world. These BSCs serve as platforms to assist Brazilian
companies in expanding their businesses to global markets,
to explore new business opportunities, to increase Brazil’s
market share in key global markets, and to serve as a benchmark
for foreign investment attraction.
BSCs are strategically located in Asia (Beijing - China), Middle
East (Dubai - United Arab Emirates), North America (Miami USA), Central America and the Caribbean (Havana - Cuba),
Western Europe (Brussels - Belgium), Eastern Europe (Moscow
- Russia) and Africa (Luanda - Angola). Next to the Brussels
BSC is the Brazilian Business Affairs (BBA), an Apex-Brasil
office established to monitor trends and decisions of the
European Union that may affect Brazilian exports.
Apex-Brasil plays a leading role in attracting foreign direct
investment (FDI) into Brazil, working to identify business
opportunities, promoting strategic events and lending support to
foreign investors willing to allocate resources in Brazil. The
aim is to attract productive capital from foreign companies
that may introduce technological innovations and new business
management models into Brazil and to strengthen supply chains.
Brazil, the country of diversity
and “bibliodiversity”
The tribute to Brazil at this Frankfurt Book Fair is an opportunity to
delve into the rich cultural universe of the country. So, anyone
who wants to learn about the best in Brazilian editorial production
should take a look not only at books published by “major” market
players. In Brazil there are numerous publishers that deserve
attention due to the quality and robustness of their catalogs,
built on bases of knowledge that the industry’s major players
cannot emulate.
Brazil boasts the largest association of independent publishers in
the world, LIBRE – the Brazilian League of Editors (Liga Brasileira
de Editores). It is composed of 117 companies that exchange
information and knowledge daily through their own network, doing
business in a collaborative manner.
Some of the country’s best publishing imprints can be found among
these publishers. In some fields, only they publish the best of
literature and essays in the country, for both adults and children.
There are publishers whose titles are references throughout the
country, in fields like education, popular culture, Afro-Brazilian
culture, Brazilian history, sociology, Marxism, literature, literary
criticism, sociology, etc..
As the president of this association, I cannot just mention one
without giving due credit to the rest. But I invite the reader to to
check out Brazilian independent production in particular.
I am sure a closer look at these companies will reveal one of the
finest features of current Brazilian society: its cultural, political,
religious, literary, and intellectual diversity. 10
and Young
Av. Afonso Pena, 748. Salas 711, 712 e 713.
Belo Horizonte • 30130.904 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Juliana Mont’Alverne Flores
55 31 3296-7903
[email protected]
Author: Ronaldo Simões Coelho
Illustrator: Angela-Lago
Format: 20 x 20 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-57-8
Rights available
*Available in e-book
Jabuti Finalist 2010 FNLIJ 2010 Award in the Poetry category White Ravens
Catalogue – Library of Munich – 2010. 2nd place in the National Library
Foundation’s 2010 awards, category: children’s books. A bat, a frog, a lizard, a gecko.
This book is not just about well-known creatures, it’s about other ones too.
Ronaldo Simões Coelho discovers their details and similarities and writes about
them, helping us see how they are similar in many ways to the world around us.
Coelho writes in a poetic style such as that of the Woody Woodpecker stories
that ‘tickles a giant tree and the locust that pretends to be a leaf.’ The illustrations
for this award-winning book are by Angela-Lago.
The boy who wanted
to become the wind
Author: Pedro Kalil
Illustrator: Luisa Helena Ribeiro
What can a child do when really missing someone? The result of a harmonious
collaboration between friends Pedro and Luisa, The boy who wanted to become
the wind shows that long distances between people who love one another can be
bridged by relying on one’s imagination and sensitivity. The artist Luisa Helena
Ribeiro approved the creative graphic design and created illustrations that
provide young readers with a fun journey. * 2nd place in the 2012 João de Barro
National Literature Competition, Municipality of Belo Horizonte.
In the depths of the heart
Author: Mauro Martins
Illustrator: Marlette Menezes
The Cat Boy
Author and Illustrator: Pablo David
Format: 21x23.5 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-44-8
Rights available
Format: 22x24 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-04-2
Rights available
Format:: 24.5 X 27 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-56-1
Rights available
April is a girl who has a deep hole inside her heart. But April is not alone in her
quest for an explanation for this emptiness that she thought only she possessed.
During her journey, she makes friends and discoveries, but what she learns goes
far beyond what she was looking for. A book about the infinite possibilities of love,
encounters and solidarity. A sensitive theme masterfully explored in the writing of
Mauro Martins, perfectly illustrated by Marlette Menezes.
It was a day like any other inside Ismael’s apartment. The same activities, the
same games… until Ismael saw something different out the window! Was it a cat?
Funny, it looks like a boy! A story about adventure and self-discovery for the one
who has courage to get close to others and make friends. Written and illustrated
by the Argentine Pablo David.
My Father is a Character
Author: Rosana Mont’Alverne
Illustrator: Maurizio Manzo
The last tale
Author: Rodolfo Castro
Illustrator: Enrique Torralba
Format: 20.5x26.5 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-31-8
Rights available *Available in e-book
Do you know any jokesters? They are so funny that they might be anything...
you might even say: “What a character!”. Some of these “characters” have
children, and these children might say: my dad is a character. And yours?
Written by storyteller Rosana Mont’Alverne, this book is illustrated by Maurizio
Manzo, who found a very fun way for the reader to play around with the jokester
father. Because, let’s be honest, everyone has one!
and Young
In 2009, we began our work of enchanting readers. We publish Brazilian and international
authors and illustrators. Publishing electronic books is a priority for us. We use instudio narration and music to bring books alive for our readers, and, currently, you can
find our audio books distributed across a wide range of the most popular digital media
outlets. Aletria aims to ignite a passion for reading. As writer Alberto Manguel says, “The
act of reading brings back voices from the past, sometimes carrying them long into the
future, where we might be able to use them in courageous and unexpected ways.” For
this reason we believe in the process of reading and re-reading for in one moment, we
are one with the text, and then in another, we are no longer the same.
Format: 20x28 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61167-60-8
Rights sold to: Portugal
Nobody could remember anymore the day when Jacinto told his first story under
that tree. In the neighborhood, rumors were he had always been there. The elders
would say that only tales existed before he did, and everyone was sure that the
tree, the houses and everything else only existed because Jacinto talked about
them. Everyone believed that his stories would be heard forever, until one day… A
charming book for children and youth, and one that adults will love too. Written by
the Argentine author and storyteller Rodolfo Castro and illustrated by the
award-winning Mexican illustrator Enrique Torralba.
Bamboo Editorial is a Brazilian publishing house focused on high quality
illustrated books for children and adults. Bamboo’s goal is to introduce new
authors and illustrators and to make sensitive, full of information and fantasy
books that will bring that wonderful feeling of discovery when we found
pleasure learning something that we did not know before.And more, Bamboo
also wants to combine editorial tradition with new technologies, developing
digital products for each of our books. So, readers do not need to choose
between paper or tablet: with Bamboo´s books, they can have both, making
their reading more enjoyable and fun. We make books that remain in the minds
of our readers as a valuable source of knowledge and entertainment.
Curupira, Will You
Play With Me?
Author: Lô Carvalho
Illustrator: Susana Rodrigues
40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66587-11-1
Rights available
What if you were in the middle of the woods and wanted to play? Who would you
invite? What games would you play? The book Curupira, will you play with me?
playfully introduces little kids to the most important mythological beings of the
Brazilian folklore. And there is a surprise at the end: every plays together! I body
The book Curupira, will you play with me? was especially created to foster the
pleasure of reading. Its format, size, illustrations, text and themes stem from a
joint work of several different experts with the purpose of creating an intelligent
and playful book. The amazing creatures of the Brazilian folklore found in the
book will also charm readers of all ages.
Cleo and the Mapinguari
Authors: Saulo Ribas and Xavier Bartaburu
Illustrator: Fernanda Ribeiro
48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66587-06-7
Rights available
One day, Cleo woke up and noticed that a tail had somehow grown on her
backside. Very rough alligator tail... With her friend Pingo, she discovered that she
is not an ordinary girl, but a Cuca (a mythological creature from the Brazilian
folklore)! Cleo and the Mapinguari tells the adventures of fantastic creatures from
Brazilian mythology in search of their identity o longer in the forest, but among us.
The adventure introduces children to Brazilian traditions. After all, Cleo and her
friends are half people, half mythological creatures, but they go to school, have a
family, and are growing up just like any other children.
Brazil Soccer
Guide for Children
Author: Lô Carvalho
Illustrator: JP Farias
80 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66587-23-4
Rights available
Where is Brazil? Which cities will host the matches of the 2014 World Cup? Brazil
Soccer Guide for Children introduces children to the country and the cities that
will host the 2014 World Cup. The texts are short, easy to read, well illustrated and
filled with information that will introduce kids on the history, culture and
geography of Brazil and the host cities. It is a travel guide written for boys and girls
that like to play football with a round ball.
and Young
Av Faria Lima 1912 cj 208 b
São Paulo • 01451-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Aloma Carvalho
55 11 3097-9922
[email protected]
there are animals that... Series
Author and Illustrator: Toni & Laíse
There are animals that know...
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-10-4
There are animals that have...
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-09-8
There are animals that are...
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-08-1
There are animals that like...
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-07-4
Rights available
Animal Sounds! Series
Author: Lô Carvalho
Illustrator: Ana Alzueta Sigaud
Brazilian animals
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-04-3
African animals
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-05-0
Domestic animals
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-03-6
Animals in our surroundings
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66587-02-9
Rights available
The giraffe has a long neck; the sloth is relaxed;
the peacock is a show-off; the penguin likes to
flock; and the chameleon can change colors…
The four books that make up there are animals
the that... Series show kids a little about the ways
and the peculiarities of many animals: owl,
gorilla, anteater, lion, octopus, shark, bee, tiger,
zebra, chameleon, tapir, ant, panda, seal and
several others. When children read the books
There are animals that... Series, they also learn a
bit more about themselves too. After all, every
child likes, every child knows, every child is and
every child has... something of his own.
The hen cackles and the dog barks. What about
sounds that a snake or a crocodile make? What
are the names of these sounds? Most people
don’t know that the camel grunts, the toucan
croaks, the jaguar roars and the agouti laughs...
How about the armadillo? Poor thing, it
whimpers! In the midst of so many noises,
thank goodness that great rhea only sighs! The
Animal Sounds! Series is a collection of 4 books.
They teach kids that animals make a great
variety of sounds, and invite everyone to mimic
these sounds or to devise ways of writing them.
A fun way to learn and play!
Rua Oscar Freire, 379 • 6° andar
São Paulo • 01426•001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Miriam Gabbai
55 11 3068-5600
[email protected]
Time machines
Author and illustrator: Romont Willy
Format: 21x25cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-347-5
Rights available
Nowadays, children use the computer for almost everything. They listen to
music, talk to friends, do homework, and lots of other things. But, do they know
how those things were done when their grandfathers were young? Time Machines
is a funny story about the different ways of learning. Sometimes things are not
exactly what they seem, and we can always find different ways to learn.
The Amazing Story
of Rodolfo and Valeska
Author: Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Tatiana Paiva
Valeska had many beautiful gowns. All of them were gorgeous, but also HUGE.
Nobody could approach her because her clothes were always in the way.
One day, she met someone special. As she fell in love, her dresses started to
get thinner. Eventually,she let her boyfriend come closer to her heart. Richly
illustrated, this book tells a story about the fear of letting people into our
lives and how true love can break that barrier.
Tell me why?
Author: Silvia Zatz
Illustrator: Ana Terra
Format: 21x25 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-820-3
Rights available
The four boys - Joe, Tom, Lou and Max - love to play the “why game”. They try to
find questions adults cannot answer, or they find new answers when they are not
satisfied with the adults’ replies. And there are many questions to think about.
Why are there stars in the sky? Why is there sand on the beach? Why do we
exist? Why do we need to sleep? Why are children smaller than adults?
The answers that the four friends find to these questions are funny,poetic, or
simply logical for a child’s mind. They can be the starting point for philosophical
conversations with young children.
The tale of the two towers
Authors: Alessandra de Paula
and Graham Meaden
Illustrator: Ana Luiza de Paula
Mr. Mouse and Mr. Hedgehog both loved lying in the sun and having tea. One day,
disturbed by Mr. Mouses cherry tree, Mr. Hedgehog built a tower in order to lie in
the sun without any shadows. As Mr. Mouse discovered the tower, he had the idea
to make one for himself to be nearer to the sun. But this created new shadows for
Mr. Hedgehog. So the two towers grew taller and taller, until they finally collapsed
because of an earthquake. Now, the two friends must try to find a solution together...
A special avocado tree
Author: Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Romont Willy
The peace
prayer by St. Francis of Assis
Illustrator: Anna Göbel
Format: 21x25 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-719-0
Rights available
Format: 21 x 25 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-855-5
Rights available
Format: 21x25 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-826-5
Rights available
Format: 21x25 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7416-823-4
Rights available
The story in this book combines trees, moss, a grumpy old man, a dash of humor,
and a world of imagination. From that mix, the Special Avocado Tree comes to
life. It is a messy and dreamy tree that helps his old friend regain the joy of life.
and Young
Callis Publishing Company has been in the market for 25 years with more
than 300 titles in its catalogue. Miriam Gabbai founded Callis Editora in 1987
and published Famous Children, its first children’s series. Callis towards better
education for children and young adults in Brazil. The publication catalogue
includes works on art, history, popular culture, music, mathematics, and literature
by well-known authors such as Daniel Munduruku, Ilan Brenman, Silvana Tavano,
Jonas Ribeiro, André Neves, and Ionit Zilberman. A great number of books
have earned recommendations from FNLIJ (National Foundation for Children’s
and Young Adult’s Books), winning the Jabuti and João-de-Barro awards. The
promotion of Brazilian publications through bookfairs and international events is
an important part of Callis’ mission.
This famous prayer gives hope and strength to people all over the world.
Anna Gobel’s emotional and beautiful illustrations are a perfect match for
the purpose of this text.
The IBEP Group was founded in 1965 and is one of the major publishing houses in
Brazil. The group is formed by four imprints: IBEP, Companhia Editora Nacional, Conrad
Editora, and Base Editorial; and three other companies: the IBEP Gráfica (a printing
company), IBEPLog, and IBEP Digital. IBEP is one of the biggest textbook
publishers in Brazil, in a market that has been recently experimenting a steady,
fast-paced growth. Companhia Editora Nacional focuses mainly on commercial
books, both from Brazilian and foreign authors. Conrad is the main responsible for
bringing to Brazil and popularizing traditional Japanese and Korean comics. Base
Editorial is specialized in school programs. The IBEP Gráfica has an area that covers
over 37,000 square meters and features the most modern printing equipment
available today.
Rua Alexandre Mackenzie, 619 • Jaguaré
São Paulo • 05322-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Silvia Tocci Masini
55 11 2799-7799 • Ext. 1227
[email protected]
Author: Francesco Zullino Yunes
Illustrators: Sami and Bill
João e o Mundo Bocão
Author: Toni Brandão
Illustrators: SOPA
48 Pages
ISBN: 9788504018189
Rights available
Aquariaroom is the story of a boy whose bedroom was flooded by a heavy
summer storm. The bedroom then became an incredible aquarium, full of fish
and other creatures. The place attracts a crowd – everybody wants to get to know
the fantastic “aquariaroom”! Written by a 6 year-old boy, this book aims an
audience that can relate to its fantastic and imaginative tone. Written in both
English and Portuguese, it can help the young reader in learning a second
language. Francesco Zullino Yunes wrote this book inspired by a funny dream
he had. His father owns a traditional publishing house and his mother is the
author of two children’s books.
and Young
112 Pages
ISBN: 9788504018332
Rights available
What is the World of the Gigantic Mouth? Find out the fantastic world of dreams
(or nightmares) that exists inside Johnny’s mouth, a boy who doesn’t like to brush
his teeth. After being turned down by Marcela because of his terrible breath,
Johnny finds himself inside the World of the Gigantic Mouth, clueless of what he’s
supposed to do and why he ended up there. Toni Brandão is a famous crossplataform author. His books have sold over 1.5 million copies and discuss topics
that appeal to preteens and young adults in a clear, humorous and reflective style.
Since Cortez Publishing House was established in 1980 it has released over 1200
titles and grown to become a reference in academia to professors, alumni and
professionals alike in the fields of Social and Human Sciences – especially in
Education, Sociology, Social Work, Linguistics, and Psychology. In 2004, the first
catalogue with titles for children and young adults was released and as of June
2013, over 200 titles were published in this category. Today, the high quality works
of Cortez´s qualified professionals, internationally acclaimed award winning
Brazilian scholars, authors, and illustrators are in classrooms of public schools all
over Brazil awaking people to the importance of education, mutual respect,
tolerance, sustainability, multiculturalism and social diversity.
The boy who collected water
Author :Elaine Pasquali Cavion
Illustrator: Lucia Hiratsuka
32 Pages
ISBN: 9788524919596
Rights sold to: Spanish
Young boys love to collect things, stamps, rocks, coins, truck toys, and even bugs.
Francisco collects water and he has thousands of reasons to collect it. Water nurtures
our imagination, quenches our dreams and holds us forever close to everything and
everyone we love. Francisco keeps in his room a jar filled with the peaceful and wise
water he collected the day he went fishing with his grandpa. And he loves the way
water reflects the moon! Every tear, every dive in the river, and every summer shower
keeps within itself the simplicity of happiness. Little Captain Francisco invites children
and adults alike to navigate through life with love, poetry, and joy.
The ABC of Human Rights
Autor : Dulce Seabra and Sérgio Maciel
Illustrator: Albert Llinares
and Young
Rua Monte Alegre, 1074 • Perdizes
São Paulo • 05014-0001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Antonio Erivan Gomes
55 11 3864 0111
[email protected]
64 Pages
ISBN: 9788524920035
Rights sold to: Spain
Rita´s black sheep
Author and Illustrator:
Silvana de Menezes
40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-24920-44-8
How great it is to have friends! Rita´s best friend is a black sheep. They do
everything and go everywhere together. They skip, play on field of flowers and
give each other log warm hugs. One day Rita falls ill and the black sheep –
with a little help from some friends - prepares her a sweet surprise proving
they are indeed the best friends ever! An endearing tale of a friendship built
on love, understanding, and mutual appreciation, this is a quality picture book
with beautifully crafted illustrations that is sure to enchant and entertain both
children and adults of all ages.
A is for Article and there are 30 of them in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The first one states that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights and
should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. The Human Rights is an
extremely important document that exists to ensure justice, peace, mutual respect
and dignity to every person. They are applicable everywhere and are the same to
everyone regardless of creed, race, and gender. This book is fun and entertaining
way to introduce the subject to children from an early age so they can build a world
ever so gentle, just, happy, understanding and abundant with mutual respect.
Cosac Naify is recognized for its high-end catalogue and for the quality of its
publications. Currently Cosac Naify’s catalogue includes over 900 titles distributed
among subjects such as Art, Architecture, Design, Photography, Essays, Literary
Fiction, both Classic and Contemporary, as well as a distinguished list of Children’s
books. In 2013, Cosac Naify was chosen as the Best Children’s Publisher of the Year
in Latin America at the Bologna Fair, the most important literary event in the world
dedicated to children’s literature. To contribute to the expansion of the readers’
horizons, to form new audiences and to intervene constructively in Brazil’s cultural
and artistic debate are some of Cosac Naify’s goals.
Rua General Jardim, 770 • 2º andar
São Paulo • 01223•010 • SP • Brasil
Rights Department:
Mr. Ricardo Lelis
11 3218-1444
[email protected]
Sinbad, the Sailor
Authors: Stela Barbieri
and Fernando Vilela
All that Water
Author: João Anzanello Carrascoza
Illustrator: Leya Mira Brander
Format: 22,5 x 26 cm - 80 Pages ISBN 978-85-405-0224-6
Hard cover
Giant birds, bandits who chase elephants, sea horses and deadly storms are just
some of the challenges faced by Sinbad, the sailor. Stela Barbieri compared
more than thirty translations of Sinbad’s voyages to write her own version of the
story. The illustrations by Fernando Vilela, author of the award-winning Lampião
and Lancelot, which received an honorable mention in the Bologna Ragazzi
Award (2007), are inspired by oriental architecture, colors and shapes, using
wooden and rubber stamps to recreate the adventurer’s universe.
and Young
Format: 15.5 x 22 cm - 96 Pages ISBN 978-85-405-0171
Rights sold to Switzerland
Brochure with dust cover
In the eleven short stories gathered in All that water, Carrascoza transforms
everyday situations into memorable events of deep meaning. The stories approach
experiences that stay with us forever, such as one’s first love, moving to a new house
or one’s first time at sea. Chosen as the best short story book in 2012 by APCA (São
Paulo Association of Art Critcs), it also won the prize for Best Book for Young Readers
and Illustrator Revelation from the National Foundation for Children’s Books.
Cubzac Publishing House was founded in 2007 in the city of Recife, in the Northeast
of Brazil. It publishes national and international authors in genres such as theater,
short stories, children’s novels, youngsters and adults as well as in non-fiction
areas of education, health and psychoanalysis. Besides classical authors,
Cubizac also focuses on the publication of newcomers. The segment for children
prioritizes narratives that allow the young reader to reflect on his role as a critical
individual, who is able to transform the world with his own knowledge. Our books
are distributed and sold throughout the Brazilian territory. Cubzac is a publishing
house that believes in the joy of reading and that reading with pleasure leads to a
world of knowledge where the reader is never alone.
Rua das Pernambucanas, 282 • conj. 601 • Graças
Recife • 52011-010 • PE • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Deborah Echeverria
55 81 8663-1824
[email protected]
Author: Ana Beatriz Manier
Wandering Donkey
Autohr: Habib Zahra
Illustrator: Valeria Rey Soto
24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-61293-18-5
Rights available
Are all monkeys thieves? Are mice as dangerous as people say? What about
donkeys? Is it true that they´re all dumb? After all, is there really such a thing
as a good animal and a bad animal? These are the sort of questions faced by
the wandering donkey during his unforgettable journey, full of surprises and new
friendships, and, along with every friendship, a new discovery, a new teaching,
a whole new way of looking at the world! Using the metaphorical language of fables,
Habib Zahra offers young readers a reflection on exclusion, difference and identity.
Author: André Resende
Ilberon’s Eyes
Author: Valdir Oliveira
If he had to choose something to do all day long, Pipo, 14 years old, would choose to
stay on the internet playing some online game. Battles, weapons and virtual friends
invaded his head. At school, his attention decreased and, with it, his grades. He lost
interest in other activities, such as football after classes. When he arrives home, he
goes straight to the computer. There, he becomes Birdboy. One day, he receives a
request from a girl asking to be his friend on MSN. An intense exchange of messages
reveals somebody who is in danger on the other side of the world. Friends from the
online game start to interact with Pipo, who participates on a plan to save the girl
involving the United Nations, the World Health Organization and embassies.
40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61293-21-5
Rights available
Lying on a bench in the garden, eyes wandering the starry sky, mother and
daughter start talking. They talk about the stars, about popular superstitions and
the Portuguese maritime explorations. While they chat, they change the names
of things in a funny linguistic controversy. But be aware! This funny game is just
between them. After all, words are inventions and conventions. Playing with
words, having fun with them and then taking them seriously. This is the
unpretentious aim of Astrokiss, which allows both children and adults to bring
words into discussion and talk about their use and origin.
200 Pages
ISBN 978-85-61293-12-3
Rights available
and Young
80 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61293-19-2
Rights available
Ilberon sees his eyes being stolen by the crafty eagle Canderina. To have them
back, he looks for the support of witch Querencia. On a mix of medieval and
contemporary symbols, the misleading witch tries to delude our wise long-bearded
protagonist, until the day he decides to go for his eyes by himself. On the way to
the Mirante Focal hill, he gets cursed by the spell of Querencia, who turns his body
into a wild cat, but cannot change his sagacity and the look of his eyes. It is a battle
of giants, where the triumph lies on one’s wisdom and generosity.
D.A. Produções Artísticas founded in 2002 by author, composer and writer Dulce
Auriemo has been acting as a publishing house, a record label (D.A. MUSIC) and
artistic producer. D.A. was created with the single purpose to develop the
Espantaxim Project, based on the children’s music literature work “Espantaxim
and the Little Magic Castle”, by Dulce Auriemo. The focus is to make a real
contribution to children’s music and literature by offering high quality content. The
goal is to encourage children to learn music and appreciate reading and literature
early on; to highlight ethical and moral values associated with the healthy
development of children, to promote sports practice as well as to stimulate nature
preservation and culture of peace. SITE:
Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1.666 • 2º Andar • Conj. 22 • Sala 01
São Paulo • 04547-006 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Dulce Auriemo
55 11 7741-7607
[email protected]
Espantaxim and The Little
Magic Castle 14 Songs
Author and composer: Dulce Auriemo
Arrangements: Amilton Godoy
Illustrator: Villa Nova
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm - 84 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-07-6
Rights available-l - Book/CD
My First Songbook
Authors: Dulce Auriemo and Amilton Godoy
Illustrator: Gilmar de Godoy
Little Magic Castle of Trovas
Author and composer: Dulce Auriemo
Arrangement: Amilton Godoy
Illustrator: João Alves
Format: 22 x 22 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-05-2
Rights available - Book/CD
This beautifully illustrated publication is the first book/CD of the Espantaxim
Project. The book has 14 songs that ensemble a rich collection of typical Brazilian
rhythms and presents the characters of a new children’s universe story. Including
poetry, music scores and a chapter with pedagogic aspects dedicated to parents
and educators. This is the essence of Dulce’s literary and musical work. It comes
with a CD interpreted by Dulce Auriemo and with arrangements by Amilton
Godoy, one of the most important Brazilian musicians. Second edition. It has
been adopted by hundreds of schools and institutions.
This Book/CD leads us to the magical world of poetry. It displays the
pedagogic importance of the “Trova” (the most popular Portuguese poetry)
together with music. The story brings the lovely characters of the Little Magic
Castle and the kids will discover their favorite musical instruments. Delicately
illustrated in watercolor, it includes the sheet music, a musical glossary and
an interactive song that, through the same melody, will enable children to
sing all the Portuguese poetry. It includes a CD with the song “Trovas do
Castelinho”, the playback and some explanatory tracks where the author,
Dulce Auriemo, tells how to use this funny and instructive book.
Babies Collection
ABC – Colors – 123
Author: Dulce Auriemo
Illustrator: Gilmar de Godoy
Format: 12 x 15 cm - 28 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-10-6
Rights available
The Babies collection contributes to children’s education as a playful and attractive
way of introducing children to the alphabet, numbers and colors through lovely
images and words with the presence of 18 friendly characters of the Espantaxim
team, created by Dulce Auriemo. Babies will find, among the drawings, their new
friends of Little Magic Castle and will certainly learn a lot with them. Contains 3
beautiful and practical booklets – ABC – COLORS – 1 2 3 - created purposefully in
an ideal size and shape so that babies can hold them very easily.
and Young
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm - 128 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-06-9
Bilingual book/CD
Rights available
Award 2009 Jabuti Best Didactic/Paradidactic -This Book/CD presents 14
beautiful compositions of the children’s musical literature Espantaxim and the
Little Magic Castle by Dulce Auriemo, transcribed for piano solos by Amilton
Godoy. It is a bilingual edition, richly illustrated with the lovely characters of
Espantaxim’s Team. This album, containing Brazilian rhythms, is especially
dedicated to beginners who have already acquired a little experience with the
piano keys. It includes music scores and harmonic analyses for each song and
the lyrics translations for the songs to be sung in English. It comes with a CD with
all the arrangements, which are categorized, by degree of difficulty.
Makiko & Tatuiuiú
The Forest Guardians
English Edition
Author and composer: Dulce Auriemo
Arrangement: Amilton Godoy
Illustrator: Gilmar de Godoy
Format: 22 x 22 cm - 76 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-16-8
Rights available
Makiko & Tatuiuiú
Guardiões da Natureza
Author and composer: Dulce Auriemo
Arrangement: Amilton Godoy
Illustrator: Gilmar de Godoy
Format: 22 x 22 cm -76 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88954-13-7
Rights available
Book/CD that tells, in 7 chapters, a moving story about two new ecological
characters, Makiko, the monkey and Tatuiuiú, the armadillo, born together in the
heart of the largest rainforest on the planet. Since childhood, they become aware of
the Amazon forest devastation, and always concerned with the nature preservation
they are seen as heroes who deserve a beautiful song. It shows a realistic view of the
forest’s animals against the invasion of the man in their habitat. It includes a CD that
brings the story narrated in Portuguese, with the sound effects of the forest and a
song created by Dulce Auriemo: Makiko & Tatuiuiú - a Brazilian rhythm, “capoeira”.
Book/CD that tells, in 7 chapters, a moving story about two new ecological
characters, Makiko, the monkey and Tatuiuiú, the armadillo, born together in
the heart of the largest rainforest on the planet. Since childhood, they become
aware of the Amazon forest devastation, and always concerned with the nature
preservation they are seen as heroes who deserve a beautiful song. It shows a
realistic view of the forest’s animals against the invasion of the man in their
habitat. It includes a CD that brings the story narrated in Portuguese with the
sound effects of the forest and a song created by Dulce Auriemo: Makiko &
Tatuiuiú - a Brazilian rhythm, “capoeira”.
Present in Brazil since 2004, Edições SM’s main commitments are to encourage
reading and the development of reflection and creativity in children and young
people, forming critical readers and conscious people as well as supporting
teacher´s work in their role as educators.A variety of themes, several classical and
contemporary authors and illustrators categories – from Brazil and from others
countries, literary and graphic quality are trademarks of SM catalogues.
Thus, this catalogue was elaborated thinking of young readers, respecting
their world, their needs, fantasies and anxieties, however without ignoring the
importance of learning and reflecting about the past, about dilemmas and the
demands of the present and the future.
Rua Tenente Lycurgo Lopes da Cruz, 55 • Água Branca
São Paulo • 05036-120 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Zanacoli
55 11 2111-7400
[email protected]
The Dragon’s Wings
Author and Illustrators:
Janaína Tokitaka
Album Collection
Format 30 x 25, cm - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-418-0284-0
Rights available
Format 23 x 15.5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-418-0089-1
Rights available
While one dragon lives on a mountain, another is living in a cave. They are alone,
far from each other, and they have never met. One day, they both decide to
spread their wings and fly freely. Amidst the unknown landscapes, such as snowy
mountains and skyscrapers, there is a devastating surprise. A sensitive look at
loneliness in a book with an oriental touch, written in prose and haiku formats.
Spacey Rita
Author: Armando Antenore
Illustrator: Rita Taraborelli
Album Collection
What does Rita ride on when she is daydreaming? Does she float on the steam
from a teapot? Sweep through space on a banana zeppelin? Cross a sky of fruit on
a bicycle balloon? When it comes to escaping the “chains of the earth,” Rita goes a
long way, traveling to a variety of places full of tastes, textures and colors.
This book - along with “Júlia e Coió” - are the first titles in the Que figura collection!
A Doll’s Life
Author: Vera Lucia de Oliveira
Illustrators: Maria Eugenia
Poetry Collection
Format 19 x 19cm - 36 Pages
ISBN 978-85-418-0282-6
Rights available
Maracatu Nation
Author: Fabiana Ferreira Lopes
Format 19 x 19 cm - 48 Pages.
ISBN 978-85-62403-15-6
Rights available
Do dolls feel fear, cold, have fear? Do they call out for their fathers, beg for
their mothers? Do dolls dream, walk in the rain, go on honeymoons? Do dolls
ask for dolls? In this book, dolls are bursting with life waiting for you.
Masking her debut as a children’s poetry writer, Vera Lúcia Oliveira relates the
desires, fears and exploits of these creatures with souls in their cloth frames:
simple mirrors of the children who play with them.
During carnival in Recife, Maracatu groups reconstruct cultural manners that
African peoples left behind when they came to Brazil as slaves. Dressed as kings,
queens, ladies and pages, players enact a coronation pageant to the beat of
original percussion instruments like bumbos, tambores, chocalhos and surdos.
Another “Parties and Dances” collection volume, which includes Festa da
taquara and Bumba-boi.
The Moon
Author and Illustrators:
Renata Bueno
Album Collection
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-418-0286-4
Rights available
Author and Illustrator: Nelson Cruz
Album Collection
How is it that the moon ended up in the mouth of a fish, on a cat’s tail, in Nara’s hair,
on the king’s beard? Look carefully and pay attention: restless, it is everywhere,
hidden in the most unlikely places. Where do you think the moon has decided to
hide now? An entertaining way to correlate forms, through poetry and illustrations.
and Young
Format 21.5 x 21.8 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-418-0261-1
Rights available
Uncle Einstein is missing. Fascinated by the stars, he disappeared right after
telling his family about a cryptic dream he has had and whispering
“Alfayaguaiara” into his nephew’s ear, while sticking in his pocket a drawing,
illustrating the map of the stars. Years later, the boy, who is now a young man,
types the mysterious word he has never forgotten into a computer. Suddenly, an
Arabian lamp appears on the screen, where he could read: “Rub here.” This is the
password to amazing revelations about his uncle’s whereabouts, the reach of
science, the mysteries of the Universe, and the power of perseverance.
Editora Ática, with over 50 years of successful history, bears in its catalogues leading
series of textbooks and Literature for Children’s and Young Adults’ which have fostered
education for generations of Brazilian people. With countless titles and authors
awarded with “Prêmio Jabuti”, among other relevant prizes, Ática has been responsible
for innovations in the editorial area such as, among other initiatives, the now famous
teacher’s guide, a format that has been largely adopted. Featuring iconic series such
as “Bom Livro”, “Vaga-lume” and “Para Gostar de Ler”, as well as some of the greatest
Brazilian authors, Ática conquered a vast and faithful readership. Since 2004, Editora
Ática is part of Abril Educação, one of the leading educational groups in Brazil.
Av. Otaviano Alves de Lima, 4400 • 5º andar
São Paulo • 02909-900 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Sintia Mattar
55 11 3990-1320
[email protected]
The Target
Author: Ilan Brenman
Thorny Brushwood
of the Deep Jungle
Author: Ricardo Azevedo
Format: 22.5 x 27.5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-0814-263-7
Rights available
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 256 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-08-16200-0
Rights available
In a small Polish town, there was an old teacher who helped people by telling
stories. He was always able to find the right story for the right person at the
right time. One day, a student asked him how he did it and he replied by telling
another story: there was a young boy who loved archery. One day, he came
across more than 100 targets, each with an arrow right in the center. Who
would be capable of such a feat? A 10 year old boy solved the mystery: “First I
shot the arrows and then paint the targets around it”. So, the old master
explained to his students that he did just as the boy: he listened to people’s
problems and then painted a story around their difficulties.
In the 16th century, a 15-year-old boy finds himself abandoned after the death
of his mother, who was persecuted on false charges of witchcraft. He is fated
to join the Portuguese overseas fleet, setting off on a risky voyage to the New
World. His ship is wrecked, however, and the boy faces months of solitary
survival in the unknown and exotic lands of Brazil in its early historical period.
Encountering settlers, he witnesses the curious relationship between catechized
natives and the Portuguese. Amidst passions, encounters, dangers and discoveries,
the youngster is exposed to the conflict between established truths and the
unrest of a vibrant and questioning life.
The Athenaeum
Author: Raul Pompeia
Script and artwork: Marcello Quintanilha
Look There!
Author: José Paulo Paes
Illustrations: Rubens Matuck
Format: 19 x 26 cm - 96 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-08-15365-7
Rights available
17.5 x 30.5 cm - 16 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-08-14672-7
Rights available
At the age of 11, Sérgio must leave behind his toys, the comfort of his home and
his caring parents to enter a new phase: boarding school. He is enrolled in the
prestigious Athenaeum – commanded by an also illustrious director: Aristarco.
At first dazzled by the aura of excellence that hovers over the school, Sergio
finds himself alone in a completely foreign world. Behind an acclaimed modern
education that attracts the children of the elite to the great school of its time, we
discover a tyrannical system, driven by the greedy excesses of the director.
Keeping the original text of Raul Pompeia, Marcello Quintanilha creates a
masterpiece in comic book form.
The animals of the Brazilian fauna are the protagonists of this delicate masterpiece
by José Paulo Paes and Rubens Matuck. It consists of eight poems accompanied
by beautiful watercolors, each one dedicated to a different creature: the ant, the
macaw, the sloth, the alligator, the hummingbird, the anteater and the agouti.
Through short and amusing verses, the book stimulates children’s sensibility to
the expressiveness of language.
In the Dark Night Lays
a Tree of Wonders!
Author and illustrator: Ricardo Azevedo
The First Kiss
Author: Marcia Kupstas
Illustrator: Eduardo Medeiros
Format: 20 x 24 cm - 120 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-08-08190-5
Rights available
Once upon a time there was a range of stories that great-great-grandparents told
great-grandparents, who told grandparents, who told parents… who suddenly
stopped telling them. They are stories about life that spread radiance and magic
anytime, anywhere, and yet are at risk of being lost forever. But before they
disappear completely in the dark night, Ricardo Azevedo, a researcher of Brazilian
folklore and an exceptional storyteller, chose some of the most delightful tales and
wrote them down the way everyone likes to hear them: from parent to child.
and Young
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-08-16111-9
Rights available
Alex is unhappy with his new life in a big city apartment. He would rather go back
to the countryside, where he could play in the street, his parents had time for him
and no one called him a hick. Back in his town, he had no problems at school and
did not have to put up with obnoxious girls like Beth. She could just leave him alone,
especially now that he was being punished for something he didn’t do... If someone
would just let him explain himself he would have much to say. Not knowing how to
deal with so many changes, Alex barely notices the transformations occurring
inside of him. But conflicts do not prevent him from experiencing one of the best
discoveries in life.
To us, publishers, Editora Baobá represents the fulfillment of a long-term project. It
was created with the purpose of offering to the public works which express our
commitment to ethics, aesthetics and playfulness in the education of the young
readers – inspiring them to be engaged citizens with society at large. Holding this
catalogue and flipping these first pages of Editora Baobá, you will find both wellknown authors and new talents, a variety of genres, from prose to poetry, drama
and short stories. All the material is carefully selected, aiming to please not only
the young readers, but parents, teachers and those who will, somehow, become
the link between literature and the education of our youngsters.
Rua Selênio, 292 • Bairro Prado
Belo Horizonte • 30411-228 • MG • Brazil
Rights Departament:
Ms. Maria Zoé Rios Fonseca de Andrade
55 (31) 3653-5216
[email protected]
O Quarto Porquinho
Author: Angelo Machado
Illustrators: Luis Sartori do Vale
O Incrível Mundo Dos Nínuys
Author: Antonio Navarro & Zu Escobar
Illustrators Jovan de Melo
36 Pages.
ISBN 978-85-66653-10-6
Rights available
ISBN 978-85-66653-01-4
Rights available
Inspired by one of the most famous classics of children’s literature, The fourth
piggie, filled with wonderful illustrations and written in a lovely, charming way,
will surely entertain the young reader. The adventurous narrative will not only
instigate his curiosity on finding out the identity of the fourth little pig, but also
make him aware of the possibility of creating new versions for a classic fairy tale.
With an unexpected outcome, this book presents a playful, ludic reading
experience to those taking their first steps into the world of literature
In this book, two enthralling stories are woven in parallel to describe a magical
world, inhabited by fantastic characters, in which the adventures of three friends
- Dorotéia, Nicolinos e Débora - take place. Permeated by the allegorical language
peculiarities, the text invites the reader to participate in the unfolding of the story,
to engage with the magical atmosphere of the book and the emotions experienced
by the three friends. Both the discoveries made by the main characters and the
emotions experienced by them are an invitation to the reader to get into the
fantastic world of the Nínuys, stimulating the taste for reading.
O Torcedor Verde-Amarelo
Authors: Zoé Rios.
Illustrators: Mário Silva
Que quintal!
Author: Laís Corrêa de Araujo
Illustrators:Thais Mesquita
ISBN 978-85-66653-00-7.
Rights available
24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66653-04-5
Rights available
The yellow-and-green fan approaches soccer and the World Cup in a different
manner than the usual. It emphasizes the social and cultural aspects of the
Brazilian soccer fans and the emotions they experience when watching a football
match. The book also brings up the Brazilian people interacting with soccer fans
from other countries during this great international championship. Rythm, rhymes
and attractive images encourage the quest for more nuts and bolts about the
sport. Reading this text, the young football fan will surely be amazed by the way
the Brazilian soccer fans experience this great celebration of the sport.
In Brazil, with the growth of big cities, houses are being demolished to give place
to apartment buildings. The houses and their backyards are slowly disappearing
– and it is precisely about these spaces that What a backyard! is about. Blossoming
with life – pets, plants and people – Laís´ backyard is a sprightly place, where
different sounds and noises mix together, a constant celebration, inviting kids to
play and grown-ups to recapture their childhood. In the words of the poetess Thais
Guimarães in her presentation-poem: “all it takes is to enter this book” for the
readers to find a place which is “so very lovely and full of bliss, Laís´ backyard”.
O Lobisomem
Que Quase Morreu De Medo
Author: Ronaldo Simões Coelho
Illustrators: Warley Assis
The cunning little mouse
Author: Vander de Melo Ribeiro.
Illustrators: Carolina Merlo
28 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66653-17-5
Rights available
In this book, the world is seen from a different perspective, inspired by elements
of children´s imagination. The captivating narrative - a mix of humor, horror and
thriller - offers to the reader a playful experience, full of new emotions and
feelings. The editorial design offers to the young readers an easy, amusing
experience, and will also arouse their interest in folkloric literature. The images
used to illustrate the book add realism to this funny fictional narrative.
and Young
20 Pages.
ISBN 978-85-66653-07-6
Rights available
A story which will surprise the young readers. As the main character – a cunning little
mouse – presents the possibility of reinventing reality, he provokes a reflection on
what is out of the ordinary, the ideas of the unusual and the unexpected. The text is
enriched by illustrations which are appealing to the taste of the novice readers.
Av. Dom Pedro I, 840 • Fundos
São Paulo • 01552-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Departament:
Ms. Juliana Messias
55 11 2215-6252
[email protected]
The Fox’s Tail
Author: Costa Senna
Illustrator: Murilo Silva
52 Pages
The Battle Between
ISBN: 978-85-8032-014-5
Oliveiros and Ferrabrás
Rights available
Author: Leandro Gomes de Barros
Adapted by Klévisson Viana and Eduardo Azevedo
Illustrator: Klévisson Viana and Eduardo Azevedo
28 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88386-76-1
Rights available
The Fox’s Tail combines two traditions in a single book: fables about foxes and
cumulative tales. Metaphors for human behaviors, the fable, from Aesop to La
Fontaine and passed on by Phaedrus through a sea of anonymous people, has
one foot rooted in the magical and another in moral formation. The cumulative
tale, whose origin disappears during European Low Middle Ages, also tends to
have a formative dimension, despite its popular and entertaining function.
Zungo Zunzungo
Author: Antonio Elias de França
Illustrator: Rafael Limaverde
24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8032-022-0
Rights available
Retold by Antonio Elias de França and illustrated by Rafael Limaverde, Zungo
Zunzungo gathers popular verses from children’s games and nursery rhymes
found in Brazilian oral tradition. The clarity in rhyming, repetition of chorus,
musicality of words and distinctive vocabulary not only evoke children’s
emotions, but also reference popular culture. Often poems like this are chanted
in groups accompanied by rhythmic clapping.
and Young
Claridade, part of the Nova Alexandria Editorial Group since 2002, publishes
books on general knowledge, spirituality, health, wellness and children’s literature.
In an effort to diversify its editorial line, Claridade also included the genres of
fiction, short stories, and humor in its current catalogue. We have selected for this
exhibition a few titles highlighting children’s literature, food and health. However,
you can find all our titles in the Nova Alexandria Editorial Group’s catalogue.
Written by Leandro Gomes de Barros (1865-1918) at the beginning of the 20th
century, The Battle Between Oliveiros and Ferrabrás is a classic work of Brazilian
cordel literature and tells how Charlemagne and his knights battle the invaders,
but do not prevent the destruction of the city. Back in the Iberian Peninsula,
Ferrabrás with all his bravado challenges the French knights to a one-on-one
duel. Despite being wounded, Oliveiros steps forth to battle Ferrabrás. Illustrators
Klévisson Viana and Eduardo Azevedo recreate this story in comic form, fully
preserving the original text written in verse.
of a Frog-Bird
Author: Luiz Galdino
Illustrator: Rafael Limaverde
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8032-023-7
Rights available
Concerns of a Frog-Bird, geared towards a young audience, combines the
Brazilian fauna and flora to discuss very relevant issues today: being respectful
of differences and the right to self-esteem. The book deals with the relationships
between forest animals, starting with a frog determined to make himself more
bird-like in order to become beautiful in their eyes. The result might not be ideal
for anyone involved, until an ever unpredictable, but equally desirable
element intervenes: love.
Founded in 2008, Editora Cobogó is a publishing house with its focus on contemporary
art and culture. Cobogó makes a point of working very closely to its artists and authors,
thus creating individual publications that avoid formulas or predetermined
structures. Renowned names stand out among our authors and artists, such as Adriana
Varejão, Nuno Ramos, Vik Muniz, Gerald Thomas, Adriana Calcanhotto, Rivane
Neuenschwander and Paulo Nazareth. The centerpieces of the publisher’s catalogue
include two collective books that present a panorama of the current pictorial production
made in Brazil, entitled Pintura brasileira séc. XXI e Desdobramentos da pintura brasileira
séc. XXI (Brazilian Painting XXI Cent. and Unfoldings of Brazilian Painting XXI Cent.).
Rua Jardim Botânico, 635 • Sala 406 • Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro • 22470-050 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Melina Bial
55 21 2282-5287
[email protected]
Melchior, the bestest
Author: Vik Muniz
Illustrator: Adriana Calcanhotto
and Young
Format: 20 x 20 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978.85.60965.18-2
Rights available
This is the first children’s book written by artist Vik Muniz, which also counts with
delightful illustrations by famous singer and composer Adriana Calcanhotto.
Melchior was a boy who wasn’t at the bottom, but also never was on top, until
the day he has the chance to realize his greatest wish: to be better than the
best, to be the bestest.
Editora Dedo de Prosa is a publishing house that focuses on publication of books
for children, youngsters and teachers from Primary and Secondary schools, within
language and literature areas. The main purpose of these books is to provide
supporting materials for teachers in order to help them expand students’ curiosity.
The selection process for publishing aims to enable a constant exchange of
reflections on new and challenging ideas, both inside and outside of the classroom.
We hope to create a platform that can transform information and knowledge into
practice, showing how theory can be applied to everyday life. Quoting the Brazilian
writer Guimarães Rosa’s – “Because life is a collective effort, rummaged and
seasoned by everyone.”
Rua Fortunato, 252, cj 22 • Santa Cecília
São Paulo • 01224-030 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Silvia Dinucci Fernandes
55 11 3331-1757
[email protected]
The charmed stone
Author: Gil Veloso
Illustrator: Nara Amelia
The naughty boy
Author: Gil Veloso
Arts: Guto Lacaz
Format: 15 X 23 - 48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64333-00-0
Rights available
Format 21 X 25 - 40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64333-02-4
Rights available
Pedrita (Stony) collects all kinds of stones and loves them as much as she loves
her pets. This book talks about her relationship with her stones, her friends, her
boyfriend and her annoying brother until she finds a charmed stone. Between
the lines of a simple and funny story, the text enchants people of all ages with
its rhythm and mastery of the language. The book is full of turnarounds, traps
and unexpected moments, narrated throughout in a fast and sharp language.
Everybody has a little bit of an artist inside themselves. This boy has more than a
bit. He just cannot stand still. Moved by creative winds, his mind is constantly in
the middle of a dizzying whirlpool. By being like that, he has given life to a number
of apparently useless things. Will this continue once he grows up? Guto’s images
reaffirm art as an unlimited enigma because it often appears do lack purpose,
and it responds to the current flow of utilitarian and comforting messages with
uncertainty, indeterminacy and, above all, with humor that corrodes everything.
The Dinosaur’s Birthday
First book of The Birthday Series
Author: Índigo
Illustrator: Elma
Format: 21 X 25 - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64369-03-0
Rights available
Blossomed Pathway
Author: Francisco Moura Campos
Pictures: Lúcia Hiratsuka
Arthur is one year old. As he looks at old photos from his birthday party, he
remembers the occasion and tries to find out what really happened that day.
Did he get a dinosaur as a birthday gift? Who were those people in the
photos? Through sensible and witty comments, this little narrator relates his
“debut in the world”. Each book of the series is a birthday party. Arthur grows
older with each book. And if the book is the birthday party, the reader is the
guest. In each book-party the reader gets to know a bit more about Arthur’s
story and his insights in different stages of life.
Francisco Moura Campos’ haiku poetry invites us for a journey of concise simplicity
of the transience of life. Using objective description of a physical sensation, the
author awakens memories and feelings. Lúcia Hiratsuka wraps the work with
delicate illustrations that impress the senses and reveal the harmony of the
entire work. Seize the journey. Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2013 (FNLIJ) and
Prize “Righly Recommended” 2013 (FNLIJ)
Yara’s tears
Author: Ricardo Pombal
Illustrator: Dedê Paiva
Format: 21 X 25 - 16 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64369-00-9
Rights available
The chicken
and other bright animals
Author: Ronald Polito
Visual poems: Guto Lacaz
An ancient legend says that a young Indian boy was crying because of the death
of his father and he was comforted by Yara, the guardian of the Waters. From that
day on, the forest has never been the same. The little Indian boy learned that our
sadness is temporary. He felt consoled and happy for noticing that even in sad
moments the winds and the water kept playing with the trees he liked so much.
This short legend can deeply touch the infant reader, who will be enchanted by
the text and also thrilled by the vibrant colors of the illustrations.
and Young
Format 14 X 21 - 40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64333-03-1
Rights available
Format 21 X 25 - 56 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64333-04-8
Rights available
A cat playing in a bathtub? A worm in the North Pole? A beaver with a house
made of scrap? This is a book of all amazing animals, involved in unpredictable
situations that demand well thought actions and reactions. It is also a book of
poems that, without following models, behave like a big show of verses, metrics,
rhythms and rimes. This is the first teenager’s book by Ronald Polito, with
visual poems by the artist Guto Lacaz.
For 70 years, Editora do Brasil S.A. has been a company based on educational
publications, schoolbooks and literature – informative, children’s and youngster’s
books, many of them awarded for their quality and innovative features. The books
have topical issues presented by some of the best Brazilian authors and designers,
some of whom are internationally renowned. With more than 1,000 titles in its
catalogue, Editora do Brasil is one of the ten most important Brazilian publishing
houses in its field.
Rua Conselheiro Nébias, 887
São Paulo • 01203-001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Cibele Mendes Curto Santos
55 11 3226-0211
[email protected]
The Old Woman and Her Pig
Author and Illustrator: Rosinha
Poems With Problems
Author and Illustrator: Renata Bueno
Format: 21.5 x 25 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 9788510052214
Rights available
Format: 20 x 20 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 9788510051316
Rights available
A very lonely old woman decides to buy a beautiful little pig to be her companionship.
However, on the way home, the pig refuses to cross the bridge. Then, the old
woman asks the dog, the fire, the water, and many other elements for help… This
cumulative tale, which is based on an English story, will entertain the readers with
its unusual characters and the mystery that is intensified with each new fact: Will
the old woman finally be able to take the pig home?
A fun text, full of rhymes and… problems! The poems in this book play with
Mathematics by presenting riddles, puzzles, and elaborating equations
which transform the problems into poems and the poems into problems.
A rich book full of mathematical games.
Tales of the Ice Land
Author: Rogério Andrade Barbosa
Illustrator: Graça Lima
The Invisible Stair
Author: César Obeid e Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Anabella López
Format: 27 x 20 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 9788510048293
Rights available
Format: 20,5 x 23,5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 9788510053693
Rights available
Why are there days and nights? How did the wind appear? Where do we come
from? The Eskimos try to solve these and other nature mysteries through very
interesting tales that are passed on from one generation to another in the Ice
Land, a cold and distant region. In this new work with beautiful illustrations by
Graça Lima, Rogério Andrade Barbosa invites us to explore a bit of this culture
that is fascinating, but also unknown to many of us.
Filó and her sister Sofia are standing by Grandpa Quinho’s bedroom door, just as
sad as him and all the family, because Grandma Ninha is gone. Now, the sisters try
to find a way of comforting their grandfather while asking themselves how things
will be from now on and how to deal with their grandmother’s absence. In this
context, Sofia and Filó talk about the invisible stair, which is not always seen by
everyone and which takes the beloved ones to a place where everything is just fine.
Waiting For Your Arrival
Author: Luís Dill
Illustrator: Flávio Fargas
Sensor: The Game
Author: Manuel Filho
Illustrator: Laurent Cardon
Format: 21.5 X 26 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 9788510051330
Rights available
The arrival of a new baby in the family is always something special and full
of arrangements and expectancies. This is the scenery where a boy finds a
special way to introduce the relatives to his little brother that is about to be
born. In a tender way, the author talks about family, the child’s universe and
shows the delight of having a little sibling.
and Young
Format: 17 x 26 cm - 88 Pages
ISBN: 9788510053426
Rights available
Fred is a teenager who is always up to date with the latest technologies,
especially about video games. His life turns upside down when joins an ultra
secret project to develop a super modern and revolutionary game: the sensor.
However, things seem to have gone out of control. Fred and one of the research
chiefs mysteriously disappear along with other people involved in the project.
Joca, Fred’s great friend and cousin, knows more than expected about it.
Supported by Bia, a smart and tuned-in girl, Joca will try to save his cousin
and unveil the mystery behind the sensor, what will involve him in an exciting
adventure between real life and the virtual world of games.
Avenida Paulista, 726 • CJT 1210 • Bela Vista
São Paulo • 01310-910 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Simone Paulino
55 11 3660-5400
[email protected]
There’s No Secret to Having Money
Financial Education
for Young People
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
108 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63680-21-1
Rights available
The Boy
of the Money Collection
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-63680-15-0
ISBN: 978-85-63680-20-4
ISBN: 978-85-63680-29-7
ISBN: 978-85-8276-023-9
ISBN: 978-85-8276-022-2
Rights available
The Boy
and the Money Collection
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Illustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
ISBN: 978-85-63680-14-3
ISBN: 978-85-63680-18-1
ISBN: 978-85-63680-23-5
Rights available
Coleção Sonhos de Ser
Dream to be Collection
Authors: Simone Paulino; Ana Lasevicius;
Claudia Nina and Maíra Viana
Illustrator: Luyse Costa and Cecília Murgel
ISBN: 978-85-63680-79-2
ISBN: 978-85-63680-80-8
ISBN: 978-85-63680-82-2
ISBN: 978-85-63680-81-5
Rights available
Aimed at a teenage audience, this book provides valuable information on Financial
Education to those who are about to enter the labor market. Based on issues that
make young people lose their sleep, such as career choices and family relations,
the writer Reinaldo Domingos shows that it is important to establish a healthy
relationship with one’s finances early on. Going beyond the individual level, it
encourages young people to reflect, addressing important issues, such as tax load,
government budgets, technological entrepreneurship, aware consumption and
even the great human ideals, such as social and racial equality.
