Introduction ................................................................................................... 3
Biotechnology Cluster in São Paulo State ........................................................ 4
2.1. Sistema Indústria - Industrial Cluster ......................................................................................... 4
FIESP – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo ............................................................. 4
CIESP – Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo ..................................................................... 5
CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria ............................................................................................. 5
SENAI – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial .................................................................... 5
IBCT – Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia ........................................... 5
2.2. Universities ............................................................................................................................................. 5
USP – Universidade de São Paulo ................................................................................................................. 5
ESALQ-USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz Queiroz" da Universidade de São
Paulo .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista.................................................................................................. 6
UNICAMP – Universidade de Campinas ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Scientific Park, Incubators and other Supporting Institutions.......................................... 7
BRBIOTEC - Associação Brasileira de Biotecnologia .......................................................................... 7
.................................................. 7
ESALQTec................................................................................................................................................................. 7
INCAMP..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
................................................................. 8
....................... 8
Agrofood Cluster in São Paulo State................................................................ 8
3.1. Industry Association ........................................................................................................................... 8
ABIA - Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação ......................................................... 8
ABIAM - Associação Brasileira da Indústria e Comércio de Ingredientes e Aditivos para
Alimentos ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2. Governmental Technologica Agency and its Research Institutes .................................... 9
APTA - Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios .............................................................. 9
IAC - Instituto Agronômico de Campinas .................................................................................................. 9
ITAL -Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos ............................................................................................ 9
IB – Instituto Biológico ...................................................................................................................................... 9
IZ – Instituto de Zootecnia ............................................................................................................................... 9
Biotechnology Cluster in Minas Gerais State ................................................. 11
4.1. Sistema Indústria - Industrial Cluster ...................................................................................... 11
FIEMG – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais....................................................11
CIEMG – Centro Industrial e Empresarial de Minas Gerais ............................................................12
4.2. Universities .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG ...................................................................................12
UFV – Universidade Federal de Viçosa .....................................................................................................12
4.3. Research Institutes ........................................................................................................................... 12
BIOAGRO – Instituto de biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária ..............................................12
4.4. Scientific Park, Incubators and other Supporting Institutions....................................... 12
Inova Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) ......................................................................12
CenTev – Centro Tecnológico de Desenvolvimento Regional de Viçosa ...................................13
Incubadora CENTEV/UFV..............................................................................................................................13
TecnoPARQ – Parque Tecnológico de Viçosa ........................................................................................13
Biominas Brasil ...................................................................................................................................................13
Habitat ....................................................................................................................................................................14
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
EMBRAPA – Empresa Brasileira de peesquisa Agropecuária .......................................................14
Agrofood Clusteres in Minas Gerais .............................................................. 14
5.1. Trade Union ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Silemg - Sindicato da Indústria de Laticínios do Estado de Minas Gerais ...............................15
Other Supporting Institutions ....................................................................... 15
Apex-Brasil – Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos ................15
Cluster Consulting..............................................................................................................................................15
INDI – Instituto de desenvolvimento Integrado de Minas Gerais ................................................15
Central Exportaminas ......................................................................................................................................16
SEBRAE – Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas ....................................16
ABAG - Associacao Brasileira do Agronegocio .....................................................................................16
FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo ........................................16
BNDS - Investment bank/State development Bank ...........................................................................16
Wisbrun Consultant & Management.........................................................................................................17
CenDoTec - Centre franco-brésilien de Documentation Technique et Scientifique ............17
InvestInFrance Agency – Agência Francesa para Investimentos Internacionais ................17
FINEP – Agência Brasileira de Inovação ................................................................................................17
Supporting Agencies and Services..............................................................................................................18
Diagram of Institutional Relationship ........................................................... 19
7.1. Industrial Cluster .............................................................................................................................. 19
7.2. Universities .......................................................................................................................................... 20
7.2.1. São Paulo...............................................................................................................................................20
7.2.2. Minas Gerais .................................................................................................................................... 23
7.3. Governamental Technological Agency ..................................................................................... 25
7.3.1. São Paulo...............................................................................................................................................25
References ................................................................................................... 26
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
1. Introduction
The agriculture development in São Paulo occurred in the 19th century with coffee
agriculture. The coffee culture added economic importance for the state and it produced
a positive impact on the development of other economic activities. After the coffee crisis
(in the 20s decade) São Paulo started to produce other agricultures as sugar cane, cotton
and citrus. The existence of a research and extension infrastructure allowed the state to
be important producer of many products and contributed to the agriculture to have high
productivity and technological levels (SCHUH et al. 2003, 5-6).
