Em fevereiro deste ano a ONU e OMS lançaram atualização do relatório sobre o impacto de produtos
químicos do dia a dia, que tem relação com os produtos do setor eletroeletrônico.
Número de químicos que têm efeitos endocrinológicos aumentou 'dramaticamente', aponta estudo
Componentes químicos artificiais presentes no nosso dia a dia podem ter um impacto significativo no sistema hormonal,
favorecendo o desenvolvimento de doenças, de problemas de fertilidade e males congênitos, informa um estudo da ONU
divulgado nesta terça-feira.
O estudo diz que o número de químicos EDCs - químicos com efeitos endocrinológicos, na sigla em
inglês - aumentou "dramaticamente" na última década, e muitos não são testados quanto a seus efeitos na
saúde humana e na vida selvagem. O sistema endócrino humano é responsável por controlar um amplo
número de processos no corpo através do uso de hormônios e moléculas relacionadas (citocinas e
neurotransmissores), como a diferenciação das células/formação de órgãos no feto, assim como sistemas
nervoso, reprodutivo, imunológico, metabólico e de saciedade na vida adulta). Produtos químicos
disruptores endócrinos são aqueles que interferem com a ação hormonal normal, atuando de forma similar
aos hormônios, em baixas concentrações, causando prolemas de infertilidade, alteração da puberdade,
menopausa prematura, obesidade, dificuldades de aprendizado e memória, diabetes, câncer de próstata,
doença de Alzheimer e problemas cardíacos, dentre outros.
Eles incluem aditivos em embalagens, bens de consumo (eletrônicos, móveis, produtos de limpeza), produtos de cuidados
pessoais (xampus, cremes, sabão) e farmacêuticos. EDCs are found among many classes of chemicals, including
POPs, current-use pesticides, phytoestrogens, metals, active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, and additives
or contaminants in food, personal care products, cosmetics, plastics, textiles and construction materials.
"Humanos estão expostos a EDCs por diversas formas, incluindo ingestão de comida, poeira, água, inalação e pela pele",
aponta o relatório, feito em parceria da Organização Mundial da Saúde e a agência da ONU para o meio ambiente (Unep).
"Esses químicos vêm de fontes variadas, entram no meio ambiente durante a produção, combustão de resíduos, emissões o
O problema, diz o relatório, é que é ainda há poucos dados sobre como esses EDCs são produzidos e onde são colocados. A
grande maioria dos produtos colocados no mercado não são testados especificamente para avaliar os EDC’s. The doses
declared safe are not actually tested, nor are the mixtures.
Também faltam estudos detalhados sobre seus efeitos
O que se acredita é que a exposição a muitos desses químicos pode estar ligada a casos de câncer de mama, tireoide e
próstata, deformações em bebês, hiperatividade em crianças, diabetes, asma, obesidade, males de Alzheimer e Parkinson,
Crianças podem entrar em contato com EDCs no ventre da mãe ou na infância, colocando coisas na boca.
Entre os produtos químicos que, segundo a ONU, podem alterar o sistema hormonal estão ftalatos (usados em plásticos
maleáveis e na produção de brinquedos, perfumes e farmacêuticos, inclusive desodorantes); bisfenol A (também chamado
BPA, substância usada para endurecer plásticos e encontrada em embalagens de bebidas e alimentos).
Over the last 40 years, only a handful of chemicals—e.g. lead, POPs (p.ex. PCB’s, DDT, chumbo),
tributyltin, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, nonylphenol and chlorpyrifos—have been banned in many
countries, and sometimes these bans concern specific uses only. Nonetheless, there have been clear
benefits for human and wildlife health from the declining use of these chemicals.
• Human and wildlife health depends on the ability to reproduce and develop normally. This is not
possible without a healthy endocrine system.
• Three strands of evidence fuel concerns over endocrine disruptors:
◦ The high incidence and the increasing trends of many endocrine-related disorders in humans;
◦ Observations of endocrine-related effects in wildlife populations;
◦ The identification of chemicals with endocrine disrupting properties linked to disease outcomes in
laboratory studies.
• Many endocrine-related diseases and disorders are on the rise.
◦ Large proportions (up to 40%) of young men in some countries have low semen quality, which reduces
their ability to father children.
◦ The incidence of genital malformations, such as non-descending testes (cryptorchidisms) and penile
malformations (hypospadias), in baby boys has increased over time or levelled off at unfavourably
high rates.
◦ The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight, has increased
in many countries.
◦ Neurobehavioural disorders associated with thyroid disruption affect a high proportion of children in
some countries and have increased over past decades.
◦ Global rates of endocrine-related cancers (breast, endometrial, ovarian, prostate, testicular and thyroid)
have been increasing over the past 40–50 years.
◦ There is a trend towards earlier onset of breast development in young girls in all countries where this
has been studied. This is a risk factor for breast cancer.
◦ The prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes has dramatically increased worldwide over the last 40
years. WHO estimates that 1.5 billion adults worldwide are overweight or obese and that the number with
type 2 diabetes increased from 153 million to 347 million between 1980 and 2008.
• Close to 800 chemicals are known or suspected to be capable of interfering with hormone receptors,
hormone synthesis or hormone conversion. However, only a small fraction of these chemicals have been
investigated in tests capable of identifying overt endocrine effects in intact organisms.
◦ The vast majority of chemicals in current comercial use have not been tested at all.
◦ This lack of data introduces significant uncertainties about the true extent of risks from chemicals that
potentially could disrupt the endocrine system.
• Human and wildlife populations all over the world are exposed to EDCs.
◦ There is global transport of many known and potential EDCs through natural processes as well as
through commerce, leading to worldwide exposure.
◦ Unlike 10 years ago, we now know that humans and wildlife are exposed to far more EDCs than just
those that are persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
◦ Levels of some newer POPs in humans and wildlife are still increasing, and there is also exposure to less
persistent and less bioaccumulative, but ubiquitous, chemicals.
◦ New sources of human exposure to EDCs and potential EDCs, in addition to food and drinkingwater,
have been identified.
◦ Children can have higher exposures to chemicals compared with adults—for example, through their
hand-to-mouth activity and higher metabolic rate.
• The speed with which the increases in disease incidence have occurred in recent decades rules out
genetic factors as the sole plausible explanation. Environmental and other non-genetic factors, including
nutrition, age of mother, viral diseases and chemical exposures, are also at play, but are difficult to
identify. Despite these difficulties, some associations have become apparent:
◦ Non-descended testes in young boys are linked with exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) and
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and with occupational pesticide exposure during
pregnancy. Recent evidence also shows links with the painkiller paracetamol. However, there is little
to suggest that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) or dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE)
and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) are associated with cryptorchidism.