‘The Boy and the Money’ collection is comprised by three books that talk about
money in a playful and poetical manner, addressing reflections – although in a
simple manner – about what is engulfed by it. In order to develop financial
education for children, already in early childhood, the books present some
elements that symbolize the universe of money: currencies, piggy banks and
others. The books are The Boy and the Money; The Boy, the Money and the Three
Piggy Banks; and The Boy, the Money and the Antcicada.
and Young
With the slogan “More than books, dreams!”, DSOP Publisher summarizes its
core reason and the focus of its activities in the publishing market. After all, as
Shakespeare said: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on”. The children’s
literature catalogue, primarily, privileges magnificent titles that drive on children
the taste for reading and for fantasy, so essential for the harmonious arrangement
of their psychical and social lives. The publisher’s catalogue includes, among its
many other works, the first collection of financial education for elementary school
in the country, with books that encompass all the educational cycles, already
adopted by hundreds of private and public schools in Brazil, which educational
syllabus includes this specific subject matter.
With a gentle and funny language, ‘The Boy of Money’
collection is composed by five books that aim at
nurturing small readers’ dreams, dividing them into
material and non-material. Each volume of this
collection is based on a distinct line that follows,
respectively, the topics: Family (The Boy of Money
– Family Dreams), Diversity (The Boy of Money –
Attending School), Entrepreneurship (The Boy of Money
– Action Among Friends), Sustainability (The Boy of
Money – In a Sustainable World) and Autonomy/
Citizenship (The Boy of Money – Little Citizen).
The ‘Dream to be Collection’ is comprised by books that
refer to dreams and that provide children a first contact
with some universal human issues such as the search for
identity, the achievement of citizenship, the right to
education and to the very condition of being able to
dream. The works present four female characters seeking
to make their dreams come true. Diana lives on the streets
and wants to attend school (Diana, Luana, Luanda); Alice
wants to learn how to write her name (Alice’s Secret
Dream); Clariana wants to be noticed (Clariana, the
Invisible Girl); and Nina is fighting to defeat her fear of the
dark (Nina and the Night Lamp).
Dubolsinho was created in 2000 to publish quality books, with geographical, social
and cultural peculiarities that make it a highly original publishing house. Being a
non-profit company, it can sell at low prices, give big discounts to state institutions
and donate to community service organizations. Our most ambitious projects are
Lerês, a program to encourage reading and writing in public state schools, and the
creation of courses on drawing, music and environmental education, to which part
of our annual net revenue is allocated. We from Dubolsinho believe good literature
has to be intelligent, original, intriguing and creative. In other words: literature can
deal with any subject matter, but above all it has to be art. The good old art of being
well written and well enjoyed.
Rua José Magalhães Barbosa, 63 B • Centro
Sabará • 34505-510 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Teresa Machado Nunes
55 31 3671-5443
[email protected]
Mr. Bruno Silva D’Abruzzo
55 11 4306-2080 / 55 11 98664-7753
E-mail: [email protected]
Cat in the Woods
Author and illlustrator: Sebastião Nuvens
One Thing for Another
Author : Alciene Ribeiro Leite
Illustrator: Patricia Woll
Format: 22.5 x 22 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-87728-59-3
Rights available
Format: 22.5 x 22 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-87728-42-5
Rights available
A cat went for a walk in the woods. When he got there he met… With a lot of
rhythm, rhyme, humor and surprises, Gato no Mato (Cat in the Woods) is a gem
in the usually battered segment of books for young readers who are learning to
decode words fluently. In an involving and original story, the book proves that
it is possible to work with simplicity without being too simple. The game is linked
to the illustrations – thus providing a combination of reading and analysis of
images – and to the universe of numbers, for fun activities with math.
Vivi is a smart magical girl. Her mother is a practical busy woman. Vivi trades
with her mom all the time. Some of the things she asks for are possible, others
impossible. Her mom pretends to yield to her. When the time to go to bed comes,
Vivi demands the most impossible thing of all. Once again Vivi’s mom says okay.
With lovely illustrations, this book is a permanent game of magical fun trades
between mother and daughter. An invitation to those with magical ideas,
especially children - small, medium and big children.
The Fairy’s Kid
Author: Rita Espeschit
Illustrators: Mariângela Haddad
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Author: Israel Jelin
Illustrator: Sebastião Nuvens
Format: 22.5 x 22 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN 978-85-87728-39-5
Rights available
Format: 20.5 x 20.5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66383-08-9
Rights available
Like all children, young fairies have a long way to learn. Learn what is always new,
which at times may be hard and even dangerous. In Filhote de Fada (The Fairy’s
Kid), one learns how to fly, which is one of fairies’ essential features. Young
readers will gradually discover what is in store for ‘the little fairy’ in her first
attempts to fly. Short sentences in a concise text (sometimes with rhyme) and
lots of illustrations make this book especially suitable not only for children who
are learning to read, but also for children who are already involved in the
marvelous adventure of reading. The dialogs are rich, light and fun, quite
adequate to spark kids’ interest and curiosity.
Little children are smarter than you think. No wonder doting moms and dads say
that about their offspring all the time. The truth is, they’re quite right: kids are
really very smart. This book shows how children act, react and interact. Young
kids will certainly see themselves in every little dialogue. Older kids will find them
funny and will remember the time when they were just like that. Teenagers will
miss the simple days of their childhood – when they were naturally clever. What
about grown-ups then? Oh, those will have a lot of fun, too. So this is a book to be
enjoyed and savored by readers of all ages.
The King of Birds
Author and illustrator: Sebastião Nuvens
Curio’s Bird Sitter
Author: Edméa Campbells
Illustrator: Fausto Prats
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN 85-87728-24-5
Rights available
The King of Birds consists of smooth, magical prose, and is based on a 12th century
Persian poem, Mantiq-ut-Tair (Dialog of the Birds), which tells the birds’ dangerous
journey in search of their king. Their final discovery, impregnated with that symbolic
beauty which only Easterners are capable of expressing, is a metaphor whose
meaning young readers can easily understand, and can touch the hearts of people
of any age.Like in other books by Sebastião Nuvens, the visual element tells a story
of its own, and can render discussions about colors, textures, special effects, collage
and the use of computer technology as a working tool for plastic arts creation.
and Young
Format: 26 x 18 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66383-06-5
Rights available
This is the story of an extraordinary scarecrow. He used to live very peacefully in
the middle of an orchard, spending all his time playing with birds. One day, and
there’s always one particular day when things change, he heard a strange story:
the story of a wooden puppet that turned into a real boy. The wooden puppet
was Pinocchio. Babá de Curió (Curio’s bird-sitter) is the name of our curious
scarecrow. From the moment he heard of Pinocchio’s story he never stopped
dreaming. Then, one day…
By investing in education, Fama publishing house aims at developing innovative
projects that dialogue with the educational demands of XXI Century’s citizens.
With a wide and diverse line, Fama publishing house has advanced in proposing
tools that enable new learning environments in both personal and distance
education,according to the principles of Education 3.0, integrating technology
and people. The latest tool released by the company is the Town of Fama
publishing house ( - first social network aimed at the
Brazilian and Citizenship Education for Transit.
If This Were My Street
Citizenship Education
Program for Transit
Format: 20,6 x26, 6cm
64 Pages - ISBN : 978-85-63836-02-1
64 Pages - ISBN : 978-85-63836-00-7
32 Pages - ISBN : 978-85-63836-01-4
Rights available
Designed for students from 1st to 9th grade of elementary school, it consists on the
development of educational activities to approach the subject Transit, linking it to
all curriculum subjects. Based on values and social behavior, the project’s objective
is to develop a preventive work, preparing students to the exercise of ethical
citizenship, making them responsible and conscious of their rights and duties
as an active participant in traffic, contributing to the preservation of life. The
courseware includes: Student’s Book, Parents’ Book and Teacher’s Book, games,
posters, tote bag and certificates for students who engage in the program.
This Is My
City too
Format: 20.6 x26.6cm - 152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63836-04-5
Rights available
‘This is my City Too’ was designed for teens and proposes activities on the
exercise of citizenship in order to build a fairer and happier society. The program
consists of Student’s, Parent’s and Teacher’s Book, posters, DVDs and a card
game involving the young in many everyday situations. Practical, objective and
easy to perform, the program provides opportunities for teens to exchange ideas
about their experiences, problems, doubts and anxieties. It provides tools and
activities that promote awareness in the youth towards reflection, discussion and
analysis of the issues, so that they acquire a perspective on the way to a healthier
community. The adolescent’s education is responsibility of the whole society.
Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann
Melissa and her Friends
Combat Monstrocrack
Coordinator: Ivany Klaumann
Format: 16.5 x 22.5 cm - 22 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63836-08-3
Rights available
It offers: Students - A board game that offers to teens indicatives to guide a
reflection and an analysis of what is necessary to productive citizenship as well
as to conscious and responsible freedom, free from drugs, specifically crack.
To Teachers - A book that helps encourage the construction of thought,
knowledge and autonomy in the young, as well as a list of pedagogical
suggestions that can be exploited in the game. The family - A book that
guides and advises parents on the relative behavior of the young, drug use
and its impact on individuals, families and social A few moments; Great results!
Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 3525 •Água Verde
Curitiba • 80240-041 • PR • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Faruk El Khabit
55 41 3016-8051
[email protected]
In Motorcycle Too
and Young
Format: 16,5 x22, 5cm - 80 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63836-06-9
Rights available
Safe And Preventive Behavior In Transit The program aims at education and
awareness for users of two wheels transport, turning one responsible for his or her
own safety. It emphasizes citizenship ethics and behavioral actions that promote
a humanized traffic to prioritize the preservation of life. It is a practical program,
objective and easy to understand. The motorcyclist must know you’re his or her
own frailty on this type of transport so to recognize physical integrity and
preservation of life as things that depend on prudent actions, and respect to the
traffic rules. Applicable in educational institutions, companies, motorcycle taxis,
car dealerships and motorcycle trainings. Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann
The Street
Is not Only Mine
Format: 21 x 24cm - 190 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63836-24-3
Rights available
Traffic Education: Everyone’s Responsability The displacement of people in the home/
work way shows one of the highest rates of accidents, which harms the company with
official replacement and medical, hospital and legal expenses, as well as physical and
emotional exhaustion for the victims and their families. The program ‘The Street Is not
Only Mine’ brings significant guidance for youth and adults. It aims at educating
managers, office workers, students and teachers about the importance of adopting
safe, responsible and courteous behavior in traffic, in order to reduce accidents, stress
and emotional and financial losses that arise from misconduct and aggressiveness.
Coordinating team: Ivany Klaumann
Galpão Publishing brings to the market important materials to help teach foreign
languages – mainly Brazilian Portuguese – and relevant titles dedicated to the
development and training of professionals involved with Education.
The new brand – GALPÃOZINHO – publishes new and more well-known Brazilian
authors writing for kids and teens. Our main interest is to bring to the market
content developed to be distributed through several different platforms: printed
books, Apps and extra material on the Cloud.
Av. Paulista, 726 • Sala 501
São Paulo • 01310-910 • SP • Brasil
Rights Department:
Ms. Susanna Florissi
55 11 3288-2204
[email protected]
O que vinha no vento
Author: Silvia Abolafio
Illustrator: Marcos Garutti
Um golfinho e uma menina
Author: Anna Claudia Ramos
Illustrator: Rubem Filho
Format: 210 X 230 mm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 9788599311226
(illustrated) - Rights available
4 Colors - Apps: iOS and Android
What is blowing in the wind? Smells, images, memories, a car, the rain?
There is a special being who knows exactly what the wind is blowing in.
She feels everything. Her eyes cannot see anymore but she can smell and
understand what is going on around her. One day this very special being time
goes away, leaving behind an empty space. Silvia Abolafio is a designer and
in her very first book she invited the experienced Marcos Garutti to work on the
illustration. This book is also available for iOS and Android Apps.
and Young
Format: 210 X 240 mm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99311-23-3
(illustrated) - Rights available
4 Colors - Apps: iOS and Android
A dolphin and a young girl is a story of love and strength to overcome unusual
problems, of friendship and sharing. The book tells the story of Jade who loves the
sea and the dolphins that swim close to the horizon and of Nuno a baby-dolphin who
loves to look at the children playing on the beach and near the waves. On a very
special and different day, an unexpected incident causes several dolphins to swim
too close to the sand and get stuck close to the beach where Jade lives. Children and
adults get together in an effort to save the dolphins. Jade herself saves Nuno and
they start a friendship that will change their entire lives. The book is also available as
an App for iOS and Android and extra content for children, parents and teachers can
be found on the Cloud. Ideal for schools and libraries.
With more than 350 titles in its catalogue today, Hagnos Publishing House was
founded in January 2001, born as the result of Mauro and Marilene Terrengui deep
appreciation for the editorial market.
With a name whose Greek origin means “pure, holy, clean”, Hagnos is
characterized by the quality of its editorial production. Renowned authors, both
national and foreign, transparency and social responsibility are some of the
pillars that sustain the structure prepared by Hagnos, a relatively young publishing
house, but with a broad market vision.
and Young
Av. Jacinto Júlio, 27 • Jardim Satélite
São Paulo • 04815-160 • São Paulo • Brazil
Rights Department
Mr. Juan Carlos Martinez Pinto
55 11 5668-5668
[email protected]
The boy in the barrel
Author and illustrator: Paulo Debs
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-243-0416-3
Rights available
Who never wanted to hide from the world, especially the way it is today? In
“The Boy in the Barrel”, Paulo Debs shows children that life is a gift from God
and we do not need to hide from it, afraid to live. Why not approach each day
with a heart full of joy and hope in God – because He cares for us!? That is the
secret … to leave your fear in the barrel!
Editora Manole has been in the market for over 40 years and has built a catalogue
with over 1,500 titles. Its goal is to constantly be focused on improvement, to cover
different areas of knowledge - mainly health-related sciences - and to follow
scientific progress. In 2003, Manole launched the imprint Minha Editora, dedicated
to publishing special projects in partnership with private institutions. In 2008,
Manole started its literary imprint, Amarilys, and has been publishing not only a
well-chosen assortment of classics, thrillers and fantasy novels, but also nonfiction with a literary taste and highly acclaimed Brazilian authors of children’s and
young adult literature. Manole is recognized for the excellence of its publications
and has been granted several awards.
Tibi and Quequé
and the Adventures
in the World of Grown-Ups
Authors: Daniela Manole
and Natalia Manole Pimentel Mendes
Illustrator: Guilherme Jotapê Rodrigues
44 Pages
ISBN 978-85-204-3450-5
Rights available
Daniela Manole, managing director of Editora Manole, and her teenage daughter
Natalia bring us a story filled with fun and surprises, inspired by Natalia’s daily
routine when she was a child. They both tell day-by-day episodes from the
character Nathy, who lives with her imaginary friends Tibi and Quequé. Their visits
to the vegetable garden, the arrangements for Christmas and other daily activities,
such as teeth brushing, show how important is to stimulate the imagination as a
primary aspect in the learning process. Children are free to use their creativity to
color the black-and-white illustrations created by Guilherme Jotapê Rodrigues.
The Red Girl
Author: Tereza Yamashita
and Luiz Bras
Illustrators: João Lin
and Young
Avenida Ceci, 672 • Tamboré
Barueri • 06460-120 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mrs. Denise Yumi Chinem
55 11 4196-6002
[email protected]
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-204-3150-4
Rights available
Be still, my heart!
Author: Lalau and Laurabeatriz
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-204-3707-0
Rights available
Lalau and Laurabeatriz set out to discover the heart of several creatures.
And they learned that there are all kinds of hearts in this world: enormous
hearts, teeny tiny hearts, triple hearts, hearts burning with passion, hearts
that easily cry, hearts always in a hurry and hearts that are sweet and kind.
The heart is the true expression of love and life. In this book, the heart is also
a symbol of joy and poetry. Be still, my heart!
Iris loves lines and colors, but her world turns upside down when she meets Siri,
another girl who also loves to paint and draw. The most amazing is that Siri lives in
a world inside the mirror. She is the reflection of Iris and together, the two girls and
their friends will fight against the prejudice of a rude and bad-tempered villain.
Editing, publishing and distributing books, producing support material and works of
literature, with a permanent commitment to working for the improvement of education.
This is the mission of Moderna Publishing House, a leader in the public and private
market of textbooks. Always in search of new paths for the excellence of our publications,
in an unprecedented iniciative in the Brazilian editorial market, Moderna has exclusively
acquired for its catalogue all the works by renowned author Pedro Bandeira,
thus creating an important moment for the Brazilian literature targeted at children and
young readers. The success of this action has now been repeated, with all the books by
writer and illustrator Eva Furnari, one of the most acclaimed Brazilian authors for young
children, and also with the works by writer, playwright, television screenwriter and
translator Walcyr Carrasco, further enriching our catalogue.
Rua Padre Adelino, 758 •Belenzinho
São Paulo • 03303-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mrs. Lenice Bueno
55 11 2790-1402
[email protected]
Felpo Filva
Author and Illustrator:
Eva Furnari
The Obedience Drug
Author: Pedro Bandeira
Illustrator: Hector Gomez
48 Pages
ISBN: 85-16-05182-x
Rights available
192 Pages
ISBN: 85-16-04539-5
rights available
Felpo Filva is a famous poet, but also a lonely rabbit. Felpo has been this lonely
ever since he was a child, when his classmates mocked him because he had one
ear shorter than the other. Felpo could have been alone forever if it hadn’t been
for that day when he received a short letter from Charlô, a fan who disagreed with
the pessimistic and dramatic content of some of his poems. Offended by Charlô’s
very nerve, Felpo begins an exchange of correspondence in which the tone of the first
grumpy letters gradually becomes as sweet as Grandma Felpa’s chocolate cookies.
“The Karas” are a group of friends studying in Elite school. When they hear about a
wave of disappearances involving students from various schools in São Paulo, the
youngsters decide to investigate what is happening. They come across a criminal
organization: Pain Control, headed by Dr. IQ, a mad scientist who uses the
abducted students to test his extravagant and authoritarian theories on dominating
all mankind. Thus, in the Obedience Drug, the group of young detectives unravel an
intricate web of kidnappings that have been taking place in Sao Paulo.
Trudi e Kiki
Author and Illustrator:
Eva Furnari
Joel’s Wings
Author: Walcyr Carrasco
Illustratior: Jacqueline
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-06708-3
Rights available
80 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-07936-9
Rights available
In addition to being redheads, being the same age and having the same haircut,
Trudi and Kiki had many other things in common. It turns out that there was also
a big difference between them: one was a witch, while the other was not. One
day, however, the girls’ paths crossed and off went the country girl to the scary
country of witches -- and the little witch came to the skeptical and amorphous
world of humans. Luckily, a series of coincidences made it all turn out alright. In
the end, it all led to the two girls becoming great friends.
Pedrinho wanted to fly. He hid himself away from everyone, studied wings a lot,
and began building a pair – so that one day he would take off towards the blue
sky. Joel was... a boy with problems. One of those kids from whom all the others
stole cards and sweets... Pedrinho thought him silly, his mother taught him that
he was exceptional. Reading this story, you’ll discover that friendship
is something so unexplainable, so magical and so strong, that it makes even
impossible things flap their wings and take to the skies.
The Mystery
of Fantastic Feiurinha
Author: Pedro Bandeira
Illustrator: Avelino Guedes
Crooked Stars
Author: Walcyr Carrasco
Illustrator: Lúcia Brandão
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-06317-7
Rights available
There once was a writer in love with fairy tales, so much so, that one day he found
himself stuck, not in the middle, but at the end of every story: should he help the
princesses of fairy tales solve the mystery of the disappearance of Feiurinha, a
princess whose story nobody knew how to tell anymore? In order to do so, he writes
to all of the wisest fairy tale tellers in the world, to discover any trace of the story of
Feiurinha, but he receives the same reply again and again: “Feiurinha? Never heard
of her!” However, the solution to this mystery was closer than he had thought.
and Young
104 Pages
ISBN: 85-16-03546-8
Rights available
Marcella was tall, beautiful and the top volleyball player in school. While traveling
with her mother by car, she suffers a serious accident and consequently loses the
movements of her legs. Her entire family and she, herself, will discover just how
difficult it is to lose, and how precious it is to learn how to win.
Founded in 1979, Editora Positivo is Brazil’s leader in educational systems for
public and private markets, present in more than 4.000 schools in Brazil and
Japan. The Positivo educational systems offer the most advanced resources,
including textbooks, educational portals and permanent educational assistance
for schools. Besides educational systems, Editora Positivo edits, publishes and
sells collections of textbooks in various subjects for public and private markets as
well as children literature, supplementals, atlases and dictionaries.
Rua Major Heitor Guimarães, 174 • Seminário
Curitiba • 80440-000 • PR • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Julihana Valle
55 41 3312 3534
[email protected]
Author: Marcos Bagno
O Anjo Rouco
48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-6642-7
Author: Paulo Venturelli
Illustrator: Laurent Cardon
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-4349-7
Rights available
This story by Marcos Bagno is an ode dedicated to his deceased brother. It retells
the happenings of a life pervaded by simplicity and dignified by the close contact
with nature. The tragedy of death is faced in a sensitive way, with no drama, as a
learning and growth experience.
A strange sound haunts the people who live in the alleys of a countryside
town. Sometimes deafening, sometimes like moaning, either close by or far
away, but always frightening. What sound is that? Where does it come from?
When will peace prevail again? In search of answers, a boy sets off for an
adventure along which he will face the fear of the unknown and the dangers of
the night. This story is full of mystery; it was written with sensibility and holds a
surprising ending for the reader.
As memórias de Eugênia
Visita à baleia
(Memories of Eugênia)
Author: Marcos Bagno
Illustrator: Miguel Bezerra
88 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-4874-4
Rights available
(Visit to the whale)
Author: Paulo Venturelli
Illustrator: Nelson Cruz
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-5118-8
Rights available
This story’s main character and narrator relates to the world and people in a very
particular way: Eugênia is a tree who witnesses the foundation and development
of the city where she lives and suffers from the consequences of “progress”.
Through a precise writing style and a touch of poetry, this book invites the reader
to wander around the surprising secrets held in the memories of Eugênia.
The boy had just finished his homework when his father stepped in, saying there was
a whale downtown. The news soon caught everyone’s attention. How could this be
possible as they were far away from the sea? It did not take long for them to head to
the city center in order to see the whale with their own eyes. With a good dose of
humor and great illustration by Nelson Cruz, “Visita à baleia” is a book you can’t stop
reading until the very end. In 2013, this title was awarded Best Children’s Book and
Best Illustration by the National Foundation of Children’s and Youth Literature (FNLIJ).
Maçãs argentinas
O estalo
(Argentinean apples)
Author: Paulo Venturelli
Illustrator: Odilon Moraes
56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-6553-6
Rights available
Zeza is a smart guy, full of will. Lately, his main wish has been to try one of those
red, juicy and scented fruits sold in front of the bus station: the argentinean apples.
How would this be possible though, as his father’s income wouldn’t allow such
extravagance? Along with good humor and poetry, Maçãs Argentinas invites us
to think over what separates dream from reality as well as the taste of things we
wish and experience in life.
(The Hoarse Angel)
and Young
(The snap)
Author: Luís Dill
Illustrator: Rogério Coelho
104 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-385-4348-0
Rights available
A heavy rain, a loud noise, a snap. There is no time to think. Rui and Júlia can’t move
properly. They are alone with the whole night ahead and nothing much to do. While
they wait, conversation flows and they get to know each other better. This involving
narrative was built exclusively under a dialogue structure, catching the attention of
the young reader, who can easily relate to the captivating characters and their story.
Avenida Casa Verde, 455 • Casa Verde
São Paulo • 02519-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Iara Andozia
55 11 2238-5127
[email protected]
The Chicken or the Egg?
Authors: Maria Cristina Raposo de Mello,
Milton Célio de Oliveira Filho and Gustavo Rosa
Illustrator: Gustavo Rosa
Format: 20 x 27 cm - 96 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7774-424-4
Rights available
The book is fully illustrated, with artworks works by renowned artist Gustavo Rosa,
and written by Maria Cristina Raposo de Mello and Milton Célio de Oliveira Filho.
It features ludic and brief texts, which allied to the dazzling images by the painter,
results in an enchanting, magical effect over young readers.
Practicing Math
Author: Eduardo Starke
Illustrators: Juliano Quintino
and André Rebelo
Children count since their younger years – using fingers, toys, candies, stickers
and so on. The world is full of things for counting, and numbers are part of daily
life! So why not to make children start practicing? In this collection children will
be lead to the Math world, in which famous Fairy Tale characters will help them
to get to know the numbers in a delightful way!
Me, Ana Collection
Author: Regina Drummond
Illustrator: Vanessa Alexandre
365 Drawings for coloring
Author: Jefferson Ferreira
Illustrator: Jaison R. Carvalho
Format: 20 x 27 cm - 184 Pages
ISBN 978-857-774-563-0
Rights available
This collection is intended for 6-7 years
old children in literacy acquisition
process. It is composed of 8 books
and its proposal is quite interesting.
The main character is Ana, a little girl
who tells a different story in each book,
such as her involvement with the
colors, the numbers, the body, etc.
Samot Collection
Author: Regina Drummond
Illustrator: Taciana Otowitz
This collection has eight volumes,
each one with a story that presents
facts just to doubt their afterwards,
in this way stimulating the children’s
imagination. The end of each story is
a question, so children can form an
opinion about the character.
and Young
In business for 42 years, Editora Rideel is a landmark amongst Brazilian publishing
houses. It serves direct sales and publishes educational and children books, and
is one of the largest publishers of dictionaries and law books in Brazil.
Format: 25 cm x 25 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-339-1973-0
Rights available
Winner of Jabuti 2013 Best Ilustration
Format: 25 x 25 cm - 20 Pages
Me and the Colors
ISBN: 978-85-339-2002-6
Me and Vacations
ISBN: 978-85-339-2003-3
Me and the Contrasts
ISBN: 978-85-339-2001-9
Me and the Family
ISBN: 978-85-339-2007-1
Format: 25 x 25 cm - 20 Pages
Rights available
Who is Samot?
ISBN: 978-85-339-1991-4
Samot and family
ISBN: 978-85-339-1997-6
Samot and eating time
ISBN: 978-85-339-1994-5
Samot and the seasons
ISBN: 978-85-339-1992-1
Me and the Fair
ISBN: 978-85-339-2005-7
Me and the Body
ISBN: 978-85-339-2004-0
Me and the Animals
ISBN: 978-85-339-2000-2
Me and the Numbers
ISBN: 978-85-339-2006-4
Rights available
Samot and the professions
ISBN: 978-85-339-1995-2
Samot and the countries
ISBN: 978-85-339-1993-8
Samot and the dreams
ISBN: 978-85-339-1998-3
Samot: boy or girl?
ISBN: 978-85-339-1996-9
Everybody knows that every day is special. So how about a book with 365
drawings for children to color– one for each day of the year? In this book they will
also find special dates drawings, for example, Moon Landing and, World
Environment Day. Besides it, a short text is provided for helping children to
understand these important dates. They will have lots of fun with this book and
show their friends they are amazing artists!
Kids’ first bible
Adapted: Cristina Klein
Illustrators: Jaison R. Carvalho,
Adriana da Silva and Marcos Gonçalves
Format: 16x20 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-857-774-791-7
Rights available
This Bible was designed for the young kids. It provides them easy and soft texts
completed with beautiful illustrations on washable pages. It is the perfect initiation
about God’s word for children.
Editora RHJ is a Brazilian publishing house with the strong purpose of educating
new readers and stimulating their taste in reading, as it is our belief that
literature can mould children into more responsible citizens, autonomous and
with a wider, critical view of the world. We remain committed to our purpose
of promoting and releasing significant, meaningful books, of literary and
educational worth, making them available to the greatest possible number of
readers, combining excellent quality in graphic and textual standards.
Since its foundation, Editora RHJ is driven by the idea of challenge. We started as
distributors, in 1974, and it was already our concern how to render books – these
magical objects – more accessible to and cherished by children and teenagers.
Rua Cuiabá 415
Belo Horizonte • 30411-180 • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Rafael Borges de Andrade
55 31 3334 1566
[email protected]
[email protected]
Minimalist Poems
Author: Simone Pedersen.
Illustrator: Mário Silva.
Outra Vez
Author and Illustrator:
68 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7153-291-5
Rights available
28 Pages.
ISBN: 85-7153-184-6.
Rights available
An anthology of sixty minimalist poems that stir up the reader´s imagination,
describing varied types of animals – both big and small - in an unusual way.
Alternatively employing rich rhymes and blank verses, the poems emphasize
the sonority and the rhythm of written language, interlacing harmoniously with
the images. The illustrations, result of a mixing of clippings, photographs and
digital art, create for each poem a different dimension, enabling another
experience for the reader.
With her lines, drawings, movement and colors, Angela-Lago creates images
that both cover and unveil surprising secrets in the narrative, inviting the reader
to explore their details. The aesthetic and the dimensional resources used to
depict the characters, showing their emotions, trickeries, rivalries and humor are
very appealing to the taste of the young readers.
Streat Scene
Author and illustrator Angela Lago
Sua Alteza a Adivinha
Author and Illustrator:
28 Pages.
ISBN 85-7153-067-x.
Rights available
36 Pages
ISBN 85-7153-044-0
Rights available
In Street Scene, the art of painting is used to describe, brush by brush and
page by page, the daily life of a child working in the streets. The images speak for
themselves, awakening the reader´s awareness – rich in details, with vibrant colors,
movement and surprising angles, they stir up the imagination and allow for a
creative interpretation. Portrayed in an expressionist way, the story speaks to the
heart without the need of words, making this graphic production a work available
and open to the whole global community, a book to be explored with no hedges.
Using illustrations created with digital image processing software, Angela-Lago
was able to craft a dialogue between the classic and the contemporary. These
images, relating to the drawings typical of the medieval era, incorporate a new
hue, a pinch of enigma to the folkloric narrative. The richness brought by the
unusual elements of this work allows for a creative reading of the illustrations,
which, interweaved with the transitoriness of the text, contextualize and give
depth to the characters as the narrative unfolds. A beautiful book, which was
also awarded a prize for its exceptional editorial project.
Marginal to the Left
Author and Illustrator:
Author and Illustrator:
Mário Vale
60 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7153-224-3
Rights available
Drawings and a short-story by Angela-Lago portray the longings of a kid called
Míudo, a local character of a universal story. Miúdo faces many difficulties to
carry out his vocation, classical music. As in a counterpoint, the realistic tone of
the narrative contrasts with the fleeting images, and we have no option but to
dive into the captivating atmosphere of the book. The passage of time blends
with the turning of pages, crafting an aesthetic that is simultaneously expressive
and realistic – the peculiar timbre of the author´s work.
and Young
16 Pages
ISBN 85-7153-024-6.
Rights available
In a very sweet way and as if by magic, emphasizing essential values, the author
Mario Vale crafts, from bits and paper cuttings, the colorful and lovely images
that illustrate the story of Beautifulbird. Set in a big city, the character´s drama
revolves around solidarity, friendship and respect. The vibrant colors, the lettering
and the theme of the book will surely attract the young readers.
Our catalogue is made up of works by Brazilian and foreign authors, catering to
babies and young readers. We publish works that strike a dialogue with the reader,
entertaining and provoking reflection on personal and global issues. We aim at
a broad and varied editorial line, in order to make reading a pleasurable and
meaningful activity. In an unprecedented initiative in the book market for children
and young readers, in 2009 Salamandra acquired exclusive rights to all literary
works by Ruth Rocha, one of the dearest and most talented Brazilian writers. Ruth
Rocha’s presence in our catalogue consolidates our purpose of publishing works
that respect the reader’s intelligence, whether they are taking their first steps of
initiating their journey of autonomy through life.
Rua Padre Adelino, 758 • Belenzinho
São Paulo • 03303-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mrs. Márcia Carvalho
55 11 2790-1499
[email protected]
Marcelo, Quince, Hammer
Author: Ruth Rocha
Illustrator: Mariana Massarani
Camilão the Glutton
Author: Ana Maria Machado
Illustrator: Cláudio Martins
72 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-07149-3
Rights available
30 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-06945-2
Rights sold to: South Korea,
Spain, Mexico
Everyday situations take on charm in the words of Ruth Rocha, who has
reinvented storytelling. The protagonists of the three stories in this book
are children living in the city. They resolve their dilemmas with great wit and
vivacity: Marcelo creates new words, Therese and Gabriela end up getting
along, despite their differences, and Caloca understands the importance of
friendship. Funny stories that make reading pleasurable and stimulate the
reader’s creativity and imagination, as they are able to relate to the adventures
of the characters, and feel like they are part of the many adventures.
Meet Camilão, the friendly pig - he is everyone’s friend, but a big glutton! He likes
to eat, but not to work. This is why whatever he eats had better be free. He’s
incredibly lazy but he has a good heart. It is impossible not to love our Camilão!
A Tale of Twisted Tails
Author: Ruth Rocha
Illustrator: Carlos Brito
Bisa, Bia, Bisa Bel
Author: Ana Maria Machado
Illustrator: Mariana Newland
37 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-08160-7
Rights available
80 Pages - ISBN: 978-85-16-06713-7
Rights sold to: South Korea, Spain,
Mexico, Germany, China, Croatia,
France, Canada, Sweden, Turkey
Swindles of all kinds take place in the city of Selfland, where getting off scot-free
is the rule. One day, however, something strange happens: as the frauds that the
mayor and the councilors had committed are uncovered, huge tails begin to
appear on their bodies and they all get twisted up together.
Bel is imaginative and curious. Looking at an old portrait, she develops an
imaginary relationship with her great-grandmother and then with her future
great-granddaughter. Bel’s dialog with the past and the future is a charming
blend of reality and fantasy, helping the reader to better understand the
changing role of women in society.
Romeo and Juliet
Author: Ruth Rocha
Illustrator: Mariana Massarani
The final game
Author: Ruth Rocha
Illustrator: Mariana Massarani
Format – 23.5 x 28 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN – 978-85-16-06298-9
Rights available
A colorful kingdom full of flowers, where everything is separated out by color.
Everything is so beautiful to look at and smell, but people who live there aren´t
allowed to know each other! Could it be that color of Romeo´s and Juliet´s wings
really Will separate these two Young butterflies?
and Young
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-16-066505
Rights available
In the Final Game, the reader will meet Catapimba and his team, the stars of the
field next door o Manoel´s house. We will also discover Just how much trouble
can be caused by “someone” giving his opinion over the final result of a game!
Amounting 100 years of activity, Saraiva Publishing House has one of the most
comprehensive catalogues of Brazil, in print and digital.It is a leader in Law
Books, consumer and a leading market books and books for Elementary and
High School. This publishing house stands out among the most important in
the publication of university books for the areas of Business Administration,
Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Technical Books and Business. It also edits
Reference Works, General Interest, Fiction and Non-Fiction.
There is also digital learning solutions dedicated to Elementary and High School
and teaching platform for universities. Saraiva offers customers a broad range
of educational products and services also in the segment of Learning Systems.
Rua Henrique Schaumann, 270 • Cerqueira César
São Paulo • 05413-909 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Rogério Gastaldo
55 11 3613-3170
[email protected]
the betrayal of Enchanted
Author: Roni Wasiry Guará
Illustrator: Janaina Tokitaka
Teacher André’s Folklore
Author and illustrator:
Marcelo Xavier
48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7208-716-2
Rights available
The Mondagará’s story was told by Roni’s grandfather when Roni was a child.
Through wise words, the ancient narrator wanted to show the community how
the snakes diversity has appeared in the forest. He reveals that his people knows
snakes have been beings who lived with the great Creator, enjoying all the
wonders of a perfect world. He also reminds everyone that envy is a feeling
capable of destroying that perfection, drifting apart men and gods. We wish this
story teach people to understand some of the mysteries hidden by the world and
awake the memory of ancestry.
and Young
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7208-780-3
Rights available
Festas (Festivities) is an informative book with three-dimensional illustrations
made with modeling dough by the author Marcelo Xavier. The book discusses
the origins and the features of many kinds of popular Brazilian festivities. It also
presents the influences and adaptations that have changed them over the
years; the beliefs, faith and joy that move them; as well as Brazilian folklore in:
its origins, manifestations and influences in our daily lives. This version comes
along with an audio CD which contains not only the musical themes but also
the stories of the festivities told by the author himself. Recommended by FNLIJ
(Brazil) and winner of Prêmio Jabuti (Brazil).
Editora Scipione has been publishing textbooks and other didactic resources
which became reference in Brazil. Additionally to its educational materials,
Scipione has also gathered a list of successful titles of Children’s and Young
Adults’ Literature. Almost 30 years ago, Scipione presented its first series of
Literature books to the public, composed of great classics of the universal
Literature retold by reputed Brazilian writers. With approximately 650 titles in its
Literature list, Scipione is extremely committed to the literary and graphic quality
of its titles, which has guaranteed important awards. Since 2004, Editora Scipione
is part of Abril Educação, one of the leading educational groups in Brazil.
Avenida Otaviano Alves de Lima, 4400 •5º andar
São Paulo • 02909-900 • SP • Brazil
Rights Departament:
Ms. Sintia Mattar
55 11 3990-1320
[email protected]
The Crow
Author: Manu Maltez
Crystal Skull Society
Author: Andréa Del Fuego
Illustrator: Rogério Coelho
Format: 28 x 21 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-262-7958-2
Rights available
Format: 15.5 x 22.0 cm - 184 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-2626-7633
Rights available
A mysterious crow lands on the breast of a statue of Pallas Athena and
watches the profound sorrow of a man, caused by the loss of his beloved
Lenore. One of the best known poems in the universal Literature, “The Raven”,
by Edgar Allan Poe, is presented in this book in a graphic version of the classic
in a style which is creative and highly original, signed by the artist and musician
Manu Maltez. The hardcover volume brings to live the exquisite graphic
design and also features the original version of the poem in English and two
translations of it into Portuguese.
The world is experiencing an epidemic caused by an unknown virus, the Bola.
The virus has killed many people, including Victor’s grandfather. He’s a thirteen
year old boy that lives isolated from the world in front of his computer. Because
of Samara, with whom he is in love with, he discovers the game Skull and joins
the mysterious “Crystal Skull Society”. To advance in the game, Victor must
sleep with his computer on and connected to the internet, because it is only in
his dreams that the game continues. Victor and his friends, Samara and Jorjão,
realize that something is wrong in this story and that together they can save the
world from the Bola virus.
In the Kingdom of Here and
There a trip to the world
of Brazilian folk poetry
Author: Fábio Sombra
Illustrator: Flavio Morais
Format: 19.5 x 26 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-262-9082-2
Rights available
Oscar, the architect of dreams
Authors: Neide Duarte and Mércia M. Leitão
Illustrator: Patrícia Lima
The narrator begins by introducing himself: “I’m a poet and minstrel, creator
of characters and romances of cordel (*)”. His story reveals a terrible mystery:
Veridiana, his fiddle, has disappeared, and now he cannot create his poems.
For some money, the gypsy Esmeralda unravels the truth behind this disappearance.
To recover his instrument, the minstrel must go there and face seven difficult tasks.
The challenges involve traditional characters and stories of cordel literature, filled
with action, humor and fantastic events. (* Literatura de cordel -string literature,
literally - is folk poetry which thrived in Brazil for most of the 20th century).
Oscar Niemeyer was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1907. Architect, designer,
sculptor and writer, he was considered one of the key figures in the
development of modern architecture. Among his most famous projects are
the government buildings of Brasilia, the planned city that became the
Brazilian capital in 1960. He died in 2012 at the age of 104. In this story, Oscar
is a boy who dreams of flying. One night, he meets a bird who wants to know
how it is to be a boy. This friendship inspires drawings that imitate flight, and
that, later, turn into buildings. The book reveals, in a poetic way, the creative
inspiration Oscar Niemeyer used to conceive his famous constructions.
Sketches and Fragments
Author: Rainer Maria Rilke
Illustrator and translator: Angela-Lago
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-262-9098-3
Rights available
Author and illustrator: Fernando Vilela
Format: 33 x 21 cm
Besides creating the illustrations, Angela-Lago also selected and translated Rilke’s
poems, thus ensuring the unity of the book and reinforcing the dialogue between text
and images. The designs of her mandalas were based on marks, scribbles and
writings she found and photographed. Like Rilke in his poems, she sought inspiration
in daily life elements to investigate the relationship between man and the universe.
This bilingual edition features the poems in their original language, allowing readers
to appreciate the delicacy and subtlety employed in their translation.
and Young
Format: 17 x 22.5 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-2625-6187
Rights available
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-262-8562-0
Rights available
During a war in the Middle East, two young men fighting in opposite sides live
through both their dreams and nightmares. The Western fighter pilot, whose
objectives are so secret not even he knows them, revisits his childhood while
flying over the desert. On land, an opposing crack shot soldier looks forward
to realizing his greatest dream: shooting down an enemy plane. They end up
meeting in surprising circumstances and discover the power of human
relationships to break down political and cultural barriers.
The Time Traveller Publishing, founded in 2010, publishes books that
broaden the cultural horizons of the reader, while entertaining, educating and
encouraging readers to reflect on the presented topics. The children´s books
tell stories in a poetic manner and are illustrated with drawings, paintings,
collages, ethnic textures, and nature photographs, juxtaposing a wide range
of symbols and techniques in a refined graphic presentation.
The “Caius Zip Time Traveller” series is dedicated to YA readers, and shows a
teenager that participates in the epic battles or great moments in History. It is
packed with mystery and suspense stories that combine and integrate a wide
range of fields of knowledge, such as History, Art, Philosophy and Science.
and Young
Rua Francisco Serrador 90 sala 902 • Centro
Rio de Janeiro • 20031-060 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Regina C. B. Gonçalves
55 21 2259-8774
[email protected]
Blank out
Author: Regina Goncalves
Illustrators: Vanessa Rosa,
Pedro Sarmento, João W. Faissal
48 Pages
ISBN 9788563382-108
Rights available
Blank out! No need to panic. Our friend Sebastian, the chameleon, finds himself in
the worst of prisons, on a blank page! Alone, with time refusing to pass, in mortal
silence, Sebastian totally blanks out in fear and due to lack of ideas, gripped in a state
of mental panic. But, as in all prisons, there is a key! Another character appears and
makes a revelation to Sebastian that changes his life. There is not greater prison
than a mind without ideas, which means that the greatest prison lies within us. So,
how do we escape from this prison? For this, Sebastian needs help. Who is the new
character and what is the startling revelation it will present to Sebastian?
Originally conceived as a children’s imprint under the Nova Alexandria Publishing
catalogue, Volta e Meia became an independent publisher specializing in
children’s and youth literature. Here we share a small part of our editorial eye,
which seeks to meet the market demands of books for children and youth.
Discover all our titles in Nova Alexandria Editorial Group’s catalogue.
Rua Engenheiro Sampaio Coelho, 111
São Paulo • 04261-080 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Juliana Messias
55 11 2215-6252
[email protected]
Between Two Worlds
Author: Angela Pappiani
Ilustrator: Crianças da tribo Xavante
The Alienist in Cordel Poetry
Adapted: Rouxinol do Rinaré
Illustrator: Erivaldo
88 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65746-17-5
Rights available
48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65746-16-8
Rights available
Between Two Worlds is a book that deals with the contact between the European
culture and the Xavante people of Mato Grosso, located in the central region of
Brazil. The author’s writings translate into simple terms the Indians’ worldviews,
lifestyle, beliefs and their social relationships within their own community. At the
center of the story are the experiences of a boy inserted into a white cosmopolitan
society, returning to his surroundings to fulfil the role of a true cultural intermediary.
Illustrated with motifs, patterns and drawings produced by Xavante children, the
book also highlights how they relate to nature and history.
The Alienist is one of the most famous works by Machado de Assis. Published in
1882, it tells the story of Simon Bacamarte, a doctor obsessed with identifying the
criteria that separate normalcy from madness.Set in the town of Itaguaí in Rio de
Janeiro, in the hospital for the “alienated”, run by Simon Bacamarte, all those
who do not fit within the range of normalcy arbitrarily established by him are
hospitalized. Through a sarcastic sense of humor, Machado de Assis presents a
biting critique of late 19th century scientism, which often implanted concepts in
the social sciences and human psychology that were not yet well-rooted within
their original scientific disciplines.
Pitá and Moroti’s
Love Story
Author: Marco Haurélio
Ilustrator: Verushcka Guerra
40 Pages
The Emperor’s New Clothes
ISBN: 978-85-65746-12-0
or The Meeting between
João Grilo and Pedro Malazarte Rights available
Author: Marco Haurélio
Illustrator: Klévisson Viana
36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65746-00-7
Rights available
The legend of the lily pad has been told for generations by the Guarani people, who
lived on the banks of the Paraná River. The story of the warrior Pitá and his beloved
Moroti is slightly different from the Amazonian legend (in which the lily pad is born
from the drowning of an Indian woman in love with the moon who, according to
indigenous beliefs, is a warrior named Jaci). In the cordel version told by Marco
Haurélio and illustrated by Veruschka Guerra, Pitá is a famous warrior who throws
himself into the Paraná River upon Moroti’s challenge. In its depths he becomes
enslaved by a horrible sorceress. Repentant, Moroti goes in search of him.
Bia’s Big Scare
Author and Illustrator: Valeriano
24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65746-04-5
Rights available
Aimed at children in early stages of literacy, Valeriano’s Bia’s Big Scare is a visual
narrative that leverages several references from the fable of the wolf and the lamb.
Having been tucked in by her parents, Bia falls asleep hugging her stuffed
animal and counting sheep. She is having a sweet dream, which is foiled
when one of the sheep gets stuck on the fence. Abandoned by the others,
who does the sheep see emerging from behind a tree? None other than the
wolf. The sleeping girl’s expression, which until then was peaceful, now
becomes troubled. What is going to happen? It’s a mystery...
and Young
The Emperor’s New Clothes is one of the best known tales from the Danish writer
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), who is rightly considered the Father of
Children’s Literature. First published in 1837, this story is a prime example of the
critique of hypocrisy being highlighted through humor. The plot tells of an emperor
whose vanity is so extreme that he is taken for a fool, and ends up being cheated by
two swindlers. In exchange for riches, the swindlers guarantee to make the emperor
the most beautiful robe, warning him however, that it will be invisible to the
Black Chant
Auhtor: Solano Trindade
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65746-09-0
Rights available
Solano Trindade is one of the most important Brazilian poets of the 20th
century. Founder of the Brazilian Folkloric Theater, he has operated in a
broad spectrum of culture, from poetry to the fine arts, to a stint in theater
and manifestations of popular traditions. Black Chant collects poems that
highlight themes relative to African descent and the individual in eternal
confrontation with the social pressures resulting from discrimination. Thus, the
verses to the Orishas, to the woman he loves, to ritualistic dance and to work take on
characteristics of a rallying cry of resistance and freedom.
Rua Bernardino Fanganiello, 543 • Casa Verde
São Paulo • 02512-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Elisabete Kawano
55 11 3857-0740
[email protected]
A moral lesson…
Aesop’s Fables
Author: Rosane Pamplona
Illustrator: Eugenia Nobati
Format: 22 x 28 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-89-5
Rights available
Format: 25 x 23 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-84-0
Rights available
The fables told by Aesop have crossed the centuries – and even the millennia!
– without losing their contemporary content. They allow us to ponder about
the human being and understand the world we live in. Aesop, who lived as a
slave in Ancient Greece, ended up getting his freedom thanks to the stories
he used to tell. And they were not made up by him: plenty of them were found
in Egyptian papyruses, dated of almost a thousand years before. And we are
still surprised by the wisdom of such fables!
The scary cold ball
and the cat nobody saw
Author: Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Mance
Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to tell lies. However, every time she
lied a cold ball got bigger. And worst of all: the ball followed her everywhere. As
the time passed by, the ball grew bigger and scarier. The girl got desperate.
Luckily, the cat nobody saw entered in her life and…
Mr. Peacock
Author: Alessandra Pontes Roscoe
Illustrator: Vicente Mendonça
Format: 25 x 24,5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-88-8
Rights available
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-26-0
Rights available
A very little vain Peacock is the main character of this story. He is short, suspicious,
intelligent, but despotic. As he did not like his own height, one day he just decided to
grow up. And how much did he grow up with the help from a circus clown!
After he grew up, he then decided to look at the world from a stuck-up beak;
he threatened the lion’s kingdom and caused a big mess that was only solved
by a tiny little animal! Are you curious? Well, dive into the pages of this book
quickly in order to find out everything about this mystery and have a lot
of fun with the story of mister peacock.
Brazilian legends
from north to south
Author: Zuleika de Almeida Prado
Illustrator: Mirella Spinelli
The Brazilian people have African, Indian and European cultural origins,
consequently their folklore is rich in legends. Some legends cause horror or
fear and others provoke laughter. One way or another, the text connects the
reader to magical worlds. Zuleika de Almeida Prado has published many titles
and she has also won the Jabuti prize.
The scent of the sea
Author: Jonas Ribeiro
Illustrator: Mateus Rios
Who’s the Big Bad Wolf
Afraid of?
Author: Silvana de Menezes
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-59-8
Rights available
Format: 28 x 21 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99306-85-7
Rights available
According to little Tony, every sound brings a different perfume, and every
emotion has its own scent. He does not see things through his eyes, but he sees
the world in a very special way. Little Tony’s parents are divorced and they love to
surprise him with expressive gifts. This story is divided in three parts: the son’s,
the mother’s and the father’s points of view.
and Young
Committed to education and strong in its belief that it is possible to make a fairer
and more fraternal world with ethical values, Elementar Publishing was founded in
2000 in order to publish books which children and young people could enjoy
reading, books that would make them question and investigate, leading them to
reflection and enjoyment, stimulating a new way of looking at the world – with
more sensitive eyes – and also promoting integration and solidarity among
people. Elementar Publishing is dedicated to publishing literary and educational
books for children and youngsters.
In an endangered forest lived an old vegetarian wolf. Sad and lonely, he was
suffering until the moment he got face-to-face with a hunter. He felt hallucinating
chills and shivers on his skin from the old days. But his killer instinct was old too
and his senses could not smell the hunt anymore. In this story of life and death,
extreme emotions are captured by shades of black and white. Who is the man
and who is the wolf? Does it make any sense to ask this question?
The Grupo Escala de Publicações, created in 1992, currently comprises four
companies: Escala Educacional that publishes schoolbooks and literature books;
Editora Escala that publishes magazines; and two important printing companies:
Oceano and Oceano Sul. The Escala Educacional publishing house – that
represents the Larousse, Lafonte and Baú de Ideias brands in Brazil – has been
acting in a solid and important way in the Brazilian market for seven years. During
this period, it has built up a catalogue for children and young people with more
than 600 titles. To achieve our main goal, which is to transmit the joy of reading,
our books are produced with extra care. We work with renowned Brazilian authors
and illustrators to produce enchanting books for readers of any age.
Avenida Professora Ida Kolb, 551 • Casa Verde
São Paulo • 02518-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Sergio Alves
55 11 3855-2285
[email protected]
Letters to Dad
Author: Marcia Misawa
Gang of the nose
Author and illustrator: Suppa
Format: 20.5 x 27.5 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8186-129-6
Rights available
“Sometimes it happens that someone we love so much has to live far away
from us, in another country, so far away that when summer is here, winter is
there. And we know that this someone needs our care, so we kiss him by the
phone, by the Internet, by a letter...” A girl who loved to write letters to his father. A
father who loved reading his daughter’s letters. She sent them to him, he received them.
However, one day, the letter was returned. Letters to Dad tells the story of a girl and
her father who live separated by the ocean, but they are intensely close because
of the love they feel for each other.
Cricket Fan
Author: Bia Villela
Format: 18 x 26 cm - 24 Pages
The Cricket - ISBN: 978-85-377-2019-6
The Crow - ISBN: 978-85-377-2017-2
The Giraffe -ISBN: 978-85-377-2049-3
Rights available
In the collection “Cricket Fan”, Bia Villela introduces us to three entertaining
characters, and each of them tells us about a journey they make through their
environments. The Cricket – who is always hopping around – gets to know how
other beings move around. The Crow – who is flying away and watching
everything from above – discovers different habitats and their colors. Finally, the
Giraffe – who is curiously looking for his friend, the Cricket – makes a tour
through the homes of several species.
Saci Urucum
Author: Anna Göbel
Format: 28 x 21 - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8186-103-6
Rights available
Uápiti! Uépiti! Uípiti! Whoa, what a naughty Saci!
Saci Urucum went through the woods making mischief! He played a trick on the
capybara, on the anteater and also on the guará wolf! He packed a problem to
the ema; and the manatee still doesn’t know what has happened! But in the end,
the mischievous Saci got a shock! – Or was everything prearranged?
In this book, Anna Göbel presents a symbol character of the Brazilian folklore, the
Saci. With only one leg, a red cap and a lot of wittiness, this creature runs through
the woods scaring and disturbing those who harm nature.
“Stop poking your nose, Rose!”
Everybody said that to Rose.But
Rose didn’t care, because nobody
had the slightest idea of what she
desired the most… Rose’s Nose is
the first book written by the
renowned illustrator Suppa.Fun and
dynamic, this is the story of a girl who
is always poking her nose. Unlike what
everyone thought, including her
friends, she had a special reason to
do that: she believed that this was the
way to make it grow and with its
growth, she would make her dream of
being an actress to come true!
In this gang of the nose,
and Young
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 40 Pages
Rose’s Nose
ISBN: 978-85-7635-866-4
Dr. Edward
ISBN: 978-85-8186-065-7
There are those who pick their nose,
There are also those who see a
camera and strike a pose,
And, to judge with excellence,
there are those two ose!
Alfred, the Fearless!
ISBN: 978-85-8186-061-9
At last, Tess!
ISBN: 978-85-8186-063-3
Rights available
The Secrets of a Princess
Author: Anna Claudia Ramos
Format: 21 x 27 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-377-1979-4
Rights available
There are even actresses,
empresses and ambassadresses!
This is what Suppa professes:
That a very happy gang can
make really great messes!
Anna Claudia Ramos wrote an exciting fictional diary when she decided
to put together factual information and a little bit of imagination about the
childhood and adolescence of Princess Isabel. In this book, we can get to
know some aspects of the daily life of this princess, some of her personality
traits – such as generosity, her inquisitive nature – and the awakening of her
social consciousness that culminated in the signing of the Lei Áurea [Golden
Law], which abolished slavery in Brazil on May 13, 1888.
The Fino Traço Publishing House works in two major areas: academic books,
especially Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences, such as History,
Sociology, Political Science, Education and International Relations, and children’s
and juvenile literature. We work in both areas with respect for the readers and
attention to their demands.
Av do Contorno 9317ª
Belo Horizonte • 30110063 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Luciana Albuquerque
55 31 3212-9444
[email protected]
Flor’s Silent World
Author: Cecília Cavalieri.
Illustrator: André Persechini
Dante’s Inferno
Author: Helena Guimarães Campos
Illustrator: Valter Lara
28 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8054-029-1
Rights available
Flor’s life (flower in Portuguese) is completely silent, until a friend takes her into a
world of experience with sounds and musical instruments through which she learns
various sensations through objects and the way they produce sound. A universe of
endless ‘noise’, thus, unfolds to her. Sounds are not the privilege of only those who
are able to listen, since we can perceive their vibrations all over our body.
and Young
80 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8054-104-5
Rights available
Dante is a teenager struggling to leave the drugs behind. However, he is not alone in
his heavy burden, for he has the support of his family as well as that of a group of
teenagers taking part in a social project with a psychologist’s supervision. Dante’s
challenge is a huge one, as he has to learn to cope with his new clean reality as well
as to face his past with all the experiences that brought him sorrow. Dante will need
to plunge into his own inner hell to find a new meaning and a new direction to his life.