The biotechnology sector in Brazil started to be developed in the first half of the 20 th
century with remarkable performance of researchers1 in the field of fought and
prevention of diseases. In the 40s, the classic biotechnology attracted the scientists from
the University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, who founded a pioneer Agroceres Seeds, aiming
to produce hybrid corn seeds from selected genetic material in the country. The
Agricultural Brasil Sul, in the 60s, turned to production and selection of forage seeds and
genetic research to obtain hybrid grain sorghum and forage sorghum cultivars of sweet
corn for human consumption. The Agroflora Forestry and Agriculture, devoted to the
research and production of improved seeds and selection of plant varieties adapted to
different seasonal conditions (VILLEN 2002).
Minas Gerais had its first biotechnology-based company in 1976. From the 90s, the
sector registered the high growth in the South-East, reflecting the concentration of the
economic resources of the country. In 1990 there were seven biotechnology-based
companies in the state. In 2004 they were 75 in operation. There is an embryonic cluster
that has potential to develop and its best opportunities comes from a partnership of
universities, research centers, a business incubator (Biominas), SEBRAE, the Association
of Industries of pharmaceutical and chemical products for Industrial Purposes in the
State of Minas Gerais - SINDUSFARQ and the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais FIEMG, through the Institute Euvaldo Lodi – IEL (BIOTEC, 2007).
This document identifies the main institutions in the agrofood and biotechnology
clusters São Paulo State and Minas Gerais in Brazil. Based on the ‘Triple Helix’ concept,
basic information was collected about the main industry representing organizations,
universities and research centres, business incubators and governmental supporting
The research was focused on São Paulo State and Minas Gerais because of the high
concentration of international representative offices in São Paulo, because both regions
are most relevant within the context of international research and education in this field
and because of the high concentration of private biotech companies including an
embryonic biotechnology cluster in Minas Gerais.
1 Carlos Chagas, Vital Brazil, Oswaldo Cruz, Adolfo Lutz, Emilio Ribas, Rangel Pestana.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
The biotechnology concept used for this
research was based on the OECD listbased definition of biotechnology
techniques. Thus it was gather
information regarded institutions that
offers support or are directly involved in
activities such as: biological pest control
and bio fertilizers; transgenic seeds and
plants; genetic improvement and cloning
of plants and animals; development of
reproduction. The focus of the “Feeding
the planet” project is on biotechnology
applied to the agricultural process.
However the information gathered does not encompassed the identification of
individual companies in each region. Therefore the description presented can regards to
activities as human drug development; vaccines; cell therapy; stem cell research;
development of new vectors and formulations; diagnostic; and recombinant proteins.
This document has an (i) Introduction and more 6 parts: (ii) Biotechnology Cluster in
São Paulo State, (iii) Agrofood Cluster in São Paulo State, (iv) Biotechnology Cluster in
Minas Gerais, (v) Agrofood Cluster in Minas Gerais, (vi) Other Supporting Institutions
and (vii) Diagram of Institutional Relationship.
2. Biotechnology Cluster in São Paulo State
According to the Brazil Biotech Map 2011(BRBIOTEC, 2011), the state of São Paulo has
96 biotech private companies where 43 are located in the capital. The state has several
companies in other cities as Campinas (9) and Ribeirão Preto (9). The majority of the
companies in the state regards to human health (41) followed by animal health (39) and
Agriculture (8).
2.1. Sistema Indústria - Industrial Cluster
FIESP – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo
The industrial federation of São Paulo (FIESP) is the biggest industrial institution that
joins together 130 trade unions from 130.000 different industrial sectors.
The Department of Competitiveness and Technology (Decomtec) aims to study and
analyse the productive sector of São Paulo State. The main objectives are to increase
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
quality, innovation and technology; stimulate investments and access to credit; to
promote development of regional Clusters (APLs 2 ); to promote performance
improvement of business management; and to stimulate the growth of the productive
The Department of Agrobusiness (Deagro) aims to support the Brazilian agroindustry
demands trough cooperation with the agribusiness council (Cosag). It has four
departments: agriculture inputs; agriculture and livestock; agroindustry and
international trade.
CIESP – Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo
São Paulo city has offices of the most important companies, industrial and commercial
associations, governmental agencies and others.
The Centre of Industries of São Paulo (CIESP) is one of the major organizations for
industrial companies in the world. It represents over 9.000 members in the State and
besides its headquarter, CIESP has 42 regional offices distributed along the State of São
Paulo. The main purposes of CIESP is to offer technical support to its members, being an
effective and operating representation towards the government, and to create a
favourable environment to increase the business of its associates.
The Foreign Trade Department of CIESP assists companies to find partners in foreign
CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria
The CNI is the National Confederation of Industries, an industrial trade unions
representative. Its main goal is to improve policies and laws to strength the industrial
sector in Brazil. It administrates the National Service of the Industrial Learning (SENAI),
Social Service of Industry (SESI) and the Evaldo Lodi Institute (IEL).
