Ana Isabel Pereira Martins Leiria
July 2010
PERSONAL INFORMATION..................................................................................................... 3
Personal data................................................................................................................. 3
Current job category ..................................................................................................... 3
Education....................................................................................................................... 3
Academic degrees ................................................................................................. 3
Other qualifications ............................................................................................... 4
Current research and development interests ............................................................... 4
Non-academic professional experience ........................................................................ 4
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................... 5
Current activities ........................................................................................................... 5
Pedagogical activity ....................................................................................................... 5
Subjects lectured ................................................................................................... 5
Supervision ............................................................................................................ 5
General management activities ............................................................................ 6
Research activities ......................................................................................................... 6
Participation in research teams ............................................................................ 6
Participation in projects ........................................................................................ 7
Prizes and awards .................................................................................................. 7
Technological transfer and services rendered ...................................................... 8
PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 9
Thesis ............................................................................................................................. 9
Book chapters................................................................................................................ 9
Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees .......................................... 9
Papers in conference proceedings ................................................................................ 9
Communications ......................................................................................................... 11
Oral communications by invitation ..................................................................... 11
Other oral communications ................................................................................ 11
Posters in conferences ................................................................................................ 11
Technical reports ......................................................................................................... 12
Other publications ....................................................................................................... 12
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Personal data
Full Name: Ana Isabel Pereira Martins Leiria
Birth: Faro, 1967
Nationality: Portuguese
Working Address: Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Science
and Technology, University of Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, 8000-139 Faro, Portugal
Phone number: +351 289800100 Extension: 7747
Telefax number: +351 289800066
Email: [email protected]
Professional webpage:
1.2 Current job category
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics
(, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Algarve.
1.3 Education
Academic degrees
Five years degree in Decision Systems Engineering, Cocite, C.R.L. – Cooperativa de Ensino
Superior de Técnicas Avançadas de Gestão e Informática, obtained on September 1993 with
the final average of 14 (Max. 20)..
Doctor degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, specialty of Signal Processing
from University of Algarve, with in January 2005, with the thesis “Spectral Analysis of Embolic
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Other qualifications
Exam of Pedagogical Aptitude and Scientific Capacity in the subject group of Signal Processing
in University of Algarve, July 2000. (equivalent to a MSc degree for advancement in an
academic career)
1.4 Current research and development interests
Signal, image and multimedia processing. Practical applications to Health Sciences, Automated
Border Crossing Systems and Tourism.
1.5 Non-academic professional experience
Between March 1992 and July 1993: Superior technician, Telefones de Lisboa e Porto, S.A.
(TLP), Directorate of Strategic Planning and Participated Companies, Department of Economic
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2.1 Current activities
Activities in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Science and
Technology of the University of Algarve
From October 1993 to September 1997: Junior lecturer
From October 1997 to July 2000: Guest lecturer
From July 2000 a January 2005: Lecturer
From July 2005: Assistant professor
2.2 Pedagogical activity
Subjects lectured
From 2005 lectured the following courses:
Signals and systems; Complements of Signal Processing; Image processing; Telemedicine;
Human Computer Interaction; Ultrasounds; Complements of Ultrasounds.
Also participated in the lecture of the courses:
Operating Systems; Imperative programming; Computer architecture; Probability, statists and
stochastic processes.
Other courses lectured from 1993 to 2005:
Lectured: Applied mathematics; Systems programming.
Participated in: Digital Signal Processing; Image and Signal Processing; Programming
Languages; Introduction to Computing and Programming.
PhD degree
Fernando Luís Almeida (starting in January 2010), “Integrated System for Environment and
Organizational Management”. PhD in Management of Tourism Organizations. FE, University of
Algarve. Co-supervision with Prof. Doutor João Albino da Silva
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Master degree
Ivo Gonçalves (ongoing), “Embolic signals characterization”. Master course in Electronic
Engineering and Telecomunications. DEEI/FCT, University of Algarve. Co-supervision with Prof.
Doutora Maria Margarida Madeira e Moura.
Rute Canarias (2010), “Embolic signals characterization”. Master course in Medical Imaging.
FCT, University of Algarve. Co-supervision with Drª Teresa Leonor Figueiredo.
Undergradute students
Also supervised the final year projects of 24 students from the University of Algarve
(DEEI/FCT), and co-supervised the final year projects of three Erasmus students from the
University of Algarve in Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, Norway.