For more than 110 years, FTD Publishing House has been producing high-quality
books, playing an important role in education and in the Brazilian editorial market.
There are more than 1,000 titles in its catalogue, including textbooks, educational
support books, as well as fiction and non-fiction literature. FTD Publishing House
dedicates special attention to the production of literature for children and young
adults, and applies strict criteria to the selection of the contents. These books are
devised to instigate reflection and open way for discussions that will help to
sharpen the readers’ imagination and develop their critical thinking skills. FTD is,
therefore, contributing in many ways to build citizenship values in readers, thus
participating positively in society.
Rua Manoel Dutra, 225 • Bela Vista
São Paulo • 01328-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Ceciliany Alves
55 11 3598-6415
[email protected]
The Adventures of Kawã
Author and illustrator: Elias Yaguakãg
The Little Warriors
Author: Yaguarê Yamã
Illustrator: Taisa Borges
48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-7400-7
Rights available
40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-8428-0
Rights available
Kawã is a little boy from the Maraguá tribe, in Brazil. He lives in a village on the
edge of the Abacaxis River, in the south of Amazonas. His highest dream is to
grow up fast and become a Great Hunter just like his dad, a skilled hunter and
fisherman. But first, he will have to prove his courage and go through three
tests over the next years: hunting a jaguar, a giant snake and a harpy eagle.
Surrounded by nature, Kawã embarks in this challenging adventure, facing
dangers and hardship to pursue his dream and earn the title of Great Hunter.
Five girls decide to play in the lake Mirror of The Moon, near the River Nhamunda,
in the Amazon. But they are not ordinary girls; they are little warriors, daughters of
the Amazons, from the legendary woman warrior tribes. A peaceful afternoon
turns into a new adventure when their tribe’s enemies show up suddenly, trying to
capture them. Action then begins, and the Amazons show why they are so
respected and known as fearless warriors. It is all fiction, based in a dream of the
Guarani author Yaguarê Yama, but it could very well have happened.
Crocodile Island: Tales
and Legends from East Timor
Author: Geraldo Costa
Illustrator: Mauricio Negro
Guarani tales
Collected by Olívio Jekupé
Authors: Olívio Jekupé, Maria Kerexu, Leandro Kuaray, Jera Giselda Guarani and Luiz Carlos Karai
Illustrator: Fernando Vilela
72 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-8272-9
Rights available
From generation to generation, the people from East Timor have enjoyed long
parties and dances, as well as telling and listening to stories that travel through
time. The tales collected in this book tell a few of these stories. Some of them
originated in the island. Others were heard from Portuguese, Indonesian,
Chinese, and other people who visited or lived there, and ended up acquiring the
colors of the land. The Timorese storyteller receives a very special name, Lia Nai,
which means Lord of the Word – word that enchants and gathers children,
making their eyes glitter with joy in the Land of The Rising Sun.
Kurumĩ Guaré
in the heart of the Amazon
Author and illustrator: Yaguarê Yamã
88 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-6218-9
Rights available
Kurumĩ guaré means “childhood”. The beauty and the authenticity of the
illustrations come from the real experience of the author, a native Brazilian who
was born and lived in an indigenous Amazon village. The stories and traditions
described in the book are authentic and depict the way Brazilian native Indians
lead their life nowadays. It tells how Yaguarê Yamã learns about life, in contact
with the beautiful and untouched natural surroundings. At the end of the book,
the author provides more information about his people. There is also a glossary
with words from the Nhengatu language and other Amazonian regional terms.
Translations of Maraguá symbols are also presented.
and Young
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-8447-1
Rights available
The indigenous people have always liked stories. At night, around the fire, wise man
passed on their knowledge orally. In the past, it was the non-indigenous people who
would write the stories they heard from the indigenous people. Now, the indigenous
people write and tell their own stories. Guarani Tales collects seven traditional tales
from this people, written by indigenous authors, each one bringing in a bit of the
Guarani’s culture and language. They tell why it is hard to hunt the King Vulture;
where the Sun and the Moon come from; why frogs are so loud at night; how a brave
boy set limits to the Sun, among other things.
The colors of slavery
Author: Ieda de Oliveira
Illustrator: Rogério Borges
96 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-322-8422-8
Rights available
Tonho is a poor boy who dreams of a better life. Inspired by his grandma’s stories, he
convinces his friend João to follow a “Cat” (the middle man between a contractor and
the construction workers’ hiring) who shows up in his town recruiting man to earn a
lot of money. That’s what Tonho needs to change his life! But the enticing promise
turns into a hard, sad reality. After a lot of suffering, hunger, hard work and losses,
Tonho finds hope, love and the joy of living next to an elderly couple who takes care
of him. And, despite of the pain in his soul, he allows himself to start dreaming again.
Giostri is committed to national culture and, above all, national authors.
Our goal is to assist each one of our authors from the publication to promotion and
commercialization process of their work. Our ethos is to be able to make dreams come
true in an genuine non-demagogic manner; and to support new authors in becoming
experienced authors and to lend a hand to our national authors to give them the
opportunity to prove their work and to collaborate in the national cultural identity.
Rua Dona Avelina, 145
São Paulo • 04111-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Vitorio Rocha
55 11 2537-2763
[email protected]
[email protected]
A Menina dos Olhos Verdes
Author: Rosane Castro
Illustrator: Evandro Menezes
Minha Amiga Lagartixa
Author: Alex Giostri
Illustrator: Luís Felipe Camargo
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8108-250-9
Rights available
The girl with green eyes sees what no one else sees. This way she goes on
learning about people and feelings. And like any other child she loves to play, to
fantasize and to have fun. Open the book, read the story and then close your
eyes. Give it a go to perceive the world just as the girl with green eyes.
and Young
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8108-092-5
Rights available
‘Minha amiga lagartixa’ talks about fear and also about love. Wess, a boy that is
terribly afraid of geckos, by the sight of one he hides in his room. His mother,
witnessing it, comes to the boy with much understanding and love and explains
to him the gecko’s universe and his part in the food chain.
Girassol Brasil is 13 years old. Despite still being a young company, it has reached
a prominent position in the children’s book scene, thanks to the quality and
interactivity its books offer to the small reader. There are learning books, children’s
literature, specially from renowned Brazilian authors, tales and fables, world literary
classics, games and puzzles, several options for reference reading. The catalogue
is also filled with pop-up titles, bath books, books to wipe and clean, with flaps and
many different finishings that provide a pleasant reading experience and make
learning fun for early and young readers.
Alameda Pucuruí, 51-59 • Bloco B • 1o andar • Conj. 1010 • Sala 2
Barueri • 06460-100 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Karine Gonçalves Pansa
55 11 4196-6699
[email protected]
Buu the little ghost
haunted numbers
Author: Flávia Muniz
Illustrator: Attílio
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 28 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-0675-3
Rights available
Format: 23.5 x 23.5 cm - 28 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-1045-3
Rights available
On board a ghost train, Buu the Little Ghost and his creepy friends take us
on a ride through the universe of mathematics. Presenting these concepts
in an attractive way is crucial, especially considering that children have been
immersed in the maths environment since they started socializing. Being
humorously illustrated with characters that inhabit preschool 4-6 year olds’
imagination, this lovely book has counting 1 to 10 and subtraction as great
attractions and the whole rhyming text written in a playful tone.
Author: Ricardo Viveiros
Illustrators: Zélio Alves Pinto
and Luiza Whitaker
This book about saudade – a word that only exists in Portuguese – subtly
approaches the meaning and finitude of life. It leads to reflections on the
value of relationships, on loss and grief, becoming a must-read for the whole
family. The book points out: someone who feels saudade is never alone,
because saudade has nothing to do with loneliness. Quite the contrary. Life is
a big jigsaw puzzle and in the course of our story we build up saudade from
everything that was important and left its mark on us. In the meantime, as we
fit more pieces into life jigsaw, we gradually cease to feel saudade. Until it is
complete. Then, we stop feeling and start spreading saudade.
Tales Healing Tales
Author: Paula Furtado
Illustrator: Biry Sarkys
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-0968-6
Rights available
Tale Therapy for Heart Healing
Author: Paula Furtado
Illustrator: Carol Juste
Format: 22 x 22 cm - 168 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-0670-8
Rights available
The tales in this charming book take the reader into a magical world. The stories
point ways out of conflicts, reveal a new pathway, provide examples of faith and
overcoming, as well as identifying with problems. They help children to develop
self-assurance, fellowship and courage, and at the same time “healing” negative
feelings of pride, envy and wickedness. Above all, they bring the chance of a happy
This captivating book addresses issues related to children’s everyday life such as
fear, grief, divorce and others, and helps to awaken the healer in the little ones by
means of touching stories told in verse.Discover the bird family that gets a new
member when the mother bird hears a child crying. And Alex, the elephant who
wanted to be elegant. And there is also the story of Clara, the ostrich who had two
homes. And much more!
Fantastic Beings
of Brazilian Folklore
Author: Regina Drummond
Illustrator: Taciana Ottowitz
Angelino, The Absent-Minded
Little Angel – Going To School
Author: Renato Cavalher
Illustrators: Toni and Laíse Rodrigues
Format: 19.5 x 27 cm - 136 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-0976-1
Rights available
In the midst of reality and fantasy, this book invites us to explore the four corners
of Brazil with the most popular and fantastic creatures in the folklore of this
country. Among them, the Amazon Boto, the backlander Saci and the forest
guardian Caipora excite our imagination and curiosity about stories that remain
for generations. After each story, Regina Drummond dedicates a space to tell
curious facts about the characters and the Brazilian regions where they are from,
without leaving aside historical, geographic and social details that place into
context the origin of their legends. A significant work that contributes to enlarge
the cultural background of the children.
and Young
Format: 21 x 21 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-394-0151-2
Rights available
Angelino is a guardian angel, but he is very absent-minded. No matter how hard
he tries, he cannot be watchful at all times to avoid problems. Therefore, adults
and children must always be cautious. The good news is that 90% of the problems
can be prevented with quite simple measures. In this helpful book, you will follow
the Silva family at Annie’s first day at school and all the risks and adventures of
Angelino, the absent-minded little angel. The message that remains is that one
cannot rely only on the guardian angel – adults must learn how to prevent
accidents and teach the children to protect themselves from an early age.
With 40 years of experience, Global Editora has established itself as a traditional
publisher in Brazil. It is the second larger exporter of Brazilian authors published in
Spanish, attending all Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States of America,
in addition to distributing books in Portugal and Germany. The publisher, renowned
in the field of literature for children and adolescents, has in its catalogue writers
and illustrators internationally renowned for their high artistic and literary quality,
as Ana Maria Machado, Marina Colasanti, Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós, Roger
Mello, Marcos Rey, Gian Calvi, Edy Lima, João Carlos Marinho, Gilberto Freyre,
Cora Coralina, Cecília Meireles and Manuel Bandeira.
Rua Pirapitingui, 111 • Liberdade
São Paulo • 01508-020 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Jefferson Luiz Alves and Mr. Richard A. Alves
55 11 3277-7999 r.214
[email protected]
Ballads of the Conspiracy
Author: Cecília Meireles
Brazilian Folklore
Author: Luís da Câmara Cascudo
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 288 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1682-8
Rights available
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 232 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1759-7
Rights available
The poems in this book, written by one of the greatest poets in Portuguese
language, recreate the distressed and at the same time hopeful days at the end
of the 1780s, when a group of Brazilian intellectuals tried to free their country from
Portuguese domination, causing a great disaster on their own lives. Cecilia
Meireles used the Iberian technique of popular romances and was very attentive
to the Minas Conspiracy’s documents, letters, testaments, as well as paintings,
songs, and Aleijadinho’s statues of prophets, making this a classic work of
Brazilian literature, about one of the most important moments in Brazilian history.
Luis da Camara Cascudo was one of the greatest experts in the popular roots of
Brazilian culture. In this book, the most important in his extensive work, he reveals
the relationship between folklore and society, culture and development of the
multiple Brazilian identities. Cascudo examines in details the festivities, food,
dances, legends, tales and other cultural references of the people he loved and
researched about so much. This great folklorist gives us a precious inventory of
these creations by discoursing skillfully, in a delightful language, about the origins
and variations found throughout the Brazilian territory.
When it’s this it’s not that
Author: Cecília Meireles
Illustrator: Odilon Moraes
Maybe some Poetry
Author: Gilberto Freyre
Format: 26 x 21,5 cm - 66 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1710-8
Rights available
Format: 16 x 23cm - 208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1735-1
Rights available
Lullabies, songs, rhymes, tongue twisters and folklore divinations are expression
forms very close to the children’s world and have suggestive, creative and ludic
aesthetic effects. In the book When it’s this it’s not that, Cecilia Meireles uses
these resources, playing with words, exploring the sonority, rhythm, rhymes,
repetitions and musicality. The Author also brings back the children’s universe,
permeated by unpredictable questions, monologues, surprising situations,
uncommon comparisons, presence of fantasy and imagination. This book
holds a prominent place in Brazilian juvenile literature.
The sociologist Gilberto Freyre is the author of Casa-grande & senzala, published
in 1933, always considered an indispensable book to understand the formation
of Brazilian society. In Maybe some Poetry, we see an unfamiliar side of this great
writer: his incursion into the poetical genre. Here, we can enjoy Freyre’s poetical
attempts and exuberant writing style, already well known by means of his essays
about Brazil. In this book, we can pinpoint the poems “Bahia de Todos os Santos
e de quase todos os pecados” and “O outro Brasil que vem aí”.
Itinerary to Pasargada
Author: Manuel Bandeira
Best Chronicles
Author: Rubem Braga
(selection and preface of Carlos Ribeiro)
Format: 16 x 23cm - 184 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1712-2
Rights available
In Itinerary to Pasargada, Brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira recalls his childhood in
Recife, his home town, and his youth in Rio de Janeiro, where he would live for the
rest of his life. In this book, we can accompany one of the greatest Brazilian poets
commenting the readings that influenced him as a writer and enjoy passages in
which he remembers the friendships that most delighted him. This poetical
itinerary, as well as his own life, had many changes that the Author evokes
gracefully in his insuperable simple style.
and Young
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 320 Pages
ISBN 978-85-260-1848-8
Rights available
In 2013 we celebrate Rubem Braga’s centenary and Global Editora has the
privilege of launching Best Chronicles – Rubem Braga, a selection of chronicles
written by this very important Brazilian writer, considered the master of chronicle
in Brazil. This anthology was organized by Carlos Ribeiro, a great expert on
Rubem Braga’s work, and brings extracted chronicles from his most important
books, like O conde e o passarinho and “Ai de ti, Copacabana!”, as well as less
known texts. The reading of this book proves that Rubem Braga has indeed raised
chronicle to an upper level in Brazilian literature.
The history of Globo Livros is associated with the history of book publishing in
Brazil. It was founded in the 19th century and was acquired in 1986 by the Globo
Group, the largest media group in Brazil and one of the largest in Latin America.
Globo Livros has in its catalogue pioneering and historical editions — such
as the complete works of Proust and Balzac and books by Somerset Maugham
and Agatha Christie. Nowadays, Globo publishes the works of prestigious
international and Brazilian authors. Globo Livros is known for the quality of its
translations and has won many prizes over the years. As Globo has diversified
its catalogue over the years, it has launched six imprints in 2012.
Little Nose’s Pranks
Author: Monteiro Lobato
Illustrator: Paulo Borges
Format: 20.2 x 26.6 cm - 280 Pages
ISBN 978-85-250-4672-7
Rights sold to Argentina
Little Nose’s Pranks, by Monteiro Lobato, Brazil’s greatest children’s writer, is a
literary classic. First launched in 1931, this book remains as contemporary as
ever. With previously unpublished illustrations, this new edition brings back
the Yellow Woodpecker Ranch’s gang. In its first adventures, we are introduced
to Emília, a knowledgeable and chatty rag doll, to Aunt Nastácia, famous for
her delicious cakes, to Dona Benta, a very special grandma, and to her
granddaughter Lúcia, the girl with the upturned nose. It’s Narizinho (Little
Nose) who guides us through incredible journeys in a world of fantasy.
The Saci
Author: Monteiro Lobato
Illustrator: Paulo Borges
and Young
Avenida Jaguaré, 1485 • 3º andar
São Paulo • 05346-902 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Olivieri
55 11 3767-7907
[email protected]
Format: 20.2 x 26.6 cm - 72 Pages
ISBN 978-85-250-4390-0
Rights sold to Argentina
Pedrinho’s hunts
Author: Monteiro Lobato
Illustrator: Paulo Borges
Format: 20.2 x 26.6 cm - 72 Pages
ISBN 978-85-250-4804-2
Rights sold to Argentina
Jaguars, deer, ocelots, armadillos, hawks, armored beetles and even a rhino
escaped from a circus wander around the pages of this book by Monteiro Lobato,
first launched in 1933. In this story, Pedrinho leads the hunting of an ocelot that
lurks in the bamboo woods near the Yellow Woodpecker Ranch. As the head of
the expedition formed by Narizinho, Emília, the pig Tailless and the Viscount of
Corncob, he follows the footprints of the beast and, with courage and a bit of fear,
causes a massive mess among the wild animals.
In this book, first released in 1921, Dona Benta’s grandson spends his holidays in
his favorite place. The Yellow Woodpecker Ranch has a spacious house, complete
with windows facing the garden. In the back lies an orchard full of fruit-laden trees,
where birds build nests of sticks or clay. There are butterflies, fish swimming in a
stream and talking animals. A curious boy like Pedrinho could spend a lifetime
in a place like this. But this time he wants to find out everything about the Saci,
a one-legged fantastic creature, and embarks on a breathtaking adventure.
Rua Brigadeiro Gavião Peixoto, 813 • Lapa
São Paulo • 05078-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Maciel
55 11 2186-5599
[email protected]
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
Dudu’s Glasses
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-06-0
Rights available
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-04-6
Rights available
The glasses of doggy Dudu were finally ready and he was very enthusiastic about
them. Finally, he would be able to see everything better. He went to school happy
and anxious to show his new glasses to his friends. However, when he arrived it
was a complete mockery. All of his friends laughed at him and started calling him
“four eyes.” From then on Dudu began suffering a lot with the situation. Also
available as an app.
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
Bilu’s Bows
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
Bilu’s young friends from school were all using new bows of the Pet brand, but
Bilu’s mother didn’t have the money to buy them. Her friends then left her aside
until her mother decided to present her with the most beautiful bow, which was
made by her mother herself. Bilu thus discovers that what really matters and has
value are the bows of affection. Also available as an app.
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
My Friend Cotó
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-02-2
Rights available
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-05-3
Rights available
Coto was abandoned in the street when he was born. Soon after, he was seriously
run over without knowing anything about the world. Luckily, a veterinarian rescued
him, but Coto lost one of his paws. With his three paws he dreams of running a
marathon. However, there will be many challenges that Coto will have to go
through in order to make his dream a reality. Also available as an app.
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
Gioia, a Different Kind of Dog
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
When Gioia arrived at the dog pound, the other dogs thought she was different
because she was too lively and cheerful. She began to be called a mutt by
everyone, which made her very sad. However, her friends will have a surprise
when they discover the truth about Gioia. Also available as an app.
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
When Tomé Got Fat
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-03-9
Rights available
Bullying Não é Brincadeira
Teca Became Lonely
Author: Silmara Rascalha Casadei
Illustrator: Ricardo Girotto
20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64861-06-0
Rights available
Little dog Tomé is always smiling and is friends with everyone. However,
lately, he has been taking up more space and doesn’t always fit everywhere.
Additionally, he feels a bit odd since it seems that his friends like him only
when he’s doing them some kind of favor. Will it be possible for Tomé to be
loved by all, even if he is overweight? Also available as an app.
and Young
Just Publishing House was created out of Just Layout, a 14-year-old company that
has a unique and innovating proposal. Just Publishing specializes in the production
and integration of all the printed and digital tools of communication in order to
follow the evolution of the publishing market. Just was a pioneer in the digital
integration of its contents and today creates and develops applications and
electronic versions of books and magazines for mobile devices like iPhones and
tablets.Just also specializes in the production of customized publications,
commemorative books and the development and updating of content for sites,
social networks, blogs and email marketing. In the book division Just has more
than 50 titles that are best sellers in its online store and in bookstores.
Teca thought that she would make good friends at her new school. The teacher
asked for Dida to show everything to Teca. Both of them became friends but the
other classmates began to say that Teca was taking Dida from them. Dida
wanted to defend Teca, but the group didn’t give her a chance and they pulled
Dida away, leaving Teca to remain alone. Teca went through many difficulties
before everyone was able to understand that Teca could be a great friend. Also
available as an app.
Komedi is a publishing house that has been in the Brazilian market since 1992.
It offers fiction and non-fiction books on business, management, leadership,
training, career growth, personal development, sales, poetry and arts, among
others. Komedi is specialized in the generation of value through the creation of
editorial content and conduction of cultural activities, with a team composed of
editors, revisors, researchers, photographers, translators, illustrators and graphic
designers of high-quality work.
Rua Álvares Machado, 460 • 3ºandar • Centro
Campinas • 13013-070 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Marisa Leão
55 19 3234-4864
[email protected]
Mr. Penguin
and the Penguins’ World
Author: Sérgio Vale
Visual Dictionary
Author: Sérgio Vale
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-363-7
Rights available
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-506-8
Rights available
In this adventure, Mr. Penguin travels over his frozen continent where he
learns about different penguins that live there and shows us why he likes the
fascinating world of penguins so much. The book is an opportunity for
parents and teachers to address issue such as plurality, solidarity and
respect for diversity. 40.000 copies sold.
More than a challenge, awakening to new languages has been becoming a great
need in our education to face the world we live in. Fun and very visual, this Visual
Dictionary of Portuguese, English and Spanish wants to bring young readers a
broader vocabulary, and the appreciation of the two most important foreign
languages in the world: English and Spanish.
Wristwatch Planet
Author: Sérgio Vale
Water Planet
Author: Sérgio Vale
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-266-7
Rights available
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-573-0
Rights available
In Wristwatch Planet, Julie and the inhabitants of the city give examples on how
to live well while respecting the environment. 55.000 copies sold.
With the help of his family and also of the “Planetary Gang”, Mr. Pinguinho
will discover about the water of the planet: where it comes from, where it
goes to and much more.
Gabriel and Balu
who’s afraid of flying?
Author: Sérgio Vale
Universal Rights of Children
Author: Suzete Armani
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-392-7
Rights available
This is the story about an unusual friendship between a seagull and a whale.
With a simple and inspiring plot, the book leads the young reader into a world
of fantasy and towards a truth about our destiny: all of us – not just the seagull
Gabriel – are born to take flight. 40.000 copies sold.
and Young
Format: 27 x 27 cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7582-439-9
Rights available
Perhaps there is no better text to work the issue of citizenship among children than
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the Child, by UNICEF. Now, parents
and educators have a practical and fun way to prepare our future citizens.
Rua São José 46 • sala 301
Rio de Janeiro • 20010-020 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Daniella Albrizzi Riet Correa
55 21 3681-6550
[email protected]
Sun of hope – Christmas,
stories, poetry and symbols
Author: Leonardo Boff
Illustrator: Adriana Miranda
Format: 22.5 x 20.5 cm - 72 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-02-8
Rights available
Format: 22.5 x 20.5 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-37-0
Rights available
The book is an ecumenical message to children, and especially to parents
who need to re-learn how to care for the child Jesus who is present in our
boys and girls.
The alligator who
ate the night
Authors: Tania Zagury e Leão Zagury
Illustrator: Rafael Doria
This book presents the story of a boy, in a good mood and with lot of energy, who
doesn’t like go to sleep. To solve his problem, he became friends of an alligator.
The egg of hope
the meaning of the Easter feast
Author: Leonardo Boff
Illustrator: Adriana Miranda
Format: 22.5 x 20.5 cm - 36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-21-9
Rights available
The backpack mystery
Author: Zulema Rida
Illustrator: Marcellus Schnell
Format: 16x22 cm - 20 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-16-5
Rights available
The story is an explanation of the Jewish Passover, the Christian and Catholic
Easter, together with their principal symbols.
and Young
We offer special books, such as art books, audio books, digital books, gift books
and books for children and young people. Our titles come under the following
profiles: religious, environmental and socio-cultural guidance; articles; fiction for
children, young and adult readers; books with spiritual and psychological content
based on self-instructive experiences; photography, calendars and diaries.
The story of the mystery surrounding the backpack that Dimitri carried
everywhere began upon the arrival of a new student in school: Diogo Valente,
who was nicknamed Diogo Zero on the first day of class.
Founded by cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa in 1963, the company produces content for
comic books, animations, creation and development of characters, product licensing
and many more projects connected with all original concepts. A company dedicated to
entertainment and education through fun.The company can proudly boast more than
300 collaborators and has the fourth largest comic book production studios in the world.
This studio is comprised of more than 150 artists that produce an average of 1200 pages
of comic book content per month. In scope of publishing and editing MSP has
extinguished itself with identifiable markers such as; more than 1 billion comic books
sold in Brazil, leading the children’s comic book market with an 86% dominance,
distribution average of 2.5 million copies sold per month, and also leader of the children’s
book market in Brazil.
Rua do Curtume, nº 745 • Bloco F • Lapa
São Paulo • 05065-001 • SP • Brazil
Monica’s Gang
Brazilian Legends
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Historical Collection
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
200 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7488 895-8
Rights available
Rights Department
Mr. Rodrigo Paiva
55 11 3613-5061
[email protected]
148 Pages
Rights available
In this book you’ll find a collection of the most popular Brazilian legends. Saci,
Mula Sem Cabeça, Curupira, Lobisomem (the werewolf), Iara (the mermaid),
Pink Boto, and many others. The most attractive feature to readers is that these
legends are all graciously represented by members of Monica’s Gang, which
was created by Mauricio de Sousa. This artwork even comes with a CD in which
Mauricio himself narrates each one of the stories. The folklore and legends have
also been individually released in different editions.
From 1977 to 1982, Pelé, the most famous soccer player of all time, was also
a character in the comic book world through Mauricio de Sousa’s ‘Pelezinho’
comic. In 2012, the title came back, re-launching the older stories. Other famous
soccer stars have come to be represented in Mauricio’s stories; Ronaldinho
Gaúcho, that has been launched in various countries and Neymar Jr., who has
recently been transferred to Barcelona to play.
Monica’s Gang - Andersen,
Grimm, and Perrault tales
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Monica Comic Book
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
238 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7488 713-5
Rights available
82 Pages
ISBN: 0104-2882
Rights available
It’s not easy to find children that have never heard of the classic tales from
Andersen, the brothers Grimm and Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella,
Snow-White, The Ugly Duckling, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and other
stories are artfully “interpreted” through Mauricio de Sousa’s characters. In 2012,
this artwork won the Bing Xin Literature Prize for Children’s Work in China. These
works have also been launched separately.
Since 1970, the comic book Monica has passed through the editors Abril, Globo,
and Panini. This has become one of the longest running comic in Brazil (there are
more than 500 editions), with continued excellent sales. The character is such a
success that she has become an ambassador for UNICEF (she is the only
character to have such an honor), for Culture and Tourism in Brazil. Her comic
book is also published in English and Spanish.
The Genie and the Roses
and other tales
Author : Paulo Coelho
and Mauricio de Sousa
Illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
Monica Teen Comic Book
Author and illustrator: Mauricio de Sousa
64 Pages
ISBN: 978-8525048653
Rights available
The most internationally famous writer from Brazil is, without a doubt, Paulo
Coelho. In 2004, he, who is known for writing to an adult audience, separated 24
of his stories so that Mauricio de Sousa could illustrate them using characters
from Monica’s Gang. The idea would be to modify the stories a bit for a younger
audience. In a recent research done in Brazil, the two authors have been cited as
being in the top ten most admired writers in the country
and Young
130 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-4260-026-1
Rights available
In 2008, Mauricio de Sousa took yet another bold step when he launched a comic
book with his classic characters having become adolescents (at 15 years old),
meshing his own style with that of Japanese Manga. It was a huge success!
Monica Teen has become the most sold comic book in Brazil in the last 30 years,
reaching impressive numbers, such as 500 thousand copies sold per month.
There is also an English and Spanish publication.
In 1981, many Brazilians were dazzled for a new country, with more freedom and
progressive. It was in this field that Mazza Publisher dared to born. It came influenced
by the Black Moviment, where first was a seed, to grow up, later, feed by the dream to
tell more stories, or races, men, women and children, daring other words.
One of the first publishers to be opened in Brazil, Mazza Publisher had the honor
and privilege to release reflections, that contributed precisely to a political debate:
the inclusion of Afro-American issues and subjects in schools and laws that could
make the way of black people easier to the universities and education.
Untied Shoelaces
Author: Madu Costa
Illustrator: Rubem Filho
16 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7160-467-4
Rights available
Mariana´s little feet desire, is to go freely and follow her thoughs and dreams.
Since she can´t get rid of her shoes, she´s always with untied shoelaces to be
able to dream wherever she goes. Untie the shoelaces can be the wisest way to
children deal with the adults sometimes incomprehensible demands. For the
adults, one subtle and provocative message to make them remember the space
kids need to reinvent the world. A lesson against the premature diagnosis of
hiperactivity and assimilated.
Gabriela, the princess
of daomé
Autor: Marta Rodrigues
Illustrator: David Smyth
24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7160-596-1
Rights available
Everything happens in a short bus route in Belo Horizonte. The girl, Gabriela,
is by a seat in the bus while her brother and the mom stay on another seat.
In some minutes, Gabriela “scans” the world to the ransom of its charms: she is
the Daomé Princess because her father, a German photographer, saw in the
mother the unmistakable presence of a queen. Between her heroes, she is
princess; her two years old brother is a warrior who overcame trough a serious
sickness. Pedro got healed because he has learned to face the fear with the help
of the African ancestors. But these excerpts are only samples of Gabriela’s
eloquence. In that great story, there’s much more to read.
Mizu and the star
Autor: Margarida Cristina Vasques
Ilustrador: Rubem Filho
24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7160-569-5
Rights available
In the story that Bambô tell us, Mizu will experience a life inspiring
adventure. he carries out an audacious plan. He leaves home early in the
morning, even without eating his mother’s sadza and nyama pap. He walks
along trails and plains and reaches the huge rock beside the big tree. There,
he captures nothing less than Sirius, the star. The future of a friendship between
a being from heaven and another from earth has its limitations. However, these
limitations aren’t so important as a dream coming true
and Young
Rua Bragança, 101
Belo Horizonte • 30280-410 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Maria Mazarello Rodrigues
55 31 3481-0591
[email protected]
Rapunzel and the quibungo
Autor: Cristina Agostinho
and Ronaldo Simões Coelho
Ilustrador: Walter Lara
16 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7160-588-6
Rights available
The world of coloured people
Autor: Caio Ducca
Ilustrador: Thiago Amormino
36 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7160-587-9
Rights available
Rapunzel born in Bahia – a beautiful black girl that came into the world with long
and non-stop growing hair. Rapunzel also used to draw everybody’s attention
because she was a nice singer – and Brazilians appreciate that very much.
These attributes caused the greed of Quibungo, a monster with a hole in his
back. Quibungo kidnaped the girl and put her apart of the world, holding
her in a bamboo tower, on top of a Chestnut Tree. There, she would sing only for
him. But one day her songs echoed where Prince Dakarai was passing. Her face
overfilled the Prince’s heart with love. As the story shows, the Brazilian Prince will
plan a way to rescue the love of his life.
The World of the Coloured People tells the story of two boys that live a childhood
full of friendship and fun. Together since they were born, they are so close that
they were seen as brothers. They lived happily like this until the difference
between them was forced upon them.
One is black, the other is white. After a process of self-recognition and understanding
though they could again live according to that what really matters. Overcoming the
differences between them, the two boys were together again, just as they always had
before. This also showed the way to change our whole society.
Melhoramentos Publishing House has published books for children and young
adults since 1915, when it published Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling,
the first children’s book printed in color in Brazil. Since then, Melhoramentos, as
one of the oldest publishing houses in Brazil, has published great Brazilian authors
such as José Mauro de Vasconcelos, Ziraldo, Ruth Rocha and Pedro Bandeira, as
well as careful translations of American and European texts. Special attention is
given to the release of new talents, like Tiago de Melo Andrade, Antonio Carlos
Vilela, Rogério Andrade Barbosa and Patrícia Secco. Melhoramentos also publishes
a great line of dictionaries, cookbooks and non-fiction books for adults.
Rua Tito, 479
São Paulo • 05051-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Breno Lerner
55 11 3874-0854
[email protected]
Author: Ziraldo Alves Pinto
Poem with drawings
and music
Author: Biagio D’Angelo
Illustrator: Thais Beltrame
Once upon a time there was a very rare and
very sad color called Flicts, who was looking
for a friend among the innumerous colors of
the universe.He did not have Red’s strength,
nor Yellow’s intense light, nor the peace
transmitted by Sky Blue. Everything in the world
had its color: Blue or Rose, Green, Purple or
Violet. But nothing was Flicts… so he decided to
disappear. Flicts was Ziraldo’s first children’s
book. Published in 1969, it immediately won
the hearts of children, adolescents and adults
around the world.
Format: 20.5 x 26 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-06-05558-8
Rights sold to: Argentina, Chile,
Paraguay, Germany, Switzerland,
France, Belgium and Italy.
Awards: Italy: Andersen 2004 and
Libri Infiniti Leggere per Crecere.
Selected by the Mexican government
for its Libros del Rincón program
and Young
Format: 20.5 x 27.5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-06-06696-6
Rights available
Awards: Jabuti Award Best Children´s
Book of 2012
Benjamin is a child who is experiencing the challenges and joys of childhood.
The protagonist narrates his experiences with sensitivity and poetry.
The illustrations, like a dance, hug the text, increasing the significance of the work
and presenting the inner universe and dreamy character with great skill and delicacy.
Mercuryo Jovem was founded in April 2001, a month dedicated to children’s
books. Over the years, our prime aim has been pursued and achieved: to offer
children and young adults riveting illustrations and texts created by artists and
writers who trust the readers’ intelligence.
We publish various genres, such as short tales, picture books, chronicles, theater
plays, cordel (Northeastern Brazilian narratives in verses), comics and novels
to readers between 3 and 14 years old.
R. Gomes Freire, 234 • Lapa
São Paulo • O5075-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Ione Meloni Nassar ¬
Literary agent: Ms. Inês Silva
351 91 6472121
[email protected]
[email protected]
Author and illustrator: Guto Lins
The Shy Boy
Author: Fabrício Carpinejar
Illustrator: Zuzana Bockayová Bruncková
40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-294-0
Rights available
32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-314-5
Rights available
Books are made up of words and pictures. And words are made up of letters. The
pictures in this book are also made up of letters, which interact with pictures and turn
themselves into fascinating illustrations. The poems don’t save on nonsense and
humor, generating double meanings that prompt readers to use their intelligence
and make them create hypotheses and recreate what is implicit between the lines.
A boy lets his hair grow, and grow, and grow, without ever having it cut. And so
his brow, his eyes, his mouth, his head, and then his entire body come to
disappear, so much so that no one is able to locate him at school – and so
much so that his own father can’t remember the boy’s face anymore.
This is a moving, fantastic story by award-winning author Fabrício Carpinejar on
the differences between introversion and shyness in childhood.
What’s the zero for?
Author: Ana Vicente
Illustrator: Madalena Matoso
Master Zizinho’s Drum
Author: Wilson Marques
Illustrator: Dedê Paiva
32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-233-9
Rights available
32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-275-9
Rights available
Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 thought temselves very self-important… You
have 2 eyes to read the 3 piglets story; the stations of the year are 4; you have 5
fingers in your hand; a cube has 6 sides, and the wonders of the ancient world
were 7. Spiders have 8 legs, and you spent 9 months in your mother’s womb…
What about the zero? Have you ever wondered if he is important?
Zizinho lives in a community where everyone descends from quilombolas,
Afro-Brazilian slaves who escaped from plantations centuries ago. He is
inquisitive and doesn’t understand why the place where he lives receives so
many visitors from other Brazilian states, and even other countries. Zizinho is a
tireless asker of questions about the world around him. Looking for answers, he
goes to the house of a female teacher that understands the boy’s curiosity. She
gives him a challenge: helping her to retrieve their community’s traditions, which
are so admired by outsiders and which have been quite forgotten by locals.
Zizinho embraces the cause without hesitation, becoming one of the leaders of
the community.
Such and Such
Author: César Landucci
Photos: Denise Autran
City Trees
Author and illustrator: Rubens Matuck
Photos: Guilherme Maranhão
32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-255-1
Rights available
Did you know…
…that you only realize how important your keys are when you find yourself locked
…that all the thoughts in the world, as well as all words and alphabet letters, will fit
inside a pen?
…that nails are not very fond of hammers, for they get hammer strikes on their
heads all day long?
Coisa & tal (“Such and Such”) uses humor and nonsense to throw a new look
at everyday life, just as children do when they are discovering the world.
and Young
40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7272-252-0
Rights available
In City Trees, Rubens Matuck celebrates the trees, those creatures that, free
of charge, offer abode, food, and respite for other living beings. Many are the
trees that have been chosen for this book: from hardy, tough species such as
Brazilian ironwood to traditional magnolia, through remarkable jequitibá,
elegant purple glory tree, and gorgeous flowering sapucaia – and let us not
forget brazilwood and other smaller species. Flowers and fruits are always
highlighted in the text, watercolors and photos. Here, from January to
December, we see many colors and an information parade whose aim
seems to be to captivate children so that they can befriend those beings.
Founded in 1983, Papirus Publishing House has been active for more than 30
years and during this time has developed an important catalogue, with some titles
exported and sold to other countries. Papirus editorial focus is in the field of human
sciences, books for the general public and children’s literature – the majority of
which are also available as e-books.
We have published several authors of international renown (Jean Baudrillard,
Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu, Sartre, Robert Stam,
Gilberto Dimenstein and Rubem Alves, among many others), but there is always
room for new ones to be revealed. We have launched more than a thousand titles,
of which 400 are still in catalogue.
R. Dr. Gabriel Penteado, 253
Campinas • 13041-305 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Beatriz Marchesini
55 19 3272-4500
[email protected]
Your Own Garden
Author: Nye Ribeiro
Illustrator: Karen Elis Cornacchia
It’s Popcorn’s Fault
Author: Dayse Torres
Illustrator: Luisa Amoroso Guardado
16 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0919-5
Rights available
Suitable for children over 3 years old, this is a charming book that enchants little
readers with the sweet figure of Clara, a loving grandmother, full of wisdom. Lively
and warm, she teaches us how to cultivate good feelings and thoughts, ridding
ourselves of the bad within us as we do with garden weeds.
It discusses the laws of nature and its cycles of life and death, thoughts on
care, peace, confidence and self-esteem. It also attempts to provoke
ecological awareness in children.
and Young
20 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0966-9
Rights available
Tico, a bird, landed right on top of my head. He called his girlfriend, Lica,
and built a nest. Soon afterwards the babies were born and then—oh
my!—so many things happened… Despite all the mess, I ended up liking Tico
and Lica so much that I decided to write this story.
Prazerdeler Editora Ltda is a small Publishing House headquartered in Petropolis,
an important historical city in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 2002,
we are particularly dedicated to the publication of works by resident authors,
professors and researchers, affiliated to the main literary and historical research
entities in the town. Consequently, our catalogue deals with a variety of literary
productions such as poetry, historical research, children’s books, gastronomy
books and novels. Although not all the titles are published for commercial
purposes, they are all dully published with special attention to editing and printing
materials, reflecting the appreciation of the literary value present in each work.
and Young
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 79, Sala 1004
Petrópolis • 25620-150 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Vera Lucia Salamoni Ebad
55 24 2243-8085
[email protected]
Children’s trio
Author – Walter Faria Pacheco
(32 pages) ISBN 978 85 89033 09 1
The enchanted package
(32 pages) ISBN 978 85 89033 13 8
Aristides’ nightmare
(28 pages) ISBN 978 85 89033 15 2
Three titles offered in one small collection: ‘Ratimbó’, ‘The enchanted package’
and ‘Aristides’ nightmare’ are beautifully illustrated stories by the poet and
musician Walter Pacheco. The adventures of a different mouse, an enchanted
package that was forgotten on a train and whose strings miraculously retied
themselves preventing the wrapping to be undone and the strange dream that
changed the life of a boy.
The EMA Project was founded in 2005 and is engaged in consulting with
publications related to Food Safety and Environmental Issues for young
people, adults and sector professionals. The new release of the book entitled
A Encantada Fábrica de Gostosuras da Ema or Ema´s Enchanted Treats Factory,
by Marcia Callage, narrates an extraordinary visit to a food factory and teaches
the participants in an educational and entertaining way about care and handling
related to personal hygiene and other essential precautions concerning food.
Other brand new releases will be launched in 2014, covering a range of subjects
that will involve the readers and further their knowledge.
and Young
Rua Alexandre Dumas, 85
São Paulo • 04717-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Marcia Callage
55 11 3021-2853
[email protected]
Ema´s Enchanted
Treats Factory
Author: Marcia Callage.
Illustrator: Thiago Spyked.
Format: 21 x 21 cm. - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63907-14-1.
Rights available
The story takes place in a setting where the team is represented by five
characters who interact with the children and transform all the food
production gearworks into a safe food environment in an enlightening world
of treats, flavors, colors and a lot of fun.
This is the method that the food engineer and writer Marcia Callage has
developed to educate children using an interactive approach to the topic of Food
Safety, in order to reduce the number of illnesses owed to food contamination.
“According to the author, the book is not just a children´s book, but can be used
as a fast, fun and effective educational tool for the population.”
For R&F Company, with over 14 years, R&F Company has been dedicated to
publications of literary quality. It has over 150 titles in its catalogue. With a variety of
publications, it has upgraded its catalogue of publications for children and adults,
being a reference in children’s publications, which are used in elementary schools
as paradidactic literature. From its pool paradidactics. In your frame of writers,
some can highlight names to be highlighted are those oflike Edival Lourenço
Izaura Franco, Margo Vianna, Nellie Santee, Newton Murce, Nilton Bobato,
Cristiano Deveras and others. The opportunity to join the catalogue of Brazilian
Publishers is very valuable to us.
Rua c-134 esq. c/ c-146, nº 168 • Qd. 272 • Lt 12 • Jardim América
Goiânia • 74255-480 • GO • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Izaura Maria Ribeiro Franco
55 62 3281-5452
[email protected]
Daniela and her gang against
the monster of the night
Author: Izaura Maria Ribeiro Franco
Illustrator: Polly Duarte
28 Pages
ISBN: 987-85-66912-01-2
Rights available
Author: Edival Lourenço
“Daniela and her the gang against the monster of the night” is, an enchanting
story, where the author discusses about the fear, such a common situation so
common in early childhood, and shows that sometimes what terrifies us at
first, can be charming once we know it . As always, at the end
there isof a message of optimism and growth for our children. Facing our
fears is the best way to grow.
Winner of the National Novel Award fromwinning novel Romance of the State of
Paraná in 1992,. Centopeia Neon Centipede raises a deep exposure and critique of
contemporary social reality. Edival Lourenço penetrated with rare skill in the
interstices of our current history, drawing fromas his skillful and knowledgeable he
drew it the essential theme of his novel. Being a skillful history expert, the author
walks, walking through the facts with extreme ease, proofing to berevealing a deep
thinker who writes down pressed by the urge to convey his duein its correct
understanding of relevant social problems that dehumanize humansman in this
Party in the Woods
Author: Nellie Rego Santee
Illustrator: Paio Birolini
28 Pages
ISBN: 978-8587479-41-9
Rights available
Road Prose
Author: Nilton Bobato
104 Pages
ISBN: 978-8587479-48-8
Rights available
In the talesTales of Nilton Bobato, the routine is dilapidated and reveals new
meanings, as in “The Barber”. “The man sitting with his head thrown back
horizontally to the body, supported by a support placed in the chair, has his
jugular completely submissive to the slow slip of the knife and the hand of the
barber. He feelsFeels like the trunk being crafted by nimble hands of the
craftsman, helpless, delivered to hisyour will. “This guy”The citizen can do
whatever he wantswhat you want with me. WhatAnd if this knife slipsslip and
cutscut my throat? He may say it was just an accident. “
Dognaldinho goes to School
Author: Newton Murce Filho
Illustrator: Adriana Mendonça
Written Sea
Author: Renan Alves Melo
As soon as When the animals were compellednow have to study,
great haste and his mistress Dogmar and Mr. Dogofredo rushed to enroll
Dognaldinho atDoguinaldinho enrolled in the village school. There were
someSome things the young dog could not understand about the behavior
of humans, but he was gradually finding was surprising curiosities about the
ability that people have to change, to invent, to laugh ...
192 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-87479-97-6
Rights available
What happens when, in the middle of a party, the house is not so big
anymore?small. Let’s make the party in the woods. Will we need to vote?
What will be the result then?
32 Pages
ISBN: 987-85-66912-00-5
Rights available
and Young
296 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-66875-04-1
Rights available
The tales of “Mar Written Sea” are not just stories. If they were just stories, they
would be reports of heinous crimes inand police hodiernos session of some
newspaper, but they are not just stories. They are memories of women
“crestfallen, [s], hands clasped hands,, soul [s] sad soul[s],” as Mary and
animalishmen animals, cold and also wounded men as Virgil. They are Are
manifestations of strong and poignant manifestations of human misery and
loneliness, that’s whyso they are full of poetry. Prose poetrypoems, this is the true
definition of the tales inof this book. Retellingwork. Retell them without
mentioning poetry would reduce them to the paltrymean, the unworthy.
The Selo Off Flip was created in 2008 under the literary program of Off Flip, a parallel
event to the Paraty International Literary Festival. Directed by the writer Ovídio Poli
Junior, the Brazilian publisher has published 15 titles and bet on beginner authors
of quality, although there are also authors with established careers in its catalogue.
One of the actions of the publisher is the Off Flip Prize for Literature (, which is in the 8th edition and aims to stimulate the literary creation in
Portuguese. In 2008, the Prize was among the 41 projects selected by VIVALEITURA
AWARD - awarded by Brazilian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and the
Organization of Ibero-American States.
Rua Paulo Dias Carvalho Mendonça, 14 • casa 25 • Parque Ipê
Paraty • 23970-000 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Ovídio Poli Junior
55 24 3371-3003
[email protected]
The rebellion of the fish
Author: Ovídio Poli Junior
Illustrator: Pedro Poli Yamashiro e Marcus
Vinicius Poli Yamashiro
Solomon, the elephant
Author: Marilia Arnaud
Illustrator: Flávio Tavares
44 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-11-3
Rights available
In Rebellion of the fish the readers are taken on an adventure amid coral reefs,
islands and underwater caves. A fable narrated by a lantern fish, who lives in
abyssal regions and enjoys reading old books. Ovídio Poli Junior was one of the
finalists in the Guimarães Rosa Prize / RFI (Paris) and was featured in Brazilian
literary contests and prizes. He organizes in Paraty the Off Flip literary program,
is the curator of Off Flip Prize for Literature and editor of Selo Off Flip.
and Young
40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-13-7
Rights available
Solomon, the elephant is a beautiful story of friendship between a friendly
elephant and a girl that, without her parents knowing, lives a fantastic adventure
in the company of his new friend from the jungle. Marilia Arnaud was born in
Campina Grande and lives in João Pessoa (PB). She has published four books of
short stories and recently the novel Silences Suite. She has participated in the
collection +30 Women who are making the new Brazilian literature, organized by
Luiz Ruffato. Solomon, the elephant is her first book for children.
Mindful of Brazil’s ethnic appeal and diverse identity, Solisluna publishes books
focused on artistic and cultural expressions of historic value. Active since 1993,
Solisluna publishes works that deal with intangible, architectural and religious
heritage, the environment, racial diversity, issues related to social change and the
daily lives and activities of a singular people. Solisluna books also stand out for their
graphic design, which reflects the context of Brazil and Bahia and is influenced by
that context. Since its inception, the hallmarks of this publishing house have been
disseminating high-quality literature: prose, poetry, works on Afro-Brazilian culture,
technical and art books, and publications aimed at children and adolescents.
Alameda Praia de Barra Grande qd 12 lt 33 • Vilas do Atlântico
Lauro de Freitas • 42.700-000 • BA • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Valéria Pergentino Procópio
55 71 3379-6691
[email protected]
The boy who became a Capoeira master
Author: José de Jesus Barreto
Illustrator: Cau Gomez
Format: 23 x 28 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-44-2
Rights available
Author and Illustrator: Edsoleda Santos.
Once upon a time there was a smart little biracial kid born in the Pelourinho district
of Salvador, Bahia. After playing and fighting in the street, he became the greatest
of all Capoeira Angola masters in Bahia. The name of this boy became a legend
around the world, but the story of Mestre Pastinha is real and is recounted blow-byblow in this book. In 2012, this book was a finalist in the children’s category for the
Jabuti Prize, one of the most important literary awards in Brazil.
Oshun represents the cosmological forces of fresh water and is therefore
responsible for nourishing all living beings. For this reason, as the elders use
to say, water has no enemies. She is directly linked to fertility and maternity.
The patron of love and beauty, she wields the most dangerous secrets of magic
and spells. Feminine and temperamental, Oshun reigns supreme in Bahia’s
universe. This legend, collected and published by the ethnologist Pierre Verger,
known for his in-depth knowledge of the African diaspora in the Americas, is still
alive in Africa, in the annual festivals celebrating the pact between King Laro and
the fertile waters of the Oshun River.
Daisy loves me
Author: Déborah Knittel
Illustrator: Enéas Guerra
Format: 22 x 28 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-33-6
Rights available
That Crazy Critter!
Author and Illustrator: Enéas Guerra
A lovely short verse poem by Débora Knittel that tells the story of a garden
where a very special daisy grows. The reader follows the routine of the little
flower from dawn to dusk and, from her point of view, sees an enchanted
world of insects, birds and other flowers.
and Young
Format: 23 x 28 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-40-4
Rights available
Format: 17.5 x 17.5 cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-52-7
Rights available
This is a new book by Enéas Guerra for small children. The author creates a
playful way of having fun with existing and made-up animals. The onomatopoeic
sounds of grunts, howls, roars, squeals and snoring inspire children to create
their own wacky animals.
Uni Duni Publishing is specialized in children’s books and also publishes books on
Learning Disabilities, aimed at parents, educators and professionals in the subject.
Our mission is to stimulate the habit of reading in our children, with the responsibility
of publishing attractive, educational and fun books which will aid in the development
of a higher awareness, education and better human relationships.
Epic of Gilgamesh, the Great
Adaptation & illustratior: Rubem Filho
Format: 28x21cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-28-1
Rights available
Anita is a girl like any other one. As any common girl, she has dreams and
fantasies. She makes believe that she is an adult, a ballerina...but what she really
wants is to, someday, become a fairy tale princess. Is she capable of doing that?
And is there something specific required to be a Fairy Tale Princess?
Lili Hummingbird
Author: Claudia Ferreira
Illustrator: Claudio Martins
Format: 21x21cm - 28 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-05-9
Rights available
Lili Hummingbird is a girl who loves sports and enjoys studying, but has difficulty
to keep her attention during her class activities. The school advisor asks Lili’s
parents to take her to a psychologist’s office. After some tests and also a visit to a
neuro-pediatrician, she learns that she has ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder. In
the beginning, she thinks that it is strange and complicated, but soon, she finds
out that she can live with this limitation and be a happy child.
Format: 23x23cm - 24 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-27-1
Rights available
Benjamin, the happy kid is made up of small pieces – everyday stories – full of
Fantasy, observed and told by a father. The happiness that some adults look as
something so complex, for Benjamin, is something so simple...the cat, playing
with the seat, and even the toy. Children will have a lot of fun with the colorful
pages and adventures of this sweet boy, full of imagination. With beautiful
illustrations from the author Rogério Fernandes, an award-winning artist.
Can I be the Princess?
Author: Gustavo Gaivota
Illustrator: Maurizio Manzo
and Young
Format: 20x27cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-20-2
Rights available
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest written stories known. It was written in
Sumeria, one of the first civilizations known on Earth. Gilgamesh, the King of
Uruk, is strong, robust and venerated throughout his territory. However, time does
not stop, and Gilgamesh, obsessed with strength and eternity, tries by all means
to conquer immortality. During these adventures, Gilgamesh will find his best
friend, Enkidu, and together they will live an alliance of friendship and
brotherhood. Detailed illustrations offer the reader a rare experience.
Benjamin, the happy kid
Author: Rogério Fernandes
Illustrator: Rogério Fernandes
Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 247 • salas 402/403
Belo Horizonte • 30112-010 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Gláucia Gonçalves
55 31 3309-4272
[email protected]
A Funky Afternoon
Author: Silvia Maneira e Cláudio Martins
Illustrator: Claudio Martins
Format: 24x24cm - 32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-12-7
Rights available
Have fun with A funky afternoon and all the animal’s noise: the lions, cats,
dogs, the flea… but, wait… does a flea make noise? Have you ever thought of all the
noise and sounds available in the world? To find out how great it’s to play with all
the sound is to open a precious window. We believe that the best way to learn
about music is to make music. The book allows us to create a soundtrack that can
relate with the basic concepts and comprehension of sounds and study of music,
beginning with parts of the body. Themes: Vacation, rain, sounds, music, body.
Founded in 1996, V&R is a publishing house that specializes in gift books, children’s
and young adults’ literature, comics and graphic novels, inspirational titles, and
cookbooks. Our catalogue has been was carefully built, always looking for positive
content with a high quality of illustration and printing. We have never stopped
growing from our original languages and territories in Latin America (Argentina,
Brazil and Mexico) to the rest of the world, because all our books appeal to a
universal audience. V&R has a book for every occasion and its beautiful
presentation makes it a gift that lasts. Our books are perfect to celebrate friends,
relatives, and someone you care for. Our books are entertaining, and they were
created to reach every reader, of all ages. V&R: Books for a happy life.
LOST IN BRASIL: Learn and play
Author: Alexiev Gandman
and Young
Rua Capital Federal, 263
São Paulo • 01259-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Sevani Matos
55 11 4612-2868
[email protected]
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 80 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-222-5
Rights sold to Spain
Why not visit Brazil in a different way? So pack your bags and come with us on a
fantastic journey! There are fifteen sceneriesscenarios of this wonderful country
of continental dimensions to explore. On the way, we’ll learn a lot of new things,
discover amazing characters and make super fun activities. The key is to let the
imagination fly. We are lost in Brazil ... Come meet us soon!
SUPER!: The book for
brave girls
Author: Emma Wonder
FAUNATIVA: A wild adventure
Format: 22x 28.5 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-434-2
Rights available
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 168 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-272-0
Rights available
Who said that girls can’t godo camping? Or do scientific experiments? Or fight
an alligator? Well, in this book every girl will learn how to be brave and how to
do amazing things. Besides that, they will learn about the lives of women that
changed the world with her ideas and bravery. Are you ready? So, don’t skip any
pages because you are a SUPERGIRL!
A group of animals gathergathers to fight the damage to the environment.
For this hard task, they built an ecologic boat and go rescue their endangered
friends. With humor, action and good information, Faunativa shows to all readers
how to protect our planet and live in a beautiful and sustainable place.
