Cornflake makers and socialists alike are pointing to
green fuel for high food prices. Are they right?
High food prices always hit the poor hardest, and these
days there is plenty of bad news. Corn prices are nearly
$4 a bushel, almost double their 2005 level. In Mexico, for
instance, that translates into a 50 percent rise in the price
of corn tortillas, which has elicited protests from tens of
thousands of workers. Many blame the burgeoning U.S.
biofuel industry, centered around corn-based ethanol, for
the crunch. Fidel Castro says diverting corn into fuel is a
“tragic” turn of events for the world’s poor, while
Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez calls it “craziness.”
They aren’t the only ones pointing the finger at biofuels for
high prices – food makers like Kellog’s are also. While
biofuels are a convenient scapegoat, global food
economics are a complex phenomenon. A surge in global
food demand, high oil prices, uncooperative weather,
currency fluctuations and biofuels all play a part in
explaining the new, stratospheric world of food economics.
About a third of the recent corn-price rise is “just a
currency issue.” The dollar has plummeted against most of
the world’s currencies, and since most internationally
traded foods are priced in dollars, the price hikes lose
some of their bite abroad. ”If you look at food-price
inflation from a euro-currency perspective, it doesn’t look
as bad as it does in dollars.”
Bad weather has also played its part. Drought in Australia
ravaged its wheat crop last year, and exports fell by more
than 20 percent. Recent flooding in China has destroyed
5.5 million hectares of wheat and rapeseed, and an
abnormally dry growing season across northern Europe
threatens grain yields. Rising oil prices hurt, too. The
most “worrisome” aspect of food production is how much
energy it consumes. Each step from reaping to packaging
uses additional energy – and with oil at close to $80 a
barrel, that adds up. Taken together, these factors, from
weather to bio-fuels to oil, contribute about 30 percent to
the recent price hikes.
But perhaps the most significant factor is rising wealth,
particularly in the developing world. Since 2002, the
combined GDP of the 24 largest emerging markets has
doubled, according to Bank of America, and per capita
income has risen by nearly 14 percent a year. As families
get richer, they can more regularly indulge in meat and
dairy products. In China, beef consumption has gone up
by 26 percent since 2000, and pork, which was already
popular, rose by 19 percent. Even in India, where much of
the population is vegetarian, chicken consumption has
almost doubled since 2000.
The rise of per capita income in emerging markets is itself
responsible for as much as one third of the current foodprice inflation, say experts. With wealth rising, the globe
warming and no technological fix in sight, higher food
prices are unlikely to be a short-term phenomenon (as
they would be if the ethanol craze were the primary
cause). The good news may be that more poor will get rich
enough to buy corn anyway.
(Adapted from “Blame It on Biofuels,” NEWSWEEK August 22/
August 27, 2007, page 32.)
01. In accordance to the text,
0-0) corn prices have risen considerably lately.
1-1) both Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez are for the
green fuel.
2-2) the U.S. corn-based ethanol industry is
somehow responsible for high food prices.
3-3) food-price inflation does not affect the price of
corn tortillas in Mexico.
4-4) all the blame for the crunch lies just on the
American corn-based ethanol industry.
Resposta: VFVFF
0-0) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. Os preços do milho subiram
de forma considerável ultimamente, e a indústria
americana de etanol à base de milho é, de
alguma forma, responsável pela alta nos preços
dos alimentos.
1-1), 3-3) e 4-4) Falsos. Tanto Fidel Castro quanto
Hugo Chávez são contra o biocombustível; a
inflação nos preços dos alimentos afeta o preço das
“tortillas’ de milho no México; e a culpa pela situação
crítica reside, parcialmente, na indústria norteamericana de etanol à base de milho.
02. The factors that have contributed to explain the
critical situation in global food economics are
a sudden increase in global food demand.
drought and flooding worldwide.
low oil prices.
irregular currency variations.
green fuel.
Resposta: VVFVV
0-0), 1-1), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. Os fatores que
contribuem para explicar a situação crítica na
economia global de alimentos são: o súbito aumento
na demanda global por alimentos; as estiagens e as
inundações; as variações irregulares na moeda
corrente; e o biocombustível.
2-2) Falso. Os preços baixos do petróleo não
correspondem à realidade expressa nesse texto.
03. Some of the consequences of rising wealth,
particularly in the developing world, are
0-0) an increase of more than 10 percent in per
capita income a year.