General management activities
Member of the Organizing Committee of BioEng'2001 - Sixth Portuguese Conference on
Biomedical Engineering, University of Algarve, June 11th 12th 2001.
Member of the Organizing Committee of WISP2005 – IEEE Symposium in Intelligent Signal
Processing, University of Algarve, September 1st - 3rd 2005.
Member of the Coordinating Committee of the second edition of the Master Course on
Medical Imaging, 2005-2006, Science and Technology Faculty of University of Algarve..
2.3 Research activities
Participation in research teams
Member of RITUL/CYTED network (1998-2001).
Member of the research group GPSBio - Grupo de Processamento de Sinal Biomédico
(Biomedical Signal Processing Group), from 1998 onwards. As member of GPSBio, joined the
research unit CSI – Centro de Sistemas Inteligentes (Centre for Intelligent Systems) of the
University of Algarve between 2001 and 2007.
In December 2008 jointed the newly created Centro de Investigação em Turismo e Lazer
(Center for Investigation in Tourism and Leisure) of the University of Algarve.
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Participation in projects
“Spectral Estimation of Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound Signals Aiming the Detection of Diseased
Blood Vessels”, (1995/96) in cooperation with University College of North Wales with the
financial support of Treaty of Windsor Joint Research Programme (B-93/95).
“Sistema de Análise de Fluxo Sanguíneo (Blood flow analysis system)”, (1998) financed by
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia PRAXIS (P/EEI/12123/1998).
“Analysis of Doppler Embolic Signals Using Non-Stationary Spectral Estimatiors”, (2000/01) in
cooperation with Department of Medical Physics of the University of Leicester with the
financial support of Treaty of Windsor Joint Research Programme (B-43/00).
“Analysis of Doppler Embolic Signals Using Non-Stationary Spectral Estimatiors”, (2002/03) in
cooperation with Department of Medical Physics of the University of Leicester with the
financial support of Treaty of Windsor Joint Research Programme (B-35/02).
As member of CYTED/RITUL network, participated in the project MAGIAS - Métodos Avançados
de Geração de Imagens AcústicaS (2000/03), financed by UNESCO (3304-3307).
Member of the Portuguese team in the consortium research project SUCoDIC - desarrollo de
Sistemas Ultrasónicos y Computacionales para DIagnóstico Cardiovascular (Development of
ultrasonic and computer systems for cardiovascular diagnosis) (2006/2009) financed by CYTED
(506PIC0295), UNESCO project 2201-09, 2203-09, 2205-03, 2406-03, 3207-04, 3307-22, 331110.
Member of the team of the project “Modelação e Monitorização da Qualidade nos Destinos
Turísticos” (Modeling and monitoring the quality of tourism destinations), being developed in
Centro de Investigação em Turismo e Lazer of the University of Algarve.
Prizes and awards
2008 - Member of the project “Modelação e Monitorização da Qualidade nos Destinos
Turísticos”, that was dintinguished with the Prémio Ceratonia 2008, in the Economics and
Management scientific area
2009 - “Recognition as one of the outstanding reviewers of 2008” by IEEE – The
Instrumentation and Measurement Society
2010 - “Recognition as one of the outstanding reviewers of 2009” by IEEE – The
Instrumentation and Measurement Society
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Technological transfer and services rendered
Co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Maria Margarida Madeira e Moura of Monitoring and
assessing the pilot of RAPID (Reconhecimento Automático de Passageiros Identificados
Documentalmente – Automatic Identification of Passengers Holding Travelling Documents), a
project concerning e-passports designed by the Immigration and Borders Service of Portugal
(SEF) ( The monitoring phase of RAPID occurred between 25 of May
and 24 of June, 2007. The team included 20 students enrolled in the courses of the Electronic
Eng.and Informatics Department. After the conclusion of the of the monitoring phase, on
request by SEF, the system use was further accompanied by 16 students from 4 of July until
the end of August of 2007.
Co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Maria Margarida Madeira e Moura of Monitoring and
assessing the second generation RAPID system (ongoing). The team includes 8 students
enrolled in the courses of the Electronic Eng. and Informatics Department. This work aims to
contribute to a forthcoming technical study and evaluation of the RAPID system being done in
cooperation with SEF, JRC and FRONTEX.