Rua lsaac de Azevedo,716
Teixeira de Freitas • 45996-130 • BA • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Pétula Lemos
49 151 21960682
[email protected]
The Sheep
In action
Project and illustrator:
Mauricio Pereira
Format: 10.5 x 15.5 - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-63698-20-9
Rights available
Format: 20 x 20 - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-63698-17-9
Rights available
The sheep are in action and you will also get into this, having fun with
verbs from this visual story.
The noises animals make
Author and illustrator:
Mauricio Pereira
Speaking is not a characteristic only of human beings only: the cow moos, the
frog croaks... through a trip from the farm to the city, some of these animals and
their sounds are presented.
litlle Red Riding Hood
and the colors
Project and illustrator: Angelo Abu
Format: 15.5 x 11.5 - 24 Pages
ISBN 978-85-63698-18-6
Rights available to
Format: 21.5 x 27.5 - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-63698-28-5
Rights available
“Who is afraid of the big bad Wolf...” This is a visual reinterpretation of
the classic Little Red Riding Hood, explored with the theme of colors.
The Dry-Corpse: A legend
of Brazilian Folklore
Author and Illustrator:
Mauricio Pereira
This book is about a Brazilian folklore character who lives by the bushes and
scare people in the rural areas of Brazil.
The Ugly Duckling
and the opposites
Project and illustrator:
Laura Teixeira
Brazilian hauntings
Author and Illustrator:
Mauricio Pereira
Format: 17 x 24 - 64 Pages
ISBN 978-85-63698-25-4
Rights available
Format: 15.5 x 11.5
24 Pages - ISBN 978-85-63698-19-3
Rights available to
This is a visual reinterpretation of the classic The Ugly Duckling, explored
with the theme of colors.
and Young
White Balloon is an imprint of LEMOS Editorial, a publishing house specialized on
children’s books, focused on the Brazilian Market of public bids and selling all its
books to the Brazilian Government.
The author of this book brings out legends of popular characters from the
Brazilian folklore that come to life through his art of telling stories on paper.
Fiction and
non fiction
Bamboo Editorial is a Brazilian publishing house focused on high quality
illustrated books for children and adults. Bamboo’s goal is to introduce new
authors and illustrators and to make sensitive, full of information and fantasy
books that will bring that wonderful feeling of discovery when we found
pleasure learning something that we did not know before. And more, Bamboo
also wants to combine editorial tradition with new technologies, developing
digital products for each of our books. So, readers do not need to choose
between paper or tablet: with Bamboo´s books, they can have both, making
their reading more enjoyable and fun. We make books that remain in the minds
of our readers as a valuable source of knowledge and entertainment.
Fiction and
non fiction
Av Faria Lima 1912 cj 208 b
São Paulo • 01451-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Aloma Carvalho
55 11 3097-9922
[email protected]
Fantastic Amazon:
the most extraordinary myths, legends and
mysteries of the great forest
Author: Jairo Costa
216 Pages
ISBN 978-85-66587-00-5
Rights available
Fantastic Amazon gathers stories from Indigenous, riverine populations, fishermen,
and even from the urban populations, in order to introduce readers to the unusual and
amazing world of the myths, legends, and mysteries of the great tropical rainforest.
Fantastic Amazon rescues old oral tales born in the heart of the jungle and told
from generation to generation. It also unveils the more recent mysteries that
culminated in countless expeditions into the forest. Together, past and present
give shape to the current collective unconsciousness in the Amazon so the
reader can navigate through its waterways, crossing borders ahead and beyond.
Boitempo is the largest independent publisher of critical thinking in Portuguese
Language. With a consistent and widely awarded catalogue, it is dedicated to
publish humanities essays and contemporary Brazilian fiction works. Among its
main international authors are Alain Badiou, David Harvey, Giorgio Agamben,
György Lukács, István Mészáros, Mike Davis, Perry Anderson and Slavoj Žižek.
Boitempo’s editions of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ works, commented and
translated directly from the original writings, made it an international reference
of Marx work publishing. In order to enhance access to readers interested in the
critical thinking promoted in its books, Boitempo have consolidated a tradition of
promoting major events of international repercussion.
The Time and the Dog:
The Present Time of Depressions;
Contemporary Encyclopedia of Latin America
and the Caribbean; 10 Years of Post-Neoliberal
Governments in Brazil
Author: Maria Rita Kehl
304 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7559-133-8
Rights available
Contemporary Encyclopedia
of Latin America and the Caribbean
Authors: Emir Sader, Ivana Jinkings, Carlos
Eduardo Martins and Rodrigo Nobile (coords.)
1,344 Pages
ISBN 85-7559-084-7
Rights sold to: Argentina and Spain
Critique of the Dualistic Reason
The Platypus
Author: Francisco de Oliveira
150 Pages - ISBN 85-7559-036-7
Rights sold to: Argentina
“What is a depression? A contemporary social symptom, so claims the most
influential psychoanalyst from Brazil. Maria Rita Kehl presents an in-depth
analysis of depressions, a topic that is often discussed but little understood.
Her analysis – that includes among other topics the symbolic dimension of this
social symptom, from Classical Antiquity to Freud – is enriched by cases that
come from her experience as a therapist. Straightforward and profound at the
same time, will be of interest to those involved with psychoanalysis as well as
anyone who wants to understand how social mechanisms influence the human
subjectivity. 2010 Book of the Year in Brazil (Prêmio Jabuti).”
Latinoamericana is the ultimate reference work on Latin America and the
Caribbean, offering an insider’s view on political, social, economic, environmental,
artistical and cultural processes, with contributions by over 100 authors from 20
countries. The encyclopedia contains thematic essays, photos, maps and tables
on the countries and territories that are part of the continent, as well as biographies
of its leading personalities and entries on educational, ethnic, mediatic, scientific,
technological and sporting phenomena that give it its own identity. Jabuti Award
Winner (Prêmio Jabuti) - Best Nonfiction Book – Brazil, 2007.
Critique of the Dualistic Reason, originally published in 1972, has changed
people’s understanding about Brazilian economy. Written by Francisco de
Oliveira, one of the most important sociologists in Brazil, the essay was updated
in 2003 with The Platypus, a reference to the strange mammal that is perhaps
the best representation of today’s Brazil: a bizarre combination of highly
developed industries and an enormous financial sector, but nonetheless with feet
of clay. Along with Oliveira’s essays, Roberto Schwarz’s preface represents a true
invitation to see the world beyond the strict pragmatism of modern times. Jabuti
Award Winner (Prêmio Jabuti) - Best Social Sciences Book – Brazil, 2004.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Pereira Leite, 373
São Paulo • 05442-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Kim Doria
55 11 3875-7250
[email protected]
Anita: a novel
Author: Flávio Aguiar
336 Pages
ISBN 85-85934-38-7
Rights available
Anita is an award-winning historical novel about the life of the Italian
revolutionaries Anita and Giuseppe Garibaldi and their Republican struggles in
southern Brazil, fighting for Uruguay independence and Italian Reunification.
Based in a rigorous historical research, it is an epic – plenty of adventure, love
and passion for freedom – in which the individual destinies appear against the
formation of modern nations and their contradictions, also reflecting upon the
complex relationship between art and history. Jabuti Award Winner (Prêmio
Jabuti) - Novel of the Year – Brazil 2000.
State and Political Form
Author: Alysson Leandro Mascaro
136 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7559-324-0
Rights available
“Simply the most important work on Marxist political thinking in the last
decades!” – Slavoj Žižek In a rich dialogue with Marx and the theoretical
tradition on State, philosopher Alysson Leandro Mascaro claims that a
deeper understanding of the State and politics, required by the urgency of
the current situation, is only possible through an analysis of their structural,
historical, dynamical and contradictory position in the whole context of
social reproduction. With the perspective of totality, Mascaro creates the
basis for an emancipatory project in which the political form can only be
understood as a derivation of the commodity form, established in capitalism.
384 Pages
Lula and Dilma:
ISBN 978-85-7559-328-8
10 Years of Post-Neoliberal Governments
Rights sold to: Spain and Ecuador
in Brazil -Author: Emir Sader (org.),
intreview with Luís Inácio Lula da Silva,
essays by Marilena Chaui, Marcio Pochmann
and José Luis Fiori, among others
How to evaluate the transformations in Brazil during the last decade?
The country has gone through profound changes since the Worker’s Party
(PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores) was elected to presidency with Lula (2002)
and Dilma (2010). In order to understand and reflect on this legacy – an inescapable
task to think about the future of the country – sociologist Emir Sader organized this
critical overview. With an exclusive interview with Lula and essays by intellectuals
engaged and actively involved in the politics of the last decade, who discourse
on how the social policies were implemented, its necessarily unequal sectoral
approaches, their successes and the obstacles yet to be overcome.
Rua Floriano Peixoto, 438
Contagem • 32140•580 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Leonrado Moller
55 31 3304-8300
[email protected]
The eternal power of love
Author: Robson Pinheiro
by the spirit Teresa of Calcutta
176 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99818-27-5
Rights available
“If I ever become a saint I will surely be one of darkness. I will continually be
absent from heaven to light the light of those in darkness on Earth”. Born in the
Balkans, Agnes grew up to be the Nobel Prize winner Mother Teresa, a servant to
the poorest of the poor. Teresa of Calcutta. Teresa of God. From her place in
immortality, the “saint of darkness” unveils the truths behind remarks and words
attributed to her and shines her wisdom on some of life’s most fundamental yet
powerful questions. An icon of compassion to people of all religions, she is a
passion testament of hope and abiding faith in God, one who embodied the true
significance of what it means to be a Christian.
A therapy for the soul
Author: Robson Pinheiro
by the spirit Alex Zarthú
All it takes to enjoy life’s every moment to the fullest is learning how to love by
loving yourself first. It takes a good look into the mirror, a thorough examination
of the person you see and the boldness to take on the rough road to
transformation. This book is a beacon of thought that has the power to make
you yearn for change with just few words, in a couple of pages. Spirit Alex
Zarthú, the Indian, is a spiritual teacher who will guide you to achieve peace of
mind and real happiness. He will teach that freedom and liberation come from
within and are attainable even under the most trying conditions, regardless of
what the nature of the problem is. Come find serenity.
Beyond matter
A bridge between Science and spirituality
Author: Robson Pinheiro
by the spirit Joseph Gleber
320 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99818-13-8
Rights available
238 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99818-02-2
Rights available
This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of spiritual healing as it brings
together spiritual knowledge and contemporary science to help people better
understand the influence human energy fields have over matter and over their
own well-being. A psychographic book by spirit Joseph Gleber (a Jewish nuclear
physicist and physician who lived in Germany in the times of the World War II)
through Robson Pinheiro, this book speaks of the truths and findings in spiritual
Science made by Doctor Gleber. Trailblazing, yet easy to grasp and accessible to
people from all walks of life seeking a better understanding of our subtle anatomy
and the key principles to well-being.
Pure Energy
Author: Robson Pinheiro
under inspiration of the spirits
Joseph Gleber and André Luiz
In times of extreme stress and anxiety it is important to develop a broader
vision of health and knowledge of Energetic Reality. Holistic science does just
that. It takes a comprehensive approach to energy healing and to how energy
can be channeled to assist in the restoration of health and well-being.
Scientific meets spiritual in this book by medium Robson Pinheiro. With over
25 years of experience as a holistic healer, this is the result of Robson’s
studies in the extra-physical dimension under the guidance of spirits Joseph
Gleber, José Grosso, and André Luiz. It comes with step-by-step illustrated
energetic revitalization practices, a roadmap to a plentiful life.
City of Spirits
Book 1 of the trilogy Children of light
Author: Robson Pinheiro
by the spirit Ângelo Inácio
460 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-99818-25-1
Rights available
Spirits in my life
Author: Robson Pinheiro
380 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-87781-32-1
Rights available
318 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-87781-38-3
Rights available
We all have the tendency to think that our experiences only take place in this
physical, tangible world. Well, they don’t! City of Spirits is an awe-inspiring book
that invites readers along on a journey into a parallel dimension, a vibrational
universe—the Divine World—where immortals live and life’s experiences really
happen. The place where angels, agents of justice, divine guides, and guardians
live and from where they depart to lead humans through growth, development,
and to influence men’s destinies more than we will ever know. This book feels so
real that readers will actually experience this mesmerizing realm that transcends
time and place. Welcome to Aruanda!
Fiction and
non fiction
Casa dos Espíritos Publishing House does not make books, what we do is build
ideas. We learn while teaching and teach while learning. We share thoughts and
invite questioning. And we believe. We believe in the soul as the essence of being
and as the essence of a successful business. Casa dos Espíritos puts prejudices
aside and disregards labels, beliefs or religion. Celebrating 17 years and more
than 1 million copies sold, we are looking forward to the future as one of the topquality spirituality publishers in Brazil.
This is more than a book. It is the path of a medium deeply connected with
immortal souls. The stories, experiences, and spirits in the life of Robson
Pinheiro—the best childhood friend who was actually a spirit and Robson’s
banishment from the evangelical church under allegations of “demonic
possession”. The day Robson woke up from a 19-day coma when spirits took over
his body right before the doctors’ eyes the minute Robson was about to be taken
off of life support. In this page-turner Robson recounts some of his most
remarkable experiences as a medium and servant to the spiritual realm. The
book comes with the CD The Voices of the Spirits Talk Through Robson Pinheiro.
Rua Landulfo Alves, 113 sala 1 • Centro
Anáge • 45180-000 • Bahia • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Rosel Bonfim
55 11 96397-4825
[email protected]
The Mongrel Complex
In Brazil’s History
The historical reasons of the Brazilian
self-belittling tradition
Author: Aurélio Schommer
288 Pages - ISBN: 978-85-61878-15-3
Rights available
Under The Deeply Grey Sky
Author: Tom Correia
What is Brazil? What is it to be Brazilian? This book presents the most complete
study ever conducted on the self-belittling tradition of Brazil’s history: from the
clash with the Indians, to the overestimation of European immigrants, as well as
the myth of exacerbated sexuality. Written in literary language, the book destroys
false myths such as Tiradentes and shows, amongst other aspects of Brazil’s
history, the origin of such disaffection by its innates.
In journalist César Elieser’s opinion, the characters of Tom Correia are subject to
the worst of fates. They are not destined for good lives, but instead doomed to
failure with no chance of redemption. They are humiliated and offended by a
society that only has eyes for success, and excludes most individuals from the
processes of production and consumption, leaving them only the crumbs of life.
For the past 15 years Tom Correia has been writing tales in a concise and firm
style. He is a master of his own domain.
Useless obscene moons
Author: Hélio Pólvora
248 Pages - ISBN: 978-85-61878-01-6
Rights available
Three Childhoods
Author: Mayrant Gallo
104 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63811-01-1
Rights available
128 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61878-08-5
Rights available
Meet the Old Deaf Man. If you pay him some attention, he will continue to nag you
long after. Perhaps he is not completely deaf. Maybe his presumed lack of
hearing results from a more intimate turbulence. Deaf or pretender, he has his
ears open to life. The Deaf Old Man reads and thinks in his own way. He is
capable of philosophical insights. But, for him, unfortunately, the problem is not
his clogged ears, but an innate and literary wisdom that hinders the eagerness of
communication. He wants to hear and to be heard. However, the world is closed
and people are evil and strange to him.
In Mills, a man and his son struggle foolishly to earn the money that they need to
survive. At the end of the adventure, the boy discovers that he will need to react in
order to save himself from the same fate that has befallen his father. In the
second story, The Ritual in the Garden, structured without constraints and using a
free timeline, three children advance through dramas and games into adulthood,
in a fictional interpretation of Rio de Janeiro at the time of the Second World War.
In Days of a Boy, one child waits for everything to be different
Spring Bones
Author: Állex Leilla
82: the magical game
Author: Mayrant Gallo et al.
286 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61878-04-7
Rights available
Spring Bones tells the story of Luisa, a successful advertising professional living with
the traumatic experience of having been raped and having to choose between
forgetting the brutal episode or exacting revenge on her attackers with her own
hands. Allowing herself a renewal of her body and soul, which comes during spring,
is one of the great challenges she must face. The novel also addresses ethics,
loneliness, heartbreaks, the sacred bonds of friendship and survival in major centers
Fiction and
non fiction
Located in the Northeast region of Brazil, Casarão do Verbo has already demonstrated
its strong international vocation. And despite being a young company - its first title was
published in 2008 - this publishing house has already gained respect and admiration
from readers, writers and critics all over Brazil. Two of Casarão de Verbo novels Useless Obscene Moons and Don Solidon, both by veteran Brazilian writer Hélio
Pólvora - were shortlisted for Brazil’s biggest literary prizes in 2011 and 2012.
But Casarão do Verbo is about more than just sales of books and rights. A
significant part of our mission is also to develop programs to encourage reading
and to contribute for the creation, development and strengthening of a real
publishing market in the Brazilian Northeast region.
160 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61878-24-5
Rights available
82: the magical game is a collection of 15 short stories relating to the 1982
World Cup and a particular match, Brazil’s 3-2 defeat to Italy. The 1982 World
Cup was the last one in which Brazil truly captured the public’s imagination,
with several of the best players Brazil has ever produced peaking at the same
time. Yet they did not win a thing, not a single international trophy of any
relevance. In fifteen short stories, fifteen Brazilian authors present their visions
of that fateful day, our Sarriaço, comparable to the 1950 World Cup final defeat,
the Maracanaço. The range of memories and consequences is reflected here,
in literary terms, in all their richness and colors.
The IBEP Group was founded in 1965 and is one of the major publishing
houses in Brazil. The group is formed by four imprints: IBEP, Companhia Editora
Nacional, Conrad Editora, and Base Editorial; and three other companies: the
IBEP Gráfica (a printing company), IBEPLog, and IBEP Digital.
IBEP is one of the biggest textbook publishers in Brazil, in a market that has been
recently experimenting a steady, fast-paced growth. Nacional Editora focuses
mainly on commercial books, both from Brazilian and foreign authors. Conrad is
the main responsible for bringing to Brazil and popularizing traditional Japanese
and Korean comics. Base Editorial is specialized in school programs.
Rua Alexandre Mackenzie, 619
Jaguaré • São Paulo • 05322-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Silvia Tocci Masini
55 11 2799-7799 ext. 1227
[email protected]
Author: István Wessel
O Muçulmano e a judia
Author: Gilberto Abrão
96 Pages
ISBN: 9788504017762
Rights available
304 Pages
ISBN: 9788504017229
Rights available
István Wessel shares his vast knowledge of meat and the art of barbecue
with a humourous, chatty writing style. The reader will learn neat tricks and
surprising recipes to help him make the best barbecue of his life in this book
with illustrations by Paulo Caruso. István Wessel is one of the pioneers in the
meat industry in Brazil and he dedicates his life to gastronomy. He’s been working
in the mainstream media for more than 20 years, with TV and radio appearances
and newspaper columns. Wessel is also the author of seven cook books.
This book draws a broad picture of the racial conflicts between Arabs and Jews
since the World War II to the present day through an exciting narrative about the
lives of immigrants in Rio Grande do Sul. It shows that despite being fully
integrated into the Brazilian society, Jews and Muslims haven’t lost their cultural
and religious ties, and still strive to send their children to their former homeland.
The author is the son of Syrian immigrant parents. He is a former soldier of UN
forces. Gilberto is also a self-taught student in both Arabic and English. Today he
owns an English Language School.
Home Burger
Author: István Wessel
As doceiras
Author: Carla Pernambuco
e Carolina Brandão
Illustrator: Floriana Breyer
112 Pages
ISBN: 9788504017786
Rights available
It took some time but the burger “fever” finally arrived in Brazil. Now people
don’t want to eat any type of burger anymore, certainly not the ones filled with
preservatives. Burger fans want something better! They want texture, flavor
and aroma. In this edition of Home Burger the reader will find exciting recipes
and many tricks to make a professional burger at home. István Wessel is one
of the pioneers in the meat industry in Brazil and he dedicates his life to
gastronomy. He’s been working in the mainstream media for more than 20
years, with TV and radio appearances and newspaper columns. Wessel is also
the author of seven cook books.
Fiction and
non fiction
200 Pages
ISBN: 9788504018400
Rights available
A book filled with sweet treats and new and delicious recipes of desserts. As
Doceiras presents to the reader classic recipes like tarte tatin, crème brûlée and
the famous Carlota restaurant’s guava jelly suflé with cream cheese, but also
brings some creative recreation of classics, like papaya crème brûlée and iced
tapioca tiramisu. Carla Pernambuco and Carolina Brandão are the head chefs
of Carlota and Las Chicas, two very successful restaurants in São Paulo, and
also the authors of several cook books.
Cosac Naify is recognized for its high-end catalogue and for the quality of its
publications. Currently Cosac Naify’s catalogue includes over 900 titles distributed
among subjects such as Art, Architecture, Design, Photography, Essays, Literary
Fiction, both Classic and Contemporary, as well as a distinguished list of Children’s
books. In 2013, Cosac Naify was chosen as the Best Children’s Publisher of the
Year in Latin America at the Bologna Fair, the most important literary event in the
world dedicated to children’s literature. To contribute to the expansion of the
readers’ horizons, to form new audiences and to intervene constructively in
Brazil’s cultural and artistic debate are some of Cosac Naify’s goals.
Rua General Jardim, 770 • 2º andar
São Paulo • 01223-010 • SP • Brasil
Rights Department:
Mr. Ricardo Lelis
11 3218-1444
[email protected]
People Who Pass by Dreams
Author: Cadão Volpato
The View from Rio
Author: Rodrigo Lacerda
Format: 13,8 x 18,5 cm - 320 Pages
ISBN 978-85-405-0362-5
Brochure with French flaps
Format: 14 x 20 cm - 204 Pages
ISBN 8575032275
Brochure with French flaps
In the late sixties, Rivoli, who is from Brazil, and Tortoni, from Argentina, meet and
become friends on a trip to Patagonia. Years later, their paths cross again in one
of the most turbulent moments of Latin America’s political history. Francesco,
Tortoni’s son, needs to leave Argentina to escape from the military dictatorship,
and Rivoli’s family helps him. In his first novel, the journalist and musician Cadão
Volpato constructs a captivating story about youth, memory and friendship.
From the award-winning author of The maker of elders, published in French and
Spanish, The View from Rio creates a sophisticated narrative, fragmented in three
different moments in time. The book chronicles the friendship of Marco Aurélio and
Virgílio, from their childhood to maturity, in Rio de Janeiro. The imposing building
Estrela de Ipanema, a milestone of modernist architecture in the city, is the setting for
this story and points to the contradictions of the city, one of the themes that comes
through in the narrative along with the drama experienced by the characters.
Allegories of Underdevelopment
Brazilian Cinema from 1967-1970
Author: Ismail Xavier
Among Hills
Author: Claudia Jaguaribe
Format: 13,8 x 20,5 cm -480 Pages
ISBN 978-85-405-0269-7
180 illustrations
Brochure with French flaps
PhD film critic Ismail Xavier analyzes eight Brazilian movies produced between
1967 and 1970, using the concept of “allegory” to discuss fundamental issues of
the late sixties in Brazil, such as underdevelopment, social types, class struggle,
the dictatorship, and the way such feature films offered reflections on the theme
of national identity. The analysis is based on the works of important names of
Brazilian cinema, such as Glauber Rocha, Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, Rogério
Sganzerla and Júlio Bressane, among others.
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 21 x 34 cm - 96 Pages
ISBN 978-85-405-0248-2
Hard cover
In the series Among Hills, Claudia Jaguaribe uses photographs to explore the tension
between human beings, the urban space and nature. The artist shows a peculiar
perspective of Rio de Janeiro. Compiling only pieces of pictures that are in focus, the
artist creates images that take away any sense of depth, generating estrangement in
the viewer. With her manipulation of images, Jaguaribe also builds spaces that could
exist, but do not. There is a fine line between verisimilitude and improbability, where
the artist shows how man interferes in his environment. The book assembles all the
works from the series and includes three essays especially written for this edition.
Cubzac Publishing House was founded in 2007 in the city of Recife, in the Northeast
of Brazil. It publishes national and international authors in genres such as theater,
short stories, children’s novels, youngsters and adults as well as in non-fiction
areas of education, health and psychoanalysis. Besides classical authors,
Cubizac also focuses on the publication of newcomers. The segment for children
prioritizes narratives that allow the young reader to reflect on his role as a critical
individual, who is able to transform the world with his own knowledge. Our books
are distributed and sold throughout the Brazilian territory. Cubzac is a publishing
house that believes in the joy of reading and that reading with pleasure leads to a
world of knowledge where the reader is never alone.
Rua das Pernambucanas, 282 • conj. 601 • Graças
Recife • 52011-010 • PE • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Deborah Echeverria
55 81 8663-1824
[email protected]
The sky is mine
Author: Patricia Maês
One Thing at a Time
Author: André Resende
128 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61293-33-8
Rights available
In the short stories book “The sky is mine” some of the stories deal with daily
situations and in some others, the author creates an oneiric world of great delicacy.
The characters want to be aside from the normality of a society that asks for
participation and receptivity. They are people who beg for a time free from
obligations, for the sake of keeping their individualities and differences. Everybody
fights, without apparent weapons, for the possibility of keeping an individual and
unique soul. Many stories show people who had faced some situation either of loss
or privation. Nevertheless, there are overturns where the strength of mind of the
human spirit becomes the fuel to the emergence of the texts.
Fiction and
non fiction
176 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61293-11-6
Rights available
One Thing at a Time is a network of stories and characters that go from dream to
laughter, from anguish to the unlikely. The characters live by their routines,
events, kinships and friendship. Each character follows the mantra one thing at a
time, as a renewing sense for the frailty of life. This movement- involving balance,
dreams, promises, anguish - is fragile: it does not sustain itself as it is. The frailty
perpasses life and appears beside the incommunicability and the difficulty of
reaching the others easily. All of this is moved by the orientation of one thing at a
time, which makes the past unpredictable. Told in low voice, the stories of One
Thing at a Time ask for a close and deep-felt reading.
Founded in 2003 by highly experienced publishing professionals, Disal Editora
has more than 275 titles published. Today it has an active participation in Brazilian
publishing industry. Concern about the quality of its products - regarding content
and physical aspects - has been the basic principle of Disal Editora, whose
editorial line focuses on foreign language study and non fiction books. From the
end of 2008, Disal Editora enhanced its editorial line publishing supplementary
educational titles in English in co-edition with Helbling Languages. Today it
represents 75 titles in their catalogue. Plans for the future indicate an increasing
extension of its editorial line, always committed to quality.
Al. Mamore, 911 • Cj. 107 • Alphaville
Barueri • 06454-040 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Jose Bantim Duarte
55 11 4195-2811
[email protected]
Brazil in a nutshell
Authors: Mark G. Nash
and Willians Ramos Ferreira
Authors: Luís André do Prado
and João Braga
136 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-092-3
Rights available
Aiming the foreign traveler, this guide provides essential information about
phrasebook, which will help travelers to communicate in Portuguese, in everyday
situations. The book also contains: a glossary of key words; a Brazilian
Portuguese pronunciation guide for English speakers; Information about
geography, climate and people of Brazil; a “must go” list of Brazilian festivals,
holidays, cultural events and parties; Brazilian cuisine, dishes and drinks; Health
information and safety tips; What to see and do in Brazil’s largest cities; Practical
information and tips on money and banking in Brazil; Useful telephone numbers
and websites of interest for travelers in Brazil.
Fiction and
non fiction
642 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-094-7
Rights available
Excellent graphic production, with more than 400 pictures and illustrations, this title
presents Fashion History through clothes and composes an evolutionary visual panel
of aesthetic, behavioral and fashion creation movements experienced in Brazil.
All fashion movements occurred along more than a century, from the times when
new collections from Paris were merely reproduced or adapted to local high
fashion creation, going through the beginning of Brazilian prêt-à-porter, fashion
groups from the 80’s to the consolidation of the Fashion Weeks – as São Paulo
Fashion Week and Fashion Rio.
Founded by the Jesuits more than 50 years ago, Loyola is open to all horizons of
thought and branches of knowledge that contribute to the integral development of
the human person. We understand the motto of the Jesuits – the service of faith
and the promotion of justice – in terms of the promotion of culture.
Rua 1822, 34 • Ipiranga
04216-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Marcelo Perine
55 11 3385-8500
[email protected]
I can do everything,
but not everything suits me
Author: Gisela Palumbo Savioli
Contemplation and Dialectics
in the Platonic Dialogues
Author: Henrique C. de Lima Vaz
168 Pages
ISBN: 9788515037803
Rights available
264 Pages
ISBN: 9788515039036
Rights available
We live in an “obesogenic” society, in which several external factors become
endocrine disruptors, causing diseases, including obesity. Why is it so hard to
lose weight after we get fat? This is one of the aspects addressed in this book. In
a simple and comprehensive way, the author touches on controversial and
neuralgic points, in order to show that some foods regarded as essential to our
nourishment may be “inflaming” us when eaten frequently and daily. The author
talks also about subclinical malnutrition, which may be responsible for several
diseases, including the difficulty to lose weight. Those who long for global health,
that is, physical, emotional and spiritual, simply cannot miss this book.
Henrique de Lima Vaz is one of the most important Brazilian philosophers of the
twentieth century. This book introduces the doctoral thesis presented to the
Philosophy College of the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome under the
guidance of Fr. Réné Arnou, SJ, defended on January 29, 1953. According to what
Father Vaz attests in his Bio-Bibliography, this “reading exercise”, opposing the
thesis of the great dominican Hellenist André-Jean Festugière (1898-1982), in the
classic work of 1936, Contemplation and Contemplative Life according to Plato,
aimed to emphasize the intellectualist character of Platonic contemplation.
Remember the Future,
Antonio Vieira’s Theology in the Light
of the History of the Future
Author: Maria Abrão
The Space of Coexistence.
An Interdisciplinary Vision
of the Socioenvironmental Ethics
Author: Lúcio Flávio Ribeiro Cirne
152 Pages
ISBN: 9788515039371
Rights available
What if time were an ally of human beings in their journey? What if the golden
age were now? What if the future had a history? Vieira warrants: the knowledge
of the future is given to us. Probably in a baffling way, because it is the reading of
the relationship with God and with his Word that is at stake. A future to be
remembered: incongruity or an opportunity for the twenty-first century Christian?
Letting oneself be pulled off a deceptive vision of the present in order to give it
theological density is what this seventeenth century man proposed.
Fiction and
non fiction
216 Pages
ISBN: 9788515040162
Rights available
In the ecological paradigm perspective, the systemic presuppositions with which
the human being integrates in the vital processes and cycles enrich the
interpretation of reality. The reading of the space as territory emphasizes the
human participation in the meaning of material forms, pointing out the social
dimension of the geographic environment. In the light of Creation, according to the
integrated and relational view of Christian Faith, the human being is also nature.
These three ways of facing reality, placed in dialogue, show the importance of
interdisciplinary work to develop a framework for socioenvironmental ethics in
which different fields of knowledge are encouraged to seek ways of cooperation in
order to understand and plan transforming actions.
Sesc – Social Service of Commerce is the result of a solid socio-educative project
that represents, since its creation by the Brazilian segments of commerce, services
and tourism for more than sixty years, an image of innovation and social change,
with intense action in the fields of culture, education, health and leisure. To expand
the scope of its operations, Sesc São Paulo founded its publishing house, Edições
Sesc SP, whose publications approach themes as diverse as culture, arts, sports,
social sciences, education, philosophy, history and senior citizens. Many books of
its catalogue result from actions and projects held by the institution. These works
often articulate different types of media, reaching an audience interested in a
diversified information.
Rua Cantagalo, 74, andar 14, cj 1401, Bloco A • Vila Gomes Cardim
São Paulo • 03319-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Marcos Lepiscopo
55 11 2227-7471
[email protected]
Citadel of freedom:
Lina Bo Bardi and Sesc Pompeia
Editor: André Vainer and Marcelo Ferraz
Brazilian scenography:
Notes of a scenographer
Author: J. C. Serroni
Format: 26.6 x 26.6 cm - 168 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-046-9
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
This work gathers a repertoire and an archive central to the understanding of the
current Brazilian stage set design. With texts and pictures resulting from a
extensive research, the book is divided into the following topics: Brazilian set
design from its beginnings to the present day; scenographers and experiences
prior to the 1940s; scenography decade by decade from the 1940s to the 1990s;
scenography for festivals, exhibits and research centers; the status of the
professional scenographer; and the most important Brazilian scenographers.
Geraldo de Barros: That’s it
Editor: Fabiana de Barros
Theater according to Antunes Filho
Author: Sebastião Milaré
Author: Emidio Luisi and Sebastião Milaré
Geraldo de Barros (1923-1998) was one of the most important representatives of
Brazilian’s modernism. He learned the principles of the Ulm School of Design
(Germany), brought them to South America and encouraged many of his
colleagues to join the movement of concrete art. He cultivated contacts with the
European artistic avant-garde and, in Brazil, was a pioneer in developing and
experiencing new trends such as pop art and happening. This book presents an
overview of his life and work, chronologically arranged and covering all aspects
of his production, with an emphasis in photography.
Generation 00:
The new Brazilian photography
Editor: Eder Chiodetto
Format: 28 x 28 cm
ISBN 978-85-7995-069-8
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
In the first decade of the 21st century, the line of thought and production
in photography were altered by the development of digital cameras, the
circulation of images through the Internet and post-production software. At the
same time, photography reached a whole new status when it gained more and
more space in important art exhibits and in the market of art around the world.
Our anthropophagic culture appeared as a powerful process to generate a
vibrant photography, which began to be researched and publicized by curators
and institutes all around the world. This reference book presents 52 Brazilians
exponents in this field.
Format: 23.5 x 23.5 cm - 270 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-063-6
Bilingual edition
Rights available
Citadel of freedom is part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Sesc Pompeia
Cultural Center, an antique industrial building in São Paulo which gained new means
of utilization and significance by the hands of the architect Lina Bo Bardi. The premise
of the project was to recover and maintain the factory, intervening on it with a
contemporary perspective. “Citadel” was the term used by Lina to name the whole
set, and “freedom” is the common feeling of the diversified public who attends it. The
book is illustrated with drawings and notes by the architect, technical projects, texts
and photos, and a vast material on the activities held there throughout the years.
Format: 28 x 28 cm - 364 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-055-1
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 19 x 25 cm - 398 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-002-5
Format: 23.5 x 23.5 cm
b&w photographs 392 Pages 239
ISBN 978-85-7995-011-7
Rights available
Result of a ten-year research, Hierophany documents and discusses the method
created by the director Antunes Filho, one of the most prestigious Brazilian directors,
approaching his aesthetical references, developed media, exercises, bibliography,
practice and ideology, and also discusses the performances that resulted from such
work. Antunes Filho: Poet of the scene follows the director’s trajectory, with pictures
from all his performances ever since the creation of the Macunaíma Group (1978)
and texts made with a historical and biographical perspective.
Living body:
Reeducation of movement
Active brain:
Reeducation of movement
Author: Ivaldo Bertazzo
Format: 19 x 25 cm - 256 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-008-7
Format: 19 x 25 cm - 272 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7995-041-4
Rights available
Living body and Active brain present a synthesis of the Bertazzo Method, result
of an interbreeding of studies on the movement, of dance techniques and of body
awareness of diverse cultures experienced by Ivaldo Bertazzo. With accessible
language to both lay and professionals, exposed through numerous pictures and
illustrations, the book proposes to the reader a series of exercises as a basis for
reeducating the movement, contributing to an improved performance in daily
activities and work.
Rua Senador Dantas, 75 • salas 301 e 507
Rio de Janeiro • 20031-204 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. William Oliveira
55 21 2533-7917
[email protected]
Dias & Riedweg:
Alterity and Aesthetic Experience
in Contemporary Brazilian Art
Author: Beatriz Pimenta Velloso
152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-61-7
Rights available
152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-95-2
Rights available
Established storytellers, Maurício Dias and Walter Riedweg find their narratives
in the exchange of experiences. In the telling of events generated by encounters
with the Other, a story is woven in each written piece. Revealing and condensing
narrative possibilities through exercises that interpret and mediate the world, the
duo invents points of view for communicable experiences. They introduce
marginalized groups through video installations and collaboratively develop
projects that address subjectivity and stimulate us to reflect on the mechanisms
of exclusion present in our cultural framework.
The Repeat Student
Move Away from the Propellers
Author: Lêdo Ivo
Illustrator: Gonçalo Ivo
Lêdo Ivo is internationally admired; his books have been translated into English,
Spanish, French, Dutch, and even Greek. Deceased in December 2012, at 88
years of age, he received innumerable homages in Europe, as well as in Mexico
and in the United States. This posthumous book presents his celebrated short
story “The Repeat Student” together with poems, recollections of his youth, travel
notes, confessions, literary remarks, memorandum between the author and his
editor, and one of his last written pieces, “Madame du Deffand”, in which Lêdo Ivo
narrates his search for the letters of this extraordinary feminine personality,
known in the Parisian salons of the 18th century.
Painting and Reality:
Architectural Realism in the Contemporary
Paintings of Adriana Varejão
and José Lourenço
Author: Zalinda Cartaxo
216 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-72-3
Rights available
Sentimental Trip to Japan
Author: Paula Bajer Fernandes
Illustrator: Pedro Varela
240 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-94-5
Rights available
For a While Now
Author: Maria Christina Monteiro de Castro
280 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-72-3
Rights available
From an observation of the reevaluation of the Real in Contemporary Art, the
author restricts herself to an area of figurative painting that she defines as
Architectural Realism. Zalinda Cartaxo develops her analysis comparing the
works of two painters —the Brazilian Adriana Varejão, and the Portuguese José
Lourenço. Adriana Varejão, in her series Saunas e Banhos (Saunas and Baths),
presents a style of painting that privileges interior and intimate spaces.
Antagonically, José Lourenço shows the façades that emphasize exteriority,
in the collective. They both resort to using the artifice of the vanishing point
perspective as a strategy to affirm the subject in the world.
Belo Horizonte, mid 20th century. Traditional Catholic middleclass. A time of large
families with children, relatives, and friends gathered around. A time of perfumed
white bed sheets, kept in locked drawers. This is Maria Christina Monteiro de
Castro’s Proustian journey, her first book, mixing fiction and reality. It’s a late
debut novel from a 70-year-old woman, who, in a style loaded with powerful
phrasing, reveals a profounder Brazil located between utopia and repression, a
revolution of customs and family traditions. Over a period of more than thirty
years, this novel covers disturbances, ruptures and unimaginably painful losses.
Fiction and
non fiction
In its five years of existence, Apicuri has published both fiction and non-fiction,
and has brought to light reflections, essays and dissertations by Brazilian authors
and researchers in the field of Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts and International
Relations. This initiative amplifies the exchange between academy and the larger
public in these areas, while proportioning access to diversified materials for
readers to debate and contemplate. Additionally, Apicuri seeks to offer its readers
high quality books, by young and renowned authors, in its fiction imprint.
There are those who speak of books without ever having read them; those who
speak of trips without ever having made them. The lie nourishes human relations,
and it is not different for the protagonist of this intriguing debut novel: Annette is a
stubborn fugitive. She travels to escape herself — without ever leaving her desk
at a travel agency. New York, Paris, Rome, no matter where. She invents and
convinces that she has visited countless places, plausible and imaginable,
providing operational and touristic detail for her clients to rest assured. A nomad
of the imagination, she will see her façade crumble with the arrival of an
unexpected client who wishes to go to Japan
Crude flesh
Author: Rodrigo Novaes de Almeida
Illustrator: Julia Debasse
100 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61022-76-1
Rights available
When sexual drive sidesteps the simplicity of contemplation and by force alone is
driven to cruise certain labyrinths, what results is a collection of short stories by
Rodrigo Novaes de Almeida. In decisive, and often direct, visceral and acidic
narratives, as if his intention was to blindside the unwariest readers, this new
generation storyteller leaves no room for reverie or cheap illusions. His
characters know as little of their imprecise trajectories as any self-respecting
mortal. On this journey, we are merely guests, invited to put in check our empty
convictions and shake up any purportedly moralistic framework we might hold.
From idea to the book, from book to the format, from format to the reader: a new
reading experience! Our market is experiencing a rare and wonderful moment!
The new ways of reading show us the book as a medium, a platform. Now physical,
sometimes digital, sometimes sound, whose ideas and dreams are increasingly
attracting old and new readers to the search for a new reading experience.
This is the concept that the Publisher Carpe Diem shows up: Be a real platform
where writer and reader meet and interact with complete freedom of dialogues
and ways! Our works introduce a Brazil and Brazilian Northeast that tells its current
story, living, breathing with a look to the future without forgetting its roots and its
history of struggle and claim as a great nation.
Rua do Chacon, 335 • Casa Forte
Recife 52061-400 PE
Rights Department
Mr. Lívio Meirelles
55 81 3269-6134
[email protected]
O Major Façanha
Author: Maximiano Campos
Economia criativa: cultura, inovação,
tecnologia e desenvolvimento
Author: Antônio Campos
Pages: 208
ISBN: 978-85-62648-25-0
Pages: 48
ISBN: 978-85-62648-27-4
Maximiano Campos demonstrates the ability to create memorable characters
and situations in this book. According to the writer Ariano Suassuna, the character
Major Façanha has come to stay in the Brazilian literature. Comic and poetic,
grotesque and epic at the same time, we feel admiration and compassion for
him and he seems to correspond to subterraneous impulse, buried in the deepest
layers of the Brazilian collective blood. The book O Major Façanha is part of the
Trilogy of Maximiano Campos and the Project Low Price Books of the Ministry of
Culture, in partnership with the National Library Foundation.
The book takes a perspective on the situation of the Brazilian Creative Economy.
Culture, innovation, technology and development are the themes that permeate
this literary work. The book progresses among themes tangent to the main one,
such as the Cultural BRIC, Creative Economy’s relationship with the law, showing
successful examples of Pernambuco and national sectors that have invested,
innovated and agreed on creativity. The book encourages reflection and debate
on the urgent need to innovate and create new concepts and aspects in areas of
Brazil, equating them thus to a global level.
Sem Lei Nem Rei
Author: Maximiano Campos
cultura de paz
Author: Antônio Campos
Pages: 240
ISBN: 978-85-62648-23-6
Pages: 136
ISBN: 978-85-62648-15-1
Edição bilíngue
Sem Lei Nem Rei addresses situations involving the “cangaço” and the life of man
in the Brazilian Sertão. This book is part of the Trilogy of Maximiano Campos and
the Project Low Price Books of the Ministry of Culture, in partnership with the
National Library Foundation and will soon become a movie.
Ethnic, cultural and religious distances come urging major conflicts around the
world and bring uneasiness about the future of humanity. The inability to accept
the differences puts on the agenda the issue of intolerance among populations,
countries and civilizations. The author makes an approach to building a more
tolerant world, with concrete actions and positions.
Resistir em Tempos Difíceis
Um Olhar sobre o Contemporâneo
Author: Antônio Campos
Mulheres Encantadas
Author e Ilustrator: Luiz Jasmin
Pages: 202
ISBN: 978-85-62648-39-7
The crisis of values. The environmental crisis. These and other major parallel
themes are scenarios to which the writer Antonio Campos makes reference in
this book. The theme that underlies this collection of articles is something shared
by almost all influential currents of thought in our century. We live in a new era of
uncertainties among many others that permeate the contemporary history of
humanity and the people: a crisis of values in number and considerable
extensions. The society has become more open and plural, more intercultural,
better assuming the differences. The struggles have changed, the way to claim
too, but what should not change is the rebellious spirit of resistance.
Fiction and
non fiction
Pages: 404
ISBN: 978-85-62648-36-6
Multifaceted artist who gained worldwide fame by portraits he made of divas and
muses in the 60s and 70s of last century, Luiz Jasmin now lends his talent for
writing and releases his first book: Mulheres Encantadas. Characters of
European royalty and the Brazilian artistic class portrayed by the painter
punctuate the work as Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret Rose of England
and the Brazilian singer Maria Bethania. It is a set of biographical narratives that
reveal a bit of memories witnessed by Luiz Jasmin along his bumpy life.
Claridade, part of the Nova Alexandria Editorial Group since 2002, publishes
books on general knowledge, spirituality, health, wellness and children’s literature.
In an effort to diversify its editorial line, Claridade also included the genres of
fiction, short stories, and humor in its current catalogue.
We have selected for this exhibition a few titles highlighting children’s literature,
food and health. However, you can find all our titles in the Nova Alexandria Editorial
Group’s catalogue.
Av. Dom Pedro I, 840 • Fundos
São Paulo • 01552-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Departament:
Ms. Juliana Messias
55 11 2215-6252
[email protected]
The Fear of Loss
Author: Eduardo Ferreira-Santos
Almost Vegetarian
Author: Geni Coli
254 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88386-64-8
Rights available
Jealousy – The Fear of Loss broaches ways to understand and control this
contradictory – and sometimes destructive - feeling, transforming it into positivity
in a couple’s life. Although for many jealousy might represent a manifestation of
love, it is actually a feeling that produces distress in a partner and can reach
unhealthy depths, even affecting one’s mental health. In a sensitive, clear and
engaging way, Eduardo Ferreira-Santos makes this book a true contribution to
the better understanding of jealousy’s multi-faceted nature and an effective tool
for achieving a fuller, more loving life together, free of distrust.
Fiction and
non fiction
196 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8032-010-7
Rights available
For those who like vegetarian food but do not want to follow a radical naturist diet,
this book with more than 400 recipes that are pleasing to the eye and the palate
is an indispensable guide that makes a balanced and healthy diet possible. The
dishes are delicious, practical, and creative, combining the flavors of traditional
cuisine with the benefits of natural cooking. These salads, soufflés, pizzas, light
snacks, soups, quiches, soy meat stews, vegetarian bean dishes and many other
delights prove that it is possible to combine flavorful fare with a lower calorie and
more nutritious diet.
Founded in 2008, Editora Cobogó is a publishing house with its focus on contemporary
art and culture. Cobogó makes a point of working very closely to its artists and authors,
thus creating individual publications that avoid formulas or predetermined
structures. Renowned names stand out among our authors and artists, such as Adriana
Varejão, Nuno Ramos, Vik Muniz, Gerald Thomas, Adriana Calcanhotto, Rivane
Neuenschwander and Paulo Nazareth. The centerpieces of the publisher’s catalogue
include two collective books that present a panorama of the current pictorial production
made in Brazil, entitled Pintura brasileira séc. XXI e Desdobramentos da pintura brasileira
séc. XXI (Brazilian Painting XXI Cent. and Unfoldings of Brazilian Painting XXI Cent.).
Adriana Varejão
Between flesh and oceans
Author: Silviano Santiago, Lilia Schwarcz,
Karl Erik Schøllhammer, Luiz Camillo Osorio,
Zalinda Cartaxo and Isabel Diegues
Organization: Isabel Diegues
Gerald Thomas
Scratching the Surface
Texts: Isabel Diegues, Zuenir Ventura and
Antonio Gonçalves Filho
Organization: Isabel Diegues
Format: 20.5 x 24 cm - 224 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60965-38-0
Rights available
Dramaturgy Collection
Authors: Daniela Pereira de Carvalho, Felipe
Rocha, Grace Passô, Jô Bilac, Julia Spadaccini, Pedro Brício, Rodrigo Nogueira
Format:13 x 19 cm - 88 Pages
ISBN: 978.85.60965.29-8
Rights available
Gerald Thomas – Scratching the Surface presents drawings and illustrations by
this acclaimed director, which were until this edition unknown to the public.
Among more than 130 images stand his illustrations for the Op-Ed page of The
New York Times made in the 1970s, and magazine covers such as Vanity Fair and
Harper, along with drawings and studies made during the creation of his plays.
Format: 24 x 30 cm - 308 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60965-20-5
Rights available
This book presents a survey of Brazil’s current pictorial production. It covers different
methods and ways of thinking occurring simultaneously in various regions and
generations of Brazilian artists. With over 160 works by 33 artists, the publication
also includes critical essays by José Bento Ferreira and Tiago Mesquita.
Unfoldings of Brazilian
Painting XXI Cent.
Authors: Tiago Mesquita and Luisa Duarte
Organization: Isabel Diegues
and Frederico Coelho
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 22.5 x 27 cm - 368 Pages
ISBN: 978.85.60965.07-6
Rights available
This is the most complete publication on the work of this artist from Rio de
Janeiro, with over 170 reproductions of her paintings, photographs and
installations. Edited by Isabel Diegues, this bilingual publication not only
gathers the most important works by Varejão, it also contains five critical
essays by acclaimed authors Silviano Santiago, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz,
Karl Erik Schøllhammer, Luiz Camillo Osorio and Zalinda Cartaxo.
Brazilian Painting XXI Cent.
Authors: José Bento Ferreira
and Tiago Mesquita
Organization: Isabel Diegues
and Frederico Coelho
Rua Jardim Botânico, 635 • Sala 406 • Jardim Botânico
Rio de Janeiro • 22470-050 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Melina Bial
55 21 2282-5287
[email protected]
Format: 24 x 30 cm
288 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60965-41-0
Rights available
The Dramaturgy Collection gathers plays by new Brazilian playwrights that have
been written, staged and awarded in the last few years. Six volumes present the
drama production in Rio de Janeiro, with authors such as Jô Bilac, Pedro Brício
and Felipe Rocha. Four other volumes are dedicated to plays of theatre group
espanca! by author Grace Passô, from Minas Gerais.
As a sequence of the panorama of Brazilian Art which begins with Brazilian
Painting XXI, this book presents a panel of expanded Brazilian painting, going
beyond oil on canvas to include works by artists from different generations and
various regions of the country. This bilingual publication contains over 150 works
by 30 artists along with critical essays by Tiago Mesquita and Luisa Duarte.
São Paulo • 05510-021 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Luiz Siqueira
55 11 3038-5073
[email protected]
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
480 Pages
ISBN: 8500020474
Rights available
After losing his wife and daughter in a robbery, a lone judge embarks on the liner
Rigoletto, where he meets an attractive, temperamental journalist. Both become
involved with the Dutch captain of the cruise, as he tries to unravel the mystery
of the strange deaths that have been occurring during the long transatlantic
voyage. The clues lead to confusing conclusions, and everything becomes more
complicated with the evidences of powerful people being involved. Vigorously
written and full of dramatic and spicy scenes, Rigoletto is a thriller though humorous
adventure that also shows the backstage of a cruise ship and its multinational
crew. A real page-turner right to the very end.
Van Dorth and the
“Journey of the Vassals”
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
Sequel to The Heretics in the New World. Frightened by the Dutch invasion, the
people from the provincial Salvador, Bahia fled to an Indian village. Van Dorth,
the new Dutch governor, promoted improvements in the city, creating civilizing
laws, and promoting work and the pursuit of wealth, thus managing to attract
back many of the former residents. Dramatic as the war, tragicomic as the culture
shock, and moving as the religious conflicts, this is the story of Johan van Dorth,
a gallant, educated and ambitious young man from the Netherlands who
managed to conquer the heart of the princess of Orange. A breathtaking
adventure told in an exceptional historical novel.
Diamonds are Forgiving
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
316 Pages
ISBN: 9728839413
Rights available
During the era of slavery in Brazil, the libertine son of a plantation owner is
coerced into marrying his half-sister. After some time enjoying life in Paris
during the Belle Époque, he returns to Brazil, where he dies in a bar brawl. Then,
he discovers that life continues after death. Devoid of a physical body, but
feeling just as before, the bon vivant will have many adventures, eventually
allowing himself to be promoted to a spiritual colony. There, he will evolve,
discover life’s meaning and, in his own way, seek to repair past evils. A
controversial novel – spicy, curious, and somewhat romantic – and an
engrossing read, with all the ingredients to delight the reader.
The Return of the Heretics
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
The war of independence between the Netherlands and Spain had already been
dragging on for fifty years. The Dutch admiral Piet Heyn had seized some Spanish
galleons carrying silver from Peru, yielding huge profits for the West India
Company, WIC. After Bahia, they decided to conquer Pernambuco, known as
Zuikerland, the ‘Sugar Land’. The battle for the city lasted only one day; but
outside the city’s walls, the guerrilla war led by the brother of the Count of
Pernambuco dragged on for five years. The story draws on the detailed real-life
diary of a young German soldier serving with the WIC in Brazil, enabling this
historical novel to be a classic of the genre.
The Heretics in the New World
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
The First Governor
Author: Aydano Roriz
Advance Copy in English
386 Pages
ISBN: 9788579600852
Rights available
752 Pages
ISBN: 9788579601774
Rights available
272 Pages
ISBN: 9788586878022
Rights sold to: USA and Portugal
402 Pages - ISBN: 9788579600432
Rights available
The Dawning of Capitalism – At dawn on the ninth of May 1624, a fleet of 27
warships belonging to the West India Company arrived in Salvador in Bahia,
Brazil. What did they want? What had induced the Dutch to come all the way
from the North Sea to the other side of the South Atlantic and invade Brazil?
You will find it out in The Heretics in the New World, a historical novel that paints
a fresh and vivid picture of one of the world’s first multinational corporations in
the early decades of the 17th century. Based on facts, with a little fantasy and a
few dashes of good humour, it is a fascinating, action-packed story that will
have you in its grip from beginning to end.
Fiction and
non fiction
Founded in 1986 in Brazil, Europa publising house publishes twelve specialinterest magazines, guides, illustrated books, and now literature. The publishing
house has currently over 100 employees. For this Frankfurt Book Fair, Europa
has presented Aydano Roriz’s best-selling novels.
Renowned by his historical novels, Aydano is now launching a humorous thriller
with an unexpected plot: a serial killer on board of a cruise. Besides a distinctive
style that keeps readers turning pages, Aydano is notable for his thorough research,
which lends a special quality to his characters and settings. From his eight books
presented at this year’s FBF, five are translated to English, as well as one bilingual
sample of one of his novels in German and English.
Nearly half a century after the Pope donated to Portugal what is today called
Brazil, this rich portion of the New World was about to be claimed by France.
So the Portuguese crown decided to build a capital city for its colony. Only nine
months elapsed between the expedition’s departure from Lisbon and the official
founding of Brazil’s first capital – a complex and remarkable achievement. The
reader will enjoy the backstage intrigues and the frank shamelessness of the
natives, while feeling outrage at how the Jews were persecuted and slavery was
supported. “O Fundador” (in the original) is one of the most successful historical
novels yet published in Portugal and Brazil.
Évora was founded by Henrique Farinha, formerly Country Manager at Elsevier
Brazil, CEO at Positivo Publishing and Editorial Director at Saraiva publishing.
With more than fifteen years as a professional in the Brazilian publishing
industry, Henrique has played a pivotal role in the industry’s rapid growth
and expansion in recent years. He currently heads up the E-book Study and
Research Committee at the Brazilian Book Chamber.
Évora publishes a wide array of fiction and non-fiction for the trade market. Our
mission is to publish innovative, high quality and compelling books. We aspire
to help Brazilian readers achieve their own professional and personal goals
and live a life of excellence.
