Commercial Presentation
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Motivation – Qualification Assurance
CERTCOP - Competence verification
Motivation – Document Validity
CERTCOP - Document Validation
Motivation – Digital Signature Duration
VERICOP – Digital Signature Durability
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Work within a company is usually cooperative,
but in big companies, everyone may not know
their co-workers personally
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
What we need is a quick,
yet reliable way to prove
possesion of roles
But it must be simple to use:
or nobody will
And also, simple to
implement on companies
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
The CERTCOP system enables
companies to register their
employee’s roles, and link them
to their Citizen’s Card
Minimal integration effort:
AIAC 2010-2011
A standard MySQL database
A generic Java Enabled server
Group 1
And since this type of information may be
sensitive, the system provides access only to
people with proper autorization
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Having a certain role in a
company comes with
accountability for some
decisions, and you should
be able to record them
with assurances
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Couldn’t we bind both identity and role of the
author to one of these documents, effectively
making the document authentic, and forgery
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
The system provides you
with the ability to bind you
and your role to your own
These documents may be
validated by interested third
parties, who have proper
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Even though people’s roles may be
temporary, the validity of a previously binded
document shouldn’t
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
VERICOP is an additional system that is
designed to overcome the limitations of
Digital Signatures, by keeping track of all of
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
Then, even if the system is compromised, the
data necessary for document verification is
still accessible
VERICOP is even designed in a way that may
allow users to automatically revalidate a
digital signature in case of expiration
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1
The CERTCOP system caters
all the role checking needs
for your company, with
effortless implementation
Founding Partner
Chief Operating Office
Those roles may be bound to documents,
effectively providing it with more assurances
An “optional” VERICOP system may even
further increase productivity, by providing
uninterrupted document validity
AIAC 2010-2011
Group 1

Commercial Presentation