SENAI – Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial
SENAI is the National Service of the Industrial Learning that offers professional
education and technological services to promote the innovation of Brazilian industries.
Beyond its technology centres and professional educational units, the SENAI offers a
network with 208 laboratories across the country.
IBCT – Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
IBICT is the Brazilian Science and Technology Information Institute. They promote
technical and technological cooperation by information technology transfer (e.g.
scientific publications database) among different institutions.
2.2. Universities
USP – Universidade de São Paulo
The University of São Paulo (USP) is the major institution of higher education and
research in Brazil and it has around of 90.000 students. It is a public institution funded
by São Paulo state government. It has twelve campuses, four of them in São Paulo. They
APLs: Arranjos Produtivos Locais are territorial agglomerations of economic, political and social agents
focused on a specific set of economic activities which have linkages, even incipient.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
are located in the cities of Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Santos, Ribeirão
Preto and two in São Carlos. The USP is involved in teaching, research and extension
education in all areas of knowledge. USP was at the 158th position at The Times World
University ranking 20133. The 2010 Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World
Universities4, classifies USP at 74ª position. Regarding intellectual production the
Medicine Faculty accounts more than 4.200 works, followed by the Polytechnic School
(1289) and ESALQ (1162). The university has strong reputation on Engineering &
Technology field.
The USP innovation Agency operates in fields such as technology transfer, cooperation
between the university and companies, entrepreneurship, sustainability and access to
technology. Among the technologies developed, food, biofuel, environment and
agriculture are the main research fields.
ESALQ-USP - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz Queiroz" da Universidade de São
It is a school of agriculture integrated to the University of São Paulo (USP). It is located
in Piracicaba city, and it offers undergraduate and graduate courses in bioinformatics,
genetics, genetic improvement of plants, and physiology and biochemistry of plants. It is
well-known for R&D in biotechnology for agriculture.
UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista
Unesp is a multicampus university in Brazil. Its located in the State Capital and 22 others
distributed throughout the State. For the development of its main activities Unesp
receives financial aid from the main research supporting agencies in the country5. The
Natural Sciences field is mentioned on the TopUniversities 2013 world university
ranking6. At the national ranking UNESP is at the 6th position and its highlight is research
& innovation.
The Innovation Agency (UNESP-AUIN - Agência Unesp de Inovação da Universidade
Estadual Paulista) has the mission to manage the protection policy and innovation of the
intellectual creations owned by UNESP and their effective economic exploitation. Among
the innovation technologies Human Health has 21 projects to be developed, followed by
New Materials (13) and Agriculture (8).
UNICAMP – Universidade de Campinas
UNICAMP has three campuses, the main one in Campinas and the others in Piracicaba
and Limeira. It has around 50.000 people involved in study and research activities. It is
offered courses in science, technology, biomedical, humanities and arts. UNICAMP has
various agricultural biologic pests control programs and it attracts several high-tech
industries around.
3 http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2012-13/world-ranking
4 From Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan.
6 http://www.topuniversities.com/qs-world-university-rankings
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
The innovation agency INOVA (Agência de Inovação da UNICAMP) aims to establish a
network between the university and the society to improve spinoffs and research
activities. There is a Scientific and Technology Park under construction to home
technology-based companies and projects in biofuels.
2.3. Scientific Park, Incubators and other Supporting Institutions
BRBIOTEC - Associação Brasileira de Biotecnologia
The Brazilian Association of Biotechnology (BRBIOTEC) is a private organization. Its
objective is to develop the biotechnology sector in Brazil through actions that
strengthen the industry, thereby generating business, attracting investments and raising
Brazil’s international profile in biotechnology production.
BRBIOTEC Brasil consists of companies involved in agriculture, environment, energy
and health that develop technology and seek to provide a global quality of life; small and
medium-sized businesses that fuel the growth of the industry; business leaders, startups and spinoffs that produce innovative products and services; scientists and experts
in high academic technology transfer and renowned institutions; network support in
legal, accounting, finance and intellectual property matters for investors, government
officials, and service providers who are committed to the development of biotechnology
in Brazil; and entrepreneurs from several fields.
The Center of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology (CIETEC) is a private
association that conducts different processes of pre-incubation, incubation and postincubation of innovative companies. It is aimed mainly to strengthen and consolidate
the management of the companies, as well as technological development, market share
and high-level employment generation. It is offered physical infrastructure for the
installation and operation of companies, supporting services to meet their demands in
the areas of technology management, business and marketing. These services and the
multi-systemic environment are developing a conceptual model aiming to be a
technology park.
The CIETEC has currently operational and physical infrastructure to support about 130
technology-based companies. It is a multi-sectorial business incubator with 149
associated companies. Regarding biotech related area, there are 18 in biotechnology, 30
in health and medicine, 13 in environment and 20 in chemistry.