1-1) doubling the GDP of the smallest emerging
2-2) no beef consumption at all in India.
3-3) more consumption of meat and dairy products
by families in general.
4-4) a reduction of 26 percent in beef consumption in
Resposta: VFFVF
0-0) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. Um aumento de mais de
10% ao ano na renda per capita e mais consumo de
carne e produtos derivados do leite são as respostas
que encontram apoio no texto.
1-1), 2-2) e 4-4) Falsos. Dobrar/Duplicar o GDP dos
mercados dos menores países emergentes; nenhum
consumo de carne na Índia; e um decréscimo em
26% no consumo de carne na China são respostas
que não estão conforme o texto.
04. Both the title and the subtitle of the text express
0-0) some controversy.
1-1) a fact and some reasons to support it.
2-2) an argument and its questioning.
3-3) an argument and a doubt.
4-4) an argument and some disagreement.
Resposta: VFVVV
0-0), 2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. Como um todo, o
título e o subtítulo do texto expressam: alguma
controvérsia; um argumento e seu questionamento;
um argumento e uma dúvida; e um argumento e
alguma discordância dele.
1-1) Falso. Um fato e algumas razões para
fundamentá-lo não encontra apoio no texto.
05. Some of the topics that the author deals with in
“Blame It on Biofuels” are
0-0) agribusiness.
1-1) global food economics.
2-2) energy use.
3-3) food-price inflation.
4-4) weather forecasts.
Resposta: VVVVF
0-0), 1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. Alguns dos
tópicos que o autor trata em “Blame It on Biofuels”
são: o agronegócio, a economia global de alimentos,
o uso de energia e a inflação no preço dos
4-4) Falso. A previsão do tempo não foi abordada
nesse texto. Apenas são mencionadas as secas e as
inundações/enchentes para ilustrar os danos
causados no aumento dos preços dos alimentos.
06. In the last paragraph of the text, the author himself
0-0) presents the experts’ opinion.
1-1) expresses his own opinion.
2-2) makes use of some irony.
3-3) blames only biofuels for food-price inflation.
4-4) states that higher food prices will be a fact soon.
Resposta: VVVFF
0-0), 1-1) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. No último parágrafo do
texto, o próprio autor apresenta a opinião de
especialistas; expressa sua opinião; e usa de ironia
em sua argumentação.
3-3) e 4-4) Falsos. Em momento algum, o autor
culpa apenas os biocombustíveis pela inflação no
preço dos alimentos nem afirma que os preços mais
altos dos alimentos serão um fato em breve.
07. The sentence “They aren’t the only ones pointing the
finger at biofuels for high prices – food makers like
Kellog’s are also.” can be, adequately, substituted for
0-0) Both they and food makers like Kellog’s are
pointing the finger at biofuels for high prices.
1-1) Not only they, but also food makers like
Kellog’s, are pointing the finger at biofuels for
high prices.
2-2) Only they, not food makers like Kellog’s, are
pointing the fingers at biofuels for high prices.
3-3) They are pointing the fingers only at biofuels for
high prices, but food makers like Kellog’s aren’t.
4-4) They aren’t pointing the finger at biofuels for
high prices; neither are food makers like
Resposta: VVFFF
0-0) e 1-1) Verdadeiros. Tanto eles (Fidel Castro e
Chavez) quanto os produtores de alimentos, como
Kellog’s, estão culpando os biocombustíveis pelos
preços altos. Não apenas eles, mas também os
produtores de alimentos, como Kellog’s, estão
culpando os biocombustíveis pela alta nos preços.
2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Falsos. A exclusão representada
pelas frases: ‘Apenas eles, não os produtores de
alimentos’; ‘Eles, mas não os produtores de
alimentos’; e ‘Eles não estão culpando os
biocombustíveis nem os produtores de alimentos,
como Kellog’s’, justifica a incorreção das frases
nesse contexto.
08. In the sentence “If you look at food-price inflation
from a euro-currency perspective, it doesn’t look as
bad as it does in dollars,” the underlined phrase can
be, adequately, substituted for
0-0) It looks worse than it does in dollars.
1-1) It doesn’t look so bad as it does in dollars.
2-2) It looks a little better than it does in dollars.
3-3) It looks somewhat better than it does in dollars.
4-4) It doesn’t look good at all, not even in dollars.
Resposta: FVVVF
1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. As frases que podem
substituir adequadamente o segmento sublinhado
são: ‘Não parece tão ruim como em dólares’. ‘Parece
um pouco melhor em dólares’. ‘Parece, de alguma
forma, melhor do que em dólares’.