◦ High exposures to polychlorinated dioxins and certain PCBs (in women who lack some detoxifying
enzymes) are risk factors in breast cancer. Although exposure to natural and synthetic estrogens is
associated with breast cancer, similar evidence linking estrogenic environmental chemicals with the
disease is not available.
◦ Prostate cancer risks are related to occupational exposures to pesticides (of an unidentified nature), to
some PCBs and to arsenic. Cadmium exposure has been linked with prostate cancer in some, but not all,
epidemiological studies, although the associations are weak.
◦ Developmental neurotoxicity with negative impacts on brain development is linked with PCBs.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is overrepresented in populations with elevated exposure
to organophosphate pesticides. Other chemicals have not been investigated.
◦ An excess risk of thyroid cancer was observed among pesticide applicators and their wives, although the
nature of the pesticides involved was not defined.
• Significant knowledge gaps exist as to associations between exposures to EDCs and other endocrine
diseases, as follows:
◦ There is very little epidemiological evidence to link EDC exposure with adverse pregnancy outcomes,
early onset of breast development, obesity or diabetes.
◦ There is almost no information about associations between EDC exposure and endometrial or ovarian
◦ High accidental exposures to PCBs during fetal development or to dioxins in childhood increase the risk
of reduced semen quality in adulthood. With the exception of these studies, there are no data sets that
include information about fetal EDC exposures and adult measures of semen quality.
◦ No studies exist that explore the potential link between fetal exposure to EDCs and the risk of testicular
cancer occurring 20–40 years later.
• Numerous laboratory studies support the idea that chemical exposures contribute to endocrine disorders
in humans and wildlife. The most sensitive window of exposure to EDCs is during critical periods of
development, such as during fetal development and puberty.
◦ Developmental exposures can cause changes that, while not evident as birth defects, can induce
permanent changes that lead to increased incidence of diseases throughout life.
◦ These insights from endocrine disruptor research in animals have an impact on current practice in
toxicological testing and screening. Instead of solely studying effects of exposures in adulthood, the
effects of exposures during sensitive windows in fetal development, perinatal life, childhood and puberty
require careful scrutiny.
• Worldwide, there has been a failure to adequately address the underlying environmental causes of trends
in endocrine diseases and disorders.
◦ Health-care systems do not have mechanisms in place to address the contribution of environmental risk
factors to endocrine disorders. The benefits that can be reaped by adopting primary preventive measures
for dealing with these diseases and disorders have remained largely unrealized.
• Wildlife populations have been affected by endocrine disruption, with negative impacts on growth and
reproduction. These effects are widespread and have been due primarily to POPs. Bans of these chemicals
have reduced exposure and led to recovery of some populations.
◦ It is therefore plausible that additional EDCs, which have been increasing in the environment and are of
recent concern, are contributing to current population declines in wildlife species. Wildlife populations
that are also challenged by other environmental stressors are particularly vulnerable to EDC exposures.
• Internationally agreed and validated test methods for the identification of endocrine disruptors capture
only a limited range of the known spectrum of endocrine disrupting effects. This increases the likelihood
that harmful effects in humans and wildlife are being overlooked.
◦ For many endocrine disrupting effects, agreed and validated test methods do not exist, although
scientific tools and laboratory methods are available.
◦ For a large range of human health effects, such as female reproductive disorders and hormonal cancers,
there are no viable laboratory models. This seriously hampers progress in understanding the full scale of
• Disease risk due to EDCs may be significantly underestimated.
◦ A focus on linking one EDC to one disease severely underestimates the disease risk from mixtures of
EDCs. We know that humans and wildlife are simultaneously exposed to many EDCs; thus, the
measurement of the linkage between exposure to mixtures of EDCs and disease or dysfunction is more
physiologically relevant. In addition, it is likely that exposure to a single EDC may cause disease
syndromes or multiple diseases, an area that has not been adequately studied.
• An important focus should be on reducing exposures by a variety of mechanisms. Government actions
to reduce exposures, while limited, have proven to be effective in specific cases (e.g. bans and restrictions
on lead, chlorpyrifos, tributyltin, PCBs and some other POPs). This has contributed to decreases in the
frequency of disorders in humans and wildlife.
• Despite substantial advances in our understanding of EDCs, uncertainties and knowledge gaps still exist
that are too important to ignore. These knowledge gaps hamper progress towards better protection of the
public and wildlife. An integrated, coordinated international effort is needed to define the role of EDCs in
current declines in human and wildlife health and in wildlife populations.
5. Why should we be concerned?—Human disease trends
♦ A significant increase in reproductive problems in some regions of the world over the last few decades
points to a strong role for unidentified environmental factors in disease etiology.
♦ Incidences of endocrine cancers, illustrated by country or region in Figures 7 and 8 for testicular
cancer and breast cancer, respectively, have also increased during the same period.
♦ In certain parts of the world, there has been a significant decrease in human fertility rates, which
occurred during one generation. There is also a notable rise in the use of assisted reproductive
♦ An increasing number of chemicals to which all humans in industrialized areas are exposed have
been shown to interfere with hormone synthesis, action or metabolism.
♦ Experimental animal studies or studies with cells grown in culture have shown that many of these
chemicals can also interfere with the development and function of mammalian endocrine systems.
In adults, EDC exposures have recently been linked with obesity (Figure 9), cardiovascular disease,
diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Many of these diseases and disorders are increasing in incidence, some
globally. The global health expenditure on diabetes alone was expected to a total of at least 376 billion
USD in 2010 and rise to US$ 490 billion in 2030—reaching 12% of all per capita health-care
expenditures (Zhang et al., 2010).
There are other trends of concern in human paediatric health. For example, some EDCs can interact with
the thyroid system in animals and humans. Normal thyroid function is very important for normal brain
development, particularly during pregnancy and after birth. EDC exposures have been linked with
increased rates of neurobehavioural disorders, including dyslexia, mental retardation, ADHD and autism.