ESALQ has a business incubator ESALQTec focused in agriculture and husbandry. It aims
to support the micro and small enterprises innovation; facilitate access to technological
innovations and management and also to stimulate cooperation.
It is the technology based business incubator of UNICAMP incorporated to INOVA7 . Its
objectives are to encourage and protect the development of new technology-based
7 Innovation Agency of UNICAMP
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
enterprises through the provision of infrastructure and technological as well as
management support for new entrepreneurs. Among agriculture and animal health
technologies developed it is possible to mention some of incubated companies, such as:
Agricef (agricultural products and services), Biomicrogen (animal genetics), Engene
Engenharia Genética (animal health and genetics engineering), Rhea Biotec (antibodies),
SDA Med (agriculture and animal health).
It is located in Ribeirão Preto and it is focused on human health. It has 32 companies in
total, 17 of which are in life sciences. Its goal is to support the creation, development and
improvement of micro and small technology-based companies. They provide
technological, managerial, marketing and human resources support. The SUPERA
incubate companies that develop products with high technological content, in
biotechnology, materials, and medical and dental equipment, information technology,
chemistry, and nuclear techniques.
cos de Botucatu
It is the business and technological projects incubator of Botucatu that has partnership
with the Technological Innovation Center of UNESP (NIT8). Its mission is to foster the
creation of innovative of the small and micro businesses, assisting them in managing
and promoting its consolidation in the market. It has 38 associated companies in which
6 are biotechnology environment and agriculture related activities.
3. Agrofood Cluster in São Paulo State
3.1. Industry Association
ABIA - Associação Brasileira das Indústrias da Alimentação
It is the Food Industry Association. It is the main organization of food industry
(processed food) for the whole of Brazil. Its objectives are to stimulate the development
of the food industry, to focus on consumer interest and environmental protection; to
ensure adequate legislation to constant technological evolutions of processed food, to
encourage the use of improved production techniques; to promote economic
empowerment of food sector.
ABIAM - Associação Brasileira da Indústria e Comércio de Ingredientes e Aditivos
para Alimentos
The Food Ingredients Industry Association (ABIAM) is an association of industries of
food ingredients founded in 1979. Its members are big, medium or small companies. Its
main objective is to encourage technical improvements and economic strength of the
industry by sharing information between its members and by promoting networking
with related organizations. ABIAM also aims to promote cooperation within the food
ingredients industry and improve the concerned legislation.
8 NIT manages the intellectual protection of knowledge generated on campuses UNESP
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
3.2. Governmental Technologica Agency and its Research Institutes
APTA - Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios
The São Paulo’s Agency for Agribusiness Technology coordinates all agriculture and
cattle raising research in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Its main objective is to generate
and transfer scientific and technological knowledge in agribusiness, thereby
harmonizing the socio-economic development with environmental balance. It has 15
regional poles of development, spread throughout the state. APTA has guided itself by
the prospects of technological demands, and does it regionally, as an instrument to
guide the research of the entire agency.
In addition to the poles, APTA’s structure encompasses the six research bodies of the
Secretaria da Agricultura and Abastecimento (SAA – Secretariat of Agriculture and
Supplies): the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC -Agronomical Institute); the
Instituto Biológico (Biological Institute); the Instituto de Economia Agrícola (IEA Agricultural Economics Institute); the Instituto de Zootecnica (IZ - Zoo technical
Institute); the Instituto de Pesca (Fisheries Institute) and the Instituto de Tecnologia de
Alimentos (ITAL – Food Technology Institute). The agency centres its activities on four
strategic programs: bioenergy, environmental sustainability, organization of the rural
and outlying areas, and food safety. As the second largest agribusiness technological
research institution in Brazil and the Southern Hemisphere, APTA features 64
experimental units and 43 research laboratories.
IAC - Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Agronomical Institute of Campinas (IAC) researches, generates and transfers science
and technology devoted to agriculture and related applied fields, with the aim of
optimizing plant production, sustainable socio-economic development and
environmental quality. It develops conventional breeding, genome studies of crops
(coffee, sugarcane and citrus), genetic improvements and it conducts collaborative
research focusing on genome, disease and development of varieties. It provides inputs
to the food industry
ITAL -Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
The Institute of Food Technology (ITAL) is focused on technology, science, innovation,
and food & beverage packaging. The technology areas are organized to provide
specialized assistance in various fields such as meat products, cereal, chocolate,
confectionery, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, food process engineering and postharvest techniques.
IB – Instituto Biológico
The Biologic Institute (IB) aims to develop scientific and technological knowledge for
agriculture in the areas of animal and plant health, agro-ecology, and knowledge
transfer. It is also focused on the development and improvement of large-scale system of
bio insecticides production.