0-0) e 4-4) Falsos. ‘Parece pior do que em dólares’.
‘Não parece de jeito nenhum boa, nem mesmo em
dólares’ não expressam a intenção do autor nesse
10. France’s most translated author
On July 31, 1944, Antoine de Saint-Exupery disappeared
over the Mediterranean during a reconnaissance mission
for the French air force. In all likelihood, he was shot down
by a German ambush, but the mystery surrounding his
death added a lustre to the already notorious reputation of
France’s most translated author, aviator, writer, bohemian,
and aristocrat.
0-0) was born in eighteen hundred.
1-1) belonged to a traditional noble family.
2-2) had three brothers only.
3-3) grew up in a big castle.
4-4) lost his father in nineteen four.
Resposta: FVFVV
Saint-Exupery lived a flamboyant tormented existence.
Compulsively nostalgic, he spent most of his adult years
trying to recreate the memory of a sublime childhood. He
risked his life for the fun of flying through space, attempted
to tame his capricious wife, and returned to battle when he
was really too old for it, unable to resist the comradeship
of military duty. Like his most famous creation, The Little
Prince, he seems to have spent his lifetime wandering the
globe, a curious but unhappy visitor on this planet.
Born in 1900, into a long line of French nobility, Antoine
was the oldest of five siblings who were raised in a large
chateau at Saint-Maurice-de-Remens. With the exception
of his father’s death in 1904, he enjoyed a coddled
childhood, filled with aristocratic pleasures and
idiosyncrasies. His mother read morally uplifting stories to
him under the linden trees. It was in this protected
atmosphere of luxury that Antoine developed his
precocious fascination with mechanics and flying.
The war ended just as he was about to report for duty.
Instead, he went to Strasbourg and became a pilot,
finishing, typically, at the bottom of his class. Most of the
adventures related in his early books, Night Flight and
Wind, Sand and Stars, took place between 1926 and
1932, when he flew for the Latecoere airmail line in West
Africa and South America.
Webster suggests that Saint-Exupery flew dangerously off
course on his final fatal flight because he swung his plane
inland to get a glimpse of Saint-Maurice-de-Remens.
Again, like the little prince, he was willing to die in order to
get back home.
(From The GUARDIAN WEEKLY, Jane Mendelsohn: American
critic, about Paul Webster’s book: ”Antoine de Saint-Exupery: the
Life and Death of the Little Prince”, October 17, 2006)
O escritor francês mais traduzido no mundo 1-1)
pertenceu a uma tradicional família da aristocracia
francesa; 3-3) cresceu em um grande castelo; e 4-4)
perdeu seu pai em 1904. As afirmações 0-0) nasceu em 1800 - e 2-2) - tinha apenas três irmãos
- não conferem com aquelas do texto.
11. As a child, the nostalgic Saint-Exupery
0-0) was treated formally and roughly.
1-1) was early seduced by mechanics and flying.
2-2) got too much attention from everyone in his
3-3) enjoyed upper class recreational activities.
4-4) listened to morally-encouraging stories that
were read by his mom.
Resposta: FVVVV
Durante sua infância, Saint-Exupéry, 1-1) viu-se
precocemente seduzido pela ciência da mecânica e
pela arte de voar; 2-2) recebeu, sempre, demasiada
atenção daqueles que o rodeavam; 3-3) divertiu-se
com atividades recreativas infantis da alta classe; e
4-4) ouviu variadas histórias educativas de fundo
moral, lidas pela sua mãe sob as árvores do grande
castelo onde cresceu, em Saint-Maurice-deRemens, na França.
O item 0-0) - quando criança, Sait-Exupéry era
tratado de maneira rígida e formal – não tem apoio
no texto.
12. Antoine, the author of “The Little Prince,”
09. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
died while working for the French air force.
seemed to lead a life without a fixed purpose.
had both a good and bad reputation.
experienced a showy, happy and adventurous
but painful life.
4-4) had pleasure in evoking the past years.
Resposta: VVVVV
succeeded in reporting for duty.
wasn’t, in fact, a brilliant pilot student.
worked for the Latecoere airmail line.
had never been to Strasbourg nor South
4-4) couldn’t finish his book: “Night Flight and Wind”.