In many countries, these types of disorder now affect 5.10% of babies born
(; autism spectrum disorders now occur at a rate that
approaches 1% (
The prevalence of paediatric asthma has more than doubled over the past 20 years and is now the leading
cause of child hospitalizations and school absenteeism. Certain birth defects, such as those of the male
reproductive organs (e.g. failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum), are on the rise. The incidences
of paediatric leukaemia and brain cancer have risen, as has the incidence of testicular cancer. These are
stark health statistics. All of these complex non communicable diseases have both a genetic and an
environmental component, and, since the increases in incidence and prevalence cannot be due solely to
genetics, it is important to focus on understanding the contribution of the environment to these chronic
disease trends in humans.
It has been estimated that as much as 24% of human diseases and disorders are at least in part due to
environmental factors (Prüss-Üstün & Corvalán, 2006). It is a challenge to identify these factors, but there
is also a tremendous opportunity to improve human health by improving elements of the environment that
have an impact on public health. The recognition of these challenges and opportunities, along with the
fact that many of the most prevalent diseases are associated with the endocrine system, has led to a focus
on EDCs.
Information on Chemicals in Electronic Products - A study of
needs, gaps, obstacles and solutions to provide and access information on
chemicals in electronic products (Main Authors: Nardono Nimpuno, ChemSec,
Sweden and Caroline Scruggs, Stanford University, United States), TemaNord 2011
Tabell 2.4. Hazardous substances in specific materials and components of electrical equipment
Printed circuit boards In printed circuit boards, cadmium occurs in certain components. Other hazardous metals such as chromium,
lead, mercury, beryllium, zinc and nickel may are also be present. Brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide are often used
Liquid crystal displays, LCDs LCDs used in mobile phones and flat screen computer monitors may contain mercury.
Cathode ray tubes, CRTs - Lead in the cone glass and cadmium/zinc/yttrium sulphide in the fluorescent coating.
Batteries Heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium are present in certain batteries.
Plastic casings Plastics often contain halogenated flame retardants, many of which are hazardous. Also, combustion of the plastics and halogenated
flame retardants can produce toxic substances. In addition, Antimony is often added to enhance flame retardancy
Components, such as switches Mercury is used in fluorescent lamps, and has historically been used in thermostats, sensors, relays and switches, for
example, on printed circuit boards
Solder Can contain lead, tin and other metals.
Internal and External Wiring Wiring is often coated in PVC which commonly contains numerous additives, including heavy metal compounds and
softeners such as phthalates. Combustion of PVC can produce toxic substances.
Semiconductors The semiconductor industry uses brominated flame retardants in the plastic encapsulation material
Source: Adapted from Cui, J., Forsberg E. 2003
Workers, consumers and communities are exposed to chemicals in consumer electronics throughout their
life cycle, from manufacture through use and disposal. The emphasis in discussions on health and
environmental impacts from electronics is usually on the end-of-life phase, in particular during informal
waste management. However, problems occur during the production stages as well, but information on
these chemicals and their health impacts are scarce at best
Studies have demonstrated high exposure to carcinogens and reproductive toxicants during production,
including solvents, heavy metals and epoxy resins among electronics workers,28 and increased rates of
spontaneous abortion and birth defects among women working in semiconductor fabrication.29 In
addition, several studies over the past two decades have shown that electronics workers have a
significantly elevated risk of lung, pharyngeal, nasal, breast, bladder, and brain cancers.30
Communities located near semiconductor manufacturing have suffered health impacts from direct
contamination of their environment. Studies have been looking at the link between solvents and other
chemicals leaked from semiconductor manufacturing plants in San Jose, California and increased rates of
spontaneous abortions and congenital malformations among infants exposed during pregnancy.31
3.2 Exposure to chemicals in the use phase
In addition, evidence is growing that exposure to (hazardous) chemicals also occur during the
use-phase of electronics. Sampling of household dust indicates that levels of dioxins and furans
in indoor environments is increasing. Studies looking at house dust and office dust in Japan
found high levels of polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDFs) in these environments.
27 This
study does not go deeper into the issue of problems associated with the use of chemicals in producing
electronics. For more on the issue, see e.g. the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
28 Alexander, R
29 Gray, 1993; Corn et al., 1993; Correa et al. 1996; LaDou et al. 1998
30 Beall et al. 1996; Bailar et al., 2000; Clapp 2006
31 Rudolph et al. 1986
36 Information on Chemicals in Electronic Products
The authors found a correlation between polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), and PBDFs
and concluded that the PBDFs are a degradation product of PBDEs.33 The connection to
electronics present in these environments cannot be ruled out.
Other studies have looked at the debromination of flame retardants such as
decabromodiphenylether, DecaBDE, a flame retardant used in a wide range of applications
including electronics. For example, one study looked at the formation of PBDFs in flameretarded plastics exposed to normal sunlight.34
The researchers found that in high-impact polystyrene, HIPS, containing DecaBDE, the PBDF
concentration increased by about 40 times after 1 week of exposure. Also, in TV casings with
DecaBDE, PBDF concentrations increased continuously during the experiment. The
researchers concluded that more attention should be paid to the fact that PBDFs are formed by
sunlight exposure during normal use as well as disposal/recycling processes of flame-retarded
consumer products.35
In addition, high levels of polybrominated dibenzodioxins (PBDDs) and polybrominated
dibenzofurans (PBDFs) have been found in plastic TV housing, demonstrating the presence of
dioxins and furans in the usephase of products containing plastics with brominated flame
It is very likely that a significant share of the exposure described above comes from the
presence and use of consumer electronics. Such findings raise concerns for risks during the use
phase as well as in waste-management.
Industry-wide initiatives have been set up which are international in their scope.These include
the Joint Industry Guide (JIG), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) material
declaration standards and the Global Product Strategy (GPS) chemicals portal. IEC is
developing a material declaration standard that is based on the JIG and the IPC data exchange
The chemicals or chemical classes most commonly mentioned by company representatives as
being of concern in their products were: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,
brominated and chlorinated flame-retardants, and PVC
Greening Consumer Electronics – moving away from bromine and chlorinechemsec, 2009
Of part icular concern within the electronics sector is the widespread use of bromine- and chlorine-based compounds
in many different electronic applications. High volume uses of bromine and chlorine in flame retardants and plastic
resins like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gained worldwide attention when scientific studies documented their link to the
formation of dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals synthesized. Dioxins and other harmful chemicals are released into
the environment during the burning and smelting of electronic waste. Even the most sophisticated incineration facilities
generate low levels of dioxin, but the most significant dioxin contribution occurs in developing countries whose facilities
are not designed to handle toxic materials. Som e of the unintentionally produced compounds are highly toxic, endocrine
disrupting, and persistent, and are banned by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (a treaty
signed by 152 national governments).