Rua Sergipe, 401 cj. 1310 • Consolação
São Paulo • 01243-906 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Henrique José Branco Brazão Farinha
55 11 3562-7815
[email protected]
The Biography
of Novak Djokovic
Author: Blaza Popovic
Zombie Apocalypse
Author: Alexandre Callari
588 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-54-0
Rights available
336 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-19-9
Rights available
The life of Novak Djokovic is a real saga and an inspiring example for athletes and
sports lovers of all ages, with especially appeal to tennis fans. Djoko, as he is fondly
called by fans, was born and raised in Serbia, a country that in recent years has been
plagued by ethnic-religious conflicts and political and economic crises. Driven by his
extreme willpower and resilience, Djokovic has a history of overcoming obstacles. But
why has Djokovic become a champion? What challenges has he faced to reach the
top of the world rankings? How does he think and act? What are his values and
beliefs? Ultimately, who is Novak Djokovic, on and off the court? First-time behindthe-scenes revelations about this star’s career and private life make this biography
an especially exciting and fun reading.
Chaos reigns in the world. Civilization has collapsed. Communications, electricity
and life in society, as we know them, have all but vanished. Even our most advanced
technology was unable to prevent the destruction of two thirds of humanity.
The few who survived are exhausted and trying to gather what remains of their
forces and resources to stay alive. And, to make matters worse, they are not
alone. Full of intrigue, mystery and horror, Zombie Apocalypse takes readers
on a thrilling adventure, with enough authentic elements to truly stir the minds
and hearts of readers. Alexandre Callari offers the best of the zombie genre
and at the same time creates a world apart, which has its own rules and logic.
Welcome to the universe of Zombie Apocalypse!
The Lost Page of Camoes
Author: Luciano Milici
Saturday Night
Author: Babi Dwet
392 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-48-9
Rights available
The young researcher Puerto Santiago, a master of puzzles and a great
fan of literature, is given an important mission by a mysterious and beautiful
woman. He must uncover the true story of the Portuguese poet, Luis Vaz de
Camoes, and solve the biggest mystery of all: the location of the missing
page from one of his most epic poem, The Lusiads. While a serial killer is
on a horrific rampage killing and torturing his victims, and leaving threatening
messages for the police and press, Santiago, with the help of strange friends and
the random, is conducting an intense investigation. Join Santiago and you will
also find the missing page of Camoes.
Fiction and
non fiction
344 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-38-0
Rights available
“Remember when I drew our names in the sand and you said that you loved me?”
This is the story of a young, true and conflicting love. Amanda is the prettiest girl in
the school - and also the most popular. And her best friend does everything to get in
trouble and only hangs out with mischief-makers: the marotos. Everything around
her starts to fall apart when she falls in love and her loyalty is put to test. Is a boy more
important than a best friend? As if that weren’t enough, the school principal decides
to start holding dances on Saturdays and invites a mysterious masked band to play.
How much intrigue can one simple dance party hold? How could the musicians know
everything? After all, who were the masked musicians on Saturday nights?
Founded in 2009, Master Books Publishing Company has, as its main focuses, art
and entertainment books amongst its selection of titles. Photography, music, graphic
arts, cinema, urban street arts, fashion, design and travelling books are all included in
the catalogue of this still young publishing company, established on Brazil’s biggest
capital city, São Paulo. Such themes, that can thrill, educate, and turns everyday
life somewhat better, and widen people’s horizons, are carefully treated, with the
best print quality — directly negotiated with each author, which are all granted with
complete creative liberty for their works. To abide books about quotidian subjects,
consultation works, practical life themes and children’s stories, the company has
created a special label, named “Master Pop”. Sold at very accessible cover prizes,
some titles rapidly became best-sellers in the local market.
Rua Jerônimo Veiga, 45 • 3º andar
São Paulo • 04536-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Manoel Lauand
55 11 3078-1093
[email protected]
Amazing Tips
Author: Sueli Rutkowski
Nina Pandolfo
Author: Nina Pandolfo
160 Pages
ISBN: 9788564839007
Rights available
208 Pages
ISBN: 9788563201034
Rights available
More than 140 practical and useful tips to deal with modern life. From cooking,
to promoting memorable children’s parties, making delicious juices, or the best
ways to remove any kind of stains from one’s own clothes are some of the topics
covered in the book. Everything beautifully explained, illustrated and colored.
The street artist Nina Pandolfo, one of Brazil’s most acclaimed female painters,
presents a retrospective of her works in this luxury edition. Since her first
graffiti in 1992, to the Kelburn Castle, painted in Scotland in 1997, in a collective
work with OsGemeos, Nina paints her female figures with big and expressive
eyes, plunged into a dreamlike world.
Science Show For Kids
Authors: Wilson Namen, Gerson Santos
e Daniel Angelo
The Clown
Author: Selton Mello
112 Pages
ISBN: 978856439014
Rights available
96 Pages
ISBN: 9788563201072
Rights available
More than 50 scientific experiments that can be carried at home are described
in details, in this book that encourages scientific knowledge and stimulates
curiosity coupled with fun. Nuclear energy, magnetism, ecology and sustainability
are some of the themes presented, in a practical and easily understandable way.
Based on the film of the same name, A Brazilian nominee to run for the Oscar, The
Clown presents — with vivid realism — the circus universe, through beautiful and
colorful movie stills, plus an interview with the director and lead actor, Selton Mello.
And The Flower Of Life
Authors: Paulo Blumen
e Claudia Maria de Vasconcellos
Viva Elis
Author: Allen Guimarães
160 Pages
ISBN: 9788564839021
Rights available
At the heart of the Amazon rainforest, botanist Paul Blumen is looking for the
mysterious “flower of life”. Traveling with his wife and children, his field team
and their families, all of them camped by the banks of the Manacapuru River.
But it would be the kids that’d made the most important discovery of the entire
trip: the amazing, magical world of Terquidea.
Fiction and
non fiction
176 Pages
ISBN: 9788563201065
Rights available
Elis Regina — considered by many as the most important Brazilian singer of
all times — received a tribute to the height of her talent with this neat hardcover
edition, filled with great photographs. Much more than a biography, this book is
an authoritative document of Elis’s work.
Nova Alexandria Publishing takes advantage of the Year of Brazil celebrations
in Germany to debut as an exhibitor at the fair in Frankfurt.
We selected for this catalogue relevant works from contemporary Brazilian
authors and titles that powerfully express our national culture. With 21 years of
in-market experience, we find ourselves in a time of editorial expansion,
broadening our business to encompass a greater number of readers.
Av. Dom Pedro I, 840
São Paulo • 01552-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Juliana Messias
55 11 2215-6252
[email protected]
The Black Flame Of Joy
Author: Carlos Nejar
1968 – A Time Of Choices
Author: Catarina Meloni
88 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492-351-2
Rights available
Fiction and
non fiction
136 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492- 187-7
Rights available
In The Black Flame of Joy, the narrative is constructed from deep dives into memories,
where no longer the narrator, but the individual himself emerges flooded by poetic
language. With any distance between the narrator and reader eliminated, the
nuances of feelings and experiences are communicated from one to another instantly
by virtue of the most powerful employment of the word - another name for poetry.
Bewitched by language in its magical dimension, the reader is taken from their
comfort zone and drawn by the narration into a vertiginous vortex, from which
they will only emerge upon the last line of the book, wondering: “Is it romance?
Is it poetry?”
Mentioning 1968 is like mentioning a magic number: it always transports us back
to that timeless year, part of a crucial moment in history. 1968 – A Time of Choices
is a book that revisits that era, but is not limited to the story of a person becoming
immersed in the fight against the dictatorship in Brazil. It goes beyond the political
experience, making this an even more fascinating read. The way Catarina
Meloni presents her memories wins the reader over. Extending beyond political
recollections, there is an essential story within a story in the telling of her personal
memoir, and that of her family, her people, and her companions.
The Smell Of Chocolate
And Other Stories
Author: Roniwalter Jatobá
Ilustrator: Enio Squeff
148 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492-323-9
Rights available
Brazilian Popular Music
and Modern Poetry
Author: Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna
Despite having different backgrounds and experiences, readers will recognize in The
Smell of Chocolate and Other Stories places and moments of a world they know well,
which the author conveys with rare mastery. Through mutatis mutandis, he tells of
that which characterizes our universal existence: the struggle for survival, love,
heartbreak, the joy of achievement, the pain of loss, indifference, solidarity, solitude,
and the strength to carry on. It is said that literature is born of life, and that it brightens
life. That is definitely the case in books like this. We can visit its pages as children,
adolescents, adults, and in our twilight years: they speak to us all.
Ruy Espinheira Filho
This book serves as a guide when reading modern Brazilian popular music and
when interpreting the transformations poetry in Brazil underwent since the
Modernist movement in 1922. The author draws parallels between the parodist
aesthetics of Modernism and Noel Rosa’s samba, ponders the vainglorious
poetry and music of Vargas’s time, finds similarities between the samba song
and the Generation of ‘45’s bolero, reaffirms the parallels between bossa nova
and the vanguard musical movement, revisits the Tropicalia renaissance and
addresses the so-called “Marginal Poetry” that emerged in the 1970s.
11 Stories About Soccer
Authors: Antonio Carlos Olivieri, Daniel Piza,
Domingos Pellegrini, João Antônio, José Roberto
Torero, Luiz Galdino, Lourenço Cazarré,
Miguel Sanches Neto, Ricardo Soares,
Wladimir Catanzaro, Wladyr Nader
144 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492- 281-2
Rights sold to: Germany
Tales and Fables of Brazil
Author: Marco Haurélio
Ilustrator: Severino Ramos
With an all-star team of authors that includes literary legends like João Antônio
Domingos Pellegrini, Daniel Piza and José Roberto Torero, this book celebrates
the “sport of passions” through the best storytelling Brazil has to offer. The stories
run with the reader’s emotions, leading them from laughter to the edge of suspense,
always reflecting on the permanence of Brazil’s national passion and its specific
effect on each story’s protagonist. Each writer develops their own unique and
amazing narrative play, proving that literature is undoubtedly an instrument
capable of conveying the symbols and emotions of Brazilian imagery.
244 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492- 345-1
Rights available
216 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7492-265-2
Rights available
In 2005, the poet and folklorist Marco Haurélio immersed himself in the backlands
of Bahia, with the goal of recording the rich oral tradition of that region. His efforts
resulted in a monumental sampling of tales, legends, riddles, quatrains and old
romances, a treasure that unveils itself to the public little by little. The publication
also contains tales rooted in other states in the northeast, such as Pernambuco
and Alagoas. Richly illustrated, the work receives special treatment in the form of
insightful notes signed by the renowned Portuguese folklorist Paulo Correia.
Rua Girassol, 128
São Paulo • 05433-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. André Carvalho
55 11 3816-0699
[email protected]
Don Quijote in Comics
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Comics by Caco Galhardo
Format: 21x28; 20.5 x 27 cm - 72 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-229-9
4 colors - Rights available
Caco Galhardo’s humorous drawings takes readers to the most significant
passages of Cervantes’ classical work, from the initial musings that led to the
transformation of the peaceful gentleman into the visionary knight-errant to the
imposing battles of this hero whose adventures survived through the centuries.
In this wonderful adaptation of the story to comics, episodes such as the famous
fight against windmills are highlighted.
La divina commedia in comics
Author: Dante Alighieri
Comics by Piero Bagnariol
and Giuseppe Bagnariol
This is the transposition into graphic novel of the epic religious poem of Dante
Alighieri. Through the watercolors of Piero Bagnariol, this classic of Italian literature
is seen from a new perspective – an impressive translation into images of one of
the greatest works of the world’s literature and a rich source of medieval allegories
and cosmovision, depicted by masters such as Botticelli, Doré and Dali.
Frankenstein in Comics
Author: Mary Shelley
Comics by Taisa Borges
Conto de escola in Comics
Author: Machado de Assis
Comics by Silvino
Format: 20,5 x 27 cm - 52 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-200-8
4 colors - Rights available
Format: 20.5 x 27 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-028-8
4 colors - Rights available
Format: 20.5 x 27 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-251-0
4 colors - Rights available
The impressive journey of Victor Frankenstein is pictured through delicate and yet
powerful images to ensure the underlying themes that pervade the story are fully
captured: the contradictions between science and the mysteries of nature, the
longing for greatness in contrast with an uneventful domestic life, and the difficulties
in accepting those radically different from us. Selected episodes of the Portuguese
language classic Os Lusiadas, written by Camoes, are the source of inspiration
for the cartoonist Fido Nesti to write this book. The colorful exaggeration of his
drawings, with lines both bold and delicate, provides readers with an anthological
perspective of this Portuguese masterpiece – a fundamental example of how to adapt
two apparently irreconcilable formats. The creative script brings readers closer to the
world of Vasco da Gama in an elegant feast of originality.
Os lusíadas in Comics
Author: Luís de Camões
Comics by Fido Nesti
Format: 20,5 x 27 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-073-8
4 colors - Rights available
Selected episodes of the Portuguese language classic Os Lusíadas, written by
Camões, are the source of inspiration forinspired cartoonist Fido Nesti to write
this book. The colorful exaggeration of his drawings, with lines both bold and
delicate, provides readers with an anthological perspective of this Portuguese
masterpiece – a fundamental example of how to adapt two apparently
irreconcilable formats. The creative script brings readers closer to the world
of Vasco da Gama in an elegant feast of originality.
Fiction and
non fiction
Editora Peiropolis is a well- known Brazilian publishing house, having received
several awards and recommendations. Sampled in this catalogue are a few titles of
Peiropolis’ “Classics in Comics” collection. For a more detailed view of our full editorial
line, we invite you to visit us at The “Classics
in Comics” collection provides readers of classics with an opportunity to see their
favorite stories transposed into comics, created by renowned Brazilian cartoonists
and illustrators. By exploring different perspectives and points of view, these
interpretations of classic literature – be them in full or abridged – bring to readers a
fine and critical approach of the story while keepingthe soul and feeling of the
original text.
An authoritarian father, a circumspect teacher, a fearful boy and his audacious
and curious friend; a sunny street and a school at a time children were punished
with rattan canes or ferules – these are the characters and scenarios of the famous
“Conto de escola”, by Machado de Assis. Laerte Silvino, a profound admirer
of Machado’s work, translated into images the elegance and wit of the original
story. Includes the integral text.
The Raven In Comics
Author: Edgar Allan Poe
Adapted by Luciano Irrthum
Format: 21 20.5 x 28 27 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7596-168-1
4 colors - Rights available
In 2009, amid celebrations of the 200th birthday anniversary of American writer
Edgar Allan Poe, his famous poem The Raven was released as a graphic novel.
First published in 1945 by a mature Poe, and close to his untimely death at the
age of 40, this poem was widely praised for its musical pace and metaphysical
content, being translated by such literary stars as Baudelaire, Mallarme,
Fernando Pessoa and Machado de Assis. In this version of “Classics in Comics”,
The Raven was shaped by the hands of cartoonist Luciano Irrthum, who
expresses his reverence for Poe’s work through the lyrical strength
and vigor of his drawings.
Amounting 100 years of activity, Saraiva Publishing House has one of the most
comprehensive catalogues of Brazil, in print and digital.It is a leader in Law
Books, consumer and a leading market books and books for Elementary and
High School. This publishing house stands out among the most important in
the publication of university books for the areas of Business Administration,
Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Technical Books and Business. It also edits
Reference Works, General Interest, Fiction and Non-Fiction. There is also
digital learning solutions dedicated to Elementary and High School and teaching
platform for universities. Saraiva offers customers a broad range of educational
products and services also in the segment of Learning Systems.
Rua Henrique Schaumann, 270 • Cerqueira César
São Paulo • 05413-909 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Rogério Eduardo Alves
55 11 3613-3455
[email protected]
Author: Luis S. Krausz
with young diplomats
Author: Celso Amorim
152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-82400-26-5
Rights available
In this novel, winner of the Benvirá Book Prize, set in the 1970s, a group of Brazilian
teenagers travels to Israel to work on the harvest and learn the history of the country.
They have a few days off, but are forbidden to travel to Europe, where they might fall
into bourgeois temptations and move away from Zionism. One of them breaks the
rule and travels to London. With this storyline, Mr. Krausz weaves a fascinating story
of Jewish families that were dispersed between the end of World War I and the start
of Nazism. The young person appears to reestablish ties between relatives in Israel,
England and Brazil, but knows that time, distance and fading memories have
weakened those ties forever.
Fiction and
non fiction
608 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-02135-37-6
Rights available
This book is a compilation of lectures delivered by former Brazilian foreign
minister Celso Amorim – considered by Foreign Policy in 2009 the world’s best
foreign minister and the sixth most influential Global Thinker in the magazine’s
2010 report — to students of Instituto Rio Branco, the renowned institution where
future diplomats are trained. In the lectures, the minister speaks of foreign affairs
during president Lula’s administration, its challenges and achievements.
Through episodes such as negotiations on United Nations reform, the Doha
Round of trade talks, and South American integration, the author sets out his
vision for Brazilian diplomacy for the new century.
Senac is a solid Brazilian private institution created more than 60 years ago, and
Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro is a node within its large network.
Editora Senac Rio de Janeiro also addresses cultural themes, with a view to
the broad dissemination of knowledge. Culture as an encompassing theme
is part of our catalogue.
Our goal is to attain the excellence in content to foster the enrichment of technical
skills, enhancing worker’s competitiveness and prosperity. Our areas of interest
include: Culture & Communication, IT, Business Development, Tourism & Hotel
Industry, Gastronomy, Fashion, Beauty, Design, Languages, Entrepreneurship &
Commercial Development, etc.
Rua Pompeu Loureiro, 45 • 11º andar • Copacabana
Rio de Janeiro • 22061-000 • RJ • Brasil
Rights Department:
Mr. Manuel Vieira
55 21 3138-1214
[email protected]
Tubino’s Encyclopedic
Dictionary of Sports
Authors: Manoel José Gomes Tubino,
Fábio Mazeron Tubino
and Fernando Antonio Cardoso Garrido
1,060 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7756-010-3
Rights available
Stories, Legends
And Curiosities
About Gastronomy
Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha
356 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7756-098-1
Rights available
Abridged Enology Dictionary
in Six Languages
Author: Roberta Malta Saldanha
Illustrator: Camila Simas
184 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7756-197-1
Rights available
The Chef’s Diet:
Low-Calorie High-End Gastronomy
Author: Rolland Villard
208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7756-036-3
Rights available
This dictionary gathers more than 700 carefully selected enological terms,
followed by their translations into the English, Spanish, French, Italian and
German languages. The book also contains a section that includes tips and
curiosities about the universe of wine, presented in a humorous manner, in
addition to covering subjects related to wine-tasting techniques and to the
processes of winemaking and grape growing, among other subjects. An
ideal book for students and professionals from the areas of Gastronomy
and Enology, as well as for wine-lovers.
Roland Villard is a chef who prepares light, delicate, creative and very tasty menus.
He stands out in the small details, through his keen perception of the best way to
please clients. Roland is a chef with refined sensitivity and, for this reason, bold in
many dishes. He got in shape after losing 30 kg, and his proposal in this book is to
surprise readers with low-calorie, high-end gastronomy menus. The book won the
Gourmand World Cookbook Awards of 2009, in the “Best Chef Book” category.
The Brazilian Hollywood
A Panorama of Soap Operas in Brazil
Author: Mauro Alencar
176 Pages
ISBN 85-87864-18-1
Rights available
Rio Good Food Guide:
From The Traditional Addresses to Those off
The Beaten Track, Discover Rio’s Fine Dining
Author: Senac Rio de Janeiro
Manoel Tubino has dedicated 15 years of his 40-year career as a lecturer and
international researcher to preparing this comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary
of sports. With more than 6,000 entries, this is an unrivalled technical reference on
physical education and the international sports movement. Authors Manoel José
Gomes Tubino, Fábio Mazeron Tubino and Fernando Antonio Cardoso Garrido
highlight the significance of sport in our society, describing in detail the different
sports played worldwide and the current issues of that passionate universe.
This book by Mauro Alencar follows the path of the most important Brazilian
televisual genre, the soap opera, from feuilletons and radio series to the current
mega-productions. Outstanding stories, characters and soundtracks are
highlighted, and the book also includes photos and statements of household
names in the Brazilian teledrama. And more: detailed creative processes, the
production of a soap opera, and all about job opportunities offered by this
fascinating industry.
Fiction and
non fiction
The book is a true compilation of curiosities on the origins of notable beverages
and dishes as well as the usage of ingredients in world cuisine. Presented as a
dictionary, but divided into topics (Poultry and Game Meat, Cooking Oils, Feasts,
Beverages, etc.), the work sets out to unravel some myths and highlight the
unusual aspects that surround the creation of certain dishes and ingredients.
Roberta Malta Saldanha uses simple, precise and pleasant language, based on
extensive research. From its first pages onwards, the book awakens the reader’s
curiosity to the fun stories presented.
304 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7756-165-0
Rights available
Consultant: Bruno Agostini
In an authentic and relaxed manner, the Rio good food guide presents restaurants
and bars not to be missed, in addition to cafes, markets, shops and services
in the city of Rio de Janeiro and its surrounding areas “(Serra, Costa Verde,
Região dos Lagos, etc.), which are considered to be excellent in quality. This
guide to good food in Rio, organized by Bruno Agostini, is dedicated to listing
only the establishments that identify with the city’s lifestyle, regardless of
price and location.
The Time Traveller Publishing, founded in 2010, publishes books that
broaden the cultural horizons of the reader, while entertaining, educating
and encouraging readers to reflect on the presented topics. The children´s
books tell stories in a poetic manner and are illustrated with drawings, paintings,
collages, ethnic textures, and nature photographs, juxtaposing a wide range of
symbols and techniques in a refined graphic presentation. The “Caius Zip Time
Traveller” series is dedicated to YA readers, and shows a teenager that participates
in the epic battles or great moments in History. It is packed with mystery and
suspense stories that combine and integrate a wide range of fields of knowledge,
such as History, Art, Philosophy and Science.
Alexander and Aristotle
Authors: Regina Gonçalves
& Regis L. A. Rosa
160 Pages
ISBN 9788563382-092
Rights available
Caius Zip, a young time traveller, crosses unknown India with the Macedonian
army led by the legendary Alexander, the Great, in 326 B.C.. Caius appears
during a battle between Alexander and the Indian king, Porus. Caius gets
acquainted with the striking personality of this invincible leader. The young
time traveller also discovers the philosophy of great Greek thinkers, above all,
Aristotle, represented by his nephew and disciple Callisthenes, who joined
the army of Alexander as a historian. Caius Zip learns the principles of Greek
philosophy and he experiences this magical period of encounters between
civilizations that profoundly marked the history of the world.
Einstein, Picasso,
Agatha and Chaplin
Author: Regina Goncalves
292 Pages
ISBN 9788563382-016
Rights sold to: South Korea
Caius Zip appears in Paris of 1905 and witnesses a murder. Caius ends up in
a boarding house where he meets Agatha Christie and Charlie Chaplin, both
of which are 16 years old, and Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, 25. Caius will
need their help to solve the murder mystery. Agatha, a charming and timid
young girl, uses her rational mind to investigate the crime. Einstein explains the
theory of relativity in a way that is very easy to understand. Picasso has his first
ideas on breaking free from the conventional perspective. An interesting and
fun way to understand these great minds and realize that art and science are
made from the same matter: imagination and passion!
Hannibal and Archimedes
Author: Regina Goncalves
418 Pages - ISBN 9788563382-030
Rights available
Caius Zip, the time traveller, appears on the coast of Cartago during a shipwreck.
Caius is impressed by the advancements of that splendid civilization. The great
general, Hannibal, is fighting the Romans in Italy and Caius is sent to help him.
Caius listen to Hannibal´s stories of battles and realize that he is a true genius in
the war. Caius fights in the battle of Canas and Hannibal sends him to Syracuse
to help Archimedes. Caius witnesses the death of Archimedes. Then Caius goes
to Alexandria, where he meets a delegation of wise men who have fled from
China and watches an exhibition of the fantastic planetarium. A fascinating
journey to the great ancient civilizations.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Francisco Serrador 90 sala 902 • Centro
Rio de Janeiro • 20031-060 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Regina C. B. Gonçalves
55 21 2259-8774
[email protected]
208 Pages
Dom Pedro II
ISBN 9788563382-115
and the journalist Koseritz
Rights available
Compact Version
Author: Regina Goncalves & Regis L. A. Rosa
In 1885, Caius Zip, the time traveller, encounters the journalist and German
immigrant, Carl von Koseritz, and his daughter, Caroline. Together, they set up an
exclusive interview with the Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II. The presence of the
time traveller, with his observations and straight forward questions, typical of a
present-day adolescent boy, prompts the reader to reflect on the centenarian
problems of Brazil. Prior to the interview, Caius Zip, Caroline and the journalist
visit Rio de Janeiro and Petropolis and experience unforgettable moments and
adventures. Brazil like you’ve never seen it before.
Santos Dumont
Flying is for everyone
Authors: Regina Goncalves
& Regis L. A. Rosa
360 Pages
ISBN 9788563382-061
Rights available
This journey in time starts with Caius Zip in a forest in the outskirts of Paris,
where he helps a pilot climb out of a modern light aircraft, Santos Dumont’s
Demoiselle. It is 1909 and the bubbling cultural, artistic and technological
scenario of Paris is like no other in the world. Caius flies over Paris in one of the
smallest airships built by Santos Dumont, accompanied by his friend, Tonio.
Who is this 9 year-old boy who will be famous in the future? Caius goes the
world’s first true aviation meeting, Grande Semaine d’Aviation de la Champagne.
There are also some surprising revelations on the original fathers of aviation,
the pioneers and their contributions and patent wars.
Escrituras Editora was founded in March 1994 and has established itself as a
publisher of important Brazilian and international names in literature and
photography. It is prominent in the Brazilian publishing industry for integrating
different means of expression, and excels in the editorial quality and the wealth of
graphic design of its publications. It has received over 20 awards, among the most
important of Brazil’s cultural and editorial markets like the APCA award, the Brazilian
Writers Union award and the Brazilian Academy of Letters award.
Rua Maestro Callia, 123 • Vila Mariana
São Paulo • 04012-100 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Raimundo Gadelha
55 11 5904-4499
[email protected]
Leather Stars
The Aesthetics of the Brazilian Cangaço
Author: Frederico Pernambucano de Mello
A Horse for Eduardo
Author: Antonio Carlos Floriano
Illustrator: Márcia Cardeal
Format: 23,5 X 30,5 cm - 258 Pages
ISBN: 9788575313244
Genre: History of Brazil
Rights available
Frederico Pernambucano is an expert on the subject of the Cangaço – an expression
of popular Brazilian irredentism. He immerses in the unfamiliar world of its material
culture, providing deep insight regarding the refinement and meaning of the few
authentic pieces worn by the cangaceiros (so-called social bandits), such as
Solomon’s shield, the Maltese cross, the fleur-de-lis, the figure eight, the Greek
sashes, the sublimated variations of local flora, and the many possible combinations
that the cangaceiro used to create a “uniform” that served both the ornamental
vanity of the fierce warrior and the easily understood yearning for mystical protection.
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 20.5 X 20.5 cm - 52 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7531-452-4
Rights available
The horse was kept trapped in a cutout from a photograph inside Eduardo’s
closet. At night, the white horse would escape from the photo and gallop away,
ridden by the boy, running along rivers, across fields of sunflowers, and flying
through the clouds. When the last star disappeared from the night sky, Edward
would lead his steed by the hand and put him back into the picture. The book A
Horse for Eduardo, by Antonio Carlos Floriano, with delicate illustrations by Marcia
Cardinal, takes us back to the imagination of childhood and carries us to a world
where there are no limits on dreams.
Benjamin Abrahão:
Between Angels and Outlaws
Author: Frederico Pernambucano de Mello
Format: 16 X 22.5 cm - 352 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7531-447-0
Genre: History of Brazil / Highwaymen and Outlaws / Usages and
Customs / Interdisciplinary Essay
Rights available
Brazil: Poetic Portraits 2
Authors: Edson Sato, Fabio Colombini,
Maurício Simonetti, Walter Firmo,
and Raimundo Gadelha
144 Pages
ISBN: 9788586303982
Genre: Photography
Rights available
Boldly uniting image and poetry, Brasil Retratos Poéticos 2 presents the work
of renowned Brazilian photographers and environmentalists. This edition has
Edson Sato, Fabio Colombini, Maurício Simonetti, Walter Firmo, and texts and poetry
by Raimundo Gadelha. In the words of Aziz Ab’Saber, Geographer and Professor
of the University of São Paulo, “the book presents an excellent and varied selection
of photos and records, backed by the most serene poems. All of the ‘portraits’
of the book are poetic”.
Historian Frederico Pernambucano de Mello shows us another important passage
in the history of Brazil, with the biography of Benjamin Abrahão, the private secretary
of Father Cicero (popular Brazilian saint), in 1917 - 1934, and authorized photographer
of outlaw Lampião, in mid-1936, who was responsible for the most complete
documentation of the cangaço, an expression of popular Brazilian irredentism.
The author presents a profound study, done over a 40-year period, publishing
unprecedented content from Benjamin Abrahão’s original field notebook, with
notes alternating Portuguese and Arabic, which contradicts current versions of
historical facts and figures, as well as deepens the knowledge on Brazilian social
thinking regarding highwaymen in the 1930s.
Somewhere over the horizon
Raimundo Gadelha
Format: 14 X 21 cm - 160 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-86303-77-7
Genre: Novel/Brazilian literature
Rights sold to: Mexico and Greece
Wonders of Brazil – Birds
Fabio Colombini (photos), Marta Argel (text),
Bilingual edition (Port/English)
Without ignoring his poetry, Raimundo Gadelha releases his first novel,
Somewhere over the horizon, which has already been published in Mexico and
Greece. Carlos Nejar, who is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, says
this about the book: In “Somewhere over the horizon, editor and poet Raimundo
Gadelha excels as an action writer, both in the peculiar art of storytelling and in his
creative characterizations.”Poet João de Jesus Paes Loureiro begins his presentation
of the novel with a question: “Is there somewhere over the horizon for those who debase
love?” This is the big question that moves within the electrifying narrative of the
novel by Raimundo Gadelha. In simple and direct language, the work pictures beings
and things as in movie, in a peculiar manner, describing characters permeated with
solitude and freedom.
Format: 25 X 22,6 cm - 120 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7531-165-3
Genre: Photography
Rights available
Brazil is the third richest country in terms of bird diversity with approximately 1,700
bird species, some 200 of which are endemic to the region. The Amazon and
Atlantic rainforests provide shelter and guarantee the survival of this rich natural
diversity. Photos by Fabio Colombini and text by Marta Angel.
Av do Contorno 9317ª
Belo Horizonte • 30110063 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Luciana Albuquerque
55 31 3212-9444
[email protected]
Africa, Atlantic Brazil’s Partner:
Brazil’s and Africa’s International Relations
in the Beginning of the 21st century
Author: José Flávio Sombra Saraiva
On the Crafts
of the Quill and Brush:
Calligraphy and Painting in Manuscripts
of the 18th Century
Author: Márcia Almada
308 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8054-095-6
Rights available
Ludwik Fleck
Styles of Thinking in Science
Author: Mauro Lúcio Leitão Condé (ed.)
160 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8054-064-2
Rights available
168 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8054-039-0
Rights available
The author dwells upon international relations between Brazil and Africa and shows
that, in the beginning of the 21st century, a globalised Brazil coincides with a new
Africa. The book analyses the paths linking both sides of the South Atlantic – from a
past of African diaspora to new international connections in diplomacy,
entrepreneuring, cultures, societies and values. The author puts forth the conception
of Brazilian Atlantism, a Brazilian mode of building international relations with Africa
unlike that of the colonizers in the past or the Chinese interest in nowadays Africa.
Brazilian Atlantism, according to Sombra Saraiva, is carried out through cooperation,
material exchange and peace throughout the great Ocean that links Brazil to the
African Continent.
a Social Construction
São Paulo, Paris and Tokio
Author: Nadya Araujo Guimarães
ISBN: 978-85-9888-557-5
Rights available
This book takes an analytical side, namely the assumption that unemployment
is not only a socially important phenomenon, but also an area where the sociological
approach has much to say. The book in so doing takes in the challenge, and
seeks, to show the means whereby economic change hits the labour market
in São Paulo, Paris and Tokio, three of the world’s metropolises where problems
related to the offer of working opportunities has been experienced with
particular intensity.
Fiction and
non fiction
The Fino Traço Publishing House works in two major areas: academic books,
especially Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences, such as History,
Sociology, Political Science, Education and International Relations, and children’s
and juvenile literature. We work in both areas with respect for the readers and
attention to their demands.
The book brings out reflections on the meaning, use and making of adorned
manuscripts in the 18th-century in Brazil in connection with Iberian culture. The
book has been printed with eighty-four beautiful illustrations of, amongst others,
manuscripts, paintings, drawings, and documents. The book has been awarded
the following prizes: Prêmio CAPES de Tese [CAPES Dissertation Prize] in History
/2012; Grande Prêmio CAPES de Teses [Great Capes Dissertation Prize] in Human
Sciences, Linguistics, Letters and Arts, Applied and Multidisciplinary Social
Sciences; It has also been granted a mention of honour in 2012 by the Brazilian
Association of History Professionals.
In this multiauthored collection of essays, the reader will find reflections on the
instigating and fruitful work by the Polish innovative thinker Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961),
in his curious, though almost unheard of, visit to Brazil in 1956. Fleck’s international
presence is particularly indebted to him being referred to as an important author by
Thomas Kuhn in the preface of his well-known The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
Fleck was a Polish physician and microbiologist who put forth several innovative
epistemological assumptions on the nature of scientific activity.
Giostri is committed to national culture and, above all, national authors. Our goal is to
assist each one of our authors from the publication to promotion and commercialization
process of their work. Our ethos is to be able to make dreams come true in an genuine
non-demagogic manner; and to support new authors in becoming experienced
authors and to lend a hand to our national authors to give them the opportunity to
prove their work and to collaborate in the national cultural identity.
Rua Dona Avelina, 145
São Paulo • 04111-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Vitorio Rocha
55 11 2537-2763
[email protected]
[email protected]
Um Menino Bom De Bola
Author: João Luiz do Couto
O Quarto De Lucas
Auhtor: Marco Aurélio Dias
58 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60157-90-7
Rights available
208 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8108-175-5
Rights available
Melquiades, the story’s main character, participates for the first time in his
school’s student games. Still being considered very little, he is called to replace
a colleague that got hurt in the eve of the games. Surprised by the convocation
he goes on a journey filled with wondrous discoveries.
Written in an modern manner that interacts the main body with tweets, chats,
text messages, blog posts and emails, the book tells the adventure of Luca, a
teenager from the countryside of Sao Paolo. Being athlete-like, ladies men and
very popular in his neighbourhood, his life falls apart when his parents decide to
move to the City. When Lucas starts to come to terms with his new life he meets
Maria Eduarda, a mysterious and enchanting young lady that will change his life
and show him a world that he never knew.
O Menino Que Pintava Historias
Author: Anderson Bertolucci
A Aventura Da Encantada
Que Chorava Letras
Author: Carlos Correia Santos
210 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8108-205-9
Rights available
Victor has a tough time growing up, filled with personality shaping events. Very
early he discovers a knack for painting and soon starts to paint situations of his
surroundings, helping people around him with their conflicts. Mariane goes out
looking for him with her other 3 children, overcoming many obstacles, proving
that her love for little Victor is immeasurable.
Fiction and
non fiction
144 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8108-154-0
Rights available
A game book that intends to awake in the young public the importance of the
great masters of the national literature. With poems by Mario Quintana, Florbela
Espanca, Fernando Pessoa and Cecília Meireles.
Giz Editorial Publishing is a modern company, 100% Brazilian, for eight years in the
publishing market. It brings in its own brand, a tree, the philosophy of continuous
and proficient growth, which aims at bringing to the reader’s world a healthy, fun,
exciting and enlightening literature both nationally and globally.
For Giz Editorial each book is a trait produced with passion, care and dedication.
And, unlike the traces of chalk on blackboards, these have the permanence of
quality works which will long remain in the reader’s memory for long.Be in touch
with the titles of Giz Editorial... And have a nice journey through the wonderful
world of books!
Rua Capitão Rabelo, 232
São Paulo • 02039-010 • Sp • Brazil
Rights Department
Mr. Newton Carrara
55 12 8700-8450
[email protected]
Author: Georgette Silen
Yacamim, The Endless Forest
Author’s name: Carlos Augusto Segato
Illustrator: Germana Viana
528 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-186-5
Rights available
120 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-195-7
Rights available
Closed to Love since her husband’s death and a teenage daughter to care for,
Laura, a Brazilian museologist, will live in Bristol, England. There, she finds
another chance in the figure of the irresistible Robert Fevré, for despair of her
best friend, the jealous and passionate David. As Laura and Robert get involved,
a number of strange murders happen in the city. In the wake of these deaths,
many secrets are revealed, changing all the quiet life of Laura: the existence of
powerful clans of centenarian vampires, a secret human society led by an arrogant
and ambitious man, and the existence of Lazarus, a millenian legendary being.
Keila is a 13-year-old girl suffering with the imminent divorce of her parents. In a
school trip to the Forest of Elmo, she decided to visit a beautiful waterfall, by herself.
But soon Keila notices that she is lost in Yacamim, an unknown forest. In the quest
to find the way back, the girl meets intriguing characters such as a Pierrot, a clown,
a teacher, a cowboy, a beautiful gypsy, a strange sort of musician, and frightening
ones such as the Faceless Man. Keila sees that, despite not being alone in this
adventure, she herself is the only one who can find her path and destiny.
Kaori: Vampire’s Perfume
Author: Giulia Moon
Cira and Velho
Author and illustrator: Walter Tierno
376 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-041-7
Rights available
230 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-085-1
Rights available
Kaori, or perfume in Japanese, is the name of a young girl who lives in feudal
Japan in 1647. Persecuted by Missora, the unscrupulous owner of a luxury
brothel, the girl is captured by a millenial vampire, the Master, who transforms
her into a living dead. Seeking revenge, Kaori begins a bloody confrontation
with Missora, which crosses the centuries. In the second part of the book, Kaori
lives as a call girl in the eastern district of São Paulo, Brazil, called Liberdade.
When she meets an ex-lover, the vampire is involved in the game of power
between two leader vampires and the mysterious goals of IBEFF, a secret
organization that studies supernatural beings
In the lush and unexplored Brazil of the 17th century, Cira is a beautiful warrior
descendent from the ancient lineage of mermaids. She carries the skull of her
father Cobra Norato on the left shoulder, and in her heart, she brings the desire
for revenge against the legendary backwoodsman, Domingos Jorge Velho,
who killed her mother. On her way, Cira meets fantastic creatures of the Brazilian
folklore like kings of animals, fire snakes, boitatás, and her father’s sister,
the awful Maria Caninana. But the biggest battle Cira will have to face has
as scenery the big Quilombo dos Palmares, the stronghold of escaped
slaves, where she will finally face her great enemy: Velho.
And Then, Love
Author: Eliana Portella
Five Magic Senses
Author: Regina Drummond
Illustrator: Sandra Lavandeira
408 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-077-6
Rights available
In Sophia’s universe there were two truths. First, she could only count on one
person: herself. Second, the truth about love – the feeling that drove the lovers
of Verona to suicide, the guilt that made the hearts of Tristan and Isolde flame for
eternity – to Sophia, all of this was nothing but fantasy. However, fate played with
her and put in her way a handsome Arab businessman, Lucas. The more she
thought in running away, the more Sophia saw herself in his arms. And Then,
Love is a light and sweet romance for true lovers. A happy-end story for those
who believe in true, intense and exciting love.
Fiction and
non fiction
152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7855-194-0
Rights available
The seven short stories in this book play with the five senses. They try to color
the emotions and feelings, find out the perfume and tastes of the situations
lived by the characters, or even explore the texture, the sounds and the image
of the objects. Five Magic Senses brings a harmonious mix of original stories
created by the imagination of the renowned Brazilian author Regina Drummond,
with puzzling legends from many places: Inuit (Eskimo), Ecuador, Amazonas
and even England folklore, with an adaptation of King Arthur tale. The wonderful
illustrations of the awarded Argentinean artist, Sandra Lavandeira, complete
and enrich this magnificent book.
The history of Globo Livros is associated with the history of book publishing in
Brazil. It was founded in the 19th century and was acquired in 1986 by the Globo
Group, the largest media group in Brazil and one of the largest in Latin America.
Globo Livros has in its catalogue pioneering and historical editions — such as
the complete works of Proust and Balzac and books by Somerset Maugham
and Agatha Christie. Nowadays, Globo publishes the works of prestigious
international and Brazilian authors. Globo Livros is known for the quality of its
translations and has won many prizes over the years. As Globo has diversified
its catalogue over the years, it has launched six imprints in 2012.
Avenida Jaguaré, 1485 • 3º andar
São Paulo • 05346-902 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Olivieri
55 11 3767-7907
[email protected]
Pau Brasil
Author: Oswald de Andrade
The Obscene Madame D
Author: Hilda Hilst
Format: 12.2 x 21 cm - 230 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-250-3660-5
Rights available
The “Manifesto of Pau-Brasil Poetry” was the starting point of the Brazilian
modernist movement. First published in the newspaper Correio da Manhã, in
1924, it brought to the literature and arts of the country a proposal for aesthetic
rediscovery and update that would permeate Modernism in Brazil as whole. With
cover art worked over the design of Tarsila do Amaral for the first edition of 1925,
Pau Brazil, reissued by Editora Globo, gathers various essays on the topic and is
considered a reference book to understand Brazilian modernist art and literature.
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 12.5 x 21 cm - 112 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-250-3464-9
Rights sold to: Argentina and USA
Written in Hilda Hilst’s highly distinctive prose, in which all narrative genres merge
and the widest variety of aesthetic resources is used, the obscene Madame D is
Hillé, who, after the death of her lover, retracts into the recess under the stairs to
talk “about this thing that does not exist, but is raw and alive, Time”. Teeming with
the themes that are dearest to the author -- helplessness, the human condition,
the rotting of the flesh, the troubled soul -- The Obscene Madame D is a lucid and
hypnotic search for the reasons of existence, where anything can happen, from a
stab in the back to a passionate kiss of love. As Madame D herself states: “Life has
been an obscene adventure for being so lucid”.
Rua Itapicuru, 613, 7.º andar
Perdizes • 05006-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mrs. Soraia Bini Cury
55 11 3872-3322
[email protected]
Perfect Love
Author: J. A. Gaiarsa
280 Pages
ISBN 978-85-323-0803-0
Rights available
The late Brazilian psychiatrist and writer J. A. Gaiarsa (1920-2010) was a harsh
critic of the family and the social hypocrisy surrounding family values. To him, the
set of rules to which people obey from birth – rules that are passed on to children
even though parents themselves are a victim of the very rules they live by – serves
only one purpose: oppression. In this book, the author shows that love cannot be
restricted to certain restraints. As you read on, be prepared to challenge all of
your pre-conceived notions of loyalty, family ties, relationships, and happiness.
Blame it on the mother
Reflections and confessions
about being a mother
Author: Elizabeth Monteiro
In this exciting and cathartic book, Brazilian psychotherapist Elizabeth Monteiro
relates some of her often disastrous experiences as a mother of four. Based on
her own family ties dating back to her grandmother throug to her childhood, the
author shows that mothers, regardless of the generation they are born in, make
mistakes but should not feel guilty about it. More than 30,000 copies sold in Brazil
in just 12 months.
The Third Pillow
Author: Nelson Luiz de Carvalho
The selfish, the generous and the fair
Author: Flávio Gikovate
144 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7255-062-8
216 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7183-120-9
Rights available
208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-86755-43-9
Rights available
In this work, Nelson Luiz de Carvalho blends everyday elements with central
themes of passion and freedom to write a love story of universal appeal. As they
discover love, two young men understand that from now on they need to find the
right balance between their feelings and what their family and society expect of
them. This is the story of a forbidden love that wants to find its place in the world
and two persons in love who stand rise to the challenge of fighting for what they
believe in. Based on true events, this is a novel that defies labels and hypocrisy by
revealing the intricacies of emotion in the lives of ordinary young men faced with
the urges of the modern world.
In this book, Flávio Gikovate states that the union between man and woman is a
bond between opposites — that is, a selfish person is bewitched by a generous
person and the other way around. Yet this kind of relationship causes both
partners problems, for they will ultimately go through situations of sorrow and
disappointment. According to the author, investing in one’s own freedom and
individuality is the solution. This could bring about couples formed by fair people,
more mature to experience love. An English translation of this work is available.
From story creation
to script writing
Revised edition
Author: Comparato
Candomblé and Umbanda
Paths of Brazilian devotion
Author: Vagner Gonçalves da Silva
496 Pages
ISBN 978-85-323-0540-4
Rights available
This book shares with readers the author’s broad knowledge gained from his
long-term experience writing scripts for film and television in Brazil and Europe.
This revised, updated and expanded edition focuses on script writing ideas, first
drafts and the final script. The book is filled with theoretical orientations and
practical exercises to test the reader’s understanding of the contents.
Fiction and
non fiction
Grupo Editorial Summus was founded in 1974. Today, the group is composed of
the following companies: Summus (psychology, body and movement, lifestyle,
education, communications, and human resources); Ágora (psychodrama,
healthy living, body-mind); GLS (fiction and nonfiction for gay, lesbian, bisexual
and transgender audiences, besides educators and health professionals); Selo
Negro (fiction and nonfiction works concerning Afro-Brazilian issues); Plexus
( books geared to professionals working in the fields of speech therapy and special
needs education); MG (psychology and healthcare books written by doctors for
lay people); and Mescla (everyday lifeliving, law for lay people, biographies, and
chronicles). Our current catalogue includes more than 1,200 titles.
152 Pages
ISBN 978-85-87478-10-8
Rights available
This book provides readers with a historical perspective of the development of
the two most popular Afro-Brazilian religions – Candomblé and Umbanda.
Using the social and religious context of colonial Brazil as a background source,
the author extends his analysis of social, political and economic relations
established among blacks, indians and whites throughout history, which led
to the spread of these religions in Brazil.
Focusing on excellence and on the dissemination of knowledge, HUB Editorial aims
at meeting the markets’ needs, supporting educators and institutions, looking
for innovation and anticipation of trends in a venturous step towards the future.
This commitment has allowed the development of educational materials which
are notable in their market share. They are over 300 titles especially produced
by competent professionals in the fields of languages and education, including
books, dictionaries, digital materials and apps.
Rua das Palmeiras, 214
São Paulo • 01226-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Susanna Florissi
55 11 3661-1150
sfl [email protected]
PLE Graded Readers
Digital Content
PLE Passwords
Bem-vindo! Digital
Maria Harumi de Ponce, Susanna Florissi
and Maria Harumi de Ponce.
The Graded Readers Series brings stories
from remarkable Brazilian authors, adapted
for the teaching of Portuguese according to
the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages. Each story brings a
password for the interactive part, with audio
material, interpretation and vocabulary
exercises and the dynamics that only digital
content can offer. The Graded Readers are
classified according to learning levels, in
flexible totally digital reading to make the
learning of the language easier, which is ideal
for teaching foreigners. Altogether, the series
will have six books, from levels A1 to C2.
A carteira –A1
Machado de Assis - 23 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8076-067-5
A dívida – A2
Artur Azevedo - 35 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8076-091-0
A polêmica
Artur Azevedo - 31 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-80761023
O homem que sabia Javanês
Lima Barreto - 29 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8076-111-5
A dança dos ossos
Bernardo Guimarães -45 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8076-126-9
A nova Califórnia
Lima Barreto
Fiction and
non fiction
220 Pages
ISBN: 9788580760767
Bem-Vindo! is a material for young adults and adults from any nationality who
want to learn Portuguese as a foreign language with a Brazilian accent. This
material was developed to be used with students from beginner level up to post
intermediate level. The material is quite easy to be used. The access is through
Internet, with a password valid for one year after the first access. The material
may be purchased separately, by levels: basic, intermediate, advanced and/or
in full. Access the product site at
Ideia Publishing has been in the editorial market since 1989. So far it has published
more than 2,000 titles, among fiction and non-fiction books. That makes 23 years
of history, with the books on religion as top-sellers. The main target public is the
academic segment. Quality books and objective contents appeal to professors and
university students. Ideia Publishing has participated in several literary fairs, including
the one in London, in March 2013. As a plan of expansion, we intend to bring good
reading to the European market.Ideia has already published books in English,
French and Spanish, with good reception in the foreign market. For Germany,
Gutemberg’s homeland, we have selected the best in our literature, including a few
writers who took their PhD courses in cities like Hamburg.
Fiction and
non fiction
Av. Nossa senhora de Fátima, 1357
João Pessoa • 58040-380 • Paraíba • Brasil
Rights Department
Mr. Magno Nicolau
55 83 3222-5986
[email protected]
The Wall Street Inferno
and Other Poems
Author: Carlos Alberto Azevedo
178 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7539-779-4
Rights available
Sousândrade’s inferno ambience, Chant X, has Guesa, a modern anthropological
source of poetical inspiration, as its symbol-character. On one hand, his role is
a structural one, organizing the poem. On the other hand, this axis-character
takes on a psychological role, since he is the medium for interpreting the reality
of the poet, of Maranhão, of Brazil and of the Americas. Specific to the Wall Street
episode, the image of Guesa takes on a self-defining character and Sousândrade
becomes Guesa.
For 122 years, the São Paulo State Official Press has been publishing the Official
Gazette. In 1990, its own publishing house was inaugurated, with editorial products
that could fulfill segments of public interest in several areas. Some of the fields
contemplated are art, architecture and photography. The publishing house also
reedits titles long out of print, identifying essential niches for cultural development,
which private publishers are not commercially interested in. The printing industry,
equipped with top technology machinery, is known for its excellent standards in
printing. For the relevance and quality of its chosen titles and authors it has been
rewarded by the most important institutions in the country.
The Lelé´s Architecture
factory and invention Authors: Antonio Risério, Hugo Segawa,
Márcio Correia Campos, Max Risselada
and Roberto Pinho
Organizers: Max Risselada
and Giancarlo Latorraca
Format: 28.5 x 28.5 cm - 244 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7060-949-6
ISBN 978-85-8629-713-7
Rights available
Oscar Niemeyer:
The marquee and the original design
of the Ibirapuera Park
Organizer: Cecília Scharlach
Photos: Nelson Kon
Format: 25 x 25 cm - 120 Pages
ISBN 85-7060-487-4
Rights available
João Figueiras Lima, Lelé, is one of the most important names of the modern
movement of architecture. Though he is a disciple of Oscar Niemeyer, he
worked in the construction of Brasília, his style took off thanks to his own
methods and the characteristics of his work. He threw himself into the knowledge
of architectural issues related to industry and nation development, seeking
cost-effective solutions, without prejudice to plasticity. The book shows
projects, from the construction of urban equipment to serial schools, built
in armed mortar, as well as public hospitals, for which the furniture and
ventilation system were designed to eliminate the air conditioning usage.
This book, with Nelson Kon’s photo essay, highlights the unique plasticity of
drawings and designs made for the Ibirapuera Park by Oscar Niemeyer, the
biggest name in Brazilian architecture. It shows the passage of the drawing
on the drawing board to the building constructed, but with the Ibirapuera Park’s
project incomplete, Oscar Niemeyer, in protest, did not attend the opening of
his theater. This pendency is the object of this book, which gathers the testimonies
of Niemeyer himself and other exponents of Brazilian architecture and culture,
such as the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha.
São Paulo – Metropolis
Authors: Regina Maria Prosperi Meyer,
Marta Dora Grostein and Ciro Biderman
Format: 28.5 x 28.5 cm - 296 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7060-197-1
ISBN 978-85-314-0803-8
Rights available
The book discusses the changes that the city of São Paulo has been suffering
since 1980 and plans future prospects. The text is accompanied by graphics
and tables, showing to the reader the changes and urban contradictions
analyzed. In the last chapter, the authors discuss the new trends of urban
transformation with photos of many parts of the city.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua da Mooca, 1921
São Paulo • 03103-902 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Carlos Roberto de Abreu Sodré
55 11 2799-9688
[email protected]
Norberto Nicola: Living Texture
Authors: Adolpho Leirner, Denise Mattar,
Malou von Muralt, Murilo Ribeiro de Araujo
and Tatiana Rysevas Guerra
Organizer: Denise Mattar
Format: 23 x 28 cm - 304 Pages
ISBN 978-85-401-0089-3
Rights available
Modernist Magazines Box
Organizers: Samuel Titan
and Pedro Puntoni - 6 books
1182 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0111-1
Rights available
Living Texture talks about the work and life of the artist Norberto Nicola, who
introduced artistic tapestry in Brazil, an activity that was then virtually not practiced in
the country. In the late 1960´s, the Atelier Douchez-Nicola in São Paulo was producing
works of flat tapestry with quality comparable to those produced by the traditional
Aubusson Studio. Despite the obstacles such as lack of equipment, materials, and
personnel, the studio soon became a reference for that art. Living Texture reveals the
complete artist Norberto Nicola, through his work and personality. It also contains a
photographic essay by João Musa depicting his house and studio in São Paulo.
Box containing six books made by the facsimile
editions of the most important magazines from
the Brazilian Modernism of the 1920s. Each
publication will be made by the full reproduction
of all exemplary of the correspondent magazine
– the magazines are: Klaxon, Revista de
Antropofagia, Verde, Terra Roxa e Outras
Terras, A Revista and Estética – plus essays
written by six experts: Eucanaã Ferraz, Ivan
Marques, Antonio Arnoni, Gênese Andrade,
Eduardo Coelho and Júlio Castañon. The
project also has the cultural support of Library
Mário de Andrade and CEDAE-Unicamp.
Copan Building:
History and construction [vol.1]
Author: Carlos Alberto Cerqueira Lemos
A REVISTA - Format: 15 X 22.5 cm
208 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0113-5
ESTÉTICA - Format: 16.5 X 24 cm
384 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0115-9
KLAXON - Format: 18.5 X 27.8 cm
192 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0112-8
Format: 24 X 33 cm
110 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0116-6
TERRA ROXA -Format: 33 X 46.5 cm
64 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0114-2
VERDE -Format: 21.5 X 27.5 cm
224 Pages - ISBN 978-85-401-0117-3
Format: 22 x 30 cm - 288 Pages
ISBN 978-85-401-0050-3
Rights available
The first volume of the trilogy dedicated to Copan Building, was written by Carlos
Lemos. An architect responsible for the construction over 14 years, he was selected
by Oscar Niemeyer, author of the project. This first book tells the story of the project,
its development and evolution, and their situation in the historical context of São
Paulo. The text is illustrated with historic photos of the city and the building’s
construction and advertisements from the time of its incorporation. There is also
the whole of technical drawings related to the project.
A publishing house that combines the success and experience of the previous
Negócio Editora, founded by the same business partners, with a new and expanded
view of the world and business model. It began its operations in 2010 and has four
different imprints. Alfaiatar is a sophisticated self-publishing imprint, which helps
authors through the various stages of transforming an idea into a differentiated book.
Da Boa Prosa publishes trade fiction and nonfiction that respects the reader’s
intelligence, believing in the power of books with clear and direct language as
entertainers and source of information. ImpressãoRégia covers Law and Human
Science. Virgiliae publishes literary fiction and nonfiction. In every Livros de
Safra’sbooks the cult to words and ideas is easy.
Father’s heart
Stories about the art of raising children
Author: José Ruy Gandra
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 176 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64684-19-5
Rights available
The stories contained in the book touchedparents and children in its first edition.