Resposta: FVVFF
Todas as opções são verdadeiras. Antoine de SaintExupery, autor do mundialmente famoso: ”O
Pequeno Príncipe”, 0-0) faleceu enquanto trabalhava
para a Forca Aérea Francesa; 1-1) parecia levar
uma vida sem um objetivo determinado; 2-2) era
amplamente conhecido, mas possuía uma reputação
questionável; 3-3) experienciou uma vida feliz,
permeada de aventuras e aparências, mas também
uma existência narcisista, conturbada e conflitante; e
4-4) era compulsivamente nostálgico.
As respostas verdadeiras são: Antoine de SaintExupéry, autor do “The Little Prince”, 1-1) não foi um
aluno brilhante durante seu curso de piloto de
aeronaves, em Strasbourg; e 2-2) trabalhou para a
linha de correio aéreo Latecoere, durante cerca de 6
As demais questões, 0-0) conseguiu
apresentar-se para o serviço militar; 3-3) nunca
havia estado em Strasburgo nem na América do Sul;
e 4-4) não pode terminar o seu livro “Night Flight and
Wind” são inverídicas.
13. Webster, the author of “Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
The Life and Death of the Little Prince,” thinks that
0-0) flew his plane really low to be able to have a
quick look at his hometown.
1-1) was a very skilled, careful and responsible pilot.
2-2) likewise the little prince, wanted to die so that he
could get back home.
3-3) flew dangerously on his final flight because he
liked challenging his wife.
4-4) committed suicide deliberately in order to let his
wife free and joyful.
Resposta: VFVFF
As opcões 0-0) e 2-2) são verdadeiras. Paul
Webster, autor da obra: ”Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
The Life and Death of the Little Prince”, opina que
Saint-Exupéry fez seu avião voar verdadeiramente
baixo, para que o mesmo pudesse ter uma rápida
visão da sua cidade, Saint-Maurice-de-Remens; e,
similarmente ao Pequeno Príncipe, ele queria morrer
para poder retornar ao aconchego do lar, da família.
Os itens 1-1) era um piloto hábil, cuidadoso e
responsável; 3-3) planou seu avião perigosamente
no seu vôo final porque aprazia-lhe desafiar sua
esposa; e 4-4) suicidou-se propositadamente, para
deixar sua mulher feliz e livre são falsos.
14. The extract “In all likelihood,” is equivalent in
meaning to:
0-0) not very probable.
1-1) unexpected.
2-2) very probable.
3-3) most probably.
4-4) highly probable.
Resposta: FFVVV
os itens 2-2) 3-3)
e 4-4) são verdadeiros. A
expressão “In all likelihood” é similar em significado
a “muito provável”, “mais provavelmente” e
“altamente provável”. As questões 0-0) não muito
provável e 1-1) inesperado não correspondem, em
significado, à expressão proposta.
15. The sentence “The war ended just as he was about
to report for duty” can be paraphrased as
0-0) When he was ready to report for duty, the war
1-1) As soon as the war ended, he gave up reporting
for duty.
2-2) He had just reported for duty when the war was
3-3) When he was willing to report for duty, the war
came to an end.
4-4) He was just ready to report for duty, when the
war was over.
Resposta: VFFVV
A frase pode ser parafraseada como; 0-0) Quando
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry estava pronto para se
alistar nas forças armadas, a guerra terminou; 3-3)
Quando ele quis alistar-se nas forças amadas, a
guerra acabou; e 4-4) Ele estava prestes a alistar-se
quando a guerra teve fim. Os itens 1-1) Logo que a
Guerra acabou, ele desistiu de alistar-se; e 2-2) Ele
tinha acabado de se alistar nas forças armadas,
quando a guerra acabou.
16. In the title of the article “The little prince who never
really grew up” the extract “…never really grew up”
0-0) never actually grew any peas.
1-1) in fact, never got mature.
2-2) never enjoyed growing in a castle.
3-3) indeed, never turned into an adult.
4-4) has never fully grown into a man.
Resposta: FVFVV
As opções 1-1), 3-3) e 4-4) são verdadeiras. No
título do artigo”The little prince who never really grew
up”, o extrato “ …never really grew up” significa: ”O
pequeno príncipe que, 1-1) na verdade, nunca amadureceu; ou 3-3) sem dúvida alguma, nunca se
tornou adulto; ou 4-4) nunca se tornou integralmente
um homem .
Os itens 0-0) na verdade, nunca plantou ervilhas; e
2-2) jamais apreciou crescer em um castelo
contradizem a informação textual.

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