Component or material types that may contain bromine or chlorine:
• Printed circuit board laminates
• Flexible printed circuit boards
• Connectors
• Structural plastic parts
• Integrated circuits or other electrical componentes with plastic packages or coatings
• Cable insulators, over-molds, heat shrink tubes, and strain reliefs
• Fan impellers
• Optical films
• Gaskets
• Labels, insulators, and tapes
• Paints, inks, and coatings
• Adhesives
• Rubbers and elastomers
• Paper and corrugate
• Solder flux
• Glass
Bromine- and chlorine-based compounds are used ubiquitously in the production of today’s modern electronic products
as flame retardants, solvents, dyes, adhesives, and plastic resins.
The largest uses of compounds containing bromine and chlorine are brominated flame retardants (BFR s), added to
plastics to inhibit fire, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics, an inherently flame-resistant plastic resin.
It is estimated that hundreds of different chlorinated and brominated flame retardants are currently on the market. The
use of flame retardants is based on national fire safety standards, which vary from country to country. Many electronics
manufacturers have opted for global compliance with fire safety standards set by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL),
the world’s largest, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization. To satisfy fire safety standards,
very high concentrations – generally 50,000 to 300,000 parts per million (ppm) or 5% to 30% – of BFR s must be used
in plastics to effectively impede fires. The most common brominated flame retardant used in components for electronic
products, such as printed circuit boards (PCBs), is tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA). Prior to the implementation of the
European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDE s), and
polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) were sometimes used to flam e retard electronics. New restrictions under Europe’s
chemical policy initiative, REAC H (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals), appear likely to be
applied to a third flam e retardant used in the electronics sector, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD ).
The predominant use of chlorine in electronics has been in PVC plastics. Most internal and external cables use PVC to
insulate copper wires. Human health and environmental concerns about exposure to plastic additives used in PVC, such
as lead, cadmium, and phthalates, as well as dioxin formation during the combustion of PVC components, triggered
industry-wide efforts to replace PVC use in wire and cables. The major challenge has been developing alternative
resins, that meet safety standards that in some instances were only written to specify PVC resins.
To further complicate the situation, these safety standards vary geographically, forcing companies to use and get
approval for multiple alternatives that comply with the different regional standards.
Smaller concentrations of bromine and chlorine are used in a wide variety of applications other than flame retardants
and PVC. Most manufacturers have focused on restricting the use of certain BFR applications and PVC, while others
are restricting all uses of brominated and chlorinated substances. This has led to the development of standards that
stipulate the requirem ents for officially defining components as “halogen-free,” “low-halogen,” “bromine-free,” or
Compounds that contain organic bromine and chlorine tend to be particularly likely to bioaccumulate, be persistent
and/or toxic – or to degrade in the environment into new brominated or chlorinated organic compounds with these
characteristics.1, 2, 3 As they accumulate over time, these organo-halogen compounds can become widespread
pollutants in air, water, soil, and sediment, where they are increasingly ingested by humans and animals. It is also
important to note that inorganic forms of these chemicals can lead to the formation of dioxin and other problematic
chemicals, particularly when they are mixed with organic matter.
PBB, PBDE s, PVC & DEHP/BBP/DBP, SCCP & MCCP, TBBPA, HBCDD são precursores de formação de dioxinas
Chlorinated dioxins and furans can cause severe health problems8,
• Cancer4
• E ndocrine disruption9
• E ndometriosis10, 11
• Neurological damage12
• Birth defects and impaired child development13, 14
• R eproductive system damage15, 16
• Immune system damage17
Because dioxins and furans break down slowly, they endure in the environment for long periods of time.18,19 Like many
organohalogens, they bioaccumulate in animals’ fatty tissue. The highest concentrations are found in animals at the top
of the food chain, including humans. Linda Birnbaum, a leading Science expert on BFR s and dioxins, led the US EPA’s
1994 dioxin assessment process, which concluded that for certain dioxins there was no safe level of exposure for
humans.20 Most of what we know about dioxins and furans is the result of the study of one particular dioxin: 2,3,7,8
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD ), which is a developmental toxicant that causes skeletal deformities, kidney defects,
and weakened immune responses in the offspring of animals exposed to it during pregnancy. The compound is also
associated with some cancers and other health effects, including immune system alterations and skin lesions.
Additionally, studies indicate many of the hundreds of other dioxins and furans are likely to cause similar health
Dioxins and furans concentrate in breast milk so that human infants now receive doses that are orders of magnitude
greater than that endured by the average adult.22 Such exposure to newborns is of great concern because it occurs at
their most vulnerable stage of development. In Guiyu, China, an area infamous for its informal electronics recycling
activities, the World Health Organization estimates that the daily intake of dioxins and furans by breast-fed infants
exceeds guidelines by 11 to 25 times.23 Other halogens used in electronics, such as the TBBPA and HBCD flame
retardants, have also been shown to concentrate in breast milk24, as well as in human and animal fat.25
In 2007, the highest levels of chlorinated dioxins and furans ever reported in the atmosphere were found in the air over
Guiyu.26 Dioxin production is a worldwide concern due to the persistent organic pollutants’ ability to travel throughout
the globe. In many cases polluted air travels towards the poles, but it is sometimes carried on the trade winds from Asia
to North America.27
In addition to chlorinated dioxins and furans, two other forms of dioxins and furans can be formed from the combustion
of electronics products: brominated and mixed chloro-brom o dioxins and furans.28 Although neither of these other
groups of halogenated dioxins and furans has been as well studied as their chlorinated analogs, studies indicate that
both brominated and mixed halogenated dioxins and furans are at least of equal concern.29
It is now suspected that thousands of different mixed halogenated dioxin and furan compounds may be generated when
electronics are burned.
Muitos produtos químicos de uso doméstico e industrial que não foram devidamente testados podem ter efeitos sobre o
sistema hormonal e causar problemas de saúde significativos, de acordo com um relatório das Nações Unidas divulgado nesta
terça-feira (19).
O relatório O Estado da Ciência dos químicos de desregulação endócrina, produzido em conjunto pelo Programa das Nações
Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (PNUMA) e pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), destaca algumas associações entre a
exposição a desreguladores endócrinos (EDC, na sigla em inglês) e problemas de saúde, como câncer de mama, de próstata e
de tireoide, além de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade em crianças.