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3.1 Thesis
Leiria Ana, Spectral Analysis of Embolic Signals, (Study of behavior of the local and regional
traffic originated in TLP), thesis submitted for the Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrónica e
Computação, specialty Signal Processing, University of Algarve, January 2005
3.2 Book chapters
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M. Analysis of Doppler Embolic Signals, in Biomedical Diagnostics and
Clinical Technologies: Applying High-Performance Cluster and Grid Computing, Manuela
Pereira and Mario Freire (ed.), Idea-Group Inc., NY, 2010 (in print).
3.3 Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees
Moura Maria Margarida Madeira, Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Adaptive System for Blood Flow
Estimation, IEEE Trans. on Intrumentation & Measurement, Vol. 7, No.6, pp. 2220-2226,
December 2005.
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Evans David H., Ruano M. Graça, Time-Variable Blood Flow
Averaged Waveforms, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.37, No.8, pp. 535-541,
Junho 2006.
Moura M. M. M., Lima Valter, Mendes Júlio, Leiria Ana, Silva João Albino, Sistema para a
Partilha de Informação Turística em Países de Expressão Portuguesa, Encontros Bibli: Revista
Electrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência de Informação, 2º sem. 2008.
3.4 Papers in conference proceedings
Leiria Ana, Madeira M. Margarida, Ruano M. Graça, Aortic Valve Analyser: A Cost/Benefit
Study, ICSPAT’99 (International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology),
325.PDF, CD-ROM, Orlando, USA, November 1999.
Matos Sérgio, Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Blood Flow Parameters Evaluation Using Wavelet
Transforms, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 4235-52803.pdf,
CD-ROM, Chicago, USA, July 2000.
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Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Ruano M. Graça, Comparison of Discrete Choi-Williams Based
Distributions on Aortic Valve Blood Flow Centre Frequency and Bandwidth Estimation,
BioEng’2001 (Sixth Portuguese Conference on Biomedical Engineering), ID48.pdf, CD-ROM,
Faro, Portugal, June 2001.
Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Fast Calculation of the Bessel Time-Frequency
Distribution, Proceedings da b'02 IFAC World Congress, P1252.pdf, CDROM, Barcelona, Spain,
July 2002.
Ruano M. Graça, Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, García F., Moreno E., A Framework for Blood
Flow Analysis and Research, Proc. of EMBC2003 – Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Conference, P3165.pdf, CDROM, Cancun, Mexico, September 2003.
Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Adaptive System for Blood Flow Estimation, Proc.
of WISP 2003 - IEEE Workshop in Intelligent Signal Processing, pp. 121-125, Hungary,
September 2003.
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Ruano M. Graça, Time-Variable Blood Flow Averaged Waveforms,
Controlo 2004 - Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Vol. 2, pp. 625-629, Faro,
Portugal, June 2004.
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Solano Julio, Ruano M. Graça, Evans David H., Middle Cerebral
Artery Blood Flow: Accurate Time-Frequency Evaluation, Anais do IIICLAEB’2004/XIXCBEB’2004
- Conferência Latino-Americana de Engenharia Biomédica, pp. 1095-1098, João Pessoa, Brasil,
September 2004.
Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Evans David H., “Analytic” Approximation of
Doppler Ultrassound Blood Flow Signals, Proc. da WISP 2005 - IEEE Workshop in Intelligent
Signal Processing, pdf0069.pdf, CDROM, Faro, Portugal,. September 2005.
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Ruano M. Graça, Evans David H., Time, Time-Frequency and
Displacement-Frequency Analysis of Embolic Signals, Proc. da WISP 2005 - IEEE Workshop in
Intelligent Signal Processing, pdf0009.pdf, CDROM, Faro, Portugal, September 2005.
Moura M. M. M., Mendes Júlio, Leiria Ana, Silva João Albino, Chaveiro Tony, Integração das
Novas Tecnologias de Informação na Construção de Redes de Partilha de Informação no Sector
Turístico, Actas do III Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de
Expressão Portuguesa - Perspectivas de Gestão e Sustentabilidade da Zona Costeira, 38.pdf,
CDROM, Maputo, Mozambique, October 2005.
Moura M. M. M., Moura L., Leiria Ana, Comparison of Analytic Signal Usage on Doppler Blood
Flow Signals Estimation, Proc. da WISP 2007 - IEEE Workshop in Intelligent Signal Processing,
pp.39-42, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, October 2007.