IZ – Instituto de Zootecnia
The Institute of Animal Science and Pastures (IZ) deals with the whole animal
production chain. It is offered products and services regarded to beef and dairy cattle;
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
sheep; pigs; tropical forage plants; reproduction techniques; breeding and genetics;
animal and vegetable bio techniques.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
4. Biotechnology Cluster in Minas Gerais State
Minas Gerais has 58 private companies and Belo Horizonte is the second most important
city in the country with 43 companies. Others cities have also biotech private companies
such as Viçosa (7) and Uberlândia (5). The main biotech sector of Minas Gerais is the
animal health (30), followed by human health (19) and agriculture (8) (BRBIOTEC,
4.1. Sistema Indústria - Industrial Cluster
FIEMG – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Minas Gerais
The Industrial Federation of Minas Gerais State contributes to the sustainable
development and competitiveness as well as the increase and improvement of the
cooperation between the regional industries. It is offered support and advisory services
related to finance and credit, tributaries and labour affairs and also environment.
FIEMG has the Program of Competitiveness Support of the APL’s of Minas Gerais in
which aims to increase the production and competitiveness of industries and rural
producers. Among seven clusters9 the biotechnology and the fruit are part of the
program in which develop actions as corporate training and consultancy; technology
and innovation; environment and social development; marketing and export; and
logistics and infrastructure.
The Biotechnology MRBH APL was set to create, produce and market innovative
products and services in biotechnology. It operates in the human health, animal health,
environment and agribusiness and consists of 10 municipalities in the metropolitan
area, including Belo Horizonte. It is situated in the central region of Minas Gerais10. Its
vision is to structure the cluster, to increase its sustainable productivity (management,
technology and logistics) by improving the generation and commercialization of
technologies for different markets, making it an international hub for innovation.
The Fruit APL is located in Jaíba11, in the North of Minas Gerais, and within the mining
area of the Polygon of Drought12. The APL was set to produce and market fresh fruits
(with regional brand), in a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable way.
Its vision is to become a national and international benchmark in sustainable production
of tropical fruits.
9 The selected clusters to join the program are: biotechnology (metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte),
Shoes (Nova Serrana), shoes and bags (metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte), electronics (Santa Rita do
Sapucaí), fruit (Jaíba region), foundry (Divinópolis, Itaúna and Cláudio cities) and furniture (Ubá).
10 It is located 445 km from Rio de Janeiro, 586 km from São Paulo.
11 It is located 622 km from Belo Horizonte, 1180 km from Rio de Janeiro, 1325 km from São Paulo.
12 According to Northeast Development Governmental Department – SUDENE, the Polygon of Drought
encompasses 1.348 municipalities in 9 states of Brazil (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Paraíba,
Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe). It is an area subjected to repeated and prolonged
droughts and therefore subjected to special arrangements in the public sector.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
CIEMG – Centro Industrial e Empresarial de Minas Gerais
The Industrial and Corporate Center of Minas Gerais (CIEMG) aims to promote the
sustainable growth of the industrial supply chain of Minas Gerais. CIEMG is focused in
cooperation to increase the industrial competitiveness. It is promoted professional
training by courses, workshops and seminars. It is part of FIEMG cluster, thus it is
offered the services and products from SESI-MG, SENAI-MG and IEL.
4.2. Universities
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG
The Federal University of Minas Gerais is the biggest university in the state and it has
three campuses, one in Montes Claros and two in Belo Horizonte. The university has
around 30.000 students. It is involved in teaching, research and extension education in
all areas of knowledge. UFMG is also one of the largest innovation centres in Brazil. In
2010 UFMG was the Brazilian institution that required more patents13. In 2013, QS
World University Rankings ranked the UFMG as the second best Brazilian federal
university, as well as the fourth best university in the country, having occupied the tenth
position among institutions in Latin America. The Technology Transfer and Innovation
department (CTIT) stimulates and promotes the integration between UFMG and society,
through the creation of partnerships between researchers and the business sector, with
regard to the development and transfer of technology.
UFV – Universidade Federal de Viçosa
The Federal University of Viçosa has around 10.000 students. It is involved in teaching,
research and extension education and agronomy is the most developed within others
areas of knowledge. The federal university has a biotechnology center (BIOAGRO) for
agribusiness that is recognized as one of the best in the country. BIOAGRO has tradition
in the field of biotechnology for agribusiness, as it was created in 1988.
4.3. Research Institutes
BIOAGRO – Instituto de biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária
The Institute Biotechnology applied to Livestock (BIOAGRO) is a research institute from
UFV (located in Viçosa) that develops biotechnology research and looks for cooperation
(national either international) and funds from public/private sector.