Estudo da ONU/OMS
SAICM recognizes that risk reduction measures need to be improved to prevent the adverse
effects of chemicals on the health of children, pregnant women, fertile populations, the elderly,
the poor, workers and other vulnerable groups and susceptible environments. It states that
one measure to safeguard the health of women and children is the minimization of chemical
exposures before conception and through gestation, infancy, childhood and adolescence.
EDCs represent a challenge, as their effects depend on both the level and timing of exposure,
being especially critical when exposure occurs during development. They have diverse
applications, such as pesticides, flame retardants in different products, plastic additives and
cosmetics, which may result in residues or contaminants in food and other products. Therefore, EDCs
may be released from the products that contain them.
“Precisamos urgentemente de mais pesquisas para obter uma imagem mais completa dos impactos sobre a saúde e o meio
ambiente de desrugladores endócrinos”, afirmou a Diretora de Saúde Pública e Meio Ambiente da OMS, Maria Neira. “A
ciência mais recente mostra que as comunidades em todo o mundo estão sendo expostas aos desreguladores endócrinos, e
seus riscos associados.”
Os EDCs podem entrar no meio ambiente através de despejos industriais e urbanos, escoamento agrícola e pela queima e
liberação de resíduos. Alguns EDCs ocorrem naturalmente, enquanto as variedades sintéticas podem ser encontrados em
pesticidas, produtos eletrônicos, produtos de higiene pessoal, cosméticos e aditivos ou contaminantes em alimentos. Além de
afetar seres humanos, esses elementos também podem prejudicar a vida animal.
“Os produtos químicos são cada vez mais parte da vida moderna e apoiam muitas economias nacionais, mas o manejo
inapropriado de produtos químicos desafia o alcance das metas fundamentais de desenvolvimento sustentável para todos”,
destacou o Diretor Executivo do PNUMA, Achim Steiner.
de 8 de Junho de 2011 relativa à restrição do uso de determinadas substâncias perigosas em
equipamentos eléctricos e electrónicos (substitui versões anteriores, desde a primeira Diretiva
2002/95/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 27 de Janeiro de 2003)
Se aplica a:
1. Grandes electrodomésticos
2. Pequenos electrodomésticos
3. Equipamento informático e de telecomunicações
4. Equipamento de consumo
5. Equipamento de iluminação
6. Ferramentas eléctricas e electrónicas
7. Brinquedos e equipamento de desporto e lazer
8. Dispositivos médicos
9. Instrumentos de monitorização e controlo, incluindo instrumentos industriais de
monitorização e controlo
10. Distribuidores automáticos
11. Outros EEE não incluídos em nenhuma das categorias acima.
Os Estados-Membros asseguram que os EEE colocados no mercado, incluindo os cabos e as peças sobresselentes
para a respectiva reparação, reutilização, actualização das funcionalidades ou melhoria da capacidade, não
contenham as substâncias sujeitas à restrição a que se refere o n. o 1 do artigo 4. o e valores máximos de concentração
ponderal tolerados em materiais homogéneos
Chumbo (0,1 %)
Mercúrio (0,1 %)
Cádmio (0,01 %)
Crómio hexavalente (0,1 %)
Bifenilos polibromados (PBB) (0,1 %)
Éteres difenílicos polibromados (PBDE) (0,1 %)
a Comissão deve ponderar uma revisão, com base numa avaliação exaustiva, e a alteração da lista de
substâncias sujeitas a restrição nos termos do anexo II antes de 22 de Julho de 2014, e de forma periódica
A marcação CE deve ser aposta de modo visível, legível e indelével no EEE acabado
ou na respectiva placa de identificação. Se a natureza do produto não o permitir ou
justificar, a marcação CE deve ser aposta na embalagem ou nos documentos de
acompanhamento. A marcação CE deve ser aposta antes de o EEE ser colocado no
Reciclagem de lixo eletrônico
A UNEP- Programa Ambiental das Nações Unidas estimou que mundialmente os consumidores
compraram quase 900 milhões de telefones celulares em 2006, e acima de 1 bilhão em 2007.
Uma parcela considerável destes produtos acaba sendo destinado inadequadamente a aterros
domésticos de resíduos. Acima de 75% do resíduo eletrônico gerado na Europa e em torno de
80% do gerado nos Estados Unidos são destinados sem controle, sendo que uma boa parte
deles é exportado para países em desenvolvimento, que muitas vezes são manuseados e
destinados inadequadamente, com custos muito mais baixos (p.ex. é estimado que os custos de
manuseio/reciclagem/destinação de computadores pessoais e telefones celulares são 10 vezes
maiores nos Estados Unidos e na Comunidade Européia do que na India ou Nigeria).
1. Legislação
Muitas das políticas e diretrizes legais sobre gestão de resíduos introduzidas nos últimos anos
são baseados no princípio da responsabilidade extendida do produtor - EPR. The idea behind
this principle is that manufacturers have a responsibility for their products, and the
environmental impacts related with these products, which goes beyond the production stage.
The EPR principle stresses especially manufacturers’ responsibility for the endof-life
treatment of their products. This responsibility can manifest itself in different ways, but it
usually includes either a physical responsibility to take back the product after its use, or a
financial responsibility to pay for recycling or waste treatment carried out by another
company. The producer responsibility can also include a requirement for the manufacturer
to disclose information needed for safe use, handling, recycling and disposal. This informative
responsibility makes producers responsible for providing information on the product or its
effects at various stages of its life cycle and could thus include CiP information. There is a
double rationale behind the EPR principle. The first is related with financing and the second
with product re-design. Traditionally, waste disposal and recycling has been paid for with tax
money. By regulating that a certain kind of end-of-life treatment should be carried out and
letting the producers pay for the establishment and operation of such a system, the costs will
be internalised in line with the polluterpays principle. Some of these costs will then likely be
carried by consumers through increased product prices. This is the direct effect of na EPRbased system. In the longer term, if manufacturers have to carry the financial burden for endof-life treatment, they will have an incentive to modify the design of their products so that they
are easier to recycle and the materials used can generate more income as secondary resources.
Prazo SMA 13/12/11
2. Movimentos para implementação de coleta e reciclagem
3. Tendências
Substâncias perigosas contidas nos equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos
As substâncias mais procuradas são as consideradas perigosas, as “PTB’s”
(Persistentes, Bioacumuláveis ou Tóxicas), mPmB (muito Persistentes e muito
Bioacumuláveis), mutagênicas, tóxicas para a reprodução, As substâncias
classificadas como muito tóxicas para organismos aquáticos e causadores de efeitos
adversos em longo prazo no meio aquático.
