On November 10th, 1998, the United Nations General Assembly
proclaimed the years 2001 to 2010, as the International Decade for
the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the
Children of the World.
We embraced this cause because we believe that to educate
consists on reducing the violence and we must teach non violence
Our dream is to produce sugar not only to sweeten our lives but to
contribute to positive feelings and abilities to bring useful solutions to
conflicts. Our dream is to produce ethanol not only as renewable
fuel but to produce ethanol to provide energy to social changes.
Cities for Peace Program is a successful program in our region.
We invite you to get to know, to participate and to bring new
partnerships in order to broaden and deepen its results.
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
1. Introduction
Egoism, intolerance, mistrust and to live at another’s expenses because of
predatory competition are results of self-cultivated people who contribute to anti
social behaviors promoting violence. In this spirit, countless families are
disintegrating, or face animosity, conflicts, physical violence, affronts, verbal
abuses and others. The emotional learning, development of competences in
order to deal with negative emotions, those that are able to stop peace with
yourself or others, is the only efficient approach to stop the process of violence.
But how should we avoid violence? How to exterminate it where it exists?
How to build peace fundamentals? The answer is in the mind. And our mind
we must promote processes to establish peace and harmony. For this reason, it
is necessary to adopt strategies at long and short terms. Both must be adopted
simultaneously, but due to their complexity, it is impossible to adopt both and it
is impossible to make a complete list of all requirements needed. The only thing
we are convinced is: to launch solid peace fundamentals to establish peace at
minds, institutions and social processes. *
IT IS ABOUT EDUCATION WORK, therefore educational and cultural segments
of the city must be involved. It is an effort to promote superior instincts and
control those who are always with negative thoughts. It is known all over the
world that necessary educational processes to free the mind from social and
prejudicial behaviors must start since childhood. Family is the basis for the
culture of peace.
* Ravindra Varma
Educational effort to build peace must consider the crucial importance which
family has in our society. On the other hand, schools have an important task on
the development of the culture of peace and non-violence.
The media and third sector entities associated to public and private sector can
develop very efficient projects at short, medium and long term, and they will run
together with immediate and repressive initiatives of police and justice.
All institutions, as well as human beings, have an important task to do: to
cultivate peace through educational process that goes over and above
repressive postures, involving all segments of society.
2. Denomination
3. Nature of the program
Cities for Peace Program is a cultural and socio-educative program and its
proposal is to integrate volunteer work in the different social segments,
therefore respecting the differences and aiming common interests in order to
promote peace at Moema Sugar and Ethanol Mill´s region.
4. Justificative of the project
Urban violence is a serious social illness and it has affected people’s quality of
life. This theme is very complex, wide-ranging, presents diffuse variables and it
is frequently faced with simple, reduced and immediate actions which transform
this theme into an inefficient and frustrating work. Deeper and more complex
initiatives urge from reflections based on new paradigms of social phenomenon.
Although repressive actions (police and justice) are needed, they are not
enough to stop violence. Together with these actions we need different cultural
and socio-educative actions in order to fight against the causes, and to work
towards the reduction of violence efficiently.
Cities for Peace Program does not exclude actions in practice. The Program
supports all of them in an integrated, harmonic and synergetic approach,
aiming common interest between in practice actions and future actions.
5. Institutional Mark
This Program is a project of Moema Sugar and Ethanol Mill, Culture and
Education Bureau and some segments of the population. The Program has a
social interest, thus it aims special visibility and interest of the institutions.
6. Objectives of the project
To understand violence better, and particularly at Moema Sugar and Ethanol
Mill´s region.
To deepen the comprehension of interdependency among all society’s
segments involved in production and control of the violence.
To increase reciprocal cooperation among all society’s segments involved in
violence reduction.
To wide the awareness of responsibility of all struggles to reduce violence.
To stimulate, together with different segments of the community, the
identification of common interests.
To stimulate and facilitate the dialogue and cooperation among different:
ideological, doctrinaire, political, religious, institutional, ethnical, cultural and
socioeconomic preferences, in order to build culture of peace.
To develop projects aiming reduction of violence and more cooperative city
that learns how to practice the dialogue and to bring solutions from its own
citizenships, therefore reducing the dependency and centralization in
governmental powers.
To develop social and emotional learning projects.
To support the improvement of justice and public safety systems.
7. General format
Coordinator group funds, counsels, supervises and represents the Program
Support groups of Moema Mill and of the cities which offer administrative
support .
Communitarian Representative Group researches, studies and divulgates
the themes about culture of peace in respective areas.