Leiria Ana, Ruano M. Graça, Evans David H., Displacement-Frequency Doppler Blood Flow
Estimation, Proc. da WISP 2007 - IEEE Workshop in Intelligent Signal Processing, pp.249-252,
Alcalá de Henares, Spain, October 2007.
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Fernandes Laurinda, Cabrita Ana, Morais Marco, Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Diet Everywhere
- From a Diet Assistant to a Telemedicine Solution, Reflection Paper, Proc. da IADIS
WWW/Internet 2007, pp.297-300, Vila-Real, Portugal, October 2007.
Daniel H. A., Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, Intensive Software Testing and Evaluation on a Grid,
Research, Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education: Proceedings Book of the
V International Conference on Multimedia and ICT in Education (m-ICTE2009), Vol.3, pp. 13531357, Lisboa, Portugal, April 2009.
3.5 Communications
Oral communications by invitation
Leiria Ana, “Análise de fluxo sanguíneo” (Blood flow signal analysis), seminar on “Sinais,
Equações e suas Interpretações” (Signals, equations and their interpretation), Master course in
Medical Imaging, FCT, University of Algarve, Faro, April 2004.
Leiria Ana, “Elasticidade Tecidular Medida por Ecografia em Tempo-Real” (Tissue elasticity
measured by echography in real-time), Master course in Medical Imaging, FCT, University of
Algarve, Faro, June 2006.
Leiria Ana, “Esteganografia e Marcas de Água Aplicadas a Dados Médicos”(Steganography and
Watermarking Applied to Medical Data), Master course in Medical Imaging, FCT, University of
Algarve, Faro, June 2006.
Other oral communications
Leiria Ana, Madeira M. Margarida, Ruano M. Graça, Kernel Modified Choi-Williams
Distributions on Blood Flow Evaluation, WSPMU (Workshop on Signal Processing in Medical
Ultrasound), UTAD, Vila-Real, September 2000.
Leiria Ana, Ruano M. G., Evans D. H., Blood Flow Signals Characterization, 12th New England
Doppler Conference, Artimino, Italy, May 2003.
3.6 Posters in conferences
Magalhães I. R., Leiria Ana, Paiva Ana, An Interactive Tool for Learning Ultrasound, GETS 2006
(Global Educational Technology Symposium), University of Algarve, Faro, July 2006.
Martins F., Ramos A., Moura M. M. M., Leiria Ana, An E-Course on Distance Teaching, GETS
2006 (Global Educational Technology Symposium), Universidade of Algarve, Faro, July 2006.
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Duro João, Duarte João, Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Mobile Buisness by the Sea, IADIS Multi
Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2007), 062.pdf, CDROM,
Lisboa, Portugal, July 2007.
3.7 Technical reports
Leiria Ana, Estudo do Comportamento do Tráfego Local e Regional Originado nos TLP (Study of
behavior of the local and regional traffic originated in TLP), Last Year Project Report for
obtaining the degree in Decision Systems Engineering, COCITE, Lisboa, Portugal, June 1993.
Leiria Ana, Equações Diferença de Coeficientes Constantes (Difference Equations with Constant
Coefficients), Theoretical-practical report in the scope of the Pedagogical Aptitude and
Scientific Capacity exam, ADEEC, UCEH, University of Algarve, Portugal, July 2000.
Leiria Ana, Estimação Espectral do Sinal Doppler Ultrassom em Válvula Aórtica (Aortic Valve
Doppler Ultrasound Signal Spectral EStimation), Scientific report in the scope of the
Pedagogical Aptitude and Scientific Capacity exam, ADEEC, UCEH, University of Algarve,
Portugal, July 2000.
Leiria Ana, Moura M. M. M., Fronteira Electrónica -Avaliação e monitorização do piloto do
Sistema de Controlo Electrónico de Fronteira com o Sistema de Reconhecimento Automático de
Passageiros Identificados Documentalmente (Electronic Border – Evaluation and monitoring of
the pilot of the Electronic Broder Control System for Automatic Identification of Passengers
Holding Travelling Documents), report for the Immigration and Borders Service of Portugal
(SEF), July 2007.
3.8 Other publications
Moreira Stephanie, Leiria Ana, Madeira M. Margarida, Ruano M. Graça, “Processamento de
Sinais em Tempo-Real: Desafios e Constrangimentos” (Real time signal processing: challenges
and constraints), Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ultrasonidos, Cartagena das Índias, Colombia,
Maio 1998, (
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Ana Isabel Pereira Martins Leiria