Computadores e telefones celulares podem conter acima de 1000 substâncias diferentes. As
principais substâncias perigosas que podem ser encontradas em produtos eletrônicos são:
chumbo, mercúrio, cádmio, zinco, cromo, berílio, niquel, retardantes de chama bromados e
halogenados, trióxido de antimônio, estanho, PVC e ftalatos. Adicionalmente, eles contém
metais valiosos passíveis de recuperação, como ouro e cobre. Outros estudos tem demonstrado
potencial liberação de dibenzofuranos polibromados (PBDFs) em seu uso, que são produtos de
degradação éteres difenílicos polibromados (PBDEs), comumente usados como retardante de
chamas em electrônicos.
1. Legislação
Nos último anos, foi desenvolvido um grande número de iniciativas legais sobre químicos em
produtos eletro-eletrônicos, bem como no seu tratamento no fim-de-linha. As mais notáveis
foram definidas pela Comunidade Européia, consistindo das Diretivas para Restrição de
Substâncias Perigosas – RoHS, de Resíduos de Equipamentos Eletro-eletrônicos – WEEE, e da
mais abrangente Diretiva de Registro, Avaliação, Autorização e Restrição de Químicos –
O REACH (aprovado pelo Regulamento 1.907/2006 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho em
18/12/06, entrou em vigor em 01/06/07) é o regulamento europeu relativo ao registro, à
avaliação, à autorização e à restrição das substâncias e misturas químicas, com o objetivo de
garantir o seu uso seguro, elevando o nível de proteção da saúde humana e do ambiente. Esse
regulamento supõe uma reforma total do marco regulatório sobre substâncias e misturas
químicas dentro da União Européia. Para isso, introduz a obrigação de realizar um registro de
todas as substâncias químicas comercializadas dentro do território da União Européia, e cujo
requisito de informação aumenta com o volume do produto químico registrado.
Caso necessário, propor-se-ão medidas de restrição para determinadas substâncias de grande
preocupação (de 1500 a 2000 substâncias), como as carcinogênicas; mutagênicas; tóxicas à
reprodução; persistentes, bioacumulativas & tóxicas (PBT), e de muito grande preocupação
(de 25 a 30 substâncias), como as muito persistentes & muito bioacumulativas (vPvB), e se
promoverá sua substituição sempre que existam alternativas viáveis.
Em princípio, o REACH afeta todas as substâncias químicas, a não ser as excluídas de forma
explícita, tais como as substâncias radioativas, transporte de substâncias perigosas e resíduos
(a menos que sejam importados ou comercializados).
•DIRETIVA 2006/12/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 5 de abril de 2006,
relativa a resíduos (DOUE L 114 de 27/04/2006);
Estas diretizes causaram grande impacto no modo como os produtos eletrônicos são
projetados, coletados e tratados na fase de pós-uso, e como a informação sobre substâncias
perigosas são geradas e compartilhadas. A partir desta estrutura europeia, outra regiões e
países como os Estados Unidos, a Coréia do Sul, China e Japão tem desenvolvido esforços legais
na mesma direção:
. EUA - TSCA - Toxic Substance Control Act
. IECSC – China - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in
. MITI – Japão - Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS); Priority Assessment Chemical
Substances (PACS)
. Coréia do Sul - ECL – Existing Chemicals List
Iniciativas abrangentes do setor industrial tem sido estabelecidas nesta mesma linha, tais
- Guia Conjunto da Indústria Eletrônica (JIG) elaborado por Associações de Indústrias dos
Estados Unidos (EIA), Japão (JGPSSI) e Europa (EICTA), com o objetivo de ganhar informação
sobre a composição (química) dos produtos e subpartes incorporadas aos produtos eletroeletrônicos
- norma de declaração de materiais da IEC;
- Estratégia Global de Produtos (GPS) da Indústria Química.
Falar também da SIN list – ver site da chemsec electronics -> SIN List: 378 Substances,
composta de 311 CMR substances; 17 PBT/vPvB, Substances; 50 Equivalent concern
JIG: anexo E traz tabela contendo a legislação Européia e de alguns países da CE, do Japão, dos
Estados Unidos e os principais usos das substâncias químicas perigosas
Trazer para cá a tabela
SAICM project on Hazardous Substances within the Life Cycle of Electrical and Electronic
Falar que diversas substâncias são procuradas no mundo inteiro, e que diversos
países adotaram legislação restritiva
DSL: NDSL (canadá)
PBT - Persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemical
TSCA (USA) - Toxic Substance
Control Act -
CLP (CE) – classification, labeling and packaging regulation
MITI – japão
IECSC – China - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in
China – similar ao reach
ECL – coréia
PICCS – phillipinas
NICNAS – National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment
Scheme - austrália -
NZIC - New Zealand Institute of Chemistry – nova zelândia - New Zealand Inventory of
Chemicals (NCIoC)
Reach - CE
Regulated Chemicals Information
A wealth of regulatory information is available online in the CHEMLIST database.
The experts at CAS are relied on to:
Build and maintain the TSCA inventory for the EPA
Check and verify all substance information and provide quality assurance for each substance
Conduct a customized search for you
Provide CA index names and CASRNs for PMN submissions to the US EPA or other
government agencies
For some commonly asked questions, select an inventory list below.
United States
U.S. Toxic Substance Act (TSCA)
Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act Title III (SARA Title III)
California Proposition 65 (California Prop 65)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL)
Canadian Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL)
National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
Significant New Activity Notice (SNAc)
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS)
European List of Notified Chemical Substances (ELINCS)
No-Longer Polymers List (NLP)
List of Pre-Registered Substances
Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorization
Annex IV: Exempt from Registration
Annex XIV: Substances Subject to Authorization
Annex XVII: Dangerous Substances and Preparations
Korean Existing Chemicals List (ECL/KECL)
Japanese Existing and New Chemical Substances (ENCS)
Japanese Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACS)
Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS)
Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS)
List of Toxic Chemical Substances regulated under the Taiwan Toxic Chemical Substances
Control Act of 1986 (Taiwan)
2001 proposed list of chemical substances to be regulated under the Israel Hazardous
Substances Law and Regulations List (Israel)
New Zealand
New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (NCIoC)
4.3.1 The European Union
Although neither specifically focused on products nor any particular sector, the European
Union REACH regulation on chemicals has since its adoption in 2007 had a global impact, on
legislation in other part of the world as well as on how communication on chemicals and
chemicalscontaining products is perceived, carried out and handled.