4.4. Scientific Park, Incubators and other Supporting Institutions
Inova Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
The INOVA-UFMG is a technology-based incubator that aims to stimulate spinoffs; to
facilitate innovative start-ups; to connect the university and the market; and to improve
13 According to data from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). In 2010 recorded 350
domestic and 110 international patents.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
the competitiveness of the local industries. Incubates companies in several areas of
activity, of the 50 associated companies, 10 are related to biotechnology.
CenTev – Centro Tecnológico de Desenvolvimento Regional de Viçosa
The Technological Center of Regional Development of Viçosa (CENTEV) is linked to UFV
and it has the objectives to coordinate programs and actions, which enable the UFV
(Universidade Federal de Viçosa) to participate in the process of national technological
development. It aims to increase the interaction between the UFV and the productive
sector; to stimulate, coordinate and support entrepreneurial actions, such as studentmanaged businesses, incubation of technology-based enterprises; to survey the
technological potentials of the UFV; and develop social and educational activities with
governmental partnership.
The CENTEV/UFV is composed by the Technology-based business incubator
(CENTEV/UFV), Student led Enterprise Center, Technological Park of Viçosa and Center
for Social Development and Education.
The operation is funded by UFV, with the City of Viçosa (PMV), the State Secretariat for
Science, Technology and Higher Education of Minas Gerais (SECTES) support.
Incubadora CENTEV/UFV
The technology-based business Incubator (CENTEV/UFV) is one of the units of the
Technological Center for Regional Development of Viçosa, which main goals are to
coordinate entrepreneurial actions towards local development. It was inaugurated in
2001, has graduated more than 20 companies.
It offers support and orientation for the development of technological innovative
companies. In addition to space for scientific and business activities are also offered
management support and specialist consultancies. The pre-incubation, incubation and
pos-incubation programs provide orientation to the conception, implementation and
consolidation enterprises’ phases. Most of the incubated companies are related to
agrofood, agrobusiness and environment.
TecnoPARQ – Parque Tecnológico de Viçosa
The Technology Park (TecnoPARQ) provides to technology-based companies, research
institutes and business conditions to knowledge transfer and innovative technology
ventures. It aims the local and regional sustainable development. The TecnoPARQ
promotes technology innovation, entrepreneurship, consultancies, institutional
contacts, access to equipment and instrumentation for research and also encourages
public-private partnership. It was created in 2008 and most of the companies are in the
biotechnology and IT fields, which several deal with food.
Biominas Brasil
Biominas Brasil is a private institution located in Belo Horizonte dedicated to promote
business opportunities in Brazil’s life sciences sector. It supports national and
international businesses development, from conception to maturity, by providing:
specialized consultancy and business development expertise; incubation, investments
and market relations.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
It is located in Belo Horizonte and linked to Biominas Brasil, the business incubator is
focused on supporting the creation and development of projects of the technology-based
companies in the sector of life sciences. It has partnership with UFMG, SEBRAE, CNPq
among others public and private institutions.
EMBRAPA – Empresa Brasileira de peesquisa Agropecuária
The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation's mission is to provide feasible
solutions for the sustainable development of Brazilian agribusiness through knowledge
and technology generation and transfer. EMBRAPA is a company owned by the Federal
government. It is a leader in development of bio and nanotechnology for agribusiness. It
has units in many Brazilian States. It has an incubator for new enterprises in
agribusiness and also laboratories for cloning, molecular biology, tissue culture,
bioremediation, genetic engineering, nanoparticles and transgenic organisms.
5. Agrofood Clusteres in Minas Gerais
In 2010, the primary sector (agricultural and animal products) accounted for 24.4% of
the exports and agriculture and cattle raising jointly generate more than USD 45 billion
per year in Minas Gerais.
Minas Gerais is the main coffee producer in the Brazil having 1 million hectares of
planted crops being responsible for half of the processed coffee production in the
country. The most important region for the coffee production is the south of the state.
The Cerrado Coffee Cluster produces, processes, commercializes and distributes coffee
located in Patroc nio (MG) and its surrounding areas. The cluster has small, medium and
big producers. There are also 1 federation, 7 associations, 9 cooperatives, 1 coffee
roaster, and trading companies, among which Mitsui, Louis Dreyfus, Tristao, Atlantica,
EISA, UCC, Stockler and Volcafe.
The Jaiba Fresh Fruit Cluster produces, processes, commercializes and distributes fruit
and its byproducts in the Jaíba Region (MG)14. The cluster has been growing consistently
due to projects (e.g. irrigation) that have been implemented in the region. In the last five
years the harvested area has doubled. A federal university and a technology center are
to be opened in Janaúba in 2013. The goal is to develop research to support to the
production of fruit. Among the fruits are banana, mango, lime and papaya.