The issues most relevant to parenting were addressed directly and in an emotive
way by one of the best text in the Brazilian press. The fathers loved it, mothers,
even more, it allowed them to understand better the male universe and what to
expect of his companions in the realization of the main human project: their
descendants. But life has its challenges and the death of a child to 28 years is
one of the largest. The author addresses this question so courageous that is able
to bring comfort and a new way to confront this situation. Inspirational reading.
What I can’t have
Author: Marcelo Candido
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-64683-01-3
Rights available
The debut book from Marcelo Candido made Brazilian critics compare him to
Philip Roth and Ian McEwan and is being adapted for the theater. The novel
takes place in São Paulo and is narrated by a middle-aged man, successful
professionally but with many difficulties to establish emotional bonds. Always
getting involved with the wrong person, falls in love with the woman’s best
friend, a psychoanalyst who suffers an accident and can’t communicate,
preventing the real conversation between these two men. A contemporary
triangle and that puts at risk the love and friendship, two feelings needed for
the human species. A raw and sensual vision of life.
Other skies
leaving aside the routine in search
of diversity, beauty and freedom
Author: Ricardo D’Addio
Ilustrator: Wilson Jorge Filho
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 240 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64684-41-6
Rights available
A biology professor who uses his own vacation to investigate, in the least likely places
in the world, the human diversity. Traditional destinations where everyone wants to
go do not attract Ricardo D’Addio. This does not mean that he is contrary to luxury and
comfort. He just prefers another kind of trip, searching in the travels he made for
decades, for situations and people that make the landscapes even less similar, this
with funny and acid eyes. Whether in Brazil, South America, Africa or Europe, the
reader discovers how rich is the life experience and is able to expand his horizons.
The danger is stop buying the traditional and known guides of the main destinations.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Simão Alvares, 663 • Pinheiros
São Paulo • 05417-030 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Marcela Velihovetchi
55 11 3094-2518
[email protected]
Book 1 – Series Gods of both worlds
Author: P J Pereira
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 300 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64684-04-1
Rights available
In ancient Africa, Orunmila, the greatest prophet of all time, doesn’t understand why
his divination tools went quiet. In our time, a young journalist rides the busy streets of
Sao Paulo, Brazil, trying to escape a mission that shouldn’t have been his. In the first
book of the series Gods of both worlds, kings, queens and warriors like Ogum,
Shango, Oshosi and Oya get together with people from today to rescue the 16
princes of destiny, in a surprising and original narrative that preserves all the drama,
sensuality and violence of the original myths that inspired it. PJ Pereira is the most
awarded Brazilian advertising man of all times. In 2013 he got his first Emmy!
You, a great entrepreneur
turn opportunities into results
Authors: Carlos Alberto Júlio
and Luiz Roberto Carnier
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 136 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64684-39-3
Rights available
Starting a business is an adventure when well managed and scaled presents
one of the greatest economic returns available. But nothing is simple with high
return, there are risks. This book shows where entrepreneurs should look to
facilitate this route, and the personal characteristics important for the
maximization of these opportunities. Carlos Julio is one of the main Brazilian
business speakers and also capable of adding to his academic activities his
expanded vision from the board rooms of large companies. Luiz Roberto
Carnier is a consultant, one of the most requested in the area of sales and
business development. See the whole of a business has never been so easy.
Luste Editores has been in the publishing market since January 2007, carrying out
projects in the fields of arts and culture. With its work recognized by the press and
experts, Luste has been nominated for the Jabuti Prize (the most important award
in the Brazilian book publishing industry) for three consecutive years.
Its books deal with a range of topics, such as arts and crafts, fine arts, architecture,
sculpture, photography, fashion and gastronomy.
Conrado Segreto
Fashion and Passion
Format: 20 x 26.5 cm - 184 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61914-07-3
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
Conrado Segreto – Fashion and Passion tells the personal and professional history
of this Brazilian fashion designer, through sketches, photos and the testimony of
close friends and admirers.The book narrates Segreto’s career from the beginning
of his professional life, when he discovered his passion for fashion, until his early
death, in 1992, at the age of 32. Most of the book’s pages are dedicated to his
beautiful and unique sketches. Great names of the Brazilian fashion industry, such
as Regina Guerreiro, Tufi Duek and João Braga, sign the preface.
The City
and the Rose
Format: 28.5 x 28.5 cm - 176 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61914-03-5
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available - Nominated for the
Jabuti Prize in 2010 under the category
of “Graphic Design”
Paulo von Poser is one of the most renowned visual artists in Brazil today. Roses
and urban landscapes are recurring themes in his work. Through his paintings
and drawings, Paulo Von Poser invites us to come closer to nature and cities,
showing their hidden beauty, idiosyncrasies and contradictions.
The Landscape
and the Look
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Rubens Maragliano 171 • Morumbi
05658-030 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Marcel Mariano
55 11 2385-9600
[email protected]
Format: 21.0 x 28.0 cm - 72 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61914028
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available - Nominated
for the Jabuti Prize in 2009 under the
category of “Architecture and Urbanism”
This book tells the personal and professional history of Sylvia Amélia Hungria
Machado de Orleans e Bragança, in her farm, in the region of Itaipava, Rio de
Janeiro, a Unesco heritage site. Her watercolors won important awards, such as
the first place at the illustration contest of the Japan Gran Prix, International Orchid
Festival 1996; the first place in the 15th World Orchid Conference and Show in the
Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro; the first place in the New York International
Orchid Show 2000, taking the highest exhibition prize: Award for Best in Show.
Brazilian singer and composer Lenine, an orchid enthusiast, signs the preface. The
book includes 24 reproductions of the watercolor paintings, which can be framed.
Oficina de Agosto presents
a brilliant Brazil
Format: 30.0 x 30.0 cm - 156 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61914011
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
The book “Oficina de Agosto presents a brilliant Brazil” documents the inspiring, poetic,
and expressive history and work of this atelier and workshop-school, located in the
small village of Bichinho, in the state of Minas Gerais. Oficina de Agosto’s arts and
crafts work possesses rare singularity, beauty and creativity. Their social work with the
families from Bichinho and everyone whom the project reaches out is also of extreme
importance. The Oficina was born of the dream of the artist Antonio Carlos Beck, Toti,
and his sister Sonia Vitalino. They believed in the idea that wasted raw material could
be transformed into objects that could combine beauty, humor and creativity. And that
is what they have been doing for more than 20 years.
Precious Hands
Craftwork in Ceara
Format: 27.0 x 33.5 cm - 152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-61914004
Bilingual edition - (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
The work “Precious Hands – Craftwork in Ceara” has documented the plastic
and poetic form of the arts and crafts tradition of Brazilian state of Ceara. It shows
popular originality and creativity converted into objects of simple beauty,
expressions and inventiveness. Through poetic photos and texts, the book presents
not only Ceara’s arts and crafts, but also its landscapes, people and traditions.
We offer special books, such as art books, audio books, digital books, gift books
and books for children and young people. Our titles come under the following
profiles: religious, environmental and socio-cultural guidance; articles; fiction for
children, young and adult readers; books with spiritual and psychological content
based on self-instructive experiences; photography, calendars and diaries.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua São José 46/sala 301
Rio de Janeiro • 20010-020 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Daniella Albrizzi Riet Correa
55 21 3681-6550
[email protected]
The Four Ecologies:
Environmental, Political and Social,
Mental and Integral
Author: Leonardo Boff
Pedagogy / Education [teachers]
Format: 14x21 cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-33-2
Book + DVD - 1-color
paperback In pólen bold 90g
Rights available
The book brings out new thoughts and attitude for a possible world. It presents
current reflection and new concepts about pressing environmental issues, with
exercises for group dynamics.
Rua Tito, 479
São Paulo • 05051-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Breno Lerner
55 11 3874-0854
[email protected]
My Sweet Orange Tree
Author: José Mauro de Vasconcelos.
Format: 15.5 x 23 cm - 232 Pages
ISBN 978-85-06-06816-8
Rights available
An autobiographical novel in which the creatures that played a fundamental
role in the author’s early childhood are transformed into characters. The book
captures, in an eminently lyric tone, Zezé’s children world. The boy, Zezé, lives
in the bosom of a very poor family, made up of an unemployed father, a working
mother and several brothers. Since the outside world is very harsh, the boy creates
a world in which he seeks refuge, and in which he confers a soul to animals and
trees, escaping through paths of the imagination and ludic inventiveness.
Since its release in 1968, the book has been successfully adapted to theater,
soap-opera and movie.
The Barnacle Goose
and other kitchen stories
Author: Breno Lerner
Illustrator: Domingos Takeshita
Breno Lerner gathered his chronicles and reflections written for his column,
“Kitchen Talk”, published in several newspapers and magazines since 2001. The
result is a huge conversation that goes from gastronomy, types of foods and what
goes around in the kitchen. What kind of goose is this barnacle, anyway? What
was served in the last dinner on Titanic? What did sailors use to eat in the Great
Navigations? When you start reading The Barnacle Goose, you’re not able to
stop. Isn’t that what they also say about eating? This is, doubtless, Breno Lerner’s
goal: to serve his chronicles as a perfect meal.
Dreams in Yellow
The boy who didn’t forget Van Gogh
Author: Luiz Antonio Aguia
Illustrator: Luiz Lorenzón
Chefs’ Café
Several authors
Organizer: Carlos A. Andreotti
Photos: Mauro Holanda
Format: 23 x 27.5 cm - 272 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-06-06919-6
Rights available
Format: 13.5 x 20.5cm- 192 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-06-05804-1-1
Rights sold to: Latin America, Europe,
Japan, Korea, China, Turkey
and Thailand
Format: 13.5 x 20.5 cm - 128 Pages
ISBN 978-85-06-03344-9
Rights available
The author researched the time Van Gogh spent in Arles, south of France, to write
a novel for young readers. In this fiction, an attentive, intrigued and fascinated
eye follows the painter: it belongs to Camille Roulin, the postman’s eleven-yearold son, whose family became close friends with Van Gogh. Perhaps only Camille
could have perceived that, in his paintings, Van Gogh created for himself the only
world where he could find love and peace. Luiz Antonio Aguiar is one of Brazil’s
most important writers of Literature for Young Readers.
Fiction and
non fiction
Melhoramentos Publishing House has published books for children and young
adults since 1915, when it published Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling,
the first children’s book printed in color in Brazil. Since then, Melhoramentos, as
one of the oldest publishing houses in Brazil, has published great Brazilian authors
such as José Mauro de Vasconcelos, Ziraldo, Ruth Rocha and Pedro Bandeira, as
well as careful translations of American and European texts. Special attention is
given to the release of new talents, like Tiago de Melo Andrade, Antonio Carlos
Vilela, Rogério Andrade Barbosa and Patrícia Secco. Melhoramentos also publishes
a great line of dictionaries, cookbooks and non-fiction books for adults.
Being the biggest producer of coffee in the world, Brazil lacked a good book about
it. Chefs’ Café came as an answer to that. History, legends, types, terroirs, ways
of brewing, ways of drinking, most important coffee machines and drinks and,
as in all books from the Chefs series, 97 recipes from 28 very famous chefs from
Brazil and over the world. From the traditional tiramisù to the unexpected dakota
brot, from foie gras with coffee and açaí sauce to Verrine of passion fruit, the most
tasteful and unusual recipes.
nVersos Publishing House has come up to explore new processes of knowledge
production and to release plurality, dedicated to personal and social development
through creation. Our attention is focused on traditional texts and the ones which
result from various convergences: hipertexts, transdisciplinary and multicultural
ones, among others. Hybridism and multiple thought enable a cosmopolitan
publishing guideline, without authorial fiefs and pre-established approaches.
We work with authors dedicated to the formation of an imaginary capable of
contributing to the comprehension of the contemporary world complexity, as
well as with visionary authors who are determined to investigate and to present
solutions to the development of interactive and acting capacities.
Av. Paulista, 949 • 9 andar
São Paulo • 1311917 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Luiz Fernando Lessa
55 11 3382-3036
[email protected];
[email protected]
Author: Flávio Braga
Daily Performance
Author and illustrator: Felipe Bittencourt
151 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-63-6
Rights available
384 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-54-4
Rights available
Stalking means furtively and pursuingly approaching and has come up in USA
through the criminal typification of such an activity, as it is done with hunting. In
Brazil there are lots of victims, and this novel, which takes place on the famous
beaches of Rio de Janeiro and the bohemian Copacabana, based on real facts,
has been idealized from a true event: a middle class man. At age 49, he meets his
ex-girlfriend once again, and his life turns into a hunting, in which he is the tusk.
Identities have been kept secret. Both are alive and live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
As a creative answer to a difficult period of his life, Felipe Bittencourt has invented a
daily performance project and he has published them at his Flickr during the exact
period of a year. As photograms of his days, each proposal enables us to observe
the state of mind of the artist who calls himself as “the performer”. Sometimes
the proposals are comic, others are sad and melancholic, in an alternation of
humours which makes us realize that the tiny world of this cartoon character
comprehends more than artistic ideas thrown to the wind.
The Gospel according
to Talion
Author: Flávio Ricardo Vassoler
Illustrator: Bruno Romão
303 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-64-3
Rights available
Luís Antônio Gabriela
Author: Nelson Baskerville
Illustrator: Thiago Hattnher
Impossible to classify in a single genre, the book is based on the bricolage of
various forms of narratives to capture the sense and the resentment of our times
in a way that just a select group of authors has already done. The plot synthetizes
the misadventures of a certain civilization – which happens to be ours – through
typical characteres who face situations which aggregate the strength, intensity
and aggressiveness of an atomic explosion. In an epoche in which it seems to
predominate the psychopathy of people who know no limits, an irremediable
narcissism, an easy, dilated and limitless pleasure, The Gospel according to
Talion is an essential and healthy exercise.
Nelson Baskerville, Brazilian director and dramatist, tells the saga of his brother,
Luís Antônio, the eldest of a six children family that, with the second marriage of
the father, gained three more “sisters”, daughters of the step mother. In the time
of Brazilian military dictatorship, the boy, who since his first years had never
hidden his homosexuality, was beaten by his father in order to be cured. Obviously,
he soon gained the street, and jumping to marginality was his only choice. With
silicon applications he became a shemale, and as Gabriela, he goes to Spain,
country in which she becomes a night star.
a study on plural sexuality
Authors: André Martins and João Zambom
232 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-67-4
Rights available
The Voice of Alemão
Authors: Sabrina Abreu e Rene Silva
Illustrator: Julia Marçal
Inflections Project is a system which feeds itself: from a grammatical concept
related to the verbal inflections, which are expressed by time, mode and subject,
an study which goes far beyond photography and performances has come up.
Inflections has been composed of urban intervention, debate and event, and
the book is the result of these actions. People involved have contributed in a
collaborative and unique way, so that the project could become an open work
in which everybody could mirror and about which all could express opinions.
Fiction and
non fiction
244 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-53-7
Rights available
350 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-64013-77-3
Rights available
Rene Silva is the creator of the newspaper Voz da Comunidade (Voice of the
Community), rewarded mean of communication which reports the everyday life
of the inhabitants of the Slum Complex of Alemão (Portuguese word for German)
Hill (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), besides being a space to many voices, silenced in the
past, to be listened and cared. In partnership with the journalist Sabrina Abreu,
the author has transformed his trajectory into a book, as well as the trajectory of
many other inhabitants of Alemão. The reader is invited to know the hill in detail
with the brilliant trajectory of Rene and The Voice of Alemão.
Outras Letras is a Rio de Janeiro-based publishing house, whose books rescue lost
memories, register daily life, celebrate culture, and share beautifully written stories.
Outras Letras does it all this, while recognizing the importance of written word,
of relevant information, elegance in design and superior quality workmanship.
Since 2002, Outras Letras has been publishing essays, Brazilian literature
(for all ages), as well as academic works in the areas of Education and Social
Sciences, from renowned authors and promising new writers.
Caciporé, the plasticity
of the steel
Author: Flávia Rudge
450 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88642-55-3
Bilingual edition (English/Portuguese)
Rights available
Summing more than 300 illustrations, “The plasticity of the steel” unveils
the historyof Cacipore, a renowned sculptor awarded at the 1st Sao Paulo
International Art Biennale, in 1951, at the age of 19. How did the artist pursue
his aesthetic journey?What languages did he use to express his poetry?
In order to recreate the artistic environment during his productive years,
since 1940, the book brings his time back to life, as well as the influences on his
works, and analyses the poetic itinerary of one of the most important and
dynamic personalities currently living and producing contemporary art in Brazil.
Tarumã, Tarumã!
A chance to rebuild
Author: Tarciso Filgueiras
234 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88642-33-1
Rights available
This is the story of a young man who, despite having committed the serious
crime (he killed the mayor of his town) had the opportunity to rebuild his life
by crossing the wild Cerrado of central Brazil and start the installation of a
large farm in Goiás, in the interior of the country. The novel deftly reproduces
the vegetation, the growth of a farm, the food, the festivities, the songs, and
the daily life and traditions of the people in that region, and of the time in
which the story unfolds, from 1930 to 1950
Burial of Bones
Author: Roberto de Castro Neves
224 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88642-59-1
Rights available
Burial of Bones brings together recent, old, unexpected and funny stories, all of
which unforgettable. This is the second book of short stories by Roberto Castro
Neves. The author (who has also written two novels) pursues a constant topic:
a male character dealing with professional uneasiness, family struggles and love
affairs, which is the triad present in the life of the ordinary people. But as much
as it looks like a steady situation, such routine turns into a fascinating journey
through the imagination and memories of the writer.
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Humaita, 85/201 • Humaitá
Rio de Janeiro • 22261-000 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Lucia Koury
55 21 2267-6627
[email protected]
Stories of a fisherman
Author: Paulo Cesar Domingues da Silva
204 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88642-22-1
Rights available
The author is responsible for introducing in Brazil the Fly Fishing modality, which
accounts today for over 15 thousand followers. In his book, he tells us how his
adventures with fishing began and where they took him from Arpoador beach,
in Rio de Janeiro, to distant places such as Argentina, Chile, Equator, Venezuela,
Mexico, Florida and Alaska, in the search for the largest, most beautiful, cranky
fish in the world: a trout, a dorado, a bonefish, a marlin. As the pages unfold, we
are treated with incredible stories, funny types and exquisite fishes, in addition
to unforgettable descriptions of the scenery of this sport.
History & Culture and
Diversity and Brazilian Teaching System
Authors: Maria Alice Rezende
and Ana Paula Alves Ribeiro
Vol.1 - 128 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88642-61-4
Vol.2 - 180 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88642-62-0
Rights available
In Brazil there is a law that enforcesf the teaching of Afro-Brazilian history and
culture at basic schools. As there is a lack of that content, the anthropologists
Maria Alice Rezende and Ana Paula Alves Ribeiro, organized a two-volume
collection, bringing together knowledge from various authors on the subject,
including religion and popular festivals, jongo, capoeira, music and dance,
literature, audiovisual production as well as discussion about ethnic-racial
relations, inclusion in high school, and about the construction of the idea of race.
Rua Frederico de Albuquerque, 56 •Higienópolis
Rio de Janeiro • 21050-840 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Warth
55 21 2270-0186
[email protected]
The bicycle
that has a mustache
Author: Ondjaki
When the slave
Esperança Garcia
wrote a letter
Author: Sonia Rosa
Format: 22 x 25,5 cm - 40 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-347-0471-7
Rights sold to: Benin
Eshu and the liar
Author: Rogério Athayde
Illustrator: Clara Zúñiga
Format: 23x21cm - 40 Pages
ISBN 978-85-347-0491-5
Rights available
Format: 13.5 x 20.5 cm - 92 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-347-0480-9
Rights available
This book is a true gesture of friendship and solidarity. The Angolan National
Radio promotes a competition and offers a bicycle as great prize to the child who
writes the best story. This is the background to Ondjaki´s touching fiction, a story
that reminds us about all the enchantment of childhood, its friendships, tenderness
and discoveries, but also about the consequences derived from the Angolan political
process in its children. We are reminded that, among many other things, sometimes
searching is more important than finding and that living a good story can be as
exciting, or even more, as inventing them.
Waning Sad Moon
Author: Nei Lopes
Fiction and
non fiction
Pallas is a Brazilian Publisher that has already been in the market for more than
35 years. It is specialized in afro-Brazilian themes for children, teenagers and
adults. Pallas´ publications encompass human sciences,art, religion and literature
for adults and kids. The relevance of the African contribution to Brazilian development
guides our editorial choices, creating a unique portfolio in the Brazilian scenario.
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 168 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-347-0474-8
Rights available
In 1770, Esperança Garcia, a black slave who learned to read and write with the
Jesuit priests, wrote one of the older letters against abuses suffered by slaves
in Brazil, probably the very first one. Sonia Rosa´s prose and Luciana Justiniani
Hees´s beautiful illustrations tell this tale of resistance and freedom. The young
ones can learn in this story that, no matter how bad a situation is, it is small if
compared with the power of the words.
Nei Lopes is one of the most important artists responsible for the exaltation of
black culture among Brazilian popular music. The Samba and Rio de Janeiro´s
suburb are the main characters in this romance. In Waning Sad Moon, Nei Lopes
tells about the people from Rio de Janeiro, the Cariocas, who lived in the suburbs
during early twentieth century, mostly illiterate or with low education. A journey
into the heart of the marvelous city, and about the changes and interferences
urbanism produced in the Rio´s daily life. Waning Sad Moon register with outstanding
sociological value, the language, relations and the social context where
history unfolds itself.
Do you think lies have short wings? Yes? Good! But Amosu thought otherwise,
and lied so much that he even believed his own lies. Of course this would not end
up well. One day, the king Abati-Alapa, uncomfortable with the repercussions of
those lies, proposed a challenge of life or death for Amosu. A hopeless case may
have a different end because of Eshu, the smart and playful orisha. Now you cannot
read and tell the end of the story for everyone. Unless it is a little lie...
Cora’s hair
Author: Ana Zarco Câmara
Illustrator: Taline Schubach
The girl who
loses colors
Author: Marcelo Moutinho
Illustrator: Anabella López
Format: 21x28cm - 32 Pages
ISBN 978-85-347-0496-0
When we talk about appearance among boys and girls, it means that an
innocent opinion might become a merciless critic only like children can do.
Weight, height, or a simple haircut out of standard can cause problems if the
child doesn’t have the same self-esteem of Cora. Cora is a girl like any other who
loves going to school and she is proud of her hair. It is not straight like the hair of
the other girls. It is curly just like her aunty Vilma and her grandma Ana.But maybe
Cora’s hair doesn’t seem so pretty to her friends at school and she might need
some help to learn how to love it again and to tell everybody how beautiful it is just
this way. Cora finds out that her hair is her spot. She’s got curly hair. You have
straight hair. Have fun with Cora’s story and make your difference your spot.
Format: 20x23cm - 36 Pages
ISBN 978-85-347-0499-1
Rights available
Colors are the first thing that the eyes of a child are able to distinguish. One of the
strongest experience of visual interaction with the world around it, and even before
knowing its names, they are already there giving name to the sky, to the sun, to
the animals and toys. Once children learn to give the name of colors to things,
they jump to the next level, when things have meanings. But what could happen
if one of these children loses the capacity of recognizing these colors? What meaning
could this world have, ready to be colored again?In the book “The girl who loses the
colors”, the journalist and writer Marcelo Moutinho tells us about a girl that, out of the
blue, sees the world without colors. Everything becomes a boring frame in frightening
shadows of gray, black and white.
Since 1999, the Panda Books/Original has taken upon itself the responsibility
of publishing books allying information and entertainment. In a market led by
large publishers, we stand out with quality titles, new authors and illustrators. It
is with great pride that we see our books distributed to public schools throughout
Brazil by means of governmental programs and adopted in private schools.
Our books are the result of our commitment to the reader and to publishing the
unusual and, of course, the curious.
Rua Henrique Schaumann, 286 •conjunto 41 • Cerqueira César
São Paulo • 05413-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Tatiana Fulas
55 11 3088-8444
[email protected]
Soccer Jersey
The Story Behind the Uniform
of Europe´s Top 10 Football Clubs
Authors: Mauricio Rito and Rodolfo Rodrigues
Brazilian Nursery Rhymes
and Tongue Twisters
Author: Josca Ailine Baroukh
e Lucila Silva de Almeida
Illustrator: Camila Sampaio
Format: 21 X 28 cm - 48 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-158-0
Rights available
Ouch! Ready to the rescue
Author: Fátima Mesquita
Illustrator: Fábio Sgroi
Format: 21 X 28 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-268-6
Rights available
Format: 21 X 28 cm - 216 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-176-4
Rights available
The soccer jersey is everything a team stands for. The authors (sportswriters who
have covered the sport for years) open the locker room to grant access to the world´s
most popular sport through the uniforms of Europe´s top 10 clubs: Arsenal, Barcelona,
Bayern Munich, Chelsea, Internazionale, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester United,
Milan, and Real Madrid. From the early rugby-style collars to modern crew necks
soccer shirts have evolved to create a fashion trend around the globe. Tidbits,
sidebars, over 1,400 illustrations of the uniforms and an entire chapter on the
jerseys of all UEFA´s Champions League finalist teams make this book appealing
to soccer buffs everywhere.
Soaring High
The History of Aircrafts
Author: Ernesto Klotzel and Tomas Prieto
Format: 17 X 24 cm - 120 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-236-5
Rights available
Bruises, stings, sprains, and burns can ruin any playdate. But what happens to
the body when we get hurt? Fully illustrated, filled with true-to-life analogies,
fascinating facts and clear explanations of the body´s essential healing
processes, this book takes some of the mystery out of the complexities of the
human body with humorous details as it helps kids understand how the human
body behaves when they get a boo-boo. Furthermore, the author brilliantly
relieves some of the fears that kids have when going to the doctor and shows
them all the good hiding within a shot. Parents will have an opening to talk about
being careful and children the opportunity to play-it-safe.
The Definite Encyclopedia
of Flags
Author:Tiago José Berg
Layers of Life
A Children´s Handbook on Ocean Life
Author: Rachel Azzari
Illustrator: Cauê Zunchini
A sign of unity throughout time, flags are way more than a piece of fabric with
a design on it. They can reveal major insights into a group of people´s or a
country´s history, culture, status, and values. In antiquity standards waved in
the wind in warfare, today flags hold us spellbound waving high on the podium
in sports events, such as the Olympics and the World Cup. The author, a
geographer, has put together over 1,300 flags from all over the world and history,
not falling short of informing and entertaining readers of all ages with descriptions
of the different types of flags, their parts, patterns, and terminology as the most
significant emblem in human history.
The perfect read-aloud books, nursery rhymes and tongue twisters hold in their verses
the essence of playfulness, silliness, and innocence: “Mommy please bring over here,
fish and chips, for kitten and me, to have on the kitchen”. They promote phonemic
awareness, stir imagination, and are entertaining for older children to read alone or
for parents to read to their little ones. Divided into 4 themes: nursery rhymes, numbers,
tongue twisters, and action rhymes – with whimsically vivid and creative illustrations
that add visual dimension to every word – this book is a keepsake that will rekindle
childhood memories in grownups and have kids treasuring it for years to come.
From the early pioneering attempts to give man wings to today´s supersonic jets,
man´s pushed the limits of the so called impossible to conquer the skies. This book
traces the history of flight back to its inception as it taps into the history of war – the
catalyst for much of aviation´s greatest innovations. It features elegant illustrations
of aircrafts and fascinating facts of flight: how planes work; what´s the life span of a
jet´s tires; what are the best and the most dangerous airports in the world, to name
some. Descriptive sidebars, pictures and profiles of aviation heroes and inventors
(both men and women) complement this engagingly written flight museum.
Format: 21 X 28 cm - 176 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-212-9
Rights available
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 25 X 25 cm - 96 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7888-145-0
Rights available
In this riveting book young readers will joyfully immerse in an awesome journey
into the 4 different layers of the ocean aboard a submarine loaded with information
in the underwater world. An easy to read style and colorful illustrations provide
a wealth of factoids on marine life – Did you know that the marine angelfish can
change sex when needed, and killer whales are actually called Orcas and they
are related to dolphins? – stimulate children to learn how scientists study this
biome and what man can do to help save endangered species. Highly educational
and entertaining, it inspires and awes children into discovering, learning and
protecting the life of our oceans.
Founded in 1983, Papirus Publishing House has been active for more than 30
years and during this time has developed an important catalogue, with some
titles exported and sold to other countries. Papirus editorial focus is in the field
of human sciences, books for the general public and children’s literature – the
majority of which are also available as e-books.
We have published several authors of international renown (Jean Baudrillard,
Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu, Sartre, Robert Stam,
Gilberto Dimenstein and Rubem Alves, among many others), but there is always
room for new ones to be revealed. We have launched more than a thousand titles,
of which 400 are still in catalogue.
R. Dr. Gabriel Penteado, 253
Campinas • 13041-305 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Beatriz Marchesini
55 19 3272-4500
[email protected]
Seven Times Rubem
Author: Rubem Alves
The Mystery of the Marbles:
Stories of Quasi Invisible Humans
Author: Gilberto Dimenstein
544 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0962-1
Rights available
A product of a decade of work, this book joins together seven books by
Rubem Alves published between 1996 and 2005. The idea is to offer to all
lovers of good literature a consistent panorama of the works of Rubem Alves,
whether it’s to have the book at home for the pleasure of reading and rereading
over and over again, or to have it on hand to share or give as a gift. In total,
there are 143 chronicles that cover a variety of subjects. Here the multiple
facets of the author are revealed: his poetic side, his knowledge of psychoanalysis,
anecdotes of his childhood, his religious experience and essentially, above all, his
delightful sense of humor. A Must Read!
Fiction and
non fiction
192 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0796-2
Rights available
In this book, award-winning journalist Gilberto Dimenstein follows characters
of different backgrounds, but who have something in common: the desire to
create alternatives for the hopelessness experienced by those at risk. The author
constructs a panel on the evolution of crime to demonstrate that, even under
the worst conditions, the initiative of some people determined to the initiative
of some people determined to invent social inclusion strategies is capable of
causing radical change. Personal involvement in social issues along with
Dimenstein’s ideas described in this book serve as encouragement for those
Brazilians committed to building a more just nation. (Drauzio Varella)
Prazerdeler Editora Ltda is a small Publishing House headquartered in Petropolis,
an important historical city in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 2002,
we are particularly dedicated to the publication of works by resident authors,
professors and researchers, affiliated to the main literary and historical research
entities in the town. Consequently, our catalogue deals with a variety of literary
productions such as poetry, historical research, children’s books, gastronomy
books and novels. Although not all the titles are published for commercial
purposes, they are all dully published with special attention to editing and printing
materials, reflecting the appreciation of the literary value present in each work.
Rua Marechal Deodoro, 79, Sala 1004
Petrópolis • 25620-150 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Vera Lucia Salamoni Abad
55 24 2243-8085
[email protected]
Letters to Mariana
Author: Vera Abad
Passionate Rio
Author: Vera Abad
Illustrator – Aurélio Alpoim (photographs)
184 Pages
ISBN 9788589033 01 5
Rights available
96 Pages.
ISBN 978 85 89033 04 6
Rights available
Examining the poems written in her youth and the letters received from her
companions at the time, Mariana finds they fit together to tell their lives: adolescents
growing up during the years of military ruling in Brazil, in the 60ies and 70ies.
Differences in opinion or political ideas could set friends and even relatives in
conflicting sides. Although written as fiction, the book is based on true stories
– names and places altered to avoid undesirable recognition. Facts in the background
are real and documented by newspapers clippings. The perception of such
events as seen at the time turns the book into an important testimony for the
new generations.
Having well known spots of beautiful Rio de Janeiro for background, the book
presents a collection of twelve short stories on different objects of human passions.
A forgotten love, passion for art, passion for football, young dreams… are some of
the themes to enthrall the reader and take them to unexpected ends – intriguing,
good-humoured ends. Richly illustrated with colourful photographs taken from a
love-of-the-town point of view.
Delicious Legacy
Author: Vera Abad
D. Cotinha and the secret
of the sewing box
Author: Vera Abad
82 Pages
ISBN:978 85 89033 02 3
Rights available
328 Pages
ISBN 978 85 89033 08 4
Rights available
The foundation of Petropolis is directly linked to the German immigrants hired
to work in the construction of an imperial summer palace while establishing
an agricultural settlement in the surrounding grounds. They came from Duchies
as Prussia, Bavaria, Nassau and others. “Delicious Legacy” tells the story of
such people, their work and amusement traditions. Their delicious culinary
legacy is presented by tested and well explained recipes that the reader can
enjoy. The book also teaches to appreciate beer in all its forms, including
applications in the kitchen. Illustrated with old photos of the settlers and the
city when still an imperial village.
Back to her grand-mother’s hometown to fetch a forgotten sewing box, Heloisa is
surprised to find curious facts about her family. The search takes her to unexpected
obstacles and people. Every different situation reminds her of her childhood in
the town and brings new intriguing revelations. The narrative, exciting sometimes,
keeps the reader in suspense, but sometimes it is pure romance, for above all,
this is a tale of love. A trip in time and space traces the changes in women’s
behaviour along two centuries: the conformism and rebellion, the price to be
paid for transgression – the secrets. After all, who was the true D. Cotinha? What
secrets had she kept in a sewing box?
To say I Love you
Author: Vera Abad
Illustrator – Aurelio Alpoim (photographs)
To read on the way:
three booklets
No HAHA’s Arch - Author – Ivan Herzog
Amnesia - Author – Vera Abad
Three stories, three spots - Author – Vera Abad
64 Pages.
ISBN 978 85 89033 03 11
Rights available
A collection of poems focused on one of the most universal poetic themes – love.
The book deals with the topic from various points of view, referring to stages and
times in a relationship. Whatever the focus, however, the poetry of Vera Abad is
never sad or depressed. Spontaneity of language, a well dosed hint of eroticism
and the humorous treatment of the subject assure the originality of the work,
divorced from common places as adopted in some love poems. Illustrated with
photos by Aurelio Alpoim.
Fiction and
non fiction
No HAHA’s Arch - 56 pages
ISBN 978 85 89033 10 7
Amnesia - 96 pages
ISBN 978 85 89033 12 1
Three stories, three spots - 66 pages
ISBN 978 85 89033 11 4
Set of 3 pocket books: ‘No HAHA’s Arch’, ‘Amnesia’ and ‘Three stories, three
spots’. Small, comfortable to hold and read, they offer short stories, funny tales
and jokes to enjoy while on a trip. The first booklet is pure humour, the texts are
light and the illustrations funny. The second one is a short novel about the arrival
of a mysterious traveler, apparently suffering from amnesia, in a small town, the
unexpected consequences and what finally decides his fate. The third brings three
tales: a weird escapade of a rooster in Copacabana; the adventures of twin girls in
Salvador, and the strange disappearance of an old lady during a Literary Festival.
Dedicated to adult fiction and non-fiction and children and young readers
literature. Criticizing, analyzing and qualifying world views. Knowledge and pleasure
on reading. Books on journalism, social behavior, education and modern tendencies.
Best-sellers authors: David Servan-Schreiber, Ernesto Che Guevara, Yasmina
Khadra, Richard Branson. Also publishes modern Turkish Literature.
Alameda dos Guainumbis, 1026
São Paulo • 04635021 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Eliana Sá
55 11 5051-9085
[email protected]
The True History of Cachaça
Author: Messias S. Cavalcante
Happy Birthday, Dear Weird One
Author: Tatiana Busto Garcia
608 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88193-62-8
Rights available
168 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88193-68-0
Rights available
The narrative is based on more than 700 references ranging from colonizers to
adventurers. pirates, priests, scientific visitors, official documents and others.
The history of the creation of cachaça is presented in details demonstrating the
roles of native Indian and African slaves as well as the Europeans on the process.
The routine of the Catholic Church using cachaça as a tool to catechize people is
also shown as well as the result of this approach which is to convert almost the
whole nation to devotees not necessarily to religion, but to cachaça. Prize:Paris
Gourmand Books Award 2011.
The history recounts the piquant yet caustic relationship between an adolescent on
the day of her seventeenth birthday and a forty-year-old journalist, both taken hostage
in a burglary and held captive together in a storage room. In the hours they are forced
to cohabit while awaiting rescue, they slowly expose not only their differences and
personal stories, but also the hypocrisy, prejudices, violence and dramas of the world
in which they live. Prize for young authors, by the State of São Paulo.
Letters to the dog
Author: Tatiana Busto Garcia
Close your eyes to see better
The limit of sense and the sense of limit
Author: Sérgio Sá
288 Pages
ISBN 978-85-88193-48-2
Rights available
112 Pages
ISBN: 85-88193-21-3
Rights available
The fast-paced and intelligent prose that is, at the same time, subtle and rich (replete
with cultural and consumer references) makes this debut work of fiction by the
young author a narrative that stands out in today’s Brazilian pop literature. Nola,
the protagonist, is an architect living in modern São Paulo with Tom (her brother) and
Kojak (a bulldog). Another narrative includes the young Lucia in Santos (coastal city)
20 years earlier. The novel takes flight in the latter half, with unexpected twists and
revelations, when the connection between the narratives comes to light. This book
won São Paulo Prize for young authors in 2009 and chose to make part of a library for
young readers of public schools all over Brazil.
The development of our senses and the discovery of new limits to their expansion
is the key proposal put forward by Sergio Sá in this book. In a sensitive testimony
on his condition as a blindman and his subsequent relationship with the world,
the book reveals reflections and tales of the author´s past experiences.
For love
Author: Mário Masetti
Lili’s new handbag
Author: Eliana Sá
Illustrator: Vanessa Prezoto
208 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-8202-020-3
Mario Masetti novel recounts the complicated and sensitive interaction between
a classical soprano, who now carries Alzeheimer, and her nurse. Two worlds that
come into coexistence: Jefferson, the nurse, comes from the poor side of town,
and Amanda, the elderly, lives in a rich neighborhood. Masetti follows the day-to-day lives of the characters, exploring contrasts which highlights Jefferson
compassion and his desire to strengthen the life latent in Amalia.
Fiction and
non fiction
32 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88193-43-7
When her mother goes to work, Lili loves to play with her things. Dress up party
clothes, the shoes, the jewelry sets. The problem is to find the right bag, the one
that matches her clothes, and can fit so many desires. Eliana Sá explores the
question of desire and its boundaries, helping to discuss with the child about
dreams and fantasy, content and continent. Opening the book wings it becomes
a “bag’ that the reader can carry by the hand. The book is enhanced by Vanessa
Prezotto creative illustrations.Suitable for children 04-08 years.
The Selo Off Flip was created in 2008 under the literary program of Off Flip, a
parallel event to the Paraty International Literary Festival. Directed by the writer
Ovídio Poli Junior, the Brazilian publisher has published 15 titles and bet on
beginner authors of quality, although there are also authors with established
careers in its catalogue. One of the actions of the publisher is the Off Flip Prize for
Literature (, which is in the 8th edition and aims to stimulate
the literary creation in Portuguese. In 2008, the Prize was among the 41 projects
selected by VIVALEITURA AWARD - awarded by Brazilian Ministry of Culture,
Ministry of Education and the Organization of Ibero-American States.
Rua Paulo Dias Carvalho Mendonça, 14
casa 25 • Parque Ipê
Paraty • 23970-000 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Ovídio Poli Junior
55 24 3371-3003
[email protected]
Lucila Nogueira
Clay, sand, whale oil and...
Author and illustrator:
Leandro Leite Leocadio
58 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-01-4
Rights available
122 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-02-1
Rights available
Book ranked among the 50 finalists in the Portugal Telecom 2010. In Tabasco, the
author weaves an epic poem about the cultural roots of the Central-American
peoples. The mythical apocalyptic tone of the work is traversed by a sweet lyricism
rooted in social protest. The poem is set in the region where the Mayan culture was
established. Among iguanas, jaguars and volcanoes, the author makes a poetic
and archaeological journey to our most remote cultural backgrounds. Lucila
Nogueira is a professor at the UFPE – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
– translator, poet, essayist, literary critic and has published over 20 books.
The short stories of Clay, sand, whale oil and... show with humor a surprising
and caustically Brazil. The author seeks to extend a poetic string between our
colonial legacies and what endures them in our present social formation. The
work is presented by Moacyr Scliar. It was awarded the ProAc Prize (by the
State Government of São Paulo in 2009). Leandro Leite Leocadio is also a
poet, cartoonist and columnist of several magazines and newspapers, such
as Bundas e O Pasquim 21. Leocadio is a Funarte Literary Circulation Prize
laureate (awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the National Library in 2010)
and was featured in others Brazilian literary contests and awards.
About men & beasts
Author: Ovídio Poli Junior
Rio 7x7
Author: Dailza Ribeiro, Martha Estima,
Edna Bueno, Armando Moya, Rogério Klein,
Claudia Vieira, Morgana Masetti
94 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-12-0
Rights available
In About men & beasts, twelve short stories make up a scene that mixes satire
and reflection. The author recreates a society marked by arrogance, despotism
and patriarchal prepotency. The irony and the work with language given by
Machado make the tone of the narratives. Ovídio Poli Junior was one of the
finalists in the Guimarães Rosa Prize / RFI (Paris) and was featured in Brazilian
literary contests and prizes. Organizes in Paraty the Off Flip literary program
and is the curator of Off Flip Prize for Literature and editor of Selo Off Flip.
Fiction and
non fiction
192 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-62705-10-6
Rights available
Rio 7x7 brings together 49 short stories set in Rio de Janeiro. Seven authors have
written seven stories where many viewpoints penetrate deeply in the countryside of
Rio. The work reaches carioca’s day-to-day full of unpredictability. However, the view
is not as local as to prevent us from seeing what is universal in it. Seven samples of a
work that began collectively in a workshop in the Station of Letters and that became
individual. The book is presented by Nilza Rezende and Susan Vargas.
Mindful of Brazil’s ethnic appeal and diverse identity, Solisluna publishes books
focused on artistic and cultural expressions of historic value. Active since 1993,
Solisluna publishes works that deal with intangible, architectural and religious
heritage, the environment, racial diversity, issues related to social change and the
daily lives and activities of a singular people. Solisluna books also stand out for their
graphic design, which reflects the context of Brazil and Bahia and is influenced by
that context. Since its inception, the hallmarks of this publishing house have been
disseminating high-quality literature: prose, poetry, works on Afro-Brazilian culture,
technical and art books, and publications aimed at children and adolescents.
Alameda Praia de Barra Grande qd 12 lt 33
Vilas do Atlântico • Lauro de Freitas
42.700-000 • BA • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Valéria Pergentino Procópio
55 71 3379-6691
[email protected]
Author: Pierre Verger
Iêda Marques
Remembrances, imaginary and reality
Author: Iêda Marques
Format: 17.5 x 17.5 cm - 88 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-28-2
Rights available
Pierre Verger had a very particular way of living, with extreme simplicity and total
dispossession of material goods, which gave him a different and affectionate
look about the human being. It was this vision of life that enabled him to register
the poetry of smile. In this photo book he captured the beautiful moments of
happiness by photographing people in Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
In this book by Pierre Verger, beautiful photographic images can be viewed along
withalongside phrases and poems that reflect on the smile. As Charles Chaplin
said “A day without laughter is a day wasted”.
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 22 x 28 cm - 152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-89059-46-6
Rights available
Photography is the basis of Iêda Marques’s writing. Now words join images
to tell of life in the backlands of Bahia, nomadic cultures, iridescent memories,
earthly/terrestrial images and a harsh reality. All this presented with humor.
This is the cultural and sentimental journey offered by this book.
Brazilian culture. That is the focus of Terceiro Nome, a publishing house that since
its first book in 1998 has presented issues related to Brazil and its roots, challenges
and charms. Now Terceiro Nome has about 200 titles on literature, history, art,
anthropology, theater, non-fiction, gastronomy and children’s fiction documenting
the country’s heritage and portraying its cultural and environmental riches. With
the Estúdio Madalena label, Terceiro Nome edits and publishes photography
books produced by Estúdio Madalena. Throughout its history, the publishing house
has won several awards and many of its books were procured by government
programs. Below are the titles selected for this catalogue.
Rua Belmiro Braga, 70
São Paulo • 05432-020 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Mary Lou Paris
55 11 3816 0333
[email protected]
An Iconography of
Cangaço Bandits
Organization: Ricardo K. Albuquerque
Design + Craft:
The Brazilian Path
Author: Adélia Borges
Format: 21 x 27 cm - 240 Pages
ISBN: 9788578160845
Rights available
Cangaço was a social phenomenon in the Brazilian Northeast between the
mid-19th century and beginning of the 20th century. Lampião, considered the figure
that led the movement from the depths of Sertão, Brazil’s semi-arid region, to the
pages of big-city newspapers, wisely took advantage of a great invention that
was popularized in the early 20th century: photography. By its photography
documentation, Cangaço reached newspaper pages and the popular imagination.
News reports helped its main historical figures become consolidated in the people’s
minds. The book offers 150 of such photographs and a DVD with the sole moving
images of the social bandits that came to be known as cangaceiros.
Head and hands, heart and soul: the meeting of peoples with different profiles
and skills with the most diverse life experiences springs what we could call
Brazilian identity. A growing number of artisans and designers are working
together in efforts to revitalize handcrafted objects. With over three decades of
design studies, Adélia Borges creates a deep portrait of recent achievements in
Brazilian handcraft and offers a meticulous analysis of the country’s efforts to
add value to its artisan works.
Trails of Conquest
Format: 23 x 25 cm - 280 Pages
ISBN: 9788578160807
Rights available
The book uses text and illustrations to take readers on a walk side by side with
the pioneers of the Brazilian frontier, especially of its indigenous peoples, blacks,
white explorers known as “bandeirantes,” Jesuits and all the others that
contributed to set Brazilian borders accordingly to the Madrid Treaty of 1750.
Memories of Brazil
A Voyage through Historical, Artistic,
Cultural and Natural Heritage
Author: Glória Kok
There is a piece of the Brazilian soul in every corner of the country. Buildings,
urban centers and archeological sites bear witness to crucial moments of its
history. The exuberant nature of wilderness sanctuaries protects an immense
biodiversity. And the people’s wisdom is expressed in the intangible heritage:
the deep-rooted knowledge in daily community lives, celebrations, traditions
and music. Memories of Brazil invites readers to a trip through the country’s five
regions, remembering the history, admiring the present and cultivating the future.
Jewelry of the Brazilian Crioula Format: 28 x 28 cm - 204 Pages
ISBN: 9788578160784
Author: Laura Cunha
Rights available
Photographs: Thomas Milz
About São Paulo
Author: Claudia Jaguaribe
Madalena Label Studio
Format: 22.4 X 19.8 cm - 209 Pages
ISBN: 978 85 6570 902 6
Rights available
Brazil, 18th century. The first Brazilian urban centers are growing rapidly
and intensely, supported by a slave-based economy. Mines had been found
and there is plenty of gold financing a wave of baroque art in several cities.
Within that context “criola” jewelry is created, being produced and used by
blacks, from those freed to the still enslaved, as symbols of power, seduction
and sorcery, even serving to buy freedom. The book presents an astounding
collection of such craftsmanship, accompanied by historical engravings,
paintings and photographs proving the daily use of the delicate objects.
Bearing an unusual design, the book is shaped like an accordion and can be
completely opened to reveal with its almost 20m five panoramic images of
São Paulo. Created during helicopter flights and from building roofs, the
images aim to show how difficult it is to visualize the spatial dimension of the city.
About São Paulo is the most recent project of artist Claudia Jaguaribe, who has
works in the main Brazilian and international contemporary art institutions, like
Itaú Cultural Collection, MAM, MASP, Contemporary Art Institute – Inhotim and
Maison Européenne de la Photographie.
Shaping the Brazilian Territory
Author: Ricardo Maranhão
Illustrator: Vallandro Keating
Format: 23 x 25 cm - 216 Pages
ISBN: 9788578160869
Rights available
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 23 x 25 cm - 240 Pages
ISBN: 9788578160203
Rights available
Specializing in Brazilian Photography, Terra Virgem Edições focuses on the value
of the country’s socio-environmental and cultural heritage in its publications. The
books document Brazil’s identity and consolidate its visual memory.
Rua Galeno de Almeida, 179
São Paulo • 05410-030 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Roberto Linsker
55 11 3081-9932
[email protected]
Maureen Bisilliat
Author: Maureen Bisilliat
The Southern Route
Author: Roberto Pandiani
Format: 12.3 x 15.9 cm - 96 Pages
ISBN: 9788585981785
Rights available
Format: 25 x 24 cm - 134 Pages
ISBN: 8585981237
Rights available
It was by combining her vision with the literature of the great Brazilian writers
that Maureen Bisilliat created her photographic equivalents. In this book, she
reveals the diversity of her travels and her visual experiences, recognized to
this day as her own photographic identity.
This a book reports onrelating the Rota Austral Expedition, which set sail from the
port of Puerto Montt in Chile headed by Roberto Pandiani and Gui von Schmidt, and
was the first to round Cape Horn, sail up the coasts of Argentina and Uruguay and
arrive in Ilhabela in Brazil, sailing in 21 feet Hobie Cat cabinless sailboats.
21st Century
São Paulo
Author: Fausto Chermont
amazônia People of the Water
Author: Pedro Martinelli
Format: 25 x 24 cm - 156 Pages
ISBN: 9788585981600
Rights available
Format: 24,5 x 28,5 cm - 264 Pages
ISBN: 9788585981815
Rights available
Photographer Fausto Chermont is a researcher of images and uses an enormous
variety of cameras, films and printing processes in his photography. His spectrum
of action encompasses techniques ranging from the origins of photography to
contemporary digital technology. 21st Century São Paulo is a book that is a book
that unveils, in 67 photographs, the rare beauty of a surprising city.
Photographer Pedro Martinelli has dedicated over 30 years to the Amazon region,
documenting the way of life of people living on its banks, the caboclos – inhabitants
who, hidden under the green carpet, learned how to live in harmony with the
forest. This book is a work of reference, illustrated with impressive photographs,
indispensable to anyone interested in understanding the peculiarities of such
an enigmatic region.
Brasil terra virgem
Authors: Ana Augusta Rocha
and Roberto Linsker
Sea of Men
Author: Roberto Linsker
Format: 16 x 16 cm - 252 Pages
ISBN: 8585981261
Rights available
Brasil terra virgem is a book that introduces Brazil by using the analogy of a tree
to define its roots (Portuguese, African and Indigenous), its trunk (the faith that
sustains it, whether religious, or that in football, in work, in luck, in betting and in
everything else) and its branches (which here are paths, to Brazil’s landscapes:
the coast and the Atlantic rainforest, the sertão or dry savanna, the mountain
ranges, tablelands, the Pantanal wetland, gauchos, rural life, Brazil’s waters and
the Amazon). There’s also a photographic essay on urban Brazil and a chapter
on the generosity of the land, a veritable offering.
Fiction and
non fiction
Format: 25 x 32 cm - 180 Pages
ISBN: 8585981385
Rights available
This is a photographic essay by Roberto Linsker, the result of travels between
myth and reality, a journey that lasted for eight years along the vast extent of
Brazil’s coastline. “Everything began with just a line, clearly separating that
which is of man from that which isn’t: the horizon.” And the photographer’s
eyes swept the horizon seeking the everyday, which on many occasions
became the epic. It was in looking for fleeting memories in the diversity of
the ocean that he discovered the identity of these men.
Our literary catalogue favors books molded by hand, almost handmade. We have
published either unknown writers — who are now also in big Brazilian editorials
houses — and exclusive content from renowned authors such as Moacyr Scliar,
Raimundo Carrero, Márcio Souza, John Anzanello Carrascoza, Andrea Del Fuego
and Marcelino Freire. In 2013, we launched the translations of poems by Jorge
Luis Borges, and an interview conducted by the famous Brazilian poet Augusto de
Campos, in a limited and numbered edition authorized by the author’s family and
their representatives in Brazil. Our catalogue of academic books is validated by a
board made from renowned Doctors and Masters from national and international
Universities in several steps of research.
Avenida Lins de Vasconcelos, 1886
São Paulo • 01538-001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Claudio Brites
55 11 2476-9424
[email protected]
Forget everything now
Autor: Marcelo Maluf
The river that
flows stars
Autor: Santana Filho
128 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370410
Rights available
168 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370519
Rights available
As John Anzanello Carrascoza said, Marcelo Maluf brings “safe narrative, rich
fable making and singular literature” and shows the reader that the only thing we
can share about our personal experiences are metaphors. The highly imagistic
narratives gathered in this book trespass the verisimilar, and put us in suspension
like a zen koan. Clearly influenced by authors such as Julio Cortázar, Murilo Rubião,
and Alejandro Jodorowsky, this work also arises directly from the contact the author
had in recent years with various sources of spirituality, since the mysticism from
the early Christians passing by Sufis, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism and Brazilian
indigenous shamanic traditions.
The fiction in The river that flows stars is soaked in memories, as Maria
Adelaide Amaral says in the preface: “Santana ascended to heaven, wandered
through cold corridors, stepped down on the engine room and came across
with undergrounds which, he said, no one sees without going into the dark.
Luckily for us readers, the therapist discovered the poet and turned his childhood
in pure poetry.” Santana Filho allows the reader to experience a childhood in
the country of a Brazil that may no longer exist.
Rancor’s Mosaic
Autor: Márcia Barbieri
forbidden dreams
Autor: Petê Rissatti
254 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370854
Rights sold to Germany
208 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370434
Rights available
Marcia Barbieri is considered by important authors as a great promise of Brazilian
literature. Managing a poetic, spinning and hallucinating prose, in this book the
narration comes from the protagonist Maria Luiza, a strong-willed woman, extremely
passionate, whose jealousy borders on madness. She is atylist that barely leaves
the apartment she shares with her husband Lúcio, a photographer. The reader is
dragged through the tortuous and schizophrenic visions of Maria Luiza. However,
in the last chapters of the book, all her narrative will be demystified by the perspective
of Lúcio, who will reveal to the reader a secret about Maria Luiza and show himself
without the lens of the wicked woman. But can we trust him or is Lucius as
psychotic as his wife? Which one to trust?
Where can the dreams lead us to? This is the question Petê Rissatti poses with
his novel. Ivan G. lives in a world ruled by a unique power, the World Government.
One day, Ivan receives a letter from the Government informing that from now on
all citizens ought to take Requiem, a drug that suppresses the capacity of
dreaming. The punishment to those having their dreams tracked is harsh. One
night, Ivan, a simple Government archivist, gets short of Requiem and sees his
entire life go upside down when he finds himself involved with the Dreamers, a
revolutionary group fighting against the oppressor and dictatorial Government.
What would you do if you could not dream anymore?
The Sun’s Cry
over the Head
Autor: Brontops Baruq
Beta Version
Autor: Jan Bitencourt
168 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370519
Rights sold to Germany
These 19 tales do open a wide reality: there is no escape for either the individual
or society; the whole system produces its paradoxes. The author, Brontops Baruq,
uses fierce prose and features stories with original structures and unusual scenarios
in close relationship with science and fantastic fiction. This volume includes the
award-winning short story Story with Pictures and Conversation, published in
Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show.
Fiction and
non fiction
168 Pages
ISBN: 9788562370564
Rights sold to Germany
Everyone has a B side. The problem happens when it comes to life and wants
to steal your story. An insightful, amusing and touching analysis of the “fictional”
nature of modern identity, this novel explores with sofistication the boundaries
between reality and fiction, author and character. Beta Version boards the
conflict between private and public life in times of social networks. Presenting,
articulating and gradually revealing this metalinguistic narrative, Jan Bittencourt
brings a unique and modern view to this matter, alternating narrators and
tenses in intriguing and seductive plots.