Furthermore, REACH identifies and controls the use of high concern chemicals, through its
Authorisation system as well as through Restrictions.
REACH has also established provisions on data sharing, through its publicly accessible
database and mandatory flow of information on the presence of chemicals in the supply chain
as well as the intrinsic properties of these.72
With regards to information on Chemicals in Products, REACH introduces two types of
information requirements.
First, there are requirements on manufacturers and importers to in certain cases make a
notification or registration. If a product (or “article” in REACH terminology) contains any
chemical that is to be intentionally released from the product, it has to be registered with the
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). If the chemical is not to be intentionally released but is
identified as of high concern (in REACH a “Substance of Very High Concern” or SVHC) and has a
concentration above 0.1%, then ECHA has to be notified.
ECHA may then also require the chemicals to be registered. This is only necessary for
chemicals that are produced or imported in volumes exceeding 1 tonne per producer or
importer per year. There are other additional criteria which exempt chemicals from these
Secondly, there are requirements on suppliers to give information to professional customers
(“recipients”) and on request to consumers (the “right to know”) about any SVHCs which
constitute more than 0.1% of the product.. The information must be sufficient to allow safe use
and as a minimum the name of the SVHC has to be given. There are neither volume limits for
nor exemptions from these requirements. These provisions have an impact on the flow of
information on high concern chemicals from producers/importers to actors further down the
product chain. They also apply to products from recycled materials.
In order to manage the end-of-life phase of products, European countries and Japan have been
at the forefront in introducing waste regulations based on EPR. As part of a legislative initiative
to solve the problem of huge amounts of toxic e-waste, the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Directive, WEEE, imposes EPR for a broad range of electronic products. It sets
collection, treatment and recycling targets for electronic waste and places the financial
responsibility for carrying the costs for recycling on the manufacturers and importers. It also
mandates producers to disclose information needed for end-of-life treatment. Producers must
provide reuse and treatment information for each type of new EEE within one year after the
product is put on the market. The information shall identify, as far as it is needed by reuse
treatment and recycling centres, the different EEE componentes and materials, as well as the
location of dangerous substances and preparations in the product. Also, the WEEE symbol
must be placed on concerned EEE, informing consumers not to dispose of the product as
unsorted municipal waste but to collect it separately.
Although WEEE requires information sharing with recyclers, it has so far not been a priority
for the public authorities of the EU countries to specify how this information disclosure should
be carried out and what information should be included. The regulators seem to assume that
there is a demand for information from the recycling industry and that requests from the
recycling companies will determine what information is made available and in what format.73
Manufacturers have taken different approaches to fulfilling the information requirement. Some
of them have developed datasheets with recycling information and made these sheets
available on their websites.
In some cases these sheets also include details on the recommended disassembly process,
supported by photos. In a few cases, the recyclers need to submit a registration form in order
to get a user ID and password to access the information. There are also manufacturers who
request that recyclers contact them by email.74
Compared with the Japanese marking systems for home appliances, the European systems in
general contain less information. In particular, detailed information on plastic components
(additives and the use of recycled polymers) and on hazardous metals in circuit boards is
lacking. Closely linked to WEEE, the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive(RoHS), was
adopted in February 2003 by the European Union. This directive restricts the use of six
hazardous substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated
biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the manufacture of various types of
4.3.2 The United States
In the US there is no federal law mandating recycling of electronics or to make the producers
responsible for the end-of-life treatment of their products. More than a dozen individual states
have recently introduced recycling regulations, but these regulations differ by state and the
producers are facing a patchwork of requirements. None of these state regulations require
producers to provide recyclers with product information.
Certification systems for recyclers such as the Responsible Recycle (R2) Practices and the Esteward Certification program have been introduced to ensure the responsible recycling of
electrical equipment and electronic devices through the certification of reliable recyclers and
the promotion of sound recycling. To comply, recyclers will have to increase their efforts to
stay informed on the changes in composition of products and to develop appropriate and safe
treatment methods.
The Responsible Recycling (R2) Practices is a set of guidelines for accredited certification
programs to assess electronics recyclers’ environmental, worker health and safety, and
security practices. The voluntary R2 practices include general principles and specific practices
for recyclers disassembling or reclaiming used electronics equipment including those
electronics that are exported for refurbishment and recycling and also requires downstream
tracking of materials.75
E-stewards sets up a system for responsible recycling for the whole recycling chain. It places
restrictions on what waste and what hazardous material can go downstream. As part of the
certification, the E-stewards recyclers must set up environmental management systems that
also include occupational health. The aim of the system is to promote reuse of electronics and
to prevent hazardous material from travelling downstream without appropriate management,
e.g. from OECD to non-OECD countries. Estewards encourages as well as disallows certain
recycling activities.76
Sara Westervelt at E-stewards explains: “Devices containing hazardous components must be
properly tested and only fully functional devices are allowed for export to non-OECD countries.
Devices containing hazardous substances are not allowed for e.g. shredding, unless the toxic
components are properly removed.”
The EPEAT standard, which currently covers only computers, requires information disclosure
for safe end-of-life treatment. EPEAT allows purchasers to compare the environmental
performance of products based on these criteria. EPEAT is quite widely used, not at least for
public procurement, and it therefore has significant influence on the industry.
Products registered in EPEAT must meet a core of 23 environmental performance criteria.
They are then rated Gold, Silver or Bronze based on the percentage of a further 28 optional
criteria which they meet. The requirements include the confirmation and elimination of parts
containing hazardous substances, and the identification of plastic parts by marking them.77
Although established in the United States, EPEAT, R2 and E-Stewards are all international in
their reach.
4.3.3 Japan
Seguindo a introdução do WEEE, RoHS e REACH da Comunidade Européia, o Japão tem feito
esforços para aumentar o controle de informações sobre as substâncias químicas nos produtos
e para promover o eco-design de produtos, através da Política Integrada de Produtos, que
considera o ciclo de vida dos produtos.
Com respeito a equipamentos elétricos e dispositivos eletrônicos, the Japanese industry
consortium Joint Article Management Promotion-Consortium, (JAMP), has developed an
information system which facilitates the management of information on chemicals in the upstream part of products’ life cycles. In addition to MSDS, JAMP utilizes JAMP MSDSplus for the
purpose of information control in the upstream and midstream processes concerning
substances and preparations contained in the products. Article Information Sheets, AIS, are
utilized for preparations in the downstream processes. The JAMP-Global Portal is being
operated in order to share compiled chemical substance information among the upstream,
midstream and downstream sides.