8. Benefits
This Program includes all community segments at different levels and the
population of the city.
9. Results
Guided population
Prepared leaders
Segments of the community integrated with actions aiming the reduction of
10. Planning, organization and realization
ARAUJO Relational Intelligence
Rua Henrique Franco, 38, Alto da Boa Vista
14025-280- Ribeirão Preto- SP
Phone: 55 16 3610-2625
e-mail: [email protected]
João Roberto de Araújo
Master in Social Psychology – Psychology University of São Paulo- USP.
Visiting scholar at Educational Center at University of California Santa BarbaraEUA, 1998/ Bachelor of Social and Juridical Science at Law School in FrancaSão Paulo- Brazil, 1971.
International Events
o Switzerland- Geneva, “Dialogue and Cooperation” at “International
Meeting for Peace Education” together with UNESCO and Globalnet,
September 2000.
o Thailand- Bangkok- “ Dialogue and Cooperation” at Culture of Peace
Asiatic Meeting in February 2003.
o India – Chennai – “ Culture of Peace Challenges” at The International
Congress on “Family and Globalization” , held by Asiatic Foundation on
Family and Culture Research and Service, November 2003.
Expertise on Ancient Greek Culture and former mythology teacher at
Psychology University of Ribeirão Preto- SP.
Counselor of non violence and Culture of Peace Programs in Brazil.
Developer of socio-educative and cultural events as: International seminar
“Reinventing the Government” with Ted Glaeber-1994; Tibetan ritual music and
sacred dance, with Drepung Loseling Monks-1995; Cultural Meeting in GreeceAncient Greece and Theater. Workshops in Athens (Archeological Museum,
Acropolis, and Possidon Temple) , in Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, IraklionPalace of Minos-Knossos and Delphos- European Cultural Center of Delphos1995; National conference “ Concessions and Partnerships”- 1995;
Industrialization of the interior of São Paulo-1996; “ Youth … Now and the
Future” – Exchange Brazil- Canada- 1996; Psycho education- The experience in
Canada – 1997; International Seminar on “ The extinction of employment” with
Jeremy Rifkin- 1997; Visiting organization and seminar of Dalai Lama to
Brazil- 1999
Prometheus Cultural Program from 1993-2004.
Síntese Curricular
João Roberto de Araújo
Mestre em Psicologia Social pelo Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade
de São Paulo - USP. Visiting schoolar no Centro de Mudanças
Educacionais da Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara – EUA, 1998
/ Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais pela Faculdade de Direito de
Franca - SP, 1971.
Palestras em eventos internacionais:
o Suíça-Genebra, com o tema “Diálogo e Cooperação”, no “Encontro
Internacional de Educação Para Paz — O Futuro de Nossas
Crianças”, realizado na Universidade de Genebra, em parceria com a
UNESCO e GLOBALNET, em setembro de 2000.
o Thailândia-Bangkok, com o tema “Diálogo e Cooperação”, no
Encontro Asiático de Cultura de Paz, realizado em parceria com a
UNESCO e GLOBALNET, em fevereiro de 2003.
o Índia-Chennai, com o tema “Os Desafios para uma Cultura de Paz”,
no Congresso Internacional “A Família Face a Globalização”,
realizado pela Fundação Asiática para Pesquisa e Serviço sobre a
Família e Cultura, em novembro de 2003.
Estudioso da cultura grega antiga e ex-professor de mitologia na
Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto - SP.
Orientador de programas de desenvolvimento de cultura de paz e nãoviolência, em vários municípios brasileiros.
Empreendedor de eventos socioeducativos e culturais, destacando-se:
Seminário Internacional “Reinventando o Governo” com Ted Glaeber 1994; Música ritual e dança sagrada do Tibete, com Drepung Loseling
Monks - 1995; Cultural Meeting in Greece - Grécia Antiga e o Teatro.
Workshops realizados em Atenas (Museu Arqueológico, Acrópolis e
Templo de Possidon), em Corintho, Micenas, Epidáuro, Iráklion Palácio
Minos-Cnossos e Delfos - Centro Cultural Europeu de
Delfos, 1995; Conferência Nacional “Concessões e Parcerias” - 1995;
Industrialização do Interior Paulista - 1996; “A juventude... Agora e para
o futuro” - Intercâmbio Brasil/Canadá - 1996; Psicoeducação - A
experiência do Canadá - 1997; Seminário internacional “O fim dos
empregos” com Jeremy Rifkin - 1997; Organização da visita e
seminários de sua Santidade, o Dalai Lama, ao Brasil - 1999.
Programa Cultural Prometheus de 1993 a 2004.