Founded in 1996, V&R is a publishing house that specializes in gift books, children’s
and young adults’ literature, comics and graphic novels, inspirational titles, and
cookbooks. Our catalogue has been was carefully built, always looking for positive
content with a high quality of illustration and printing. We have never stopped
growing from our original languages and territories in Latin America (Argentina,
Brazil and Mexico) to the rest of the world, because all our books appeal to a universal
audience. V&R has a book for every occasion and its beautiful presentation makes
it a gift that lasts. Our books are perfect to celebrate friends, relatives, and someone
you care for. Our books are entertaining, and they were created to reach every
reader, of all ages. V&R: Books for a happy life.
Brazilian Desserts
Author: Marcia Zoladz
Fiction and
non fiction
Rua Capital Federal, 263
São Paulo - 01259-010 - SP - Brazil
Rights Department
Ms. Sevani Matos
55 11 4612-2868
[email protected]
Format: 19.5 x 19.5 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-440-3
Rights available
Discover the magic of Brazilian desserts. This book features recipes that
represent the best of the Brazil’s confectionary, an exquisite and unique mixture
of European, African and native-born traditions. It also presents classic and
modern creations signed by Marcia Zoladz, a renowned Brazilian gastronomic
critic and chef. None of them require complicated techniques. This is the art of
Brazilian pâtisserie for everyone.
A gift for my mother
Author:Lidia María Riba
Illustrator: Vero Gatti
The lizard king
Author: Luciano Saracino
Illustrator: Quique Alcatena
Format: 21 x 29.7 cm - 64 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-401-4
Rights available
Format: 13 x 18 cm - 44 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7683-426-7
Rights available
Every daughter wants to say how much they love their mothers. Sometimes it
canthis could be hard to: pick the exact word, words that describe perfectly the
real meaning of this intense feeling. For sure, every mother also waits to hear
from their daughters words of kindness and gratitude. This book is the perfect
gift to express your love for your mom.
Jim Morrison is the most controversial rock and roll star ever. With his mystic
and lust lyrics, Doors’ singer was the perfect synthesis of the 1960s1960’s and its
counterculture. For Morrison there were no boundariesbawdries between life and
art. After dyingDied at age of 27 in mysterious circumstances, he remainsstills as
an enigma for his fans. This graphic novel dives deep into his life searching for
some answers without being devoured by the lizard king.
Founded by the Jesuits more than 50 years ago, Loyola is open to all horizons of
thought and branches of knowledge that contribute to the integral development
of the human person. We understand the motto of the Jesuits – the service of
faith and the promotion of justice – in terms of the promotion of culture.
Rua 1822, 34 • Ipiranga
04216-000 • São Paulo • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Marcelo Perine
55 11 3385-8500
[email protected]
Their Eyes Were Open.
Spiritual Pedagogy
Author Manuel Eduardo Iglesias
Between Life and Death.
Medicine and Religion
Author Anísio Baldessim
96 Pages
ISBN: 9788515039401
Rights available
The Church is called to deeply rethink its mission. It is a matter of affirming, renewing
and revitalizing the novelty of the Gospel deeply rooted in our history, starting with a
personal and communitarian encounter with Jesus Christ, which awakens disciples
and missionaries (Doc. of Aparecida n. 11). The General Guidelines for the
Evangelizing Action of the Church in Brazil 2011-2015 (CNBB) ask the Christian
communities to look for concrete answers for the Gospel announcement in our time,
with a view to the five “urgencies”: live encounter with Jesus Christ; biblical animation
of life and pastoral; missionary joy; Church as a community of communities, and
Church at the service of a fulfilling life for everybody. This book proposes a spiritual
pedagogy that is the fruit of several experiences that nourish our hope.
160 Pages
ISBN: 9788515039463
Rights available
After twenty years offering religious assistance, as the chaplain at Hospital de
Clínicas at the University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP), one of the largest
hospitals in Latin America, I have learned to deal with limit-situations. In this health
care cathedral, where life and death are very close partners, I have experienced the
situations described in this book. I cannot guarantee that some of these accounts do
not cause doubts or even generate a little crisis in faith. However, I wrote only about
things I believe in. The accounts may even disappoint the reader. However, in my
ministry, I try to be authentic, honest, and true, without “killing” hope or taking away
the faith of anybody while, at the same time, refusing to nurture illusions or to
overlook the feelings of those who suffer.
A strong player in South America’s religious publishing market, Editora Canção
Nova is the publishing arm of Canção Nova Communication Systems, the largest
Brazilian TV, Radio and Internet network. With almost 300 titles published over
20 years of steady growth, it main area of market presence is with books on
spirituality, Christian devotion, prayer, human development and Catholic Church
doctrine. It also publishes educational books for children.
Rua São Bento, 43
São Paulo • 01011-000 • SP • Brasil
Rights Department:
Mr. Rafael Cobianchi
55 11 3106-9080
[email protected]
The Bible in my Daily Life
Author: Mons. Jonas Abib
Arise and Walk - The challenge
of getting to the end
Author: Emanuel Stênio
Format: 120 x 180 mm - 96 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-155-5
Rights sold to: Italy, Slovenia,
Croatia, Korea and Latin America
Format: 140 x 210 mm - 240 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-355-9
Rights available
In our days, the Lord needs a rescue squad, highly trained on God’s Word. Without
nourishment we will lose the fight. Every day we have to get our “manna” portion.
Otherwise, we will stumble and God does not want to see us defeated by lack of
food. Happy are those who understand the importance of the Bible in their daily
life. Those will be the winners.
The struggle for holiness is not easy, it requires from us perseverance and
faith, but it must be continuous. If you find yourself static, you need to walk. If
you find yourself on the ground, you must rise up again and get back on track,
because God always welcomes those who want to return to Him. In Arise and
Walk, Emanuel Stênio explains that it is not only possible, but also necessary to be
a saint, these days. Through examples of his own life and the Gospel, he shows the
steps that will be essential to start the path toward the place that the Father has in
store for each of His children in heaven. Let’s go together?
The Gift of Tears
Author: Márcio Mendes
Building Happiness
Author: Father Adriano Zandoná
Format: 110 x 155 mm - 144 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-101-2
Rights sold to: Latin America
Format: 140 x 210 mm - 136 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-325-2
Rights available
The book talks about the charisma of tears and all the good it brings us, as the
power of healing and forgiveness. The author shows us that the gift of tears is a
way to express ourselves before God. “It is a simple and humble gift of the Holy
Spirit that brings in it a power of salvation.” It has nothing to do with dismay,
drowsiness, weak will, negativism, depression or even sadness. It may be
considered an effective prayer, that God answers promptly. God has the
power to transform the humiliation we experience in the present into victory.
We all want to be happy. But, after all, what is happiness? In this book, Father
Adriano Zandoná will help you discover many of the elements needed to build
happiness in your story. With each chapter, a new brick will be placed in this big
construction. Without demagogies or readymade answers, you will be guided to
reflect and find some good points on how to better manage your existence, with
fulfillment and happiness. The joy is not something permanent and some days
certainly will seem to be more cloudy, but happiness is something that comes
from inside and is not shaken by outside realities. Do not get stuck to what is
fleeting... Learn how to fly higher!
Canção Nova: A God´s Deed
Author: Mons. Jonas Abib
Strong during Tribulation
Author: Father Fabrício Andrade
Format: 160 x 230 mm - 252 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-131-9
Rights available
This book tells the history of one of the greatest catholic communities in the
country. It is a touching account of the journey of its community members,
revealing the struggle and sacrifices they faced to build what is considered today
an example of trusting in the divine providence. This history started in a small
country town in the state of São Paulo by Father Jonas Abib, along with 12 young
boys and girls, which got fruitful results, such as the evangelization of thousands
through media and the propagation of the faith throughout the world. From the
first mission house in Queluz to the Pontifical Recognizing, Canção Nova
continues to prove that it is a God’s Deed.
Format: 120 x 190 mm - 128 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7677-260-6
Rights available
Problems are part of our life. And still, there is no trick to make them disappear.
The option, therefore, is to face them. Thinking about this, Father Fabrício wrote
this book with the yearning to guide us toward the best response we can give to
difficulties, always aiming to mature in our faith and to grow in our commitment
to the will of God. In this book, you will be invited to discover the truth around you,
the reason for your sufferings and fears and to start experiencing something
completely new. But, in order to accept the invitation, it is essential to have
determination and courage, since you will need to be released from your “own
desire” and guided by the winds of the Lord.
With more than 350 titles in its catalogue today, Hagnos Publishing House was
founded in January 2001, born as the result of Mauro and Marilene Terrengui
deep appreciation for the editorial market.
With a name whose Greek origin means “pure, holy, clean”, Hagnos is characterized
by the quality of its editorial production. Renowned authors, both national
and foreign, transparency and social responsibility are some of the pillars that
sustain the structure prepared by Hagnos, a relatively young publishing house,
but with a broad market vision.
A Workout for the Soul
Author: Israel Belo de Azevedo
180 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63563-37-8
Rights available
A Workout for the Soul is an invitation to an abundant life, which is attainable
here and now, not just later in heaven, for all those who are willing and ready
to “exercise” their souls. All of us have habits that we cultivate throughout our
lifetime. Some habits are good, others are not. The bad news is that even the
good habits can become unhealthy habits. We must rid ourselves of these if
we want to live healthy lives. We must learn to develop healthy habits, because
we are responsible for the lives we live here and now, which are eternal.
At last, yes! Practical theology
from beginning to end
Author: Luiz Sayão
Illustrator: João Spacca
101 ideas to spoil your husband
Author: David and Carol Sue Merkh
112 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63563-00-2
Rights available
This small manual encourages women to take on the challenge of becoming
better wives. It explores biblical principles, values and applications for the
home in general, and the role of the wife in particular. The ideas included are
practical ways to apply these principles.
192 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63563-45-3
Rights available
Many people are interested in understanding theological thought but encounter
difficulty, principally because they are unable to discover the link between
theology and the reality of daily life. And many others who specialize in theological
knowledge have difficulty conveying these concepts in a comprehensible and
palatable manner. There needs to be balance, dialogue and interaction. In this
work, Luiz Sayão discusses a series of important themes such as ethics, racism,
fatalism, liberalism, mysticism, biblical theology, theology of the family, theology
and society, and church history in a presentation that is filled with profound
thought, common sense, simplicity, objectivity, creativity and humor.
101 ideas to spoil your wife
Author: David and Carol Sue Merkh
Av. Jacinto Júlio, 27 • Jardim Satélite
São Paulo • 04815-160 • São Paulo • Brazil
Rights Department
Mr. Juan Carlos Martinez Pinto
55 11 5668-5668
[email protected]
112 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63563-05-7
Rights available
Encyclopedia of Bible, theology
and philosophy (6 vols.)
Author: Russell Norman Champlin
5,230 Pages
ISBN: 85-88234-33-5
Rights available
A collection of more than 8000 articles on the Bible, Theology and Philosophy.
One of the broadest and most profound works of Christian culture, in which
the reader gains access to archeological and historical research conveniently
arranged by subject matter.
The text offers words of wisdom from Proverbs for the husband-wife relationship.
Each selection includes a biblical proverb and offers a practical suggestion to
apply it in marriage. Here you will discover a wealth of practical ideas for implementing
principles that will rekindle the flame in your marriage.
The history of Globo Livros is associated with the history of book publishing in Brazil.
It was founded in the 19th century and was acquired in 1986 by the Globo Group,
the largest media group in Brazil and one of the largest in Latin America.
Globo Livros has in its catalogue pioneering and historical editions — such as the
complete works of Proust and Balzac and books by Somerset Maugham and Agatha
Christie. Nowadays, Globo publishes the works of prestigious international and
Brazilian authors. Globo Livros is known for the quality of its translations and has
won many prizes over the years. As Globo has diversified its catalogue over the
years, it has launched six imprints in 2012.
Avenida Jaguaré, 1485 • 3º andar
São Paulo • 05346-902 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Mariana Olivieri
55 11 3767-7907
[email protected]
Author: Padre Marcelo Rossi
Format: 14 x 21 cm
112 Pages
ISBN 978-85-250-5400-5
Rights available
In this book, released in 2013, Padre Marcelo uses the Greek word kairos, which
means “the right time”, as a starting point to talk about God’s time as opposed to
chronos, chronological time, the time of men. In the 14 chapters of the book, the
author selected Bible passages with characters that have gone through situations
of incomprehension, suffering and ordeal and knew how to wait for God’s time.
All of them had their lives transformed at the time God judged appropriate. After
each biblical passage quoted, reflections and comments by Padre Marcelo invite
the reader to reflect on their own anxieties and to strengthen their faith.
Ideia Publishing has been in the editorial market since 1989. So far it has published
more than 2,000 titles, among fiction and non-fiction books. That makes 23 years
of history, with the books on religion as top-sellers. The main target public is the
academic segment. Quality books and objective contents appeal to professors
and university students. Ideia Publishing has participated in several literary fairs,
including the one in London, in March 2013. As a plan of expansion, we intend to
bring good reading to the European market. Ideia has already published books
in English, French and Spanish, with good reception in the foreign market. For
Germany, Gutemberg’s homeland, we have selected the best in our literature,
including a few writers who took their PhD courses in cities like Hamburg.
Av. Nossa senhora de Fátima, 1357
João Pessoa • 58040-380 • Paraíba • Brasil
Rights Department
Mr. Magno Nicolau
55 83 3222-5986
[email protected]
Analyzing the biblical
Author: Severino Celestino da Silva
Schopenhauer and Buddhism
The Impermanence,
the Dissatisfation
Author: Deyve Redyson
328 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7539-359-8
Rights available
It analyzes the translation of texts of the Hebrew Bible (Tanách), some Greek
texts in the Septuaginta and others from Latin, in the Vulgata, chiefly the texts
considered to be more diverging. The translation is analyzed based on the
versicles of the Hebrew and Greek Bible, in its original text, showing he reader
where the translation divergences are, the true meaning and the analysis of
the text under the light of the neutral and ecumenical truth. The Old Testament
(Tanách) was analyzed having the Hebrew language as the main basis. Some
passages were analyzed so as to show the distortions that occurred based on
translations into the Greek and Latin languages.
325 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7539-723-7
Rights available
We can state that this work is groundbreaking and this can be understood
in two different ways. The first one possesses an essentially factual character:
this is believed to be the first work published in Brazil on the relationship
between Schopenhauer’s thought and Buddhism. The second one is much
more relevant: this is the first work published in Brazil that not only develops
a rigorous mapping of the sources employed by Schopenhauer in his study
of Buddhism, but also approaches the philosophical issue of the existing
relationship between these two thoughts (i.e., the relationship between
Schopenhauer’s thought and the Buddhist philosophy.
We offer special books, such as art books, audio books, digital books, gift books
and books for children and young people. Our titles come under the following
profiles: religious, environmental and socio-cultural guidance; articles; fiction for
children, young and adult readers; books with spiritual and psychological content
based on self-instructive experiences; photography, calendars and diaries.
Rua São José 46/sala 301
Rio de Janeiro • 20010-020 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Daniella Albrizzi Riet Correa
55 21 3681-6550
[email protected]
Francis of Assisi
and Francis of Rome:
a new springtime in the Church?
Author: Leonardo Boff
Format: 14x21cm - 72 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60458-38-7
Rights available
By making an analogy between Francis of Assisi and Francis of Rome, Leonardo
Boff approaches these symbolic figures. It is not simple comparison, but the
realization of a divine inspiration. This book is also a message of love, hope and
faith. It is the desire of all who wants a church closer and welcoming. But it is also
aimed to young people, who have the responsibility to promote changes to
ensure the future: have kindness for others, think about social injustice as a
universal problem, be ecological in small and big attitudes, assume a responsible
consumption, truly, live Jesus in its simplicity and have God in their projects.
Created in 2004, Alameda Casa Editorial publishes both academic and journalistic
essays. Most of its books resulted from the best researches realized in universities of all
the country, in areas like Brazilian History and Social Sciences. Our catalogue includes
a new generation of authors that really leads the innovation in Brazilian thought.
R. Conselheiro Ramalho, 692
São Paulo • 01325-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Joana Monteleone
55 11 3012-2400
[email protected]
The birth of the Brazilian Elite
Author: Rodrigo Ricupero
History and Music in Brazil
Authors: Paulo Castagna, Mauricio Monteiro,
Cacá Machado, Virgínia de Almeida Bessa,
José Geraldo Vinci de Moraes, João Ernani
Furtado Filho, Camila Koshiba Gonçalves,
Francisco Rocha, Elias Thomé Saliba.
Organizers: José Geraldo Vinci de Moraes
& Elias Thomé Saliba
396 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-98325-84-2
Rights available
Historian Rodrigo Ricupero demonstrates in this book that the tasks necessary for
colonizing new lands could only be assumed by those with resources. The services
provided required capitol, but the compensation that they received for these services led to
new investments in the growing economy. In Brazil, the elite controlled resources, owned
lands and slaves, was committed to the settlement process and provided the framework
for the colonial administration. The period of the rise of the nascent elite occurred from
1530 – the beginning of colonization – to the middle of the seventeenth century. In this
period of conquest and consolidation of the Portuguese domination of the Atlantic coast,
between São Vicente and Belém, every step forward served to strengthen the colonial
elite, allowing the occupation of new lands and the capture of thousands of indigenous.
Sugar and Colonization
Author: Vera Lucia Amaral Ferlini
268 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7939-011-1
Rights available
412 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7939-020-3
Rights available
This book aims to determine music’s place in history and to listen to the echoes of the
sounds produced by society. Once considered utopian, this twofold objective has
defined the research and absorbed a large number of historians and musicologists
in the last decades. Now, the studies of these researchers have been collected in a
volume edited by historians José Geraldo Vinci de Moraes and Elias Thomé Saliba.
History and Music in Brazil invites the reader to experience the music which marked
an era, and to participate in this study of the sounds of Brazilian history.
Seven Lessons
on Brazilian Thought
Author: Bernardo Ricupero
224 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-98325-56-9
Rights available
In this volume, historian Vera Lucia Amaral Ferlini examines the social
configuration unique to the formation of Brazil. In order to understand this
social structure, one must first examine the territorial and political dimensions
of the Portuguese expansion. The Brazilian enslaver society was not based solely
on the institution of slavery, but was also influenced by the integration of the
mercantile, slave-based plantation, along with pre-existing European principles.
Understanding this diversity is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms
of the monopoly of power held by a small privileged group of people.
Bernardo Ricupero explains the importance and current relevance of several
important Brazilian thinkers and their ideas: the concept of Brazilian “cordiality”,
by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda; the relationship of the Brazilian with other peoples,
by Oliveira Vianna; Gilberto Freire’s racial mixing and patriarchal State; the
discussion regarding our colonial past, by Caio Prado Júnior; RaymundoFaoro’s
analysis on the weight of the State on the nation; and Florestan Fernandes’
theory that the revolution of the middle class in Brazil was not a historic episode,
but rather a structural phenomenon. Any attempt to understand Brazil begins,
even indirectly, with these scholars.
176 Pages
Black Cities – Africans,
ISBN: 85-98325-34-1
Creoles and Urban Centers
Rights available
in 19th Century Brazil
Organizers: Juliana Barreto Farias,
Flávio Gomes, Carlos Eugênio Líbano Soares
e Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Moreira
A social history of child
abamndonment – from Portugal
to Brazil, from the 18th
to the 20th centuries
Author: Renato Pinto Venancio
From 1570 to the middle of the nineteenth century, between 38 to 43 per cent
of all of the Africans trafficked to the Americas ended up in Brazil. African slave
culture produced innumerable institutions related to family, food, music and
culture. The slaves formed a large number of well-populated quilombos as a form
of protest, creating brotherhoods in the cities. This book discusses some of the
institutions formed in urban centers, as well as important individuals from the
nineteenth century urban culture and workplace.
Technical and
360 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7939-027-2
Rights available
This collection gathers several of the best studies written by Brazilian and Portuguese
historians, as well as it presents perspectives regarding comparative histories of
the two societies. This research about the past was born from a preoccupation
with the present day: today, thousands of Brazilian children suffer from various
forms of neglect and abandonment. Reflecting upon the past can help us overcome
this unhappy situation, which is the principal aim of this book.
Founded in 1984, Editora Aleph was the result of a quest for balance between
market needs and the development of new creations. Always searching for
new ideas, Aleph has been publishing books on areas of knowledge that were
not explored by the Brazilian publishing market, such as Science-fiction and
Fantasy Classics, New Media Communications, New Science and Spirituality
and text books on Tourism and Hospitality.
Rua João Moura, 397
São Paulo • 05412-001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Adriano Fromer Piazzi
55 11 3743-3202
[email protected]
Star Trek Almanack
Authors: Salvador Nogueira
and Susana Alexandria
Theory of Tourism
Authors: Guilherme Lohmann
and Alexandre Panosso Netto
272 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7657-074-5
Rights available
496 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7657-126-1
Rights sold to:Mexico,
United Kingdom
Star Trek is probably the most influential TV series in popular culture. But how did
this cultural icon appeared? Which are the stories, curious facts and details that
make up its more that forty years of success? The answers are on the “Star Trek
Almanack” (Almanaque Jornada nas Estrelas). Filled with pictures and facsimile
of original documents , this book brings information on every generation of the
franchise (the classical series, the New Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager
and Entreprise), the movies and the animated series.
Written and organized to be a research and consulting tool, this book offers 73
concepts, models and fundamental systems related to tourism and its relating
fields. To students, it is a broad overview of the main items to be studied; to more
experienced professionals, it is an opportunity of updating the already acquired
knowledge, gaining depth and applicability.
Learning Intelligence
Author: Pierluigi Piazzi
Tourism and the third age
Authors: Betty Fromer
and Débora Dutra Vieira
144 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7657-060-8
Rights available
96 Pages
ISBN: 85-85887-86-9
Rights available
It was believed for a very long time that intelligence was an inborn quality. The
genetic factor was considered to be much more influent than the environmental
factors. However, due to the advances on neurosciences, it has become evident
that intelligence and talent are traits that can be acquired easily with a bit of
effort. On this book dedicated to students of every level, Pierluigi Piazzi, teaches
how to use intelligence to become a more intelligent person.
This book presents the social, cultural and demographic aspects of third age,
discussing the effects of the aging of population on the consumer markets and,
more specifically, its placement on the tourism market.
Tourism Economics
Authors: Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos
and Décio Katsushigue Kadota
Phylosophy of Tourism
Author: Alexandre Panosso Netto
474 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7657-125-4
Rights available
“Economia do Turismo” is an essential book to future professionals of tourism
and will be easily used as a text book for graduation and masters. In this work,
Professors Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos and Décio Katsushigue Kadota
– both scholars specialized on the subject – examine clearly and broadly the
fundamental economical concepts and the varied practical and specific
applications of economy on tourism.
Technical and
200 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7657-109-4
Rights sold to: Mexico
What is the importance of an analytic critic of the tourism? Do the scholars of
tourism do a superficial analysis of this phenomena on the modern society?
Is the study of tourism a science? With a profound base on philosophy and
epistemology, the author penetrates intellectually on the theories of tourism,
identifying the positivism as a paradigmatical analysis of the twentieth century
tourism. From it, he emerges with the proposition of a more humane, logic and
coherent critic point of view, proposing phenomenology as one of the possibilities
of the problems found on his analysis.
The International Association of EDITARES is a not-for-profit institution of the third
sector, founded on October 23, 2004, being Wholly independent it is maintained
through the work of dozens of volunteers. Among its activities are the production,
publication, distribution and dissemination of technical and scientific works in
order to circulate and publicize research rfindings from the science of
Conscientiology. The main objective of EDITARES is the dissemination of the
clarification task (tares in Portuguese) through the production of publications rich
in conscientiological content, which, always
seeking the emancipate
consciousnesses. The principle philosophy of the institution is: “Do not believe in
anything, not even the information presented in books published by EDITARES.
Have your own experiences”
Av. Felipe Wandscheer, 5100 • Sala 107 • Bairro Cognópolis
Foz do Iguaçu • 85856-530 • Paraná • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Paulo Abrantes
55 45 2102 1407
[email protected]
Author: Waldo Vieira
Back from death twice:
my near death experiences
Author: Lucy Lutfi
Format: 21 x 27 cm - 1.248 Pages
ISBN: 85-98966-15-0
Rights available
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 248 Pages
ISBN: 85-98966-09-6
Rights available
Internationally recognized as the most important and comprehensive scientific
treatise on experienceS outside the body (projection of consciousness), this book
is the reference work that underlies the science of Projectiology, the result of more
than three decades of research of physician and researcher Waldo Vieira.
This is an enlightening and engaging book on a near-death experience (NDE), in
which the author, scrutinizing herself, shares reflections, research, personal
attitudes and, especially, the recycling of values and positions she overcomes.
Drawing parallels between the historical and social changes of her time and the
turns of her personal universe, the author leads us to a deeper understanding of
the reality of the NDE, demystifying and clarifying its mechanisms. The book is
suitable both for researchers interested in studying the phenomenon of the NDE
as the readers aware of the need to invest in self-knowledge.
Dictionary of
Conscientiology Neologisms
Author: Waldo Vieira
Organizer: Lourdes Pinheiro
Format: 21 x 27 cm - 920 pages
ISBN 978-85-98966-72
Rights available
Author: Marcelo da Luz
The Dictionary of Neologisms of Conscientiology gathers 7,000 neological
terms published in works by the author over the period from 1981 to 2012. This
First Edition of this Dictionary records 2,040 entries in the basic structure and
14,200 sub-entries. The record of each entry consists of: definition, etymology,
synonyms, antonyms, examples of usage, register of the 1st date ever
published and sub-entries for most entries.
Written by a former Catholic priest, this book is an impressive and insightful
demolition of the foundations of religious belief. Combining facts, personal
experiences, and a multidisciplinary approach that includes history, sociology,
philosophy, anthropology, theology and conscientiology, the author exposes the
irrationalities and deceptions of Christianity and other religions of the planet.
This is an essential text for all of those interested in the analysis of the influence
of religion on the human consciousness.
Author: Málu Balona
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 354 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-98966-29-8
Rights sold to: Spain
No Fear of Death
Author: Vera Hoffmann
With a clear and accessible approach, the author shows how self-reconciliation
assists in overcoming low self-esteem, self-blame, resentment, grievances and
frustrations, which are elements that represent major barriers to health and
personal development. In the text effective techniques are proposed for effective
self-reconciliation which results in, among other benefits, greater personal
confidence and emotional stability. With reconciliation, the person adopts a
participatory approach, assuming greater responsibility for life itself, since,
in the words of the author, “there is no use trying to outsource self-cure”.
Technical and
Format: 17 x 23 cm - 486 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-98966-39-7
Rights sold to: Spain
Format: 15 x 21 cm - 182 Pages
ISBN: 85-989-6642-7
Rights available
Physical death is still a cause of grief and fear, remains incomprehensible to
most people and generates significant discomfort when addressed. From an
enlightening and touching testimony, Vera Hoffmann demonstrates, through
her multidimensional experiences, that biological death is a mere illusion.
With good humor and softness, the author invites us to join a walk that seeks
knowledge about the continuity of life. No Fear of Death demystifies the topic
and highlights the importance of parapsychism, a self-persuasive instrument
with regards to the true nature of consciousness, its vehicles of manifestation
and the reality of life and death.
Atheneu was founded in October, 1928, and its catalogue already has more than
1,216 books. We release a monthly average of six publications, all written by
Brazilian authors. Due to its dedication to editorial quality, Atheneu has received
the Jabuti Award in 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009,
2010, 2011 and 2012 for the fields of Natural Sciences and Medicine. Jabuti is
the most important award in the market, regarded as the “Oscar” of Literature. In
2003, Atheneu won the Latin American Award “Integración”, awarded by Camara
Internacional de Pesquisas e Integración Social.
Tratado de Fisioterapia
Assitência Integral ao Paciente
Authors: Alexandre Luque; Joaquim Minuzzo
Veja; Luiz Fernando de Oliveira Moderno and
George Jerre Vieira Sarmaneto
628 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-388-0365-2
Rights available
The proposal of the book is to ensure that the physician who works at the various
emergency departments has a quick source for reference to solve the main
doubts arising in emergency settings. In addition, due to its descriptive format, it
allows physicians to consolidate knowledge with a subsequent reading at home.
Monitorização Hemodinâmica
no Paciente Grave
Author: Elias Knobel
480 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-388-0380-5
Rights available
This is the newest release by Professor Elias Knobel. The author, a household
name in Intensive Care Medicine and Cardiology, conveys his knowledge of over 40
years working with critically ill patients. The book aims to address the concepts and
applications of bedside hemodynamic monitoring - and it does so with a clear,
objective, up-to-date literary style, and numerous illustrations.
260 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-388-0384-3
Rights available
This book is intended to fill a gap in the literature, which, by the way, is notably
missed by Nurses. Electrocardiography for Nurses was written by nurses, for nurses
– and that is its great educational advantage. Its language is easily assimilated, and
the descriptions, due to the many diagrams presented in the text, are an extremely
facilitating feature for its good comprehension.Electrocardiography for Nurses
features the work of 2 editors and 21 authors, over 16 chapters, totaling 260 pages.
O Guia de Bolso de Pronto-Socorro
Authors: Aécio Flávio Teixeira de Góis; Gilmar
Fernandes do Prado; Ana Rita Brito Medeiros
da Fonseca and Marcelo Carossa
Rua Jesuíno Pascoal, 30 • Santa Cecília
São Paulo • 01224•050 • SP • Brazil
Rights Departament
Ms. Ana Paula Matias:
55 11 2858-8750
[email protected]
1272 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-388-0218-1
Rights available
This is a striking book due to its didactic structure, volume of knowledge, numbers
of sections, chapters and pages, and the team of authors.It relid on the work of 4
Editors and 173 collaborators, working in 2 sections, 115 chapters, in a total of
1,300 pages. The book proposes a broad, objective professional practice, based
on the pillars of evidence.
para o Enfermeiros
Authors: Juliana de Lima Lopes
and Fatima Gil Ferreira
Technical and
Tratado de Oncologia
Author: Paulo Marcelo Gehm Hoff
2, 860 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-388-0312-6
2 vol. - Rights available
The book discusses the progresses made with the study of the genome and the
molecular and biochemical pathways linked to the genesis and progression of
neoplasms. It brings knowledge about diagnostic imaging, and presents the
vertiginous progress influenced by particle physics and nuclear physics. Thus,
MRI and PET-CT enable, when combined with invasive procedures, a rigorous
morphological and topographical definition of tumors, which, in addition to
pathology of molecules techniques, indicate the staging, the histopathological
lineage, and their classifying characteristics. The book also includes the synthesis
of new drugs and knowledge about radiotherapy.
Autores Associados has been on the market since 1980, publishing books related
to the educational area. It became known and, more than that, acknowledged for
its education and physical education works.
In 2005, the Publisher innovated its editorial line with the creation of the seal
Armazém do Ipê, an area comprising the most diverse cultural segments. In addition,
it created the children’s book seal, Ciranda de Letras, creating different layouts
with illustrative and colorful pictures. Within the same seal, the Publisher began
the Jovem Leitor series (Young Reader), with reference to literary works focusing
on children and youth.
Avenida Albino J. B. de Oliveira, 901 •Barão Geraldo
Campinas • 13084-008 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Flávio Reis
55 19 3789-9000
[email protected]
School and Democracy
Author: Dermeval Saviani
Didactics for Critical
Historical Pedagogy
Author: João Luiz Gasparin
160 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-85701-23-9
Rights available
The book is an alternative of teacher-student action in which the teacher does
not work for the student, but with the student. The pedagogical work proposal
consists in using the dialectic method practice-theory-practice. The author
divides the practice in five steps, and each one of them has the purpose of
involving the student in the significant learning of the content. This way, the
contents and the didactic procedures are studied in the interconnection they
have with the student’s social practices. The author, João Luiz Gasparin, is a
professor at UEM (State University of Maringá, PR, Brazil). Translated into Spanish.
Author: Dermeval Saviani
240 Pages
Research in Math
ISBN: 978-85-7496-147-7
Education – theoretical
Rights available
and methodological routes
Authors: Dario Fiorentini and Sergio Lorenzato
This book consists on the first approach to the meaning of the historical-critical
pedagogy. That is so because the elaboration of this pedagogical chain is still in
progress, through the contribution of different scholars.
It is about expliciting how changes in the modes of production for human
existence have historically generated new forms of education, which, in return,
have exerted influence on the transformation of their corresponding modes of
production. Dermeval Saviani, the author, works as emeritus professor at
Unicamp (State University of Campinas, SP, Brazil
This book is aimed at beginner researchers, mathematical education researcher
and teacher trainers, as all of them will find operational benefits to develop their
introduction in researches in this field. The main chapters describe and illustrate
the main phases of the investigation process: the creation of the research
project, the collection process and composition of the study material, the
systematization and the analysis of data, and the final writing of the study. The
authors, Dario Fiorentini and Sergio Lorenzato, are professors at Unicamp (State
University of Campinas, SP, Brazil). Translated into Spanish.
Education – From Common
Sense to Philosophical
Author: Dermeval Saviani
To learn Mathematics
Author: Sergio Lorenzato
320 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7496-205-4
Rights available
To go from the common sense to the philosophical conscience it is necessary
to cultivate, somehow, the erudition. But the word erudition reminds a double,
ambiguous meaning. On one hand, it expresses a wide and detailed knowledge,
and the erudite is someone who dominates all the details of science or art he
cultivates. On the other hand, it reminds a depreciatory meaning, showing a
multiplicity of knowledge that do not articulate organically and critically. Considering
this aspect, the erudition is opposed to culture, and is understood as a free
knowledge, not connected to the ways of thinking, acting and feeling that define
culture. That is the message that the present book aims to show the readers.
208 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7496-054-8
Rights available
The axis of this book is the relations between education and democracy. If it is
reasonable to suppose that democracy cannot be taught through non-democratic
practices, it cannot be concluded that the democracy of the internal relationships
in the schools is enough to prepare young students for their active participation
into the democratization of society. This is not about simply choosing between
authoritarian or democratic relations within the classroom, but to articulate the
work developed in the schools with the process of the democratization of society.
More than 210,000 copies sold. Translated into Spanish.
160 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-85701-09-3
Rights available
Technical and
152 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7496-154-5
Rights available
This book, directed to both Mathematics teachers and continuous training courses
for Elementary and High School teachers, was born from hardship faced by teachers
to make operational the basic educational principles of the pedagogical practice,
such as: to take advantage of the students experiences; encourage experimentation
and rediscovering; value and take advantage of the students’ errors and doubts, as
well as to teach Arithmetic, Geometry and Calculus in an integrated manner,
respecting individual differences and emphasizing the students’ questions, in order
to explore Mathematics application. Trying to make the Mathematics learning
meaningful and enjoyable, this work covers 25 educational principles whose
application favors an education of high quality.
“With 58 years on the field, Blucher edits books in the fields from Architecture,
Biochemistry, Business, Chemistry, Design, Ecology, Ergonomics, Engineering,
Geoscience, Mathematics and Physics. It has published over 1,500 books, having
currently more than 390 active titles in catalogue. And has received 16 Jabuti
Prizes, the most important and traditional Brazilian literary prize.”
R. Pedroso Alvarenga, 1245 • 4ºandar
São Paulo • O4531•012 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Eduardo Blücher
55 11 3078-5366
[email protected]
Design as Project Practice
Author: Gui Bonsiepe
Sugarcane Bioethanol
Editor: Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez
Format: 20.5 x 25.5 cm 216 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0676-7
Rights available
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 992 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0530-2
Rights available
This book includes the most significant reflections, proposals and projects
developed by Gui Bonsiepe during his travels to several Latin American countries in
the past forty years. The author is one of the world’s top references in design in the
context of Peripheral countries, reflecting on the difficulties imposed by Center nations,
which hinder the development of an autonomous Design in dependent countries.
This book is a collection of texts written based on the FAPESP’s (the State of São
Paulo Research Foundation) Ethanol Public Policy Project (PPP), and includes
contributions from guest authors who conduct relevant ethanol-related research.
The publication concludes the first phase of the project that started in 2005 and
has been developed by means of several workshops in Brazil. The publication of
the book in both English and Portuguese translates the achievements shared
with the scientific community in what concerns the sugarcane raw material,
generator of both human and technological innovations.
Internal Combustion Engines
Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
Author: Franco Brunetti
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 202 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0741-2
Rights available
Though it is an Engineering course textbook, Internal Combustion Engines is
also among the recommended literature for technical courses and update
bibliography for industry professionals. This edition is excellent for teaching
purposes and it is fully illustrated, in addition to the high number of exercises
that enable the reader to test their acquired knowledge. This is the most
complete book on engines ever published in Brazil, wherein the reader will find
the most up-to-date content available in the market. An indispensable work for
everyone who is interested in and wishes to further understand of Internal
Combustion Engines. 1,040 pages; 788 images; 427 exercises understand of
Internal Combustion Engines.; 367 equations
Iron Ore: Geology
and Geometallurgy
Authors: Farid Chemale Junior
and Lucy Takehara
This work covers the following iron ore-related topics: types of deposits;
examples of world-class deposits; specifications; specifications and
geometallurgical behavior of Brazilian iron ore. In this context, the book covers
the several iron ore phases, from the formation to the necessary procedures to
adequately characterize the metallurgical iron ore. This book will substantially
help engineers and technologists develop their daily activities, as well as
Engineering and Geology undergraduate and graduate school professors and
students with respect to iron ore.
Brazilian Wood – Combination
and Replacement Guide
Author: Andréa Franco Pereira
Clinical Cases
of Urologic Oncology
Editors: Prof. Marcos Dall’Oglio, PhD;
Alexandre Crippa, M.D.
and Prof. Miguel Srougi, PhD - Digital Only
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 990 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0735-1
Rights available
Vol 1. - Format: 17 x 24 cm - 554 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0708-5
Vol.2 - Format: 17 x 24 cm - 486 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-212-0709-2
Rights available
Format: 17 x 24 cm - 130 pages.
ISBN: 978-85-212-0735-1
Rights available
This book provides information to enable the different types of wood to be used
as broadly as possible, both in the choice of combinations of colors and textures,
and in the choice of alternatives to replace less abundant species, which may be
unavailable as a result of seasonal factors or of possible endangerment of species.
The book includes a showcase on each wood, based on actual size images of
the tangential or radial phases, and in tenfold enlargement of the transversal
phase, thereby enabling the comparison of all species. This enlarged visualization
of the transversal phase is used as a technique to identify species by means of
their cellular elements.
Technical and
An important area of medical knowledge, urogenital cancer is a prevalent
disease and has substantial relevancy in the scientific community in view of the
constant evolutions seen both in diagnosis and in treatment. This model was
developed thanks to the University’s pursuit of innovation, evolution in scientific
curiosity and teaching. The areas of Urology, Pathologic Anatomy, Radiology,
Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology were grouped together in the presentation
and discussion of clinical cases of urologic oncology. 990 pages; 867 interactive
images; 71 cases; 73 exercises with answers; 18 months of free updates
Since Cortez Publishing House was established in 1980 it has released over 1200
titles and grown to become a reference in academia to professors, alumni and
professionals alike in the fields of Social and Human Sciences – especially in
Education, Sociology, Social Work, Linguistics, and Psychology. In 2004, the first
catalogue with titles for children and young adults was released and as of June
2013, over 200 titles were published in this category. Today, the high quality works
of Cortez´s qualified professionals, internationally acclaimed award winning
Brazilian scholars, authors, and illustrators are in classrooms of public schools all
over Brazil awaking people to the importance of education, mutual respect,
tolerance, sustainability, multiculturalism and social diversity.
Teachers in today´s society.
Author :José Carlos Libâneo
Rua Monte Alegre, 1074 • Perdizes
São Paulo • 05014-0001 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Antonio Erivan Gomes
55 11 3864 0111
[email protected]
104 Pages
ISBN: 9788524915949
Rights sold to: Spain
What is the role of teachers in today´s knowledge-based society?
The challenges posed by new communication channels and information
technologies require educators to expand their general culture, dominate an
informational language and learn to interact in the new millennium classroom.
This book discusses the dilemmas of this new reality, identifies the demands
and expectations of educators and proposes more emancipative educational
projects. Teachers are vital to education and educational policies for they have
a direct impact on the outcomes of formal education preparing the young
generation to face the future with responsibility and build it with purpose.
The Citizen School:
education for freedom
Author : Moacir Gadotti
Technical and
120 Pages
ISBN: 9788524915963
Rights sold to: Spain
Workplace and mental distress
Author : Edith Seligmann-Silva
624 Pages
ISBN: 9788524917561
Rights sold to: Spain
A journey into the complexity of the human mind, behavior and stress in the
globalized workplace. In order to comply with the new demands, workers must
multifunction, submit to substandard conditions, and cope with the impact of
uncertainty about one´s own future. In a clear and accessible language, from the
theory of stress to discrimination in the workplace and burnout, this book taps
into both social and health sciences with rich theoretical understandings and
research base. Thus, making a bold, current, and positive contribution to medical
doctors, psychologists, therapists, social workers, administrators, engineers and
everyone involved with workers well-being.
When schools lose their autonomy they also lose the ability to educate for
freedom. The Citizen School is an innovative project in educational practices
and an alternative to neoliberalism. It fights social and educational imbalance,
promotes the participation of the community in the construction of its own
welfare, it is sensitive to differences and embraces diversity. Technology and
communication media are integrated to promote social awareness, and educators
– as facilitators - encourage pupils to be free-thinkers conscientious about their
rights and duties, exercise justice, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, and build a
more just, sustainable and balanced society.
Founded in 2003 by highly experienced publishing professionals, Disal Editora
has more than 275 titles published. Today it has an active participation in Brazilian
publishing industry. Concern about the quality of its products - regarding content
and physical aspects - has been the basic principle of Disal Editora, whose
editorial line focuses on foreign language study and non fiction books. From the
end of 2008, Disal Editora enhanced its editorial line publishing supplementary
educational titles in English in co-edition with Helbling Languages. Today it
represents 75 titles in their catalogue. Plans for the future indicate an increasing
extension of its editorial line, always committed to quality.
Al. Mamore, 911 • Cj. 107 • Alphaville
Barueri • 06454-040 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Jose Bantim Duarte
55 11 4195-2811
[email protected]
Authors: Gláucia Fernandes, Telma de Lurdes
Ferreira and Vera Lúcia Ramos
Illustrator: Lydia Megumi
472 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-005-3
Rights available
Author: Cecília Blasco
Illustrator: Carlos Cunha
Author: Angela Emilia Mela
216 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-112-8
Rights available
Nice To Meet You – Speak Brazilian Portuguese is a Portuguese language course for
foreigners and its goal is to prepare people of all nationalities to have an accurate
and fluent communication in Brazilian Portuguese. This title presents vocabulary
and grammar through contextualized activities in different situations when language
is used by Brazilians and includes high interest texts about life and culture in Brazil.
The most difficult sounds for foreigners are included in pronunciation sections.
Great amount of exercises, with answers. Includes two audio CDs. The title Nice To
Meet You – Speak Brazilian Portuguese– Caderno de Exercícios includes several
exercises and it is a supplement for learning Portuguese.
This book was idealized for Portuguese speakers, who study or know Italian
language and for people interested in Italian regional cooking. The book
includes gastronomy-related stories from the author; regional recipes
translated into Portuguese; Italian-Portuguese vocabulary; homemade
Italian cooking secrets and peculiarities about Italian culture.
In a pleasant and appetizing manner, readers will be in touch with a large
vocabulary related to the Italian daily life and to the cooking universe,
which covers since recipes preparation to the kitchen utensils used and
the complex structure of a professional kitchen.
Technical and
256 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-079-4
Rights available
This is a complete conversation guide for English language, which combines
daily dialogues with sentences and useful questions in several contexts. It includes
active vocabulary with essential words and contextualized sentences; cultural
information about the United States and the United Kingdom; list of useful words
Spanish-English and a grammar reference guide that helps the students to clear
up doubts and review basic concepts of the English language. Ideal for Spanish
speakers who intend to visit English-speaking countries, receive foreigners, take
part in corporate activities or improve their everyday English language.
Author: Tânia de Chiaro
Illustrator: Carlos Cunha
304 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7844-080-0
Rights available
Dedicated to Food and Beverage professionals who work in hotels and restaurants,
this book offers them the opportunity of serving English-speaking customers
properly. It contains chapters divided by subjects; dialogues related to Food and
Beverage daily situations; illustrated vocabulary; written and oral exercises; summary
of sentences learned in each chapter and an audio CD for English pronunciation
practice. It can be used as a manual for classroom or for self-study. All exercises
are followed by answers.
With the slogan “More than books, dreams!”, DSOP Publisher summarizes its
core reason and the focus of its activities in the publishing market. After all, as
Shakespeare said: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on”. The children’s
literature catalogue, primarily, privileges magnificent titles that drive on children the
taste for reading and for fantasy, so essential for the harmonious arrangement
of their psychical and social lives. The publisher’s catalogue includes, among
its many other works, the first collection of financial education for elementary
school in the country, with books that encompass all the educational cycles,
already adopted by hundreds of private and public schools in Brazil, which
educational syllabus includes this specific subject matter.
Avenida Paulista, 726 • CJT 1210 • Bela Vista
São Paulo • 01310-910 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Simone Paulino
55 11 3660-5400
[email protected]
I deserve to have money!
How to be happily ever after
in your financial life
Author: Reinaldo Domingos
Ilustrator: Luyse Costa
Financial Therapy
Make your dreams come true
with financial education
Autor: Reinaldo Domingos
Ilustrator: Ariel Fajtlowicz
104 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63680-35-1
Rig hts available
“Have you been sleeping through life like a resigned Sleeping Beauty? Letting other
people tell you where to go like that suggestible Little Red Riding Hood? Are you, like
Cinderella, waiting for Prince Charming to solve your financial life?” In simple
language but maintaining its explanatory focus, the writer Reinaldo Domingos shows
his readers the ten steps on the way to having real money. To do this, he summons
ten female characters from fairy tales to help him teach; ten characters that helped
shape women’s thinking in several aspects, including the financial one.
Technical and
116 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63680-16-7
Rights available
In Financial Therapy, Reinaldo Domingos presents the four steps of the DSOP
Methodology (Diagnosis, Dream, Budget and Saving), developed by him based
on his personal experience of helping people to deal, in a healthy manner, with
their finances, in order to enable their dreams. In this book, the writer Reinaldo
Domingos summarizes the result from years of reflection and observation of
human behaviour, combined with daily practices and concepts developed in
time, which resulted into the life philosophy that led him to accomplish his
financial independency before he had turned 40 years old.
Évora was founded by Henrique Farinha, formerly Country Manager at Elsevier
Brazil, CEO at Positivo Publishing and Editorial Director at Saraiva publishing.
With more than fifteen years as a professional in the Brazilian publishing industry,
Henrique has played a pivotal role in the industry’s rapid growth and expansion in
recent years. He currently heads up the E-book Study and Research Committee
at the Brazilian Book Chamber. Évora publishes a wide array of fiction and nonfiction for the trade market. Our mission is to publish innovative, high quality
and compelling books. We aspire to help Brazilian readers achieve their own
professional and personal goals and live a life of excellence.
It’s on the Web. Now What?
Author: Patrícia Teixeira
170 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-52-6
Rights available
Strong digital communication and an effective crisis management plan for social media
are fundamental to sustaining a brand in today’s ever-increasing online environment.
Every business owner should be concerned about their company image in social media
and the avoidance of any negative attention in social media. This book will show you
how. The author explains how public opinion is formed and mobilized in the digital arena
and tells readers where the risks lie and how to avoid them. The book contains engaging
anecdotes about major cases which illustrate the book’s lessons and how to learn from
them, as well as a practical roadmap for creating your organization’s own social media
crisis prevention handbook. It’s on the web. Now What? This is a required reading if you
do not want your company to be the next to take a hit on the web.
Technical and
Rua Sergipe, 401 cj. 1310 • Consolação
São Paulo • 01243-906 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Henrique José Branco Brazão Farinha
55 11 3562-7815
[email protected]
The Travelers Guide
to Caminho de Santiago
Author: Daniel Agrela
208 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63993-55-7
Rights available
Traveling the Caminho de Santiago is a life event. For over twelve centuries,
countless travelers from different countries and cultures leave their homes
in order to traverse five hundred miles across northern Spain on foot.
In this guide, readers will find detailed topographic maps, numerous tips and
advice on when to go, what to bring, where to eat, as well as other travelers’
colorful stories. Readers will find everything they need to know to make their
dream of making the route of Compostela a reality.
Galpão Publishing brings to the market important materials to help teach foreign
languages – mainly Brazilian Portuguese – and relevant titles dedicated to the
development and training of professionals involved with Education.
The new brand – GALPÃOZINHO – publishes new and more well-known Brazilian
authors writing for kids and teens. Our main interest is to bring to the market
content developed to be distributed through several different platforms: printed
books, Apps and extra material on the Cloud.
Av. Paulista, 726 • Sala 501
São Paulo • 01310-910 • SP • Brasil
Rights Department:
Ms. Susanna Florissi
55 11 3288-2204
[email protected]
Aplicada a La Enseñanza
del Español como Lengua Extranjera
Ensino do Português
do Mundo dos Negócios a Estrangeiros
Format: 150 X 235 mm - 184 Pages
2 Colors - Audio CD
This course was developed specifically for Portuguese speaking students.
Developed for those whose first language is Portuguese, the book – with Audio
CD – is recommended for anyone interested in the Portuguese and Spanish
phonology. The authors have a wide experience teaching both in Argentina and
Brazil and offer lots of exercises leading students to recognize and fix sounds and
the way they are represented in written Spanish. This is an important tool when
studying Spanish either for beginners or for any student interested in improving
his/her use of the language.
Technical and
Format: 210 X 275 mm - 132 Pages
(illustrated) - Full Color - 2 Audio CDs
Grammar Explanations
Map of Brazil (illustrated – format
when open: 420 X 594 mm) with 4
Special Routes and useful hints for
visitors to Brazil - iOS App
The syllabus, a complete unit and the PDF of the Map with the 4 Routes can be found
on Galpão’s website at The authors of Panorama Brasil
have previously written two other best-selling titles to teach Brazilian Portuguese to
Foreigners: Tudo Bem? Português para a nova geração, for teenagers, and BemVindo! A Língua Portuguesa no Mundo da Comunicação, for young adults and adults.
In this new book they target business Portuguese. Aimed at students who master the
language at Intermediate and Advanced levels the book is supplemented by two
Audio CDs and an App available on Apple Store. The texts in the book cover several
areas of the business world and are an extremely important tool for all those
professionals preparing to work in or with Brazil.
Editora Manole has been in the market for over 40 years and has built a catalogue
with over 1,500 titles. Its goal is to constantly be focused on improvement, to cover
different areas of knowledge - mainly health-related sciences - and to follow
scientific progress. In 2003, Manole launched the imprint Minha Editora, dedicated
to publishing special projects in partnership with private institutions. In 2008,
Manole started its literary imprint, Amarilys, and has been publishing not only a
well-chosen assortment of classics, thrillers and fantasy novels, but also nonfiction with a literary taste and highly acclaimed Brazilian authors of children’s and
young adult literature. Manole is recognized for the excellence of its publications
and has been granted several awards.
Brain work
Movement re-education
Author: Ivaldo Bertazzo
272 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7868-064-0
Rights available
Movement re-education is the core subject of Brain Work, written by researcher
and movement therapist Ivaldo Bertazzo, who invites the readers to review their
habits and try out ways to maintain and re-educate their movement patterns.
Topics such as “balance and precision”, “breathing”, “spine health” and “keeping
the body shape” are the focus of the training sessions created by Bertazzo, who
sought to present a clearer vision on the individuality of each body. The text is
accompanied by detailed images. Ivaldo Bertazzo founded in 1976 the School of
Movement Re-education and the Bertazzo Method. In 2004, he was honored with
a Prince Claus Award from the Netherlands.
Children Series: From the
Pediatricians of the Brazilian
Society of Pediatrics (SBP)
to Parents
Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP)
Illustrator: Suppa
Avenida Ceci, 672 • Tamboré
Barueri • 06460-120 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mrs. Denise Yumi Chinem
55 11 4196-6002
[email protected]
Technical and
301 Pages / 208 Pages / 126 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-204-2655-5 / 978-85204-3125-2 / 978-85-204-3284-6
Rights available
288 Pages
Brazilian Creativity:
ISBN: 978-85-204-3227-3
Gastronomy, Design, Fashion
Rights available
Organizer:Andréa Naccache, with the
collaboration of the advertising professional
Ana Carmen Longobardi
In this book, world-renowned Brazilian professionals talk about the conditions of
the creative work in Brazil and about their projects and creative processes. Chef
Alex Atala, with his “simple and sustainable” self-defined cuisine, based on local
products, has led his restaurant D.O.M to be ranked number six on the list of the
prestigious Restaurant magazine. Humberto and Fernando Campana are the
only Brazilian designers with pieces in the MoMA collection and in the Museum of
Decorative Arts in Paris. Fashion designer and creative director Jum Nakao stood
out at 2004 São Paulo Fashion Week with a fashion-statement show, in which
models tore off the couture in front of the audience.
Essential and up-to-date information for you to bring up your children in the best
possible way, following the guidance of who knows best: the pediatricians of the
SBP. The first title of this series was From pregnancy to 2 years old, followed up by
From 2 to 10 years old and From 10 to 20 years old; all of which have been very
successful (the first title of the series was featured on the cover of Veja
magazine). These are comprehensive, interactive, and up-to-date guides, in
which tips and advices on the most important subjects are offered in a witty
and dynamic way. Fully colored and illustrated by award-winning artist Suppa.
Amounting 100 years of activity, Saraiva Publishing House has one of the most
comprehensive catalogues of Brazil, in print and digital. It is a leader in Law Books,
consumer and a leading market books and books for Elementary and High School.
This publishing house stands out among the most important in the publication of
university books for the areas of Business Administration, Economics, Accounting,
Marketing, Technical Books and Business. It also edits Reference Works, General
Interest, Fiction and Non- Fiction. There is also digital learning solutions dedicated
to Elementary and High School and teaching platform for universities. Saraiva
offers customers a broad range of educational products and services also in the
segment of Learning Systems.
Rua Henrique Schaumann, 270 • Cerqueira César
São Paulo • 05413-909 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Flávia Alves Bravin
55 11 3613-3447
[email protected]
A digital (r)evolution in education
Author: Martha Gabriel
The New Middle Class
the brilliant side of the base of the pyramid
Author: Marcelo Neri
256 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-02-20487-4
Rights available
The evolution of digital information and communication technologies has
profoundly transformed all facets of society, including education. Hyper
connectivity and access to content has transformed the way people obtain
information and learn. In light of this, the book presents and discusses two
important aspects that profoundly effect traditional education. The first aspect
addresses changes caused by the dissemination and penetration of digital
platforms and technologies in society. The second aspect is the impact these
changes have on education and the possibilities that the digital platforms and
technologies present.
Technical and
312 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-02-14761-4
Rights available
This is the essential reading for those who want to understand the profound
social changes that have occurred in recent years in Brazil. In an objective
manner, this work presents the most recent results of a study that was carried
out by the FGV Center for Social Policies on the new Brazilian middle class. The
objective of the book is to address the primary changes that have occurred and
influenced Brazil in recent years with the change in behavior of this new class
that has grown and changed the world economy.