A Iniciativa Japonesa de Padronização de Compras Verdes (JGPSSI), um membro regional do
JIG (Joint Industry Guide), formulou as Diretrizes para a Gestão de Substâncias Químicas em
Produtos, provendo métodos de compartilhamento de informação requeridas para
conformidade com o REACH.
To this end JGPSSI forms are promoted.
Japanese manufacturers not only deal with the rules and regulations set by the EU, but also
promote their own initiatives. In response to the Home Appliance Recycling Law, the
Association for Home Appliance Recycling and other related organisations have established a
system of assigning recycling marks that through labelling indicate the information on
chemical substances used in the products and information on their disassembly, so that the
disassembly process and resources recovery rate can be improved at the recycling stage.
In response to the RoHS Directive, JIS established the J-Moss standard for the marking of
chemical substances contained in electrical equipment and electronic devices. J-Moss
communicates information from downstream of the supply chain to the consumption stage
and then on to the recycling chain. It sets the control criteria for RoHS-specified hazardous
substances (see paragraph on RoHS, above) contained in PCs, air conditioners and other
targeted products. When the content of a specified substance in a product is at a level beyond
the set criteria, a “containing” mark is stamped on the product and the manufacturer is obliged
to provide on its website information on the parts containing the substance, the level of
content, etc.
O Japão tem uma legislação de reciclagem baseada no princípio de responsabilização pelo
produtos, cobrindo computadores pessoais e grandes eletrodomésticos. These laws set
recycling targets for each product category individually and require consumers and
manufacturers to pay for collection and recycling. In contrast to the WEEE Directive, the
Japanese EPR system does not include any requirement to disclose recycling information.
However, unlike in Europe, many Japanese recycling companies are closely related to the
manufacturers – in some cases they are owned by large industrial groups that also include
electronics manufacturing firms.
The Waste Data Sheet (WDS) is only utilised in the recycling chain. In principle, a WDS is
produced by the waste generators and describes for waste handlers the properties of the
waste, such as its corrosiveness, explosiveness, flammability, ecotoxicity, and other stability
and reactivity properties. A WDS also describes the content of specified hazardous substances
in waste (e.g. lithium, magnesium, sodium, copper and other metals, mercury, PCBs). The main
characteristic of a WDS is that it is transported together with varying types of industrial waste,
and provides detailed information to the receivers of the relevant waste.
While information sharing concerning hazardous substances is promoted through JAMP,
information on valuable substances, particularly gold, silver, indium and other expensive
precious metals and rare metals, has not yet been included in the scope of information
collection, even in the supply chain.
Another shortcoming is that web-based databases concerning substances that are hazardous
or have an environmental impact are only utilized in JAMP in the supply chain, and are not yet
shared with consumers, recyclers or treatment businesses. In the case of recycling marks
or J-Moss marks, which only include a limited number of chemical substances within their
scope, it is considered feasible to implement marking or labelling for communicating
information from the supply chain to the consumption stage, and then to the recycling chain.
A Coréia do Sul introduziu recentemente legislação similar à Diretiva Européia WEEE, e está
estudando formas de desenvolvimento da legislação sobre gestão de substâncias químicas
baseada na legislaçãoEuropéia (REACH e RoHS).
O governo também introduziu a Lei de Reciclagem de Recursos de Equipamento Eletroeletrônicos e Veículos em 2008, baseado no princípio da Responsabilização pelos produtos.
Esta lei almeja um controle sistemático control de informações sobre substâncias valiosas e
perigosas, pela redução de geração de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos, dispositivos
eletrônicos e veículos, promovendo o projeto do produto que facilite a reciclagem, e reduzindo
impacto ambiental. O sistema é chamado de Eco-Assurance System, EcoAS.
Assim como Japão e Coréia do Sul, o governo chinês está promovendo o estabelecimento de
legislação relativa a substâncias perigosas contidas nos produtos e poluição causada por
produtos eletrônicos, como resposta ao REACH, RoHS e WEEE.
•Página da web de IUCLID5:
•Página da web da OCDE: “Global Portal to information on Chemical Substances”:
•Página da web da ECHA: “European Chemicals Agency”:
2. Substâncias perigosas contidas nos equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos
Ver item 2.4 e tabela 2.4 do relatório chemsec
3. Tendências
Legislação brasileira sobre responsabilização pelos produtos e sobre
substâncias restritas
5.5.9 New standards allowing comparison of products on environmental
and human health performance
Standards allowing for comparison of electronics products’ environmental performance may
incentivise more manufacturers to focus on the human health and environmental effects of
every chemical chosen for their products. Standards for labels and information pertaining to
energy efficiency currently exist for electronics products, allowing consumers to compare
products and make choices according to their preferences.
Similar types of standards could be created pertaining to chemicals, including information on
recyclability, chemical toxicity, and lifecycle issues, all of which could be included on labels and
used by consumers to compare products. Such a standard could help companies that prioritize
health and environmental performance compete on such product characteristics and realise an
advantage in the market. It would also clearly define health and environmental performance
goals for companies that are not currently focused on such performance in their product
design. A standard and labelling system that allows for comparison of products based on
environmental impact of chemicals should also make it possible for companies to make
economic arguments for use of environmentally preferred chemicals.
The Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society, in partnership with the
standards development organization NSF International, will soon introduce a new standard
that represents a good first step in this direction. The standard will help companies reduce
their use of hazardous chemicals and materials in their products and motivate industry to
make choices resulting in reduced impact on the environment and human health. The standard
would be voluntary, and companies could demonstrate their adherence to the standard
through diferent levels of certification. 81
5.5.10 Regulations for ecolabels and “green” claims
Greenwashing has become a significant problem, and regulations are needed to provide
guidelines on ecodesign and to prevent companies from making misleading green claims.
Product labels should not refer to a product’s compliance with legal requirements – this
confuses consumers, since any product being sold should already be compliant with any
relevant legal requirements.
Ecolabels should strive to maintain credibility by ensuring that certified products meet high
standards of excellence. The environmental or health significance of the certification should
also be clearly represented to avoid misleading consumers and to allow them to use ecolabels
as shortcuts to finding products with the features they desire.

substâncias químicas perigosas e o setor elétrico