The RMBH Distribution and Processed Food Cluster produces, processes,
commercializes and distributes food located in Ceasa Contagem (Contagem, MG) and its
surroundings. The cluster has been developing at a steady rate. It was created in 1974,
Ceasa Minas has been under the administration of the federal government since 2000,
14 The cities that are part of the cluster are Jaiba, Janauba, Matias Cardoso, Verdelandia, Porteirinha and
Nova Porteirinha
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
which distinguishes it from the other Ceasas in Brazil. The cluster has 560 companies,
which 535 are located in Ceasa Contagem.
Minas Gerais has universities and other entities with consistent knowledge on food
technology that structuring themselves to promote technology transfer. i osa has great
tradition in food research and has been strengthening the innovation culture through
UFV. There is also the CE TE , i osa egional Development Technology Center (which
encompasses a business incubator, a junior enterprise, and a technology park).
5.1. Trade Union
Silemg - Sindicato da Indústria de Laticínios do Estado de Minas Gerais
The dairy industry trade union (Silemg) seeks to improve the quality of the Minas Gerais
dairy industry and also to improve the working conditions. Its objective is to promote
the industry growth with active participation of the regional entrepreneurs and with the
Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais - FIEMG.
6. Other Supporting Institutions
Apex-Brasil – Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos
Apex-Brasil is a Brazilian government agency linked to the Ministry of Development,
Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). The mission of the Brazilian Trade and Investment
Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) is to promote exports of Brazilian products and
services, contribute to the internationalization of Brazilian companies and attract
foreign investments.
Cluster Consulting
Cluster Consulting15 is a strategic consulting firm in Belo Horizonte specialized in
supporting governments and institutions in economic development of regions by
improving their competitiveness and innovation through clusters.
INDI – Instituto de desenvolvimento Integrado de Minas Gerais
The Integrated Development Institute of Minas Gerais is linked to the Secretary of State
for Economic Development (HEAD), it is held by Minas Gerais’ Energetic Company
(Cemig) and the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG)16. INDI assists investors
willing them to establish a company, make business or invest in any of the state’s 853
municipalities. Targets of I DI’s activities range from Minas’ socioeconomic
development, to disclosure, in Brazil and abroad, of business opportunities, to
consolidation of companies headquartered in the state.
15 The founder and main partner is Carlos Tarrasón, an expert in Brazilian politics and economics with
extensive experience working with clusters in Brazil. He participates actively in the debate and the design of
micro economic policy supporting the development of the states of Brazil.
16 The work developed by INDI has no costs to the investors.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Central Exportaminas
The Exportaminas is an administrative unit of the Special Coordination for Foreign
Trade Department, organ of the Secretariat for Economic Development of Minas Gerais
State, for the Minas Gerais foreign trade development. The unit focuses its actions on
internationalization and promotion of commercial products and services for Minas
Gerais companies as well as in the preparation of such enterprises to participate in
international trade.
SEBRAE – Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas
The Brazilian Service for Small and Micro Enterprise is a private development agency.
Its mission is to promote the competitiveness and sustainable development of micro and
small enterprises. Through partnerships with the public and private sectors, SEBRAE
promotes training programs, cooperation, territorial development and access to
markets. It works by reducing the tax burden and bureaucracy for easy opening markets
and expanding access to credit, technology and innovation. It has its national
headquarters in Brasilia and offices in each state, with nearly 700 service points.
ABAG - Associacao Brasileira do Agronegocio
ABAG is the agribusiness association for export. Its main objective is to improve the
agribusiness chain in order to add value and emphasize the importance for the Brazilian
sustainable development. It also organises food industry events.
FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
It is independent public foundation with the mission to foster research, the scientific
and technological development of the State of São Paulo. This is achieved through the
support of research projects carried out in higher education and research institutions, in
all fields of knowledge (Health Sciences; Biology; Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences;
Engineering; Physics; Astronomy; Chemistry; Geosciences; Mathematics and Computer
Science; Architecture and Urbanism; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Technological
FAPESP has awarded more than 45 thousand fellowships and 35 thousand financial
awards to research. The balance of these years of continuous investment shows that the
Foundation has made an important contribution to the expansion and strengthening of
scientific and technological research in the State of São Paulo.
For each major area of knowledge, the FAPESP Board of Scientific Directors maintains a
committee of recognized experts who are responsible for coordinating the process of
analyzing the merits of the grant proposals submitted to FAPESP.
BNDS - Investment bank/State development Bank
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is the main financing agent for development
in Brazil. The BNDES emphasizes three factors that are considered strategic: innovation,
local development and socio-environmental development. BNDES supports the
internationalization of Brazilian companies. The BNDES has other relations with the
global market, for example, with multilateral organizations and fund agents, through
which the Bank raises funds and finances projects of common interest. The BNDES has
also consolidated funds with the international market.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Wisbrun Consultant & Management
Support companies willing to enter the Brazilian market and to achieve sustainable
growth for the coming decades. WCM provides services as: market Intelligence and
feasibility study; M&A and due diligence support; business plan; selecting, hiring &
developing human resources; and company’s management & operation.