Founded in 2003, Editora Sarandi was created with the purpose of making books
to promote a quality education on Brazil. Created and administrated by authors
and teachers who are reflecting about the role of the textbooks in the classrooms,
the publishing house Sarandi makes singular books, developed page by page to
be faithful to educational decisions and concepts of our authors.
Av. Faria Lima 1912, cj 213
São Paulo • 01451-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Francisco Azevedo de Arruda Sampaio
55 11 3097-9040
[email protected]
Why should you participate
in politics?
Author: Plínio Arruda Sampaio
The authors speak-out
Author: Francisco A. de Arruda Sampaio
and Aloma Carvalho
64 Pages
ISBN 978-85-99018-69-9
Rights available
432 Pages
ISBN 978-85-99018-68-2
Rights available
What do you lose by having no interest in politics? What are the benefits of
understanding it? By answering these questions, Sampaio encourages readers to
ponder about the importance of active participation in the politics. Who are the
politicians? Why is it so important to learn about political parties, candidates, bids
and projects? To discuss these issues is a way to broaden the concepts of collective
and collectiveness and to enhance the competence to take part in public issues. In a
democracy, all citizens have a lot to learn and to do in the national political setting.
Sampaio energetically and enthusiastically encourages us to get involved in
political life.
The book provides an in-depth description and analysis of the Brazilian National
Textbook Program (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD), emphasizing
its relevance and strong points as well as its problems and flaws, mainly due to
mistakes and inconsistencies in pedagogic evaluation. Based on concrete facts
and supported by extensive documentation and references, the book addresses
the history of the PNLD, which concerns not only Brazilians but also citizens all
around the world. After all, in many countries textbooks are still the most read
books, if not the only ones.
Geography: field, laboratory
and classroom
Author and organizer:
Luis Antonio Bittar Venturi
Lula Luiz Inácio
Brasileiro da Silva:
Brazilian history in comics
Author: Toni Rodrigues
Illustrator: Rodolfo Zalla
528 Pages
ISBN 978-85-99018-94-1
Rights available
The book gathers technical and practical information from research and
classroom experience of 35 Brazilian professionals, renowned for their academic
and teaching activities. The book presents key facts, concepts, and procedures
to understand and generate geographic knowledge. It aims to help Geography,
Biology, Ecology, History and Social Sciences students and professionals to
develop their own skills to study and investigate society and nature. The book
also appeals to Elementary and High School teachers, since it offers the basic
tools to develop useful classroom activities and learning strategies.
Teacher qualification:
multiple approaches
Author: Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho
296 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8188-004-4
Rights available
The book is an insightful report on the teacher qualification processes and the
role of universities in promoting quality education to teachers, school directors,
and managers of public education networks. Such insight stems from Brazil´s
public education support and qualification projects developed by FAFE, the
School of Education Support Foundation, in partnership with the University
of São Paulo School of Education (Brazil), and reveals how these initiatives
were conceived and developed. The outcome is undeniable: the influence of
universities in education networks is not a one-way street; quite the opposite,
there is a dynamic exchange between theoretical and practical knowledge.
Technical and
48 Pages
ISBN 978-85-990018-67-5
Rights available
Taking advantage of the agility of comics, the book Lula - Luiz Inacio Brasileiro
da Silva, recounts the life of Brazil’s first working class president. Starting with
the hardships of Lula’s poor childhood in the backlands of Pernambuco,
the book reveals aspects of his personal and political life that help the reader to
understand his improbable and epic trajectory to the highest post in the country.
The book is an inspiration to young men and women from all around the world.
It is also a valuable tool for any one who whishes to understand Lula’s ascension
to the presidency of Brazil.
Fruit trees in Brazil
Exotic and Native
Author: Gil Felippe
192 Pages
ISBN 978-85-8188-005-1
Rights available
In the globalized world a myriad of fruits are available for consumption. However,
little is known about the origin and uses of these delicious and nutritious foods.
The book Fruit Trees in Brazil reveals that bananas, oranges, mangos and many
fruits usually associated with Brazil are in fact from other parts of the world. On
the other hand, there are also many Brazilian fruits that are unknown even to a
great part of the country’s population. The book offers scientific and historical
information on fruit trees that are native to Brazil and from other parts of the
world (exotic to Brazil) as well. But that is not all, the book is filled with historical
facts, curiosities and delicious recipes!
Senac (National Commerce Training Service) is a private non-profit institution committed
to culture, professional training and business development in commerce, services
and tourism in Brazil. It also offers evening, technical, professional, undergraduate and
graduate courses, and holds various special events in all of these areas. Senac promotes
educational action committed to social responsibility and offers, through its publishing
houses, publications related to wide range of areas of knowledge – communications,
education, urbanism and landscaping, arts and design, entrepreneurship, fashion, beauty,
health, tourism, environmental education, hotel management, gastronomy, information
technology and business administration. In order to help accomplish that mission, Senac
São Paulo Publisher aligns its publications to the courses and the areas of training. It presently
has about 900 books in its catalogue, which are distributed all over the country.
Meat and barbecue
Author: Marcos Bassi
Rui Barbosa, 377 • Bela Vista
São Paulo • 01326-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Adriana Freita
55 11 2187-4478
[email protected]
Format: 19 x 23 cm - 208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-396-0306-0
Rights available
In an interview with Chico Barbosa, renownedreference in Brazilian gastronomy
Marcos Bassi presented his techniques on how to prepare “churrasco”, the
artistic Brazilian barbecue, through practical and didactical demonstrations.
This guide is a valuable source to meat consumers, chefs, and butchers who wish
to deepen their knowledge on the subject matter, so that anyone can organize an
event. A special highlight is given to the main cuts prepared in his restaurant,
O Templo da Carne (The Meat Temple), where the knowledge acquired through
years of meat preparation was consolidated.
Fashion and art
rereading throughoutalong
the creative process
Author: Dinah Bueno Pezzolo
This book brings a collection of paintings, illustrations and engravings – from
ancient times until todayto nowadays – which reveal the relationship between
the human creativity expressed through brushes and paints and that one which
parades on the catwalks. Designed for students and professionals, this
publication suggests a critical and keen look at the artistic activity and its
connection to the demanding fashion job market. It presents more than 250
color images which evidence the power of visual arts to cause emotions, and
the power of fashion, as a mirror of arts, to seduce.
Getting to know
the Brazilian sea
coast and islands
Author Cristiano Burmester
Techniques for Confectionery,
Bakery, and Professional Cuisine Collection
Author: Mariana and Paulo Sebess
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 384 Pages
ISBN 978-85-748-287-0
Format: 27 x 21 cm - 128 Pages
ISBN 978-85-396-0279-7
Rights available
Format: 26 x 18 cm - 208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-396-0218-6
Rights available
In Getting to know the Brazilian sea: coast and islands, Cristiano Burmester
focuses on the diversity of ecosystems along the over 8 thousand kilometers of
Brazilian coast. Wonderful photographs of beaches, coastal cliffs, mangroves,
slopes, river deltas, and islands are accompanied by important information on
the ecosystems, fostering their preservation.
Passive Design
low power consumption. A guide to learn,
understandknowing, understanding
and apply theapplying principles
of passive design in residences
Author Miriam Gurgel
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 176 Pages
ISBN 978-85-396-0264-3
Rights available
Developed in Germany in the 1990s, the concept of passive design has since
been use all over the world as a foundation for sustainable architecture and
design. It comprises knowledge related to local climate, winds direction, project
layout, purpose of rooms, choice of materials and other factors to bring forth
efficient power results. It makes use of natural resources for warming and
cooling, relying on less electric power for a more comfortable environment.
Technical and
Presenting step- by-step preparations of several
classics of international confectionery, bakery,
and cuisine, these books make a contribution
to the training and technical development of
professionals. They display beautiful pictures
to illustrate each stage of the preparations,
and also feature a solid standardization of
the recipes, measurements and techniques
developed by the Mausi Sebess International
Institute of Culinary Arts, a reference in
Argentina on the professional training for
the area of gastronomy.
A Gourmet Journey
Through Brazil
Author: Caloca Fernandes
and Sonia Robatto
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 360 Pages
ISBN 978-85-386-0358-9
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 336 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7458-284-9
Rights available
Format: 23,5 x 30,5 cm - 256 Pages
ISBN 978-85-7359-791-2
Rights available
Popular recipes are presented and inserted in historical context, confirming the
universal and undeniable truth that gastronomy is actually cultural information.
Full of information regarding Brazilian history and folklore, this book is a celebration
for the eyes and the tastes. English translation included.
Editora Unesp was established in 1987 as the publishing branch of the Júlio de
Mesquita Filho São Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista),
one of the largest and most important institutions of higher education in Brazil.
Since the beginning our goal has been to support a pluralist view and disseminate
knowledge in a way that can be understood by all, in an effort to bring the main
intellectual contributions, which are traditionally a privilege of academics, to a
broader audience.
Praça da Sé, 108 • Centro
São Paulo • 01001-900 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Jézio Hernani Bomfim Gutierre
55 11 3242-7171 • ramal 610
[email protected]
Author: Emília Viotti da Costa
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 568 Pages
ISBN: 9788539301201
Rights available
This work analyses the intricate political, economic, social and ideological scenario
that led to the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1888, and emphasizes that, despite
being an achievement, liberation was only the first step towards the emancipation
of black people in Brazil. This book depicts the evolution of this process, from the fall
of the doctrines that sought to justify slavery as from the rising of the bourgeoisie in
18th century Europe, until the gradual adhesion of land owners to free, non-slave
work. It presents England’s pressure for ending the traffic of slaves, describing its
consequences and addressing the effects of emancipation laws and of economic
development on the proslavery regime.
The Body in Brazil:
its history uncovered
Author: Mary Del Priore
e Marcia Amantino
This book brings together articles from various scholars. It gives a broad view
of the human body. It looks at the body from every angle, including how it has
been described throughout Brazil’s history. It starts with how the first Europeans
described the natives’ bodies and goes all the way through to the 21st-century
dictatorship of beauty. It discusses fashion, eating disorders and personal
hygiene in depth, from the first Europeans who arrived to conquer Brazil to the
latest Brazilian cover girls who’ve gone out to conquer the world. It also talks
about whether one should have the right to decide what to do with one’s own
body and looks at the power of the media to impose styles and standards.
Suicide and Its Prevention
Author: José Manoel Bertolote
Talks with Clarice
Author: Affonso Romano de S’Antanna
and Marina Colasanti
Format: 14 x 21 - 184 Pages
ISBN: 9788539304592
Rights available
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 140 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-393-0071-6
Rights available
Format: 11 x 18 cm - 137 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-393-0371-7
Rights available
Should society make ever greater efforts to curb suicidal behavior?
The alarming statistics show why suicide has become a public health problem:
suicide rates are increasing around the world, with roughly one million suicides
a year. These deaths affect between five and ten million “survivors,” including
family members and friends, and cause significant economic loss. This book
approaches the subject analytically and from the perspective of prevention,
taking a holistic view on the causes of suicidal behavior. The author maintains
that people exhibiting suicidal behavior can be identified and helped to overcome
situations that might lead them to take their own lives.
Marina Colasanti and Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna, renowned Brazilian
authors, paint a sensitive portrait of their friend, Clarice Lispector, one of the
most influential fiction writers of Brazilian contemporary scenario. They talk about
her in essays and stories. They also use her own words to express other feelings
and ideas. The collection goes back to the early 1960’s, when Sant’Anna was
introduced to Lispector’s work as a literature student. The book also includes an
interview the couple conducted with Lispector at the Rio de Janeiro Image and
Sound Museum in October 1976.
Capital and its
Author: Luiz Gonzaga Beluzzo
The South African Revolution
Author: Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 192 Pages
ISBN: 9788539304028
Rights available
This book brings together five essays in which the author examines the
financialization of the economy. He believes capitalism cannot deal with the
anxieties of bourgeois ascension. In an effort to trace capital’s contemporary
movement and find the consequences of its metamorphoses, the author goes
back to Marx and Keynes. He also takes protest movements into account. The
author argues against the idea that the financial domination of the economy
indicates a decoupling of the fictitious valuation of wealth in relation to the
generation of value in the productive sphere. He thinks finance’s hegemony
is actually the result of new, even more advanced forms of value.
Technical and
Format: 11 x 19 cm - 174 Pages
ISBN: 9788539302642
Rights available
This book is part of the 20th-Century Revolutions Collection. It begins by looking back
at South Africa’s colonization by the Dutch, French and English in the 17th century.
It argues this is where the apartheid regime’s roots lie – in a contradiction between
class and race that played out in unique historical circumstances. It also looks at
Nelson Mandela’s emergence as South Africa’s leader. It goes into detail about
Mandela’s little-known rise to power and describes the path that led him to become
a model of resistance around the world. The book takes apart myths about the South
African Revolution and shows how little are really known about it - and that the
transition from the apartheid to democracy, for instance, was not peaceful.
Edusp – University of São Paulo Press – is one of the major Brazilian publishing houses.
Its main aim is to publish works from renowned specialists in all areas of research.
Although it focuses on the scientific production from the university – a reference in
Brazil and abroad – Edusp does not neglect other works, classic or contemporary.
Many titles published by Edusp are distributed among its series and collections,
planned to meet the academic public’s needs – students, professors, researchers.
Edusp has implemented a new conception of university publishing in Brazil, managing
to unite the quality of Brazilian academic production with an innovative graphic identity,
in order to offer to its readers the best of the university’s production.
Rua da Praça do Relógio, 109-A, Cidade Universitária
05508-050 • Butantã • São Paulo • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Carla Fernanda Fontana
55 11 3091-4007
[email protected]
A Concise History of Brazil
2nd ed. - Author: Boris Fausto
Brazilian Landscaping at the
turn of the Century: 1990-2010
Author: Silvio Soares Macedo
328 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-314-0592-1
Rights sold to: Russia,
Albania and Slovenia
Translated into: English, Japanese,
Chinese, Spanish, Korean
and Hungarian.
Covering a period of more than 500 years, ranging from the roots of the Portuguese
colonization to current days, Boris Fausto narrates the most important facts of
Brazilian history. In his detailed analysis of the greater influences that delineate the
country’s formation, the author examines fundamental institutions, such as the
colonial and the slavery systems and the authoritarian regimes of the 20th century.
Fausto emphasizes sociopolitical practices, challenging controversial issues and
accomplishing the task of presenting synthetic and updated statistical data, as
well as a review of recent years in the concluding chapter.
The Other Side of the Image
and Other Texts: The Poetics
of Regina Silveira
Author: Adolfo Montejo Navas
232 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-314-1216-5
Translated into: Spanish
This book gathers nine essays about the work of the renowned Brazilian artist
Regina Silveira. Her work is known for its explorations of perspective and of
projected shadows, its use of various materials and means (photography,
paintings, engravings, objects, intermedia, videos, installations and projections)
and is based on her reflections on the illusionist nature of images and spaces.
The text comprehends a poetic reflection on Regina Silveira’s work and presents
an articulated guide which avoids definitive interpretations and readings,
therefore, the title The Other Side of the Image. Also available in Spanish.
in Brazil (1900-1990)
3rd ed. - Author: Hugo Segawa
ISBN: 978-85-314-0445-0
Translated into:
English and Spanish
A broad view of Brazilian architecture in the 20th century, which initially proposes
a reinterpretation of the varied approaches of the modern movement up to the II
World War. It is organized in three sections: pragmatic modernism, pragmatic
modernity and current modernity. Continuing with a view of the post-war period,
the author analyzes ideological impacts, the main architectural achievements
and their originators, some of the most important Brazilian architects: Oscar
Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa and Vilanova Artigas. A meticulous examination of the
achievements and of the failures in the adventurous effort to construct spaces,
buildings and cities in a country that is constantly undergoing change.
Technical and
344 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-314-1358-2
Bilingual edition
Brazilian landscaping evolved extremely since the 90s, expanding its field of
action following the augment of both public and private demands. This book is
dedicated to Brazilian contemporary landscaping, which is formally characterized
by extreme morphologic liberty and the emergence of projects of various trends
and influences. It is divided into three parts: contemporary landscaping in Brazil;
Public Power and the production of free spaces in the city; and the creation of
private spaces. The work includes rich iconographic material and is based on
extensive and thorough field research and on more than thirty interviews with
the most important Brazilian landscape architects.
488 Pages
Pollinators in Brazil:
ISBN: 978-85-314-1344-5
Contribution and Perspectives
Rights available
for Biodiversity, Sustainable Use,
Conservation and Environmental Services
Authors: Vera Lucia Imperatriz Fonseca et all.
The objective of this book is to understand the situation of Brazilian pollinators,
their impact in agriculture, on biodiversity and on agribusiness. The study unites
85 researchers from 36 Brazilian scientific institutions. It studies biome conservancy,
pollinating syndromes and vertebrate pollinators, presenting an unprecedented
list of them. The articles then focus on bees, the most utilized pollinators in
agriculture, and approach climatic modeling, bringing a summary of what is
known in this field and presenting studies of three cases. Lastly, the authors
propose a developing strategy for this field. The book represents a mobilization
of the Brazilian community around the topic.
Energy, Environment
and Development
3rd ed. - Authors: José Goldemberg
and Oswaldo Lucon
400 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-314-1113-7
Translated into: English
Using accessible language, aimed at high school and college students,
as well as those generally interested, the authors present a panorama of the
fundamental concepts of energy and the viewpoint of economists regarding
development. They discuss the current notion of energy related to problems in
environmental devastation, studying its causes and technical and political
solutions, as well as plans of action aimed at sustainable energy development.
This is one of the first books to integrally study energy, the environment and
development, separating Brazilian populations into economic income-brackets
and to verify the effects caused by these different groups on the environment.
Since 1945, the main mission of FGV Publishing has been to disclose works from
different branches of knowledge, always aiming at contributing to the improvement
of teaching and education in Brazil, projecting the image of Fundação Getulio
Vargas nationally and internationally. The catalogue of publications covers areas
such as business administration, economics, law studies, social sciences and
history, and favors authors from within FGV, as well as other scholars from
the academic community in Brazil and abroad that can provide meaningful
contributions to our production. FGV’s logo is printed on over 450 titles used by
many universities, branches of government and business groups in Brazil, and
that is proof of our everlasting concern with the quality of our work.
Rua Jornalista Orlando Dantas, 37
Rio de Janeiro • 22231-010• RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Graça Burity Moreira
55 21 3799-4420
[email protected]
FGV Management
Bureaucracy and Politics
in Brazil:
challenges for the democratic
states in the twenty-first century
Organizers: Fernando Luiz Abrucio,
Maria Rita Loureiro, Regina Silvia Pacheco
Rights available
ISBN: 9788522507986
With more than 2.5 million copies sold, FGV Management Publications is aimed
at the preparation and the education of professionals for a wide range of areas in
the market. Organized in series dealing with themes such as marketing, business
administration, strategy, projects and persons, the content present in more than
80 titles has been prepared and produced based on the know-how of the Getulio
Vargas Foundation, a traditional teaching and research institution in Brazil.
FGV Pocket Book
Rights available
ISBN: 9788522508280
392 Pages
ISBN 978-85-225-0777-1
Rights available
This book studies Brazilian public administration through the analysis of bureaucracy
and its relevance for the debate about the democratic order. It is an innovative work
because it looks at the question not from an internal or exclusively technical
perspective, but rather from the point of view of the challenges involved in the
discussion of the democratic institutional future of Brazil.
Public Security in Brazil:
challenges and perspectives
Author: Luís Flávio Sapori
208 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-225-0638-5
Rights available
Consisting of various series about a wide range of themes in the human and
social sciences, both in Brazil and globally, the FGV Pocket Book Collection is
aimed at students, teachers and professionals interested in acquiring knowledge
in an objective and effective manner. Analyzing and debating questions related
to the field of history, international relations, tourism, philosophy, social sciences
and culture, the FGV Pocket Book Collection series are produced by specialists in
each of these areas and combine clarity and information in succinct books.
What is the cause of the deterioration of public order in cities? Why are public
security policies so inefficient in fighting criminality? Are public policies related to
the provision of education, health, housing and employment capable of reducing
criminality? Why have democracy and violence advanced together in the recent
history of Brazilian society? The author states that it is possible to implement
more efficient governmental actions in the control of violence.
FGV University
Brazilian Foreign Policy:
the practices of politics
and the politics of practices
Organizers: Carlos Milani, Leticia Pinheiro
Rights available
ISBN: 9788522509270
Written by professors from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, a traditional teaching
and research institution in Brazil, the books from the FGV University Collection
are used in business administration and economics undergraduate courses. The
titles offer an up-to-date theoretical foundation for disciplines linked both to the
exact sciences and the humanities with clarity and objectivity.
Technical and
350 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-225-0921-8
Rights available
This book buries two traditional premises when it comes to analyses of the
relations between Brazil and the world: the monopoly of the creation of foreign
policy by Itamaraty and the low degree of internationalization of various
segments which are part of the state and Brazilian civil society. The number
and diversity of social actors and domestic bureaucracies with wide-ranging
international actions have expanded enormously in recent years, and, as a
result, Itamaraty’s ability to direct them has been reduced.
A holding founded in 2007, GEN – Grupo Editorial Nacional is a market leader in
STP (scientific, technical and professional) publishing and content in Brazil, with
12,4% share in this segment (SNEL-Fipe 2011 survey). Editorial platform of some
of the most notorious publishers in this area, GEN gathers a catalogue of over 3,500
active books, and over 700 of which are available in digital versions and/or apps, in
Health, Legal and Social Sciences, and Humanities. In Latin America, GEN has been
building a catalogue of books in Spanish, distributed in 15 countries. The group
exports its publications to Portuguese-speaking countries through its affiliate
“Nova Guanabara”, based in Portugal.
Travessa do Ouvidor, 11 • 7º andar • Centro
Rio de Janeiro • 20040-040 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Helber Oliveira
Mr. Sergio Pechman
55 21 3543-0865
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rotinas de Diagnóstico
e Tratamento da Sociedade
Brasileira de Dermatologia
Author: Omar Lupi / Paulo R. Cunha
708 Pages
ISBN: 9788581140841
Rights available
Clinical Examination
Author: Porto & Porto
In the last few years, Dermatology has impressively established itself as a
clinical, surgical and cosmiatric specialty. Each new book published reflects an
expressive amount of information accumulated throughout the world in this field.
In Brazil, there was an important advance with the publication of the official
textbook of the Brazilian Dermatology Society “Rotinas de Diagnóstico e Tratamento
da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia” in 2010. Now in its second updated and
reviewed edition, published in 2012, dermatologists will be able to effectively help
thousands of people suffering from dermatologic problems
Clinical Examination was first published more than 30 years ago, and immediately
became a best seller in Brazil, highly appreciated by students and teachers
alike. This is one of the most respected and meaningful text-books in Brazilian
scientific literature.
Porto | Clinical Examination new edition, the 7th one, has new chapters, exquisite
colorful pictures, and it has been totally restructured. Furthermore, the new graphical
project not only gave the book a modern appearance, but also made it more
pleasant to be read and handled.
Talking... Reading...
Writing... in Portuguese
A Course for Foreigners
Author: Emma Eberlein O.F. Lima
and Samira Abirad Iunes
304 Pages
ISBN: 9788512543109
Rights available
Food, Nutrition
and Diet Therapy Treaty
Author: Chemin Seabra da Silva, Sandra
Maria, Mura, Joana D’Arc Pereira
1,304 Pages
ISBN: 9788572418720
Rights available
Wind Energy Basics
Author: Milton Pinto
392 Pages
ISBN: 9788521621607
Rights available
Restaurative Dentistry
Principles and Techniques
Author: Luiz Narciso Baratieri
804 Pages
ISBN: 9788572888226
Rights available
Using a structural-communicative method, this book leads the beginning student
to grasp, speak, read and write in Portuguese fluently and safely in a correct level
of colloquial language. It is intended for teenagers and adults of any nationality.
The texts and vocabulary were built from interests in family, and professional and
social areas. Additionally, aspects of culture, history and geography of Brazil are
presented in narrative texts and the grammatical concepts are applied and
embedded in numerous activities and exercises. The progression is active, as it
complies with the difficulty level and urgency of the grammatical problem.
Wind Energy Basics is a comprehensive book that comes at a time of growing
importance of this energy source. A result of thorough research, the book aims to
meet the demand of technical literature for systematic records of information on
historical, technical, operational and economic questions in this growing industry.
Its contents are suitable for students and professionals, since it offers chapters
from physical and statistical distributions on wind through topics such as electrical
equipment and facilities.
Technical and
544 Pages
ISBN: 9788527720694
Rights available
Nutrition and dietetics are knowledge areas in continuing change and updating.
Chemin | Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy Treaty approaches the most current
and relevant issues in these areas, such as, nutritional recommendations, human
nutrition and development, nutritional intervention in specific diseases, enteral
and parenteral nutrition, nutritional epidemiology, along with many charts, figures,
drawings and outlines. The book has 100 chapters, written by dermatologist from
all over the country, comprehending the main aspects of field and it shows us how
much we can get when a group of experts associate in the pursue of excellence.
We have actively worked and dedicated ourselves, with great care and organization
so that this book can remain a model for many years”
Restaurative Dentistry – Principles and Techniques is the essential resource for
anyone studying Dentistry. Professor Narciso Baratieri, Professor Sylvio Monteiro, and
their colleagues once again show their outstanding qualities. There are 30 chapters
with the most current issues in the area, with a didactic and a very practical coverage:
most chapters contain a detailed step-by-step of the techniques presented in this
textbook. All illustrations are innovative – a distinguishing trait of Professor Baratieri.
Focusing on excellence and on the dissemination of knowledge, HUB Editorial aims
at meeting the markets’ needs, supporting educators and institutions, looking
for innovation and anticipation of trends in a venturous step towards the future.
This commitment has allowed the development of educational materials which
are notable in their market share. They are over 300 titles especially produced
by competent professionals in the fields of languages and education, including
books, dictionaries, digital materials and apps.
Rua das Palmeiras, 214
São Paulo • 01226-010 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Susanna Florissi
55 11 3661-1150
[email protected]
Bem-vindo! A Língua Portuguesa
no Mundo da Comunicação
Authors: Maria Harumi de Ponce, Silva Andrade Burim and Susanna Florissi
217 Pages
ISBN: 978- 85-78831-24-3
CORPORA no ensino
de Línguas Estrangeiras
Authors: Vander Viana and Stella O. Tagnin
This book was developed for young adults and adults who want to learn Brazilian
Portuguese. The program focuses on the development of the four skills which are
essential for the language acquisition (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
and manages to make students communicate right from the first page of the
book. Four audio CDs show students distinct accents that can be found in
different regions of Brazil. Three exercise books were developed to meet the need
of students, speakers of different mother tongues: one for speakers of Asian
languages, a second one for speakers of Latin languages and a third one for
speakers of Anglo-Saxon languages.
The works presented in this book explore, through the findings of Corpus
Linguistics, applications for language teaching and translation, besides offering
theoretical support and reflections on this emergent subarea of linguistic studies.
The book establishes the profile of the research and the applications of Corpus
Linguistics in Brazil more accurately and can also be of interest for language
teachers, translators, linguists and other professionals in the field of Languages,
who will certainly find in it the foundation for the development of their competence
in the methodologies and applications of this stimulating field of knowledge.
Tudo bem? Português para
a nova geração
Authors: Maria Harumi de Ponce,
Silva Andrade Burim and Susanna Florissi
Level 1 - 155 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-75831-23-6
175 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-87343-84-0
CELPE-Bras sem segredos
Author: Graziela Forte
This course was developed for teenagers who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese.
The course involves communication skills right from the first class and teaches
the four skills which are essential for the acquisition of the language: listening,
speaking, reading and writing. The Teacher’s Guide contains a lot of ideas,
suggestions and activities to help use the material in the classroom. This Guide
also presents additional exercises and is available at
Technical and
85 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-63623-66-9
41 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-80760-70-5
CELPE-Bras sem segredos is the first material released in the Brazilian editorial
market, completely digital, that prepares the student of Portuguese as a Foreign
Language for the CELPE-BRAS Portuguese proficiency exam, through a study
method with a communicative focus. The student or teacher will get a password
by e-mail, which will give access to a platform of online studies with interactive
exercises that focus the Brazilian culture, with mock tests, texts, videos and audio
materials. Access the product site at
Established in January 2012, MJV Press is a publishing company that belongs to
MJV Technology & Innovation. It was created with the objective of disseminating
knowledge throughout the areas in which it has performed for 18 years: technology,
mobile and innovation. MJV has acquired expertise by developing and implementing
several projects alongside diverse clients. Therefore, the publication of books has
become essential for the company’s objective: disseminating knowledge. On
account of its desire to become a global firm, MJV Press printed its first book in
many languages. Hence “Design Thinking: Innovation in Business” has been read
by over 80,000 readers in several countries. In June, the book rights were sold to
the German publishing company Logos Verlag.
(versão em PORTUGUÊS/PORTUGUESE version)
Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna,
Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo
164 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65424-00-4 (paper book)
ISBN: 978-85-65424-03-5 (e-book)
Language: Portuguese
Book in Portuguese: Rights available
To innovate is a hard and often frustrating task, but one which is essential in
order to differentiate you in the market. Design thinking deals with traditional
business problems from multiple perspectives, helping to solve them in an
effective way, which leads to new paths. The objective of this work is to spread
the use of design culture as a strategic tool for businesses, together with the idea
that financial returns are often linked with the ability to approach old issues from
new angles. This book presents stages, techniques and tools illustrated through
genuinely Brazilian cases to inspire and aid in the work towards innovation.
(versão em INGLÊS/ENGLISH version)
Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna,
Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo
164 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65424-02-8 (paper book)
ISBN: 978-85-65424-01-1 (e-book)
Language: English
Book in English: Rights available
This book is addressed to professionals in all areas of business. Through it, we
intend to cover the genesis of innovation, as well methods and practices for its
implementation. The latter is at least as important as – or even more important
than – the innovation itself. We hope this book will encourage many companies
to create their own prototyping labs and business innovation departments, and
to introduce Design Thinking as standard management practice.
(versão em ESPANHOL/SPANISH version)
Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna,
Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo
164 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65424-04-2 (e-book)
Language: Spanish
Book in Spanish:Rights available.
Innovation guided by design has come to complement the vision of the market
that to innovate it is necessary to focus on the development or integration of new
technologies and the opening and/or serving of new markets. As well as these
technological and market factors, the design thinking consultancy innovates
principally by giving new meanings to products, services or relationships.
Technical and
Av. Marechal Câmara, 160 Gr. 206 • Centro.
Rio de Janeiro • 20020-080 • RJ • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Janaina Vieria
55 21 2532 6423
[email protected]
(versão em FRANCÊS/FRENCH version)
Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna,
Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo
164 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-65424-05-9 (e-book)
Language: French
Book in French: Rights available.
From this book’s conception, an initial view of the stages inherent to Design
Thinking’s approach applied to innovation projects is extended to its potential
readers. Companies in general and even entire industries, all over the world, feel
threatened by rapid change in the field of technology with the resulting impacts on
society and the market, and fall prey to surprise attacks by newcomers, new products
and business models. So, innovating may be risky, but not innovating is also risky.
(versão em ALEMÃO/GERMAN version)
Authors: Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna,
Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena, Beatriz Russo
164 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8325-3434-9 (paper book)
Language: German
Rights sold to: German
“One of the most didactic and practical books that I have ever read on innovation
and, mainly, on how to transform ideas into action. As a Service Management
professor, I teach that good services won’t be good forever. Either they change
the client’s expectations or the competitors will improve the original idea. So, it
is always necessary to innovate. Reading Design Thinking provides valuable
methodologies for all of those who wish to understand the need to innovate and
how to make innovations be transformed into solutions.” - Kleber Figueiredo
COPPEAD/UFRJ Director and Service Management Professor
The Napoleão Publishing House was founded by Napoleão Natal Neto and
started its activities as a bookstore in 1985.Currently, it is managed by his sons:
Leonardo Napoleão, graduated in Business Administration, and Guilherme
Napoleão, graduated in Law. The Publishing is located in Nova Odessa (São Paulo,
Brazil) and it is devoted to the publication of books on the health care field.
By means of the services of a competent production team, Napoleão Publishing
has an innovating approach in its publications by uniting art to technical matters
and richness about the details. With a modern vision, Napoleão Publishing
offersartistic quality for the health care area.
Rua Professor Carlos Liepin, 534 •Bela Vista
Nova Odessa • 13460-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Mr. Alan Freitas
55 19 3466-2063
[email protected]
Fundamentals of Occlusion
in Restorative Dentistry: Form,
Function and Aesthetics
Author: Wilson Batista Mendes
Scientific Evidences
in Aesthetics
and Osseointegration
Author: Mauricio Andrade Barreto,
Luis Rogério Duarte
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 616 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-46-9
Rights available
Practical Manual
for Periodontal
and Peri-implantary Surgery
Author: Renata Cimões, Estela Santos
Gusmão, Nikos Donos
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 336 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-41-4
Rights available
Orthodontics with Excellence
In the Search of the Clinical Perfection
Author: Jurandir Barbosa
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 752 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-42-1
Rights available
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 600 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-50-6
Rights available
A successful restorative work must be able to meet the expectations of the
patient and the professional. It must provide an appropriate function along
several years and it should particularly satisfy the aesthetical needs. The
biological and functional aspects of the restorations are not enough. The sum
of functional errors plus the unskillfulness of the professional generates dentistpatient dissatisfaction and the need to repeat the work, as attaining and keeping
a healthy and non-destructive occlusion is a major purpose in the Restorative
Dentistry. Form, function and aesthetics compose the occlusal treatment by
restorative procedures and they must convey harmony
Specialty in Focus
Beauty of the Smile
Author: André Callegari,
Reinaldo Brito E Dias
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 406 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-48-3
Rights available
The book was written in a way that allows a fast reading, especially because it
gathers in one volume an aesthetic restorative vision that is objective and easy
to understand. The presentation of various standpoints and the clinical experience
of the authors, who selected different daily cases with solutions by utilizing
modern materials and technologies, makes this book an important and updated
consultation source for clinical dentists, to be utilized in their daily professional
activities. Regarding the clinical cases presented, a Dentistry with a modern
vision is needed, that is, discussing and managing competent treatments in an
organized and objective way.
in Implantodontics
Author: André Antonio Pelegrine, Antonio
Carlos Aloise, Carlos Eduardo Sorgi Da Costa
Format: 23 x 31 cm - 248 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60842-47-6
Rights available
Hemocytoblasts in Implantodontics establishes a new paradigm in the odontological
science. Researchers with remarkable academic backgrounds and vast experience carry
their results to clinical applications of high complexity, forecasting great success. The
issue, due to its modernity, represents by itself a quality jump considering the way how
it is approached by the authors regarding its applicability; it fosters new paths towards
solutions through the most sophisticated practices. Searching treatments, based on
responsible researches, means that the future has reached the present, contributing to
the evolution of the treatments for the human beings. This work is a must-read, its
guidelines a must-learn, and utilizing them means to grow professionally.
Technical and
The content of this work is distributed in 19 chapters prepared with care and
depth, providing for its readers - researchers, professors, clinical dentists or
other interested persons - good enough vision and guidelines regarding the
current stage of the essential aspects involved in the exercise of the specialty.
Abundantly illustrated and enriched by classical bibliographical references and
articles about the current scientific approach, this book will enhance the
specialized literature and the one focused on our professional field, beingan
important and definitive reference within the history of the implantodontics.
Odontology, as a profession, needs to consolidate its practices and to adapt
them to the most modern principles. The material presented here is evidently
senseless for the Dentistry professional who does not think with the brains, but
with the hands. Nowadays, that professional is no longer accepted. However, as
regards to the qualified professional, the information contents, having proven
quality, for sure, they will make possible a better clinical practice, generating
more health and life quality for those ones who are the major purposes of the
profession: to serve the patients.
The renowned specialist Jurandir Barbosa united on this work an expressive number
of prestigious professionals in Orthondontics at the present time, who present
in-depth studies with significant contributions. As the author points out, this book
covers updated issues for the clinical day-to-day activities of the orthodontists. It is an
integration of knowledge that is needed to exert our specialty with excellence. It refers
from scientific evidences and civil responsibility up to orthognathic surgery. The
vision of the work is clear and objective; it offers an unquestionable, special touch,
having a sublime presentation because every scientific publication, of intellectual
and social vitality, means psychological and moral richness
Oficina de Textos is a young yet highly qualified Brazilian Publishing House, founded
in 1996. The company upholds the mission to support the Brazilian technical
community by consolidating and publishing the national expertise in areas that
are essential to environmental matters. Oficina de Textos publishes academic
and professional books on Civil Engineering, Sustainable Architecture, Geology,
Geography, Environmental Science & Technology, Remote Sensing, and related
subjects, with applications in different areas. Oficina de Textos has pioneered the
Inventing the Future series on the frontiers of science for young adults, and the
Deciphering Earth series on environmental awareness for youngsters.
Rua Cubatão, 959 • Vila Mariana
São Paulo • 04013-043 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Shoshana Signer
55 11 3085-7933
[email protected]
photovoltaic systems
Authors: Roberto Zilles, Wilson Negrão
Macêdo, Marcos André Barros Galhardo
and Sérgio Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 208 Pages
ISBN: 9788579750526
Rights available
Theory and Practice of Ore
Treatment Collection
Author: Arthur Pinto Chaves
Subsurface Drainage
of Pavement
Authors: Carlos Y. Suzuki, Angela Martins
Azevedo and Felipe IssaKabbach Júnior
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 240 Pages
ISBN: 9788579750755
Rights available
The book explains the deterioration of the pavement caused by the excess of
water infiltrating the road structure and presents the benefits of subsurface
drainage. It discusses issues deriving from inadequate drainage, as well as
procedures and examples of hydraulic dimensioning methods of the pavement
drainage system. This book is intended for engineering students and an important
professional reference in terms of project, construction and maintenance of
road infrastructure.
This book offers to designers, constructors, teachers, researchers and
students the countless contemporary aspects of Post-Occupancy Evaluation
in Brazil, presenting methodological alternatives for a way of seeing
beyond “beautiful or ugly” inherent in a more formal critique of architecture.
It is based on applied researches focused on better designing and construction
with a persistent thought in the housing end-user.
Field tests
and their applications
to Foundation Engineering
Author: Fernando Schnaid
and Edgar Odebrecht
Format: 21 x 28 cm - 223 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7975-059-5
Rights available
Nutrition guide
for native forest species
Authors: Maria Claudia Mendes Sorreano,
Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues
and Antonio EnediBoaretto
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems (GCPS) is a technology used in distributed
generation of electricity, allowing the production of energy where it is consumed
with low environmental impact. This work presents an overview of the main technical
and operational characteristics of GCPS, settings and calculations for the
dimensioning of GCPS and examples of systems in operation.
This second edition - extended and updated - focuses on the planning, performing
and use of field investigations. Calibration, corrections and interpreting get special
attention, emphasizing the aspects that require standardization. Interpretation of
obtained data is accomplished in the light of theoretical models. It is also evaluated
whether a test is adequate for a specific type of soil and the Engineering issue
faced in each case.
Technical and
Arthur Pinto Chaves graduated in
Metallurgical Engineer from University
of São Paulo, where he obtained both
Master’s and Doctorate degrees.
He worked for the Institute for Technological
Research of São Paulo and as manager
at several mine engineering companies.
Currently, he is a consultant and
Professor at the department of Mines
and Petroleum Engineering of the
University of São Paulo.
Environmental Housing Quality
Author: Simone Barbosa Villa and Sheila
Walbe Ornstein
Vol. 1 - Theory and Practice of Ore Treatment
Format: 14 x 21 cm- 272 Pages
ISBN: 9788587803263
Vol. 2 - Dewatering, Thickening and Filtering
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 200 Pages
ISBN: 9788587803182
Vol. 3 - Crushing, Sieving and Grinding
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 260 Pages
ISBN: 9788587803255
Vol. 4 - Flotation in Brazil
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 484 Pages
ISBN: 9788587803382
Vol. 5 - Handling of Granulate Solids
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 356 Pages
ISBN: 9788587803412
Vol. 6 - Densitary Separation
Format: 14 x 21 cm - 239 Pages
ISBN: 9788579750700
392 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7975-076-2
Rights available
Format: 16 x 23 cm - 256 Pages
ISBN: 9788579750496
Rights available
The book is addressed to professionals and researchers in the field of forest
restoration and presents an overview of mineral nutrition of plants from Brazilian
forests, serving as a practical reference for the correct seedling fertilization in
conservation and restoration projects. It includes a visual identification key with
colored illustrations and descriptions of the symptoms observed, enabling a
quick and easy identification of nutritional deficiencies.
Founded in 1983, Papirus Publishing House has been active for more than 30
years and during this time has developed an important catalogue, with some
titles exported and sold to other countries. Papirus editorial focus is in the field
of human sciences, books for the general public and children’s literature – the
majority of which are also available as e-books. We have published several
authors of international renown (Jean Baudrillard, Félix Guattari, Gilles
Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu, Sartre, Robert Stam, Gilberto
Dimenstein and Rubem Alves, among many others), but there is always room
for new ones to be revealed. We have launched more than a thousand titles, of
which 400 are still in catalogue.
R. Dr. Gabriel Penteado, 253
Campinas • 13041-305 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Beatriz Marchesini
55 19 3272-4500
[email protected]
Documentary Script:
from pre-production
to post-production
Author: Sérgio Puccini
On the Central Theme
of Habermasian Critical Theory
Organizer: Marcos Nobre and Luiz Repa
144 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0889-1
Rights available
This book exams the process of writing scripts for documentary films. While in a
fiction film screenwriting takes place entirely during the development phase,
prior to pre-production and shooting, in the documentary, the writing many times
extends throughout the entire production process. In this regard, Sérgio Puccini
presents considerations on the stages of pre-production, shooting and postproduction, focusing on the role each one plays in constructing a documentary.
He also demonstrates how the possibility of working with an open script can
allow technical areas, like cinematography and editing, to have greater creative
participation in the film.
Technical and
208 Pages
ISBN 978-85-308-0961-4
Rights available
Habermas is best known for his ideas on communicative action. Indeed, his thoughts
on emancipation are often confused with communicative rationality. But it doesn’t end
there. This philosopher attempts to produce a theory of rationality, not only a theory of
communicative rationality. Habermas himself states that his Critical Theory of Society
consists of a “reconstructive theory of society”. Far from being a mere methodology,
“reconstruction” is the structural category of his work. Through it, he aims to both identify
potentials for emancipation of our time, “(…) and critique and incorporate the results from
non-critical social theories, from traditional theories. This book aims precisely to present
this central idea in all aspects and phases of Habermas’s work
Parábola Editorial, a Brazilian publishing house, opened business in 2001 with
its first title: Português ou Brasileiro? Um convite à pesquisa, still on catalogue.
Our aim is to publish titles on language teaching and learning, linguistics,
philosophy, pedagogy and literature for children and young readers. We believe
we represent a new beginning in language education publishing, because we
seek to choose good authors and themes. Having a close contact with our
authors is an essential part of our activities. As result of this strategy, our books
combine theory, research, and experience. Nowadays, we have 160 titles in our
catalogue, and we reprint several of them annually. We hope you can find in this
brief review inspiration and opportunities.
Rua Dr. Mário Vicente, 394 • Ipiranga
São Paulo • 04270-00 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department
Mr. Marcos Marcionilo
55 11 5061-9262
[email protected]
Connected School
Multiliteracy and the ICTs
Organizer: Roxane Rojo
Lingua[gem] Collection
ISBN: 978-85-7934-069-7
Rights available
280 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7934-051-2
Rights available
The impact of new technologies over language teaching is undeniable. Rapid
changes have demanded teachers and students to acquire new abilities and
develop new strategies to fully use the potential of the new technologies. The
school must be connected with its students (and teachers!) to have access to
educational opportunities offered by these new technologies. We live in the
liquid languages era, in the era of networking and relationships. The school must
prepare its audience for an increasingly digital functioning on the society and to
seek within cyberspace a meeting spot with differences and multiple identities.
concepts, analyzes and parameters
Author: Maria Helena de Moura Neves
Lingua[gem] Collection
How would a people have gotten to a situation in which there would be a grammar
manual to be prepared? Tradition teaches us that this happened in Greece,
in the Hellenistic period, a moment in which there was a collapse of the patterns
of the language considered “pure”, fact that already exposes the work’s motivation.
The center of the query is the indetermination of language, what conditions a
multiplicity of relationships and tensions, all of it determining more fluidity than
rigidity in language use, that is, more continuous accommodations than
immutable installations.
Discourse Studies
theoretical perspectives
Organizer: Luciano Amaral Oliveira
Lingua[gem] Collection
ISBN: 978-85-7934-068-0
Rights available
296 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7934-024-6
Rights available
This book has been elaborated to a well-established target audience: graduate
and undergraduate students of language and literature who aim to acquire a
theoretical base to further their studies on discourse and to be able to analyze
texts from different perspectives. It presents important sources of information
which discourse scholars have been drinking of. The aim is to give readers the
opportunity to know some of these sources not only to allow them to dive into
these sources, but also to make readers better comprehend the thought of
theoreticians who have worked on discourse phenomena.
New Pragmatics
Periods and Features
Author: Kanavillil Rajagopalan
Lingua[gem] Collection
This book synthetizes Kanavillil Rajagopalan’s reflections over the speech acts
theory, its main inspiration, J. L. Austin, and its major propagandist, John Searle.
What Rajagopalan makes evident is that the reading Searle does of Austin’s
work is a skewed and interested intervention, and that there are other reading
possibilities for Austin’s work and to seize his intuitions – crushed by the prestige
and monopoly of Searle’s interpretation. Regarding his theory, Austin places
himself in collision course with not less than the platonic realism, which both
defines and functions as one of the bastions of the philosophical enterprise
called analytical philosophy.
Textual Production,
Genre Analysis and Understanding
Author: Luiz Antônio Marcuschi
Educação linguística Collection
Multiliteracies at School
Organizerss: Roxane Rojo e Eduardo Moura
Estratégias de ensino Series
264 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7934-041-3
Rights available
296 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-88456-74-7
Rights available
How to study language? This is one of the main issues which guide the author
through the whole book. Rather focused on the theory of textual production,
the author approaches the history of Linguistics in the twentieth century,
the notion of subject, subjectivity, discourse, text and genre, under the social
interactionist perspective of the language, and analyses textual genres in the
speaking-writing continuum.
Technical and
If by the middle of the twentieth century literacy practices based on the use of
written technology fulfilled the demands imposed to school education, this is no
longer the case when digital technologies appear. New challenges are imposed
on the school. We must see our students as protagonist subjects in the construction
of meaningful knowledge and we must recognize the youngsters’ position as
producers and consumers of cultural assets in new medias, understanding that
juvenile cultures construct, from literate specific practices, social networks. The
networks will allow these young people to become active cultural agents in
several local and global cultures.
Uni Duni Publishing is specialized in children’s books and also publishes books on
Learning Disabilities, aimed at parents, educators and professionals in the subject.
Our mission is to stimulate the habit of reading in our children, with the responsibility
of publishing attractive, educational and fun books which will aid in the development
of a higher awareness, education and better human relationships.
Rua Antônio de Albuquerque, 247 - salas 402/403
Belo Horizonte • 30112-010 • MG • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Gláucia Gonçalves
55 31 3309-4272
[email protected]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
in childhood
Author: Claudia Ferreira
Illustrator: Claudio Martins
Technical and
Format: 21x21cm - 56 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-60276-04-2
Rights available
This book offers information in a simple language to everybody who is involved
with the education of children diagnosed with ADHD. It is based on the latest
findings regarding this disorder, bringing together educational strategies in great
detail on how to deal with children with ADHD. A great book for parents, teachers
and coaches successfully educate a child with ADHD – Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder. This work will help these children to develop their potential
to the fullest. Themes: ADHD, disorder, children, attention deficit, hyperactivity,
parents,schools, teachers, orientations, techniques.
Yendis Publishing House aims at publishing and selling quality books at good
price, thus helping to increase the cultural and technical development of its readers,
students or professionals. Quite beyond a marketing process, working with content
production is to foster discussions, fill gaps, point out ways and, particularly,
encourage the intellectual development of mankind. With works on Health and
Education, the publishing house’s main fields, and publications on general interest
and special projects that aim at creating solutions to many companies reality,
Yendis strengthens the quality of its work and the public acknowledgement with
several partnerships, and seeks new achievements by entering the digital market.
Rua Major Carlos Del Prete, 510
São Caetano do Sul • 09530-000 • SP • Brazil
Rights Department:
Ms. Maria Luisa Maciel Lolato
55 11 4224-9400
[email protected]
of Dietetic Techniques
Authors: Gisele Bizon Benetti,
Lucia Maria Branco, Nianza Comenale,
Silvana Ramos Atayde and Vivian Zollar
Approved Collection:
a guide to tests, quizzes and exams
Organizer: Dirce Laplaca Viana
264 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7728-330-9
Rights available
Written by teachers and experts in Nutrition, this Handbook of Dietetic
Techniques gathers technical content and practical tools that are necessary
to students and professionals’ education and update, forming an essential
tool in the laboratory as well as in daily routine. This work aims at explaining what
essential characteristics the food must present to be considered suitable for
consumption and how to practice our sensorial analysis. It also approaches the
dietetic techniques used in cookery, in order to preserve nutrients, and highlights
changes to which food is subjected to and the best ways to preserve it.
Didactic Course on Nutrition
3 vol. Organizer: Gisele Bizon
Vol. 1: 432 Pages - Vol. 2: 368 Pages
Vol. 3: 168 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7728-326-2
Rights available
The collection provides students and teachers a comprehensive and precise
content to achieve excellence in learning. Organized in three volumes, this
material approaches the main concepts which found the Nutrition subject
and accredit the degree in the area. At the end of each chapter, the reader
finds exercises with explained answers that clarify the approached matters
and help the student’s learning, in the classroom and outside it. Conceived by
teachers and experts in Nutrition, it is an essential tool in new professionals’
training, since it contributes to a practical education and arises in each
student a continuing search for knowledge.
Didactic Course on Radiology
3 vol. - Organizer: Anderson
Fernandes Moraes
Vol. 1: 336 Pages - Vol. 2: 328 Pages
Vol. 3: 352 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7728-216-6
Rights available
The health sector is in a moment in which the diagnoses by images are going
through a great evolution and are considered more and more a technological
reference to the treatment of several diseases. Due to the lack of a work that covers
the essential topics to the technical training in this area, this collection, richly
illustrated, brings in-depth content on the subject, talking from management in
radiology and important theoretical issues in the teaching foundation, till techniques
and practices demonstrated through pictures which will help the learning process.
Technical and
1.336 Pages (the entire collection)
ISBN: 978-85-7728-296-8
Rights available
In the healthcare area, thousands of positions in public institutions are created
annually, showing that the governmental sector increasingly becomes the main
source of job opportunities, besides the already representative number of job
positions in private institutions. With an unpublished approach, the collection is
intended for students and professionals who seek stable status in their career.
The 10 books bring questions that comprises the several subjects of the Nursing
course, helping the student in a dynamic and complete way. Besides that, the
reader will find explained answers with the references to deepen their studies in
all the questions - a pioneer aspect of the collection.
Health Promotion:
fundamentals and practices
Organizers: Maria de Jesus Castro Sousa
Harada, Mavilde da Luz Gonçalvez Pedreira
and Dirce Laplaca Viana
624 Pages
ISBN: 978-85-7728-307-1
Rights available
how to identify them in a new strategic
vision Business relationship 3ª ed.
Authors: Fábio França
152 Pages
SBN: 978-85-7728-270-8
Rights available
The health promotion proposal, adopted in several countries, emphasizes the
development of healthy public policies, linking different sectors of society, in
order to result in improvements in the population way of living and in the
reduction of health risks. The conception of this book came from the experience
of the organizers as nurses who desired a tool able to provide health promotion
support that could be applied in any environment of the nursing practice. Based
on this concept, they developed a material that contains theoretical and practical
support, in addition to examples in case reports, which provides foundation to
the development of health promotion actions.
Professor Fábio França has given the academic community and the professional
market a new concept that is enriching the study of the audiences, mapping them
completely and comprehensively. This third edition, revised and expanded, comes
out in a moment that, thanks to the social nets growth, the understanding about
the relations between audiences and organizations becomes even more necessary,
presenting an unpublished concept to classify the audiences built with the use of
logical theory. Its reading is mandatory for those who search new ways to map
strategic audiences through dependence, participation and interference criteria
Executive Manager
Ana Julia Cury de Brito Cabral
VP Business and Finance
Bernardo Gurbanov - Editora Letra Viva
VP Comunication
Hubert Alquéres - Bandeirantes Comércio de Material
Didático – Editora Jatobá
VP Secretary
Vítor Tavares - Distribuidora Loyola de Livros
Renato de Andrade Lessa
Subcommittee Translation and Publication
General Coordinator
Moema Sá Pereira Salgado
Executive Coordinator
Ana Cristina Sá de Souza
Program Coordinator of the Translation Support
Fábio Biangolino Texeira Lima
Publications Coordinator
Rachel Bertol Domingues
Subcommittee Cultural Programming
General Coordinator
Gotschalk Fraga
Executive Coordinator
Antonio Carlos Martinelli Junior
Performing Arts Coordinator
Antônio Gilberto Porto Ferreira
Visual Arts Coordinator
Francisco de Assis Chaves Bastos
Music Coordinator
Claudio Guimarães Ferreira
Subcommittee Brazilian Publishers Collective Booth
General Coordinator
Karine Gonçalves Pansa
Executive Coordinator
Luiz Alvaro Salles Aguiar de Menezes
New Partnerships Coordinator
Rosely Maria Shinyashiki Boschini
University Publishers Coordinator
José Castilho Marques Neto
Bibliodiversity Coordinator
Haroldo Ceravolo Sereza
Representative of the Board
International Relations of the Ministry of Culture
Antonio Alves Junior
Manuel da Costa Pinto
Project Assistant
Morena Madureira
Karine Gonçalves Pansa - Girassol Brasil Edições
Executive Director
Mansur Abunasser Bassit – Câmara Brasileira do Livro
Publishing Directors
Lúcia Jurema Figueirôa - Editora Moderna
Henrique Kiperman - Artmed Editora
Wagner Veneziani Costa - Madras Editora
Vera Lúcia Balhestero - Editora Scipione - Abril Educação –
Editoras Ática & Scipione
Book Directors
Susanna Florissi - Hub Editorial
Marcos Pedri - Distribuidora Curitiba de Papeis e Livros
Antonio Erivan Gomes - Cortez Editora e Livraria
Marcus Teles C. de Carvalho - Leitura Distribuidora
e Representações
Distributors Directors
Francisco Salvador Canato - Disal Editora
Paulo Victor de Carvalho - Inovação Distribuidora de Livros
Nassim Batista da Silva - Bookmix Comércio de Livros
José de Alencar Mayrink - Editora e Distribuidora Lê
Door to Door Directors
Luiz Antonio de Souza - Editora Globo
Mario Amadio - Editora Rideel Ltda
Diego Drummond e Lima - Editora Escala
Luís Antonio Torelli - Editora Trilha das Letras
Dolores (DOSH) Manzano
Copy Editing
Karen Hayashi
Printing Support
Cinthia Marcillo Favilla
Scientific Linguagem
Layout and Cover Ilustration
Via Impressa
Books and Rights catalogue

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