CenDoTec - Centre franco-brésilien de Documentation Technique et Scientifique
It is a French representation that supports the scientific, academic and technological
development. It is also facilitate the flow of information between France and Brazil.
InvestInFrance Agency – Agência Francesa para Investimentos Internacionais
It is a French agency for foreign investments. It provides assistance to speed up the
procedures and to help companies to get in touch with the relevant government
departments. It is also offered detailed information on the legal regulations.
FINEP – Agência Brasileira de Inovação
FINEP is the financing innovation agency that promotes economic and social
development of Brazil by public funds to science, technology and innovation. Its focus is
in companies, universities, technological institutes and other public or private
institutions. Its main objectives is to operate in the entire innovation chain, focusing on
strategic, structural and impact to the sustainable development of Brazil.
OCB – Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras
The Brazilian Cooperative Organization (OCB) is the highest agency for representing
cooperatives in the country. The agricultural and livestock segment is currently the
strongest sector among Brazilian cooperatives, with the highest number of cooperatives
and members in Brazil. These cooperatives normally cover the entire productive chain,
from the preparation of the land, to industrialization and the sale of products.
The agricultural and livestock cooperatives17 have been established throughout the
country and they are responsible for a significant share of exports18 and, at the same
time, supply the domestic market with food products. A wide range of services are
provided – technical support, storage, industrializing and promotion of products, as well
as social and educational assistance.
OCESP – Organização das Cooperativas do Estado de São Paulo
The Cooperatives of São Paulo State Organization promotes the cooperative through
education, integration, representation, orientations and communication actions. The
Agriculture and livestock sector has 121 cooperatives and more than 180.000
cooperates. It is the 4th large cooperative sector in the state19. It joins the National
17 They are rural producers, including pastures and fisheries, which own their means of production,
involving the purchase or sale of common production, storage and industrializing, and the provision of
technical, educational and social assistance.
18 According to the OCB the agriculture is responsible to 38,4% of agricultural GDP, 47,5% of the
Cooperative GDP and USD 3,3 billion of direct exports (2007). http://www.ocb.org.br/
19 The Credit cooperative is the largest in São Paulo state with 220 cooperatives, followed by Health (185)
and work (150).
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Cooperative Learning System in the São Paulo state (SESCOOP/SP) that promotes
courses, workshops, technical meetings and cultural activities.
OCEMG – Organização das Cooperativas do Estado de Minas Gerais
The Cooperatives of Minas Gerais State Organization is an institution of political
representation, union-employer and defense of cooperatives in the State. It joins the
National Cooperative Learning Minas Gerais (Sescoop-MG), responsible for the activities
of training, monitoring and promotion of social activities. The Ocemg still included the
Federation of Unions of Cooperatives in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo,
Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina (Fecoop-Sulene). The Agriculture and livestock sector
has 174 cooperatives and more than 160.000 cooperates. It is the largest cooperative
sector in Minas Gerais. The Cooxupé is the biggest agricultural and livestock cooperative
in the state and coffee is its main product.
Supporting Agencies and Services – France
Supporting Agencies and Services – Italy
Supporting Agencies and Services – The Netherlands
Consulate-General of the
Netherlands in Sao Paulo
Chamber of Commerce
NL Agency
Agentschap NL
Nico van Dijk
+55 11 3811 3300
[email protected]
Thomas Lagemann
+ 55 11 3221 58 99
[email protected]
Theo Groothuizen
+55 11 3811 3307
[email protected]
+55 11 5186-6686
[email protected]
Eduardo Pocetti
55 11 2183-3000
KPMG Accountants NV
+55 11 3674-2000
PriceWaterhouse Coopers
+ 55 11 5503-7000
[email protected]
Finantial Services
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
7. Diagram of Institutional Relationship
7.1. Industrial Cluster
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
7.2. Universities
7.2.1. São Paulo
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
7.2.2. Minas Gerais
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
7.3. Governamental Technological Agency
7.3.1. São Paulo
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais
8. References
SCHUH P., Barros A., Shirota R. and Nicolleta A. 2002.
Paulo. São Paulo: FAPESP, 2003. 5-6
. “Biotecnologia – Histórico e Tendências”. Revista de Graduação de
Engenharia Química, Ano V No. 10 Jul-Dez 2002: Mandruvá. Accessed September 19,
2013. http://www.hottopos.com/regeq10/rafael.htm
BI TEC, “Plano de Desenvolvimento do Arranjo Produtivo de Biotecnologia da egiao
Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte”, 2007. Accessed September 17, 2013.
B BI TEC. “Brazil Biotech Map 2011.” Accessed September 17, 2013.
Agrofood and Biotech in São Paulo State and Minas Gerais

Background information about agrofood and biotech in